Boxgrove: a Middle Pleistocene hominid site at Eartham Quarry, Boxgrove, West Sussex.
M.B. ROBERTS & S.A. PARFITT (ed.). Boxgrove: a Middle
Pleistocene hominid site at Eartham Quarry, Boxgrove, West Sussex
(English Heritage Archaeological Report 17). xxiv+456 pages, 363
figures, 145 tables. 1999. London: English Heritage; 1-85074-670-2
paperback 80 [pounds sterling].
Boxgrove had a long history of Palaeolithic investigation, but the
presence of in situ working floors was not suspected until Mark Roberts,
the director, recognized the true significance of the site in the early
1980s. This volume present the details of the first phase of the project
between 1983 and 1992. It precedes a much more detailed volume on the
flintwork currently being written.
In general, the volume is very well presented and well written,
with lavish illustrations and photographs of a very high standard. In
conjunction with the recent British Museum monographs on Barnham and
High Lodge, the Boxgrove volume sets the standard for publishing
multidisciplinary Pleistocene research. It will be a tough act to follow
-- but then very few sites get the level of funding Boxgrove enjoyed.
Chapter 1 sets Boxgrove into its regional and temporal setting. A
critical part of this concerns the acceptance of the marine oxygen
isotope record (OI). Chapter 2 details the geological and
sedimentological history of the site with contributions on locating the
buried chalk cliff, a long and very detailed section on the
sedimentology of the stratigraphic profile, the beach gravels,
mineralogy and the sediment micromorphology. The section is rounded off
by a very useful summary for the general reader. Macphail's section
is easily the most accessible and initiates an encouraging trend in the
volume to include de-jargonized summaries of the significance of
specialist researches on a unit-by-unit basis. This characterizes the
best contributions in the volume, and it is to be hoped that this
formula will be followed in subsequent volumes. The level of detail in
these sections contributes to one of the most complete understandings of
the depositional history of a locality during the Pleistocene yet known.
In Britain, this has only been achieved in anything like the same detail
at Barnham, Swanscombe and Hoxne.
Chapter 3 covers the palaeontology of the site with specialist
contributions on forams and ostracods, molluscs, fish, amphibians and
reptiles, and birds. Chapter 4 focuses on the mammalian record. One of
the most significant features of the assemblage is its richness and the
abundance of species represented. The care in recovery and processing of
faunal samples has vindicated the time intensive approach employed.
Preservation is strongly correlated with the extant cover of calcareous terrestrially derived deposits (Eartham Formation), which have preserved
the fauna close to the cliff line. Both chapters 3 and 4 give a glimpse
of the ecological complexity of the Boxgrove environment, particularly
on the unit 4c palaeosol, where even localized micro-habitats can be
identified from the bird and amphibian data, nicely supported by the
sedimentological evidence. The quality of the science is reflected in
the methodological maturity described by Stuart in his discussion on
bird taphonomy, and Parfitt's working of the data into the wider
European scene. Parfitt's mammal chapter is one of the most
constructive in the volume, separating a detailed descriptive section
from a unit-by-unit reconstruction of the environment aimed at the
informed but non-specialist reader. It is a shame that the
palaeontological section did not follow this lead, and that both
chapters were not integrated into this kind of stratigraphic
Chapter 5 is dedicated to dating. This is one of the most critical
chapters, and one of the few that left me with a certain disquiet. The
problems revolve around an early (pre-Anglian) vs a late (post-Anglian)
date. The majority of the radiometric age techniques, i.e. those dusted
with the glitter of scientific objectivity, argue for a later date. The
relative techniques, plagued by arguments centred on the validity of
their comparative baselines, argue for an early date. The in situ
horizons (4b and 4c) fall outside the reliability range for Uranium
series and Luminescence. The sediments are not sufficiently magnetized
for palaeomagnetic determinations. Electron spin resonance allied with
U-series suggest an OI age within stage 7 (245,000 years). The amino
acid racemization determinations place the site in OI stage 11 ([is less
than] 423,000 years). Particularly disappointing for those favouring the
early date is the suggested age range derived from marine coccoliths,
also in OI stage 11. This is possibly an independent test on the dating,
since the abundance ratios of these microscopic marine animals are
ubiquitous. But no discussion is offered of lateral variability possibly
present within these species, or of possible differences in abundance
resulting from in-shore vs benthic situations.
Only one `scientific' method supports an early date, optically
stimulated luminescence. Rhodes's complex natural normalized growth
behaviours allow him to postulate an OI age in stage 13 (although, as he
notes, the standard deviation could land it squarely in stage 11 or
later). This section, which reads like a sorcerer's spell, makes it
clear that the technique is still in its developmental stages. So the
early date for the site rests squarely with faunal comparisons. A
significant list of species present at the site extinct by the end of
the Anglian is fielded. The most discussed indicator concerns the water
vole Arvicola terrestris cantiana whose evolutionary trajectory is
theorized to be complete by the later Cromerian. But how much is
actually known about temporal and spatial variation in these small
mammal faunas? On balance, the stage 13 date for the site appears the
most reliable for the moment.
Chapter 6 is the archaeology. A brief overview of British Lower
Palaeolithic archaeology contextualizes the archaeological discussions
on quarry I (units 4b and 4c), quarry 2 (4c), the horse butchery site at
GTP 17 and the so-called residual archaeology from contexts where the
sediments with their archaeology have been moved from their original
locations. Sections on the vertical movement of artefacts in Q2A unit 4c
and the recognition of different percussors possibly used in tool
making- at the site add considerable depth to this chapter. Laurels are
clearly due for the sections on refitting (conducted by Bergman and by
Austin). What is present is primary technological and typological
interpretation, and this I found very plausible (with some exceptions --
see below). Primary data were presented, following a refreshingly simple
descriptive methodology. It is a shame that the text (through no fault
of the editors or contributors) is not able to offer the reader a
clearer understanding of the stratigraphy and archaeology associated
with the Eartham Form--mion than it does. Solid evidence for the
occupation and character of environments in early glacial periods is
sadly lacking in the British Palaeolithic record. It is to be hoped that
a fuller discussion of the archaeology from these units will eventually
appear elsewhere. The archaeology chapter concludes with a very useful
review of the position of the Boxgrove hominid in terms of its European
brothers and sisters, and a short discussion of the now famous tibia.
I only have two real criticism of this chapter. The first concerns
layout. The excellent hominid sections appeared as if an afterthought,
and would perhaps have worked better in the next volume. The archaeology
is discussed on a locality-by-locality basis, moving from west to east,
reflecting the importance of quarry 1 in the overall project. A
unit-by-unit format would have made the archaeology easier to access.
The current structure does not make it easy to get a feel for what was
happening on the palaeo-surfaces. One other difficulty is the section
explaining Newcomer's sub-divisions of biface manufacturing
debitage. This is introduced in the Q1A section but is not properly
explained until Q2A is discussed. The second problem concerns the level
of primary analysis conducted. What is lacking is more detailed analysis
exploring the relevance of the biface making data to the tool and raw
material behaviour at the site. This kind of `behavioural technology in
context' (i.e. primary level/small picture interpretation) would
have been better included in this volume since it would have given a
more rounded appreciation of hominids at the site. This lacuna does not
detract from the quality of the end product, it just leaves it a little
flat. I am sure this will be redressed in the next volume.
The current volume raises some interesting issues a propos the
interpretations to be offered in the next.
1 It is clear that in the next volume a proactive hunting scenario
will be offered to explain Boxgrove. This will involve complex
co-operative behaviour, centred around `home bases' (p. 425) set
away from the immediate vicinity of the site. Few archaeologists would
deny some level of hunting and co-operative behaviour (the hominids are
after all primates, and at Boxgrove they make tools to fashion other
tools with -- soft hammers). But does the evidence at Boxgrove actually
support this level of interpretation? It is based on the horse butchery
in GTP 17 and other examples (e.g. a rhino pelvis). These show an
abundance of cut marks, with animal gnawing and damage overlying and
therefore later than the anthropogenic modification. The first access
and carcass defence arguments are beyond dispute. But in themselves are
these sufficient to prove the carcasses were acquired through proactive
hunting constituting the main subsistence strategy? And is hunting the
primary cause of the successful colonization of Europe? `[T]he decline
of the large carnivores could be directly related to the colonisation of
Europe by hominids, who reduced the available carcasses by being in
direct competition with other carnivores' (p. 425). Anyone who has
seen lions competing for carcasses in the wild would probably find this
hard to swallow. The heritage of this early colonizer argues
differently. Its African ancestry suggests a bipedal omnivorous generalist more able to cope with a variety of ecological possibilities.
With intelligence and relational complexity selected for, this would be
an animal able to hunt, but one that was equally at home as a scavenger.
In this reconstruction hominids would compete with carnivores such as
the small wolf found at Boxgrove, hyenas and the like. Carcasses could
be defended against such competitors with rocks and pointed wooden
staves. Large group size and co-operative action would be essential. The
larger carnivores would be avoided. As for the nature of the spear wound
in the horse scapula in GTP 17, I remain deeply sceptical. It has been
noted that the nature of the hole is not inconsistent with a
high-velocity puncture. It is necessary to model a thrown wooden spear,
penetrating hide, muscle block, intervening tissue, and then punching a
whacking great hole through the bone itself. Even for a big hominid such
a feat would be very difficult, and the Boxgrove horse was very large.
Why would it allow a hominid to get close unless it was sick? It would
be mighty brave to tackle a rhino with only a wooden spear. I would like
to see experimental data to support some of these contentions. To date,
in the only such experiments I am aware of, a wooden point was driven
through a horse scapula by a mechanical arm, a provocative but
unrealistic test.
2 Activity differentiation is also alluded to and could be expanded
on in the next volume. The only activity attested to in the Boxgrove
record is carcass processing via biface manufacture, use and repair.
Other activities must have been performed elsewhere. At High Lodge a
core and flake industry with scrapers is stratified beneath bifaces, but
the glacier that entrained them planed them off the same flood plain
surface as the cores and flakes (Ashton et al 1992). Is this evidence of
spatial patterning within subsistence/social organisation? At Barnham,
biface manufacture in Area IV. 4 is located less than 50 m away from
core and flake debitage on the same river bank in Area 1 (Ashton et al.
1998). At the Swanscombe Lower Loam knapping floor, a minimum of 9
nodules were brought to the locality already partly flaked. Flaking then
occurred before the cores and some of the flakes were moved on (Conway
et al. 1996). As with Boxgrove, this represents the movement of raw
materials and artefacts embedded within isolated and episodic behaviour
3 The question of transport of artefacts and raw materials for
knapping is particularly fascinating, and a strong argument in favour of
complex organizational ability. Sceptics argue that the distances
involved imply very little planning depth. But at the Swanscombe
knapping floor there were 9 nodules being moved around the landscape. At
Boxgrove, things are being made elsewhere and moved into excavated
areas, and vice versa -- in one instance a stop is made to repair a
biface. Even if this is only over a space of a few tens of metres, it is
the scale of this movement, noted at every place where a large area was
excavated, that is the real issue. I would urge the editors to develop
this interesting line of argument.
4 Macphail's positing of the duration of the unit 4c
palaeosurface encompasses the span of a single modern human lifetime.
One modern lifetime may have been the equivalent of perhaps three or
four Cromerian ones. If this be the case then the organization of
behaviour was very stable from one generation to another: always the
same thing, in the same way and in the same place. It is clear that the
4c palaeosol represents a dynamic environment for early humans and
animals alike. The litter of debitage and abandoned bifaces lying on the
ground would have been visible to hominids moving over that surface.
Could such a constant visual trigger represent the stimulus for the
monotonous regularity seen in biface form as well as explain the
stability in behavioural practices?
5 We must be cautious about what we make of the Boxgrove data. As
the editors are at pains to point out, there are no hearths nor any
evidence of domestic activity, and just how representative of the
organization of Acheulean lifeways the site is remains to be seen. We
should be very careful not to set Boxgrove up as the flagship of
Acheulean sites in Britain. What the site ultimately represents is a
unique window on a tiny sliver of long ago, all the more poignant for
lasting the short span of time between grandparent and grandchild.
ASHTON, N., J. COOK, S.G. LEWIS & J. ROSE (ed.). 1992. High
Lodge. London: British Museum.
ASHTON, N., S.G. LEWIS & S. PARFITT (ed.). 1998. Excavations at
the Lower Palaeolithic site at East Farm, Barnham, Suffolk 1989-1994.
London: British Museum. Occasional paper 125.
CONWAY, B., J. MCNABB & N. ASHTON (ed.). 1996. Excavations at
Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe, 1968-72. London: British Museum. Occasional
paper 94.
(*) Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton,
Southampton SO17 1BI, England.