Agro-pastoralist colonization of Cyprus in the 10th millennium BP: initial assessments.
A startling variety of new evidence from Cyprus demonstrates that
the introduction of the Neolithic occurred in the 10th millennium BP,
over a millennium earlier than often assumed in studies of Mediterranean
island colonizations (e.g. Stanley Price 1977; Cherry 1990). On the
basis of evidence summarized below, we propose that the introduction of
agro-pastoralism was by migration rather than a result of adaptations by
indigenous foragers. The process does not fit the wave of advance model
used to account for the spread of farming in Europe (Ammerman &
Cavalli-Sforza 1984), nor its modification, jump dispersal (Van Andel
& Runnels 1995), but is the outcome of regional environmental
change. All dates in this paper are uncalibrated BP.
Low visibility sites of agro-pastoralist colonists
The origins of the Aceramic Neolithic Khirokitian culture have long
been debated (Held 1992; LeBrun 1989; Stanley Price 1977; Watkins 1973).
Cherry (1990: 194) suggested that relevant evidence belonging to the
period between the 11th-millennium BP foragers of Aetokremnos (Simmons
et al. 1999) and the 8th/7th-millennia BP Khirokitian might be found on
low visibility sites that had escaped detection. Such sites have
recently come to light. The earliest, and currently the most informative
sites, Kissonerga-Mylouthkia (hereafter Mylouthkia) and
Parekklisha-Shillourokambos (hereafter Shillourokambos), were founded in
the second half of the 10th millennium BP (FIGURES 1, 2).
Mylouthkia is a multi-period coastal site in the southwest of the
island. Lemba Archaeological Project excavations from 1989 to 2000
revealed five wells, a semi-subterranean structure and three pits
belonging to the Aceramic Neolithic. Period lA well 116 has a coherent
set of three later 10th-millennium BP AMS dates from barley and other
short-lived cereal grains (FIGURE 2). AMS results from charred seeds in
Period 1B well 133 date it to the late 9th millennium BP. The wells are
thus amongst the earliest known in the world. Details are reported in
Peltenburg et al. in press; forthcoming a; forthcoming b.
Since 1992, Jean Guilaine's excavations at Shillourokambos
have also yielded mainly negative features including probable wells,
pits and posthole alignments (Briois et al. 1997; Guilaine et al. 1998;
2000). Thirteen charcoal-derived [sup.14]C dates belonging to the
10th-9th millennium BP point to a long continuity of occupation which
the excavators have divided into four periods (FIGURE 2 and Vigne et al.
in press). Of particular note are a 76-sq. m enclosure defined by
palisade trenches and a feline head sculpted in serpentine. Upstanding
curvilinear stone architecture appears at least by the Late Phase, dated
to the end of the 9th millennium BP.
As argued elsewhere (Peltenburg et al. forthcoming b), four other
sites shown on FIGURE 1 may now also be considered as pre-Khirokitian.
Kalavasos-Tenta (henceforth Tenta) `top of site' has dates
consistent with Mylouthkia 1B and Shillourokambos Middle/Late Phase
(FIGURE 2). Its hierarchically organized settlement plan was ultimately
derived from PPNA Syria (Todd 1987: figure 20; cf. Stordeur 1999: 142,
figure 8b).
Other southwest Asiatic introductions, some discussed below,
concern symbolic behaviour (maceheads, engraved pebbles, figurative
artwork and skull treatments) and the economic sphere (an unalloyed Neolithic subsistence package of plants and animals). The integrity of
what is essentially a PPN economic and cultural system point strongly to
a transfer of EPPNB agro-pastoralists from southwest Asia. There are no
signs of restructuring by putative indigenes to suit their own ideology.
In order to assess this case for migration, we comment on salient
features of the new sequence: water wells, the chipped stone, mortuary
practices, flora and fauna. To provide a framework for discussion, we
use the term Cypro-PPNB shown in the proposed chronological scheme of
FIGURE 3. It emphasizes the combined insular and southwest Asiatic
characteristics of the period (cf. Peltenburg et al. in press).
FIGURE 3. Chronological scheme for the Aceramic Neolithic and
Akrotiri phases of Cyprus.
Stage Phase Dates BP Dates cal BC
Akrotiri 10,665(*) 9703(*)
Cypro-PPNB Early ?-9000 ?-8000
Cypro-PPNB Middle 9000-8500 8000-7500
Cypro-PPNB Late 8500-8000 7500-7000
Khirokitian 8000-6500 7000/6500-5800/5500
Stage Populations
Akrotiri Exploration:
Hunter-gatherer visitors
Cypro-PPNB Colonisation:
First agro-pastoral settlers
Cypro-PPNB Consolidation:
Establishment of farmers
Cypro-PPNB Adaptation:
Distinctive economy
Khirokitian Development:
Efflorescence of Aceramic
(*) average of large series of dates (Simmons 1999)
Of the features belonging to the earliest traces of Cypriot farming
communities, the wells are most extraordinary. Two Mylouthkia examples,
wells 116 and 133, consist of cylindrical shafts a minimum of 8 and 7 m
deep with hand/footholds cut into unweathered shaft walls to facilitate
climbing in and out (FIGURE 4). In well 133, the 43 preserved examples
are systematically distributed in fairly vertically aligned,
approximately opposed ranges. Both wells are cut into the soft,
homogeneous bedrock to tap the flow of small underground watercourses
(now dry) which flowed in pipe-like channels some 20-40 cm in width
towards the seashore (FIGURE 5). Subterranean stream channels at least
8.5 m below the ancient ground surface would have presented no surface
indications, such as vegetative indicators of the presence of water.
Well-diggers therefore had to locate their shafts with great precision,
probably by using water-divining above small, underground streams.
Prolific fills include 449 fragments of limestone vessels and
hammerstones. Shillourokambos also has deep features that are most
likely water wells.
The chipped stone
Assemblages from Mylouthkia, Shillourokambos and Tenta show various
links with the Asiatic PPN (Briois et al. 1997; McCartney in press;
Peltenburg et al. in press). This prismatic blade industry, while
possibly retaining `archaic' Epipalaeolithic/PPNA traits, is
clearly PPNB in character and shows a departure from the thumbnail
scrapers and irregular blades described at Aetokremnos (Simmons et al.
1999: 143, 276-81).
Byblos points from Mylouthkia 1A follow the Syrian EPPNB pattern of
flat retouch restricted to the tang. At Shillourokambos, we find more
extensive pressure retouch on Byblos and Amuq points (cf. Cauvin 1973).
By the Cypro-LPPNB and Khirokitian, Byblos and Amuq points show covering
pressure retouch as on contemporary mainland examples.
Glossed tools provide a range of mainland parallels. Mylouthkia 1A
finely denticulated glossed blade fragments are parallel to Levantine examples from the EPPNB onwards (Quintero et al. 1997: 267, 279; Cauvin
1983). At Shillourokambos Early Phase B, obliquely glossed crescents
appear, suggesting `archaism' or closer parallels with Eastern
Anatolia (e.g. Rosenberg & Peasnall 1998: 204). Crescents also occur
at Tenta in association with microliths and finely denticulated glossed
blades and bladelets. By the end of the Cypro-PPNB, glossed tools in the
form of retouched glossed segments and unretouched glossed blades
proliferate at several sites. In sum, Cypro-PPNB glossed tools betray
Levantine and Anatolian origins. To judge by the decrease in the
occurrence of obsidian, and shifts in arrowhead and glossed tool types
which follow general patterns evident in the Levant, direct contacts
with Anatolia appear to have diminished after the Cypro-MPPNB.
Naviform blade core technology, the selection of high-quality chert and occurrence of significant quantities of Anatolian obsidian are
indicative of the Cypro-E and MPPNB. The use of naviform cores declined
in the Cypro-LPPNB, with less attention paid to core preparation and the
use of more moderate chert types. Bi-directional cores gradually gave
way to uni-directional examples and the production of less standardized
blanks by the Khirokitian, shifts that also took place in mainland
assemblages from c. 8000 BP (Rollefson et al. 1992: 454-9; McCartney
1999). These changes in core technology may reflect the decline in
arrowheads produced from thin standardized blade blanks (Gulaine et al.
2000: 80-81). The later Cypriot industry is defined by large tanged
knives, backed blades and the glossed segments which continued to depend
on a simplified blade technology within the small-scale agricultural
subsistence system.
Human remains
Skull caching was diagnostic of the PPN in southwest Asia (Bienert
1991). There is tenuous evidence that the custom may have been
transmitted to Cyprus. One well (?) at Shillourokambos contained a
contracted burial above cranial fragments of other individuals (Guilaine
et al. 1998). Five individuals are represented in Mylouthkia well 133.
An artificially deformed skull and portion of the 1st cervical vertebra of an adult male were recovered from its upper fill (FIGURE 6). Lower in
the fill was a group of three crania and other parts of bodies with a
unique macehead of pink conglomerate. Largely confined to the area
between the upper and lower human remains was a discrete concentration
of 22 originally whole caprine skeletons deposited as complete,
unbutchered carcases. The juxtaposition of these carcases and
purposefully deposited human remains suggests the sort of ritual
behaviour seen in southwest Asia during the PPNB (cf. Goring-Morris et
al. 1998; Galili & Nir 1993: 267-9).
Early domesticated plants
The Mylouthkia wells also contained well-preserved charred plant
remains. Samples from Periods 1A and 1B comprise a wide range of taxa,
including glume wheats (Triticum spp. -- grains and chaff) and [lulled
barley (Hordeum spp. -- grains and chaff), lentils (Lens sp.), large
seeded legumes (Lathyrus/Vicia spp.), linseed/flax (Linum sp.),
pistachio (Pistacia sp.), roots/tubers and many weed taxa (particularly
wild grasses). Of significance is the identity of the wheat and barley
found in the samples. Differentiation between the wild (i.e. progenitor species) and the domestic species of both genera can be problematic
because of the similarity in overall morphology of both grains and
chaff. Distortion caused by charring can further hinder accurate
identification and the typically smaller wild taxa can often mimic the
larger domestic derivatives. Metrical analyses, for example relative
measurements of length, breadth and thickness, have been used to aid the
identification of cereal grains (e.g. van Zeist & Roller 1991-92
with references). On the basis of morphological assessments and of
comparisons of the grain dimensions (Peltenburg et al. forthcoming b) we
suggest that domestic wheat and barley were present during Periods IA
and IB at Mylouthkia. Domestic einkorn-(Triticum monococcum) and
domestic emmer-(Triticum dicoccum) types were identified together with
domestic-type hulled barley (Hordeum sativum).(1) It appears, therefore,
that from the earliest PPNB phase at Mylouthkia there is evidence, in
the form of charred grains and chaff, of the three `founder crop'
cereals (Zohary 1996: 143-4).
Current consensus suggests that the first cereal domesticates had
evolved in the south-central Levant (i.e. upper Jordan Valley/Damascus
Basin) and possibly southeast Turkey by the early 10th millennium BP
(Garrard 1999: 82; Harris 1998: 8). From this time onwards it appears
that there was an increasing dependence on domestic crops. These
conclusions are based partly on genetic studies of modern populations of
wild progenitor species, from which it has been possible to suggest
probable locations of the earliest `domestication events' (e.g.
Harris 1996: 5-7; Heun et al. 1997; Zohary 1996; Valkoun et al. 1998).
The chronological framework for the evolutionary changes which
culminated in the development of the Neolithic `package' of crops
(Zohary 1996: 156) is based largely on archaeobotanical evidence in the
form of accurately identified grains/seeds found in samples from
securely dated sites. The reported presence (or absence) of taxa, with
correctly assigned domestic status, has thus formed the basis of our
knowledge about the distribution of the earliest crops and also of their
subsequent dispersion throughout the Levant, and beyond.
Much scientific debate surrounds the contentious issue of `how many
times' the `founder crops' have undergone domestication. In a
recent paper, Zohary concluded that there was probably a single, or at
most few `domestication events' (Zohary 1996: 156). To date, the
progenitor species of domestic einkorn, emmer and hulled barley, (wild
einkorn (Triticum boeoticum), wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides) and wild
barley (Hordeum spontaneum)) have not been recorded in archaeobotanical
assemblages from Cypriot sites. Whereas wild barley does grow on the
island (Meikle 1985), there appears to be no evidence to indicate that
the wild wheats were native taxa (Holmboe 1914; Meikle 1985; Zohary
& Hopf 1993). Following Zohary's hypothesis of a limited number
of `domestication events', it would appear that the Mylouthkia
evidence favours the theory that domestic crops were introduced from the
mainland during the EPPNB, as opposed to the indigenous development of
crop-based subsistence on the island.
The introduction of cattle, pig, sheep and goat in the Cypro-EPPNB
It has been generally accepted that the deer, pig, sheep and goat
regularly present in the Khirokitian were deliberately imported to the
island (e.g. Croft 1991: 63-4; Davis 1984: 147). Now there is explicit
evidence that, in addition to these animals, cattle were also
transferred to the island by the end of the 10th millennium BP, over a
millennium earlier than the Khirokitian.
The faunal sample from Early Phase A at Shillourokambos includes
pig, fallow deer and caprines in the approximate proportions 4:2:1, and
also a few cattle bones (Vigne et al. in press). Contemporary Mylouthkia
1A produced caprine and pig remains, sufficient to indicate that these
taxa already enjoyed a widespread distribution in the Cypro-EPPNB.
The presence of cattle in the 10th millennium BP is very
unexpected. Their remains are most abundant in the Early Phase B phase
at Shillourokambos, comprising 8% of 1110 identified specimens.
Subsequent phases possess so few that cattle keeping presumably ceased
there around the middle of the 9th millennium BP. Cattle survived
elsewhere until the 8th millennium BP (Kritou Marottou-Ais Yiorkis:
Croft 1998; Simmons 1998), but seem to have disappeared by the mature
Metrical analysis indicates that the Aceramic Neolithic pig of
Cyprus was somewhat smaller than western Asiatic wild boar, and might
therefore already represent a primitive domestic breed (cf. Davis 1984:
Fallow deer remained undomesticated in western Asia, and elsewhere,
in prehistory. In a particular insular adaptation, Neolithic and
Chalcolithic Cypriot subsistence economies relied heavily on this
imported species. It is likely that fallow deer were free-living
animals, subjected to controlled hunting within a system of game
management (Croft 1991).
As Vigne et al. (in press) conclude, the introduced animals cattle,
pig, sheep and goat were probably domesticated, even though
morphological evidence is limited. Since some are only attested as
domesticates later on the mainland, the Cypriiot evidence implies the
existence of undetected earlier examples in the Fertile Crescent.
We have seen that in the later 10th/9th millennium BP, communities
with strong Levantine PPNB affinities existed on Cyprus. Their existence
raises afresh interlocked issues of early island colonizations and the
spread of farming practices.
Regarding the latter, Cyprus does not meet conditions appropriate
to the indigenist model: a settled Mesolithic population, equivalent
late Mesolithic and early Neolithic population densities and continuity
in settlements across a region (Ammerman 1989: 164). The only site with
earlier occupation is Aetokremnos, a transitory hunting camp which
differs greatly in both subsistence pattern and material culture from
the Cypro-PPNB. It may have been abandoned a millennium or more before
the Cypro-PPNB. While other sites of that period may exist, equivalent
population densities and settlement continuity, as required by the above
model, are unlikely to be met. Our current understanding is that the
island lacked a settled population before the introduction of the
Neolithic package. Hence, the beginnings of the Cypriot Aceramic
Neolithic culture that flourished for some three millennia resulted from
the migration of a PPN group(s), one of the earliest successful overseas
migration of farmers. We can only speculate on how the minimum 69-kin
crossing was accomplished. In the similar case of Crete a millennium
later, Broodbank & Strasser (1991) suggest a single crossing.
Conversely, Vigne suggests numerous return voyages from Cyprus to the
parent body (Vigne et al. in press), a reconstruction supported by
evidence for parallel major shifts in the chipped stone industry of
Cyprus and the mainland.
That parent body remains elusive, even though it must lie in the
PPN interaction sphere because of the many generic similarities between
Cyprus and southwest Asia. Sea currents made the island more accessible
from Palestine than distance alone might suggest, but the late start of
the EPPNB in the southern Levant, low site densities in EPPNB Palestine
and pervasive similarities with northern Syria make it an unlikely
source (Goring-Morris & Belfer-Cohen 1997: 85). To the north,
current dates for the Anatolian Aceramic Neolithic are too late. The
probable source, western Syria, presents problems, since the nearest
attested PPNA-EPPNB sites that could have served as population sources
are found in the Levantine Corridor over 200 km inland (FIGURE 1).
Nonetheless, it is there that we find the closest material culture and
economic parallels for the Cypro-PPNB (Guilaine et al. 2000; Peltenburg
et al. forthcoming b).
Van Andel & Runnels (1995) have dealt with the problem of
significant spatial gaps in the distribution of early farming
communities by proposing a jump dispersal model in which agricultural
groups moved great distances to new homelands. As they recognize, this
model does not explain why farmers failed to utilize suitable lands
still available closer to home and how they knew about such distant
appropriate soils.
Another approach contextualizes migration as a social process. One
of the most common characteristics to emerge from systematic studies of
migrations is that they stream towards known targets with information
conveyed by kin or co-residents (Anthony 1997). Archaeologically, this
means we should seek for evidence of prior contacts between the
Mediterranean and the Levantine Corridor.
As early as the PPNA there is evidence of a network of reciprocal
trade linking social groups over large distances. Gopher (1989: 91)
proposed that during this period the Levant could be viewed as a single
cultural system. The Mediterranean littoral also figured in this system
since Mediterranean shells are found at inland sites like Hallan Cemi
(Rosenberg et al. 1998: 31). However, agriculturalists on the coast
nearest Cyprus are currently first attested only in the LPPNB, at Ras
Shamra VC. This considerably postdates the existence of EPPNB
agricultural communities now evident in Cyprus. While jump dispersal
from the Levantine Corridor could account for this gap, we feel it is
unlikely that such farmers would have had the necessary boat technology,
maritime travel expertise and knowledge of their target to establish
permanent bases on Cyprus. In short, the dynamics of island colonization
in this case imply the existence of indigenous PPN coastal
agropastoralists habituated to overseas enterprises and aware of the
arable potentials of Cyprus.
The absence of relevant west Syrian sites may be due to a scarcity
of intensive survey and sea-level changes. Marine transgression in this
area occurred during the period under consideration. In general the
shore-line was -25 m at c. 8000 BP and -7 m at 5000 BP (Cherry 1990;
Held 1992; Gomez & Pease 1992). That settlements along the
decreasing Levantine coastal plain had to be abandoned because of
inundation is confirmed by the remarkable PPNC site of Atlit Yam, now c.
8-10 m under water (Galili & Nir 1993). We may infer that Neolithic
coastal communities suffered long-term loss of subsistence resources and
ecological stress. One option was local migration to Cyprus.
Presently available settlement evidence on Cyprus conforms to
Schwartz's model of successful colonization in which there are
sequential stages of exploration, settlement, adaptation and development
(Schwartz 1970). In this sequence (FIGURE 3), Aetokremnos represents
island exploration and the generation of inter-regional and seafaring
knowledge. Such background information was a pre-requisite for
well-organized, purposive colonization. The new Cypro-PPNB dates now
allow for more continuity than is immediately apparent. Colonization
should therefore be seen as another episode in a continuum of contacts
with the island, but one which was qualitatively different since greater
control of subsistence resources permitted permanent occupation. The
catalyst for wilful colonization may have been specific ecosystem
stress, but incentives to travel to the island existed already. The
migration should not be construed as the first step in the formation of
a maritime voyaging ideology that led to further colonization of the
Mediterranean. Later expansion into the Aegean seems unconnected.
Migration to Mediterranean islands, therefore, was not part of an
inevitable expansive disposition from the early PPN but was conditioned
by local circumstances. What links the Cypriot and Cretan examples is
the migration of farmers to essentially uninhabited islands. In the
western Mediterranean, there was greater interaction with indigenous
Mesolithic islanders.
The agricultural economies of Mylouthkia 1A and Shillourokambos
Early Phase A, amongst the earliest in the Near East, indicate that they
cannot be far removed from landfall or primary settlement dates. The new
economy must have spread rapidly. In contrast to founder principle
models that predict rapid change, the adaptation phase was prolonged,
perhaps because protracted contacts suggested by chipped stone
developments and obsidian imports re-enforced conservative tendencies.
It is only by the Cypro-LPPNB some 1000 years after the intrusion that
the chipped stone industry changes substantially, that cattle are
missing from the Shillourokambos economy and that deer constitute a
highly significant subsistence element. The Khirokitian, therefore,
emerged as a truly independent culture only after long-term, insular
evolution. Our previous ignorance of this evolution bedevilled attempts
to account for its origins. These, as we now see, are not at the start
of the Khirokitian (Stanley Price 1977) or pre-Neolithic (Held 1989: 8),
but are fully Neolithic from the outset of the Cypro-PPNB in the 10th
millennium BP.
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to the British Academy, Council
for British Research in the Levant (BSAJ) and the National Museums of
Scotland for their generous support of University of Edinburgh Lemba
Archaeological Project excavations at Kissonerga-Mylouthkia. Paul Croft
carried out excavation of the wells. We have benefited from discussions
with Jean Guilaine and members of his team and from valued comments of
two referees. Jean-Denis Vigne kindly allowed us to cite Vigne et al. in
press, Sherry C. Fox supplied comments on the human remains. Drawings:
Lindy Crewe.
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morphologies of present-day taxa and, as such, there is bound to be a
degree of uncertainty about any classifications assigned to the species
level -- the `type' suffix is an acknowledgement of the tentative
nature of the identifications that have been made.
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Received 5 April 2000, accepted 31 May 2000, revised 18 July 2000.