Transformations of Upper Palaeolithic implements in the Dabba industry from Haua Fteah (Libya).
Hiscock, Peter
Different models of stone-working technology in the Upper
Palaeolithic are tested by examining an assemblage from Haua Fteah, on
the Libyan coast of north Africa. Evidence that some scrapers have been
reworked into burins, while some burins were modified to form scrapers,
show how this typically Upper Palaeolithic industry contains
morphological transformations between types. This evidence is consistent
with a technological continuity from the Middle Palaeolithic.
Ongoing debate about the characterization of the Middle Palaeolithic
to Upper Palaeolithic transition often involves opposing claims about
the level of continuity or discontinuity displayed in artefact assemblages. Perhaps the most common position is that the transition is
marked by increased diversity and standardization of formal implements
(see Mellars 1989: 365; Binford 1989: 36). Since the demonstration by
Dibble (1984; 1987) that a significant portion of assemblage variability
in the Middle Palaeolithic is explicable as morphological
transformations of one implement 'type' into another as
reduction proceeds, many analysts have used this as a key contrast to
the inferred technological structure of Upper Palaeolithic assemblages.
Upper Palaeolithic formal implement types have often been seen as being
unambiguously defined, functionally specific, and representing the
end-product of a sequence of reduction. For example, describing what he
calls an 'unstructured feature' of Mousterian behaviour,
Marcel Otte (1990: 443) claimed that
These are revealed, for example, in the typology of Mousterian tools,
where the tool types are not clearly defined and where one type seems to
grade almost imperceptibly into another (Dibble 1988). Seemingly, there
is no clear tool standardisation in the Mousterian. Recurrent forms do
not appear to correspond to a final stage in the reduction sequence (as
in the Upper Palaeolithic) but rather to represent various stages of
discard, during repeated phases of reworking or re-sharpening of the
tools (Cahen 1985).
Perception of dramatically different technological patterns in the
two periods has been used in the formulation of models that posit a
rapid development of more complex cultural activity. Depiction of Upper
Palaeolithic implements as rigidly defined end products has often been
seen as a reflection of modern cognitive patterns. The implications of
perceived contrasts in assemblage structure are variously phrased; while
Binford (1989: 19) talks in terms of 'planning depth', others
relate the variety of specifically designed implements made and used to
the presence and complexity of mental typologies. For example, Mellars
(1989: 365) characterizes the situation as follows:
The forms of these distinctively Upper Palaeolithic tools appear to
show not only a higher degree of 'standardization' than those
characteristic of the earlier Middle Palaeolithic industries (see Dibble
1987; 1989; Isaac 1972) but also a more obvious degree of 'imposed
form' in the various stages of their production and shaping. In
other words, the shapes of the tools not only are more sharply defined
but also appear to reflect more clearly conceived 'mental
templates' underlying their production.
This depiction of the transition between Middle Palaeolithic and
Upper Palaeolithic has not gone unchallenged. Dissenting opinion holds
the transition begins within the Middle Palaeolithic and that the
initiation of different organizational structures can be perceived in
Middle Palaeolithic assemblages (e.g. Lindly & Clark 1990: 61;
Marshack 1990: 469; Reynolds 1990: 273). It appears that this perception
is often based on technological analyses, which are more sensitive to
change than are implement typologies. Differing depictions of assemblage
structure, based on whether a technological or typological perspective
is applied to the analysis, suggest another challenge. While the Middle
Palaeolithic has been redescribed from a technological viewpoint, by
Dibble and others, Upper Palaeolithic assemblages often retain a more
strictly typological description. Hence, Clark & Willermet (1995:
155) have recently suggested that the morphological standardisation of
Upper Palaeolithic implements is a typological illusion (see also
Holdaway 1991). Intriguingly, the application of technological
perspectives to implement typologies in regions of the world first
colonized by modern humans, that is North America and Australia, has
often revealed manufacturing/recycling processes in which one
distinctive morphology is transformed into another (e.g. Flenniken 1985;
Flenniken & Raymond 1986; Hiscock 1993; 1994; Hiscock & Veth
1991; Holmes 1890; Wheat 1976). And in Epipalaeolithic backed blades
from southwest Asia similar morphological transformations have also been
perceived (Neeley & Barton 1994). It may therefore be asked whether
the perceived difference in technological structure between Middle
Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic owes more to the typological
approach to assemblage description than it does to the prehistoric
patterns of artefact manufacture. As noted by Lindly & Clark (1990:
61), specific technological examinations of Upper Palaeolithic
industries are necessary to answer this question.
In the following analysis of an assemblage from north Africa I will
show that some scrapers have been reworked into burins, while some
burins were modified to form scrapers. The assemblage selected for this
study is from Haua Fteah, a large limestone cave on the north coast of
Libya. Excavated in the early 1950s by Charles McBurney, the 12-m deep
excavation yielded several hundred thousand artefacts spanning both the
Middle and Upper Palaeolithic phases. McBurney's (1967) extensive
site report concentrates on descriptions of formal implement types, and
his classification of specimens as burins or scrapers follows normal
conventions. He argued that while the assemblages displayed regional
characteristics they were broadly comparable with Palaeolithic
assemblages elsewhere around the Mediterranean. In particular, McBurney
(1967: 135) described the Dabba phase at Haua Fteah as 'basically
similar to the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of south-west Asia,
Europe and the Maghreb'. Consequently, the demonstration of
morphological transitions between implement types at Haua Fteah can
contribute to discussions of the structure of Upper Palaeolithic
technology in general.
The Dabba sample
Burins and scrapers employed in this study were recovered from eight
spits excavated during McBurney's 1955 field season (see TABLE 1).
These spits span much of the Dabba phase represented at Haua Fteah,
beginning with spit 1955/88 in layers XVII-XVIII and extending down to
spits 1955/28, 1955/29, and 1955/93 in layers XXI-XXII. These excavation
units were selected because they were available for inspection,
contained relatively large numbers of implements, and the packaging of
the collection largely retained McBurney's original categories. In
addition, spits excavated in 1955 typically have a more precise
stratigraphic provenience than excavation units from McBurney's
earlier field seasons, and for this reason samples have been drawn only
from the 1955 material.
A total of 204 implements were present in these eight spits. All were
manufactured on a homogeneous chert, and therefore raw material
properties are not considered in the following discussion. Following
McBurney's classification the dominant class are minimally
retouched backed blades, which make up 47.6% of the assemblage. Backed
blades are not discussed in this paper. The next most abundant class of
implement are scrapers (28.9%), most of which were labelled as end
scrapers by McBurney. Burins were the other common implement form found
in the Dabba, and in this sample they comprise 19.1% of McBurney's
implements. While chronological changes in relative proportions of
implement types are documented by McBurney (1967: 166-7), the relative
abundance of each implement in this sample reflects the pattern for the
Dabba as a whole. As listed in TABLE 1, the following analysis is based
on a comparison of 39 burins and 59 scrapers, as identified by McBurney,
drawn from a representative sample of spits in the Dabba levels.
TABLE 1. The sample of specimens used in the analysis.
spit burins scrapers total
24 7 1 8
28 12 10 22
29 1 9 10
30 2 2 4
88 2 4 6
89 0 2 2
90 8 8 16
93 7 23 30
total 39 59 98
TABLE 2. Comparison of platform dimensions.
typological N platform platform
class width (mm) thickness
burins 9 13.64 [+ or -] 7.6 3.38 [+ or -] 2.4
scrapers 16 12.52 [+ or -] 5.7 3.71 [+ or -] 1.9
McBurney (1967: 71) has provided a series of radiocarbon
age-estimates for the strata from which these artefacts derive. The
specimens discussed below are effectively bracketed by radiocarbon dates
of 14,120 [+ or -] 100 (GrN2586) and 16,670 [+ or -] 150 (GrN2585) in
spit XVIII and 31,150 [+ or -] 400 (GrN2550) in spit XX. Hence the spits
represented in this sample have an antiquity of roughly 14,000 years BP
to more than 30,000 years BP.
Comparison of Dabba scrapers and burins
The feasibility of morphological transformations between burins and
scrapers can, in the first instance, be evaluated by comparing the size
and shape of the flakes on which each class of artefact is made. This
procedure has been used successfully by Dibble (1984; 1987) for Middle
Palaeolithic implements. For this purpose the best comparison is the
dimensions of platforms on specimens where retouching has not obscured
platform features. TABLE 2 shows that there is virtually no difference
between burins and scrapers in terms of platform width (t = 0.378, df =
23, p = 0.705) [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE 4 OMITTED] and platform thickness
(t = -0.335, df = 23, p = 0.744). This pattern is consistent with both
implement forms being made on flakes of similar dimensions.
When the two implement forms were discarded they also had extremely
similar dimensions (TABLE 3). Mean values of burins are consistently
slightly larger and longer that the values for scrapers, but although
both classes are quite variable in size they show much the same range of
sizes. Simple comparison of dimensions using t-tests reveal that the
differences between the two classes are not significant at even the p =
0.10 level (df = 96). While this similarity in plan shape and size is
not a test of the proposition that scrapers were transformed into
burins, or burins into scrapers, it is consistent with the notion that
transformations could have occurred.
Retouching patterns are also extremely similar for both classes of
implement. For example, most burins have one or more margins that
display a series of regular flake scars indicating blows applied to the
ventral surface of a flake have retouched the dorsal face. Indeed,
inspection of burins shows that many have extensive retouch onto the
dorsal face on the lateral margins or distal end, and at one point in
their reduction these specimens must have looked very like what McBurney
called 'end scrapers', 'flake scrapers',
'denticulate scrapers', or 'side scrapers'. The form
and extent of this scraper-like retouch is generally just like that of
the specimens McBurney recognized as scrapers. One measure of the nature
of this retouch is the length of these kinds of retouch scars on burins
([Mathematical Expression Omitted], sd = 2.3, n = 19) and on scrapers
([Mathematical Expression Omitted], sd = 1.7, n = 57). This comparison
shows that the size of scraper-like retouch on both implement classes is
virtually the same (t = 1.200, df = 74, p = 0.241).
Another example of similar retouching patterns is the number and size
of burin facets, the negative scars of 'burin spalls', on
specimens. As noted above, scrapers as well burins sometimes have burin
facets (TABLE 4). Again, t-tests indicate the differences between the
two classes are not significant at even the p = 0.10 level (df = 45).
Hence, when burin facets are present on specimens McBurney classified as
scrapers, the width of the facets and the number per specimen is almost
identical to those visible on burins. This observation is also
consistent with the proposition that individual specimens have been
transformed between classes.
Evidence for morphological transformations
Evidence presented thus far could be indicative of a consistent
classificatory 'mistake'. For example, if McBurney had
classified a number of objects that were burins as scrapers that might
explain the presence of burin facets on some items labelled as scrapers,
although it would not explain the other similarities in size, shape and
retouch form between the two types. However, it is not possible to
explain away the similarities in this way, because there is independent
and undeniable evidence of specimens being transformed from one class to
the other. This evidence is the physical superpositioning of negative
flake scars, in which burin facets either truncate, or are truncated by,
scraper-like retouch (i.e. short scars on the dorsal face caused by
blows to the ventral face). The arrangement of scar superposition is
direct evidence of the sequence of retouch and documents the
morphological transformation of specimens. The relationship between
these traditional classes of implement can therefore be better
understood if we look at the sequence of retouch rather than dimensions
As noted above, a substantial portion (70%) of burins have one or
more rows of short, steep retouch on to the dorsal face [ILLUSTRATION
FOR FIGURE 1 OMITTED]. These specimens are in fact just like
'scrapers', except that superimposed over the scraper retouch
are longer scars, or burin facets, removing part of the lateral or
distal margin. Such patterns, which indicate that scraper morphologies
were transformed into burin morphologies, can be seen in McBurney's
(1967: 152) illustrations.
In a similar way there are specimens in several of McBurney's
'Scraper' categories that have clear burin facets on them
[ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 2 OMITTED]. Measurements presented earlier have
already demonstrated that the form and extent of this burin-like retouch
is generally identical to that of the specimens McBurney recognised as
burins. These specimens are in fact just like 'burins', except
that superimposed over the long scars removing part of the lateral or
distal margin are a series of steep scars encroaching onto the dorsal
surface (as per scrapers). Such patterns, which indicate that burin
morphologies were transformed into scraper morphologies, can also be
seen in McBurney's (1967: 153) illustrations.
Repeated transformations of this kind are documented within the
sample of artefacts studied here. For example, 4.5% of specimens had a
sequence of scar superpositioning that showed a transition from scraper
morphology to burin morphology and then back to scraper form again. One
specimen even showed a four stage sequence of retouching:
scraper-burin-scraper-burin. Evidence for repeated transformations is
also visible on specimens illustrated in the original Haua Fteah site
report, but not included in the sample used here (e.g. McBurney 1967:
152, specimens 21 and 22).
While the Dabba manufacturing processes are not limited to a single
manufacturing sequence, most of the transitions mentioned here follow a
sequence broadly as follows:
1 The first phase consists of retouching onto the dorsal face to give
a simple end and/or side scraper form.
2 In the second stage burin spalls may be removed from the margins.
3 The third stage reverts to scraper-like retouch.
4 In the fourth stage further burin spalls may be removed from the
Evidence for transformations between burins and scrapers is
surprisingly common. Of the 98 specimens in the composite sample, 25
show at least one transformation clearly visible in the scar pattern
they present. This should be considered a minimum count, since the most
recent phase of retouch could conceivably remove evidence for a
pre-existing morphological state. For example, some scrapers have
extensive retouch on two or three edges, covering more than 100 mm of
edge, which could destroy definite evidence of burin spalls. Similarly,
some burins, especially dihedral forms, have little of the original
margins remaining, and evidence of any earlier and different morphology
has been removed. Hence, the evidence of scar sequences that remains on
these artefacts indicates that morphological transformations were
common, bi-directional, and any single specimen might have undergone
several cycles of transformation.
Consequently the available evidence does not support any suggestion
that the excavator has mis-classified these specimens. As his
illustrations and discussion clearly shows McBurney (1967) was able to
see the features mentioned here, and documented both burins with
scraper-like retouch and scrapers with burin facets. In fact, with an
understanding of the reduction processes outlined here it is possible to
perceive regularity and consistency in McBurney's classification.
In most instances his classification of a specimen relates to the
sequence of retouching. When scraper-like scars comprised the most
recent layer of retouching he classified the object as a
'scraper', even though it might have burin facets visible.
Conversely, when the final retouching event produced burin spalls he
classed the object as a 'burin', even though a pre-existing
scraper-like morphology was visible. Hence, on most occasions, the most
recent set of scars appears to have been used to classify the objects
into mutually exclusive classes. In doing so he found a coherent way to
classify complex objects, and ignored the implications of the
typological transformations that are apparent within the Dabba
assemblage at Haua Fteah.
Implications of morphological transformations
There are a number of important implications of this work for the
interpretation of Upper Palaeolithic artefact assemblages. Some of these
implications can be described by noting three differing interpretations
of the pattern described above.
1 The first, and most conventional explanation, might be that of the
two forms recognized in the traditional typology; one is a preparatory
stage (i.e preform) while the other is the end product and tool. This
model would imply that many specimens in the preform stage should not
automatically be regarded as implements. For example, if the final
product was considered to be the burin, then the retouch that gave the
scraper form might be seen to merely shape the piece and to prepare a
suitable surface on which to apply the burin blow. Such an
interpretation could apply even to those 'scrapers' with no
burin facets, since they may have proved to be an inappropriate form
after the preparatory retouching and were therefore discarded. This
argument would be inverted if it were argued that it was the scraper
morphology that was the end-product and the removal of burin spells
merely a form of preparatory shaping. Irrespective of which morphology
is identified as the preform this interpretation of implement form would
reduce the diversity of end products typically recognized in typological
2 Both typological forms might have functioned as tools, and
specimens might therefore have multiple functions throughout their life.
From this view retouching might change the form of the object to suit
the function at hand, and the typological composition of the assemblage
would therefore partly reflect the number of functional changes, and
partly the nature of the final function since the morphological
transformation related to that use would often over-write earlier
morphologies. This explanation retains the notion that tool form might
be manufactured to fit a functional design, but does not imply that the
tool form is necessarily an end-product.
3 Changing morphologies might reflect the application of knapping
actions, chosen from a repertoire of technological procedures, with the
general aim of extending the use-life of each item, either by generating
flakes or maintaining a useable edge. Implement form at the time it is
discarded is then conditioned by the interaction between its history of
use and the technical difficulties of continuing to flake the piece
(such as raw material properties and the economics of obtaining
replacement stone). Such a suggestion has been made for artefact form on
other occasions (eg. Hayden 1977), and is one model of Middle
Palaeolithic scrapers (Dibble 1987). While such a view does not
necessarily deny a role for stylistic factors, it allows for regular
sequences of morphological change without such factors.
While debate is likely to continue about which of these depictions is
most useful, they all create difficulties for conventional typological
analyses of Upper Palaeolithic industries. In all three cases the
percentage of traditional implement classes in an assemblage cannot
necessarily be taken accurately to reflect either site function or
cultural affinity in any simple way. The transformation of one type into
another may allow more sophisticated discussion of the economics and
structure of artefact manufacture and function, while complicating any
attempt to characterize Upper Palaeolithic formal implement types simply
as the end-products of a sequence of reduction. This conclusion was
anticipated by Dibble (1984: 435) when he argued that
It would be unwise always to assume that each 'type' that
can be defined on morphology must in fact reflect a distinct stylistic
design or was used for a discrete function. This problem extends to all
typologies of lithic materials and is not confined to Bordes's
typology for the Lower and Middle Paleolithic.
An important consequence of the presence of morphological
transformations between supposedly discrete implement types is that the
Dabba artefact assemblage at Haua Fteah is not structured in the way
that Upper Palaeolithic industries are normally said to be structured.
Indeed, the presence of morphological transformations in the Dabba
clearly parallels their widely documented existence in earlier
assemblages (see Dibble 1987; Cornford 1986), suggesting continuity
between Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic assemblages, at least
in this aspect of their technological structure and in North Africa.
If the patterns of transformation found in the Dabba levels of Haua
Fteah are duplicated more widely in Upper Palaeolithic assemblages, this
would be consistent with observations in the New World and the Antipodes
and would suggest that at least in some production contexts
morphological transformations frequently exist in the technologies of
recent hominids. Hence the posited distinction between Middle
Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic technological structures may need to
be re-examined.
Acknowledgements. I am indebted to Chris Chippindale, Robin Boast and
the staff of the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and
Anthropology for providing access to the Haua Fteah collections. I thank
the ANTIQUITY referees for helpful comments on the paper. This research
was funded by a research grant from the Northern Territory University.
The drawings are by Joanna Richards.
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