Role of local institutions in formulating climate change adaptation strategies for a low water future: a public policy perspective.
Ananda, Jayanath
Adaptation is pivotal in the Australian water sector as it is
highly vulnerable to adverse climate change impacts. The water sector
characterises hierarchical institutional and policy frameworks,
long-term capital investments and political economy issues.
Understanding how climate variability impacts on both urban and rural
water sectors is critical when formulating policies at the regional and
local government level. Recently, significant investments have been made
to understand and adapt to a low water future. For example, Water for
the future project, the single largest climate change adaptation
investment undertaken in Australia (A$12.9 billion), focused on four
national priorities: taking action on climate change, using water
wisely, securing water supplies, and supporting healthy rivers and
wetlands (Commonwealth of Australia, 2010).
Numerous adaptation initiatives at the local level have been
implemented in the water sector. For instance, there are programs in
place to promote the use of water efficiency appliances, storm water
harvesting, water efficient urban design and household standards, water
efficient garden planting and watering, supplementing supplies with
recycled water, watering restrictions, and appropriate pricing
mechanisms (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2010).
In addition, local government bodies play a role in enhancing community
education and engagement in relation to water-related adaptation issues.
Unlike mitigation, the public policy response to climate change
adaptation is far less obvious. In particular, guidance on formulating
adaptation strategies that maximise social welfare has received less
Adaptation to climate change is inevitably a local phenomenon. It
is important to understand how the local institutions can effectively
respond to adaptation with appropriate institutional mechanisms and
incentive structures, driving the behavioural change (Agrawal, 2008).
Within each Australian state and territory, the Local Government Act
provides the regulatory powers to formulate policy on climate change
adaptation action. For example, in Victoria, the Environment and
Planning Act 1987 sets forth planning provisions for adaptation policy
at the local level (Vasey-Ellis, 2009). Over the years, the local
government bodies have been given increasing powers in this regard
providing flexibility to respond to a myriad of local needs. However,
the primary approach has been that of risk management. There are
guidelines for local councils to identify risks and appropriate
adaptation responses. For example, the framework for the assessment of
risks associated with climate change is based on the Australian and New
Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4360 Risk Management (Department of Climate
Change and Energy Efficiency, 2010). Local councils and water
authorities may be liable if they cannot show that they have taken
preventive action against any threat to the health, safety and welfare
of their communities. Therefore, local governments and water agencies
consider it a priority to identify threats and implement strategies to
prevent these threats.
This paper uses a normative economic framework to analyse
adaptation actions at the local level. The framework explores incentives
for action and distinguishes between adaptation investments by private
and public agents. In particular, the role of local government
institutions in shaping adaptation action in the water sector is
examined. The paper is mainly based on secondary literature and a series
of research reports from a climate change adaptation project conducted
in North East Victoria. The paper highlights some of the challenges in
formulating climate change adaptation plans at a local or regional
level. Whilst it deals with the water sector in particular, the core
findings are relevant to other sectors as well.
The paper is organised as follows. The following section 2 outlines
a theoretical framework that can be used to understand the rationale and
motivations behind adaptation action. The framework also guides the
policy on assigning and facilitating adaptation action. Section 3
presents a case study of adapting to reduced water availability in North
East Victoria. Localised impacts of reduced water availability and
consequent vulnerability of economic sectors are discussed in this
section. Adaptation options and policy instruments are described in
section 4. Section 5 provides a discussion of some guiding principles
for adaptation planning at the local government level. Some concluding
remarks are offered in the final section.
Parry et al., (2007) define adaptation as the adjustment in natural
or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or
their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial
opportunities. Put simply, adaptation to climate change involves taking
actions in anticipation of, or in response to, climate change impacts
that cannot be avoided by mitigation policy (Garnaut, 2008). Climate
change adaptation is equally important as mitigation although so far it
has received comparatively less attention (Atkinson et al., 2007). Much
of the research on adaptation to climate change focuses on understanding
the concept of adaptation rather than drawing from other areas of study
on adaptation (Aakre and Rubbelke, 2010). Climate change adaptation
action is undertaken both by public and private actors through policies,
investment in infrastructure and technologies and behavioural change
(Fankhauser et al., 2008). A number of typologies have been developed to
classify adaptation activities. These are based on timing (anticipatory
vs. reactive), scope (short-term vs. long term; localized vs. regional),
purposefulness of adaptation (spontaneous vs. planned) and adapting
agent (private vs. public) (Fankhauser et al., 2008). This paper
concerns the latter perspective of private vs. public adaptation. Public
adaptation is also referred to as collective or joint adaptation.
Pannell (2008) presented a framework for selecting policy
mechanisms to influence the individual landholder (private) behaviour
with respect to adopting conservation measures. The framework can be
used to analyse adaptation actions. The basic premise of the framework
is that environmental managers can invest in a range of projects
involving land use changes in private lands and these projects
invariably generate different levels of private and public net benefits,
including potentially negative net benefits (Pannell, 2008). Private net
benefits are defined as benefits minus costs accruing to private
entities (landholders, firms, etc.) and exclude transfers which are part
of the policy intervention. Public net benefits refer to benefits minus
costs accruing to everyone other than the private entity and exclude any
costs borne by the government in the process of intervention (Pannell,
Figure 1 shows the policy space for possible government
interventions with various levels of public and private net benefits.
Depending on the mix of private and public benefit, any government
intervention can be placed on the private-public net benefit matrix
shown in Figure 1. Projects that fall under areas A, B and C represent
overall positive net benefits (Pannell, 2008). For instance,
interventions that fall in area A will have greater public net benefits
than private net costs. For example, the establishment of riparian vegetation that promotes ecological connectivity to aid migration and
dispersal of species would be too costly to a private landholder but the
public benefits from this action far exceed the private costs. Gondwana
Link, K2C Link and Alps to Atherton Link are some examples of
establishing biodiversity corridors in Australia. In these situations,
positive incentives using financial or regulatory instruments are
justified. In area B, both the public and private entities accrue
positive net benefits from the intervention. For example, the
establishment of earthworks to reduce soil erosion or zero tillage may
be beneficial to both private landholders and to the environment. In
such cases, the most appropriate policy intervention would be to provide
information on the benefits of intervention or extension service.
The interventions that fall under area C, private net benefits
exceed the public net costs (Pannell, 2008). For example, conversion of
grazing land to a forest plantation would be profitable to the forestry
firm but it causes reduced stream flows and downstream costs to the
water users that may not outweigh the onsite benefits. Climate change
induced reductions in rainfall can significantly reduce plantation
timber harvests (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics and Sciences, 2011). Therefore, public net benefits of
adaptation action to minimise losses far outweigh the public net cost of
intervention. In this case, private benefits are sufficient to change
the firm behaviour and therefore government intervention in terms of
subsidies is unnecessary.
The framework contends that agents (firms, households and
individuals) are likely to implement adaptation measures with positive
private net benefits (areas B, C and D) provided that they are aware of
such measures. Given this public-private dichotomy, the most appropriate
policy mechanism to maximize the net benefits of intervention can be
identified. The policy mechanisms to alter land-use are described in
Table 1.
North East Victoria covers an area of about 19,000 square
kilometres and is made up of five Local Government Areas (LGAs). The
region has a diverse economy with service, manufacturing and tourism
sectors making major contributions whilst the agricultural sector still
plays an important role. There has been a significant restructuring in
certain sectors owing to globalisation pressures and changing economic
and social needs in the region and elsewhere. The data pertaining to
climate change in North East Victoria are not only dispersed across many
agencies but also circumscribed by uncertainty. The Commonwealth
Scientific, Industrial and Research Organization (CSIRO) predicted
climate change impacts for the region (CSIRO, 2006, CSIRO, 2008a, CSIRO,
2008b, CSIRO, 2008c). These predictions were of a low spatial resolution and predictions based on such a low resolution are of limited use for
planning at the local level (see Annex Table 1 for regional-scale
impacts on rainfall, temperature, snow, drought and fire incidence).
Moreover, there are discrepancies in the predicted impacts of climate
change on the water resources within the North-East Catchment Management
Authority region of Victoria. The discrepancies in estimates are due to
varying assumptions underpinning the development of climate change
scenarios and different modelling techniques used. Modelling approaches
are continually being refined and the production of consistent results
from this type of analysis remains a challenge.
This research adapted the results of a climate impacts study
carried out by Beverly and Hocking (2010) for the North East Victoria
region scaled down to local government areas. Their methodology involved
interpolating climate scenarios generated by CSIRO for the study area.
The daily climate sequences were incorporated into existing surface
water and groundwater models to assess the major impacts of climate
change on water availability projections for 2030 and 2070. The
modelling approach used a suite of farming system models and a fully
distributed multilayered groundwater model and is shown to offer fine
scale, Catchment Management Area-wide regional estimates across a range
of designated future climate scenarios (Beverly and Hocking, 2010).
The communities in the North East region are more likely to
experience stressed water supply systems along with negative impacts due
to reduced water availability to agriculture, tourism, water-intensive
manufacturing, food processing and the like. Under the low 2030 climate
condition, projected flows would be reduced by between 2% and 14%
depending upon landscape position and dynamics (Beverly and Hocking,
2010). Under dry extreme condition, the flows would be reduced by
between 10% and 25% across the North East Victoria region (Beverly and
Hocking, 2010). The water availability progressively worsens for the
region with low 2070 and dry extreme 2070 scenarios where flows would be
reduced by 9-24% and 34-61%, respectively (Beverly and Hocking, 2010).
Most noteworthy is the considerable variation in water flow forecasts
within the region. According to the hydrological analysis, different
local government areas would be affected differently.
The groundwater modelling carried out by Beverly and Hocking (2010)
indicates that the study region is already being 40% over-allocated
(Beverly and Hocking, 2010). This was a significant finding because up
until then the general perception was that groundwater resource can be
used as a fall back option in an event of acute water scarcity. The
results of the hydrological modelling depicting sub-regional impacts of
climate change for the region are summarized in Annex Table 2. In
summary, the impact of climate change on rainfall and stream flows is
highly uncertain and the level of uncertainty increases as we move from
the national to local level.
Vulnerability Assessment
The climate change literature identifies a wide range of
vulnerability assessment methods (Baum, 2008, Fussel and Klein, 2006,
Fussel, 2007). The vulnerability method used in this research combines
the dimensions of biophysical (natural) vulnerability and social
vulnerability arising from reduced water availability. The preliminary
vulnerability assessment focuses on assessing the extent of water supply
dependence, the extent of anticipated water availability changes in
different jurisdictions and the extent to which substitution
opportunities are available in the short run (Crase and Clarke, 2010).
Translating the climate-induced hydrological effects into impacts
on the community, businesses and individuals requires some understanding
of the socio-economic make up of each local government area. First, the
degree of water dependency of each sector or LGA for their activities is
pivotal and determines the level of vulnerability of the sector. Second,
the feasibility and availability of substitute low water dependence
activities or alternative water sources at a low cost. In addition, an
approximate timeframe to switch to these alternatives was also
Crase and Clarke (2010) developed a qualitative scale in order to
assess vulnerability to reduced water based on the level of water
dependency, substitution options and lead time to switch to a preferred
substitution option. In this scale, water dependency is rated from 1-3
with 3 indicating a high dependence on water given current technologies
(Crase and Clarke, 2010). Substitution opportunities are negatively
rated 1-3 with 3 indicating few substitution opportunities and 1
indicating many substitution opportunities, at least relative to current
demands and patterns of consumption (Crase and Clarke, 2010). Lead time
is designed around the decision-making time frame for important
investment decisions. A score of 1 suggests that a 'wait and
see' approach is not too costly and 3 indicates that decisions are
relatively pressing in the present context (Crase and Clarke, 2010). An
example of the vulnerability assessment for the Alpine Shire is
presented in Annex Table 3.
In this section, the theoretical framework presented in section 2
is applied to the case of adaptation in the water sector. The focus is
on several economic sectors that will be affected by low water
availability in the North East Victoria region. The reviewed industry
sectors were agriculture, manufacturing, urban water, forestry,
biodiversity management and tourism. Table 2 summarises adaptation
options and policy tools for selected sectors in the study region.
Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector
The overall impact on agriculture is predicted to be negative as
agriculture is the biggest abstractor of water in the region consuming
about a two thirds of the total water supply. Livestock production is
the largest contributor to the region's agricultural economy
contributing $327m to the region's economy in 2006 (ABS, 2010). The
major cropping enterprises include wheat, canola, oats and barley.
Horticulture in the region includes grapevines, berries, apples and
nuts. The agricultural sector is one of the sectors heavily affected by
the low water availability in North East Victoria. Dryland farmers have
experience and flexibility in adapting production plans to a range of
contingencies including prolonged drought conditions, markets and
technical change (Watson, 2010). However, not only is irrigated farming
highly vulnerable to climate change effects of water supply but they are
also less adaptable due to the rigidities imposed by high irrigation investments (Watson, 2010).
According to the region's economic make up, the grapevine industry is both an important activity in its own right and defines the
character of the region to a great extent (Department of Primary
Industries, 2008). The grapevine industry is also, to some extent, water
dependent, although this is determined by the form of production, the
age of the vineyard and the objectives of the producer. The recent
drought has uncovered the capacity of wine growers to adapt. Several
novel strategies have been adopted by wine growers in the region to deal
with the low water availability and water dependency. These strategies
include the use of the urban water market to maintain production and
sale of water allocations and/or entitlements to adjust to new varieties
in 2007-08 (Crase and Clarke, 2010). The regional urban water authority
introduced a relatively straightforward mechanism for individuals and
groups to access additional water without the expense associated with
installing bores or carting water. This initiative was introduced to
save the deterioration of community assets due to severe water
restrictions applied amidst the ongoing drought at the time. The scheme
was limited to organizations providing a community asset such as
sporting fields (e.g. golf course) and businesses that were deemed to be
water dependent. In simple terms, this amounted to a consumer purchasing
a small volume of water from the water market and then using the urban
water authority infrastructure to deliver that water. The costs of the
water purchase and delivery charges were borne by the user. A wine
producer adjacent to the urban water supply used this scheme to maintain
the production during that year.
Arguably, without this innovative scheme, alternatives for this
wine producer would have been severely constrained. Although using
potable water may not be profitable in all cases, by changing
institutional settings and allowing inter-sectoral water trade, the
adaptation options were invariably broadened. Clearly, the
government's role (the water agency, in this case) here is to
remove impediments and restrictions to trade thereby facilitating
climate change adaptation. Private benefits, in this case, are
sufficient to trigger the behavioural change and the government does not
have to make large investments (Area B in Fig. 1).
Dairy farmers in North East Victoria have been relying on perennial
pastures to meet the nutritional requirements of dairy cattle. The cost
associated with feeding dairy cattle varies significantly depending on
the location and management regime. Substitution of grain and fodder for
irrigated pasture in dairy enterprise under various scenarios has been
researched extensively (Griffith, 2010). Transition to annual pastures
with harvesting for silage and hay is another adaptation strategy in the
dairy industry. Some dairy farmers were able to sell their water
allocations and buy grain and fodder as a substitute for perennial
pasture. However, the feasibility of such adaptation action largely
depends on the grain and fodder prices (Crase and Clarke, 2010).
Although the state government can play a role in assisting research and
extension into substitution possibilities, the local governments'
role in terms of direct intervention is limited (Area B in Fig. 1).
Adaptation in the Manufacturing Sector
The manufacturing sector is a prominent water user in the region.
Two manufacturers in the region, in particular, are amongst the North
East Victoria's top ten water users (Ananda, 2010). Water-intensity
of manufacturing is one area that local governments must pay careful
attention when enticing new manufacturers to the region. The available
evidence indicates that water is an important input in the production
process. However, utility costs including water, waste and electricity
comprise less than 10% of the total production cost and raw materials
and labour accounted for the lion share of the total production cost
(Crase and Clarke, 2010).
Although water costs are relatively modest, the ability of
manufacturers to respond to higher water prices depends on the degree of
competition in its output market. If the firm is in a highly competitive
market with low profit margins then it may not be able to handle larger
water cost increases. Moreover, if the firm in question sells its output
in the export market, exchange rate fluctuations can further exacerbate
the problem.
One of the manufacturing firms interviewed for the study was a
member of the advisory board of the water utility in the region and used
its strategic relationship to inform the water needs of the firm and to
deal with the risks associated with water supply interruptions (Crase
and Clarke, 2010). The water utility would appear to be responsive to
the potential needs of the manufacturer, at least to the extent that an
emergency supply could be located in close proximity to the plant. If
short term interruptions to water supply were to occur the plant would
be forced to cease operation immediately and clearly this is not in the
interest of the manufacturer or the water utility. This raises the issue
of who should bear the water supply security risks--the beneficiary or
the water utility? In this case, clearly, the water utility bears the
supply security risk by incorporating alternative supply augmentation options such as water recycling. The local planning agencies that
oversee the future expansions of manufacturing in the region must take
into account the potential supply security issues when they attract
water-intensive manufacturing businesses. The government action with
regard to facilitating inter-sectoral water trade would enhance
adaptation options and costs.
Urban and Peri-Urban Water Sector Adaptation
The responsibility for providing water and wastewater services
remains with local institutions i.e. either the local government or
water authorities. Several institutional configurations exist in water
and wastewater service provision in Victoria ranging from fully public
to state-owned corporations. Most of the government responses to scarce
water supply have been driven by a rationale of supply security,
particularly with regard to drinking water. However, the consensus on an
acceptable level of supply security in drinking water remains elusive.
Fortunately, the effects of climate change on the region's
reticulated water supply will be moderate and in some cases benign.
North East Victoria enjoys a relatively high security of water supply
compared to some other regions of Victoria because of its proximity to
regulated river systems and large storage facilities. This location
advantage also provides scope for water trade to meet most demands of
the regional towns in North East Victoria. However, the volume of water
received in the region has progressively declined during the last
decade. Rainfall is predicted to fall by as much as 7.2% by 2030 and
18.3% by 2070 (Beverly and Hocking, 2010). Water inflows into the upper
catchment are probably more pertinent insomuch as the regulation
structures (dams) upstream of Wodonga are the main drivers of water
Securing the region's water supplies in the medium to long
term period involves dealing with significant climate and policy-related
constraints (Ananda, 2010). Compared to the reforms in the irrigation
sector, where a more rigorous market mechanism has been proposed, the
urban water sector relies on mandated and assisted behavioural changes
such as water restrictions, incentives for water saving devices and
recycling (Crase and Dollery, 2006). The effectiveness of these
regulatory instruments has been questioned on both efficiency and equity
grounds. Such discrepancies epitomize the use of different institutions
within the water sector where policy makers trust market institutions
such as water trade for irrigation management and regulation for urban
water management. This discrepancy in water policy has negative
implications for climate change adaptation.
The urban water supply throughout Australia is heavily reliant on
rainfed dams. Diversification of water sources has been proposed as a
risk minimization and adaptation strategy (PriceWaterhouseCoopers,
2010). However, for most water utilities this is easier said than done
because of the lack of access to alternative water sources. Moreover,
artificial volumetric restrictions imposed on the inter-sectoral water
trade constrain the urban water utilities' security of supply. For
instance, in Victoria, there is an annual volumetric restriction of 4%
on the purchases of irrigation water by urban water utilities
(PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 2010). Instead of advancing policy reforms and
demand management, the urban water sector is heavily focused on
technological and manufactured supply augmentation options such as
desalinisation plants, long-distance pipelines and recycling to address
the urban water supply security (Areas A and F in Figure 1).
In contrast to urban water users, the more severe effects of
climate change will be on small peri-urban communities (certain
localities in Wangaratta and the Alpine LGAs) who do not have access to
reticulated water supplies. Historically, these communities have been
reliant on bore wells that tap the deep water aquifer below the Ovens
Valley (Crase and Clarke, 2010). With predicted population and climate
change impacts, the water level of this aquifer is expected to decline
and the water utility has adopted a 'self-reliant households'
approach which is quite contentious on equity grounds (Crase and Clarke,
2010). As an emergency measure, in severe water shortages, the water
agency has transported potable water into these localities in the past.
Households in these communities face weak incentives to make further
capital investments in their own infrastructure. Essentially, the risk
of water scarcity and the cost of transporting water to non-reticulated
areas have been borne by the urban water uses in the more populous localities. This has been a challenging dilemma for water agencies as
public policy should ensure a social safety net for vulnerable
households who fall into the category of severely disadvantaged and
below the generally accepted social norms (Crase and Clarke, 2010).
Adaptation in the Forestry Sector
The North East Victoria region has a significant forest plantation
industry which supplies sawlogs, veneer and pulpwood to industries
dispersed throughout the region. The sector faces considerable
vulnerability due to reduced stream flows. Forest plantations use a
substantial amount of groundwater although the forest industry has not
yet been required to purchase extant water entitlements or allocations.
Climate change resulting in reduced water availability will reduce the
biological productivity and growth potential of standing forests and
increase the extent to which they are exposed to forest fire risks. The
latter is particularly important since forests that are harvested over
long rotations can be devastated by forest fires. It is contended that
fire risks do not substantially affect management practices on forests
in terms of selecting harvesting schedules. The increased risk increases
discount rates and only marginally reduces desired rotations (Crase and
Clarke, 2010). The plantation operators clearly have an incentive to
minimise losses due to reduced stream flows and biological productivity.
Short rotations, increased fire detection and prevention and better
forward planning or even exiting the industry are plausible adaptation
strategies. These strategies clearly offer positive private net benefits
(Area B in Figure 1) and hence the local governments, in this context,
may assume a greater information provision role.
Adaptation in Biodiversity Management
There are major challenges in the management of biodiversity
resources in the North East region. Biodiversity resources in the region
have received less attention in the adaptation debate although there are
good reasons for maintaining such an emphasis. The region has rich fauna
and flora species which are labelled as 'nationally
endangered'. They include the Box-Ironbark forests of Chiltern and
parts of the Warby Range State Park. The consequences of climate change
induced reductions in rainfall will invariably threaten the viability of
these endangered ecosystems in the region. A reduced rainfall will
reduce the food supplies, particularly blossom in flowering trees and
hence the breeding success of rare and threatened species such as Regent
Honeyeater, Turquoise and Swift Parrot, Peregrine Falcon, the
Brush-tailed Phascogale and Squirrel Glider (Crase and Clarke, 2010).
Adaptation options to improve the resilience of biodiversity include
establishing wildlife corridors and captive breeding approaches in
extreme situations (Clarke, 2007). Such adaptation actions construe the
provision of public goods and are the most compelling cases for public
intervention (Area A in Fig. 1). Public biodiversity adaptation action
is a classic example of a 'No regrets' strategy. 'No
regret' actions are actions that will accrue net benefits
regardless the type or magnitude of climate change that occurs. If
climate change predictions are accurate, the loss of biodiversity
resources valuable to society will be minimised and if the threat of
climate change has been overestimated, society still gains positive
benefits from adaptation action.
Adaptation in the Tourism Sector
The region's tourism industry relies heavily on large water
bodies (rivers, lakes and creeks), forests, parks, snowfields and
grapevine production that provide numerous recreational opportunities.
In particular, the hospitality industry (accommodation & food
industry) is the largest employment provider in the Alpine Shire,
reflecting the importance of major ski resorts such as Falls Creek,
Mount Hotham, and Mount Buffalo for tourism. The accommodation and food
industry accounted for 14.6% of the total employed whereas manufacturing
and retail trade sectors accounted for 11.2% and 10.7% of total
employment, respectively (Ananda, 2010). According to CSIRO forecasts,
the areas with 60 days of snow cover per year will decline by 18-20% by
2020. The sector is highly vulnerable to climate change-induced water
scarcity. Adaptation options in the snow resorts may include improved
snow making technologies and/or developing off-season attractions for
the site (Bicknell and Mcmanus, 2006, Lynch et al., 2009, Pickering and
Buckley, 2010). These actions entail significant private benefits for
the resort operators and fall under the areas of A and C in the
public-private benefit framework discussed previously. Hence, in this
instance, leaving adaptation responsibility at the discretion of the
private sector is socially beneficial.
This section discusses several core considerations when formulating
local government strategies in climate change adaptation. The
local-level public institutions can play a major role by providing
necessary information and supporting relevant research activities. This
constitutes either indirect local government action supporting efficient
adaptation activities in the private sector (i.e. individual households,
firms, etc.) or direct adaptation policies where the government itself
is the adapting agent. However, the distinction between these two
categories is often blurred. For example, a local government program of
adaptation education can be considered as direct intervention, but it
also assists the private sector to adapt more efficiently.
Information Provision as a Policy Tool
One of the most intractable challenges for local government
institutions is to find high resolution (both spatially and temporally)
climate change impact forecasts. Without proper understanding of climate
change impacts, it is difficult to carry out a meaningful vulnerability
assessment. Even when forecasts are available, reconciling the
discrepancies of climate change impacts between various forecasts has
been difficult. Uncertainty and imperfect information about the
consequences of climate change also create uncertainty about the
benefits of adaptation. Hence, agents are reluctant to invest in
adaptation options. Given this uncertainty, it is prudent to consider
'No Regrets' policy options.
Providing information on climate forecasts (short-term, medium-term
and long-term) and impacts is one the core policy tool that local
governments can use. Households and firms can reduce vulnerabilities and
adapt when they have better and timely information. An important
instrument of anticipatory adaptation is research and the dissemination
of information (Fanhauser et al. 1999). Spreading better information
concerning future climate, climate variability and benefits and costs of
adaptation options has public good characteristics. Moreover, local
institutions can promote the use of, and access to, climate change
information among the community. Supporting research related to climate
change adaptation enables expansion of the technical menu increasing the
number of options available to firms and households when dealing with
adverse impacts of climate change.
Local governments can also play a coordinating role in formulating
regional adaptive governance processes and strategies. Inputs from many
different local institutions are needed for adaptation planning. These
may include water utilities, bulk water businesses, catchment management
authorities, local departments of environment, planning and rural
development, local councils and shires, local businesses, community
groups, famers and landholders.
Moral Hazard Problems
The positive externalities imposed by climate change mitigation
action are quite clear and they warrant a coordinated public policy
response. In contrast, agents that take adaptation actions often benefit
from such actions and the role of public policy response is far less
clear (Crase and Clarke, 2010). In fact, public policy responses may
inadvertently create moral hazard problems for firms and individuals who
are interested in adaptation action. Moral hazard is defined as the
actions of economic agents in maximising their own utility to the
detriment of others in situations where they do not bear the full
consequences or do not enjoy the full benefits of their actions due to
uncertainty or incomplete contracts (Kotowitz, 1987).
The amount of autonomous adaptation to some climate change-related
events may be lower if there is a perception that the government will
reimburse economic agents for much of the damages arising from such
events. Flood assistance, disaster relief subsidies, bushfire recovery
assistance, 'exceptional circumstances assistance' etc. should
be minimal and in line with addressing immediate basic needs of the
affected community rather than prolonged compensation type payments
which create a moral hazard and restrict behaviour modification. It may
also crowd-out or reduce the need for private insurance for climate
change adaptation. It would be sensible to look at removing perverse
government policies that limit the capacity to adapt in the community.
Lowering Vulnerability Through Infrastructure Investment
Long-lived infrastructure investments that offer capacity to adapt
are critical to adaptation planning. Often infrastructure decisions have
been characterised as decisions taken on the run rather than after
giving careful consideration to their short-term and long-term
implications. Since infrastructure spending is politically attractive,
they tend to be subject to less rigour and scrutiny and depart from
least cost solutions. Most urban water infrastructure expenditures such
as water storages, pipe capacity, water plants and treatment plants tend
to be lumpy and cyclical. They are also location and firm-specific.
Another important characteristic is that once committed all
infrastructure costs become sunk costs. One example from the study
region is the proposal to build an extra water supply pipeline to deal
with extra water demand in areas that cannot reply on local supplies.
This type of infrastructure investment will only be provided by
government because of the natural monopoly or economies of scale
characteristics of the public supply of water technology. Compared to
dam constructions and desalinisation plants, this type of investment
does not require long lead time in planning. If the project does not
require longer lead time in planning, then it is better to take a
cautious approach and wait and see what climate and water supply
outcomes do eventuate before committing to expensive infrastructure
projects. In this context, the recently commissioned desalinisation
plant at Wonthaggi, where public monies were hastily committed, provides
a classic example. The plant was established under a public-private
partnership between AquaSure Consortium and the Victorian Government
with a capital cost of $3.5 billion (Edwards, 2012). According to an
analysis by PriecWaterhouseCoopers, Victorians will pay AquaSure a
service payment of $654 million per year from 2012-13 onwards even if no
desalinisation water is taken (Tomazin and Millar, 2011). A staggered
development or a 'wait and see' approach would have been
economically efficient as the Victorian Government declared that it does
not need water from the desalinisation plant for 2012-13(Millar and
Schneiders, 2012).
Since the prospects for a binding agreement on climate change
mitigation are uncertain, policy makers increasingly attach more
importance to the topic of adaptation. Although critical, adaptation
decision making at the local level is less guided. Given the financial
resources and potential perverse incentives that the government policies
could create, it is important that local government institutions fully
appreciate the range of issues at play when formulating local and
regional adaptation strategies.
One notable approach to adaptation at the local government level is
the risk management approach. This approach is primarily driven by
future liability concerns that may arise from breaches of duty of care
by the local government. On the other extreme, large public funds have
been committed to adaptation projects without careful planning. This
paper examined the role of local institutions in adaptation planning for
reduced water supplies from a public policy perspective. It did not
attempt to identify specific high-priority policy options, but rather
analysed the policy rationale for direct and indirect government
intervention offering some insights on potential policy tools to
encourage adaptation investments.
The analysis indicates that the region's agricultural and
plantation forestry sectors are the most vulnerable sectors to a reduced
water supply due to climate change. Although certain types of
agriculture such as dairy farming may potentially substitute grain and
fodder for irrigated pastures, their prices largely determine the
economic feasibility of such adaptation. Since there are significant net
private benefits from this type of adaptation, direct intervention by
the government may be sub-optimal. However, institutional reforms
facilitating water trade can enhance adaptation options for the
agriculture sector. In the plantation forestry sector, there are private
incentives to adopt shorter rotations, increased fire detection and
better forward planning to a low water future. Local governments, in
particular have a role in addressing information asymmetries related to
these adaptation options.
The manufacturing sector adaptation to reduced water supplies
prompts the question--who bears the water supply security risk?
Currently, neither the responsibility of urban water supply security nor
its articulation to water customers is clear cut. Hence, the local
governments are ideally placed to facilitate better collaboration and
communication between water-intensive manufacturing firms and water
utilities. Urban and peri-urban sector adaptation also requires clarity
on the appropriate level of water supply security. In these cases, the
reliance on rigorous market mechanisms than mandated behavioural changes
such as water restrictions has more merit. Removing the artificial
barriers to intersectoral water transfers such as the volumetric
restrictions would invariably enhance private adaptation options.
Adaptation measures for managing biodiversity resources present the most
compelling case for public intervention as they can be justified by a
'no-regret' philosophy. Tourism sector adaptation actions
clearly entail private net benefits and public investments must be
limited to the provision of high resolution climate impact information
which is vital to make better adaptation decisions.
A comprehensive water resource planning is critical for water
businesses and local governments delivering water services. Urban water
businesses have 3-5 year planning cycle during which they formulate
water plans that outline water supply demand strategies. This entails
significant lag time in infrastructure development and pricing changes.
Nevertheless, adaptation to climate change must be fully integrated into
water resources planning and management. Prudent infrastructure
management that addresses supply security is another area that local
governments and water businesses must focus on. It may be worthwhile for
local governments and urban water authorities to pay more attention to
behavioural changes than solely relying on engineering solutions.
The findings of the paper provide several policy implications for
drought assistance, bushfire and flood assistance schemes. In all three
cases, public policy may inadvertently create moral hazard problems for
firms and individuals who may be interested in private or autonomous
adaptation measures. A cautious approach to infrastructure investments
aimed at reducing the vulnerability to natural disasters is warranted
given the presence of considerable uncertainty.
A public policy approach to climate change adaptation can help
answer important research questions. It helps the policy maker to
identify the cases where local government intervention is desirable and
where it is not. In most of the economic sectors analysed, provision and
distribution of information about regional climate change impacts are
central and they are necessary tasks of the local government because
information related to adaptation is a classic public good. In certain
cases, the optimal policy would be to take no action or adopting a
'wait and see' approach. If the private net benefits of
adaptation exceed the public benefits, direct intervention by the
government may not be needed. However, it is important to establish
adequate safety nets for marginal communities who are most vulnerable to
adverse impacts of climate change-induced water shortages.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers
of the manuscript who provided detailed comments and useful suggestions
for improvement.
Jayanath Ananda
Senior Lecturer, School of Economics, La Trobe University, Wodonga,
3690, Australia
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(1) An earlier version of this paper was presented at the ICARUS II
Conference--Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Marginal Peoples and
Environments, May 5-8, 2011, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, USA.
Table 1. Alternative Policy Mechanisms for Land-Use Change in Private
Lands. Source: Adapted from Pannell (2008), p.226.
Category Policy mechanism
Positive incentives Financial or regulatory
instruments to encourage change
Negative incentives Financial or regulatory
instruments to inhibit change
Extension or information Education, communication,
provision demonstrations, technology
transfer and support for
community network
Technology development Mechanisms that alter the
benefits of land management
options such as strategic R&D,
provision of infrastructure to
support new practices and
training to enhance the
performance of existing
No action Informed inaction
Table 2. Climate change adaptation options and policy instruments.
Source: the Author
Sector Vulnerability Adaptation options
Agriculture Very high Wine production--
(a) The use of urban water trade to
maintain production (B)
(b) Sale of water allocations and/or
entitlements to just to new varieties
Dairy industry--
(a) Substitution of grain and fodder
for irrigated pasture (B/C)
(b) the transition to annual pastures
with harvesting for silage or hay,
since harvesting for silage or hay,
prices will be heavily correlated to
water availability (C)
Manufacturing Moderate Strategic relationships
Better communication with the water
utility about the water needs (B)
Plantation Very high Short rotations (B)
Forestry Increased fire detection and fire
Forward planning or even exiting the
industry (B/C)
Urban water Low Recycling (A)
(reticulated) 3rd pipeline (F)
Storage (F)
Peri-urban High Groundwater bores (A)
Community water supply (A/B)
Biodiversity High Riparian corridors (A)
Captive breeding approaches (A)
Tourism High Snow industry--
Snow mating technologies (A) and
developing off-season attractions (C)
Sector Policy Type of action at
instruments the local level
Agriculture Institutional Water agencies
changes in facilitating water
the water trade by lending
market their infrastructure
to deliver water
None No action
Manufacturing None Water agency
security of supply
Plantation None Information
Urban water Regulatory Information
(reticulated) and market- Positive and
instruments negative
Peri-urban Regulatory Water agency
installing supply
infrastructure and
positive incentives
Biodiversity Regulatory Devise incentives
and Market- and regulatory
instruments mechanisms to
encourage change
Tourism None Information
Note: The category that each adaptation option belongs to, in the
Public-private benefit framework (Fig.1), is indicated in parenthesis.
Annex Table 1: Climate change impact predictions for North East
Victoria. Source: Department of Sustainability and Environment (2008)
Variable Changes
* Annual warming of 0.3 to 1.6[degrees]C by 2030
and 0.8 to 5.0[degrees]C by 2070
* Daytime maximum temperatures and night-time
minimum temperatures are likely to rise
at a similar rate
Temperature * Warming is likely to be greater in spring and
* 10-60% increase in the number of hot days
([greater than or equal to] 35[degrees]C) by
2030 and 20-300% increase by 2070 on the plains.
Rate of increase will greater in the mountains
* 0-50% reduction in the number of frost days by
2030 and a 50-100% decrease by 2070
* Annual rainfall decreases are likely (changes
of +3 to -10% by 2030 and +10 to -25% by 2070
Rainfall * Extreme daily rainfall events are likely to
become more intense
* Area with at least 1 day of snow cover per year
is likely to be reduced 10-
40% by 2030 with 22-85% by 2050
Snow * Area with at least 60 days of cover shrinks
18-60% by 2020, and 38-96% by 2050
* At Mt Hotham, peak snow depth declines 10-50%
by 2020, and 25-95% by 2050
* Droughts are likely to become longer and more
frequent, particularly in winter-spring
Drought * Rainfall deficiencies that currently occur
once every 5 winter-spring may
occur once every 3-5 years by 2030 and once
every 2-3 years by 2070
* Due to hotter conditions, droughts are also
likely to become more intense
* 10-40% increase in the frequency of days with
extreme fire-weather risk
Fire by 2020, and 20-120% increase by 2050
* 4-25% increase in the frequency of days with
very high and extreme fire-weather risk by 2020,
and 15-70% increase by 2050
The climate of * A 1[degrees]C warming and a 5-10% annual
Wangaratta rainfall decrease (a moderate scenario
for 2030) would make the climate of Wangaratta
more like the current climate of Cowra in NSW
Annex Table 2. North East LGA future climate percentage change
in water balance. Source: Beverly and Hocking (2010)
1995- 2030
2005 Low Medium
Alpine Shire
Rainfall -5.8 -1.2 -2.5
Runoff -3.0 -21.8 -26.1
Evapotranspiration 2.1 0.1 0.7
Recharge -11.1 -4.0 -6.8
Streamflow -14.8 -2.0 -5.5
Total flow -17.6[+ or -]3 -3.1[+ or -]1 -7.2[+ or -]2
Indigo Shire
Rainfall -1.4 -3.5 -4.9
Runoff 2.6 -11.6 -15.5
Evapotranspiration 2.3 -1.3 -1.6
Recharge -8.3 -7.3 -10.8
Streamflow -8.6 -7.6 -11.3
Total flow -10.7[+ or -]2 -9.4[+ or -]2 -14.1[+ or -]3
Towong Shire
Rainfall -2.0 -3.5 -4.7
Runoff -2.5 -29.4 -34.3
Evapotranspiration 2.5 -0.2 0.1
Recharge -8.0 -8.8 -12.1
Streamflow -9.4 -8.7 -12.6
Total flow -11.4[+ or -]2 -10.9[+ or -]2 -15.6[+ or -]3
Wangaratta Shire
Rainfall -4.5 -1.4 -2.8
Runoff -1.5 -20.0 -24.9
Evapotranspiration 1.8 -1.0 -1.1
Recharge -13.6 -4.2 -8.0
Streamflow -16.8 -0.7 -4.7
Total flow -20.2[+ or -]3 -1.8[+ or -]1 -6.8[+ or -]2
Wodonga Shire
Rainfall -1.2 -4.1 -5.5
Runoff -5.1 -6.4 -11.0
Evapotranspiration 2.3 -2.5 -2.9
Recharge -9.1 -7.5 -11.2
Streamflow -9.4 -7.6 -11.6
Total flow -11.7[+ or -]2 -9.5[+ or -]2 -14.4[+ or -]3
2030 2070
High Low Medium
Alpine Shire
Rainfall -4.1 -3.8 -8.3
Runoff -31.2 -29.4 -41.6
Evapotranspiration 1.3 1.3 2.6
Recharge -10.3 -9.8 -19.0
Streamflow -9.7 -9.1 -20.5
Total flow -12.3[+ or -]3 -11.6[+ or -]2 -25.3[+ or -]5
Indigo Shire
Rainfall -6.6 -6.3 -11.2
Runoff -20.0 -18.8 -29.9
Evapotranspiration -2.1 -2.0 -3.9
Recharge -15.1 -14.3 -25.3
Streamflow -15.7 -15.0 -26.2
Total flow -19.5[+ or -]4 -18.6[+ or -]4 -32.5[+ or -]6
Towong Shire
Rainfall -6.2 -6.0 -10.3
Runoff -39.9 -37.8 -50.9
Evapotranspiration 0.3 0.4 0.4
Recharge -16.1 -15.5 -25.9
Streamflow -17.3 -16.7 -29.0
Total flow -21.3[+ or -]4 -20.6[+ or -]4 -35.5[+ or -]6
Wangaratta Shire
Rainfall -4.5 -4.2 -9.1
Runoff -30.4 -28.1 -41.0
Evapotranspiration -1.2 -1.1 -2.1
Recharge -12.5 -11.8 -23.8
Streamflow -9.6 -8.9 -21.4
Total flow -12.7[+ or -]3 -11.9[+ or -]3 -27.4[+ or -]6
Wodonga Shire
Rainfall -7.2 -6.9 -11.7
Runoff -16.5 -15.4 -28.8
Evapotranspiration -3.4 -3.4 -5.5
Recharge -15.7 -15.0 -26.2
Streamflow -16.5 -15.7 -27.9
Total flow -20.4[+ or -]4 -19.5[+ or -]4 -34.5[+ or -]7
Alpine Shire
Rainfall -14.3
Runoff -51.6
Evapotranspiration 2.4
Recharge -30.1
Streamflow -33.7
Total flow -41.2[+ or -]8
Indigo Shire
Rainfall -17.8
Runoff -40.3
Evapotranspiration -7.8
Recharge -37.3
Streamflow -38.2
Total flow -47.5[+ or -]9
Towong Shire
Rainfall -16.1
Runoff -60.9
Evapotranspiration -1.4
Recharge -37.2
Streamflow -42.6
Total flow -51.9[+ or -]9
Wangaratta Shire
Rainfall -15.7
Runoff -50.0
Evapotranspiration -5.0
Recharge -37.3
Streamflow -35.1
Total flow -44.4[+ or -]9
Wodonga Shire
Rainfall -18.3
Runoff -41.1
Evapotranspiration -9.8
Recharge -38.2
Streamflow -40.5
Total flow -50.1[+ or -]10
Annex Table 3. Preliminary vulnerability assessment--Alpine
Shire. Source: Crase and Clarke (2010)
Water Decline in
Activity Dependency Streamflow bSubstitution
2030 Opportunities
Low High
Tourism 2 2.0% 9.7% 1
Forestry 3 3
Agriculture 2 2
Manufacturing 3 1
Urban reticulated 3 1
Peri-urban 3 2
assets 3 3
Activity Lead time Other comments
Snow making technologies may be
required. Attention to
development of off-season
attractions at discretion of
Tourism 1 private sector.
Processing unlikely to be
directly at risk but
contraction of forested area
Forestry 3 probable.
Varies depending on mix of
Agriculture 2 perennial and annual activity.
Almost all manufacturing has
access to potable supplies with
Manufacturing 1 accompanying planning.
Planning and consideration of
alternatives generally
sufficiently advanced. Reliance
on groundwater as an emergency
supply also warrants review give
current over-allocation
Urban reticulated 1 identified in Deliverable 1.
Categorization of 'self-reliant
households' requires additional
policy and planning
consideration. Reliance on
groundwater as an emergency
supply also warrants review
give current over-allocation
Peri-urban 2 identified in Deliverable 1.
Refuge and biodiversity aspects
appear vulnerable. Integration
with tourism and other
activities suggest advocacy role
Environmental by local government,
assets 3 at least.