The water management network of Angkor, Cambodia.
Fletcher, Roland ; Penny, Dan ; Evans, Damian 等
From the 1950s onwards, Bernard-Philippe Groslier of the Ecole
francaise d'Extreme-Orient (EFEO) articulated his idea of Angkor
(Figure 1) as a 'hydraulic city'. From the 1980s that
description and its economic and social implications have been much
debated. However, contention has been at cross-purposes and has lacked
empirical traction (Pottier 2000a; 2001). In particular, the extent, the
structure and the components of the water management network of Angkor
were only partially known. Over the past decade or so, the EFEO and the
Greater Angkor Project (GAP)--a collaboration between the University of
Sydney, APSARA, the Cambodian government agency that manages Angkor, and
the EFEO in Siem Reap--have been surveying Angkor (Figure 2). The
mapping has shown that between the ninth and the thirteenth centuries AD
Angkor developed a vast network of reservoirs, channels and embankments,
covering over 1000[km.sup.2]. Inlets and outlets are visible. Elaborate
masonry structures that were integral components of the network have
been revealed by excavation. In the first half of the second millennium
the inhabitants of Angkor were clearly able to engineer the distribution
of water, meticulously and systematically across the landscape, on an
enormous scale. The terms of the debate have now been redefined.
Discovery and debate
In 1860 Henri Mouhot produced the first known map of Angkor by a
European, showing very clearly the moats of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom,
the Siem Reap river and the major central temples (Dagens 1989: 38).
Following Ducret's topographic work for the mission of Lunet de
Lajonquiere (1902-11), the great reservoirs or baray and the temples of
the central part of the Angkorian landscape were mapped. From the
mid-1920s, the EFEO commenced a highly productive period of remote
sensing and aerial exploration with the colonial armed forces (Goloubew
1936; Claeys 1951: 92-6), combined with field surveys and new mapping.
As a result much greater detail on the hydraulic network of Angkor began
to appear on the archaeological maps of the 1930s (e.g. Dumarcay &
Pottier 1993: Plate 1), showing a complex network of canals and
embankments stretching between and beyond the great monuments of the
central zone.
Trouve, in 1933, published the first serious analysis of the
mechanics of water distribution throughout the central area. Soon after,
however, Goloubew (1941) began to explore the social and economic
dimensions of the system, arguing convincingly that the hydraulic
features had a 'double aspect'. While undeniably part of a
ritual tradition, they also clearly served a utilitarian purpose, which
he assumed was to ameliorate, through irrigation, the impact of the
sharp seasonality of rainfall on rice farming (Goloubew 1941: 11-4). In
the post-war period, virtually all of Goloubew's methods and ideas
were developed and much extended by Bernard-Philippe Groslier (1952a;
1956b)--perhaps rather uncritically in the case of the rice irrigation
hypotheses, which still require further examination. To his credit,
however, Groslier began to implement a comprehensive and systematic
programme of aerial survey and mapping to establish the nature of the
settlement pattern and the hydraulic network around the monuments
(Groslier 1960; 1962). Even before this project was properly underway,
he also began to develop the model of Angkor as a 'hydraulic
city', a vast and populous urban complex defined and sustained by a
complex irrigation system under state control (1952a; 1952b; 1956a;
1956b; 1960), and ultimately overwhelmed by its failure. His
interpretation was summarised in his famous 1979 paper. Regrettably, the
process of data collection that Groslier initiated was never completed.
War and unrest in Cambodia disrupted field research from the early 1970s
to the early 1990s.
The 'hydraulic city' hypothesis was challenged, in 1980,
by W.J. van Liere, in a highly influential article (cited in overviews,
e.g. Mabbett & Chandler 1995; Vickery 2002). He argued against the
idea on a number of technical grounds, notably that the baray had
neither outlets nor any means of water distribution, and that the area
the system could have irrigated, and hence its productive impact, would
have been insignificant. Acker (1998) further developed the latter
argument and accepted van Liere's outlet/distributor argument at
face value. They both, perhaps inevitably, judged Angkorian technology
to be inadequate by modern engineering and agricultural standards.
Subsequent research has refuted some of their core propositions while
offering qualified support for Groslier's theory (Pottier 2000a;
2001; and see below). Other critics have preferred a variety of
ritual-symbolic interpretations (van Liere 1980: 274, 279; Stott 1992;
Moore 1995: 38; Acker 1998: 35; Higham 2001) focussing on varied issues
of social organisation and intrinsic cultural meanings, while Stott also
sought to dismiss Groslier's theory on the grounds that it was
'colonial' and 'orientalist' and damned it by
association with Wittfogel (1957). These various claims and theoretical
positions are convoluted, in some cases problematic, and, especially in
relation to Wittfogel, are rather partial (see overview by Scarborough
Identifying the network
The mapping of Angkor by EFEO and GAP has shown that the main
temple cluster lies at the centre of a dispersed, low-density urban
complex (Pottier 1999: 185-6; Fletcher 2001; Fletcher & Pottier
2002; Fletcher et al. 2003: 109-10; Evans et al. 2007), spread across
the plain between the Tonle Sap lake to the south and the Kulen hills to
the north (Figure 3). People lived both along linear embankments and on
occupation mounds around small shrines and water tanks. The linear
network of channels and embankments is superimposed on an apparently
random distribution of local shrines (prasat), water tanks (trapeang)
and occupation-mounds across the landscape. While the configuration of
the linear features is distinctly different in the north and the south,
the shrine-water tank-occupation mound pattern is, by contrast,
generally similar everywhere (Evans 2002).
From 1994 to 1999 Christophe Pottier of the EFEO mapped the
southern half of Angkor using the EFEO archives, FINNMAP 1:250 000 scale
aerial photographs and field surveys (1999). In 1994 a space-borne radar
image of Angkor covering 4500[km.sup.2] was recorded from the shuttle
Endeavour at the request of the World Monuments Fund. It clearly showed
the complexity of the landscape north of the central temple area
including the Great North Channel, a linear feature running southwards
for 25km from the northern hills to the north gate of Angkor Thom. In
September 2000, at the request of the University of Sydney, the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) undertook an airborne synthetic aperture radar (AIRSAR) survey of about 8000[km.sup.2] of territory covering the
western end of the Tonle Sap lake (JPL 2002; Fletcher et al. 2004). Of
this area, the 2300[km.sup.2] that specifically encompasses Angkor was
integrated into an initial map at the University of Sydney, combining
Pottier's survey and an additional 1300[km.sup.2] to the north
(Evans 2002; Fletcher et al. 2004; and see Coe 2003: 193; Jessup
2004:144). From 2003 to 2007 a new, more comprehensive map of Greater
Angkor has been prepared at the University of Sydney by Damian Evans.
The map, which covers about 3000[km.sup.2] within a boundary defined by
the water catchment of the rivers of Angkor (Figure 2), integrates in a
geographic information systems (GIS) database all the diverse site
inventories, every archaeological map of the past century,
Pottier's surveys, the topographic datasets, information from the
AIRSAR radar survey, as well as data from various remote sensing sources
(Evans 2007; Evans et al. 2007).
Characteristics of the network
The water management network depended on elaborate configurations
of channels and embankments built from huge quantities of clayey sand,
the available bulk material on the Angkor plain. The structures would
have reduced the flow rate of the incoming water, dispersed it, allowed
the concentration of masses of still water and enabled its redirection
across the landscape. As such they would have served to manage the vast
quantities of water delivered by the monsoon from May to November and
either dispose of it or potentially retain it for the dry months of the
year. The network consists of cumulative modifications and additions
over a period of about 500 years between the ninth and the thirteenth
centuries AD. It is immense, as are several of its well-known features.
The largest component, and probably the largest single artefact created
before the mid-nineteenth century is the West Baray, a reservoir about
8km long and 2km across, containing approximately 50 million [m.sup.3]
of water. The embankments were about 120m wide and 10m high, with a
volume of approximately 12 million [m.sup.3]. The built channels of the
network are also substantial. A linear embankment that forms the south
side of shallow channel commencing near the south-west comer of the West
Baray, runs east south-eastwards for at least 40km to the south of
In the main, a distinction between road embankments or embanked
water distributor channels may have had little meaning in Angkor. The
banks of channels serve as roads raised above the water level for at
least part of the year and most embankments, whether solitary or in
pairs, would have functioned to re-direct water across the landscape.
Those that run across the lie of the land (i.e. approximately east-west
or north-west to south-east) act as barriers to the movement of water in
the monsoon season, whatever other function they may have had. The same
phenomenon can be seen today on the upslope side of the modern main
road, the Route Nationale 6.
This point about multiple functions needs to be extended to the
operations of the components of the network. Arguing for oppositions
between single functions, e.g. that baray are for assisting agriculture
through percolation or are storage for distribution along canals, is
unlikely to be productive. That each part of the network may have had
varied functions at any one time, depending on circumstances, and also
changed function over several hundred years has to be seriously
The tripartite structure of the network
An integrated perspective, made possible by the comprehensive
AIRSAR coverage, is required to understand the nature and overall
operation of the network. Once the entire network from the lake to the
hills is presented on a single map it is apparent that the East and the
West Baray and the Jayatataka Baray are in the middle of a tripartite
water management system (Figure 3) (Kummu 2003). The northern zone (A)
between the hills and the major baray is a collector and flow management
system whose channels and embankments could spread water across the
landscape and direct it southwards. The central zone (B) contains the
major baray and temple moats, built between the ninth and the thirteenth
centuries. These structures were massive water retention units fed by
the northern collector system, whatever other function they had. The
southern zone of the network (C) is a suite of dispersal and
distribution channels taking water southwards and eastwards out of the
central zone. The most obvious examples are the channels associated with
the West Baray, one of which runs from the vicinity of the south-west
corner of the baray southwards to the lake, and the other, mentioned
above, that runs 40km to the south-east. The gradients across the entire
plain are extremely shallow--0.1 per cent (Kummu pers. comm.)--and the
whole network was delicately balanced, depending upon the maintenance of
stable water levels and flow rates.
The details of the northern zone (A on Figure 3) derive from the
remote sensing mapping of GAP. The zone consists of a complex grid of
long linear embankments and channels aligned north-south and east-west,
with numerous right-angle turns and cross channels (Figure 2). The
network would have affected water flow and sedimentation. The east-west
banks, some of which run for about 40km across the landscape, would have
created extensive ponding on their northern side. In the northern zone,
water flowed to the south towards the baray, down channels with numerous
right angle turns. These channels offered many options for redirecting
water and would have served to slow the water's velocity, reducing
the risk of erosion. Water was first fed into the East Baray from the
north-east from the upper Roluos river (Pottier 1999: 101-3) and then,
probably in the tenth century (Groslier 1979: 173, 179-80), by a
diversion off the Puok river, which is now the Siem Reap river. This
diversion at Bam Penh Reach, identified by Groslier, ran south through a
linear zig-zag channel, turning off eastwards into three west-east
channels and then south to the north-east corner inlet of the baray
(Pottier 1999: 103-4). Near the junction of the old Puok river and the
Siem Reap offtake, a large masonry structure spillway has been
discovered at Bam Penh Reach and is currently being excavated by GAP
(Figure 4a). The spillway would allow excess water in the offtake
channel to flow to the west during the monsoon. It is about 50m wide
with an estimated length of about 80-90m and slopes westward at a
gradient of about 2.5 per cent. The spillway was built of interlocking,
ashlar, laterite masonry--a distinct construction technique of the
period. At the western end is a substantial, sloping face, five courses
deep. Though investigations continue, the structure demonstrates that
the population of Angkor could engineer precise, durable and monumental
masonry for the management of water. It also indicates that we have far
more to learn about a technology that has been strongly denied since van
Liere. Without a Khmer Rouge-era channel that cut through its western
end, 2.5m below ground level, we would not know of the spillway's
existence. In addition, analyses of the strata indicate that the
spillway was systematically buried, as if it was either no longer
appropriate, or was unable to carry out its designated function and/or
was overwhelmed by unknown circumstances.
Further west the junction of the Great North Channel and the Puok
river clearly illustrates the complex options available in the network
for moving water (Figure 5a). There is no direct connection between the
northern and the southern parts of the Great North Channel. On the north
side of the Puok river, water was either diverted to the south-east or
south-west with only the water in the south-east diversion flowing back
into the southern part of the Great North Channel. This part of the
network deserves much attention, particularly to test whether the two
parts of the Great North Channel were indeed successive
constructions--the southern part contemporaneous with the West Baray in
the eleventh century and the northern part perhaps contemporaneous with
the new ritual constructions at Phnom Dei in the late twelfth century
and the construction of the Jayatataka to which the Great North Channel
delivered part of its water.
The central zone (B on Figure 3) is characterised by the baray, by
the moats of Angkor Thom and numerous temples and the outlets to the
south. Some of the inlets and outlets are clearly visible (Pottier
1999:96-111). In the north-east corner of the West Baray is an intake
channel about 25m wide. A channel of uncertain function cuts through the
southern portion of the east bank of the baray. Another channel cuts
through the outer part of the south-east comer of the embankment to
enter feature CP807 to the south. CP807 would have allowed water to be
transferred back to the east of Angkor Wat (see Pottier 2000b and also
on previous misinterpretations of CP807 as a late ninth-century city
moat). That the baray were clearly associated with elaborate systems for
redirecting water is shown by the grid of large channels visible just to
the south-west of the West Baray, identified by Pottier (1999: 120-3;
2000a), and previously mis-identified as the boundary of a pre-Angkorian
'city' (Figure 2). This grid would allow water to be
transferred around the west and south sides of the baray, and redirected
down to the south-west and back to the south-east.
The late ninth-century East Baray possesses a clearly visible,
massive eastern exit, Krol Romeas, which regulated water passing through
its east bank and off to the east and southeast (see map by Trouve 1933;
Dumarcay & Pottier 1993: Plate 1; Pottier 1999: 109-11) (Figure 5b).
Ongoing excavation by GAP is clarifying the details of the two parallel,
100m-long walls of ashlar, laterite masonry, over 30m apart, that are
3.50m high and more than 1.2m thick (Figure 4b). Further to the east the
line of the masonry channel is continued by two embankments 1.5km long
which directed water further east to allow it to go southward towards
the earlier, ninth-century centre at Roluos.
The network of the southern zone (C on Figure 3) is simple compared
to the other two. It was documented by Groslier (1979) and
comprehensively mapped and analysed in the 1990s by Pottier (1999). To
the south-west of the West Baray the basic components are well
preserved. One clearly defined channel commences at the grid and drains
to the south-west on the shortest route to the lake, i.e. it is able to
dispose rapidly of water into the lake. The other, wide channel is the
linear feature noted earlier running to the east-south-east. It consists
of a single embankment with water trapped in a wide, shallow channel on
its northern, upslope side. This format of channels going southward to
the lake and linear features running across the slope of the plain to
the east is repeated all across southern Angkor. A major disposal
channel runs south from the Angkor Wat moat and converges with another
such channel, just to the east, about 2km north of Phnom Krom (Figure
2). The modern Siem Reap river flows in part of this former channel. To
the east of Siem Reap town a linear embankment, which also traps water
on its northern side, runs from the late ninth-century core of Angkor
south-east to the north-west corner of the ninth-century baray at Roluos
and continues to the south-east from the south-east corner of the baray
(Figure 2). This embankment and the great embankment extending
south-eastward from the West Baray, runs across the landscape on a
similar, shallow gradient, potentially facilitating the dispersal of
water across the entire floodplain to their south.
Understanding how the network functioned requires much excavation,
as there was drastic remodelling of the landscape throughout the
Angkorian period that may have removed or concealed earlier features.
For example, in the area to the south of the East Baray, a
twelfth-century temple, the Ta Prohm, was located south of the
south-west corner of the baray and would have largely destroyed any
equivalent of the grid of channels at the south-west corner of the West
Baray. Likewise, if there had originally been an enormous eastern exit
from the West Baray, equivalent to Krol Romeas on the East Baray, it
would have been taken out of commission when Angkor Thom was built in
the late twelfth century.
The network had a long developmental history indicating a tradition
of inter-related, competent practice and practical knowledge. The
precise construction of the masonry spillway of Bam Penh Reach and the
exit channel of Krol Romeas shows that the tradition was already well
established in the tenth century. Since the gradient of the landscape is
shallow and channels 20-40km long were constructed down-slope and across
the slope, the creation of the network was necessarily systematic. That
it may also have been flawed or unable to cope with changing
circumstances does not alter that premise. The network was subject to
much remodelling and at various stages in its history may have been
affected by channel down-cutting in the northern and central parts of
Angkor with severe sedimentation in the south late in its history.
Ominously, the old former channel of the lower Siem Reap river contains
1-2m of cross-bedded sand (Fletcher et al. 2003:117, 120). The history
of how the network was remodelled is also critical to understanding the
stresses that it confronted. It is striking that the two disposal
channels south of Angkor Thom were the last major network additions,
suggesting that from the twelfth century onwards the emphasis in the
southern zone was on channels that could promptly dispose of excess
water. Elaborate and versatile though it may have been, the network
eventually could not be sustained. Developing from Groslier's
remarks, the massive inertia, convoluted layout and inter-dependent
components of the network should be considered as potentially critical
factors in the demise of Angkor.
The new comprehensive regional surveys of Angkor illustrate how
extensive and consistent data collection procedure can redefine a major
issue. A massive water management network with three, distinct,
interconnected operational zones for versatile control, storage and
redirection of water has been identified, possessing the components
required for systematic flood control and the distribution of water to
support agriculture. The immense water tanks and moats of Angkor were
nodes in a profoundly ritualised, elaborate system of hydraulic
engineering. When the West Baray was built in the eleventh century, an
exquisite and unique water-court temple, the West Mebon, which contained
a 6m-long, reclining bronze statue of Vishnu, was added at its centre.
Separating ritual and mundane functions in Angkor is not meaningful. The
old debates about water management should now be replaced by a more
productive discussion about the role of the network, how it was
developed, the way it was managed, the degree to which the state managed
its day-to-day functions, and the relationship between the operation of
the network and the demise of Angkor.
Many thanks to the staff of APSARA Authority, who are members of
the GAP field teams. In the field we have had an invaluable
collaboration with Heng Than, Khieu Chan, Tous Somaneath, Chai Ratchna,
Chea Sarith, Chourn Bunnath, Ea Darith, Chai Visoth and Srun
Tech--special thanks for many long, hard days of field research. I am
also indebted to An Sopheap and So Peang, the APSARA DMA staff who
manage the administration for the project in Cambodia, for their
participation, advice and help. We are indebted to the staff of the
EFEO, especially Van Sary and Sin Chenda for help and advice. Their
support is much appreciated. Thanks also to the many University of
Sydney members of the Greater Angkor Project and the international
volunteers who have worked with the project. In Sydney special thanks to
Martin King for his varied, hectic and vital assistance.
As corresponding author my particular thanks to Dan Penny, Mike
Barbetti and Christophe Pottier of EFEO, and Ros Borath, the director of
the Department of Monuments and Archaeology, who are the current
co-directors of the Greater Angkor Project; and to Damian Evans and
Dougald O'Reilly the current deputy directors. To Juha Zarkula of
WUP-FIN my thanks for his interest in the project and his support for
Matti Kummu's participation in the work. My appreciation and thanks
also to Ang Choulean, the head of the former Department of Research and
Culture and his deputy Im Sokrithy for their work with the project.
Thanks also to Khuo Khun Neay of ASPARA DMA2 for his support and for the
assistance of his staff in the field.
For technical assistance and advice our thanks to JPL/NASA and
Horizon Geosciences, the staff of AINSE, Concept Aviation, and the
various agencies and departments of the University of Sydney,
specifically the College of Science and Technology, and the College of
Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Arts and the School of
Philosophical and Historical Inquiry. The encouragement offered by the
Cambodian government and the support of the Australian embassy is much
appreciated. I (Roland Fletcher) am indebted to Amansara in Siem Reap
for the time as Scholar-in-Residence that made possible the initial work
on this paper.
The Greater Angkor Project is supported by the University of Sydney
and its students have specifically been assisted by the Carlyle
Greenwell Bequest (D.E.), and the Iain A. Cameron Memorial Travel Grant
Fund (D.E.). The project has been generously supported by donations from
Dr Lee Seng Tee, by funding from ANSTO/AINSE to assist with [sup.14]C
dating and by grants from the Australian Research Council (DP0211012 and
Received: 22 February 2007; Accepted: 23 April 2007; Revised: 11
October 2007
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Roland Fletcher (1), Dan Penny (2), Damian Evans (3), Christophe
Pottier (4), Mike Barbetti (1), Matti Kummu (5), Terry Lustig (1) &
Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of
Siem Reap (APSARA) Department of Monuments and Archaeology Team (6)
(1) Department of Archaeology, University of Sydney, Australia
(2) School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Australia (Email:
(3) Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney,
Australia (Email:
(4) Ecole francaise d'Extreme-Orient (EFEO), Siem Reap,
Cambodia (Email:
(5) Water Resources Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology,
Finland (Email:
(6) Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the
Region of Siem Reap (APSARA) Department of Monuments and Archaeology
Team, Cambodia (Email: