Absolute age range of the Late Cypriot IIC Period on Cyprus.
Late Cypriot (LC) IIC marks the high point of 2nd-millennium BC
civilization on Cyprus. A number of monumental buildings occur at
various sites around the island, usually associated with large
settlements of 10+ ha (Negbi 1986; Astrom & Herscher 1996), and
there is extensive evidence of involvement in Mediterranean trade
systems (Knapp & Cherry 1994: 123-67). Until now, absolute dates for
the period have been estimated solely on the basis of material culture
associations between Cyprus and the historically dated civilizations of
Egypt and the Near East (often indirectly via imports of Aegean ceramics
both to Cyprus, and Egypt and the Near East). No direct and independent
chronometric data existed. We report sets of radiocarbon determinations
relevant to the beginning and end of LCIIC. These data offer a firm
chronology for this key period, and, moreover, demonstrate the general
validity of the conventional Late Bronze Age (LBA) chronologies for the
LCIIC period and traditional dating
The formal definition of the LCIIC period was codified by Astrom
(1972a; 1972b; see also Kling 1989: 6-55), and then articulated in
subsequent excavations (Kling 1989: 55-82). It represents the climax of
LC civilization, and correlates with the final century or so of the
great palatial civilizations of the Aegean and Near East. The close of
the period coincides with the region-wide collapse of the LBA palatial
trading systems of the east Mediterranean (Drews 1993)--a process that
began c. 1200 BC. This approximate date is determined from material
culture linkages with the historically derived chronology of Egypt
(Kitchen 1996).
On Cyprus the evidence for the close of the LCIIC period varies.
Some sites were abandoned or destroyed around the close of LCIIC, but
others were not, or were rebuilt. Further, whereas past scholarship held
that there was a clear distinction in the material culture between LCIIC
and the subsequent LCIIIA period, today it is argued that there is no
clear distinction between the end of LCIIC and the start of LCIIIA.
Kling (1989) therefore introduced the concept of an LCIIC/IIIA
transition phase. This detailed issue is not the subject of the present
paper focused on the absolute chronology of the main traditional LCIIC
period; thus the LCIIC/IIIA transition phase will be considered as
approximately synonymous with the early LCIIIA period in the text below.
On the basis of extensive ceramic associations and exchanges, LCIIC
is broadly correlated with the Late Helladic (LH) IIIB period in the
Aegean, notwithstanding certain problems of detail (Kling 1989: 170-71).
Some scholars have speculated that the close of the period lies slightly
later in the early LHIIIC period, but the evidence is not clear-cut. In
view of the Aegean-Cypriot-Egyptian linkages, and their interpretation,
a variety of fairly similar dates have in turn been proposed for LCIIC:
TABLE 1. Dates proposed for the LCIIC period on the basis of
Aegean-Cypriot-Egyptian material culture linkages.
scholars dates proposed for LCIIC period
Astrom 1972b: 760-62 1320-1190 BC
Merrillees 1977:46 1325/1300-1225/1200 BC
Warren & Hankey 1989: 118, 169 late 14th century BC to unspecified
point after 1185/1180 BC
Merrillees 1992: 51 1300-1200 BC
However, in view of the indirect and sometimes circular method of
art-historical dating employed in all these estimates, the need for
direct and independent dating evidence is self-evident. And, in reverse,
if independent absolute dates are available for LCIIC, then these are
relevant to the chronology of the other contemporary east Mediterranean
This project
We sought suitable samples for radiocarbon dating relevant to
either the beginning or end of the LCIIC period from recent excavations
or study at several of the main sites on Cyprus: FIGURE 1. The aim was
to date LCIIC in absolute, calendar, terms. The 58 samples and their
contexts are summarized in TABLE 2. The radiocarbon measurements were
converted (calibrated) into calendar year dating probability ranges with
the OxCal computer programme (Ramsey 1995 and later versions; OxCal 3.5
manual) and the current recommended INTCAL98 radiocarbon calibration dataset (Stuiver et al. 1998). Combined calibrated age ranges (i.e.
combining the individual calibrated probability distributions via
Bayesian rules for the combination of probabilities), and weighted
averages of radiocarbon ages before calibration (where satisfactory
given a chi-square test), are as defined and calculated by the Combine
and R_Combine functions of OxCal. The individual calibrated calendar
dating probability distributions for the samples are shown in FIGURES
2-5. We turn now to the attempt to date the beginning and the end of
LCIIC from these data.
[Graphs omitted]
TABLE 2. Radiocarbon samples in this study. Where not stated otherwise,
samples are wood charcoal and so set termini post quos for their find/
use contexts. Short-lived samples, e.g. grain, olive seeds, grape seed,
prunus seed, offer radiocarbon ages approximately contemporary with
find context.
Period Alassa Palaeotavema Apliki Karamallos House A
Building II room 3 (Taylor 1952; Kling
(Hadjisawas 1996) 1989: 85-87)
(i) AA33445, 33446, 33447,
33448, 33449, roof-timber forming
(i) KN-4623, 4624, 56-year dendrochronological
from construction sequence. Probably relates to
LCIIC of building (main earier LCIIC cutting and use
ashlar building at (possible range early-mature
site), and relating LCIIC).
to original
construction or
use in LCIIC.
(ii) AA33440, 33441, 33442,
LCIIC/IIIA 33443, 33444, small branches
Trans. and stems, [is less than or equal
Phase to] 5 yrs. growth,comprising
basket. Dates LCIIC/IIIA trans,
phase or early LCIIIA.
(iii) AA33450, 33451, 33452,
33452A, 33453, 33454, from
cereal sample 3. Dates early
LCIIIA or LCIIC/IIIA trans, phase
LCIIIA (ii) KN-4625, 4846, burning and abandonment.
from final use of
building in LCIIIA
Period Kalavasos Ayios Maroni
Dhimitrios Building X Aspres
(South 1997) (Manning
1998: 48-53)
14 samples on elements
of substantial roof-beams
(KN-4615 to 4622, 4653,
4654, 4726 to 4728,
4829) and 2 samples
perhaps from doorway OxA-8373, a
elements (KN4829 4782). grape seed
Building constructed associated
LCIIC between later LCIIB and with a pithos-
early LCIIC, and then base
significantly reconstructed installation,
during LCIIC. Wood likely Dates earlier-
cut and used somewhere mature LCIIC.
between later LCIIB and
during (earlier) LCIIC.
Period Maroni Tsaroukkas
Building 1
(Manning 1998)
(i) OXA-8351, olive seed
from pre-final Building 1
context. Sets precise
terminus post quem for
final later LCIIC structure
LCIIC (ii) OXA-8265, 8266, 8267,
olive seeds from final use
horizon in building in later
LCIIC. Date later LCIIC.
(iii) OXA-8372 from late
LCIIC context with building
collapse and dumping.
Date either late LCIIC or
LCIIC/IIIA possibly post-LCIIC,
Period Maroni Tsaroukkas Maroni
Building 2 Voumes
(Manning 1998) Ashlar
Building room
4 (Cadogan
(i) OXA-8353, 8355, 8237, 8323, from
pre-Building 2 contexts of LCI-IINB
(ii) OXA-8348, 8349, from primary
construction of Building 2. OXA-8352,
from LCIIC industrial use context.
Samples offer termini post quos for the
above contexts.
(iii) OXA-8324, olive seed from final
use of building. Dates later LCIIC.
(iv) OXA-8321, 8326, 8354, collapse
and abandonment phase,
LCIIC late LCIIC. Samples derive from
LCIIC construction or use KN-4547, olive
phase. Offer termini post quos for seeds from
these, near olive
(v) OXA-8350, 8264, 8325 press. Dates
8322, from post-use debris/dumping final use of
of original LCIIC material. As this room and
(vi) for charcoal samples (OXA-8264, building late
8325). Consistent with mixed material in LCIIC.
LCIICIIIIA in a dump, OXA-8350, a prunus seed,
Trans. and OXA-8322, an olive seed, offer
Phase significantly differing ages, and
appear torelate to different original
use contexts: plausibly earlier and
late LCIIC respectively.
The absolute date of the beginning of the LCIIC period
The radiocarbon determinations on parts of roof-beams or doorways
from Kalavasos Ayios Dhimitrios, and the two determinations on
long-lived architectural samples from LCIIC contexts at Alassa
Palaeotaverna, provide date ranges for tree-rings employed in,
respectively, later LCIIB/early LCIIC, or LCIIC, architecture. They
offer termini post quos for the LCIIC cultural phase. Many of the
tree-rings dated are significantly older than the date the trees were
felled for use in construction (none are preserved to bark). This
tendency may have been exaggerated if original outer rings burnt and
peeled away in the major fire destruction conspicuous especially at
Kalavasos Ayios Dhimitrios Building X. As evident in FIGURE 4, several
of the Kalavasos samples reflect wood growing in the 16th-15th centuries
BC (also the case for KN-4624 from Alassa). However, among the
distribution of ages in the overall set, the pattern of latest ages
represented should give a likely indication of the ages of outer rings
from the roof-beam/architecture samples, and so an estimate towards the
likely cutting/use date. Several samples include calibrated age ranges
down to, or around, 1400 BC, and two determinations in particular
provide calibrated age ranges predominantly in the 14th century BC:
KN-4654, 4726 -- respective calibrated age ranges in detail at 68.2%, 1
[Sigma], confidence 14301370 BC (41.7%) or 1360-1310 BC (26.5%), and
1400-1290 BC (60.3%) or 1280-1260 BC (7.9%) (Note: the 1 [Sigma] range
is the most likely 68.2% of the total 100% dating probability;
individual parts of the 1 [Sigma] range may also be noted with their
probability in % terms -- of the overall total 100% -- together they add
up to the 1 [Sigma], 68.2%, of the total 100% dating probability).
Overall, a real calendar date range in the 14th century BC therefore
appears plausible for the late LCIIB and/or early LCIIC construction.
A further, more specific, terminus post quem is available from the
Pin us nigra charcoal from the LCIIC-constructed roof at House A room 3,
Apliki Karamallos. The tree-rings were examined and one group found to
comprise a 56-year tree-ring chronology (APK-2A). It is not possible to
date such a short sequence by dendrochronology. The sample was thus cut
into five decadal samples (rings 1001-1010, 1011-1020, 1021-1030,
1031-1040, 1041-1049) with a view to obtaining a radiocarbon
wiggle-matched chronology for the fixed sequence: FIGURE 6. The
calculated calendar age range for the most recent decade centres on the
interval 1340-1331 BC, and, with error allowances, may be defined as
1365-1295 BC at 1 [Sigma], 68.2%, confidence, or 1380-1250 BC at 95.4%,
2 [Sigma], confidence. There were then 12 further rings present, and an
unknown number of missing rings: so we have a terminus post quem for the
roof c. 1322.5 [+ or -] 35 BC at 1 [Sigma] confidence. The wood was cut
and used plausibly in the earlier LCIIC period (and before the final
LCIIC/IIIA transition phase occupation at the site). Even allowing for
missing rings to bark beyond the last preserved ring, it is clear that
this wood was probably felled somewhere late in the 14th century BC, and
no later than a couple of decades into the 13th century BC.
Several determinations on charcoal samples from Building 2 at
Maroni Tsaroukkas are also relevant. Two charcoal samples related to the
construction (roofing matter?) of the building (OxA-8349, 8348) offer
similar age ranges: combined calibrated age range of 1400-1310 BC at 1
[Sigma] confidence. A terminus post quem and/or start date for points
within LCIIC somewhere in the 14th century BC is suggested. The charcoal
samples from the abandonment phase (OxA-8321, 8326, 8354) or dumping
(OxA-8264, 8325) also reflect wood either originally used in
architecture during LCIIC (compare OxA-8349, 8348), or wood employed in
artefacts, or as firewood, and so on, in LCIIC. The calibrated age
ranges, for the respective termini post quos, favour the 14th-13th
centuries BC (see FIGURE 5).
Finally, a few data on short-lived samples relevant to the date of
the earlier LCIIC period are presented (TABLE 3). OxA-8351 provides an
age range contemporary with shortly before the construction of LCIIC
Building 1 at Maroni Tsaroukkas and indicates that a point in earlier
LCIIC probably lay in the 14th century Be. OxA-8373, from an
earlier-mature LCIIC context, offers a very similar age range, as does
OxA-8350, which is also likely to derive originally from the same
TABLE 3. Short-lived radiocarbon samples relevant to the date of the
earlier LCIIC period. Note: the total 1[Theta] range is the most likely
68.2% of the overall 100% dating probability for each sample when
calibrated. The most likely 1[Theta], 68.2%, range may be in more than
one part, as here.
sample 1[Theta], 68.2%, calibrated
age range BC
OxA-8351 olive seed from 1410-1310 1280-1260
Maroni Tsaroukkas, pre-Final Building 1 (65.3%) (2.9%)
OxA-8373 grape seed from 1430-1290 1280-1260
Maroni Aspres (61.4%) (6.8%)
OxA-8350 prunus seed from 1410-1300 1280-1260
Maroni Tsaroukkas, Building 2 (64.3%) (3.9%)
Overall, the common calibrated ranges for all these radiocarbon
data relevant to early to earlier LCIIC are either c. 1395-1375 BC or
1340-1315 Be. The shape of the radiocarbon calibration curve -- that is
the history of variations in natural radiocarbon levels in the
atmosphere -- explains the dichotomy: see FIGURE 6. How do we choose
which offers a better start range for the period? First, we may note
that the radiocarbon wiggle-matched likely earlier LCIIC tree-ring
sequence from Apliki favours a date no earlier than the second half of
the 14th century BC and probably one towards its end (or later). Second,
we may note the mature LCIIB ceramics found at Amarna in Egypt
(Merrillees 1968: 78-88; Astrom 1972b: 761). These imports arrived
during the short-lived existence of this capital city between Akhenaten
year 5 and Tutankhamun year 3 (c. 1349-1334 BC: Kitchen 1996). They
demonstrate that c. 1395-1375 BC is far too early a date for the
subsequent LCIIC period, which instead must begin no earlier than the
late Amarna period (i.e. after 1340/1330 BC). Thus the dating range c.
1340-1315 BC best describes an approximate starting date for the LCIIC
The absolute date of the close of the LCIIC period
This is defined by the short-lived samples from final use contexts
late in the period, with the long-lived samples from the succeeding
LCIIIA period offering consonant evidence (termini post quos for
LCIIIA). The short-lived samples associated with the late LCIIC period
in this study (all from the Maroni sites) are: OxA-8265, 8266, 8267,
8324 and KN-4647. OxA-8322 from Building 2 at Maroni Tsaroukkas may also
probably be associated with this group. These samples ought to reflect
similar calendar ages. The combined calibrated age range for the set at
1 [Sigma] confidence is 1260-1240 BC (10.6%), or 1220-1130 BC (57.6%).
The relatively wide and imprecise calibrated age range for this set
is explained by the shape of the radiocarbon calibration curve in the
period from the 13th to 12th centuries BC (see FIGURE 6). In the period
from 1265 BC to 1135 BC there are several quite distinct `wiggles'
in the curve: for example, in the 40-year period from 1225 to 1185 BC,
the radiocarbon timescale ranges from 3010 [+ or -] 17 BP to 2921 [+ or
-] 18 BP. Within measurement errors, all the later LCIIC samples on
short-lived samples could date either 1265-1245 BC, or 1225-1185 BC, or
in the next several decades down to the significant upwards wiggle at
1135 BC -- which offers a final solid intercept for all the
determinations. There is thus a built-in ambiguity at this period.
However, there are ways we can try to resolve this. First, we can
examine in more detail the relation of these dates to the calibration
curve, and, second, we can consider whether the short-lived samples from
a subsequent early LCIIIA (or LCIIC/IIIA transition phase) context at
Apliki provide clarification.
All the samples above came from similar late LCIIC contexts. They
are not LCIIIA (or LCIIC/ IIIA transition phase). Thus, although two of
the samples in particular offer calibrated age ranges which, while
including the decades around 1200 BC, extend and even favour ages later
in the 12th-11th centuries BC (OxA-8324, 8322), the real calendar age
interpretation for these samples from the possible ranges should be so
as to enable them to be at least fairly similar in real calendar age to
the other samples (assuming data are `good'). The common temporal
span for the entire set of samples at 1 [Sigma] confidence consists in
detail of 1254-1244 BC (10.7%), or 1212-1198 BC (15.5%), or 1180-1150 BC
(35-1%), or 1144-1138 BC (6.9%). Common-sense would indicate that
somewhere c. 1212-1150 BC (50.6% in total) is the reasonable best
estimate for the common age range.
To go further, we can consider (i) the basket matter and (ii) the
cereal samples from the final occupation at Apliki. The context is early
in the LCIIIA period (or the LCIIC/IIIA transition phase).
i The brushwood samples forming the basket consisted of short-lived
material ([is less than or equal to] 5 years growth). Of course, the
manufacture of the basket may have occurred a little while before its
final use, and then destruction in the burning of the room. Nonetheless,
since the basket was in use at the end of occupation, and the working
lifetime of such a basket was probably not long, the short-lived
branches forming the basket probably were growing no earlier than the
very late LCIIC period and in fact more likely in the early LCIIIA
period (LCIIC/IIIA transition phase). The radiocarbon determinations on
these samples therefore offer approximate dates for the end of LCIIC or
a little later. The calibrated age ranges of the five individual
radiocarbon measurements centre around 1200 BC (FIGURE 3), and,
combined, offer a calibrated age range in detail at 1 [Sigma] confidence
of 1290-1279 BC (8.2%), or 1262-1210 BC (42-5%), or 1199-1191 BC (6.1%),
or 1175-1168 BC (4.3%), or 1140-1131 BC (7.0%). While not conclusive,
much of the 13thcentury BC dating possibility may be ruled out given the
evidence from the prior late LCIIC samples, and, if one also rules out
the late possibility on the 1135 BC wiggle as not compatible with one
date (AA33443) and barely compatible with another (AA33442), these
samples favour a calendar date somewhere from late in the 13th century
BC to before 1167 BC. They would thus appear to support selection of an
end date for the main LCIIC period before the second half of the 12th
century BC, and, indeed, favour a range at the earlier end of the
possible span determined above (i.e. more c. 1212-1198 BC or 1180-1168
BC than towards c. 1150 BC).
ii The cereal samples offer radiocarbon ages approximately
contemporary with the destruction of Apliki, and so offer a terminus ante quem for the end of the main LCIIC period. The six determinations
from the cereal cache ought to be more or less exactly contemporary in
calendar age, and the radiocarbon ages form a tight set. The combined
calibrated age range at 1 [Sigma] confidence is 1260-1230 BC (15.2%) or
1220-1120 BC (53.0%). The statistically consistent weighted average
radiocarbon age of the set is 2959 [+ or -] 20 BP, which yields an
almost identical calibrated age range at 1 [Sigma] confidence of
1260-1230 BC (14.8%), or 1220-1120 BC (53.4%). The notable observation
is that the calibrated age range for these slightly later -- in real
calendar time -- samples is almost identical to the calibrated age
ranges for the later LCIIC samples and end of LCIIC/early LCIIIA
samples. It would therefore seem that late LCIIC must lie in the earlier
part of this common range, the end of LCIIC around the middle, and early
LCIIIA towards the end. The next step is to try to quantify this
common-sense observation.
Trying to resolve the c. 1200 BC ambiguity
It is apparent that close dating of the end of LCIIC requires
resolution and quantification of several data sets, which are known to
be discrete and sequential (in stratigraphic and calendar terms), but
which yield largely overlapping calibrated radiocarbon age ranges.
We have a sequence consisting of:
i A clear terminus post quem for later LCIIC in the form of the
five Apliki roof-timber samples -- weighted average age for the set is
3069 [+ or -] 24 [sup.14]C years BP.
ii The later LCIIC data from short-lived samples from Maroni. The
Maroni sites were all abandoned late in LCIIC, but before the end of the
overall Cyprus-wide LCIIC period (e.g. slightly before the destruction
of Building X in late LCIIC at Kalavasos: Cadogan 1996: 17). The
weighted average age for the set is 2971 [+ or -] 14 [sup.14]C years BP.
iii The short-lived branches from the Apliki basket, which date no
earlier than very late LCIIC and more likely early LCIIIA (or LCIIC/IIIA
transition phase) weighted average age for the set is 2995 [+ or -] 24
[sup.14]C years BP.
iv The cereal samples dating the destruction of Apliki -- weighted
average age for the set is 2959 [+ or -] 20 [sup.14]C years BP.
We may seek to employ this calendar/stratigraphic sequence, in
combination with the calibration of the radiocarbon data, to obtain more
precise calibrated age ranges for each of the elements of the sequence
via the Bayesian statistical methods available in the Sequence function
of the OxCal software (see Ramsey 1995 and OxCal 3.5 manual). The
Sequence function incorporates the stratigraphic information and uses a
form of Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the ordered (i.e.
constrained) sets of probability distributions. The results (see FIGURE
7) at 1 [Sigma] confidence of a typical analysis are:
i Apliki roof: 1391-1310 BC (66.4%), or 1270-1267 BC (1.8%),
ii Maroni later LCIIC: 1262-1229 BC (62.3%), or 1216-1209 BC
iii Apliki basket: 1242-1210 BC (41.6%), or 1201-1190 BC (13.3%),
or 1177-1164 BC (13.4%)
iv Apliki cereal: 1201-1188 BC (6.0%), or 1181-1125 BC (62.2%).
[Graph omitted]
From this we see that a point in later LCIIC most likely lies
somewhere 1262-1229 BC. The actual end of the LCIIC period was at least
a few years later, and probably one to a few decades later than this
Maroni datum: e.g. perhaps somewhere between c. 1250-1200 BC. The Apliki
basket samples remain rather ambiguous in terms of a clear date. One
final consideration may therefore be noted. Although all samples are
short-lived branch matter and in total seem to represent a calendar
window of no more than about 5 years, there is a significant range --
some 95 [sup.14]C years from 3050 [+ or -] 55 BP to 2955 [+ or -] 55 BP
-- among the five radiocarbon ages in the set (contrast tight consistent
sets for Apliki cereal samples or roof-timber sequence). This implies
that the samples derive from a period when there was a very sharp change
in atmospheric radiocarbon levels over only a few years -- enabling the
large range in the radiocarbon measurements to be present. While by no
means definitive, the most plausible places such a sub-decade variation
from 3050 [+ or -] 55 BP to 2955 [+ or -] 55 BP could derive from,
within the possible date ranges determined above, are on the steep slope
centred c. 1215 BC, or either side of the sharp wiggle in the
radiocarbon calibration curve c. 1195 BC (either 1205-1195 BC or
1195-1185 BC): see FIGURE 6. In turn, this points to two scenarios: a
`high' one where LCIIC ends by, or shortly before, c. 1215 BC, or a
`lower' one where LCIIC ends by, or shortly before, c. 1200-1190
BC. This leaves the subsequent early LCIIIA (or LCIIC/IIIA transition
phase) destruction of Apliki. On the `high' scenario above, this
could be either 1201-1188 BC or somewhere 1181-1125 BC; on the
`lower' scenario above, only the 1181-1125 BC range appears
plausible. But, if it is thought likely that the Apliki basket was not
in use for a very long period of time (i.e. less than 30 years), then a
date after c. 1160 BC seems unlikely for the Apliki destruction.
The final evidence from this project consists of the two LCIIIA
samples from Alassa. Their combined calibrated age range at 1 [Sigma]
confidence is 1260-1240 BC (6.5%), or 1220-1110 BC (52.7%), or 1100-1080
BC (5.8%), or 1060-1050 BC (3.2%). The main probability centres on the
12th century BC. KN-4625 derives from wood found near a hearth in use
during the LCIIIA period, and KN-4846 is charcoal from a LCIIIA fill
outside the north wall of Building II. These determinations suggest a
12th-century BC range for the post-LCIIC phase at Alassa, consistent
with the data from the Apliki cereal samples for a point in early
We propose an absolute age range for the main LCIIC period from c.
1340-1315 BC to c. 1200 BC +20/-10 (and no later than c. 1168 BC at the
extreme). This estimate for the LCIIC period is the first direct, and
independent, temporal definition of this important cultural phase. It is
thus very welcome to find that the dates determined are almost identical
to those estimated previously from the study of material culture
linkages within the eastern Mediterranean (TABLE 1). Therefore, the
large set of radiocarbon data from this project, including extensive
data from short-lived samples contemporary with use-contexts (cf.
arguments of James et al. 1998: 36-8 based on a claimed lack of such)
strongly support the general range of the conventional later LBA
chronologies of Cyprus and the Aegean (see previously e.g. Manning &
Weninger 1992). In turn, this means that the conventional chronology of
Egypt -- the source of the dates for the conventional LBA chronologies
of the Aegean, Cyprus and so on via material culture linkages -- is
approximately correct. It cannot be incorrect by a large amount, such as
a century (Hagens 1996; 1999), let alone the c. 250 years argued for by
James et al. (1991; 1998) and Rohl (1995). This project therefore marks,
again, an end to suggestions of radically lower LBA chronologies in the
eastern Mediterranean and Near East.
Acknowledgements. Permission for obtaining samples was provided by
the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. The radiocarbon analyses were
funded by the University of Koln (Koln dates), NERC (Oxford dates), and
the NSF (Arizona dates). We thank the three laboratories for their work.
The dendrochronological analyses were carried out in the Malcolm and
Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology,
Cornell University. We thank Vasiliki Kassianidou for her assistance
with the Apliki samples. We thank the ANTIQUITY referees for their
comments, also Maryanne Newton and Mary Jaye Bruce.
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Received 9 November 1999, revised 10 January 2000, accepted 13
April 2000, revised 16 March 2001
(*) Manning, Department of Archaeology, University of Reading, PO
Box 218 Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AA, England. S.W.
Manning@reading.ac.uk Weninger, Institut der Ur- und Fruhgeschichte,
Radiocarbonlabor Weyertal 125, Koln 5000, Germany. South, Vasilikos
Valley Project, 7733 Kalavasos, Larnaca, Cyprus. Kling, 176 Lost Nation
Road, Essex Junction VT 05452, USA. Kuniholm, The Malcolm & Carolyn
Wiener Laboratory for Aegean & Near Eastern Dendrochronology,
Department of the History of Art & Archaeology, G-35 Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853-3201, USA. Muhly, American
School of Classical Studies, Odos Souedias 54, 10676 Athens, Greece.
Hadjisavvas, Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Communications &
Works, PO Box 2024, Nicosia, Cyprus. Sewell, Environmental Systems
Science Centre, University of Reading, PO Box 238 Whiteknights, Reading
RG6 6AL, England. Cadogan, Culworth, Banbury OX17 2AT, England.