Pottery Function: A Use-Alteration Perspective.
Heron, Carl
The function of pottery has long been on the agenda of ceramic
analysis. Whilst it has not received as much attention as ceramic
technology or provenance, a number of themes, from vessel form to
performance-based characteristics and organic analysis, have been
proposed. Here, Skibo develops the concept of use-alteration, defined as
'the chemical or physical changes that occur to the surface or
subsurface of ceramics as a result of use'. Use-alteration
encompasses attrition of ceramic surfaces, carbon deposition and the
analysis of absorbed organic residues. Hitherto, each of these domains
has been evolving along parallel lines. The aim of the volume is to
provide a theoretical and methodological framework for understanding
pottery use, initially in an ethnoarchaeological context. The community
under investigation is that of Guina-ang, a village within the catchment
area of the long-term Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Project in
northwestern Luzon, Philippines.
After an introductory chapter emphasizing the importance of
understanding pottery use, Skibo broadens the scope of the volume via an
assessment of the role of ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology in archaeological inference. This is a useful and well-referenced piece,
particularly for those who (like myself), are daunted by the magnitude
of these fields of endeavour. Having said that, the discussion, as well
as the review of pottery use presented in chapter 3, remains firmly
within the classic 'technomic' realm of interpretation, with
only passing reference to social and ideological factors that may
influence pottery use.
Chapter 4 supplies relevant information on the Kalinga Project, as
well as detailing the specific tasks carried out using pottery vessels.
Three main vessel forms are represented; the rice cooking vessel
(ittoyom), the vegetable/meat cooking vessel (oppaya) and the water
storage vessel (immosso). Vessels that fail in the use for which they
were designed are re-used to roast coffee, peas, beans and chillies.
However, the study presented here is focused principally upon the
cooking vessels in their primary use. After carrying out a comprehensive
pottery census in the village, 189 intact vessels were removed from
their context of use, packaged and returned to Tucson, Arizona for
Chapter 5 describes a programme of lipid (in this specific case, free
fatty acid) analysis. Although the vessels were lined with resin,
vestiges of the food prepared accumulated in the permeable ceramic
matrix. Extraction and quantification of individual fatty acids was
undertaken and various figures display the ratios of particular fatty
acids in the source food, compared with the extract from the vessels.
Identification of specific foodstuffs proved difficult, although general
trends, such as the presence in certain foods of more characteristic
fatty acids, were discernible. Due to the wide range in fatty acid
ratios within and between foodstuffs, the reliance with which unknown
extracts could be matched with either source food would not appear to be
great. Foods exhibit a range of individual fatty acid compositions, due
to natural variation, soil type and climate. In the archaeological
context, characterization is further exacerbated as a result of
degradation. Routine analysis of other lipids, such as sterols, steryl
esters and those present in vegetable leaf waxes may have given more
favourable results, although there has been very little work undertaken
beyond fatty acid analysis in archaeology. In one case, identification
of a 'steroid' was able to confirm the preparation of meat in
an oppaya. Undated sherds, excavated from a midden deposit, demonstrated
severe depletion of unsaturated fatty acids, although this is not
unexpected in an archaeological context. The discussion of fatty acid
decomposition is restricted to the limited archaeological evaluation of
the issue, and does not consider the abundant chemical or organic
geochemical literature.
Chapter 6 draws upon lithic use wear to formulate a framework for
ceramic surface attrition. Attrition on the Kalinga vessels is to be
found on nine different regions of the vessel surface. The aim is to
link attritional trace with specific activity. Each attrition is
carefully described and thoughtfully applied, making use of clear
photographs and text. Attritional traces on the exterior of each cooking
vessels exhibit markedly similar traces. Many of the abrasions derive
from washing and these tend to obliterate more subtle traces acquired
during use. According to Skibo, the attritions on the interior are more
diagnostic of the cooking regime. For example, thermal spalls (small
pits in the interior ceramic surface) result when rice cooking vessels
are placed in the simmer position. In situations where the remaining
water in the vessel is left to evaporate as steam, moisture held in the
vessel wall escapes from the interior ceramic surface causing damage.
Conversely, the vegetable/meat cooking pots have numerous interior
scratches resulting from the greater use of utensils to stir the
Chapter 7 assesses carbon deposition. Here, Skibo introduces a novel
experimental approach to determine how the heating of the vessel may
result in different and diagnostic traces both on the interior (food)
and exterior (soot) of the vessel. The effect of wood type and moisture
content of the ceramic fabric are monitored and found to give rise to
different patterns of sooting and oxidized patches. Carbon deposition is
seen to be a complex phenomenon, but one that offers potentially useful
information regarding specific heating regimes. However, it will not
always be applicable, as some cooking practices do not involve external
heat sources.
The summary chapter asserts the archaeological validity of the study.
As Frederick Matson points out in the Foreword, each ceramic analyst
will have to assess the utility of this approach with specific regard to
their assemblage. The link between observed use-alteration and activity
is not straightforward, especially from long-buried sherds where prior
knowledge of the foodstuffs and method of preparation is, at best,
vague. The experience with lithic use wear should serve as an
enlightening precedent. To those who consider that, rather than the
nature of specific utilitarian operation, it is the significance
associated with the context of use and the meaning attached to vessels
in their various roles, then this volume may seem indigestible fare.
However, as Skibo does assure the reader, these factors should not be
seen necessarily in opposition, but as complements. Clearly, maximizing
the potential of the three research areas presented here will be a
profitable step forward in establishing patterns of vessel use and this
volume is certainly an important and attractive contribution. Without
doubt, such studies also require a theoretical perspective that explores
the range of social, ideological and technological factors underlying
patterns in adoption and utilization of pottery containers.
CARL HERON Department of Archaeological Sciences University of