On a Pleistocene human occupation at Pedra Furada, Brazil.
Meltzer, David J. ; Adovasio, James M. ; Dillehay, Tom D. 等
Introduction and caveats
In a review of the problems and controversy surrounding the peopling
of the Americas, Guidon & Arnaud (1991: 177) very rightly suggest,
'Working parties, meetings of specialists on site, and formal
debates, should take place regularly if we are to establish an agreed
basis for evaluating evidence.' It was in that spirit an invitation
was graciously extended to us to visit Toca do Boqueirao da Pedra Furada and participate in the Reuniao Internacional Sobre o Povoamento das
Americas in Sao Raimundo Nonato, Brazil, in December 1993. It was also
in that spirit we accepted the invitation.
While we returned from Brazil greatly impressed by the scope of the
work at Pedra Furada, we also returned without having been convinced of
the site's claims for a Pleistocene human antiquity. This is not,
we hasten to add, a final judgement about the site; that must await the
appearance of Parenti's unpublished dissertation on the material
remains (Parenti 1993b), and the summary monograph(s) on the site. It
does, however, reflect concerns we have about the chronology, geology,
artefacts, features, and related aspects of the purported Pleistocene
human occupation at Pedra Furada.
Of course, we are not experts on the data and evidence recovered from
Pedra Furada; our knowledge of the site is based on presentations we
heard at the Conference, two site visits (and visits to six other
apparent Pleistocene sites in the region), and a cursory inspection of
the recovered material, supplemented by a reading of the available site
literature. Nor do we expect our opinions will be shared by our
colleagues (even those who viewed the site with us); we understand only
too well how other individuals or groups may see the same evidence
We are also well aware of the potential appearance of bias on our
part from two of us having our own pre-Clovis candidates. We will let
our paper speak for itself in this regard, but trust the issue of bias
will be found to be groundless. After all, we have nothing to gain by
showing Pedra Furada is -- or is not -- as old as it is claimed to be.
This is not a competition in which only one site can 'win' and
others must 'lose'. Each pre-Clovis claim is independent; the
age of one has no bearing on the age of another (Meltzer 1989). It
matters not to us whether the first Americans arrived 11,000, 20,000 or
50,000 years ago, or whether one or all of these sites are accepted.
What matters is understanding the virtually unprecedented migration of
modern humans across a rich, empty and dynamic Pleistocene landscape, of
which solving the question of when it occurred is but the first step
toward that understanding (for a discussion of these larger issues, see
the papers in Dillehay & Meltzer 1991).
We would like to contribute towards that solution, for we consider
ourselves to have a useful knowledge of the difficulties encountered in
the excavation of potentially early records, especially in caves and
rock-shelters, and in the identification of unifacial stone tool
industries and possible human-made features. Adovasio and Dillehay have
confronted such matters before at Meadowcroft and Monte Verde. All of
us, further, are acutely aware of the long and complicated history of
evaluating these sometimes controversy-laden records. Thus, our views
and comments might be of some interest to our colleagues and, perhaps,
of some value.
Ours is not the first commentary to be offered on this site. Several
(mostly) brief assessments have appeared: some pro, some con, others
withholding judgement until more first-hand information is available
(e.g. Ardila Calderon & Politis 1989; Bahn 1991; 1993; Bednarik
1989; Fagan 1990; Lynch 1990; Schmitz 1987); the more partisan of these
have sparked testy exchanges (e.g. Bahn & Muller Beck 1991; Fagan
1991). We have deliberately steered clear of this literature, and will
neither summarize nor take sides on it. Our purpose is to provide as
constructive an assessment as possible of the evidence from Pedra
Furada, from our own particular vantage as participants in the debate,
who have also had the opportunity to examine and discuss in detail the
site's evidence now that the work and analysis are nearing
Given Adovasio and Dillehay's own experience with commentators
on their sites, and their natural empathy for one in Guidon's
position (who, like them, never sought early sites, nor intended to get
involved in the peopling of the Americas controversy), these comments on
Pedra Furada are not offered lightly. Indeed, we gave the matter
considerable thought before doing so. Under the circumstances, however,
it seems incumbent on us to do so: this is putatively the oldest known
site in the New World, and as such deserves discussion, especially by
those who have had the opportunity to visit the site and view its
material remains. Moreover, because of historical scepticism toward
early sites (Grayson 1988; Meltzer 1989), the case for any claim can
only be strengthened by exposing the roots of the scepticism. Finally,
as Guidon has noted on several occasions, frank and (we intend)
constructive discussion is the best way to bring closure for or against
any purportedly early site (in this regard, Adovasio and Dillehay can
testify from personal experience that Pedra Furada is not being singled
out for unprecedented criticism). Thanks to Guidon, we began that
discussion in December of 1993 in Brazil: this paper continues the
Brief background
Excavations at Pedra Furada took place over a decade, beginning in
1978, and to date the available primary literature on the purported
Pleistocene occupation levels at the site consists of a series of
relatively brief and preliminary reports on the excavation, the
burgeoning radiocarbon list, general stratigraphic descriptions,
comments on the lithics and features -- including arguments for their
human origins, and (in the more recent publications) responses to
critics (e.g. Guidon 1986; 1987; 1989; Guidon & Arnaud 1991; Guidon
& Delibrias 1986; Parenti 1993a; Parenti et al. 1990). The detailed
and comprehensive reports on the site's geology, stratigraphy and
material remains have yet to appear, though (as noted) are in progress.
The site is located in the semi-arid caatinga (thorn forest) of
northeast Brazil (Piaui), in the re-entrant of a massive, south-facing,
sandstone rock-shelter, 70 m wide, at maximum 18 m deep (the
perpendicular distance from the drip-line to the rear wall, in line
north-south in Guidon & Arnaud 1991: figure 2), which was filled
with nearly 5 m of deposits. Those deposits slope from east to west on a
10 [degrees] angle, and from the front to the rear of the shelter.
At both ends of the rock-shelter are chutes that carry material down
on to the site; included in that material are quartzite cobbles which
occur in a conglomerate layer approximately 100 m above the shelter
floor. Along the shelter wall the chutes are marked by pronounced
manganese staining, indicative of prolonged and intensive, if episodic,
water flow. Visible at the base of the east (higher) end chute is a
substantial talus of broken cobbles, many of which had suitably sharp
edges for potential use. At the base of the west end chute, several
pot-holes are visible (each is over roughly 1-5 m in diameter; one,
partially obscured by a cement column put in place to support a walkway,
appears to be several metres in diameter). These pot-holes undoubtedly
formed as plunge pools scoured out of the bedrock.
FIGURES 3 & 4 show the remarkable scale and character of the
There are two major cultural phases defined at the site.
The Pedra Furada phase, from [is greater than]48,000 b.p. to 14,300
b.p. (Parenti 1993a: table 02), is characterized by the debris of
artefact manufacture and simple tools made of locally occurring
quartzite and quartz. There has not been a great deal of discussion
regarding activities of this period, save for Guidon's (1987: 10)
remark that the site was a temporary camp for 'rock painting,
flaking and retouching of rock, and cooking and eating of food'.
The Pedra Furada phase deposits lack bone, wood, or other organic
remains, save for pieces of charcoal. There are hearths and features
from this phase, through these are reportedly more diffuse and less well
defined than those in the later phases of occupation.
The later, Serra Talhada phase, post-dates 10,400 b.p., and includes
artefacts of both local quartzite and exotic chert, abundant rock art,
and -- we generalize from this and other sites in this area -- very
pronounced and well defined hearths and anthropogenic 'occupations,
or living surfaces.
We are not concerned in this paper with the Serra Talhada phase
material, except for occasional comparative purposes; our focus is on
the Pedra Furada phase.
Although our visit to the site occurred long after excavations ceased
-- not the ideal time to view a site (Dillehay 1989b) -- the excavation
was not backfilled and two stratigraphic witness sections remain. We
assume, in our comments on the stratigraphy and geology of the site,
that these witness sections are representative of the site deposits. Of
the several general stratigraphic diagrams that have been presented (see
Bednarik 1989; Guidon 1986; Guidon & Arnaud 1991; Guidon &
Delibrias 1986), none shows the complete stratigraphic sequence as
interpreted at the site, and are to varying degrees only preliminary in
nature; hence, we have not reproduced then here. We understand detailed
and final stratigraphic sections have been prepared, and are forthcoming
(Parenti pers. comm.)
Radiocarbon chronology
The excavations at Pedra Furada have produced a total of 55
radiocarbon determinations of which 46 are currently accepted (TABLE 1;
Paranti 1993a; pers. comm.); 32 of these are in the Pedra Furada phase.
The Pedra Furada phase is further divided into three sub-phases. The
sub-phases and their ages are: PF1, from 48,000 to 35,000 b.p.; PF2,
from 32,160 to 25,000 b.p.; and PF3, from 21,400 to 14,300 b.p. (see
TABLE 1, and Paranti 1993a: 307-8).
These sub-phases appear to be based almost entirely on patterns in
the radiocarbon sequence or, more properly, on hiatuses within that
sequence. The sub-phases seem largely unrelated to the lithostratigraphy at the site (as described in publications or that we observed). This
well explains why the number and radiocarbon ages for sub-phase
boundaries as currently defined differ from those published earlier
(compare the chronological divisions above with those in Guidon 1986 and
Guidon & Delibrias 1986: 769, where the Pedra Furada phase was
divided into four sub-phases with different boundary ages). Obviously,
as additional radiocarbon ages were obtained, their overall pattern
changed and so did the sub-phase definitions. This also explains why
radiocarbon determinations previously assigned to one sub-phase are now
assigned to another; Guidon & Delibrias (1986: 769), for example,
assign two determinations to PF1 (Gif-6652 and Gif-6653) that are now
assigned to PF2.
There is a further element of arbitrariness' in the phase and
sub-phase definitions: PF1 is separated from PF2 by a hiatus of 2840
radiocarbon years, and PF2 is separated from PF3 by a hiatus of
3600-years (Parenti 1993a: table 2). Yet hiatuses of comparable duration
also occur within the sub-phases. For example, there are hiatuses within
PF1 of 4400 and 3000 years (between 47,000 and 42,600 b.p. and between
38,000 and 35,000 b.p., respectively). Both of these are longer gaps in
the radiocarbon sequence than the hiatus between PF1 and PF2. Why these
gaps were not used as the basis for sub-phase divisions is unclear.
Because of this approach, it is difficult to accept the assertion
that the sub-phases are based on 'granulometrie et de leur contenu
en charbon' (Parenti 1993a: 306, emphasis ours). The sub-phases are
clearly not anchored in distinct lithostratigraphic units; for example,
the base of two of the cultural sub-phases (PF1 and PF2) appear to be
marked by major spalling episodes and/or erosional surfaces with lag
deposits. Yet the base of the third sub-phase (PF3) and the upper
boundaries of all three sub-phases are marked only by hiatuses in the
radiocarbon sequence (Guidon & Arnaud 1991: figure 3). Hiatuses
between the three sub-phases are not hiatuses in observed depositional
processes. These sub-phases are apparently or nominally
'cultural' rather than chronostratigraphic sensu stricto.
The apparent granulometric underpinning for these sub-phases is
problematic. According to Parenti (pers. comm. 1993), the site was
excavated in arbitrary levels that were then grouped (and re-grouped)
into sub-phases based on the presence of features and datable charcoal.
Grain-size data was then calculated by sub-phase from discontinuous and
essentially arbitrary sediment samples representing unconnected episodes
or 'moments' in a lithostratigraphic continuum. The samples
are therefore not necessarily related to discrete depositional events in
the history of the shelter.
In effect, the criteria used to create the phases are a mix of
radiocarbon determinations and a few lithostratigraphic contacts (but
mostly radiocarbon determinations); yet neither alone provides a clear
definition of either TABULAR DATA OMITTED the geological units or the
cultural phases as defined.
For that matter, the cause of these hiatuses (within and between
sub-phases) is clouded. Given that the sequence is not tied to actual
lithostratigraphic events (though such events are present), it is
difficult to attribute these hiatuses to palaeoecological events in the
history of the area; to structural events in the history of the shelter;
or, possibly, to human activity -- such as groups creating a possible
use-floor. To a degree, the sequence of radiocarbon determinations may
also reflect patterns in the excavation and radiocarbon sampling, and be
related only tangentially to prehistoric natural or cultural activity at
the site. Ultimately, the meaning and integrity of the phases and
sub-phases as currently defined at Pedra Furada, and the rationale
behind them, is unclear.
There are no obvious or major reversals in the gross radiocarbon
column; however, Parenti reports several radiocarbon determinations run
by BETA Analytic were out of sequence, and a total of nine radiocarbon
determinations have been rejected (pers. comm. 1993). Granting the
horizontal and vertical complexity of the site, as well as the
observable complexity of its apparent depositional episodes, it is vital
that there be a detailed discussion of the horizontal and vertical
position of the charcoal samples, particularly relative to the hearths
and artefacts (accompanied by comments on why certain determinations
were rejected).
The 46 accepted radiocarbon determinations from the site do represent
a large corpus of radiocarbon ages; in fact, there may be more from this
site in apparent stratigraphic order than are available from any other
site in South America. By themselves, the age determinations appear to
be reliable and valid. We saw no obvious sources or mechanisms of
contamination. The charcoal fragments we observed clearly appear to be
wood charcoal; Adovasio's very cursory examination suggested the
charcoal might come from several species (but obviously such needs to be
followed up).
Ambiguity arises, however, in regard to the origin of the charcoal.
In such a semi-arid region, brush fires are an obvious natural source of
charcoal, and we are concerned whether the charcoal is truly
anthropogenic. After all, the shelter was regularly open to receive
wind-blown charcoal from external fires, or possibly from fires within
the shelter itself, or from fires occurring on the uplands above which
could have been readily transported down the chutes to the site itself.
Guidon & Arnaud (1991: 176) dismiss such concerns, observing that
today the caatinga vegetation 'burns only with difficulty',
and because the site charcoal is concentrated in hearths and occurs
mostly inside the shelter and not outside the drip-line. We are
unconvinced by this response. Even if brush fires are uncommon in the
caatinga today, were they uncommon in the Pleistocene vegetation
surrounding the site? That question has not been answered. Moreover,
excavations were rather limited outside the drip-line; it is unclear
from the publications or the extant sections how discrete the placement
of the charcoal was within the features; and there is no reason to
suppose charcoal could not have been carried toward the rear of the
shelter by natural agencies.
Further, we saw little in the stratigraphy to convince us the
charcoal was anthropogenic. In one of the two witness sections on the
site, the Pedra Furada phase charcoal 'lenses' were thick and
diffuse, quite unlike the discrete lenses and hearths visible in the
younger (Holocene) Serra Talhada phase. Nor do the Pedra Furada phase
charcoal 'lenses' resemble the very discrete (and occasionally
quite thick) fired phenomena we have seen in our extensive experience
with dry and wet caves and rock-shelters where large-scale fired floors
exist. In fact, the charcoal 'lenses' in the Pedra Furada
phases appear like those formed by non-human agencies, such as wind and
water action.
To help resolve this ambiguity over the source of the charcoal, it
would be useful to know precisely how many of those radiocarbon ages are
aggregate determinations representing averages from several samples of
dispersed charcoal, as opposed to determinations on single chunks of
charcoal. It would also be useful to know whether and how many
individual features -- as opposed to dispersed lenses of scattered
charcoal -- were radiocarbon dated.
Until all these matters are resolved, it is difficult for us to
preclude the possibility the charcoal was non-anthropogenic, and
introduced by natural means. What we might have at Pedra Furada is a
stratigraphically correct sequence of natural fires -- in which case the
hiatuses in the radiocarbon sequence may indeed have palaeoecological
Macrogeology, microgeology, and site emplacement processes
Although we did not observe the underlying shale bedrock, Pedra
Fureda seems to be a typical re-entrant rock-shelter, although a very
large example. The large blocks on the sterile floor or basement of the
site may represent either initial re-entrant activity or very early roof
collapse, as opposed to wall attrition.
There apparently has been no effort to study the lithology of the
cliff face itself, although casual examination of that face indicates
distinct facies with clear granulometric 'signatures' exist
within the sandstone (which appear to represent discrete point or
channel bar episodes). The lithology of these facies looks sufficiently
distinctive to allow 'fingerprinting' of the rock-fall
episodes; doing so would have been useful for determining the source,
intensity, duration and timing of specific spalling events, both major
and minor, in the long history of the shelter. Such would also provide a
better context for evaluating the apparent artefacts and features in the
Our observations of the witness sections indicate the matrix of the
deposits is remarkably coarse. Observed clast sizes range from medium
and very coarse sand through gravel, cobbles and boulder-sized materials
with a curious absence of finer sand-sized and smaller materials. These
observations are supported by the available published granulometric data
(e.g. Guidon & Arnaud 1991) which clearly show, discontinuous though
they are, a preponderance of coarse materials throughout the sequence.
While the local sandstone cement is silica, and grain-by-grain attrition
will therefore be lower than in corresponding calcium-carbonate cemented
shelters, the absence or scarcity of 'fines' at Pedra Furada
suggests the possibility the deposits may have been substantially
reworked by water after deposition.
The extant witness sections reveal a minimum of five major geological
strata separated from one another by apparently continuous (insofar as
are still visible) interfaces or contacts which are marked, in some
cases, by concentrations of cobble-sized materials. These interfaces
represent changes in the depositional regime of a presently
unspecifiable nature. The interfaces with a significant cobble or
boulder-sized component may reflect heavy spalling episodes or, given
the radiocarbon hiatuses that correspond to these interfaces, lag
deposits resulting from extensive fluvial erosion and reworking. The
source of the water for this erosion is not any creek or stream; as
Guidon notes (1989: 641; Guidon & Arnaud 1991: 174) the site lies 19
m above the valley floor. Instead, the source is presumably water that
flushes down the chutes, especially at the eastern (up slope) end of the
shelter. Judging by the manganese staining on the shelter walls, and the
erosion of the cliff face, these chutes have carried large volumes of
water in the past. It would useful to map the size of the catchment in
the uplands that drains into these chutes.
The interface between the uppermost Pleistocene deposits (their PF3)
and the lowermost Holocene units (the base of the Serra Talhada
sub-phase) is relatively clear-cut in the witness section. For that
matter, the Holocene deposits here and at other shelters in the region
unambiguously show the appearance of human activity, marked by obvious
anthropogenic surfaces.
The sources of the fill which make up the major geological units
defined at the site appear to be reasonably clear-cut. A large
percentage of the sediments represent direct attrition from the roof and
walls of the shelter. A substantial contribution came as well from the
overlying quartzite-laden gravel bars, two of which occur 100 m above
the site. While there was certainly the potential for the accumulation
of limited amounts of finer sediments from attrition, their near-total
absence makes it difficult to establish their relative contribution to
the sediment pile. Likewise, an aeolian component may be present, having
come in continuously or sporadically throughout the history of the site;
the amount of the aeolian contribution cannot be quantified at this
time, though we suspect that, at least in volume, it is relatively minor
(although perhaps important in bringing charcoal into the shelter).
Other potential sources of sediment include colluvial materials
introduced via the chutes -- as opposed to rock spalls from the shelter
ceiling. Both free-fall and water transport of cobble- and boulder-sized
materials provide natural flaking mechanisms of considerable power, a
point to which we will return.
According to the excavators, the macrostratigraphic units at the site
were excavated without attention to any internal stratification. Indeed,
they suggested microstratigraphy was either absent or unimportant in the
formation of the sediment pile. Our own inspection of the witness
section indicates that each of the major macrostratigraphic units is
eminently capable of subdivision into microstratigraphic episodes or
events. Perhaps this would explain why there are several thousand-year
hiatuses in the radiocarbon sequence within the macrostratigraphic units
(above) -- those radiocarbon hiatuses may well correspond to undetected
stratigraphic changes.
Were the microstratigraphy known, it would be possible to tease out
discrete concentrations of putative features and artefacts. Without it,
it is virtually impossible to associate any single artefact with any
structure on the site or any microstratigraphic lens or possible
surface. Likewise, it is impossible to link any artefact with any
radiocarbon age. However, if the purported artefacts, features and
radiocarbon samples were piece-plotted during excavations, it might be
possible to 'reconstruct' (albeit imperfectly) the surfaces on
which these materials were recovered, and so establish the randomness or
non-randomness of those associations. That may buttress, but cannot
prove, that these associations are more than mere geological
co-occurrences within a many-thou-and-year macrostratigraphic unit.
An examination of both the macro- and micro-stratigraphy in the
witness section indicates there is a rearward slope to the sediments.
Such a slope likely 'formed behind the distinctive drip-line that
presumably, though not demonstrably, exists around the entire margin of
the site, and as the lee side of the well-pronounced talus accumulation
at the base of the east end chute. The talus does not appear to form a
symmetrical cone, but instead an asymmetrical one, in which the long
axis dips toward the western end of the site (because of the overall 10
[degrees] slope from east to west). That long axis would be roughly
bell-shaped in cross-section, and thus gravity would naturally carry a
percentage of the cobbles (and other debris) that fell on to the talus
toward the rear wall of the shelter. This has a bearing on the claims
for artefacts.
Artefacts (FIGURES 6-10)
There is some discrepancy regarding the number of artefacts in the
Pedra Furada phase; we will follow the recent counts by Parenti, which
put the total at 595 specimens (Parenti 1993a: table 3; compare the
larger counts in Guidon & Delibrias 1986). All the artefacts
reported in the Pedra Furada phase are made of quartzite, the source of
which is the internally stratified conglomerate gravel bar that occurs
100 m directly above the site, and was directly connected to the site
via the chutes at either end of the shelter. Under the circumstances, we
must ask whether these specimens are truly artefacts, as opposed to
geofacts (sensu Haynes 1973) -- naturally flaked stone created when
quartzite cobbles eroded out of the conglomerate and fell 100 m to be
flaked and fractured on the shelter floor. Judging by the distance of
the fall, the velocity that would be reached over that distance (roughly
45 m/sec, which is considerably higher than that usually achieved by
humans flaking stone, e.g. Speth 1972: 45), and the pile of flaked
quartzite cobbles present in the talus and witness section, these chutes
have been and are veritable geofact factories.
Unfortunately, to date there has been no explicit discussion of the
criteria used in the field during the excavations to recognize artefacts
amidst the coarse matrix of broken quartzite cobbles that comprise the
site matrix, and whether those criteria were used consistently
throughout the excavations. We do know, because the evidence is visible
in the remaining witness sections, that such sorting decisions had to
have been made almost constantly, since these alleged artefacts were
selected from amidst countless broken cobbles.
To pursue this question of how 'artefacts' were sorted from
non-artefacts, we were shown and subsequently made a cursory examination
of the excavation backdirt piles that occur in the brush beyond the
shelter drip-line. We did so to see what had been discarded as
'non-artefacts'. Picking through the backdirt revealed many
stones that, put together, formed a continuous sequence from unbroken
cobbles to ones slightly flaked to ones that had sharp edges and looked
like chopping tools. This certainly heightened our concerns about how
artefacts were defined, how they were distinguished from naturally
fallen and fractured stones, and what percentage of all the broken rocks
on site these alleged 'artefacts' represent. Are the
'artefacts' truly different in kind from naturally flaked
rocks? Or were they merely one end of a larger continuum with those that
were naturally flaked?
We do not wish to belabour the point, but some of these specimens we
found in the backdirt were remarkably similar in form, size, flaking
pattern, and had equally sharp edges, as many of the specimens on
display at the Conference.
While there has been little or no discussion of the criteria used to
sort purported artefacts from geofacts in the field, Parenti later
developed an explicit set of criteria for identifying artefacts. These
criteria were devised after the excavation and after the first (and more
considerable) sorting of 'artefacts' from naturally flaked
stone was already complete. These post hoc criteria were applied to a
relatively small sample of specimens Parenti had in Europe for detailed
study and drawing while producing his dissertation (Parenti pets. comm.
1993). Parenti was confident about the artificial status of the
specimens in this collection; he was non-committal about the artificial
status of those specimens not studied by him (pets. comm. 1993).
estimated estimated estimated
amount of rock-fall number of rocks
time it took rate that would fall
1000 rocks to fall (rocks/yr) over 50,000 years
5 years 200 rocks/yr 10,000,000 rocks
10 years 100 rocks/yr 5,000,000 rocks
50 years 20 rocks/yr 1,000,000 rocks
100 years 10 rocks/yr 500,000 rocks
TABLE 2. Models of rock-fall into Pedra Furada over 50,000 years.
number of rocks number of potential geofacts
that fell over given production probability of
50,000 years .01 .001 .0001 .00001 .000001
10,000,000 rocks 100,000 10,000 1000 100 10
5,000,000 rocks 50,000 5000 500 50 5
1,000,000 rocks 10,000 1000 100 10 1
500,000 rocks 5000 500 50 5 0.5
TABLE 3. Possible geofact production at Pedra Furada over 50,000 years.
sample probability expected number in estimated sample required
size of event a sample = 1000 to detect a single specimen
1000 0.01 10.00 100
1000 0.001 1.00 1000
1000 0.0005 0.5 2000
1000 0.0001 0.1 10,000
1000 0.00001 0.01 100,000
TABLE 4. Adequacy of a sample size of 1000 for detecting rare events.
Parenti's post hoc criteria identified artefacts as such on the
basis of
1 the number of flake scars, 2 the edge angle ([is less than] 90
[degrees]), 3 the pattern or 'logic' of the flake scars on the
working edge, and 4 the position of the object in the rock-shelter
(pers. comm. 1993).
On this last point, Parenti & Guidon argue objects near the rear
of the shelter had to have been carried there by humans and were
therefore manuports (pets. comm., and Guidon & Arnaud 1991: 176).
Since the identification of the Pedra Furada 'artefacts'
appears to have been a two step process -- 'artefacts' were
selected in the field from amidst the countless rocks comprising the
fill, and then a (presumably) smaller group was selected from among that
initial sample -- it is vitally important these two selection criteria
be thoroughly explained and reconciled. To what degree, for example,
would specimens initially identified as geofacts (or artefacts) be
acceptable (or unacceptable) by Parenti's criteria (a question made
relevant by our examination of the backdirt specimens)? And, more
important, to what degree do those two separate sets of criteria
reliably differentiate apparent artefacts from non-artefacts? Given
Parenti's criteria are the more explicit and seemingly more
rigorous of the two that were applied to these specimens, we will focus
our discussion on them and on the actual specimens he identified as
artefacts (and which were on display at the Conference).
We completely agree with Parenti and others that many of the
specimens we saw on display could be artefacts. We agree with Pelegrin
who argued at the conference that specimens like these generally would
not be expected to result from natural causes. Still, he conceded -- and
we agree here too -- that in rare circumstances naturally fallen rocks
could acquire the kind of flaking seen on these specimens; in
Pelegrin's estimate that would occur less than 1% of the time. He
based this estimate on the pattern and type of flake scars observed on
the specimens, and his belief in the improbability such specimens would
receive multiple and apparently uniform blows from natural causes
(Pelegrin pers. comm. 1993).
To counter the suspicion these specimens were merely naturally
tumbled quartzite cobbles and flakes, Parenti collected and analysed
2000 stones from the talus piles that occur at the base of the east (500
stones) and west (500 stones) chutes on the site, and from a talus pile
at the base of a third chute (1000 stones) just off the western edge of
the site. None of these 2000 stones exhibited the kinds of flaking or
flake patterns he observed among his sample of apparent artefacts
(Parenti pers. comm. 1993).
While Pelegrin's arguments and Parenti's observations are
very well taken, we must demur on several points. The issue, as Pelegrin
says, is a probabilistic one: the odds may indeed be slight that nature
could produce such specimens, but are the circumstances at this
particular site such that even these seemingly rare events occurred
often enough to produce the record of 'artefacts' that exists?
Moreover, is Parenti's sample of naturally fallen stones
statistically large enough to show these purportedly rare events did not
Parenti is now gathering data on the rate of cobble-fall into the
shelter, so is uncertain how long it took the original sample of 2000
naturally fallen stones to accumulate. Still, we can use that sample (or
at least the 1000 stones that fell down the east and west chutes and fed
directly into the site), and several inferred times of accumulation, to
create models of rock-fall rate and accumulation over the 50,000 years
the shelter was open.
We assume, for sake of discussion, that rock-fall was relatively
constant over time; this assumption is not unreasonable, since episodes
of faster or slower rock-fall when time-averaged will even out. Of
course, in reality there were likely distinct episodes of cobble-fall,
tied to changing climatic conditions or structural instabilities in the
cliff face. Any such episodes ought to be visible in geologic and
stratigraphic data, and it would be useful to see whether such episodes
exist and, further, whether they are correlated with the abundance of
artefacts (or, for that matter, features, living-floors or radiocarbon
determinations). Coarse data are apparently available on the intensity
of the cobble 'rain' at the site (Parenti 1993a: 306), and
ought to be so examined.
On the basis of the calculations in TABLE 2, and taking as a
starting-point the probability estimate offered by Pelegrin (that nature
would produce such specimens less than 1% of the time), it is clear that
under certain models one would expect large numbers of geofacts at Pedra
For example, were the probability of nature producing these geofacts
1% (.01), and were the number of rocks that fell into the shelter over
the last 50,000 years as low as only 500,000 (which, given the amount of
cobbles we saw in the backdirt and the remaining witness section, seems
extremely low to us), 5000 geofacts would have been produced. That
number is a large enough to account for all the specimens identified as
artefacts at Pedra Furada.
It would also explain why no purported artefacts were seen by Parenti
in the sample of 1000 in the two chutes within the site proper: at the
estimated rate of production of 0-1 geofacts/yr (5000 in 50,000 years),
on average only one geofact would be created each decade. If
Parenti's sample of 1000 naturally fallen stones took less than a
decade to accumulate, it is statistically unlikely a geofact would occur
in the sample.
In fact, Parenti's sample of 1000, albeit useful as a starting
point, is only adequate to detect relatively common events. As can be
seen in TABLE 4, a sample of 1000 specimens will likely detect events
that occur in probabilities larger than .001.
However, if Pelegrin is correct and geofact production occurs less
than 1% of the time, a sample of 1000 is statistically inadequate to the
task of detecting such specimens. If the probability of geofact
production is, for example, .00001, then a sample of 100,000 naturally
fallen rocks would be needed to ensure statistically the likelihood of
detecting a single geofact. Statistics aside, it is possible geofacts
could occur in smaller samples, but the odds are against it. In effect,
the sample of 1000 naturally fallen rocks in the shelter cannot falsify the alternative hypothesis that the Pedra Furada specimens are geofacts.
There are several possible objections to the alternative hypothesis
that these specimens are geofacts. First, Guidon argues that the
specimens recovered from the rear area of the shelter had to have been
carried there by people, not nature, and are artefacts by virtue of
being manuports (pers. comm. 1993, and Guidon & Arnaud 1991: 176).
We find this argument unconvincing, since the rocks at the rear of the
shelter would have been readily transported there by nature as gravity
carried them down the lee side of the long axis of the talus cone.
Second, Parenti, Pelegrin and others at the Conference suggested
certain of these specimens could not be geofacts because of the large
number of flakes ([is greater than]3) removed from them. We cannot
accept this argument either, because it assumes there were only limited
opportunities for nature to flake these cobbles: when the cobbles first
hit the ground after plunging down the chute; when they bounced after
hitting; and when they were struck by another falling stone. Yet, while
these cobbles could plunge down the chutes only once, there is no reason
to suppose that once a cobble fell to the shelter floor it was not
subsequently moved, or that it was not struck on several more occasions.
For that matter, there is no reason to suppose only one flake was
removed each time the cobble was struck. The coarse nature of the matrix
comprising the shelter fill shows there was a great deal of energy in
the shelter, and cobbles likely moved and were flaked repeatedly well
after their initial plunge into the shelter.
A third possible objection to the hypothesis these quartzite cobbles
are geofacts is that similar ones occur in the Holocene Serra Talhada
phase alongside unmistakable chert artefacts, with that association in a
secure archaeological context implying the quartzite specimens must be
artefacts (e.g. Guidon & Arnaud 1991: 175). We also find this
argument problematic for several reasons. For one, our concerns about
the quartzite specimens in the Pedra Furada phase carry over to the
essentially identical flaked quartzite specimens in the Holocene-age
Serra Talhada phases. The Holocene phase includes specimens of flaked
quartzite and chert; we have no doubt the Serra Talhada chert specimens,
which show complicated unifacial and bifacial flaking, are artefacts. We
remain to be convinced the Serra Talhada quartzite specimens are
artefacts. In addition, the fact that flaked quartzite cobbles occur in
the Pleistocene and Holocene levels at the site merely shows the
mechanism producing these specimens did not change over time. It does
not show what (or who) that mechanism might have been. Finally, as R.S.
MacNeish observed at the Conference, if these flaked quartzite cobbles
were produced by humans, they show remarkably little technological,
typological or morphological change over the 50,000-year span the
shelter was open: the Serra Talhada phase specimens are virtually
identical to those in the Pedra Furada phase dating tens of thousands of
years earlier.
It is difficult to account for an absence of culture change over
50,000 years, save to suggest that perhaps the site was used solely as a
quarry, and lithic reduction strategies remained unchanged. But that
supposition seems highly unlikely, if not inexplicable (granting we are
dealing with Homo sapiens sapiens). In sharp contrast, one would expect
little variation in the flaked quartzite cobbles from the Pedra Furada
and Serra Talhada phases, were they all created by the same natural
processes. Geofacts might vary owing to changes in the conglomerate
layer(s) serving as the cobble source, changes in the geometry of the
chute, episodic intensity of cobble fall, the density of the cobble
layer below and so on, but such variation would be far less than one
would expect were the cobbles flaked by 2500 generations of human
For the moment, then, we cannot accept the claim that the flaked
quartzite cobbles at Pedra Furada are artefacts; indeed, the weight of
evidence and reason forces us to assume (until proven otherwise) that
these specimens are geofacts.
There were four discrete types of features (structures) reported at
Pedra Furads: hearths marked by the presence of heated stone or
charcoal; stone-bordered hearths (in which the stone is on the surface
or inset into the ground); cuvette hearths; and stone structures with no
evidence of heating (Parenti pers. comm. 1993). Save for the cuvette
hearths, which occur only in the Holocene layers, these features are
reported from throughout the Pleistocene deposits. According to Parenti
(1993b: table 14), there were 87 structures in the three Pleistocene-age
levels (Parenti 1993a: 308 reports 86). As was the case with the
artefacts, based on plan views of the structures that we saw illustrated
at the Conference (none was visible in the witness sections), we agree
that many could be due to human agency.
But as was also the case with the artefacts, these purported
artificial features were defined against a backdrop of naturally
occurring cobbles (the size of the cobbles in the features is no
different from the size of the non-humanly moved or modified cobbles in
the surrounding matrix). High-energy fluvial action over and through the
sediment pile was more than capable of sorting natural accumulations of
clasts and cobbles into arrangements that mimicked anthropogenic
The key issue, as with the purported artefacts, is one of definition:
how were the features isolated in the field and their boundaries drawn
relative to the surrounding matrix and context? Pictures of the features
when they were initially uncovered would be beneficial, along with views
of the profiles and cross-sections of these features. It is also
necessary to address whether features contain discrete charcoal
distributions and, equally important, whether charcoal also accumulated
in and around clusters of unpatterned stones (that is, clusters not
identified as features). If so, what did the latter look like? What was
their horizontal and vertical distribution? What criteria were used to
define them as non-cultural? Can any of the archaeologically excavated
clusters be replicated in control areas outside the shelter or in other
shelters where natural fires occur?
On a related note, sub-phases PF1, PF2, and PF3 had a total of 20, 51
and 16 features, respectively. Perhaps not coincidentally, those same
sub-phases produced 196, 273 and 126 artefacts (Parenti 1993a: table 3).
Clearly, the number of features and the number of artefacts co-vary
through the sequence. It appears, based on limited evidence published in
Parenti (1993: figure 1), that the sedimentation rate in the shelter
co-varies with the numbers of features and artefacts as well. That is,
as the amount of roof fall and colluvial debris increases, so apparently
does the number of features and artefacts. The features reportedly
decreased in size up through the sequence (Parenti et al. 1990: 36),
although the published data are too limited to reveal whether the
eboulis and colluvial clast sizes also show this pattern of size
decrease through time. We cannot say, therefore, whether the size of
these natural and purportedly artificial products co-vary as well.
However, if, on closer inspection, the amount and/or size of naturally
deposited material correlates with the amount and/or size of the
features and artefacts, it would strongly suggest non-human agencies lay
behind their production.
There has so far been relatively little discussion of the spatial
patterning of features or artefact clusters in the shelter. In our
experience, living-floors within shelters show use patterning, with
horizontally discrete living areas or activity areas that might be tied
to the microenvironment of the shelter (the preferred use-zone might
correspond to the driest or warmest portions of the shelter, for
example). Not all parts of a shelter, especially one as large as Pedra
Furada, will be used in the same way, nor would one expect it to be used
uniformly across its full extent. Were there primary use-zones within
the shelter of Pedra Furada? Did those change through time? Did the kind
and type of feature vary across the shelter? Do the features correlate
with natural lag surfaces within the shelter -- and thus become
explicable by natural agencies and not artificial ones?
Such questions about intra-site spatial patterning for all phases
must be resolved, not just to help clarify the origins of the
structures, but also to help explain their origin. As before with the
charcoal and the artefacts, we are not saying the features at Pedra
Furada are natural, but the site geology and hydrology makes this a very
likely alternative explanation, and certainly one that must be
investigated and shown not to have been a factor.
Excavation methodology
The excavation methodology employed at Pedra Furada, and apparently
at the other closed shelter and cave sites in the Sao Raimundo region,
seems to have been directed at defining the gross geological sequence
vertically, and to delimiting features horizontally. Less effort was
apparently directed toward identifying or defining discrete potential
living surfaces (which may have been difficult to define in the
shelter), and the associations of artefacts with each other, or with
Significantly, all of the major excavation units at Pedra Furada
originated within the drip-line. The effort was apparently not made to
breach the drip-line/talus-cone deposits and the colluvial slope
material beyond the shelter overhang. Doing so would have provided
details on the geological history of the site, and should have enabled
the excavators to distinguish more effectively between culturally
modified and culturally unmodified surfaces.
Excavation methods appear to have largely employed shovels and pick
mattocks rather than trowels and smaller tools; this severely
handicapped the detection of microstrata during excavations. Those
methods would also have made it extremely difficult to identify discrete
stone-flaking episodes (as were claimed to have occurred at the site),
or to link those episodes with specific floors or dated material. The
possible human origins of this material would have been more convincing
if it existed in conjoinable accumulations with vertical and horizontal
integrity. While all objects of suspected human origin were evidently
piece-plotted, dip and strike data were not systematically taken. This
precludes, at the very least, the delineation of trend surfaces within
the deposit.
While we are aware that some of the deposits were screened
(apparently using mesh as fine as 1 mm), knowing the extent of the
screening relative to all the deposits would help resolve questions
regarding the site's material record. For example, we observed that
most of the recovered specimens (or at least those on display at the
Conference) seemed relatively large. If this is, in fact, a valid
observation, it would be useful to know whether it reflects a lack of
comprehensive screening, or, alternatively, prehistoric natural
processes (e.g. water-sorting) or human activities (e.g. primary
reduction of cobbles on site).
External comparisons
We were fortunate to have the opportunity to see additional sites in
the region, which included other sandstone rock-shelters (Toca do Sitio
de Meieo, Caldeirao dos Rodrigues, and the Perna sites I-III) and a
limestone solution cave (Toca do Cima dos Pilao). As we understand it,
the flaked quartzite cobbles so abundant at Pedra Furada were apparently
not found in any of these other sites, although several of these had
thick Pleistocene-aged deposits (it is appropriate to add that, unlike
Pedra Furada, none of these sites had a quartzite-cobble layer high
above them). At the Rodrigues shelter, for example, the apparent
Pleistocene human presence was marked by two crossed and partially
charred sticks in otherwise sterile deposits.
The explanation given for the absence or scarcity of Pleistocene
material at these other sites is that Pedra Furada, as the largest of
the shelters, would have been the primary magnet to local human
occupants, at the expense of the other shelter sites. It is, of course,
possible that the Pleistocene occupation was predominantly in open but
new eroded sites in the valley bottom (Guidon & Arnaud 1991: 173),
but so far these have not been detected.
Curiously, by Early Holocene times, the other and previously ignored
cave and shelter sites all show convincing and abundant evidence of
human presence in the form of artefacts, rock-art and so on.
Summary and thoughts for future inquiries
Obviously, we are sceptical of the claims for a Pleistocene human
presence at Pedra Furada, and in our view the concerns raised here must
be resolved before this potentially important site is accepted (at least
by us). In the interests of furthering the debate in a constructive
fashion, we have specific recommendations for resolving these concerns
(these are in addition to those suggestions made earlier in the text).
Some can be met with information that is undoubtedly already available.
To resolve the chronological questions, the lithostratigraphy,
geochronology and cultural occupation(s) at the site ought to be
rigorously (and independently) defined. Attention should be paid to the
precise horizontal and vertical location of individual charcoal samples,
and their precise position relative to any individual features and/or
artefacts. Data ought to be provided on each of the specific age
determinations: whether they came from individual charcoal samples, or
from aggregated ones; whether they came from discrete hearths or thick
and diffuse charcoal lenses; and whether samples from the hearths occur
as discrete clusters within the hearths or whether their association is
less distinct. Naturally, this information needs to be considered
against the backdrop of how charcoal might have accumulated in the
shelter deposits, whether by human or natural agencies. There should
also be greater attention to the relationship of the radiocarbon
chronology to the shelter's natural history. It might also be
useful to discuss in detail the current sub-phases; what they -- and the
hiatuses between them -- may represent and why: periods of intensive
human activity? discrete depositional or erosional episodes?
palaeo-environmental cycles? This also ought to include detailed
comments on the differences in the features (including the hearths) and
apparent artefacts from the several sub-phases.
To a degree, concerns about the origin and integrity of the
radiocarbon profile, and its relationship to human agency and natural
depositional events, might need to be resolved by careful
micro-stratigraphic excavation of portions of the remaining witness
A full discussion of the field criteria for selection of artefacts is
critical, as well as a discussion of how those initial criteria were
similar to or differed from those later developed by Parenti.
Because specimens from Pedra Furada I seem little different from
those of the Pedra Furada III phase, or, for that matter, from the Serra
Talhada phase, it is important to assess in detail whether there are
changes in the purported lithics through time and what the nature and
significance of those changes are (this might include an examination of
the arrangement of flake scars to see whether they overlap in patterned
ways). Piece-plotting of the flaked quartzite cobbles and the
indisputable chert artefacts in the Sierra Talhada levels would help
clarify their spatial relationship, and thus perhaps the origin of the
quartzite specimens in these later units.
Further, there should be more discussion of how the purported
artefacts differ from the geofacts on the site. In order to help resolve
this issue, there needs to be more information on the natural fall of
material into the shelter from spalling events within the shelter and
from cobble debris carried down the chutes. This can be done by looking
long-term at larger samples of debris that enters the shelter. It would
be useful to set up traps to catch and record the volume, character,
size and rate of spalls and cobbles entering the shelter (see, for
example, Donahue & Adovasio 1990). This, in turn, would provide a
rough gauge for establishing yearly or longer rates of fall and
accumulation that would help refine models of shelter formation, and the
role of nature alone in creating that formation. More specifically, of
course, this would help increase the sample of geofacts at this
locality, and thus increase (or decrease) confidence in assertions about
the purported artefacts on the site.
Confidence would be further enhanced by a detailed discussion of the
relative frequency of purported artefacts on the site, and the degree to
which that frequency rises or falls in consort with changes in the
sedimentation. In addition, use-wear studies -- granting the conditions
noted above -- need to be reported (or undertaken, as the need may be).
What is the character of use-wear on these specimens? What accounts for
the use-wear? Does it change through time? On the latter, of course,
there must be a discussion of what changes if any occur through time in
the specimens. If there are no changes, why not? If there are changes,
what is their nature, and could such changes be explained by natural
processes as well?
To resolve concerns over the origin and definition of the features,
it will be important to reject the possibility they might be natural.
This can be done by detailing the criteria by which features were
recognized as humanly made; the process by which they were delineated from the surrounding matrix; their spatial patterning (or lack thereof);
the degree to which charcoal and the purported artefacts are (or are
not) clustered within or around their edges; and the degree to which
charcoal and the purported artefacts do (or do not) occur independently
of these structures. In essence, there must be greater discussion of the
natural background of material on these surfaces.
At the same time, there ought to be greater attention to the
potential cultural activities on the site. Was this a periodically
occupied camp in which a variety of economic and technological
activities occurred, and where one would expect to see, for example, an
internally structured site characterized by large and small fire-pits,
other features, clusters of lithic debris (including representative
material from the entire reduction sequence, from cores to discarded
tools showing use-wear), and periodic re-use of the site and
site-furniture (hearth stones)? Or was this locality a quarry site,
where one might instead expect a more ephemeral archaeological record,
perhaps characterized by light scatters and occasional discrete clusters
of selected types of lithic raw material associated with loosely
structured hearths, and in which expended utilized flakes and tools are
less common? Or did the activities (and hence the expected patterning in
the archaeological record) vary over time? Resolving these issues is
important, and incumbent on the investigators, for it will help provide
the context for evaluating any archaeological record at the site.
Concerns about both artefacts and the features might be alleviated by
using available piece-plot information to 'reconstruct' the
absolute and relative position of material and thus perhaps make it
possible to determine whether that material occurs in random or
non-random patterns across and through the deposits. The demonstration
of non-random distributions will not, itself, prove these materials have
a human origin. However, the documentation of randomness will highlight
the potential contribution of natural agencies in the formation of these
deposits and their contents.
In regard to the origin of those deposits, it would be useful to
excavate portions of the witness section to define carefully the
microstratigraphy, including the dip and strike of the
microstratigraphic beds, to establish trend surfaces and fabric patterns
and to explore the nature of the interfaces and possible hiatuses in
deposition, identify the existence of possible living surfaces and
recover by the use of fine screens (and perhaps even selected flotation)
smaller classes of materials, possibly including organics. As a part of
this, it would be useful to measure systematically and quantitatively
the actual fine sediment (silt and clay size fraction) contribution that
is present in the matrix and its possible sources.
We recognize that site-wide questions about lithostratigraphy may not
be resolvable with the remaining witness. However, work on the witness
sections will at least resolve many key questions.
Finally, it might be useful to attempt to replicate the Pleistocene
occupation at Pedra Furada at other sites in the region. This might be
done by excavating beneath the detached roof-blocks which seal potential
occupation areas beneath some of the Perna rock-shelters (especially
Perna II). Careful, state-of-the-art excavations at this and other
localities would seem to offer excellent potential for identifying and
characterizing a Pleistocene presence in this area which must exist, if
the Pedra Furada record is as claimed.
While we recognize the excavators and others may not share our
concerns, we raise them here in good faith, without any intent of
dismissing the work carried out at the site, and with the hope that both
the concerns and the suggestions made to resolve them might be addressed
in the forthcoming monograph or in future work at the site or in the
region. We appreciate, of course, the complications of re-opening
excavations here or elsewhere, but if more research is done at Pedra
Furada or at other localities in the future, these suggestions might be
considered to help resolve the ambiguities so often associated with
early sites.
Ultimately, the course of action taken is the choice and
responsibility of the Pedra Furada research team. If, in their opinion,
the concerns raised here are not germane or significant or in need of
further resolution, that is their choice. For our part, these are
concerns we believe can be and should be resolved in order to convince
us (and, perhaps, an even more sceptical archaeological community) that
there was a Pleistocene human occupation at Pedra Furada.
A Portuguese version of this article will appear in Reuniao
Internacional Sobre o Povoamento das Americas, FUMDHAM, Sao Raimundo
Nonato, Piaui, Brazil.
Acknowledgements. We sincerely wish to thank Drs Niede Guidon,
Anne-Marie Pessis and Fabio Parenti for inviting us to participate in
the conference and giving us the opportunity to visit Pedra Furada and
other archaeological sites in the Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara. We
also express our gratitude to the members of the archaeological research
team and the Fundacao Museu do Homem Americano Piaui, who were very
generous and friendly during our entire stay in Sao Raimundo Nonato. In
addition, we thank all our conference colleagues, whose comments and
discussions were of great value in helping us formulate the views
expressed here, but also in giving us a broader understanding of the
peopling of the Americas. Special thanks are extended to the Governor of
the Estado do Piaui and to the mayor and people of Sao Raimundo Nonato
for their hospitality.
The photographs are by Meltzer, except for FIGURES 5 & 9, which
are by Adovasio.
1 Of course, if these specimens were artefacts, we expect some
evidence of use-wear. During the Conference, one of us (TDD) had the
opportunity to carry out a cursory microscopic inspection (using a
portable Bausch & Lomb) of the sharp edges of 10 stone artefacts,
including three specimens identified as choppers and others as large
flakes. No discernible use-wear in the form of edge-crushing, flaking
and micro-fracturing were revealed at 50x magnification. Granted, this
was an uniystematic examination of a very small and statistically
unrepresentative sample. Granted, too, it is very difficult to produce
use-wear on quartzite, especially if the artefacts were used as
expedient tools. However, if the choppers had been utilized, even
minimally, some damage should be present along some edges (which makes
this situation unlike the case of the falling rocks, in which there is
the expectation that geofacts mimicking artefacts will be quite rare).
This matter ought to be pursued vigorously with a larger and
representative sample.
That was not possible under the Conference circumstances, but as a
check on the observations, Dillehay carried out a cursory and
unsystematic experimental use-wear study of five broken and sharp-edged
quartzite pieces which either had been discarded by Pelegrin (who flaked
several cobbles) or broken naturally. The unused edges of these
non-archaeological stones first were inspected under the microscope for
any damage. Undamaged edges were then used to chop and slice wood (this
work was carried out in the plaza outside the Conference site). Each
stone was subjected to roughly 200 chopping and 400 cutting strokes.
Microscopic inspection of these experimental stones revealed noticeable
damage in the form of crushing (collapsed ridges, piled grains of
loosened quartz crystals, in-filling of crevices with loose grains,
etc.) on the edges of the choppers, and of slight edge rounding and
occasional nicking and micro-fracturing on the edges of the flakes. None
of these attributes were observed on the edges of the purported
artefacts from Pedra Furada.
Again, these are merely suggestive results from a very cursory study,
and cannot be taken to imply use-wear was absent on all the Pedra Furada
specimens. Post-depositional agents (chemical wear, water percolation,
micro-exfoliation etc.) may have worn away discernible evidence on the
particular specimens we examined. Use-wear on quartzite edges may also
be too difficult to detect. Nonetheless, we remain puzzled that none
occurred on the purported choppers -- artefacts in which damage would be
most severe, and thus most easily detected.
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