Climate change, culture history and the rebirth of circumpolar archaeology.
Jordan, Peter
Taymyr: the Archaeology of Northernmost Eurasia (Contributions to
Circumpolar Anthropology 5). Originally published in 1988 in Russian as
Drevniaia istoriia Taimyrskogo Zapoliar'ia i voprosy formirovaniia
kultur severa Evrazii by Nauka, St Petersburg. xxviii+236 pages, 175
illustrations. 2005. Washington D.C.: Arctic Studies Center, National
Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; 0-9673429-6-1
paperback $29.95.
JENS FOG JENSEN. The Stone Age of Qeqertarsuup Tunua (Disko Bugt):
a regional analysis of the Saqqaq and Dorset cultures of Central West
Greenland (Meddelelser om Gronland--Man & Society 32). 272 pages,
numerous b&w & colour illustrations. 2006. Copenhagen:
SILA/Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland, National Museum of
Denmark; 87-90369-82-3 hardback.
JETTE ARNEBORG & BJARNE GRONNOW (ed.). Dynamics of Northern
Societies: Proceedings of the SILA/NABO Conference on Arctic and North
Atlantic Archaeology, Copenhagen, May 10th-14th, 2004 (Publications from
the National Museum, Studies in Archaeology & History 10). 416
pages, numerous illustrations & tables. 2006. Copenhagen: National
Museum of Denmark; 87-7602-052-5 hardback.
Global warming is now big news. Remote Alaskan villages are sinking
into the melting permafrost and the sudden disappearance of ice sheets
threatens both traditional seal hunting and the extinction of the iconic
polar bear. Many scientists now predict a total 'meltdown' of
the frozen Arctic environment, with devastating consequences for the
many indigenous peoples that have made the northern world their home. In
this time of great uncertainty a renewed focus on the 'Archaeology
of the North' is useful in reminding us that climate change has
been a defining feature of the Arctic's long-term culture history.
These three books exemplify the divergent ways in which humanity's
engagements with the challenges of high-latitude environments have been
researched and understood.
Northernmost Eurasia
On both geographical and intellectual grounds Taymyr is the clear
outlier. The monograph focuses on the 'mysterious' Central
Soviet Arctic (p. xiv), and reprints Leonid P. Khlobystin's seminal
doctoral thesis, which he defended in 1982, at the peak of his
professional career, and prior to his premature death at the age of 56.
The Russian-language text was published posthumously in 1988, and the
current English-language translation forms part of a wider initiative by
the Smithsonian Institution's Arctic Studies Center to expand
dialogue between circumpolar scholars at a time when major advances are
being made in the archaeology of the Russian Arctic (p. xiii).
Khlobystin's monograph makes a crucial contribution to Arctic
archaeology on two levels. Internationally, the book plugs one of the
largest gaps in the sparse English-language archaeological literature on
northern Eurasia. At a more fundamental level, Khlobystin's
fieldwork in Taymyr transformed understandings of Eurasian prehistory.
Until the 1960s the area had remained a blank spot on archaeological
maps of the north, and when the first of his 'Polar
Expeditions' set out in 1967 there were only four archaeological
sites known in the entire region. By 1981 he had added two hundred,
transforming Taymyr into one of the best studied regions of northern
Three main themes run through Khlobystin's work. He was
particularly interested in overturning the lingering assumption that
Taymyr's ancient cultures were remote, backward and lacking
capacity for innovation, in contrast to more dynamic populations living
in the south. Khlobystin demonstrated that Taymyr was a pivotal contact
zone between the Ob' and Yenissei drainages to the west, and the
Lena basin to the east. Taymyr played a key role in the dispersal of
several technological innovations, including early net-ware pottery (p.
45), which arrived from the Baikal area and Eastern Siberia. Khlobystin
also discovered 'the northernmost bronze casting workshop in the
world' (p. 96) at the site of Abylaakh I, dated to 1300 BC, which
provided compelling evidence that Taymyr's hunter-fisher-gatherers
were keeping pace with technological developments in the rest of
Human-environment relations form a second strand in his research,
and, at a time when very few Russian archaeologists were advocating an
ecological approach to culture change, Khlobystin linked developments in
culture history with shifts in climate and environment (p. xviii).
Ironically, in noting the long-term continuities in the underlying
caribou hunting economy of Taymyr, he was forced to acknowledge 'a
certain conservatism of arctic cultures' (p. 199) bur argued that
this reflected the optimal choices made by the earliest colonising
populations, rather than the stereotypes of cultural backwardness that
he was keen to overturn.
As an archaeologist of the Soviet era Khlobystin also focused on
'ethnogenesis', the reconstruction of long-term cultural
sequences, starting with earliest human settlement, and ending with the
historical formation of present-day ethnic groups. Working closely with
ethnographers, he felt confident enough to assert that the
'Nganasans are truly the direct descendants of the ancient
Mesolithic population of the Taymyr Peninsular' (p. 198).
Khlobystin also made widespread use of ethnographic parallels in his
archaeological interpretations, and his appreciation of deep historical
continuity was an important factor in his argument that descendent
communities, living in similar ecological settings, can serve as ideal
sources of direct historical analogy (p. 171-2).
As with many studies in Soviet archaeology the book's emphasis
on deep continuity is offset by meticulous description of a swarming
array of archaeological cultures that compete, interact, and overlay one
another in a baffling sequence. It is this latter approach, in
particular, that gives the main body of text a rather dated feel,
despite inclusion of some excellent maps, illustrations and photographs
in the current edition. The book's enduring value lies in revealing
details of Taymyr's rich and unexpected archaeology to the eager
eyes of a new Western audience, an achievement that would have made
Khlobystin justifiably proud.
Western Greenland
Jens Fog Jensen's Stone Age of Qeqertarsuup Tunua provides a
timely synthesis of his recent survey and excavation work on the western
coast of Central West Greenland. While earlier studies had tended to
concentrate on stratified midden sites to reconstruct the 'broad
sweep' of culture history, Jensen outlines the more ambitious aim
of reconstructing the 'horizontal' patterns of behaviour that
extend out over the landscape (pp. 11-12). In pursuing these goals be
develops a detailed analysis of raw material procurement strategies, and
compares and contrasts settlement patterns and dwelling types of the
Saqqaq (2500-900 cal BC) and following Dorset (800-0 cal BC) cultures.
The book makes several valuable contributions to our understanding
of the culture history of prehistoric Greenland, and generates important
insights into the behaviour of high-latitude hunter-gatherers. For
example, Jensen's detailed analysis of Saqqaq stone-working and raw
material procurement strategies illustrates the scale, dynamism and
potential fragility of extended exchange networks, in which large
permanent base camps are argued to have played a central role (p. 96).
One of the main topics addressed by the book is the puzzling lack
of evidence for a localised transition from the Saqqaq to the Dorset
culture (p. 181). Prior to 1900 cal BC there are indications that Saqqaq
communities were being subjected to 'ecological stress',
followed by an abrupt decline in activities. These may have been even
more sudden and dramatic than indicated by the archaeological evidence,
and Jensen argues that the eventual outcome is the complete depopulation of the Qeqertarsuup Tunua--or Disko Bay--area (p. 180). Saqqaq
abandonment is followed by a later re-colonisation by Dorset groups
around 800 cal BC. Interestingly, Jensen examines how the new
populations followed almost identical strategies when resettling the
landscape. He presents a detailed comparative analysis of subsistence,
settlement and mobility patterns, and concludes that the 'many
similarities and few differences between Saqqaq and Dorset settlement
patterns imply ... little economic difference between the two
periods' (p. 179).
What factors might have triggered this sequence of events? In
reviewing earlier models of culture change Jensen is keen to avoid
simplistic arguments for climatic causality (p. 31). However, the
'horizontal' perspective developed through the book enables us
to grasp the crucial importance of regional exchange networks, as well
as the inherent fragility of northern hunter-gatherer economies.
Equipped with a more sophisticated behavioural understanding of the
archaeological record, we are better able to comprehend how slight
changes in the local ecofauna could have triggered catastrophic collapse
in social networks and the abandonment of entire regions.
In the final chapter Jensen integrates his evidence for local
cycles of colonisation and abandonment with larger models of human
dispersal into, and out of, prehistoric Greenland. These return us to
the hypothesis that only severe environmental change, coupled with the
break up of social networks, could generate culture change on such a
massive scale (p. 185). Jensen's impressive study signals how
fine-grained archaeological analysis can enable us to investigate the
mediation of these macro-scale processes at more intimate social scales.
Northern societies
Of the three books Dynamics of Northern Societies, an edited
collection of papers presented at the 2004 SILA (Greenland Research
Centre at the National Museum of Denmark)/NABO (North Atlantic
Biocultural Organisation) conference, is broadest in geographic and
thematic scope. The 37 short chapters are grouped into broad Inuit and
Norse categories, preceded by two keynote papers and a short
introduction. A number of early chapters draw on the concept of the
chaine operatoire to study local stone-working practices. However, the
stimulating contribution by Bjarne Gronnow and Mikkel Sorensen develops
the full potential of the approach, and examines how identification of
distinct lithic traditions can generate fresh insights into the complex
sequence of Palaeo-Eskimo migrations into Greenland. Working at a
similar spatial and temporal scale, Charlotte Damm tracks the movements
of different categories of materials culture in her innovative
reconstruction of the poorly-understood dynamics and historical
trajectories of regional and inter-regional contacts that characterise
the earlier prehistory of Fennoscandia (6000-4000 BC). Remaining papers
consist of several short site reports, as well as studies of rock art,
cordage and wood, the social dynamics of architecture and the role of
focal places. Chapters in the Norse section are equally diverse, with
some strong contributions from environmental archaeologists studying the
landscape impacts of early Viking settlement of the North Atlantic.
In attempting to present an 'overview of the remarkable
development' in Arctic and North Atlantic archaeological research,
the volume sets itself a challenging goal. The quality of scholarship is
high throughout, bur one is left wondering how such a range of themes
and materials might have been brought together more effectively,
transforming the eclectic 'overview' generated by individual
papers into a more detailed vision of how an 'Archaeology of the
North' might develop its future potential. Instead, the short
introduction encourages us to continue examining the 'delicate
interplay between different past societies and between societies and
their dynamic natural environments in these so-called marginal areas of
the world' (p. 7). On balance, the two keynote chapters do go some
way in stringing the diversity together, and provide some stimulating
reflections on key aspects of humanity's historical experience of
the northern world.
Igor Krupnik argues that we need to understand better the human
experience of environmental change (p. 11) as recorded in 'old
broken bones, discarded stone tools, or in house ruins' (p. 19).
Through analysis of contemporary indigenous testimony he develops an
evocative study of the confusion and pain inherent in their current
responses to global warming. The core of his powerful account is an
examination of how ancestral skills, knowledge and tradition are passed
between generations, and the ways in which people try to cope with risk
and profound uncertainty when faced with sudden and often baffling
patterns of climate change. He concludes that 'each successful
adaptation story' told by archaeologists should be balanced by
attention to the 'loss of former knowledge, and the breaking of
established social ties' (p. 19).
Klavs Randsborg, though his contribution is more a personal
reflection than a systematic review of the volume's chapters,
reaches for a more encompassing statement of how a distinct
'Archaeology of the North' might develop. He argues for the
need to regain a sense of historical trajectories and cultural
tradition, rather than focus only on the changing patterns of
adaptation. Understanding 'chains of historical happenings'
(p. 25) are also important at several interlocking scales, from analysis
of interactions between local cultures, to a broader focus on the
changing relations between North and South in the increasingly
inter-connected medieval world. More generally, he concludes that as
Inuit and Norse archaeology in the North Atlantic appear to be reaching
'a new mature phase' it might eventually come to serve as a
'model ... for other northern regions of the Globe' (p. 27).
Where do we go from here? Judging from these three publications
there are strong indications that we stand on the brink of an exciting
new era of truly circumpolar scholarship. The message coming loud and
clear from many contributors is the urgent need for systematic fieldwork
in key areas that have the potential to transform current
interpretations of the Arctic's culture history. Filling in the
gaps between the intensively surveyed regions of West and Northeast
Greenland is one example provided by Jensen, but there are many more.
The second challenge is to understand better the changing relationships
between culture history and long-term climate change in ways that
acknowledge the shifting balance between social traditions and the
material requirements of survival. A renewed focus on the dynamics of
cultural transmission represents one potential framework for taking this
agenda forwards. And finally, with over half the northern world located
firmly inside the Russian Federation, the task of integrating Russian
archaeology into international discussion, publication and debate is as
strategically important now as it has ever been.
Peter Jordan, Department of Archaeology, University of Aberdeen,
St. Mary's, Elphinstone Road, Aberdeen, AB243UF, Scotland, UK