The Late Glacial human reoccupation of north-western Europe: new approaches to space-time modelling. (Research).
Blackwell, Paul G. ; Buck, Caitlin E.
In recent years there has been much interest in trying to
understand how and when the north western parts of Europe were
reoccupied as the ice sheets retreated during the Late Glacial period.
In this paper we reinvestigate the radiocarbon data available from this
period using a statistical, model-based approach. The models we adopt
are simple and are only the first step towards fully spatio-temporal
interpretation; much of what we advocate can be tackled within existing
software. Nonetheless, our models are flexible and generalisable and
thus suitable for use on a wide range of archaeological projects, in
many places and periods, in which dating of occupation, colonisation or
settlement is of interest. In the context of Late Glacial Europe, for
example, we are able to provide probabilistic answers to the question
'in what order were the regions of north-western Europe
reoccupied?'. We are also able to make suggestions for refining and
tailoring existing models for future research.
The radiocarbon determinations associated with human activity
during the Late Glacial period were recently assembled by Housley et al.
(1997), who scrutinised the nature and quality of the dating evidence
and the stratigraphic and cultural contexts of the organic samples
(ibid. 34-35). These authors made suggestions about how the landscape
was reoccupied as the ice sheet retreated at the end of the
Wurm/Weichsel glaciation and sought to address a number of questions.
Among them were two major issues:
* what is the earliest date at which we have evidence for late
glacial reoccupation in northwest Europe, and
* in what order were the various regions reoccupied?
Previous approaches
In an attempt to address these issues, Housley et al. (1997)
summarised the radiocarbon dates associated with each of eight regions
in north-west Europe (the regions identified were Belgium, British
Isles, Middle Rhine, Northern Germany, Paris Basin, Southern Germany,
Thuringian Basin and Upper Rhine). They chose not to calibrate the
determinations and related the dates of settlement in each region to
summary histograms of all the uncalibrated radiocarbon ages. They
reported the earliest non-zero cell in each histogram as the age of the
onset of a 'pioneer phase' for that particular region and the
cell with highest frequency as the age for a 'residential
phase'. The age of the pioneer phase was seen as providing an
estimate of the earliest date of reoccupation in a given region and the
order in which reoccupation took place was estimated simply by
chronologically ordering the regions using the earliest ages.
Blockley et al. (2000) addressed these issues in two ways. They
repeated the analysis by Housley et al. (1997) with what they saw as a
more appropriate allowance for error in the determinations, and showed
that Housley et al.'s phases were ill-defined and uncertain in age.
Blockley et al. also noted that radiocarbon determinations really need
calibration before they can be seen as providing reliable estimates of
the dates of events of interest. They used 'summed probability
distributions' to draw together a number of calibrated radiocarbon
date distributions and again concluded that 'population movement is
difficult to argue and there is no clear evidence for a
'pioneer' and 'residential' phase' (ibid. 116).
The tools that Blockley et al. used to compute these 'summed
probability distributions' are available in the OxCal radiocarbon
calibration software, which offers the comment: 'Combining
probability distributions by summing is usually difficult to justify
statistically but it will generate a probability distribution which is a
best estimate for the chronological distribution of the items
dated.' (OxCal manual, Ramsey 2000). We agree with the first part
of this statement but feel that the second part (from 'but')
is unjustified.
In adopting Ramsey's terminology of a 'chronological
distribution' Blockley et al. reasonably assume that the particular
artefacts they are dating are sampled from some underlying distribution
and then observed with dating and calibration error. However, simply
averaging the calibrated radiocarbon dates from individual, randomly
surviving archaeological samples does not give a good estimate of the
underlying chronological distribution. In fact, since the calibrated
dates being 'summed' do not relate to the same event, it is
not clear what interpretation can be placed on the probabilities
produced by this method.
In what follows we suggest an alternative, model-based, Bayesian
approach to understanding the chronology of reoccupation. Within the
Bayesian framework, probabilities based on a priori information
(available before the radiocarbon dates were obtained) are updated in
the light of currently available data to arrive at a posteriori
probability distributions. Thus, our approach leads to fully
probabilistic answers to the two major questions posed above. The data
to be incorporated in this problem include not only the radiocarbon
determinations but also information on the calibration curve, since,
like Blockley et al. (2000), we believe that calibration is an important
part of the interpretative process, uncalibrated determinations are not
calendar dates and current best estimates of the radiocarbon calibration
curve suggest that there is no one-to-one relationship between calendar
dates and radiocarbon dates. We want to devise a framework that can be
adapted and improved as more information (archaeological, radiocarbon
and statistical) becomes available. It is certain that knowledge of both
the process of population movement and the radiocarbon calibration curve
will improve in years to come and while the current models are only
'best estimates' the methodology we suggest takes into account
the uncertainty in those estimates, and should be easy to refine in the
light of new information.
Which is the earliest date in a region?
In determining the earliest human activity in a region, one date
that might be seen as important is the true calendar date of the
earliest of the radiocarbon samples available to us from that region,
which we will call T. This date is uncertain because calibrated
radiocarbon dates are distributional estimates of a single point in time
from which we cannot readily recover the true date of interest. Thus, we
cannot be sure from calibrated radiocarbon dates alone which one of a
sequence is the earliest. Blockley et al. (2000) estimate T for each
region by averaging a collected set of dates, on the assumption that the
calibrated dates to be combined 'represent multiple estimates of
the same phenomenon' (Blockley et al. 2000: 116). We feel that this
assumption is mistaken. Each organism sent for radiocarbon dating is
associated with a different event (i.e. the point at which that organism
ceased metabolising); they may be seen as relating to the same
archaeological phenomenon, but they cannot be seen as relating to the
same specific moment in time.
Given this problem (and others of a more technical statistical
nature; for details see Blackwell & Buck 2001), we prefer to work
within the general model-based framework outlined below. Within that
framework, it is straightforward to obtain the posterior distribution
for T. However, we think that it is the date of a different event which
is really of greatest interest in understanding the chronology of
reoccupation; not so much the earliest date of a particular post-glacial
sample, as the earliest human arrival and reoccupation in a region.
We will denote the date of the human arrival in a region by
[A.sub.n] for the nth region, where n = 1, 2, ..., N, N being the total
number of regions under study. [A.sub.n] cannot be observed directly,
since it is extremely unlikely that any of the archaeological samples we
have actually represents the first post-glacial event in that particular
region. Thus, to use the available radiocarbon data to make inferences
about [A.sub.n], some relationship between them must be postulated. In
what follows we propose a statistical model that does just this.
A simple temporal model
We posit a formal model in which the earliest arrival in each
region, [A.sub.n], features as a statistical parameter about which we
hope to learn on the basis of radiocarbon data. Most of the statistical
theory needed to apply our methodology is not new. It is based on the
Bayesian statistical framework, described in detail in Zeidler et al.
(1998) and summarised in Buck et al. (1996: chap. 9) and will not be
given in detail here (for another example see Needham et al. 1997).
Instead we will offer intuitive explanations of the model and the way it
can be used to make inferences about the process of reoccupation. We
propose that each region be seen as having its own phase of reoccupation
at the end of the Late Glacial period and that each phase be taken as
bounded in time. The earliest boundary for the phase marks the first
human arrival in the region of interest; we label the date of this
boundary [A.sub.n] cal BP. The latest boundary for the phase marks the
end of the reoccupation phase, say [B.sub.n] cal BP. We do not expect to
obtain direct radiocarbon evidence for either [A.sub.n] or [B.sub.n]
and, while it is the early boundary date ([A.sub.n]) that forms the
focus of interest here, it is useful for both theoretical and practical
reasons to see reoccupation as having both [A.sub.n] early and a late
boundary in time. Presumably, at some point, the process of reoccupation
ceased and another phase of landscape use began.
We assume a priori that [A.sub.n] and [B.sub.n] lie somewhere in
the range of the current radiocarbon calibration curve and that the
objects suitable for radiocarbon dating from region n were deposited
uniformly throughout the period [A.sub.n] to [B.sub.n]. Since both dates
are on the cal BP time scale, [A.sub.n] will always be greater than
[B.sub.n]. We can then use the radiocarbon dates from a region to learn
more about the most likely boundary dates. The Bayesian theory and
methodology needed to implement this kind of model is already available
in software such as OxCal (Ramsey 1995) and BCal (Buck et al. 1999).
Both packages allow the user to define a phase (or temporal group) with
early and late boundary dates. Adopting this model, as implemented in
the BCal software, we re-analysed the data from Housley et al. (1997)
using the INTCAL98 calibration curve (Stuiver et al. 1998) to obtain
estimates of each early boundary date, [A.sub.n], as shown in Figure 1.
The number of radiocarbon determinations in each phase and the 95%
Highest Posterior Density (HPD) region for each [A.sub.n] are given in
Table 1.
Given the simple model posited for the relationship between the
available radiocarbon data and the date of first reoccupation in each
region, the distributions in Figure 1 represent the best available
estimates for the date of reoccupation in each region after the retreat
of the ice sheets. Since we have used a model to allow us to define and
learn about the parameter [A.sub.n] for each of the eight regions, our
results are not directly comparable with those reported in the two
previous papers. As a result, we reserve detailed interpretation and
comparison until we have addressed the other main issue of concern, that
of the order in which reoccupation took place.
The order in which reoccupation took place
Clearly, from Figure 1, the Upper Rhine was probably reoccupied
first and the British Isles last. However, chronologically ordering the
regions in between (simply on the basis of the plots of the calendar
dates of first reoccupation) is quite a lot more difficult.
Consequently, we felt it might be helpful to seek a probabilistic answer
to the question 'in what order were the regions reoccupied?'.
To this end, we worked with the posterior distribution generated by BCal
for each [A.sub.n] (as shown in Figure 1). Treating the [A.sub.n]s as
independent, we simulated a possible ordering for the reoccupation of
the eight regions by sampling one value for each [A.sub.n] from the
appropriate distribution and ranking these in ascending order. By doing
this repeatedly (in our case 1,000,000 times), we generated a sample
from the distribution of the order of the eight regions. In this way, we
have a million examples of the likely order of the eight [A.sub.n]s, or
more precisely, a sample of size one million from the posterior
distribution of the orderings.
We report the results thus obtained in two different ways. The
first (in Table 2) shows the probability that each of the eight regions
is ranked one through eight in time (one is earliest, eight is latest).
From these results, we confirm and quantify conclusions made on the
basis of the plots in Figure 1. In particular, we see that the British
Isles was the last region to be reoccupied with a probability of 0.79.
The Upper Rhine was the first region to be reoccupied with probability
0.93. The Thuringian Basin was the second region to be reoccupied with
probability 0.83.
The second mechanism we use to report the results of our
simulations is Table 3. Here, we show the first ten most likely orders
in which the reoccupation took place (with their probabilities). In
interpreting this table, readers might like to note that the a priori
probability for any particular ordering is only about 0.000025 (more
precisely, it is 1/8! = 1/40320). Nonetheless, even the most likely
order only has a posterior probability of 0.076 and the ten most likely
orderings account for just 38% of the probability. We feel that this
goes a long way towards explaining why Blockley et al. (2000: 119)
concluded that 'it is not possible ... to demonstrate the movement
of peoples across Europe during the last deglaciation' and yet,
using the same data, Housley et al. (1997) reported a partial ordering
that is consistent with some, but not all, of the orderings in Table 3:
British Isles; then Paris Basin and Northern Germany; then Middle Rhine,
Belgium and Southern Germany; then Thuringian Basin; and then the Upper
Looking at all the information available in Figure 1 and Tables 2
and 3, we are not suggesting a radical new interpretation of the data.
What we feel we are offering is a coherent and flexible framework in
which the data might be interpreted and within which uncertainty can be
readily quantified. We feel that Blockley et al. (2000) were quite right
to be hesitant about making inferences, but that it was also quite
natural for Housley et al. (1997) to wish to make the best assessment of
the dates of reoccupation (given the currently available data) and to
investigate support for the model that reoccupation occurred behind the
retreating ice sheet. If readers wish to make such interpretations on
the basis of the results reported here, then the Upper Rhine and
Thuringian Basin are the most likely candidates for the earliest regions
to have been reoccupied and the British Isles is likely to have been the
latest. All other regions have reasonably high probabilities of
occupying any of the remaining locations in the rank order and thus we
cannot reliably place them in a single location in the chronological
sequence. That said, the single most likely order (based on our model)
is that reported in the first column of Table 3.
Future developments
The results reported in this paper clearly rely on the suitability
and validity of the model we have suggested for the relationship between
the date of first reoccupation in each region and the available
radiocarbon data. We feel that it is important to point out that we have
selected an archaeologically and statistically simple model more as an
illustration of the kinds of tools we advocate than because it is
necessarily the 'best' model for interpreting this particular
data set. We hope to raise awareness of the importance of the posited
relationships between data and the issues we wish to tackle. If we know
that we are unlikely ever to obtain samples to date a particular event,
we have a good deal to gain by seeking formal models to link the data we
have available to what we wish to learn about.
In this paper we have been able to make inferences that have both a
spatial and a temporal component, but would like to point out that the
models we have used are not truly spatio-temporal in nature. We have
simply made innovative use of existing, purely temporal tools to help us
learn about the chronology of supposed phases of occupation in different
(arbitrarily defined) regions. Given that there are insufficient data
for us to learn all that we would like to from these simple models, this
may be all that is appropriate for this problem at the present. If so,
there are still issues relating to model refinement that we could
usefully investigate in the near future. The most obvious of these
relates to our assumption of uniform deposition rates of material
between [A.sub.n] and [B.sub.n]. This is the most commonly used model in
Bayesian radiocarbon calibration and is appropriate for short-lived
phases at a single spatial location (which is what these tools were
devised for). However, in the case of reoccupation of landscapes, it
might not be so sensible. We would like to consider using models that
reflect the likely sparseness of material for dating from the early
stages of reoccupation in each region. A simple example might be a model
in which instead of a sudden increase in deposition rate (from zero to
its maximum) at [A.sub.n], and a corresponding drop at [B.sub.n], there
is a gradual (perhaps sigmoidal) increase from zero at [A.sub.n] to a
maximum at say [C.sub.n]s, a period of constant deposition rate until
say [D.sub.n], then a gradual decrease to zero at [B.sub.n]. An example
is given in Figure 2; note that the shape of such graphs need not be
symmetric. This would better reflect the reality of deposition rate in
many situations, with a population or technology establishing itself
over a finite period of time, rather than instantaneously. Note that it
also includes the simpler uniform model as a special case, when
[A.sub.n] = [C.sub.n] and [B.sub.n] = [D.sub.n].
Another important step would be to explore the reoccupation
question without assuming predefined regions, even though information is
currently available at only a few locations. There are two ways forward,
both of which can be pursued within the Bayesian framework discussed
earlier. One way is simply to use a statistical model for how A and B
vary with geographical location, which represents the idea that,
although we may not know a priori which locations were reoccupied first,
we do expect that dates for (geographically) nearby locations are likely
to be more similar than those for locations a long way apart. This is
simply because the reoccupation was a spatio-temporal process, rather
than something occurring independently at different locations. The
second way is to formulate an explicit, mechanistic model of the process
of reoccupation, perhaps a stochastic version of the sort of models used
by Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza (1971, 1984) or Steele et al. (1998) and
then to estimate the parameters and outcome of the process from the
available data. Both of these approaches have the advantages that, as
data become available from other sites within a region of interest, they
can be incorporated in a natural, consistent way and that we no longer
need to aggregate data over regions (as suggested by Housley et al.,
repeated by Blockley et al. and continued by us).
In conclusion, we advocate viewing reoccupation as a process rather
than a single event and have illustrated one simple way in which this
might be modelled. We have reanalysed radiocarbon data relating to
the post glacial reoccupation of north-west Europe, and attempted to
lay the ground work for a robust, model-based analysis of these data
within the Bayesian statistical framework. All the results obtained are
probabilistic and reflect the amount of uncertainty in the information
available. We are able to answer the main questions posed about the
order of re-occupation, but find that, given currently available .data,
models and prior information, all inferences should be seen as extremely
tentative. We suggest that the fact there is so much uncertainty
associated with the inferences goes some way to explaining why previous
authors have reached different conclusions from the same data. Given
that such tentative inferences are rather unsatisfactory, we go on to
make some suggestions for future modelling work that might lead us to
clearer answers to the original questions posed. Our research on this
topic is ongoing.
Table 1 The numbers of radiocarbon determinations and the highest
posterior density intervals for the dates of recolonisation of the
eight regions under study
Number of radiocarbon 95% HPD region for date
Region determinations of first colonisation
Upper Rhine 7 19480-16430
Thuringian Basin 23 17180-15990
Southern Germany 10 16900-14920
Middle Rhine 9 16710-15450
Belgium 13 17330-15330
Paris Basin 14 16090-14750
Northern Germany 16 15580-14230
British Isles 41 14900-14300
Table 2 The probability that each region is temporally ranked 1
through 8 (1 = earliest, 8 = latest)
Region 1 2 3 4 5 6
Upper Rhine 0.93 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Thuringian Basin 0.06 0.83 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00
Southern Germany 0.02 0.07 0.38 0.18 0.17 0.14
Middle Rhine 0.00 0.01 0.21 0.39 0.31 0.08
Belgium 0.00 0.02 0.22 0.32 0.31 0.12
Paris Basin 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.45
Northern Germany 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.19
British Isles 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
Region 7 8
Upper Rhine 0.00 0.00
Thuringian Basin 0.00 0.00
Southern Germany 0.04 0.00
Middle Rhine 0.00 0.00
Belgium 0.01 0.00
Paris Basin 0.21 0.02
Northern Germany 0.55 0.18
British Isles 0.18 0.79
Table 3 The ten most likely orders for the reoccupation of the eight
regions under study (1 = earliest, 8 = latest)
Region Position in ordering
Upper Rhine 1 1 1 1 1
Thuringian Basin 2 2 2 2 2
Southern Germany 3 3 5 3 5
Middle Rhine 4 5 4 4 3
Belgium 5 4 3 5 4
Paris Basin 6 6 6 7 6
Northern Germany 7 7 7 6 7
British Isles 8 8 8 8 8
Probability 0.076 0.065 0.036 0.035 0.032
Region Position in ordering
Upper Rhine 1 1 1 1 1
Thuringian Basin 2 2 2 2 2
Southern Germany 4 3 4 3 6
Middle Rhine 5 5 3 4 4
Belgium 3 4 5 5 3
Paris Basin 6 7 6 6 5
Northern Germany 7 6 7 8 7
British Isles 8 8 8 7 8
Probability 0.032 0.029 0.027 0.024 0.021
Received: 28 August 2001; accepted: 8 October 2001; revised: 31
January 2003
We would like to thank Rupert Housley for sending us his collated
radiocarbon data. We are also grateful to Mike Baxter, Andres Christen and Andrew Millard for their insightful comments and suggestions while
we were working on the text.
* Department of Probability and Statistics, University of
Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield S3 7RH (1 Email:
p.; 2 Email: c.e.
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