Using Shuttle Radar Topography to map ancient water channels in Mesopotamia.
Hritz, Carrie ; Wilkinson, T.J.
The literate and city-based polities of Sumer and Akkad in southern
Iraq are widely regarded as among the earliest examples of successful
city-based civilisation, and great strides have been made in
understanding their archaeology, economy, literature and social
conditions. Fundamental to the development of these societies was a
network of water channels, which provided irrigation for the cultivation
of food crops, and a means of transport of goods from city to city.
Irrigation technology and access to a network of channels has therefore
been recognised as a key component of the so-called 'Mesopotamian
advantage' (Algaze 2001).
The seemingly flat terrain of the Mesopotamian lowlands is drained
by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which form a system of branching and
locally meandering channels. Deposition of fine sand, silt and clay both
within and alongside the channels results in the aggradation of levees
which gradually raise the rivers until they flow several metres above
plain level on low ridges (Buringh 1957). The excavation of canals to
divert irrigation water from the main river channels towards fields also
results in levees. Formation processes are similar to those of riverine levees, but in addition, channel excavation and cleaning operations
result in the up-cast of clean-out banks alongside. As a result of these
processes, both natural and artificial channels become raised above
plain level to form levees up to 5m or so in height, and up to several
kilometres in width. With a gentle gradient of c. 1:10 000 to 1:15 000
towards the head of the Gulf, the plains appear virtually flat, and
surface elevation appears to reflect the pattern of levee development.
The excavation of new canals as well as the natural branching process of
rivers has resulted in an immensely complicated network of natural,
artificial and hybrid channels across the plains.
Cuneiform texts have been used to indicate the changing geography
of some of the channels over several millennia, and the levees are often
visible from the air as low ridges, relict meanders or soil moisture
marks, but the complexity of the Mesopotamian landscape makes it
extremely difficult to disentangle their history. Despite recent
advances (Cole & Gasche 1998; Verhoeven 1998), interpretation has
been hampered by the lack of geomorphological data, maps and air
photographs. As satellite imagery became increasingly available from the
1970s it has been possible to make general maps of channel systems of
the Mesopotamian plains (Adams 1981), and the recent public release of
CORONA satellite imagery has resulted in a flurry of new studies on
landscapes in both Mesopotamia and beyond (Pournelle 2003; Hritz 2004).
The digitisation of topographic maps of the Mesopotamian plains west of
Baghdad has provided valuable supplementary micro-topographic data
indicating the pattern of river levees and other channel systems (Cole
& Gasche 1998). A still higher potential for interpretation has now
been provided by the recently released data from the Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission (SRTM), which takes the form of digital elevation
models (DEM) for virtually the complete globe (Sherratt 2004).
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), is a joint project
between the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) and National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), one aim of which is to
facilitate military, environmental and economic projects: 'The
objective of this project is to produce digital topographic data for 80%
of the earth's land surface (all areas between 60 degrees north and
56 degrees south Latitude), with data points located every 1-arc second
(approximately 30 meters) on a latitude/longitude grid. The absolute
vertical accuracy of the elevation data will be 16 meters (90%
confidence) (http//srtm.'. In
the case of the Near East, the available data is for 3-arc second
intervals, or 90 metres. Although this will result in smaller and
narrower levees being missed, larger features, which can be several
hundred metres or more in width, tend to be readily picked up. The
images were taken by means of radar interferometry in which two radar
images are taken from slightly different locations so that differences
between the images allows for the calculation of surface elevation, or
changes in elevation (http//
The data from this mission is being released in sets over the coming
years. A preliminary version for selected parts of the world has
recently been made available for scholarly research.
The SRTM data comes in the form of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
which can be opened and viewed as an image or a set of images depending
on the size of the area of interest. Images consist of elevation points.
For southern Mesopotamia the thousands of data points show relatively
few errors, and if present, such errors would be registered at the
sensor as a negative number. On the image, these points are clearly
evident in comparison with the surrounding landscape. SRTM data is
unprocessed and therefore there is no estimate of its statistical error,
but where elevation points are available (such as on the summit of the
mound of Nippur), estimates of its total height fall within [+ or -]
2-4m. Figure 4 indicates the range of variation along a transect across
a levee south of Nippur. When data is obtained in an unprocessed form,
some processing is required. For example, the SRTM data for the Near
East is not geo-referenced and it must therefore be registered in order
to bring it into a GIS. Nevertheless, most SRTM imagery can be used with
relatively little processing.
Mapping the channels
As is to be expected from a region with such a long history of
channel development, the pattern of raised terrain revealed by the
digital terrain model is complex (Figure 1). The pattern of interweaving
and bifurcating levees represents the aggradation of sediments from both
natural and artificial channel systems over at least 10 000 years.
Confirmation of the quality of the SRTM data comes from the Sippar area
(Abu Habbah on Figure 2), where the raw digital imagery can be compared
with precise topographic data of the alluvial plain derived by a team
from the University of Ghent from 1:25 000 maps, satellite images and
field survey (Figure 3; Cole & Gasche 1998; Verhoeven 1998). Both
show the same system of levees and channels, ranging in size from the
main irrigation channel running past both Sippar and Tell ed-Der down to
secondary distribution channels. The information from the DEM
successfully captures both the height of the levee as well as the
pattern of channel branches.
The relative locations of the channels and their associations with
dated sites potentially provide evidence for the sequence in which they
were in use. Some channels are oriented with the dominant slope of the
plain, that is NNW-SSE, whereas others follow an orientation closer to
east-west. The dendritic pattern of some levees appears to be a result
of a process of bifurcation which can result either from the excavation
of new canals from a trunk channel, or from the creation of new
'natural' channels by the spontaneous breaking of river banks
along breaches created by humans or by natural agencies (i.e. avulsion:
Jones & Schumm 1999; Verhoeven 1998: 192-8).
As argued by Jacobsen (1958) and Adams (1965), archaeological sites
form alignments along the levees, and thus dated sites provide an
indication of when a channel became active. Figures 4 and 5 show two
distinct NNW-SSE levees in the vicinity of Nippur, both of which are
followed by alignments of sites recognised and mapped by Adams (1981).
In addition, a weaker alignment of sites is related to a more dispersed
feature to the south-east of Nippur. In the case of the large levee to
the north-east of Nippur (no. 1 on Figure 5), the associated sites, as
indicated on the maps of Adams (1981), imply that there were two periods
of occupation, the first in the Early Dynastic (early third millennium
BC) and the second in the Sasanian period (early first millennium AD).
It appears that the Early Dynastic levee was later adopted by a Sasanian
channel which diverged from the older levee downstream. The second levee
(no. 2 on Figure 5) accommodated Sasanian sites (Adams 1981: fig. 45),
although an earlier period of use is suggested by the presence of
occasional Kassite (late-second millennium BC) sites along this levee.
Indicative of the sensitivity of the radar images is their ability
to pick up the topographic profile of the third river drain (pale line
immediately west of Tell Jidr, Figure 5), which was dug during the late
1980s to conduct drainage waters through the central plains. It is also
possible to compute cross profiles of the levees themselves to
demonstrate their elevation as well as the range of variation of
topographic values (Figure 4).
Although in most parts of the Mesopotamian plains sites tend to be
aligned along levees as well as following down the hydrological
gradient, in the northern areas some site alignments appear less
orderly. In such areas, site alignments conflict with the general
gradient to follow up and over levees (Cole & Gasche 1998). Whereas
in the former case the aligned sites presumably must have been
associated with a single water channel, in the latter case either the
alignment of sites might be coincidental or, a later levee might have
crossed over an earlier alignment of sites which followed an earlier,
perhaps buried, levee. One advantage of the DEM data is that it will
enable archaeologists to recognise such contradictions between levees
and settlement patterns, with a view to further investigation.
On a larger scale, SRTM imagery has the potential to help unravel
the relative contributions of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers to the
development of early irrigation systems. For example, in the plains
north of Baghdad, a Tigris palaeo-channel of premedieval date is well
known from air photographs and old maps (Adams 1965: fig. 4), and is
also evident on the SRTM images. Relict levees which continue this
alignment to the south of Baghdad might therefore representa
continuation of this palaeo-channel. Alternatively, they may indicate
the deposits of a combined Tigris-Euphrates course, or the easternmost
distribution channels of the Euphrates.
The complexity of the channel patterns of Mesopotamia illustrates
some of the problems that Mesopotamian communities, as well as later
Sasanian and Islamic engineers, had to contend with. The images
demonstrate how, as levee systems developed, the resultant topographic
complexity must have made later canal construction and water engineering
increasingly difficult. For example, some older levees may have acted as
datas which constrained the main flow of water down towards the Gulf. As
a result, it would not always have been possible to dig canals according
to optimal principles of engineering, and rather it would have been
necessary to avoid, by pass or dig through pre-existing features. Not
only would this have inhibited canal design and contributed to the
overall work load, by restricting the flow of water, waterlogging would
have been exacerbated thereby contributing to salinisation and
associated decreases of production.
SRTM is mapping the detailed pattern of ancient channels in
Mesopotamia, showing the complexity of the interwoven and possibly
superimposed systems. By allowing the observer to examine the plains as
a single comprehensive unit, the SRTM images enable features of the
alluvial landscape to be traced across a very broad geographical extent.
This, combined with the capability of pinpointing subtle landscape
features, gives this new data source immense value at both large and
small scales.
Especially clear are the substantial and long-lived levees that
traverse the central portion of the alluvium. These have been identified
through archaeological survey, and can now be traced by virtue of their
topography on the DEM. For example, the early Dynastic levee east of
Nippur is a distinct and recognisable feature along which archaeological
sites form a distinct alignment.
In addition to their value in tracing channel patterns, the SRTM
data reveal the palimpsest of multi-period levees. These have the
potential to be used for the reconstruction of sequences in which
features with earlier sites aligned along them are apparently overlaid
by levees associated with later sites.
The complex network of bifurcating and dendritic channel systems
suggests how riverine and irrigation-induced sedimentation have
contributed significantly to the aggradation of the northern part of the
plain. This contrasts with the southern plains where levee systems are
less pronounced, and where the southern alluvium has received
considerably less sediment than areas in the north (Reichel 1997;
Wilkinson 2003). This confirms earlier suggestions by Adams (1972) that
the bulk of sedimentation occurred on the northern plains, which would
account for the lack of visibility of prehistoric sites in such areas.
The identification of the palaeo-channels, confirmed by more detailed
studies, will help disentangle some of the knottier problems of the
ancient historical geography of Mesopotamia.
The present paper results from research undertaken as part of the
project 'Modeling Bronze Age Settlement Systems in a Dynamic
Environment'. We are particularly grateful to the National Science
Foundation Program: Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (Grant
No. 0216548), for providing major funding for this project. We also
thank the United States Geological Survey and the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (California Institute of Technology), for making the SRTM
data freely available to the public. Thanks also go to McGuire Gibson,
Jason Ur, John Sanders, and other colleagues at the Oriental Institute
for advice on aspects of this work, as well as to Gary McKay. Two
anonymous reviewers are to be thanked for comments on an earlier draft
of this paper. Satellite remote sensing and GIS analysis was undertaken
in the Oriental Institute's CAMEL laboratory, and thanks must go to
the Oriental Institute, Chicago, as well as the Department of
Archaeology, Edinburgh University, for providing facilities for the
Received: 12 November 2004; Accepted: 14 January 2005; Revised: 11
February 2005
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Carrie Hritz (1) & T.J. Wilkinson (2)
(1) The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, USA
(2) Department of Archaeology, Durham University, South Road,
Durham, DH1 3LE, UK (Email: Tony.Wilkinson uk)