Contexts for cruciforms: figurines of prehistoric Cyprus. (News & Notes).
Crewe, Lindy ; Peltenburg, Edgar ; Spanou, Sorina 等
Striking anthropomorphic figurines in the shape of cruciforms are
the hallmark of the Cypriot Erimi Culture during the 4th millennium BC
(a Campo 1994). Carvers achieved the shape by extending outstretched
arms, elongating necks and abbreviating and tucking the legs into a
squatting posture. Occasional depiction of breasts suggests that at
least some were intended to depict the female body. But the symbolism is
much more complex since carvers elaborated their creations. For example,
they transformed arms into a horizontal figure or balanced one figure
acrobatically on the head of another.
There is little contextual information to account for the genesis,
florescence and meanings of these stylized representations. They
attracted looters ever since Dikaios (1934) published an example
sporting a duplicate of itself worn as a neck pendant. A breakthrough
came when Iliffe and Mitford, who were excavating the Temple of
Aphrodite at Palaepaphos in the 1950s, briefly investigated a nearby
cemetery. Three Erimi Culture tombs yielded cruciforms, but the figures
from this and subsequent operations remain poorly known (Christou 1989).
Their work unleashed intensified looting, and many cruciforms were
attributed to that cemetery, even though clandestine operations
elsewhere also yielded cruciforms. Our appreciation of the role of these
island-wide symbols, therefore, is thwarted by the rarity of critical
published associations.
To help resolve this issue, the Lemba Archaeological Research
Centre (LARC) conducted excavations at the cemetery of Souskiou-Laona
from which figurines have apparently been looted. The highly unusual
site is located on a discrete limestone outcrop atop a prominent, narrow
ridge immediately east of the Dhiarizos River in western Cyprus (FIGURE
1). Tombs are cut into an outcrop which rises above the ridge to a
height of 1-3 m and measures approximately 25 m east-west and 40 m
During the 2001 season, a total of 42 shaft tombs were
investigated, approximately one-third of the cemetery. The most
characteristic type was that of straight-sided shaft graves with a
subrectangular aperture belling out to an oval flat-bottomed base and an
upper depression for the reception of a capstone. Another distinct type
has a small subrectangular shaft and a concave oval base (FIGURE 2).
Although many of the tombs had been emptied by looters, we
recovered two partially looted tombs with undisturbed burials and two
intact tombs, complete with capstones. These provide evidence that
Souskiou funerary traditions included both single and multiple
inhumations. Tombs demonstrate Chalcolithic re-use. Primary interments
had been displaced to the northern end of the tomb, along with
associated grave goods, and other burials were subsequently inserted in
a crouched position. The small, intact tombs contained grave goods; one
a single Red-on-White bowl and the other segmented faience beads from a
bracelet or necklace (FIGURE 3). The only osteological evidence from
these sealed tombs was a single infant tooth, and it is possible that
the smaller tombs were intended for infant burials.
Funerary furniture from these disturbed tombs confirm the
popularity of cruciforms and the atypical wealth of the cemetery. They
include approximately 20 picrolite pendants of cruciform and other types
along with dentalium shell beads (FIGURE 4).
Preliminary results provide several new insights into cruciforms in
particular and the Erimi Culture in general. Three deserve notice here.
First concerns the alleged development of cruciforms in a context of
island isolation. However, the discovery of segmented faience beads in
the cemetery and the contemporary introduction of metalwork opens up the
possibility that their popularity coincided with transmaritime contacts.
The distinctive faience bead type, which is known in 4th-millennium
north Mesopotamia, is the earliest in Cyprus and has no successors there
(Stone & Thomas 1956). Questions about the existence of this
singular expression are, therefore, part of a wider debate in which
exceptional insular production in prehistory is seen as a consequence of
isolation (Stoddart et al. 1993) or a re-working of contact (Robb 2001).
Second, given the attenuated style of the figures at Souskiou-Laona, it
may now be possible to identify local schools. And lastly, the
unprecedented popularity of picrolite at an insubstantial settlement and
cemetery site remote from good agricultural land, readily accessible
water and the source of picrolite, poses problems about the role of the
site and cruciforms. Our view that the Erimi Culture consisted
exclusively of homogenous agro-pastoral settlements needs re-appraisal
in light of this evidence.
Acknowledgements. The LARC excavations were carried out with the
support of the Abercrombie Fund, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities
of Scotland, the Russell Trust and the University of Edinburgh.
A CAMPO, A. 1994. Anthropomorphic representations in prehistoric
Cyprus: a formal and symbolic analysis of figurines, c. 3500-1800 BC.
Jonsered: Astrom Forlag. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology
Pocket-book 109.
CHRISTOU, D. 1989. The Chalcolithic Cemetery 1 at
Souskiou-Vathyrkakas, in E. Peltenburg (ed.), Early Society in Cyprus:
82-94. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
DIKAIOS, P. 1934. Two neolithic steatite idols, Report of the
Department of Antiquities, Cyprus: 16.
ROBB, J. 2001. Island identities: ritual, travel and the creation
of difference in Neolithic Malta, European Journal of Archaeology 4:
1993. Cult in an island society: prehistoric Malta in the Tarxien
period, Cambridge Archaeological Journal 3: 3-19.
STONE, J. & L. THOMAS, 1956. The use and distribution of
faience in the Ancient East and prehistoric Europe, Proceedings of the
Prehistoric Society 22: 37-84.
* Department of Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, Old High
School, Edinburgh EH1 1LT, Scotland.