Intentional tooth removal in Neolithic Italian women.
Robb, John
Cultural modification of the teeth is a widespread, often florid phenomenon, with the highly visible front teeth most commonly furnishing
the canvas for dental self-expression. Native peoples of Mesoamerica and
South America inlaid the incisors, sometimes with jade; various African
and African-American groups filed points and geometric designs on the
same teeth; the Etruscans made showy gold bridges, primarily for young
aristocratic females (Becker 1995; Corruccini & Pacciani 1989), and
modern Euro-Americans engage in elaborate cosmetic orthodontistry. The
front teeth can also be modified or lost through craft activities,
traumatic injury, and dental therapy (Scott & Turner 1988; see
Milner & Larsen 1991 for a comprehensive review of cultural dental
modifications). In prehistoric Europe, Jackson (1915) reports possible
cases of tooth removal from the British Neolithic.
This paper describes a distinctive pattern of dental modification(1)
in Neolithic Italian women. The Italian Neolithic (c. 6500-3200 bc;
Skeates 1994), while not a homogeneous period, displays continuity in
many aspects of culture. Social life was based upon small villages of
25-200 people, supported by unintensified agricultural economies. In
spite of a rich record of art (Graziosi 1974) and burial practices (Robb
1994a), little is known about gender-related behaviour and ritual
Patterns of tooth loss
Samples and methods
Neolithic Italian burials usually occur singly or in small groups,
but as sufficient skeletal data accumulate, cultural patterns can be
discerned statistically. This analysis is based on data from 30 adult
females and 22 adult males from 27 sites in central and southern Italy;
a pooled sample is both necessary for most Italian skeletal analysis
prior to the Iron Age, and consistent with the social reality of the
Italian Neolithic. None of the sites studied would have been
demographically or culturally self-sufficient, and traditions would have
been maintained and reproduced by groups living at many villages.(2)
Data were collected directly on 36 skulls, and data on 16 specimens
taken from published sources (TABLE 1; for information on site location
and sources, see Robb 1994a; 1994b). About half of the sample are
moderately well-preserved skulls; the rest include only the upper or
lower jaw, often quite fragmentary. Most were associated with
postcrania. The specimens were [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 1 OMITTED]
[TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 2 OMITTED] sexed morphologically, using both
cranial and postcranial indicators as available; juveniles and unsexed
adult skeletons were excluded.
The basic method followed was to make a standard dental census of
each specimen (Buikstra & Ubelaker 1994; Lukacs 1989) (TABLE 1).
When a tooth is lost during life, the alveolus does not remain an empty
socket but resorbs to become solid bone [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 1
OMITTED]; teeth present at death (including ones still in place and ones
lost archaeologically after death) can be distinguished accurately from
teeth lost during life. While assigning teeth to these categories is
usually unproblematic, it can occasionally be difficult when using
published data, due both to variation in observational standards and to
incomplete publication. Consequently, published specimens were included
in this analysis only when the status of each tooth socket in the
surviving dentition was explicitly noted or when published photographs
show their status. (3,4)
Results and statistical analysis
Eight women of 30 in the Neolithic Italian sample lost incisors
and/or canines during life ([ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 1 OMITTED]; TABLE
2). Statistically, for females, a total of 6.0% of all anterior teeth
were lost before death; none of the 22 males lost incisors or canines at
all [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 2 OMITTED]. The teeth most commonly
affected were the central and lateral incisors, although no one tooth
was the norm. It is less certain whether premolars were involved in this
pattern,(5) and there is no significant difference between males and
females in how many molars were lost during life.
While the sample of Neolithic Italian teeth is large, the number of
front teeth lost before death is small; it is important to establish
that the male-female difference observed could not be due to random
fluctuations. The standard statistical methodology for testing the
probability of nominal data is the [[Chi].sup.2] test of independence
(Blalock 1979; Reynolds 1977).(6) When this test is carried, the
male-female difference in antemortem loss of incisors and canines is
highly significant; the [[Chi].sup.2] value of 9-88 has a probability
value of -002, suggesting that there are only about two chances in a
thousand of these results arising through random fluctuations. As a
second method of assessing the observed results, random simulation was
used, as this can provide a helpful context for understanding small
samples (Shennan 1988: 58-9). For each simulation run, a hypothetical
'collection' was generated identical to the actual dataset in
its aggregate characteristics of total size, male-female proportions and
proportion of teeth lost before death. In these replica samples, the
status of each tooth and the sex it was assigned to were generated
randomly. In all, 100 random samples were created. To compare them, the
[[Chi].sup.2] statistic was used to measure how far each sample departed
from having equal rates of antemortem tooth loss for males and females.
As FIGURE 3 shows, the actual data have a sex difference in tooth loss
greater than do any of the 100 random 'samples'. Both
statistical significance testing and the simulation study suggest the
sex difference in tooth loss is genuine rather than a statistical fluke.
The same result appears if we analyse the data by individuals instead
of by teeth. Among females, 8/30 (26.7%) lost at least one incisor or
canine before death. For males, the corresponding figure is 0% (0/22).
As before, since sample sizes are small, it is important to assess the
probability of these results statistically. The [[Chi].sup.2] test of
independence yields a highly significant result ([[Chi].sup.2] = 6.9, p
= .009; with Yates' correction for continuity [[Chi].sup.2] = 5.0,
p = .025). Fisher's Exact Test (Blalock 1978), more suitable for
data with low expected frequencies, assigns these results a probability
of .008, which again suggests that the sex difference in anterior tooth
loss is highly unlikely to be chance.(7)
The proportion of women experiencing anterior tooth loss can be
estimated in a very general way. Using the raw data, about a quarter of
female skeletons display lost anterior teeth. However, these remains are
fragmentary, and the rate is likely to be higher if we estimate a rate
for complete remains. If 24% of all women lost one or more anterior
teeth in their upper or lower dentition, around 40% of all women would
have lost teeth in either the upper or the lower dentition or both.(8)
Likewise, if every anterior tooth had a probability of being lost during
life of .06, the chance of a woman's losing at least one of her 12
canines and incisors would have been slightly over half.(9) These rough
calculations serve to make the point that probably between a quarter and
a half of Neolithic women would have lost incisors or canines during
Age distribution
The age at which women lost their anterior teeth is both of
anthropological interest and pertinent to whether anterior tooth loss
could have been due to dental disease (see below). Unfortunately,
disarticulation and fragmentation limit analysis. The assembled corpus,
including some of the largest collections from the peninsular Italian
Neolithic, represents a typical range of preservation. Of 52 specimens,
8 were disarticulated fragments with no data relevant to age; 8 were
published specimens without age estimates; another 6 included published
age estimates based on widely varying criteria and useful only for
assignment to broad categories such as 'young adult'. Molar
wear data are available for 23 specimens, and post-cranial ages
estimated by the author are available for 7 specimens. The problem of
age data is especially critical for the 8 women who had lost anterior
teeth during life. Of these, 2 are represented by isolated fragments;
broad age categorizations are available for 6, molar wear data for 4,
and detailed age estimates based on non-dental criteria for only 2.
Except for the molar wear data, then, age distribution analysis must
remain at the level of qualitative observation.
Anterior tooth loss probably began early in adulthood. The permanent
dentition does not record tooth loss before 8-12 years of age, and as
Cook (1981) points out, deciduous teeth can be extracted for cultural
reasons. The fact that a clear diastema is visible in most cases
suggests that tooth loss did not occur before the eruption of the
complete anterior dentition; otherwise erupting teeth would have
partially closed the gaps in the tooth rows.
Within the adult range, one woman with anterior tooth loss (Fonteviva
1) has moderately low wear placing her in early adulthood, and three
(Cala Colombo 1, Fonteviva 2 and Continenza) are placed in an
undifferentiated 'adult' category, without extreme tooth wear
or skeletal degeneration marking extreme age. The two women who can be
aged are both mature adults (Catignano, 40+ (Robb & Mallegni 1994)
and Lanciano, 50+ (Geniola & Mallegni 1975)). Anterior tooth loss is
known throughout the adult age range.
While molar wear does not bear a simple linear relationship to
age,(10) it may be a proxy for it. On the average, women losing front
teeth during life had slightly higher molar wear scores than their
fellows. Median wear scores (using Scott's (1979) scale of 1-40)
for women losing front teeth during life were 31.75, 29.875 and 11.0 for
the first, second and third molars respectively; the corresponding
values for women who had not lost anterior teeth were 23.625, 17.375 and
8.5. The difference between the two groups of women is statistically
significant for the first molars and second molars but not for the third
molars.(11) While this establishes the high probability that there is a
relationship between tooth wear and anterior dental loss, the
relationship is a weak one.(12)
This result is open to several interpretations. It may mean that
anterior tooth loss increased as the individual grew older. This pattern
would make sense in terms of both natural causes, such as dental
disease, and cultural causes. If adult women removed a tooth to mark
life-events (such as to express grief at the death of kin), the longer
they lived, the greater the possibility that such an occasion would
arise. Alternatively, since it is impossible to tell from a completely
resorbed socket how long before death the tooth was lost, all anterior
tooth loss may have taken place at a prescribed and relatively early
age. If so, then women who lost anterior teeth in early adulthood may
have lived longer, perhaps because of status-related factors. This
possibility seems less likely, but cannot be excluded.
Why ablation? Possible causes of anterior tooth loss in Neolithic
Italian women(13)
Following Hrdlicka (1940), several analysts have discussed criteria
for identifying ritual tooth ablation in skeletal remains (Cook 1981;
Merbs 1968) and for distinguishing intentional dental modification from
attrition due to craft activity (Blakely & Beck 1984). While
individual criteria may be argued, there are two key general points.
First, other possible causes must be excluded; these include post-mortem
damage, congenital absence, traumatic fractures, activity-related loss
and dental pathology. Secondly, it is desirable to establish that tooth
loss displays cultural patterns of some sort; criteria frequently cited
include symmetrical tooth loss, selection of visible teeth, differential
distribution for the sexes or other categories, and age patterns which
distinguish tooth loss from progressive age-related loss. Ideally, one
can also document the practice of tooth ablation in neighbouring
societies, and in local history, myth or legend (Hrdlicka 1940),
although this is impossible for most prehistoric populations.
Why did Neolithic Italian women lose their anterior teeth?
Post-mortem damage can be ruled out at once; the alveolar remodelling
evident in all cases could only have occurred in life. Genetic causes
are also unlikely. Congenital absence of the third molars is relatively
common in Italian Neolithic people; but the congenital absence of other
teeth is rare, and the absence of several teeth in different positions
within the same dentitions virtually unknown.(14) Anterior teeth may be
broken off or knocked out by traumatic injuries due to accidents or
violence. Trauma rates often do vary between the sexes, although it is
not known whether this was the case in the Italian Neolithic. However,
trauma seems an unlikely cause in the present case. It is hard to
imagine trauma knocking out symmetrical pairs of teeth, as occurs in
several cases. Moreover, only a fraction of facial traumas would have
resulted in tooth loss. If Neolithic women suffered enough facial
traumas to result in tooth loss in a quarter of the individuals studied,
we would expect to see numerous traumatic injuries to the mandible,
maxillae, nasals, zygomatics and adjacent bones. None of the female
skulls studied displayed healed facial injuries.
What about tooth loss due to specialized craft activities performed
only by females? Craft activities can affect the teeth through general
attrition, and Merbs (1968) argues that paramasticatory use resulted in
traumatic tooth loss in some Arctic groups as the front teeth were
chipped and fractured during forceful gripping. The anterior teeth of
Italian Neolithic women are often heavily worn, possibly from
paramasticatory activities (Salvadei & Macchiarelli 1983). That wear
clearly represents a phenomenon different from whatever produced
anterior tooth loss: it affects all anterior teeth, wearing them down to
a common occlusal plane, rather than singling out one tooth and
destroying it completely. Moreover, if paramasticatory use caused
anterior tooth loss in Neolithic Italian women, we would expect to see
other signs of such activities, such as frequent crown chips and
fractures (Merbs 1968). Except for some teeth apparently broken off at
the root during life (see below), there are few such traces.
In contrast to activities involving an entire region of the dental
arch, we might imagine a craft activity affecting selected teeth only,
such as pulling or rotating an abrasive cord or stick across a favoured
tooth. As Blakely & Beck (1984) note, attrition due to such
activities should be distinguishable from intentional modification based
upon its distribution in the dentition, age distribution and
characteristics such as symmetry. In the Italian case, loss is sometimes
symmetrical. If teeth were lost in an activity, we might imagine women
switching from one tooth to the controlateral one as the first grew worn
or painful or was lost, leading to symmetrical loss. Even so, women
would have had to forego such an activity once the selected teeth were
destroyed; adjacent teeth are rarely missing. Furthermore, missing teeth
are known in at least one young adult woman, excluding progressive
degeneration as the sole cause of tooth loss. Most tellingly, any such
activity involving abrasive contact should have left intermediate forms
- anterior teeth worn or abraded but not yet destroyed, and traces on
adjacent teeth. Neither is evident in the Neolithic dentitions.
Another possibility is that the teeth were intentionally removed to
create an artificial gap to facilitate some activity - such as holding a
cord or handle with the teeth, or passing a straw into the mouth while
the teeth were clenched. If this were so, it might have left distinctive
wear upon the surfaces of adjacent teeth where contact actually
occurred, as in the case of people who habitually grip an object such as
a pipe or wear a labret which rubs against their teeth (Milner &
Larsen 1991). The variation in locations affected - there is no standard
location for missing teeth - may also argue against tying tooth loss to
a specific, and presumably standardized, habitual activity.
Anterior tooth loss and dental disease
Dental disease, the most common cause of tooth loss during life,
leaves a characteristic pattern of tooth loss which may be compared
against the Italian data:
1 Dental caries and ante-mortem tooth loss due to dental disease
virtually always begin with the molars and proceed from the rear of the
dentition to the front, reaching the anterior teeth only after all or
most other teeth have been lost (Buikstra & Ubelaker 1994: 54;
Frayer 1989: 258ff; Hillson 1986: 290ff; Powell 1988: 70-71, 120-21). In
the Italian Neolithic sample, dental disease is common. By early middle
age most individuals had lost at least a molar or two; older individuals
often had several molars missing. Of the 8 women who lost anterior
teeth, one (Lanciano) had already lost most other teeth, including all
posterior teeth; in this case, anterior tooth loss may be completely or
partially due to dental disease.(15) Excluding this case from tabulation
changes the rate of loss for incisors and canines by little (5.2%); it
is still significantly different from that for males. The other 7 women
had most of their posterior teeth present at death; the greatest loss
was two molars (Catignano), which is quite typical of tooth loss in
middle-aged Neolithic people. There is little evidence for the extreme
loss of the posterior teeth which almost always accompanies pathological
loss of the anterior teeth.
2 Tooth loss due to disease is associated with other manifestations
of dental disease, particularly carious lesions. Molar loss frequently
occurred in conjunction with caries, both in the Neolithic sample as a
whole and in several of the women who had lost anterior teeth in life.
Yet in all the Neolithic specimens examined by the author, no carious
lesions were observed on the canines and incisors, suggesting that these
teeth were rarely afflicted by dental disease. Only one of the 8 women
with anterior tooth loss (Lanciano, above) had any sign of apical abscesses or marked periodontal disease in the anterior arch. Several
women who had lost anterior teeth had otherwise perfectly healthy
dentitions with no signs of dental pathology. There is thus little which
might be interpreted as intermediate stages in a disease process -
anterior teeth diseased but not yet lost.
3 The distribution of teeth lost during life should mirror the
distribution of dental disease among subgroups such as males and
females. Dental disease, as measured by molar loss (TABLE 2) and caries
rates (Robb 1995: table 3.56), occurred in Neolithic males and females
to much the same extent. Both phenomena are slightly more prevalent in
females; the difference is not significant, even given the larger sample
size of the pooled-sex sample, and may be due to chance.(16) If dental
disease caused anterior tooth loss, we would expect to find at least
some anterior tooth loss in males. We would also expect to find sex
differences in molar loss and caries, the most typical manifestations of
dental disease, to an extent at least as marked as those in anterior
tooth loss.
4 Tooth loss proceeds progressively, becoming more advanced in older
people. Of the four criteria for excluding pathological causes of tooth
loss, this is the most problematic, in part due to problems of age
determination discussed above. Among age, dental disease and anterior
tooth loss, the clearest relationship was between age and disease. While
molar wear and molar loss have a complex relationship, wear scores for
the second and third molars were highly correlated with rates of
posterior tooth loss (Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient -714 for M2 wear and .553 for M3 wear; p = .000 and .026
respectively).(17) There is also a weak but detectable tendency for
ante-mortem tooth loss to be found in older women (see above), and
between loss of anterior teeth and loss of posterior teeth: women who
lost anterior teeth in life were slightly more likely to have lost at
least one posterior tooth as well.(18)
The difficulty comes in establishing whether dental disease and
anterior tooth loss both increase with age because the former caused the
latter, or because they are parallel age-related processes (as would be
dental disease and osteoarthritis, the accumulation of traumas or the
accumulation of social knowledge). Using logistic regression as a
predictive technique (Warren 1990), neither molar loss nor molar wear
turned out to be a particularly strong predictor of anterior tooth loss.
Principal components analysis of tooth loss rates for anterior teeth,
premolars and molars consistently yielded two factors, the first with
heavy loadings for premolar and molar loss, the second associated with
anterior loss. Thus, while the relations between age, disease and
anterior tooth loss are not entirely clear, there is probably at least
as much ground for interpreting anterior tooth loss as an on-going
process parallel to dental disease as for seeing it as manifestation of
dental disease.
According to three of four criteria, anterior tooth loss is quite
distinct from tooth loss due to dental disease; the fourth criterion is
inconclusive. A reasonable interpretation is to resolve tooth loss in
the Italian Neolithic sample into two patterns. The first is the
pathological pattern of loss proceeding from back to front, accompanied
by dental disease and found in both sexes. The second is the
idiosyncratic loss of incisors and canines in females.
Discussion and conclusions
Anterior tooth loss in Neolithic Italian women is unlikely to have
resulted from taphonomic, genetic, traumatic, activity-related or
pathological causes; its primary cultural pattern is a marked sex
distribution in favour of females. Ethnographically, many groups around
the world are known to have practiced intentional dental ablation for
cultural reasons (Milner & Larsen 1991), and this seems the most
likely possibility for Neolithic Italian women.
Ante-mortem anterior tooth loss is known in samples from cultures
spanning the entire Neolithic, including the Early Neolithic Impressed
Ware, Middle Neolithic groups with various forms of painted wares and
the Late and Final Neolithic Ripoli, Serra d'Alto and
Diana-Bellavista groups. It shows equally little regional distinction:
while the excavated remains, and known cases of ante-mortem tooth loss,
are biased heavily towards Puglia, cases are known from both coastal and
highland Abruzzo as well. As a cultural behaviour, it appears to have
occurred in all the Neolithic groups for whom skeletal data are
Breakage patterns may provide some insight into how teeth were
removed. Some tooth breakage in Neolithic samples is undoubtedly due to
post-mortem destruction. But in several skulls, broken edges of the
anterior tooth roots are rounded by wear, implying that the subject
lived and chewed for some time after the tooth was broken. In one case
(Madonna di Grottole, [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 4 OMITTED]; see
Scattarella & De Lucia (1988) for archaeological context), broken
anterior teeth with worn roots are known from a female skeleton which
was excavated in an undisturbed context, further precluding the
possibility that wear could be due to taphonomic causes. In female
skulls, incisors and second premolars are often broken off, in a number
of cases symmetrically. As it is difficult to distinguish pre-mortem
from post-mortem breakage, no quantitative analysis was carried out. The
similarity to the pattern of ante-mortem loss may imply that breakage
and ante-mortem loss represent stages of a single process. If teeth were
intentionally removed via direct force, torsion or pulling, the
manoeuvre may have broken the crown off at the neck in some cases,
followed in some cases by the loss of the root and resorption of the
The immediate circumstances of the intentional, and presumably
voluntary, extraction of front teeth are unclear. Initiation into adult
status is ethnographically a common occasion for tooth removal. In
Neolithic Italy, women both with and without tooth removal are found at
several sites (e.g. Continenza, Passe di Corvo). This suggests that
tooth ablation was not universally prescribed, as we might expect for a
normal rite of passage, but was instead optional or contingent, possibly
via a combination of social distinctions such as adult female status and
initiation into a particular group or status.(19) Non-initiatory rites
or ceremonies could have been involved; the ultimate intent could have
been cosmetic, with the dental diastema associated with ideas of beauty.
These possibilities are not mutually exclusive; a cosmetic operation
could have formed part of a transition to adulthood, with its visible
effect furnishing an aesthetic symbol of its completion. Alternatively,
tooth removal could have been a ritualized gesture, for instance of
mourning dead kin. This view may be supported by the fact that women
with lost teeth were slightly older at death. It is also possible that
teeth were removed early in adulthood and that women losing teeth lived
longer for some other reason.
All societies modify and ornament the human body for symbolic
reasons. Anterior tooth removal is only one of three kinds of human body
modification known in Italian prehistory. Tattoos are known from the
'Ice Man' found on the Austrian border (Hopfel et al. 1992;
Barfield 1994). Trepanations known from the Neolithic onward are much
commoner in males (Germana & Fornaciari 1992). As with tattoos and
trepanation, the overall significance of tooth removal clearly depended
on its relation to symbolisms of the body as yet poorly understood, such
as the tendency in Italian Neolithic groups to use the female body as a
symbol. Whatever the symbolic meaning, the identity or relationship
dental ablation was intended to mark must have been a lifelong one, to
judge from the fact that an irreversible bodily operation was the chosen
Acknowledgements. I am grateful to F. Bartoli (Pisa), M. Bellati
(Cambridge), S. Borgognini Tarli (Pisa), A. Canci (Pisa), F. Facchini
(Bologna), R. Foley (Cambridge), R. Macchiarelli (Museo Pigorini, Rome),
F. Mallegni (Pisa), G. Manzi (Rome), M. Mazzei (Manfredonia), S. Sublimi
Saponetti (Bari) and V. Scattarella (Bari) for the opportunity to study
skeletal collections in their care. I am also grateful to Debra Gold and
to two anonymous reviewers for critical comments on the manuscript.
Financial support was provided by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Anthropological Research, the University of Michigan, and the Cotton
Foundation for Mediterranean Archaeology.
1 Many physical anthropologists term intentional tooth modification
'dental mutilation', an unnecessarily negative term for a
procedure which in contemporary societies has been voluntary and
culturally significant.
2 In sometimes small samples, different sites do not appear to differ
noticeably in their proportions of males and females, in frequencies of
dental disease, or in other characteristics which might affect
sex-related patterns in tooth loss.
3 Specimens were inspected from several collections for which
detailed published descriptions exist (Fonteviva, Passo di Corvo, Cala
Colombo and Lama dei Peligni). No discrepancies were found between the
author's census of ante- and post-mortem tooth loss and published
descriptions; this suggests that explicit published descriptions can
furnish this data reliably.
4 Danby (1987: 207) also notes a case of symmetrical antemortem loss
of the upper lateral incisors in an unsexed fragment from Passo di
Corvo. This specimen, not found in re-examining the collection, was not
included in the tabulated data.
5 Females lost 9.3% of all premolars before death, while males lost
only 1.0%. As for anterior teeth, the difference is highly significant
(p = .013). Moreover, in several cases, females with otherwise healthy
teeth lost a symmetrical pair of second premolars. However, when the
three women in the sample who display severe dental disease and premolar
loss (Grotta di S. Nicola, Villa Badessa 1 and Lanciano) are excluded,
the rate of premolar loss falls to 2.9% and the sex difference is no
longer significant. Given this, premolars are excluded from this
discussion of ante-mortem loss, though in some cases they may have
formed part of the same pattern as the anterior teeth.
6 The data tested conform to the assumptions of the [[Chi].sup.2]
test; in particular, the expected cell frequencies are well above the
standard threshold of 5 in all cases.
7 Though less immediately obvious, it is probably slightly more
accurate to compare only complete upper or lower dentitions rather than
all specimens, since the remains vary widely in preservation. When this
is done, the results are essentially identical (7/29 complete female
dentitions and 0/25 complete male dentitions have lost anterior teeth;
[[Chi].sup.2] = 6.9, p = .009; with Yates' correction for
continuity [[Chi].sup.2] = 4.9, p = .026; Fisher's Exact Test p =
8 Given a probability of 7/29 or .241 of missing an anterior tooth in
either the upper or the lower law, the probability of an
individual's missing at least one tooth in at least one jaw would
have been 1-[(1-.241).sup.2] or 42.24%.
9 Given a probability of .0595 of a tooth's being lost, the
probability that it was not lost would be .9405; the probability that
none of 12 teeth would be lost would be (.9405)(12) or -479; and the
probability that at least one tooth out of the complete dentition would
be lost would be 1-.479 or .521. This estimate is likely to be slightly
high, as it assumes that tooth loss is randomly distributed, while in
some cases women lost multiple teeth.
10 For instance, skeletally aged specimens suggest that in Italian
prehistoric: specimens, molar wear could reach its maximum possible
extent - exposure of dentine on the entire occlusal surface - by the age
of 40-50; survival beyond this age is not measurable through wear.
11 Statistical significance was tested using the Mann-Whitney U test
comparing the average rank for each group, as is appropriate for ordinal categories of non-normally distributed data.
12 Parallel analyses using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test, also
appropriate for ordinal wear stage data, did not give significant
results for any molar.
13 This section is based on specimens examined by the author, with
occasional reference to Neolithic dentitions not included in this
analysis (e.g. unsexed specimens}; published data generally do not
include sufficient detail to be used here.
14 Congenital absence of teeth is also not known to be linked to sex.
15 Even so, this individual retained a greater proportion of her
anterior teeth (with 4/6 still in place) than of her premolars (0/4
remaining) or molars (0/6 remaining).
16 This difference between the sexes in disease may be related to a
slight difference in ages at death; males had slightly lower amounts of
molar wear. The difference in wear scores is not marked and is not
statistically significant.
17 First molar wear scores bore little correlation to dental disease,
probably because the first molars wore down sooner and were often the
first teeth to be lost.
18 The statistical details of this vary according to how the data is
treated (e.g. with pathology rate treated as an interval, ordinal or
categorical data), and varied significance tests never yield results
more significant than .05. In the simplest summary, 6 of 21 women
without anterior tooth loss had lost at least one molar, while 5 of 5
women with anterior tooth loss had also lost one or more molars; using
Fisher's Exact Test, p = .055. These figures change slightly if we
exclude the one woman whose anterior tooth loss probably is actually due
to very advanced dental disease (see text and note 15).
19 Burial goods provide little clue to possible statuses. While one
or two women with missing front teeth were deposited in special ways
(notably Lanciano, deposited as an isolated skull beneath a house floor
(Geniola & Mallegni 1975)), others such as Fonteviva I and II and
Catignano were completely typical depositions in villages with no or few
goods (Robb 1994a).
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