Understanding the Middle Palaeolithic assemblage typology.
Recent research on Middle Palaeolithic stone-tool assemblages has
focused narrowly on individual flint-knapping sequences or on single
assemblages, neglecting the relationship between individual behaviour
and population-scale questions. Furthermore, the description of
countless chaines operatoires makes inter-assemblage comparisons
difficult at best. Without a shared quantitative reference, using the
presence or absence of a technology to compare sites could ultimately
result in replacing the fossile directeur with a chaine directrice. At
present, Francois Bordes' assemblage and artefact typologies
represent the only means of comparison. Many authors, either implicitly
(Grayson & Cole 1998; Turq 1989) or explicitly (Mellars 1996) uphold
the validity of Bordes' assemblage categories. One cannot, however,
dispense with Bordes' artefact typology and retain the assemblage
typology, because together they create a unified interpretative and
analytical scheme.
Historical background
Bourlon (1906) first recognized Middle Palaeolithic variability
during his excavations at the abri superieurat Le Moustier. He observed
(1906: 317-18) the presence of handaxes in the middle and upper layers
and their absence in the base layers. Peyrony, on the basis of his own
work at the abri inferieur and Bourlon's observations, divided the
Mousterian into two traditions, Mousterien Typique (MT) and Mousterien
de Tradition Acheulien (MTA) (containing handaxes). However, Peyrony
incorrectly asserted that the base layers at the abri superieur
contained handaxes and concluded that these traditions were
interstratified and not chronologically patterned, i.e., they were the
results of parallel toolmaking traditions. Nonetheless, Peyrony's
(1930: 171-2) model and his interpretation of these different traditions
as the product of distinct tribes became the basis for Bordes'
assemblage typology and his theoretical position. Recent absolute dating methods support a late date for the MTA in southwestern France and at Le
Moustier, thus supporting Bourlon's initial observations (Mellars
1988; Mellars & Grun 1991). Additionally, the repeated occurrence of
MTA assemblages after Quina and Ferrassie type Mousterian assemblages in
southwestern France supports their relatively late chronological
position regardless of the absolute dating (Mellars 1969; 1988).
Bordes' assemblage typology
Bordes' early writing (1958: 180; 1960: 101; 1969: 2) clearly
reveals that his artefact and assemblage typologies were created in part
to explain a pre-existing interpretative framework. With few notable
differences, his interpretations closely follow those of Peyrony.
Although he accepted a model of stylistic differences between tribes,
Bordes established a more rigorous system to classify the diverse
Mousterian assemblages into formally defined types.
Bordes' system incorporates two typological systems, an
artefact typology and an assemblage typology. His system of classifying
the different assemblages is typological rather than taxonomic because
the different assemblage types are not hierarchically ordered groupings
of the tool types themselves (Adams & Adams 1991: 47, 202). The
assemblage categories are defined primarily by the varying proportions
of tools and secondarily by the presence or absence of specific
The assemblage typology uses two processes to discriminate between
different assemblages:
1 cumulative graphs of artefact types (all retouched tools and
flakes made using Levallois technology); and
2 `secondary determinants' (Bordes & de Sonneville-Bordes
The cumulative graphs contrast the proportions of notches and
denticulates to scrapers, whereas the secondary determinants include the
proportion of Levallois flakes and the presence or absence of diagnostic
tool types (e.g. backed knives and handaxes; see TABLE 1). The result is
five types, the MTA being divided into two subtypes. Bordes & de
Sonneville-Bordes (1970) provided a chart showing a multimodal
distribution of the proportion of scrapers relative to the total tool
count. They used this distribution to support the statistical
discreteness of the categories.
Although the tribal element is no longer accepted, the discreteness
of these categories is upheld through their continued use. Mellars
(1996) cites Callow & Webb (1981: 137) in support of their
Callow and Webb's (1981) study suffers from a number of
statistical flaws. Most notably, it uses discriminant analysis. This
statistic assumes the existence of the categories at the outset and
describes the differences between them. Discriminant analysis is not
well suited to testing the existence of categories employed at the
outset. Callow & Webb also used Bordes' technological and
typological indices and groups instead of his type-list and thus
over-emphasized certain tool classes; several scraper types were counted
several times in their analysis. This overrepresentation of a single
tool type was likely the cause of the apparent discreteness of the
Causes of assemblage variability
The purpose of the present study is first, using Bordes'
defined analytical framework, to assess his claim that the assemblage
categories he defined are real and meaningful analytical units. If the
categories are not meaningful within his own framework, why are they
used in an uncritical fashion? Secondly, we describe the nature of stone
tool assemblage variability in Western Europe.
A principal components analysis (PCA) of 103 assemblages identified
the primary sources of variation between these assemblages (Moyer 1998).
PCA searches for a few uncorrelated linear equations of the original
variables (e.g. proportions of artefact types) used to describe each
item (e.g. archaeological assemblages) to summarize the information
contained in the original variables. Each principal component is ranked
in order of the amount of variance (based on the correlations between
the original variables) it explains. Only assemblages reported using
Bordes' artefact typology and containing 300 or more artefacts from
Western Europe were included (see Moyer 1998 for a list of assemblages
and variables) and Fischer's arcsine transformation was used
(Baxter 1994). The artefact types chosen for analysis included the
proportions of Bordes' artefact types in addition to unretouched,
non-Levallois blanks and hand-axes. Three components, which explain
nearly half of the variance between assemblages, were chosen as
significant. The interpretation of these principal components is
presented in TABLE 2 and a plot of the first three principal components
is given in FIGURE 1.
TABLE 2. Interpretation of principal components.
component interpretation proportion of
1 Scrapers vs. unretouched non-Levallois 24%
flakes and blades
2 Notches, denticulates and backed knives 12%
vs unretouched non-Levallois flakes
and blades
3 Levallois end-products and Mousterian 10%
The first component suggests that the bulk of Bordes' scraper
types are correlated and that there is an inverse linear relationship
between all scrapers and unretouched non-Levallois flakes and blades.
This equation explains approximately 24% of the variance in the sample
and explains the largest proportion of variance, confirming
Rolland's (1977; 1981) observation that differential scraper
manufacture explains the most significant proportion of the variability
in Mousterian assemblages.
The second component suggests that notches, denticulates and backed
knives are correlated and that there is an inverse relationship between
the proportions of these types and unretouched non-Levallois flakes and
blades. This equation explains approximately 12% of the variance in the
sample. In the case of notches and denticulates, they are inversely
proportionate to both the proportion of flakes and blades and the
proportion of scrapers (Rolland 1981: 26-7; Rolland & Dibble 1990:
The third component shows that the various forms of Levallois
artefacts (types 1 to 4 in Bordes' type-list) are correlated and
Levallois technology explains approximately 10% of the variance in the
sample. Interestingly, Mousterian points were most strongly correlated
with Levallois technology, not with scrapers, thus questioning whether
they were intended tool forms or a by-product of scraper manufacture
(Dibble 1987; Mellars 1996: 110-17). Many Mousterian points are made on
Levallois points. When the first three principal component scores for
each assemblage are plotted, there is no clear separation of assemblages
into clusters corresponding to Bordes' assemblage types (FIGURE 1).
Each assemblage type overlaps with at least one other.
In short, the PCA suggests three things:
1 Several classes (taxa) of tool types are mutually correlated
(scrapers; notches and denticulates; backed knives; and Levallois
artefacts). These taxa represent more `natural' categories than the
subtle variations suggested in Bordes' artefact typology.
2 Certain tool classes explain the bulk of the variability in the
assemblages (TABLE 2). This study suggests the importance of these types
and provides a quantitative expression of variability in Western
European Middle Palaeolithic assemblages. The importance of scrapers and
unretouched non-Levallois flakes and blades supports the attention given
them by Rolland & Dibble (1990). It also highlights the importance
of other tool classes and the importance of Levallois technology in
explaining significant proportions of variability.
3 There is little evidence of discrete categories of assemblages.
The assemblage types proposed by Bordes represent grades of a
continuously distributed, but internally heterogeneous group in Western
Europe (FIGURE 2). However, the types of tools Bordes used to
discriminate between assemblage types correspond to the same classes
that the principal components analysis suggests. Other statistics
further support the lack of discrete clusters corresponding to the
defined assemblage types (FIGURE 3; Moyer 1998).
Bordes' assemblage types are not statistically discrete and
this should change the way we deal with them. Rather than equating an
assemblage type with an essential character, we should recognize that
the bulk of Middle Palaeolithic sites are situated within a single,
internally heterogeneous category. The lack of discrete categories and
the fact that the differences between Mousterian assemblages can be
explained by differences in the proportions of tools suggests that
factors other than style, function or cognitive `templates'
underlie the most fundamental differences in assemblage composition.
Many of the documented differences between assemblages in terms of
Bordes' artefact types are likely the product of simple economizing
behaviour. More tools (particularly sidescrapers) are produced in some
assemblages than others, and correspondingly there is a proportional
decrease in the total numbers of unretouched flakes. Two different, but
related, behavioural patterns have been documented which may help to
explain this pattern. The first is the differential transformation of
unretouched flakes into tools (Principal Components 1 and 2; Rolland
1977; 1981). The other is a change in core-reduction strategy that is
particularly evident in the transition to Quina assemblages from
Ferrassie assemblages. The core reduction strategies demonstrated by
Turq (1989) appear to result in a greater proportion of flakes suitable
for manufacturing large scrapers than for Levallois technology (P.C. 1
and 3; see TABLE 2). Both of these strategies are economizing behaviour.
The causes of this economizing behaviour are more difficult to
determine. The shapes of the distributions of the various features are
unimodal and continuous (FIGURE 2; Rolland 1981), suggesting multiple
underlying causes combining to produce a continuous range of variation.
The mathematical basis of the expression of multicausal phenomena is
found in the binomial and other probability distributions that are the
combined effect of multiple events. Different combinations of events
(possibly including differences in access to raw materials, social
density, longevity of occupation, mobility, faunal exploitation
patterns, etc.) could lead to similar results: the economizing of raw
material. Palaeoclimatic differences remain the most notable set of
evidence supporting this pattern. Certain assemblage types correspond to
specific environments (Rolland 1981; Rolland & Dibble 1990). The
relationship between climate and geography is complex, however, and
different climatic events in different geographic locations may yield
similar archaeological remains. If economizing behaviour is a socially
held rule, how is this reflected in individual acts of tool production
(Giddens 1984)? The lack of standardization in describing and comparing
these technological sequences is problematic. Population-scale
comparative analyses must remain a fundamental task in the development
of theories explaining socio-economic patterns. Taxonomy constitutes a
fundamental scientific operation for ordering complex phenomena (Gould
& Purcell 1994). Bordes' artefact and assemblage typologies
remain the only practical system for comprehensively comparing
assemblage structure in the Middle Palaeolithic using quantitative
Acknowledgements. We gratefully acknowledge the support of a
University of Victoria Fellowship granted to Colin C. Moyer.
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(*) Moyer, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DZ, England. ccm24@cam.ac.uk Rolland,
Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria, PO Box 3050,
Victoria BC V8W 3P5, Canada. nrolland@uvic.ca
Received 30 January 2000, accepted 23 June 2000, revised 29
September 2000