Ceramic Production and Distribution: An Integrated Approach.
Stark, Miriam T.
GEORGE J. BEY III & CHRISTOPHER A. POOL (ed.). Ceramic production
and distribution: an integrated approach. (Westview special studies in
archaeological research). xviii + 342 pages, 66 figures, 27 tables.
1992. Boulder (CO) & Oxford: Westview Press; ISBN 0-8133-7920-2
hardback |pounds~43.50.
This volume contains a collection of archaeological and
ethno-archaeological studies that focus on ceramic production and
ceramic distribution. Geographically, the studies span the New and Old
Worlds. The earliest temporal period represented is the 4th century AD
Middle Classic period in Veracruz, Mexico (Pool & Santley; B.
Stark). The latest period covered is the present, in the form of
ethno-archaeological research among contemporary artisan communities in
the Near East (Nicholson & Patterson) and Latin America (Arnold
& Nieves; Chavez).
The case studies vary in scale and intensity from household-level
production (Iroquois) and household industry (Basketmaker period
Anasazi) to a manufactory scale, in the production of Roman amphoras
(Will). Most of the case studies lie between household and manufactory,
such as the Veracruz examples of La Mixtequilla (B. Stark) and the
Tuxtlas (Pool & Santley) and the contemporary Raqch'i potters
of the southern Peruvian highlands. Zubrow's study uses
cross-cultural data from a variety of organizational forms to develop
formal models of ceramic production.
The underlying assumption of the myriad analyses is that
'production and distribution are interacting components of economic
systems and should be studied as such' (Pool, chapter 12, p. 275).
Several themes reverberate through studies in the volume:
1 the identification of ceramic production (of varying scales) in the
archaeological record;
2 the organization of ceramic production; and
3 the relation between consumer demand/consumption and production
Efforts to identify ceramic production in the archaeological record
generally produce mixed results. State-level societies, in which
production scale is sufficiently large to warrant permanent workshops
and kilns, tend to yield more evidence for ceramic production that do
smaller scale societies. However, Blinman & Wilson use innovative
strategies in their study (chapter 7) to identify ceramic production
evidence in small-scale agricultural societies. The Mesoamerican
research reported in three of the volume's chapters (B. Stark, Pool
& Santley and Feinman et al.) utilizes a wide range of techniques to
identify ceramic production in the archaeological record.
Central to most studies in the volume is the organization of ceramic
production: the scale, intensity, spatial extent and physical appearance
of goods produced in different modes of production. Ceramic
standardization looms large in such research, as several chapters (e.g.
Allen; Arnold & Nieves) examine intensified production and the
factors that conditions various forms of standardization. Observations
made by Arnold & Nieves in this volume (and by others elsewhere,
e.g. Arnold 1991; Rice 1991) on types of untested assumptions that
underlie current standardization research are timely and valuable.
Several ethno-archaeological studies in the volume produce useful
findings regarding the relation between consumer demand, production
scale and assemblage variability (Arnold & Nieves, Chavez, Nicholson
& Patterson, Pool). For example, social norms as well as local
ecology encourage the development of complementary specialization at the
household and community levels in the Andes. Although most potters are
capable of making most ceramic forms, certain villages in the region
specialize in particular forms because they have 'acquired a
reputation' |emphasis original~ (Chavez, p. 80) for doing so. The
study of consumption receives short shrift in some of the volume's
archaeological chapters, excepting the Mesoamerican studies. Consumer
preference appears more amenable to ethno-archaeological study than to
archaeological investigation. Perhaps ethno-archaeological research can
provide insights for archaeological research in this area.
The strength of this volume lies in the depth of ceramic research
represented in many of its chapters. Most studies are useful, and some
are indeed exemplary in their treatment of archaeological and
ethno-archaeological data. Research from Highland Peru (Chavez),
Mesoamerica (Feinman et al., Pool & Santley, B. Stark), and the
American Southwest (Blinman & Wilson) are excellent examples of what
long-term, high-quality research projects can generate: comprehensive
and dynamic analyses of ceramic systems. Thoughtful chapters on
Yucatecan ceramic specializations (Arnold & Nieves) and on Roman
amphoras (Will) suggest new directions for research on production and
distribution. Pool's chapter examines variability in ceramic
systems and complements Costin's recent (1991) study; the
similarity between the two is noted in the chapter's footnotes.
Pool's concluding chapter might better have been placed at the
beginning of the volume, guiding as it does the development of
cross-cultural comparisons.
A weakness of the volume lies in its reliance on a poorly developed
ceramic ecology framework to give coherence to studies that occupy
radically different points in time and space. The concept of ceramic
ecology, pioneered by F. Matson in his classic volume Ceramics and man
(1965), remains in a state of awkward adolescence. Ceramicists (both
archaeological and ethno-archaeological) have found the ceramic ecology
approach to be useful because it emphasizes ceramic systems as
collections of constituent components (e.g. raw materials, decoration,
use and discard). Those components, however, have yet to be
reconstructed into a truly coherent theoretical framework that
transcends its cultural ecology roots in Steward and White. The fact
that the ceramic ecology framework into which studies in this volume are
placed has limited theoretical power illustrates a discipline-wide
problem, not a grave shortcoming of this particular book.
This edited volume is recommended reading for archaeologists
interested in the economics of commodity production. Contained within
the volume's chapters are important observations on how ceramic
systems operate and on how archaeologists should draw inferences from
ceramic materials (particularly in chapters by Arnold & Nieves, Pool
and B. Stark). Such observations, as well as important previous research
(e.g. Rice 1987), should ultimately be incorporated into a more
sophisticated theoretical framework than is now available. It is to be
hoped that future research will produce the kind of theoretical
framework that moves ceramicists away from a myopic focus on pots and
towards a broader focus on how organizational systems, many of which
have pottery, operate.
ARNOLD, P. 1992. Dimensional standardization and production scale in
Mesoamerican ceramics, Latin American Antiquity 2(4): 363-70.
COSTIN, C. 1991. Craft specialization: issues in defining,
documenting, and explaining the organization of production, in M.B.
Schiffer (ed.), Archaeological method and theory 3: 1-56. Tucson (AZ):
University of Arizona Press.
MATSON, F. (ed.). 1965. Ceramics and man. New York (NY):
RICE, P. 1987. Pottery analysis: a sourcebook. Chicago (IL):
University of Chicago Press.
1991. Specialization, standardization, and diversity: a
retrospective, in R.L. Bishop & F.W. Lange (ed.), The ceramic legacy
of Anna O. Shepard: 257-79. Boulder (CO): University of Colorado.