Excavation at Lene Hara Cave establishes occupation in East Timor at least 30,000-35,000 years ago.
O'Connor, Sue ; Spriggs, Matthew ; Veth, Peter 等
Timor, the largest of the Lesser Sunda Island chain lying between
Java and New Guinea and Australia, has long been recognized as one of
the most prospective locations for finding evidence of early settlement
by Homo sapiens making the water crossing across Wallacea between the
Pleistocene continents of Sunda and Sahul. Birdsell (1977) proposed
Timor as a likely stepping-stone island for migration into Sahul as it
lay on two possible migration routes involving fairly short water
crossings. The first (FIGURE 1, 2A) follows the Lesser Sunda chain of
islands along to Timor and then continues on east to Tanimbar Island,
with an eventual landfall near the Aru Islands on the expanded Sahul
Shelf. The second (FIGURE 1, 2B) crosses from Timor to the shelf in the
present Kimberley region of the northwest Australian coast.
The date for initial human colonization of Australia is now widely
accepted at c. 55,000-65,000 years ago (Roberts et al. 1994; Thorne et
al. 1999). However, the Wallacean islands on potential migration routes
between Sunda and Sahul have failed to produce dates approaching the
antiquity of the earliest Australian sites (Bellwood et al. 1998;
O'Connor et al. in press). These factors highlight the need for
further archaeological investigations in Timor.
Despite promising results obtained in the mid 1960s in East Timor
(Glover 1969; 1986), there has been no research possible there over the
25 years following the 1975 Indonesian invasion. The current UN
transitional presence and impending independence for East Timor have
allowed archaeology to recommence.
Here we report some of the recent results of the East Timor
Archaeological Project (ETAP), a survey and excavation project begun in
June 2000 by the Australian National University and James Cook
University, in consultation with the UN Administration and East Timorese
Prior to the commencement of ETAP the archaeology of East Timor
(formerly Portuguese Timor) was known solely through the research of
Portuguese anthropologists in the 1950s and 1960s and that of Ian
Glover, conducted during 1966-7. The Portuguese carried out surface
surveys, and in 1963 Antonio de Almeida excavated a cave, Lene Hara, on
the eastern tip of Timor near Tutuala (Almeida & Zybszweski 1967:
57-8). Glover carried out an extensive test-pitting programme in the
Baucau, Venilale, Laga and Baguia regions before completing major
excavations at four caves in the first two regions (Glover 1969; 1986).
Glover's primary goal was to investigate Timor as a possible source
area for Pleistocene migration to Australia. However, his oldest site,
Uai Bobo 2 near Venilale, dated only to 13,400 [+ or -] 520 BP (ANU-238)
and the other dated cave occupations were Holocene in age.
Almeida's excavation of Lene Hara comprised 2 trenches of 2x1
m and produced an 80-cm deep cultural assemblage with marine shells and
stone artefacts to the base. His assessment was that the industry
contained `Mousterian' and `Tayacian-like' implements and
should be classified as Middle Palaeolithic through to Mesolithic
(Almeida & Zybszweski 1967: 65). Unfortunately, the molluscan and
other fauna were never described and the site was not dated. Almeida
also recorded painted rock art at Lene Hara as well as in other sites in
the Tutuala region (Almeida 1967). Glover noted that Almeida's
illustrations of the stone artefacts he collected suggested little
similarity with the `distinctive tool types' found elsewhere in
Timor in his own excavations (1969: 40).
The fact that the stone industry of Lene Hara was thought to be
unique within the East Timor context and was claimed to be of a
considerable antiquity on typological grounds, albeit undated
radiometrically, led us to target it for excavation in 2000. Lene Hara
is a large solution cave, positioned in a raised limestone terrace
approximately 100 m above sea level and less than I km from the current
coastline (FIGURE 2). Painted rock art occurs in panels on the roof just
inside the cave entrance and around the main stalagmite formation in the
central area of the cave (FIGURES 3 & 4). Motifs recorded are varied
and initial impressions suggest differences in style to other
rock-painting sites in the Tutuala region.
A 1x1-m test pit was positioned adjacent to Almeida's trench.
Our testing confirmed the depth of deposit at 80 cm. Wet sieving of all
cultural deposits through fine mesh (<2 mm) ensured good recovery of
cultural material including lithic microdebitage.
The deposit was excavated in approximate 5-cm units, taking account
of stratigraphic boundaries. The sequence comprised an upper darker
sediment which was a mixture of silt and coarse to very coarse sand (7.5
YR 3/ 2-4/2) with more organics and overall less roof fall, and a lower
level with a higher silt content and significantly more roof fall (7.5
YR 4/ 2-5/3) below 30 cm.
Most pottery occurred in the top 25 cm of the deposit along with
stone artefacts, shell and a small quantity of bone. Two shell artefacts
were recovered from units 7 and 10 at depths of approximately 24-28 cm
and 36-40 cm from the surface respectively. Both are beads and are made
on Trochus sp. and the whorl of a Strombus sp. They have been submitted
for AMS dating to determine if they are in situ or intrusive from the
upper layer. Stone artefacts and marine shell and small quantities of
bone continued to bedrock at c. 84 cm. Species include fish, marine
turtle, small murids, snakes, lizards and crabs. Bones of marine species
were found to the base of the excavation. A single femur of a giant rat
was found in unit 9. On the basis of its size it is probably Coryphomys
buehleri (Aplin pers. comm.), the largest of the now-extinct giant
murids identified by Glover (1986). A dog tooth was recovered from unit
5, associated with the lowest in situ pottery.
A total of 417 flaked stone artefacts were recovered from the
excavation of Lene Hara. They occurred throughout the sequence,
including within the upper pottery-bearing units. Almost all of the
artefacts have been manufactured from a chert that ranges in colour from
pale to dark red. The preliminary assessment of the Lene Hara artefacts
indicates broad continuities through time with the near-exclusive use of
a red chert that has been quarried from nodules or boulders with a
chalky cortex. The small size of the flakes and cores throughout may
indicate that the chert is not locally available. The assemblages can be
described as a small flake-based industry, similar to that recently
described from early industries from northern Australia, but lacking the
ground axes and flakes from ground axes found in the earliest of these
industries (O'Connor et al. 2000).
The shell is clearly midden material and not derived from the cave
limestone. There seems little difference between the shell assemblage
from any excavation level of the site, with rocky platform marine
species such as Strombus luhuanus, Trochus niloticus, Lambis lambis,
Turbo sp. and Nerita sp. dominating throughout. Our initial impression
during excavation was that the site would post-date the attainment of
current sea level at c. 6000 BP. The dates therefore caused some
surprise (TABLE 1).
It would now appear that what we have is a two-phase occupation.
The majority of the deposit built up around 30-35,000 BP and appears to
represent a transit camp between coast and inland resources. The
distance to the sea at that time would not have been much different from
today, given the steeply shelving marine topography, but access to the
coast in this area may have varied considerably during the Pleistocene
due to sea level changes. Changing coastal access may have removed the
cave from communication routes after about 30,000 BP, occasioning its
abandonment. There was no evidence for removal or truncation of the
deposit in the area of the excavation, and it is possible that the site
saw little or no occupation again until the last few thousand years of
pottery-using Neolithic occupation in East Timor, when the cave may have
been used as a shelter convenient to local gardens. Reoccupation may
have taken place directly on the top of the abandoned Pleistocene living
surface, accounting for some mixing of the deposit around units 4 and 5,
where a mid-late Holocene cultural and faunal assemblage is associated
with very old dates on marine shell midden. Such mixing is a common
feature in sites of the wider region (Spriggs 1999: 17-18).
While there is new evidence from western Flores in Wallacea for a
culture-bearing pre-modern hominid population of Homo erectus, there is
no evidence for continuity of occupation by hominids in this region (see
Morwood et al. 1997; 1998; 1999; Schulz 2001). The premoderns apparently
disappear from the record well before the region is colonized by modern
humans. Paradoxically, there are still no archaeological sites in
Wallacea with evidence for settlement by modern humans approaching the
antiquity of the earliest Australian sites. It would seem that the
reoccupation of the Wallacean region by modern humans occurred only in
the last 35,000 years, and yet logically occupation of some islands must
have occurred at least as early as the earliest Australian evidence
prior to 55,000 BP. The answer to this conundrum must lie in sampling.
Few Wallacean islands have been investigated archaeologically, the
number of excavated sites on the islands which have been investigated is
small, excavated samples from these sites are of small size, and our
ability to date accurately the earliest excavated material using
conventional radiocarbon dating is limited. Numbers of Pleistocene
excavated sites in Australia and well-dated sequences from them
employing alternative dating methods (TL, OSL and U-series) outnumber
those in Wallacea.
The pattern produced by current dating in Australia would suggest a
direct southern route through Wallacea and on to the northwest
Australian coast as the most likely route for initial colonization of
Sahul. The earliest dates are in northern and southern Australia
(Chappell 2000). However, a northern route through Kalimantan and the
Philippines and/or Sulawesi into the northern Moluccas and thence along
the north coast of New Guinea is also a possibility. Suggestively, the
Huon Peninsula coral terrace find-spot of waisted axes on the northern
New Guinea coast is the only site on the northern route dated by
non-radiocarbon methods. A tephra associated with one of the axes gave a
minimum TL age of 38,000 BP, but the potassium contribution to the
dose-rate is uncertain and the ages could be greater (Groube et al.
1986). A TIMS uranium series date gave a minimal age of 52,000 years for
the underlying terrace formation (Chappell et al. 1996).
East Timor is now able to yield some of its archaeological secrets
following the end of the Indonesian occupation. The results from Lene
Hara suggest that it is an exciting archaeological prospect for future
investigations. We are planning further fieldwork late in 2002.
TABLE 1. Radiocarbon determinations from Lene Hara Cave.
lab. code date BP depth below excavation
surface cm unit
ANU-11400 1030 [+ or -] 60 4-8 Unit 2
ANU-11419 33,150 [+ or -] 550 12-16 Unit 4 (A)
ANU-11420 30,970 [+ or -] 460 12-16 Unit 4 (B)
ANU-11398 30,110 [+ or -] 320 16-20 Unit 5
ANU-11399 32,440 [+ or -] 400 36-40 Unit 10
ANU-11397 30,990 [+ or -] 340 52-56 Unit 14 (A)
ANU-11418 34,650 [+ or -] 630 52-56 Unit 14 (B)
ANU-11401 30,950 [+ or -] 360 68-75 Unit 18
lab. code [delta][C.sup.13] material
ANU-11400 3.0 [+ or -] 2.0 Trochus niloticus
ANU-11419 0.0 [+ or -] 2.0 * Lambis lambis
ANU-11420 2.2 [+ or -] 0.1 * Strombus luhuanus
ANU-11398 2.3 [+ or -] 2.0 Strombus luhuanus
ANU-11399 1.9 [+ or -] 2.0 Strombus luhuanus
ANU-11397 2.1 [+ or -] 2.0 Strombus luhuanus
ANU-11418 2.9 [+ or -] 0.1 * Trochus sp.
ANU-11401 1.9 [+ or -] 2.0 Strombus luhuanus
* = estimated.
Acknowledgements. This project is funded by a grant from the
Australian Research Council. Radiocarbon determinations were funded by
the Centre for Archaeological Research, Australian National University.
Ken Aplin is thanked for the faunal identifications. We would like to
thank the people of Tutuala village and in particular the traditional
owner of Lene Hara, Paolo da Costa. Lucy da Costa and Heran Song, of
UNTAET, and James Barley are also thanked for their assistance.
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* O'Connor, Department of Archaeology & Natural History,
Research School of Pacific & Asian Studies, Australian National
University, Acton ACT 0200, Australia. soconnor@coombs.anu.edu.au.
Spriggs, School of Archaeology & Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, A.D.
Hope Building, Australian National University, Acton ACT 0200,
Australia. Matthew.Spriggs@anu.edu.au. Veth, School of Anthropology,
Archaeology & Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Education & Social
Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville QLD 4811, Australia.
Received 8 June 2001, accepted 5 November 2001, revised 26 November