Defining a contemporary landscape approach: concluding thoughts.
Feinman, Gary M.
In the above papers, two of the participants begin by quoting the
cultural geographer Carl Sauer. From my perspective, the recognition
given to Sauer by DUNNING and his colleagues as well as GARTNER is
timely and important, since it reminds us that the long-term interplay
between humans and their environments has long been a central concern in
geography as well as archaeology. My comments here endeavour to reflect
upon and address that general theme towards framing a coherent landscape
approach in archaeology. In so doing, space does not also allow for a
detailed commentary on each of the articles that compose this section.
For my own principal study region (Oaxaca, Mexico), 29 years have
passed since Ronald Spores' (1969) seminal publication in which he
outlined the prehispanic construction of lama-bordo agricultural systems
in the Mixteca Alta in the Oaxaca highlands. The use of the lama-bordos
required intentional stimulation of erosion. Stone and rubble dikes were
constructed and designed to trap water and eroding soils as they
descended the natural drainage channels that extended from mountains to
the valley floor during heavy summer rains. These stone dikes were i to
4 m high and could be tens (even hundreds) of metres long. Following
several years of runoff, the lama-bordo terrace systems accumulated
sufficient soil to form level and rather fertile plots that returned
significant yields. Spores also noted that the lamabordo systems appear
to have remained productive during the later part of the prehispanic
sequence, as long as the terrace walls were kept in place and carefully
maintained. However, with post-contact demographic collapse and changes
in tribute patterns, work and land-use patterns were disrupted. The
continual labour necessary to rebuild and maintain these
agrarian features was lost and massive unchecked erosion
precipitated, which was hastened by grazing and the intentional removal
of the natural vegetation. The heavy erosion that today still scars the
Nochixtlan Valley and other parts of the Mixteca Alta was the
In many senses, Spores' (1969) classic article foreshadows
directly the convincing analyses of parallel findings presented here by
ERICKSON for Bolivia and FISHER for Patzcuaro. In both cases, the most
serious landscape upheavals occurred with population decrease and
political decline rather than with demographic growth. But remembrances
of the studies of Sauer and Spores also raise other more challenging
issues. For example, what exactly is meant by a landscape approach?
What, if anything, do the diverse set of papers in this collection share
theoretically? What have we learned since the prescient works of Spores
and Sauer?
Let me endeavour to begin a dialogue by addressing my own
rhetorical questions. One thing that clearly has changed over the last
three decades is the suite of methods and techniques that we can employ
to examine a dynamic environment. These procedures include AMS dating
and a wide array of sediment analyses, as well as other
geoarchaeological techniques that were not available to Saner or Spores.
These methods allow for the evaluation of environmental evidence at a
level of detail and precision that was unavailable to earlier scholars.
Yet these innovations are present in only some of the above papers. In
and of themselves, these new methods and procedures (no matter how
significant they may be) do not alone define a new landscape approach.
Nevertheless, as we see in several of the articles, the application of
these new methods and procedures for analysing the environment can
provide important new data for archaeology when they are explicitly
marshalled to address anthropological questions.
Perhaps more significantly, the majority of the studies in this
collection appear to represent a theoretical response and challenge to
the catastrophic and environmental deterministic thinking that has
endured in the archaeological literature for at least a century (e.g.
Kolata 1996). In defining a landscape approach, the authors for this
collection seem to recognize that consideration and analysis of the
environment is critically important for understanding human society and
culture. But they also realize that most environments are neither
pristine nor independent entities unaffected by past human action
(Denevan 1992; Dunning et al. 1999; Thurston 1999). Most of the papers
in this symposium seem to share a more dynamic perspective on
human-environmental relations, one that views human landscapes as also,
in part, human constructions. In other words, when it comes to
human-environmental relations, history matters and so does culture (with
apologies to Gould 1986).
If we can use the work in this special section as a guide, three
tenets appear to be central for the landscape approach:
1 a dedicated effort to examine the physical environment, often
using a diverse suite of natural science techniques, but with explicit
social scientific questions guiding the research;
2 the recognition that human-environment interactions, are
historically contingent, dynamic and accretionary, shaped by distinct
cultural perceptions and past human actions; and
3 the realization that human environments are in themselves partly
products or constructions of a dynamic interaction with human behaviour.
Advocates of a landscape approach consequently resist the oft-held
notion that human behaviour is simply governed or determined by an
independent 'natural' or physical environment. In all of these
underlying tenets, the landscape approach productively builds on earlier
theoretical currents and investigatory directions in human ecology (e.g.
Vayda and McCay 1975) and settlement archaeology (e.g. Feinman &
Nicholas 1990).
In closing, I wish to hazard a final opinion that perhaps will seem
more controversial for the authors in this collection. My suspicion is
that if we want to push simplistic environmental determinism and
catastrophic explanations of human landscape change off the
anthropological agenda once and for all, then we will have to address
the adherents of these views in paradigmatic terms that they themselves
understand and will have to take seriously. That is, we must address the
study of landscapes with systematically collected data, careful
evaluations of alternative explanations, and amassed evidence. I believe
that if we do so, as we have witnessed in the majority of the papers
presented in this collection, then the overwhelming weight of evidence
will be on our side and there will be further opportunities to move
disciplinary consensus in our direction. I suspect that if we adhere to the more narrative and conjectural investigations that sometimes fall
under the rubric of landscape approaches, the positions advanced will
not be entirely convincing to the specific deterministic scholars that
we want to debate and persuade. Perhaps in defining an overarching
landscape approach, this also is a consideration that should receive
careful attention.
DENEVAN, W.M. 1992. The pristine myth: the landscape of the
Americas in 1492, Annals of the American Association of Geographers 82:
BEACH & J.G. JONES. 1999. Temple mountains, sacred lakes, and
fertile fields: ancient Maya landscapes in northwestern Belize,
Antiquity 73: 650-60.
FEINMAN, G.M. & L.M. NICHOLAS. 1990. Settlement and land use in
ancient Oaxaca, in J, Marcus (ed.), Debating Oaxaca archaeology: 71-113.
Ann Arbor (MI): Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
Anthropological Papers 84.
GOULD, S.J. 1986. Evolution and the triumph of homology, or Why
history matters, American Scientist 74: 60-69.
KOLATA, A.L. (ed.). 1996. Tiwanaku and its hinterland: archaeology
and paleoecology of an Andean civilization. Washington (DC): Smithsonian
Institution Press.
SPORES, R. 1969. Settlement, farming technology, and environment in
the Nochixtlan Valley, Science 166: 557-69.
THURSTON, T. 1999. The knowable, the doable and the undiscussed:
tradition, submission and the 'becoming' of rural landscapes
in Denmark's Iron Age, Antiquity 73: 660-70.
VAYDA, A.P. & B.J. MCCAY. 1975. New directions in ecology and
ecological anthropology, Annual Review of Anthropology 4: 293-306.