The corrupting sea: a study of Mediterranean history.
study of Mediterranean history, xiv+761 pages, 1 figure, 36 maps, 6
tables. 2000. Oxford & Malden (MA): Blackwell; 0-631-13666-5
hardback 70 [pounds sterling] & $74.95, 0-631-21890-4 paperback
24.99 [pounds sterling] & $34.95.
The corrupting sea, as the blurb on the back says, `is a history of
the relationship between people and their environments in the
Mediterranean region over some 3000 years'. The starting point of
the project for the two authors was their observation that, whilst
Fernand Braudel in his magisterial study of The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (first published in French
in 1949, and in English in 1972) had embedded his study in the concept
of the enduring unity and particularity of the countries of the
Mediterranean basin, he had actually restricted his focus to the 16th
century. Could his concept of a longue duree in fact be upheld by a
consideration of a genuinely long-term history? Peregrine Horden and
Nicholas Purcell were at that time both Fellows of All Souls College,
Oxford, and they embarked on a joint seminar series looking at a series
of themes in Mediterranean history from Classical antiquity to the
Modern era, the papers of which formed the basis of the eventual
chapters of this volume. It proved a huge enterprise, and the final
result is a book of over 750 pages, my (paperback) copy weighing in at
well over a kilo and a half.
The book has 12 chapters organized into five sections: Part One,
chapters I & II, deals with introductory themes; Part Two, chapters
III-V, discusses landscapes and communications; Part Three, chapters
VI-IX, addresses issues of agricultural production, technology, and
trade, and the pace of environmental and technological change; Part
Four, chapter X, covers the geography of religion; and Part Five,
chapters XI & XII, looks at the extent to which we can use the
present to explain the past, and whether, at the end of their long
review, the authors can identify any validity in longue duree concepts
of `unchanging Mediterranean societies'. All of this amounts to
some 525 pages, with a further 100+ pages of `biographical essays'
(extended endnotes) and almost 100 pages of bibliography. And a second
volume is promised, which will explore a series of cross-cutting themes
including, we are told, climate, disease, demography and relations
between the Mediterranean region and the wider world. As Peter Brown
comments on the back cover of The corrupting sea, the project is indeed
`one of the most relentless intellectual reassessments to have been
undertaken in recent times of the history of the pre-industrial
Mediterranean', a study that necessarily integrates the widest
range of documentary and archaeological sources.
The first chapters introduce what is probably the dominant theme of
the book, the Mediterranean region's unity yet fragmentation, and
Part Two further develops the theme of the Mediterranean as
interconnected local places. The authors adopt Biot's phrase of la
trame du monde, the weave of the world's surface, to encapsulate their thesis of a web of microenvironments `in which political and
ecological change can be bound up with each other', the study of
which is the necessary underpinning of any understanding of
Mediterranean history (p. 88). Chapter III takes four micro-regions as
case-studies, each well studied variously by historians, archaeologists
and historical geographers. Chapter IV discusses cities, towns, roads,
and communications, arguing that, in many respects, urban places in the
Mediterranean can be thought of like mountains, as `loci of contact or
overlap between different ecologies' (p. 100), their hinterlands an
accumulation of individual small places connected by short distances.
The scale of interaction is gradually enlarged in the ensuing chapter on
`connectivity', chapters IV and V consciously mirroring
Braudel's focus first on villes and then on routes; but the
authors' model is of a mesh of connected micro-regions with a
multitude of different kinds of linkage, rather than of Braudel's
`regions' connected by `trade routes'. Mountains are rightly
seen as much as places of interaction linking shared cultures as
boundaries dividing lowland populations.
I greatly enjoyed the central chapters on farming, where the
authors rightly point out that we must not think of ancient
Mediterranean farmers as either self-sufficient or market-driven: every
agricultural system had to come to terms with the constraints and
opportunities of the landscape and its demands on farmers to diversify,
store and redistribute its products; and there are thoughtful essays on
the role of such processes in inducing economic stability or, in some
circumstances, instability and intensification. The complexity of
interactions between the Mediterranean environment and its inhabitants
is particularly well explored in chapter VII's measured treatment
of the Vita-Finzi alluviation debate, and there is an excellent
discussion, in chapter IX, of the evidence throughout Mediterranean
history for recurrent mobility, not just of goods, but of people. The
latter leads to a conclusion picked up in the final section, that the
`immobility' of Mediterranean peasantry that has been concluded
from many ethnographic studies (usually by the archaeologists and
historians using them, rather than by the ethnographers themselves!) has
never been common amongst Mediterranean rural populations: `local
continuities over many generations of rural life are not to be
expected' (p. 400). The essay on religion is also very
thought-provoking, painting a rich and multi-layered canvas of spiritual
places and occasions, and more besides, a religion, as the authors
conclude, of boundaries and belongings.
So, at the end of their forbidding enterprise, can the authors
detect underlying themes, a Braudelian history of interlocking
historical processes operating at different timescales amidst this rich
and mostly shifting mosaic of peoples and places? They rightly point to
the fallacies of taking particular Mediterranean societies today or in
the recent past, none of them isolated from their contemporary worlds,
as frozen-in-aspic `lifeways of antiquity', the kind of arcadian
wishful thinking about peasant life described so evocatively by Carlo
Levi in Christ stopped at Eboli. Indeed, the one constant of the
Mediterranean agricultural economy, they conclude, has been
farmers' readiness to shift along a spectrum of possibilities. But
they conclude the book with a stimulating cross-cultural study of the
notion of honour and shame amongst Mediterranean societies from
Classical antiquity to the present day, to see if the alternative and
variegated history they have assembled does, after all, contain
cross-cutting processes peculiar to this region. After reviewing honour
behaviours and languages from Portugal to Japan, they decide that they
can: `a case -- inevitably patchy and incomplete -- can be made for
there having been a non-aristocratic honour (in the Mediterranean
region) ... its history can be traced over a number of centuries, if not
into Braudel's "mists of time", then certainly into the
later Middle Ages and possibly into Antiquity' (p. 522).
At its best, The corrupting sea is a book of magisterial synthesis
and scholarship -- a huge multidisciplinary literature turned into a
narrative that is at once comprehensive, enjoyable, quirky and
thought-provoking. The authors are more at ease with historical than
archaeological data, but there is much there for archaeologists to learn
from. The authors comment that the second instalment they promise will
allow them an opportunity to respond to criticisms of the first, in the
interests of the debate that they wish to promote. My major criticism,
though, is of style, not content. At its worst, The corrupting sea is a
linguistic quagmire, and pretentiously so: if good historical writing is
about communicating simple or complicated ideas clearly, as Braudel did
so brilliantly, then how about `the past is worth dilating on' (p.
157), `the inexorable logic of an aleatory environment' (p. 272),
`let us asseverate once more' (p. 273), `its original oxymoronic
piquancy' (p. 299), `to apostrophize the populace of metropolitan
Athens' (p. 399) and `this congeries of changes' (p. 470)? It
meant that this reader was put off time and time again from finishing
the book: I lugged The corrupting sea with me on a series of long-haul
flights and each time ended up either falling asleep or putting it down
in exasperation and watching the in-flight movie. It is a great pity,
for this is an ambitious and exciting project that deserves a wide
readership and to become a milestone in Mediterranean studies. Let us
all asseverate together: please sort out the language for Volume Two!
GRAEME BARKER University of Leicester