An analysis of the relative efficiency of wastewater utilities in non-metropolitan New South Wales and Victoria.
Byrnes, Joel ; Crase, Lin ; Dollery, Brian 等
Several recent inquiries into Australian local government have
claimed that a general degree of managerial incompetence, especially in
asset management, coupled with conflict-riddled elected councils and
concomitant policy deadlock can partly explain the perilous state in
which the sector now finds itself (see, for instance, Allan (2006) and
Dollery et al. (2007)). It follows that reform of local council
governance arrangements to better reflect corporate-style managerial
structures may represent a partial solution to these problems in
contemporary Australian local government. First, the highly-skilled
managers may be more willing to consider a career in local government if
common managerial techniques applied in both the public and private
sectors. Second, less scope for ongoing political interference by
elected councillors in the management of local public service delivery
may provide some comfort to those more accustomed to profit maximization goals. This begs the question as to the role of governance arrangements
in the relative efficiency of public sector enterprises. If a
corporate-style structure can be shown to lead to greater efficiency,
then wholesale reform of local government service delivery arrangements
may be warranted.
It is against this background that the key research questions of
this paper are cast. We examine the relationship between institutional
structure and the economic efficiency of urban wastewater utilities in
regional New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria after having controlled for
a number of exogenous factors. As we shall see in the following section,
a period of reform in the governance of local government service
provision in the state of Victoria presents an ideal framework in which
to test our hypothesis through comparison of the relative efficiency of
utilities in each state.
The paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2 some structural
features of the urban wastewater sector are considered as background to
the empirical investigation. Section 3 outlines the econometric technique to be employed in measuring relative efficiency, while section
4 serves to highlight the paucity of academic studies that have
investigated relative efficiency in the industry. Methodological and
data considerations are discussed in section 5, followed by a
presentation of the results of this study in section 6. Implications for
policy and concluding remarks are offered in section 7.
For the vast majority of the last century, the provision of urban
wastewater services in both NSW and Victoria was a function of local
government or alternatively water boards established by neighbouring
councils. This continues to be the case in NSW, where water and
wastewater services provided outside of the state capital (Sydney) and
two satellite regions (the Central Coast and Hunter districts) are
largely the responsibility of councils. In Victoria, widespread
microeconomic reform throughout the early 1990s by the (then) Kennett
state government resulted in responsibility for water and wastewater
provision being transferred to regional boards, appointed by and
responsible to the state government. Eighteen regional districts were
established (Smith, 2004); a substantial rationalization of the sector
which at one point had no less than 400 bodies with some role to play in
the regulatory framework (World Bank, 2004). The standard argument based
on the benefits arising from scale economies and a more business-like
structure was advanced as justification for the reform (Vince, 1997).
In one sense it might be argued that this represents the main point
of difference between the institutional structure of urban water and
wastewater provision in the two states. While a series of local
government amalgamations have since taken place in NSW (Dollery et al.,
2006), reducing the number of councils with water and wastewater
responsibilities, the number of utilities providing those services in
NSW is still around five times greater than that in Victoria. Perhaps of
most significance, the regional water authorities in Victoria are
directly regulated by an independent competition watchdog (the Essential
Services Commission), while councils in NSW are indirectly monitored by
a state government department (Department of Water and Energy).
Furthermore, while the executive of Victorian utilities is focused on
running a water and wastewater business, the managers of NSW utilities
can potentially be distracted by the broader concerns of local
government operations and, of course, local politics.
The policy catalyst for the wide-ranging reforms in Victoria was a
nationwide focus on microeconomic reform arising from the so-called
'National Competition Policy' (Sadler, 1998). A substantial
portion of the reform agenda focused on the activities of Government
Business Enterprises, and in particular, on increasing their economic
efficiency. Urban water utilities were regulated as local monopolies in
need of oversight in order to curb excess.
A separate but parallel program of reform was underway in the water
policy arena, known as the Water Resources Policy (WRP), formulated by
the Council of Australian Governments (CoAG). (2) Urban water issues
appeared somewhat belatedly, and the intent of the WRP was to be
consistent with NCP reforms in that arena. By 2004, a re-statement of
the WRP was announced--the National Water Initiative (NWI). Rural water
reform was the main aim of this policy. However, a relatively small
section addressed urban water reform, and in particular, the performance
of urban water and wastewater utilities.
Among other things, the states agreed to develop a nationally
consistent framework for the benchmarking of pricing and service quality
for metropolitan, non-metropolitan and rural water delivery agencies. In
implementation, this has resulted in slight changes to a number of
existing performance reports with the aim of bringing uniformity to the
definitions of the performance measures, to enable comparisons among the
states. The National Water Commission (NWC) released the first
nationwide performance benchmarking reports in May 2007 (NWC, 2007a;
2007 b).
Utilities were segregated according to size (measured by the number
of connected properties a utility serves). Those utilities servicing in
excess of 50,000 connections were deemed 'Major Urban
Utilities', while utilities responsible for between 10,000 and
50,000 connected properties were classified as Non-Major Urban
Utilities. The next report will combine the two, since the small
utilities will be required to report accurately on the same criteria
that applied to large utilities in 2007.
A falling of the National Performance reporting framework is that
it relies on partial performance indicators, expressed in absolute
terms. (3) A number of authors have established the limits of this
approach (see Dollery et al., 2006 for a summary), since one utility may
be the benchmark on one indicator and exhibit only modest performance on
another indicator. In this paper we calculate the relative efficiency
(or performance) of wastewater utilities using a technique that
accommodates multiple performance indicators. The following section
outlines the econometric technique that was employed.
3.1 DEA as a measure of relative performance
Attempts at relative performance (or efficiency) measurement
generally fall into two broad categories; Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The concept of relative
efficiency in economic analysis refers to the efficiency with which
different organizations use input factors to produce an output. This
allows the analyst to compare different organisations with respect to
their degree of productive efficiency. Productive or technical
efficiency refers to the efficacy with which a firm transforms inputs
into outputs and it must be differentiated from allocative efficiency which refers to the allocation of resources between different uses.
Under the SFA approach, the parameters of a given functional form
are estimated with the aim of measuring relative firm efficiency with
reference to the estimated production frontier. The term
'stochastic' points to an allowance for both technical (as
opposed to allocative) inefficiency (deterministic) and matters outside
the control of a firm (non-deterministic) (Coelli et al., 2005).
By contrast, DEA makes no assumptions regarding the parameters of
the production frontier, utilizing mathematical programming to determine
the frontier as a function of the dataset itself. A hull is constructed
around the data, and this is assumed to be the efficient frontier (Zhu,
2003). Firms can produce within and on the frontier, but not beyond it.
In the parlance of production economics, the frontier is said to
represent the feasible set of production points and equates to the
observed 'best-practice' benchmark against which firms within
the industry are judged.
DEA was adopted for this study since SFA would require the
imposition of a number of assumptions regarding the shape of the
production frontier and given the paucity of research to guide
specification, it was considered prudent to employ DEA. Notwithstanding
the advantages of DEA, a choice of this form carries costs. DEA is an
entirely deterministic model, necessitating additional econometric steps
if one wishes to account for stochastic and exogenous influences.
Furthermore, incorporating the extraneous information into the DEA
specification is not a particularly flexible process, requiring a number
of a priori assumptions to be imposed upon the direction in which
factors influence relative efficiency (Coelli et al., 2005b).
DEA calculations generally result in three interconnected measures
of relative efficiency. The first is 'overall' efficiency,
which can be decomposed into 'pure' efficiency and
'scale' efficiency, where scale efficiency is related to the
volume of output. Assume data are obtained relating to inputs K and
outputs M for a sample of N firms. For the firm these can be represented
by the column vectors [x.sub.i] and [y.sub.i], respectively. The dataset
consists of the input vector KxN = X and output vector MxN = Y. The
following model seeks to minimize input consumption while leaving output
[min.sub.[theta],[gamma]] [theta], s.t. -[y.sub.i] + Y [gamma]
[greater than or equal to] 0, [theta][x.sub.i] - X [gamma] [greater than
or equal to] 0, [gamma] [greater than or equal to] 0. (1)
The minimization task is achieved by [theta] while [gamma] is a Nx1
vector of constants that locates points on the frontier. Overall
technical (in)efficiency is given by scores obtained in [theta],
relative to [gamma]. Note that [theta] is the objective function, and
operates only with respect to inputs. The linear programming problem
must be solved N times, once for each firm in the sample.
Thus far it has been assumed that a given increase in inputs will
result in an equi-proportionate increase in output, implying constant
returns to scale. Under constant returns to scale output per unit of
input remains unchanged. However, countless empirical studies have shown
that certain industries benefit or suffer from variable returns to
scale. Under variable returns to scale, output per unit of input either
increases (i.e. economies of scale) or decreases (i.e. diseconomies of
scale). To assume an industry operates under constant returns to scale,
when in fact some relative efficiency could be gained through variation
in scale, gives rise to the concept of scale inefficiency. DEA can be
extended to allow for the calculation of 'pure' technical
efficiency devoid of scale effects through the addition of a convexity constraint N1'[gamma] = 1 to provide:
[min.sub.[theta],[gamma]] [theta], s.t. -[y.sub.i] + Y [gamma]
[greater than or equal to] 0, [theta][x.sub.i] - X [gamma] [greater than
or equal to] 0, N1'[gamma] = 1, [gamma] [greater than or equal to].
where N1' is an N x 1 vector of ones. The constraint allows a
relatively tighter envelopment frontier that is more convex than that
obtained under the assumption of constant returns to scale. As a result,
the efficiency scores obtained for the firms under the variable returns
to scale model will be greater than or equal to those measured in the
constant returns case. Measures of relative scale inefficiency are
obtained by taking the ratio of overall to pure efficiency.
There is a paucity of relative economic efficiency studies with
respect to the activities of urban wastewater utilities. Indeed, the
present study would appear to be the first to examine urban wastewater
utilities in Victoria, and therefore represents a genuine and timely
contribution to the literature. Given the dearth of empirical evidence,
we are guided by research on urban water utility efficiency, an
excellent synopsis of which can be found in Coelli and Walding (2005a)
and for the sake of brevity is not repeated here. Unfortunately, most
studies have been in the context of the benefits and costs of public and
private ownership of utilities, and as a result are not of direct
relevance in this context. Furthermore, a clear pattern of evidence
regarding the benefits of each has failed to emerge. However, of the
extant literature three studies are worthy of closer examination: Aubert
and Reynaud (2005), Woodbury and Dollery (2004) and Coelli and Walding
Aubert and Reynaud (2005) investigated the role of regulatory
oversight on the relative efficiency of water utilities in Wisconsin,
USA. In sum, the authors found a significant relationship between the
degree of regulatory oversight and the relative efficiency of water
utilities. Those utilities required to provide extensive information to
regulators were found to have higher levels of relative efficiency.
Since Victorian wastewater utilities are subject to a more stringent
form of economic regulation than those in NSW, the findings of
efficiency gains from so-called 'hard' (as opposed to soft)
regulation have important implications for the regulation of wastewater
utilities in NSW and Victoria. The suggestion that there are efficiency
gains attached to 'hard' regulation seems a matter well suited
to empirical investigation in the current context.
There appear to be only two published studies of relative
efficiency in the Australian water and wastewater sectors. Woodbury and
Dollery (2004) investigated the relative efficiency of water and
wastewater providers in regional NSW, finding that there was scope for
general improvement in the performance of the utilities in question,
indicated by an average DEA score of around 0.7 for the sample.
Coelli and Walding (2005a) studied the 18 largest urban water
providers in Australia. Although this mainly involved an examination of
urban water utilities in the Australian capital cities, a number of the
utilities were located in regional Victoria. They found that the mean
technical efficiency score of the utilities was 0.904, implying that the
average utility could have reduced input consumption by 9.6 per cent
without reducing output. However, the maj or conclusion was that data of
much more robust quality would be required before regulatory bodies
could rely upon results from efficiency studies such as theirs, at least
as far as it relates to the setting of prices.
From this brief review of the extant literature it seems reasonably
clear that there is a need for greater scrutiny of the efficiency of
wastewater utilities in Australia. This is somewhat surprising since, as
was briefly alluded to in section 2, the sector has undergone 15 years
of reform.
The dataset analysed in this study consists of 14 Victorian (4) and
42 NSW (5) wastewater utilities over the period July 2000 to June 2004.
(6) Utilities servicing fewer than 3,000 connections were excluded, to
ensure Victorian utilities were compared against NSW utilities of a
comparable size. This yielded a balanced panel of 56 observations over
four years, generating 224 observations in total.
Although data relating to both labour and fixed capital were
available, the input measure, Total Operating Cost, has been
intentionally restricted to include only expenses related to the current
operation of the wastewater business, such as maintenance of the
network, treatment, wages and salaries, administration and energy
consumption. Labour was excluded as an input for a number of reasons.
First, the measure of labour in Victoria was aggregated across the water
and wastewater businesses, while in NSW it was disaggregated. This
disparity presented the unenviable task of determining how to
disaggregate the Victorian labour data. Second, the data series relating
to Victorian labour measures began only in 2003. Third, consultations
with representatives from the urban wastewater sector in Victoria
revealed that management decisions to vary the labour force were not
closely related to the quantity of total wastewater treated (C. Heiner,
pers. comm., 27 April, 2007).
Fixed capital was also excluded on a mixture of theoretical and
pragmatic grounds. Turning first to theoretical considerations, a number
of scholars have previously noted that the infrastructure related to the
provision of water and wastewater services is a sunk cost, since it is
difficult to conceive putting it to an alternative use (Shed, 2000). If
this is so, it calls into question the inclusion of various measures of
fixed capital in a DEA model since management are unlikely to seek to
minimize this input. Furthermore, while additions to capital through
time are likely, the opposite is not. A decline in total wastewater
treated is rarely followed by the decommissioning of wastewater mains or
the dismantling of pumping and treating infrastructure. Of potentially
more relevance to the estimation of relative technical efficiency are
current capital expenses incurred as a result of renewals activities,
which is captured under operating costs.
Justification on pragmatic grounds relates to the historically poor
measurement of the value of infrastructure in NSW local government, (7)
made painfully clear by an independent inquiry into the financial
sustainability of NSW local government, the so-called Allan report
(2006). Considering the widespread lack of confidence in fixed
infrastructure values, it was judged prudent to exclude this variable
rather than attempt to adjust for the errors in the results. With
respect to separate measures of energy and materials consumption, while
the NSW data disaggregate operating costs into various classes,
including administration, energy and materials, the Victorian data do
not. Consequently, it was not possible to include separate input
variables for materials and energy.
In order to aid comparison between years, and utilities in each
state, the variable was inflated to reflect 2004 nominal values, by
applying the headline consumer price index for Melbourne. The use of
this less than ideal inflation factor was made necessary by data
relating to Victorian wastewater utilities being inflated prior to
publication, whereas data for NSW utilities were published in nominal
The two outputs modelled are (1) Total Wastewater Treated and (2)
Complaints per 1,000 connections. The constituent parts that form Total
Wastewater Treated were similar across both states. Output quality was
measured by the number of customer complaints made per 1,000
connections. This was essentially due to this data being almost
universally reported, a characteristic not shared by more direct
measures of quality.
It was necessary to transform the complaints variable since it was
to enter the model as an output. Maximizing complaints is clearly not an
objective of utility managers, and the data were modified such that
maximizing the vector was akin to minimizing actual complaints. Zhu
(2003: 106-7) suggested an approach to transform 'undesirable'
outputs for use in DEA models, which was followed here. All data
relating to utilities in NSW was sourced from the Department of Energy,
Utilities and Sustainability (2005) and VicWater (2005) was the source
for data relating to Victorian utilities.
Table 1 reports descriptive statistics for each variable in each of
the four years. Two telling patterns emerge from an analysis of the data
in this table. First, average total operating costs increased during the
period, despite the variable having been adjusted for inflation. Second,
average total wastewater treated fell between 2001 and 2004. Combined,
this suggests a sharp increase in per unit operating costs over the
As mentioned earlier, we specify a Tobit regression model in which
the DEA scores generated from the evaluation of equations 1 and 2 are
regressed against a set of explanatory variables in an attempt to
explain the determinants of relative efficiency. Table 2 outlines the
suite of variables thought to influence relative efficiency, and our a
priori expectations. They are grouped under the four broad themes
contained in Table 2.
5.1 Returns to scale, economies of customer and production density
Although Victorian utilities recorded the proportion of sewage
collected from residential customers, data limitations particular to NSW
utilities forced the use of residential connections ([z.sub.1]) to the
sewerage network. While it would have been preferable to include the
actual quantity of tradewaste passing through the treatment plant, the
proxy was expected to detect the presence of any significant
relationship between relative operational efficiency and a substantial
proportion of tradewaste. There was a reluctance to expect a particular
sign, since the extent to which tradewaste must be treated at the
treatment plant tends to vary with the particular type of industry and
the level to which the waste is treated prior to being released into the
sewerage network (VicWater, 2005). It is also influenced by the
licensing requirements imposed by the environmental regulator. That is,
not all wastewater needs to be treated to the same extent before being
returned to the environment.
Lloyd (1993: 69) conveyed the additional burden felt by wastewater
authorities from treating tradewaste by invoking an example from the now
defunct Shepparton Water Board:
Although the Board services a population of approximately 33,000,
it estimates that the water and wastewater requirements of major
food processing industries within its boundaries are such that it
actually services the equivalent residential population of 650,000
or 20 times the actual population.
Although it is now common practice for wastewater utilities to levy
a tradewaste charge, and for specialized connections to the sewerage
network to be made at the expense of the industrial customer,
disproportionate tradewaste might still be expected to result in lower
relative efficiency.
In this paper, following Garcia and Thomas (2001), we define
production density ([z.sub.2]) as the total wastewater treated per
customer, with network size and the number of customers held constant,
while customer density ([z.sub.3]) is defined as the number of
customers, having held the size of the network and production density
constant. Our a priori expectations with relation to both are uncertain
since Mays and Tung (1992) found that there are decreasing returns in
the network (arising from increased customer density), yet considerable
returns to scale at the treatment plant (as a result of increased
production density).
A dummy variable was included to reflect utility size ([z.sub.4]).
Although the specification of the variable returns to scale DEA model
should have taken into account scale effects, dummy variables were
included to control for the uncertainty associated with the measure of
scale employed--the quantity of wastewater treated--rather than a
physical measure of network size. This variable may also measure the
effect of any increase in regulatory burden imposed on larger utilities.
Of course, in analysing the results from the constant returns to scale
DEA model, this dummy variable will likely be of crucial importance.
5.2 Treatment and pumping expenses
The major expense arising from operating a wastewater system is
that relating to treatment. Accordingly, a range of variables was
included to account for differences in the extent to which utilities are
required to treat wastewater. The degree to which sewage is treated
depends in part on where the resulting effluent is to be discharged. For
instance, a utility that discharges effluent into a river that is both
of considerable environmental value and is the source of raw water for a
town downstream is required to 'produce' effluent of a quality
close to that of the receiving environment. In contrast, effluent that
is to be discharged from an ocean outfall might only require rudimentary
A dummy variable ([z.sub.5]) was included for those utilities that
treat to the highest standard (tertiary treatment) while dummy variables
to account for varying discharge points (land ([z.sub.6]), ocean
([z.sub.7]) and river ([z.sub.8])) were included. Since some utilities
discharge to multiple points, some were assigned dummies for more than
one discharge location. It is generally expected that those utilities
treating to a tertiary standard will incur greater costs, resulting in a
lower relative efficiency score. Consequently, it was expected that
those discharging to the ocean would have the lowest treatment expenses,
resulting in a positive coefficient, and those discharging to land and
river would have higher treatment costs, resulting in negative signs for
these variables. However, the magnitude of the coefficient was expected
to be higher for those discharging to rivers.
Breaks and chokes in sewer mains are a driver of operation expenses
since they must be repaired quickly to minimize spills of raw sewage
(Jones and French, 1999). To account for this expense, a variable
([z.sub.9]) was included that measures the number of breaks and chokes
per 100km of sewerage main. It was included because the majority of
breaks and chokes are arguably beyond the direct control of managers.
Such incidents usually increase during times of drought as soils shift
and put pressure on pipes, and as a result of storm events which cause
sewer chokes following the ingress of stormwater. Thus, a degree of
uncertainty surrounds the expected sign on this coefficient.
5.3 Climatic effects
Variables to reflect rainfall were not included due to data
limitations. Ideally, a variable would have been included to measure
large intense rainfall events, since these tend to result in much higher
quantities of stormwater being diverted to treatment plants. This rise
is as a result of ingress and illegal connections to the sewerage
network. Unfortunately the data were not available, and so climate
variables were excluded from this analysis.
5.4 Period
The purpose of including dummy variables to represent different
time periods ([z.sub.10], [z.sub.11], [z.sub.12]) is to ensure that
changes in relative efficiency partially attributable to productivity
change are not erroneously reflected in other variables included in the
model. Given the increase in the average cost of supplying a megalitre
of potable water during the period, a generally negative coefficient was
expected on each of the time related dummy variables.
5.5 Institutional effects
A dummy variable to identify Victorian utilities ([z.sub.13]) was
included to determine whether, as a group, Victorian wastewater
providers were more or less relatively efficient than those in NSW after
having controlled for the group of factors contained in Table 3. Since
this represents the primary motivation for this research, we formed no a
priori expectations.
Multicollinearity tests revealed no evidence of serious
multicollinearity between the explanatory variables.
Equations 1 and 2 were solved for each utility for each of the four
years in the sample. It is important to note that direct comparisons
between years are without theoretical basis, since efficiency scores are
relative to the best performing utilities in each year. Descriptive
statistics are reported in Table 3.
The results suggest there was considerable scope for relatively
more efficient use of inputs. In the year in which average overall
technical efficiency for utilities in both states was at its highest
(2004), the 'average' utility could have reduced input use by
44.3 percent while leaving output unchanged. Only one utility (Gunnedah
in NSW) was the benchmark in all four years in terms of overall
efficiency, although Orange (also in NSW) appeared on the frontier
twice. In terms of pure technical efficiency, Gunnedah was joined by the
Victorian utilities Gippsland, Lower Murray and Westernport in forming
the frontier in all four years. It is interesting to note that only
Gippsland is from the 'Very Large' size category. With respect
to scale efficiency, the results suggest a relatively high degree of
scale efficiency, although utilities in NSW have a considerable
advantage in this respect. Once again Gunnedah was the only benchmark
utility in all four years.
It is interesting to note that there is a consistent pattern of
higher relative overall technical efficiency for Victorian utilities
from 2002 onward. This finding suggests that Victorian wastewater
utilities, as a group, were at an advantage during the period. Of
particular note, Victorian utilities were substantially more efficient
in terms of relative pure technical efficiency, however this was offset
by relative scale inefficiency. This result suggests the benefits of the
governance arrangements in place throughout Victoria were muted by
inefficiencies derived from excessive size.
6.1 Explaining Technical Efficiency Results
Three separate Tobit regression equations were estimated in order
to investigate the determinants of overall, pure technical and scale
efficiency. Using a technique known as 'testing down'
(Kennedy, 2003), the suite of explanatory variables statistically
related to each of the measures of relative efficiency were determined.
In order to test the joint significance of each final model, a Wald test was conducted with the null hypothesis of joint insignificance of the
variables. The results are reported in Table 4.
The results suggest that a higher proportion of residential
connections is associated with higher overall and pure technical
efficiency, suggesting industrial connections to the sewer network may
entail relatively higher input use. The positive coefficient on the
variable for production density for all three measures of relative
efficiency implies some costs to utilities as a result of policies to
reduce per capita indoor water consumption. However, the respective
magnitudes call into question the economic significance of the results.
The results relating to the treatment and discharge variables are
mixed. The sign and magnitude of the tertiary treatment co-efficient
were expected. In contrast, however, the negative sign for ocean
discharge is perplexing, since treatment of wastewater for disposal by
this method is typically rudimentary. It may be that factors relating to
the coastal location of these utilities are being captured. In a similar
vein, the positive coefficient for both land and river discharge in
terms of scale efficiency may reflect certain characteristics of
utilities situated inland.
The result of most interest, however, relates to the dummy variable
identifying Victorian utilities. Noting that the dummy variable for size
was found to be insignificant in this specification, Victorian utilities
were, on average, 22 percent more purely technically efficient. With
respect to relative scale efficiency, Victorian utilities were found as
a group to be, on average, 14 percent less scale efficient than their
counterparts in NSW. This is confirmed by the seven percent advantage
held by Victorian utilities in terms of overall technical efficiency.
This group of results has significant policy implications and we address
these in the following section.
The significance of this paper can be argued along two main fronts.
First, this study represents the first analysis of the economic
efficiency of regional urban wastewater utilities in NSW and Victoria.
Second, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first analysis of the
contribution differing governance structures make to relative (in)
efficiency in the Australian water context. In combination, these two
aspects of the study represent genuine contributions to the literature.
Furthermore, in the context of the newly-established national
performance reporting arrangements for water and wastewater utilities in
Australia, the research establishes a benchmark against which future
analysis of urban wastewater utilities can be measured. We noted two
main policy implications from the results presented in section 6.
An unexpected finding from this study was the positive correlation between higher proportions of wastewater connections to residential
customers and relative efficiency. While it is clearly not sensible to
suggest utilities limit the proportion of wastewater treated from
industrial customers in order to improve relative efficiency, the result
should be considered by regulators and policy makers when considering
the relative performance of urban wastewater utilities in regional
locations. This also points to the need for councils and state
governments to re-evaluate the net benefits of attracting industry to
their jurisdiction and the form and quantity of incentives offered to
attract their patronage.
The most important finding in the context of this paper relates to
the disparity in relative efficiency scores between wastewater utilities
in NSW and Victoria. Wastewater utilities in Victoria were found to be
22 percent more pure technically efficient when compared to utilities in
NSW of a similar size. Why this was so cannot be deduced from this
study. However, it could be hypothesized to have been a consequence of a
number of related factors. First, the composition of the boards of
Victorian utilities during the period was a function of relative
expertise, rather than a proportional representation of the local
government area each utility served. It might be argued that this
contributed to a higher degree of managerial competence within Victorian
utilities, due in part to the tendency for local government water
utility managers in NSW to have an engineering background. Strategic
decisions made by the Victorian utility boards may be less likely to be
framed within an engineering paradigm, given the diversity of
backgrounds of board members, diluting the propensity to
'gold-plate' infrastructure.
Second, skilled managers may be relatively more attracted to
Victorian utilities due to the prospect of reporting to a board, rather
than the general manager of a council, and dealing with a broader set of
stakeholders, rather than simply within local government. In other
words, the relatively more corporate structure may attract professionals
comfortable in that environment. The implication of this assumption is
that relatively more skilled employees are attracted and retained by
Victorian utilities, and less so by NSW councils. The relatively poor
results for NSW utilities may also suggest that the proximity of elected
officials (i.e. councillors) may have resulted in some diversion of
attention or resources to projects that did not constitute an efficient
use of resources.
However, an interesting trade-off appears to be present. While the
generally bigger utilities in Victoria appear able to attract better
management expertise, giving rise to technical efficiencies, set against
this is the loss of scale efficiency, insomuch as the results suggest
that Victorian utilities exceed 'optimal' size. This finding
adds weight to the argument that 'bigger is not better' in
local public service delivery (see Dollery et al., 2007), with the
obvious caveat that this result is confined to wastewater services.
These results provide support for the argument that governance
arrangements are important in delivering relative efficiency gains in
public service provision. More specifically, policy makers in NSW may
consider reform of wastewater provision in NSW. For example, utilities
with more than 10,000 connections could be required to separate from
local government, following adequate compensation from the state
government, to form statutory authorities owned by the state government.
To mimic the Victorian structure, each authority could be governed by a
board, based on relevant expertise, rather than council representation.
The board would be responsible to the relevant state government
minister, through a license that established the conditions by which the
authority would be permitted to operate.
Allan, P. (2006) Are Councils Sustainable? Final Report: Findings
and Recommendations. Independent Inquiry into Local Government Inquiry
(LGI), NSW Local Government and Shires Association: Sydney.
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Joel Byrnes
Centre for Local Government, University of New England, Armidale,
NSW 2351.
Lin Crase
School of Business, La Trobe University, Wodonga, VIC 3689.
Brian Dollery
Centre for Local Government, University of New England, Armidale,
NSW 2351.
Renato Villano
School of Business, Economics and Public Policy, University of New
England, Armidale, NSW 2351.
(1) Brian Dollery would like to express his gratitude to the
Australian Research Council for the financial assistance offered by
Discovery Grant DP0770520. The authors would like to thank anonymous
referees for helpful comments on an earlier draft of the paper.
(2) COAG comprises the Prime Minister of Australia, the Premiers of
the six Australian states, the Chief Ministers of the two territories
and a representative of the third tier in the Australian federation,
local government.
(3) The intent of the NWC is to express in relative terms in future
reports (NWC, 2007a), but precisely what form 'relative' will
take is unknown.
(4) The largest Victorian regional urban water authority, Barwon
Water, was excluded since it was twice the size of the next largest
(5) A number of NSW utilities were excluded due to data
limitations. Data on the performance of water utilities is collected
annually by the NSW government and published. Unfortunately, some water
utilities sometimes do not complete their annual returns in sufficient
detail for publication, or alternatively, some water utilities sometimes
may not submit their annual returns in sufficient time for publication.
We were thus obliged to omit these water utilities from our efficiency
estimations. Given the small number of water utilities excluded as a
proportion of the total number of utilities, we do not think that their
exclusion has affected our estimates materially. Although there is
potential for the exclusion of these utilities from the analysis to
introduce bias, determining the extent of bias is always a difficult
exercise since it is not possible to produce result based on a sample
that includes the excluded utilities. A list of excluded water utilities
may be found in Byrnes (2007), Appendix 1B.
(6) The data are from financial years. Henceforth, 2001 refers to
July 2000-June 2001; 2002 relates to July 2001-June 2002 and so on.
(7) For a review of the problem in Australian local government data
of this kind see Dollery et al. (2006).
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Inputs and Outputs
Year Description Mean Deviation
2001 Total Operating Cost 3,738,612 3,501,319
Complaints Index 135 28
Total Wastewater Treated 4,556 5,270
2002 Total Operating Cost 4,017,957 3,761,066
Complaints Index 134 28
Total Wastewater Treated 4,504 5,039
2003 Total Operating Cost 4,218,759 3,937,731
Complaints Index 76 26
Total Wastewater Treated 4,402 4,737
2004 Total Operating Cost 4,255,662 3,838,192
Complaints Index 93 28
Total Wastewater Treated 4,444 4,989
56 utilities, Large (3,000 -10,000 connections) = 28
of which: Very Large (> 10,000 connections) = 28
Table 2. Variables thought to influence Relative Efficiency
Variable Code Description a priori
Returns to Scale, Economies of Customer and Production
Residential [Z.sub.l] Proportion of -
Connections connections classified
as residential
Production Density [Z.sub.2] Kl of wastewater +
treated per connection
Customer Density [Z.sub.3] Number of connections +
per km of main
Very large utility [Z.sub.4] Utility serviced more -
than 10,001
Treatment and pumping expenses
Tertiary treatment [Z.sub.5] Dummy to reflect
majority of wastewater
treated to a tertiary
Land discharge [Z.sub.6] Dummy variable to -
indicate discharge of
treated effluent to
Ocean discharge [Z.sub.7] Dummy variable to +
indicate discharge of
treated effluent to an
ocean outfall
River discharge [Z.sub.8] Dummy variable to
indicate discharge of -
treated effluent to a
Sewer main chokes [Z.sub.9] Number of chokes and -
and breaks main breaks per 100km
of main
2002 [Z.sub.10] Year specific dummy -
variable: 2002
2003 [Z.sub.11] Year specific dummy -
variable: 2003
2004 [Z.sub.12] Year specific dummy -
variable: 2004
Institutional effects
Victorian Utility [Z.sub.13] Dummy variable to +
identify utilities
located in Victoria
Source: All data was sourced from DEUS (2005) for NSW utilities and
VicWater (2005) for Victorian utilities, with the exception
of 'climate ' variables. Data under that heading was supplied by the
Bureau of Meteorology on request.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of DEA scores
Overall Technical Pure Technical
Efficiency Efficiency
Statistic All NSW Vic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.487 0.483 0.501 0.569 0.526 0.698
Median 0.459 0.459 0.463 0.516 0.491 0.680
St.Dev. 0.159 0.170 0.119 0.201 0.172 0.227
Statistic All NSW Vic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.535 0.520 0.580 0.607 0.544 0.796
Median 0.511 0.489 0.560 0.546 0.498 0.823
St.Dev. 0.158 0.167 0.116 0.204 0.168 0.184
Statistic All NSW Vic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.527 0.515 0.563 0.664 0.610 0.828
Median 0.507 0.491 0.541 0.633 0.546 0.842
St.Dev. 0.167 0.184 0.095 0.209 0.194 0.162
Statistic All NSW Vic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.557 0.542 0.602 0.629 0.579 0.777
Median 0.535 0.509 0.549 0.581 0.559 0.767
St.Dev. 0.179 0.186 0.146 0.206 0.187 0.190
Scale Technical
Statistic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.879 0.918 0.760
Median 0.947 0.966 0.742
St.Dev. 0.136 0.093 0.172
Statistic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.904 0.955 0.752
Median 0.959 0.995 0.800
St.Dev. 0.124 0.059 0.143
Statistic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.808 0.846 0.694
Median 0.808 0.854 0.723
St.Dev. 0.142 0.133 0.103
Statistic All NSW Vic
Mean 0.902 0.936 0.801
Median 0.961 0.966 0.850
St.Dev. 0.137 0.095 0.185
Table 4. Explaining technical efficiency measures
Variable Description Overall Pure technical
Coeff. Prob. Coeff. Prob.
[alpha] Constant -0.8377 0.004 -0.7418 0.030
[Z.sub.1] Residential 0.0125 0.000 0.014 0.000
[Z.sub.2] Production 0.0007 0.000 0.0004 0.027
[Z.sub.5] Tertiary -0.0766 0.000 -0.1097 0.000
[Z.sub.6] Land N/A N/A -0.0576 0.039
[Z.sub.7] Ocean -0.0531 0.042 -0.0548 0.084
[Z.sub.8] River N/A N/A -0.0865 0.012
[Z.sub.10] 2002 0.0519 0.064 N/A N/A
[Z.sub.11] 2003 0.0532 0.070 0.0811 0.005
[Z.sub.12] 2004 0.0846 0.004 0.0488 0.089
[Z.sub.13] RUWA 0.0726 0.000 0.2204 0.000
e Error term 0.153 0.000 0.173 0.000
R-squared 0.165 N/A 0.306 N/A
Adjusted R-squared 0.130 N/A 0.273 N/A
Log likelihood 102.023 N/A 75.153 N/A
Wald tests
F-statistic 407.658 0.000 304.232 0.000
Chi-square 3668.918 0.000 3042.315 0.000
Variable Scale
Coeff. Prob.
[alpha] 0.7164 0.000
[Z.sub.1] N/A N/A
[Z.sub.2] 0.0004 0.001
[Z.sub.5] N/A N/A
[Z.sub.6] 0.0319 0.045
[Z.sub.7] N/A N/A
[Z.sub.8] 0.1103 0.000
[Z.sub.10] 0.0263 0.148
[Z.sub.11] -0.0637 0.004
[Z.sub.12] 0.0294 0.157
[Z.sub.13] -0.1465 0.000
e 0.106 0.000
R-squared 0.438 N/A
Adjusted R-squared 0.417 N/A
Log likelihood 185.908 N/A
Wald tests
F-statistic 2618.706 0.000
Chi-square 20949.64 0.000