Hunter-gatherer subsistence at the end of the Pleistocene: preliminary results from Picareiro Cave, Central Portugal.
Understanding culture change and continuity at the
Pleistocene-Holocene boundary requires subsistence data (see Straus et
al. 1996). The paucity of faunal remains, however, limits what is known
about subsistence strategies during the Tardiglacial and Early
Postglacial of Portugal (Bicho 1998). Current models are based on old
palaeontological collections, taxonomic lists in excavation reports of a
few sites excavated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and data
from a few unpublished or partially published sites. As yet, no faunal
assemblage from any archaeological site dated to the Late Pleistocene
has been fully analysed and published, and seasonality data are
New faunal data from the Tardiglacial levels of Picareiro Cave
(FIGURE 1) are presented in this report. Picareiro is an important site
for understanding Tardiglacial subsistence because of well-preserved
bone and charcoal, unique geographic location and complete sequence.
Picareiro Cave is located in the Portuguese Estremadura, on the
west face of the Serra d'Aire at 540 m a.s.l. The site overlooks a
wide valley 10 km south of the town of Fatima. The Atlantic coast is
approximately 40 km to the West. The cave measures 10x8 m with a low
entrance opening to a high, irregular ceiling (FIGURE 2). The drip line
is located 2-3 m out and is wider than the present entrance, suggesting
the cave was larger in the past.
Picareiro was tested in the late 1950s by Marques who later
reported the Iron Age deposits (Marques & Andrade 1974). In 1994,
the cut of the old test was cleaned and charcoal samples collected.
Immediately, a series of archaeological layers dated to the Final Upper
Palaeolithic were visible. As a result, Bicho began a long-term
interdisciplinary project in 1995. All the materials found during
excavation are piece-plotted. All sediment has been fine-screened
through 6- and 1-mm mesh, washed and sorted to recover numerous rodent,
bird and fish bones, shell, charcoal and lithic artefacts.
Stratigraphy and chronology
The deposit is marked by a dip from the entrance towards the back
of the cave, and a slight strike to the east wall. There is a
well-developed cone formed with large limestone blocks. Testing and
excavation have been carried out in two areas of the cave. The first is
located immediately outside the entrance, while the second is inside
near the old excavation. In 1997 a metre-deep test pit outside the cave
revealed a Middle and Late Holocene human occupation (FIGURE 3). Inside
the cave, 13 sq. m have been excavated, reaching a depth close to 1.7 m,
with unexcavated deposits below. Levels A-C are Neolithic and Bronze Age
overlaying a series of Tardiglacial deposits.
A fine light brown sandy loam characterizes stratum D dated to 8000
BP. Artefacts include lithics and a couple of perforated seashells
(Nassarius reticulatus). Stratum E is a light grey silt loam with
small-sized eboulis. It contains three archaeological levels dated
10,000-11,700 BP (TABLE 1). Stratum F is characterized by small-sized
eboulis, with rare fine sediment (greyish brown clay loam). A large
semi-circular hearth was excavated, which contained most of the fine
sediment, abundant charcoal, lithics and fauna. Stratum G, dated 12,300
BP, lies below the hearth found in F, but the sediment is finer,
extremely compact and almost black. This colour is due to the very high
content of charcoal and burned bone present in the stratum. Stratum H is
a 3-5-cm thick stalagmitic floor. Stratum I consists of large limestone
eboulis. There is almost no fine sediment. Stratum J is similar with
smaller and less angular limestone fragments.
TABLE 1. Radiocarbon dates from Picareiro Cave.
lab. no. stratum-level elevation b.d.
Wk-6676 D1 -117-124 cm
Wk-4217 E5 (Upper) -145-150 cm
Wk-5431 E8 (Middle) -160-165 cm
Wk-4218 E10 (Lower) -175-180 cm
Wk-4219 F3 -185-190 cm
Wk-6677 F10 -215-218 cm
OxA-5527 G -205-215 cm
lab. no. sample date b.p.(*)
Wk-6676 charcoal 8310 [+ or -] 130
Wk-4217 charcoal 10,070 [+ or -] 80
Wk-5431 charcoal 11,700 [+ or -] 120
Wk-4218 charcoal 11,550 [+ or -] 120
Wk-4219 charcoal 11,780 [+ or -] 90
Wk-6677 charcoal 12,210 [+ or -] 100
OxA-5527 charcoal 12,320 [+ or -] 90
(*) non-calibrated results
Subsistence at Picareiro
The large mammal remains total 602 specimens of which 117 were
identified to species. The majority of these are red deer (c. 70%) and
wild boar (29%). Additional species include roe deer, represented by a
partial maxilla, aurochs, represented by isolated foot bones, and
chamois, represented by a maxilla fragment. The unidentified specimens
are mostly long bone shaft fragments and other postcranial elements
which fall in the red deer and smaller roe deer size range.
The bones from the Level E assemblage are covered with a carbonate
crust, which can be removed keeping the surface intact in many cases.
Many specimens have eroded surfaces consistent with chemical weathering
generally in the form of small round pockmarks. Fragmentation is high,
making species identification difficult. TABLE 2 shows the NISP and MNI
for each species. Of the three archaeological levels, E Lower is the
most diverse with red deer, wild boar, aurochs and chamois.
TABLE 2. Number of macrofauna bones per stratum at Lapa do
red deer wild boar aurochs
E u. 30 3 1
E m. 43 6 1 4 2
E l. 42 5 1 1 1 1 1
F 309 51 4 21 2
G 148 12 1 6 1
I 16 2 1 1 1
J 5 1 1
total 602 80 10 33 7 1 1
chamois ibex
NISP MNI NISP MNI (identified)
E u. 3
E m. 10
E l. 1 1 8
F 72
G 19
I 3
J 1 1 2
total 1 1 1 1 117
Level F is by far the richest level, with some of the
best-preserved specimens and larger fragments. The large hearth found in
this level contained many burned and highly fragmentary remains. Both
adult and juvenile red deer and wild boar are represented.
The Level G assemblage comes from 5 excavated units. The bones are
covered with white, ashy sediment. Due to the level of burning and
fragmentation, only 18 of the 148 specimens were identifiable to
species. The stalagmitic crust of Level H has effectively sealed off
Levels I & J providing the best preservation in the cave.
Preliminary seasonality determinations were made using cementum annuli analysis on red deer teeth (Klevezal 1996; Pike-Tay 1991). Work
was carried out with Tina Dudley in the McDonald Institute for
Archaeological Research at Cambridge University. Modern specimens from
the Scottish Highlands were used as a control sample. Maxillary M1 teeth
from two animals in Stratum F showed late autumn/early winter season of
Additional determinations, based on 2nd phalanx epiphyseal fusion
rates (Bull & Payne 1982), suggest a late autumn/winter season of
death for the wild boar in Level F. The specimen is clearly unfused, and
would fall within their 7-11 month category (Bull & Payne 1982)
while the specimen from E Middle, with a fusing epiphysis, would fall
within the 19-23 month category, placing the season of death in
autumn/winter. This is tenuous given the wide range of time estimates
between those authors and the definition of unfused/fused.
Most long bones show evidence of intentional cracking for marrow
extraction. They are highly fragmented with percussion scars and impact
fractures. In addition, the 1st and 2nd phalanges show evidence for
marrow extraction. All are split longitudinally and exhibit impact
fracturing, similar to ones documented by Altuna (1986) from La Riera
and by Perez Ripoll (1992) in Mediterranean Spain. Binford (1978)
suggested this was a sign of subsistence stress due to the effort
required to obtain a small amount of marrow. The proposition should be
called into question, considering that autumn and winter are not usually
thought to be times of dietary stress (Speth & Spielmann 1983).
Although Late Pleistocene fauna-bearing sites in Portugal contain
carnivore remains, they are almost entirely absent in the Picareiro
assemblage. Only two small teeth, a premolar and molar, of a small,
marten-sized carnivore have been recovered. No large carnivore elements
are present, even considering the unidentified specimens, which are all
from ungulates of various sizes. A few bones show tooth punctures, but
none penetrated through cortical bone.
Approximately 9000 rabbit bones have been recovered from Picareiro
(TABLE 3). A total of 7408 rabbit bones, representing at least 4766
elements, was recovered directly from within or just outside two hearth
features. These bones represent the remains of at least 146 individual
There is no clear evidence for the natural accumulation of rabbit
bones in Picareiro except on the surface of the site. None from the
subsurface deposits display evidence of puncture marks, corrosion from
gastric fluids, thinning or polishing, all of which characterize leporid
bone assemblages accumulated via raptor pellets and mammalian carnivore
scats (Andrews & Evans 1983; Schmitt & Juell 1994; Hockett 1995;
1996). In addition, limb elements and cranial bones are abundantly
represented. Rabbit-bone accumulations beneath raptor roosts generally
exhibit unequal distributions of these elements (Hiraldo et al. 1975;
Hockett 1995; Schmitt 1995; Cruz-Uribe & Klein 1998).
Small carnivores such as lynx (Lynx pardina) and badger (Meles
meles) are known to hunt rabbits and accumulate bones in Iberian caves
(Ripoll 1993; Mathias et al. 1998). These assemblages are characterized
by the accumulation of entire rabbit carcasses with relatively large
numbers of complete or nearly complete limb elements preserved (Ripoll
1993; Hockett 1999). At Picareiro, only 3-7% of the 1694 femur, tibia,
humerus, radius and ulna specimens recovered from the hearths were
complete. While small carnivores may puncture the ends of rabbit limb
bones, in particular the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of
the tibia, no bones from the subsurface deposits of Picareiro Cave
exhibit puncture marks (Hockett 1999).
When small animal carcasses such as rabbits are roasted over or
within hot coals, foot bones and the ends of limb bones are typically
blackened or calcined white in greater frequencies than other bones or
bone portions (Dansie 1991; Hockett 1992). The vast majority of charred
rabbit bones at Picareiro were foot elements (69%), and many more
proximal and distal limb portions than midshaft were burned. Thus,
rabbit carcasses in Picareiro Cave were probably roasted whole within or
over hot coals, after which the cooked carcasses were dismembered and
the meat consumed.
In addition, large numbers of humeri, femora, and tibiae shaft
cylinders were recovered from the hearths in Picareiro. While mammalian
carnivores, raptors and rodents occasionally create rabbit long bone
cylinders by chewing or breaking off the ends of limb bones, they rarely
do so (Hockett 1995). In contrast, because humans may deliberately break
off the ends of rabbit long bones in order to consume marrow,
prehistoric hunters may discard very large numbers of rabbit bone
cylinders in archaeological sites (Jones 1983). A total of 400 rabbit
long bone cylinders was recovered from within the two hearths at
Picareiro, while only 12 complete femora, tibiae and humeri were
recovered from these features.
While European rabbits in the Mediterranean may breed during any
season, they display sharp peaks in breeding in the spring and autumn
coincident with increased precipitation and new vegetation growth
(Southern 1940; Poole 1960; Soriguer & Rogers 1979; & Garson
1979). Adult rabbits are more abundant during the summer and winter
months as breeding slows, and because predators take many of the young.
Of the 684 proximal and distal ends of femora, humeri and tibiae
recovered from Picareiro Cave, 680 (99.4%) had fully fused epiphyses
indicating the cave likely was used during the summer or winter months,
or both.
A few hundred fish bones have been recovered from Picareiro. Most
elements are from the Clupeidae family, though Cyprinidae are also
represented (FIGURE 4). The two species of Clupeidae known in Portugal
include shad (Alosa alosa and Alosa fallex), and sardine (Sardina
pilchardus). Almost all the samples are vertebrae while other bones,
particularly cranial elements, are extremely underrepresented. This type
of distribution with an extreme over-representation of vertebral remains
is characteristic of small-fish-eating and disposal habits, as seen in
ethnoarchaeological research in coastal Sindh and Baluchistan in
Pakistan, where the heads of small fish are chewed up, while the sharp
vertebrae are removed and eventually discarded into the trash (Belcher
1997). As a result of this type of food processing and use, the skeletal
representation of small fishes is almost completely devoid of cranial
elements (Jones 1986).
Summary and conclusions
The preliminary data from Picareiro Cave suggest a diverse
subsistence base during the Tardiglacial and Early Postglacial. The
faunal assemblage is dominated by rabbit and red deer supplemented by
wild boar, roe deer, chamois, aurochs and fish. In addition, resource
intensification is suggested by the extraordinarily high number of
rabbit bones and the presence of fish, both the result of special
hunting and fishing techniques that probably included traps and nets.
While hunting likely took place near or around the site, fishing
occurred in local streams and/or at the coast depending on whether the
fish are shad or sardine. Shad are anadromous and appear in streams a
few kilometres from the cave while sardines are ocean fish appearing
near the shore during the summer breeding season. Despite the distance
from the sea, sardines cannot be ruled out because marine shellfish were
also gathered and brought inland to Casal Papagaio and Bocas as well
(Arnaud & Bento 1988; Bicho 1995-7).
Initial seasonality determinations suggest people were not using
the cave year-round. The large fauna were hunted in autumn/early winter
while rabbit were probably taken in winter or summer. If the fish are
sardine, then they were likely caught during summer but certainly could
have been preserved for later use. To conclude, the seasonal occupation,
patterns of rabbit carcass butchery and high fragmentation of the large
mammal limb elements all indicate the cave was repeatedly used as a
hunting/carcass-processing camp. Further excavation and analysis will
yield additional data for more meaningful subsistence studies for the
Portuguese Tardiglacial.
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BELCHER, Bicho, UCEH, Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8000
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Received 23 February 1999, accepted 12 December 1999, revised 16
February 2000.