An empirical evaluation of the relative efficiency of Roads to Recovery expenditure in New South Wales local government, 2005/06.
Lopez, Margaret ; Dollery, Brian ; Byrnes, Joel 等
Local government plays a vital role in contemporary Australian life
by providing essential local services to almost all Australians. While
its functions are limited compared with many other local government
systems in other advanced countries, over the past several decades
Australian local government has significantly expanded its range of
activities from an historical emphasis on 'services to
property' to a more recent 'services to people' focus
(Dollery, Wallis and Allan, 2006). However, this evolution of
responsibilities has occurred at the expense of traditional service
provision, with local government diverting funds from infrastructure
spending to finance its growing range of 'human services'.
Escalating financial pressure and limited spending on local assets has
resulted in an 'infrastructure crisis', particularly in the
area of local roads maintenance and renewal (Dollery, Byrnes and Crase,
In an effort to address this financial crisis, the Commonwealth
government has provided funds directly to local councils, particularly
through the Roads to Recovery (R2R) program. This initiative was first
established as a response to the deterioration of many local roads, with
renewal far beyond the financial capability of many local authorities
(Dollery, Pape and Byrnes, 2006). Despite the program's sheer
scale, its sizeable impact on local government and its landmark
distribution process, there has been almost no academic attention
devoted towards an evaluation of the program, with a few notable
exceptions. While the program appears to have ameliorated the financial
pressures faced by local government, the extent of its effectiveness in
economic terms is as yet unknown.
The present paper seeks to at least begin to remedy this neglect by
examining the relative efficiency with which R2R funds have been
expended amongst a limited sample of local authorities. It should be
stressed that data inadequacies and other unavoidable factors
necessarily mean that our empirical analysis should be seen as an
initial first tentative step to a more thorough examination of the R2R
program. With these caveats in mind, we thus examined expenditure of R2R
funding by local councils in New South Wales during the fiscal year
2005/06, employing the relative efficiency technique known as Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
The paper itself consists of five main parts. A synoptic review of
the R2R program is provided in section 2, while the relevant extant
empirical literature is briefly summarised in section 3. Methodological
considerations are addressed in section 4. The results obtained are
presented in section 5. T he paper ends with some brief concluding
remarks on the implications of this analysis in section 6.
Local government is both dynamic and diverse, with characteristics
like demographic composition, population, spatial area, and typography
varying widely not only within given state local government
jurisdictions, but also across Australia itself (Worthington and
Dollery, 2001). While local government traditionally focused exclusively
on 'services to property', caricatured in the phrase
'roads, rates and rubbish', several factors have led to a
marked expansion in the responsibilities assumed by local government,
most of which were forced on councils by higher tiers of government, but
some of which have been self-inflicted (Dollery, Wallis and Allan,
2006). These additional responsibilities have obliged councils to
channel expenditure away from traditional services, such as roads, in
order to offer more extensive 'human services'. Furthermore,
this has occurred at a time when local government is facing diminishing
funding from state and federal governments, coupled with an already low
revenue base. Moreover, local government's financial situation has
been further compounded with the emergence of an infrastructure and
asset crisis due a deficiency in expenditure on maintenance and renewal
(Dollery, Byrnes and Crase, 2007b). In response, the Commonwealth
government has initiated the Roads to Recovery funding in order to
address the specific deficiency in local road funding.
Of all the infrastructure responsibilities of local government, the
maintenance of local roads is one of its most capital-intensive
activities. Much local government infrastructure consists of local and
regional roads. The Australian local road network is estimated to be
worth almost $80 billion and accounts for approximately 20 percent of
aggregate local government expenditure (Department of Transport and
Regional Services 'DOTARS' 2006a, p. 78). While many local
authorities receive annual grants from their respective state
governments, PricewaterhouseCoopers ('PwC' 2006, p. 70) has
observed that state funding has been rendered inadequate due to rising
input costs, with roads needing more costly resurfacing in particular.
In addition, according to the Independent Inquiry into Local
Government or 'Allan Report' (LGI, 2006, p. 14) many
locally-managed roads are now reaching or have reached the end of their
useful economic life. A large number of local authorities have neglected
the need for infrastructure renewal, instead using scarce funds to
finance their ever-increasing range of human services. Most local
government assets, like roads, drainage and public buildings, were
originally financed by higher tiers of government. However, with many of
these assets over a century old and in dire need of upgrading or even
replacement, local governments now face the massive financial
responsibility of major infrastructure renewal. In this regard, the
Allan Report (LGI, 2006, p. 115) has argued that 'current revenue
mechanisms available to local government were not designed to meet the
financial burden of "second generation" infrastructure
renewal.' In addition, local government's expansion into new
fields and the undertaking of a wider range of responsibilities,
especially the shift in service provision from a focus on 'services
to property' to an emphasis on 'services to people' has
also caused an expansion of councils' asset base, contributing to
the heightened financial pressures experienced by local government (LGI
2006, p. 115).
Approximately 80 percent of Australia's public road network
(or 649,000 km) is classified as 'local' and administered by
local government (DOTARS 2006a, p. 78). According to DOTARS (2006a, p.
78), 'local roads are important to national transport safety,
efficiency and overall economic performance' since 'they
provide basic access from farms, factories and homes to schools,
hospitals, work, shopping and to families and friends'. In
particular, the mining, grain, horticulture and plantation industries
are heavily dependent on local roads. Hence, the continued deterioration
of local roads will adversely affect the efficiency and cost of
transport, both locally and throughout Australia (DOTARS 2006a, p. 78).
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) realised that a
deficiency existed in the level of road funding needed to maintain an
adequate level of service and thus began holding an annual road congress
commencing in March 2000. In response to the concerns raised at the
inaugural national roads congress, the (then) Commonwealth government
announced a new road expenditure plan known as Roads to Recovery in
November 2000. The Commonwealth government decided that the Roads to
Recovery Program should operate under simple administrative arrangements
in order that councils minimise administrative costs and devote funding
to road works. Moreover, by allowing local decision making, a flexible
system was ensured with local councils prioritising projects according
to their own circumstances (DOTARS 2006b, p. 9). Although the
Commonwealth government has previously provided funding to local
government, particularly through Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs), the
Roads to Recovery Program is unique because grants are provided directly
to local authorities from the federal government, thereby bypassing
state and territory governments (Dollery, Pape and Byrnes, 2006, p.
Whilst efficiency analysis within the private sector and the
broader public sector has been widespread, it is only comparatively
recently that efficiency measurement techniques have been utilised in
the local public sector. In particular, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) have emerged as two popular
techniques for estimating the efficiency of local government in the
provision of local public services (see, for instance, Dollery, Crase
and Johnson (2006), Dollery and Wallis (2001) and Worthington and
Dollery (2000a; 2000b) for surveys of this empirical literature).
Several international studies have been undertaken on the analysis
of the efficiency of road maintenance programs. For example, Rouse,
Putterill and Ryan (1997) used DEA to examine the efficiency of highway
maintenance performed by New Zealand local authorities and expanded on
earlier work in this area by incorporating quality measures. (1) This
study provided initial insight into local authority efficiency by
partitioning measures across efficiency, effectiveness and economy.
However, another study by Rouse and Putterill (2005) demonstrated much
more substantive evidence of significant scale economies in
pre-amalgamation New Zealand local government. Nevertheless, the authors
conceded that diseconomies of scale could not be solely attributed to
the earlier 'fragmentation' of New Zealand local government
into many more local authorities.
In an analogous exercise, Deller and a number of collaborators
(Deller and Nelson (1991); Deller (1992), Deller, Nelson and Walzer
(1992) and Deller and Halstead (1994)) employed both DEA and SFA to
investigate the relative efficiency of municipal road services in
various American states. Both production and cost frontiers were
estimated and a number of quality-adjusted outputs were modelled. While
initially this work supported the proposition that scale economies
existed in local government, with increases in jurisdictional size
leading to a rise in efficiency (see, for instance, Deller and Nelson,
1991), later studies implied that managerial inefficiencies may be
incorrectly attributed to size economies and that consolidation may in
fact be inappropriate.
DEA and SFA techniques have also been applied in the context of
Australian local government, with this literature critically examined in
detail by Dollery, Crase and Johnson (2006), Dollery and Wallis (2001),
as well as Worthington and Dollery (2000a; 2000b). However, at the time
of writing these techniques have not been applied to Australian road
maintenance and road renewal. Furthermore, despite the sizeable
investment made by the Roads to Recovery program, Dollery, Pape and
Byrnes (2006) contend that very little academic attention has been
devoted towards an evaluation of the program. Thus, this study aims to
at least partly remedy this negligence and contribute to the modest base
of Australian research into local public sector efficiency analysis.
In economic analysis, technical efficiency or productive efficiency
refers to the how much output is produced from a defined quantity of
input factors. Technical efficiency should be contrasted with allocative
efficiency which refers to how input factors are allocated between the
production of alternative types of output. Relative measures of
technical efficiency shed light on the comparative performance of
different councils rather than their absolute levels of technical
efficiency. Relative efficiency can be affected by many variables,
including scale. Thus large-scale production may be characterised by
economies of scale (i.e. the greater the level of output, the higher the
level of technical efficiency).
DEA has been chosen for this analysis for three main reasons.
First, DEA has previously been used to examine highway maintenance by
Rouse, Putterill and Ryan (1997) and Rouse and Putterill (2005) for New
Zealand local authorities and by Cook, Kazakov and Roll (1993) to
investigate the efficiency of highway maintenance patrols in Ontario.
Second, DEA easily accommodates multiple inputs and outputs. Third, DEA
is non-parametric, allowing the data itself to construct the production
frontier. Consequently, unlike SFA, it is not necessary to make
assumptions regarding the form of the production frontier. However,
since DEA is entirely deterministic, the model does not account for
external influences and statistical noise, necessitating a second step
in the analysis to account for those effects.
DEA models can be input or output-oriented. An input-oriented
approach aims to minimise input use, while leaving output constant,
while an output-oriented model suggests that the organisation aims to
maximise outputs, given a fixed quantity of inputs (Coelli et al. 2005,
p. 54). In the case of Roads to Recovery, since the life-time allocation
of Roads to Recovery funding for local councils (the input) is fixed, we
argue the model should be output-oriented. Figure 1 illustrates
technical and allocative efficiency in an output-oriented context. Two
outputs [q.sub.1] and [q.sub.2] are produced, using one input [x.sub.1].
Assuming constant returns to scale, the curve ZZ' represents an
organisation's production possibilities curve, with point A
indicating an inefficient organisation.
The Farrell (1957) measure of output-oriented technical
(in)efficiency (TE) can be calculated by the ratio:
TE = OA / OB = [d.sub.o] (x, q)
where [d.sub.o](x,q) is an output distance function with input
matrix x and output matrix q. The distance AB represents technical
inefficiency or the amount by which outputs could be increased without
requiring extra input. If the requisite price information is available,
then an isorevenue line can be constructed, represented by DD'.
Thus, allocative efficiency (AE) can be measured by the ratio:
Overall economic or revenue efficiency can be calculated as the
product of both technical and allocative efficiency:
The output-oriented constant returns to scale model for N
organisations using a vector of inputs x to produce a vector of outputs
y, can be calculated by solving the following linear programming problem
(Zhu 2003, p. 9):
Adding the convexity constraint [n.summation over (i=1)]
[[lambda].sub.j] = 1 yields the variable returns to scale model.
These linear programming problems are calculated in two stages.
First, relative efficiency scores are calculated by ignoring the slacks.
Then [[PHI].sup.*] is fixed in order to optimise the slacks.
While environmental variables can be included directly into a DEA
model, this requires an assumption on whether the included variables
will have a positive or negative influence. Given that this may not be
readily apparent on a theoretical, empirical or practical basis, a
second-stage is often undertaken on results obtained from DEA, which
incorporates other explanatory variables.
Since Logit and Tobit models are specifically intended for analysis
where data has been censored or truncated at a numeric value, they have
often been embraced in place of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression
models. However, the application of Tobit models to this task has
recently faced criticism by Hoff (2007). Although arguing that Tobit is
'misspecified,' Hoff (2007) concedes that the Tobit model
still provides 'sensible' results and is relatively robust in
comparison to other more technically accurate techniques. Thus, Tobit
will still be used for the second-stage of analysis, while being mindful
of the reservations of this model.
The standard Tobit model can be specified as a latent regression of
the form (Greene 2002, E21-1)
[y.sup.*.sub.i] = [beta]'[x.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i],
[epsilon] ~ N[0,[[sigma].sup.2]]
The observed dependent variable is subject to censoring such that:
if [y.sup.*.sub.i] [less than or equal to] [L.sub.i,] then
[y.sub.i] = [L.sub.i] (lower-tail censoring)
if [y.sup.*.sub.i] [greater than or equal to] [U.sub.i,] then
[y.sub.i] = [U.sub.i] (upper-tail censoring)
In this case, the DEA scores obtained are the observed dependent
variable to be regressed against a number of explanatory variables, with
the upper and lower tails censored such that [L.sub.i] = 0 and [U.sub.i]
= 1.
An Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Report on the R2R
program up until 30 June 2005 revealed a number of deficiencies with
policy implementation. One issue related to data collection, collation
and reporting by local councils. The ANAO Report suggested that this
stemmed from the aim of the program to minimise the administrative
burden on councils, so as to ensure that funds were not being
unnecessarily diverted to administration of the program. As a result,
reporting measurements were not stringently enforced or thoroughly
scrutinised. Thus, while the archive data for projects completed before
30 June 2005 provided a comprehensive summary of the first instalment of
the program, there are several problems with the reported information
which prevent it from being used in this efficiency study.
First, a quantifying measure, like kilometres of road repaired, is
not recorded. This prevents the calculation of averages and similar
magnitudes. Second, a common understanding between councils about what
constituted eligible works under the Roads to Recovery program appeared
not to exist. While the Department of Transport and Regional Services
(DOTARS) (the Commonwealth government department responsible for the
administration of the funding) addressed specific questions raised by
councils, the Administrative Guidelines (which provided information on
the requirements of the program) were not updated to clarify common
problems. Thus, according to ANAO (2005, p. 1045), a shared
understanding between councils was often lacking. This introduced the
problem of comparing 'apples with oranges' into the data set.
Third, it was common for recipient councils to incorrectly report
the total estimated expenditure of a project. This was starkly apparent
after a comparison of councils' estimated cost and their total
allocation for the first instalment of the Roads to Recovery program.
The results showed vast differences in the figures for several councils
with numerous councils' costs well exceeding their allocations and
vice versa. A common reason for this problem was councils failing to
state if the cost of a project was to be jointly funded from another
source. In addition, the structural reform of councils through
amalgamation appeared to further compound the problem, with some works
schedules being reported twice. For example, all the projects undertaken
by the Shire of Windouran, were subsequently also reported by the Shire
of Conargo, with which Windouran was amalgamated. Such inaccuracies led
to disparity between the total allocation of funds between councils and
the total expenditure reported.
After the ANAO (2005) audit of the first Roads to Recovery program,
program procedures were tightened to improve reporting requirements and
limit funding conditions (DOTARS 2006b, p. 19). As a result, the later
AusLink Roads to Recovery Program has an increased emphasis on council
accountability and reporting. Due to the strengthened reporting
requirements, council work schedules had to provide a location for the
work undertaken, including chainage and cross roads where work was to be
undertaken on a section of road, a detailed description of the problem
and the solution to be applied, as well as starting and completion dates
and the estimated cost. The main advantage of this data set is that
local councils reported both the length and width of the road to be
rectified, thus providing a quantitative measure. Consequently, the data
set that will be analysed in this study incorporates all R2R projects
completed by NSW councils between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2006.
However, despite tightened reporting requirements, there were still
councils which failed to provide correct work schedules. Thus, of the
151 New South Wales councils that completed projects in 2005/06, 51 have
been omitted from our analysis because the width and length of the work
to be undertaken has not been provided. A further nine councils were
excluded because their estimated total cost of completed projects
exceeded their total funding allocation for the year. The exclusion of
around one third of the total universe of New South Wales councils is
most unfortunate. However, it is obviously not possible to include
councils in our sample which have not provided adequate data and there
was thus no alternative but to reduce the number of councils included in
our empirical analysis, despite the implications this may have for
sample bias.
The appendix at the end of the paper lists the excluded councils
with their respective NSW Department of Local Government classification
number. Those marked with an asterisk were excluded from the analysis
because of incorrect reporting, all other councils were excluded due to
a lack of data.
The input employed in this study is the total allocated funding
each local council received in the time period under review. Roads to
Recovery funds are distributed according to an allocation formula based
on population, road length and bridge length. In the financial year
2005/06, each local council received double their annual allocation as a
consequence of the Commonwealth government providing a further $307.5
million in funding as a supplement to the Roads to Recovery program. The
conditions attached to the Supplementary Funding were similar to that of
the current AusLink program.
Output is measured by two variables. The first is area of work
undertaken, measured in metres squared. Part 3.1 of the Notes on
Administration (DOTARS 2006b, p. 7) outlines eligible projects under the
AusLink Roads to Recovery program and states that in addition to the
normal meaning, the term 'roads', according to the AusLink
Act, includes each of the following when in association with a road:
* 'traffic signs and control equipment;
* street lighting equipment;
* vehicular ferries;
* bridges or tunnels, including pedestrian bridges or tunnels; and
* bicycle paths.'
The second output measure is the total cost of all Roads to
Recovery Projects completed by the council. A transformation of this
data series was required since we are using an output-oriented model
which suggests that the firm aims to maximise outputs given a fixed
quantity of inputs. However, because we assumed local councils would
seek to minimise rather than maximise total cost, it was first necessary
to transform the data such that when the vector is maximised within the
DEA model, this will be analogous to minimising total cost. Zhu (2003,
p. 106-07) provides a transformation procedure which is followed here.
It is assumed that the estimated cost of all completed projects reflects
the actual spending by councils on Roads to Recovery projects.
Table 1 presents the summary statistics of the input and outputs
included in the DEA analysis. On average a council was expected to
receive $1,118,421 in total funding (including supplementary funding)
during financial year 2005/06. However, there is also a large standard
deviation. On average councils completed 49,365 metres squared of Roads
to Recovery works. However, again the range and standard deviation
suggest high dispersion within the data. The descriptive statistics also
show that on average the estimated cost of a project was $78,189.
However, due to the positive skewness score, this estimate may have been
inflated by usually high values. Thus the median, which has been
calculated as $40,000, may provide a more reasonable evaluation of the
representative council. The data is again highly dispersed with a wide
range and a large standard deviation.
Using the specified DEA methodology, an output-oriented model was
employed to calculate the technical efficiency of New South Wales
councils' use of R2R funding. In order to account for possible
scale effects, the output-oriented model was estimated under the
variable returns to scale assumption.
Four councils were considered to be 'fully' technically
efficient; Burwood Council, Bankstown City Council, Snowy River Shire
Council and Walgett Shire Council. In contrast to these
'best-performing' councils, three councils performed
relatively poorly, obtaining efficiency scores of less than 0.2. These
were Lake Macquarie City Council (0.1420), Inverell Shire Council
(0.1661) and Wagga Wagga City Council (0.1885). In theoretical terms,
this implies that these latter councils could increase output by at
least 81 percent while leaving input constant. More generally, the
results reported in Table 2 indicate that the average technical
efficiency of councils was 0.75, implying that the average council could
have increased its output by 25 percent, with the given level of input.
However, while this interpretation is conventionally correct, the
composite nature of the outputs makes direct interpretation difficult.
Furthermore, some councils may appear more inefficient than they
actually are since data availability has restricted the projects to be
included in the analysis. Consequently, some local authorities may still
have projects yet to be completed and thus may attain lower efficiency
The distribution of relative efficiency scores is presented in
Figure 2. Over 25 per cent of councils in the sample were either
technically efficient or close to technically efficient. In contrast,
less than 5 percent of councils obtained a technical efficiency score of
0.2 or lower. Thus, Figure 2 suggests that most local authorities would
not need to increase their output levels by a substantial amount in
order to become technically efficient. Based on this evidence, the use
of R2R funding by local councils appears to have been relatively
In order to test if there was a significant difference in the
relative efficiency between urban and rural councils a Wilcoxon Rank Sum
Test was performed, following Levine et al. (1999, p. 402-04). Two
alternative hypotheses were proposed:
[H.sub.o] : [M.sub.1] = [M.sub.2] (No difference in medians of
urban and rural councils)
[H.sub.1] : [M.sub.1] [not equal to] [M.sub.2] (Medians were
The test statistic [T.sub.1] is normally distributed with a mean
and standard deviation of [T.sub.test] equal to:
Thus, the standardized Z test statistic is given by:
The results of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test are presented in Table 3.
At the 0.05 level of significance, the results indicate that the null
hypothesis should not be rejected. Thus, there is no significant
difference between the median technical efficiencies of the two council
types. This result suggests that councils in rural and regional New
South Wales were equally efficient on average at administering R2R
In order to measure the extent to which the calculated DEA scores
were a function of so-called 'external' variables, a second
stage Tobit analysis of the DEA results was undertaken, the results of
which are reported below.
While council type is an important consideration, there are also
other exogenous factors that may have influenced the technical
efficiency of local authorities. This study has identified two other
variables which may potentially have an impact on technical efficiency.
These are:
* The type of work - condensed into four main categories (general
maintenance, major works, bridges and other);
* Local council area - measured in kilometres squared.
The 'general maintenance' category contains works such as
sheeting, resheeting, resealing and similar common works. 'Major
construction' consists of rehabilitation, reconstruction, widening
and construction of new roads. 'Bridges' incorporates bridge
and causeway work, while 'other' includes traffic improvement,
drainage, bicycle and footpaths, planning and all other work.
For the purpose of the Tobit analysis, dummy variables were
employed for the work categories to further avoid the problem of
collinearity. Since 'major construction' was the most popular
work category and performed by 70 percent of councils, this category was
excluded to act as the 'base'. Area was kilometres squared,
while council type would also be included as a dummy variable, where 0
indicated urban councils, which were treated as the base. Table 4
summarises the Tobit results.
From Table 4 it can be seen that when 'major
construction' is performed in conjunction with either
'bridges' or 'general works,' technical efficiency
is expected to increase. One potential reason for this increase in
technical efficiency could be due to the presence of economies of scope.
On the other hand, if a council undertakes 'major
construction' and 'other' works, technical efficiency is
expected to decrease. The results also suggest a negative relationship
between technical efficiency and council spatial area; although the
magnitude of the coefficient draws into question the economic
significance of this result.
An unexpected result relates to council location. If a council is
rural as opposed to urban, technical efficiency is expected to increase.
This result was unanticipated because rural councils are often perceived
as being financially disadvantaged, less 'sustainable' and
less administratively and technically proficient than urban local
authorities. However, a major concern with these results is that only
'bridges' was considered to be significant at the 0.05 level.
Given that there does not seem to be a problem with collinearity or
multicollinearity between the variables, it is inferred that this
insignificance is attributable to model misspecification or data
Consequently, given that the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test concluded that
there was no difference in the median technical efficiencies of urban
and rural councils and that the initial Tobit estimation found that
council type was an insignificant variable, the Tobit estimation was
repeated, with the dummy variable for rural councils removed from the
model to determine if this substantially changes the obtained results.
The new calculated coefficients are presented in Table 5 where it can be
seen that 'bridges' is still the only significant variable.
Generally there has been little other change in the variables. Our model
still predicted that if 'major works' is performed along with
'general works' or 'bridges,' technical efficiency
will increase. As computed in the first Tobit model, the spatial area of
a council will have a negative impact on technical efficiency, in common
with local authorities performing 'other' works.
The Roads to Recovery program has heralded a new dawn in Australian
fiscal federalism since the program circumvents the traditional grants
allocation process by bypassing state and territory governments and
provides funding direct from the federal government to local government
authorities. Moreover, the Roads to Recovery program also represents a
substantial investment in the local government sector at a time of dire
financial need in order to address the 'infrastructure crisis'
facing the lowest tier of government. Despite the significance of the
Roads to Recovery program, not only in terms of the novel manner in
which it allocates funds, but also its sheer size, the program has
received scant attention in the academic literature. Moreover,
examination of the scheme by responsible government agencies has been
minimal. A prior cost benefit study by DOTARS/ALGA (2003) has been
criticised by ANAO (2005) as not being representative of local
authorities as a whole and accordingly ANAO (2005, p. 65) has concluded
that the results of the analysis should be used cautiously. To address
this deficiency in the literature, this study has attempted to assess
how efficiently local government in NSW has used Roads to Recovery
Our empirical analysis has focused on local councils which had
completed projects during the financial year 2005/06. It was necessary
to only include projects that had already been completed so that the
final figures would be actual values rather than merely estimates.
Furthermore, it was not possible to analyse projects completed prior to
July 2005, due to the serious data problems discussed earlier, primarily
the absence of a quantitative measure. Moreover, because the AusLink
Roads to Recovery Program is still in its infancy, it was not possible
to make comparisons between council efficiency from one year to another.
Thus, it was not possible to analyse efficiency of councils over time.
Accordingly, one area of further research could be the analysis of
council efficiency over time. However, this line of inquiry would
perforce need to be delayed since the next instalment of the program
will only be completed by the end of 2008/09 financial year. In
addition, a more robust second-stage of analysis could be undertaken to
determine the relevant factors affecting how efficiently councils use
Roads to Recovery funding. However, a major impediment to the
incorporation of explanatory variables in this study was the
availability of data. As such, the exogenous variables included in this
preliminary attempt were severely limited by data considerations. An
important issue for all further research will be improvement in the
quality and quantity of available data, particularly on local roads and
the Roads to Recovery program itself.
Our DEA analysis demonstrated that approximately only a quarter of
the sample local authorities were technically efficient or close to
being technically efficient. On average, councils needed to increase
their outputs by at least 25 per cent in order to become technically
efficient. Thus, our study provides preliminary evidence that many
municipalities have not been using funds efficiently. This is obviously
a serious concern from the perspective of public policy.
Although an attempt was also made in this study to try and
determine the factors which influence technical efficiency, the results
were inconclusive. Thus, the second-stage of analysis will need to be
further developed before more definite conclusions can be drawn. The
tentative results from the Tobit estimation implied that the model will
need to be further developed before it can be conclusively determined
which variables influence the technical efficiency of councils. As we
have seen, the various exogenous variables employed were included
largely due to data availability. In spite of this, only
'bridges' was a found to be a significant explanatory
variable. The results obtained indicate that specification error or
insufficient data have produced weak results.
This study has highlighted the urgent need for a substantial
improvement in the way in which the Roads to Recovery program is
administered. While the technical efficiency scores obtained for each
local council may not be robust, they nonetheless do infer that councils
have been generally using the funds inefficiently. In undertaking the
analysis, several problems were encountered with data. Limited data has
also been a concern in the area of local roads and was also acknowledged
by the Commonwealth Grants Commission (2006) which argued that
unreliable and inconsistent data impeded its review. In undertaking this
efficiency analysis, inadequate and incomplete data has also restricted
the scope of this study. Despite these caveats, our study has revealed
that in spite of efforts to improve the management of the AusLink Roads
to Recovery Program there are still shortcomings in the administration
of the program.
This tentative conclusion has important implications for federal
government policy making. While there is little doubt that the Roads to
Recovery program has alleviated the financial crisis in Australian local
government and thereby contributed to an amelioration of the
deterioration of local infrastructure, it appears that scarce funds have
been used in a sub-optimal manner and have not maximised their
potentially benevolent impact. Commonwealth government policy makers
should thus seek to improve the operation of the Roads to Recovery
Council Number
Hunters Hill Council 2
Kogarah Municipal Council * 2
Manly Council * 2
Mosman Municipal Council 2
Strathfield Municipal 2
Waverley 2
Willoughby City Council * 2
Canterbury City 3
Ku-ring-gai Council * 3
Marrickville Council * 3
Randwick City 3
Byron Shire Council 4
Cessnock City Council 4
Clarence Valley Council 4
Coffs Harbour City Council 4
Deniliquin Council 4
Eurobodalla Shire Council 4
Goulburn Mulwarree Council 4
Greater Taree City 4
Griffith City 4
Kiama Municipal Council 4
Maitland City 4
Mid-Western Regional Council 4
Orange City Council * 4
Parramatta City Council 4
Port Stephens 4
Queanbeyan City Council 4
Shoalhaven City 5
Camden Council 6
Baulkum Hills 7
Blue Mountains City Council * 7
Liverpool City 7
Bogan Shire Council 9
Bombala Council 9
Brewarrina Shire 9
Central Darling Shire 9
Gilgandra Shire Council 9
Harden Shire 9
Murrumbidgee Shire Council * 9
Tamworth Regional 9
Walcha 9
Warren Shire 9
Bland Shire 10
Cooma-Monaro Shire Council 10
Cootamundra Shire 10
Dungog Shire Council 10
Glen Innes Severn 10
Lachlan Shire 10
Lockhart Shire 10
Narrandera Shire 10
Temora Shire 10
Tenterfield Shire Council * 10
Wellington 10
Cabonne Council 11
Greater Hume Shire 11
Gunnedah Shire Council 11
Nambucca Shire Council 11
Upper Hunter Shire Council 11
Warrumbungle Shire Council 11
Wentworth Shire 11
The authors would like to thank two anonymous referees for helpful
comments on an earlier draft of the paper. Brian Dollery would like to
express his gratitude to Professor Okado, Dean of the Faculty of
Economics at Yokohama National University, as well as Professor Alec
McAulay, Professor Uemura, and Professor Craig Parsons of the Faculty of
Economics Visiting Professor Committee, for their kind hospitality
during his period as Visiting Foreign Researcher in the International
Graduate School of the Social Sciences in Yokohama in June, 2009.
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Margaret Lopez
Centre for Local Government, University of New England, Armidale,
NSW 2351.
Brian Dollery
Centre for Local Government, University of New England, Armidale,
NSW 2351.
Joel Byrnes
Centre for Local Government, University of New England, Armidale,
NSW 2351.
(1) Quality was estimated via the 'roughness's of
highways' and 'general maintenance expenditure'. Since
general maintenance incorporated a variety of outputs, an index of
surface defects was also employed, which calculated the dollar amount
per metre of general maintenance expenditure required to rectify surface
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Outputs and Input.
Variable Mean Standard Deviation Minimum
Funding ([x.sub.1]) 1,118,421 580,210.5 125,658
Area ([y.sub.1]) 49,365 112498.4 184
Total Cost ([y.sub.2]) 78,189 102,677 2,900
Variable Maximum
Funding ([x.sub.1]) 3,214,616
Area ([y.sub.1]) 1,062,720
Total Cost ([y.sub.2]) 903,727
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of Councils' Technical Efficiency.
Mean 0.7479
Median 0.7991
Standard Deviation 0.2110
Minimum 0.1420
Maximum 1.0000
Table 3. Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test Results.
Rural Sample
Sample Size 43
Sum of Ranks 2058
Urban Sample
Sample Size 49
Sum of Ranks 2220
Intermediate Calculations
Total Sample Size n 92
T1 Test Statistic 2058
T1 Mean 1999.50
Standard Error of T1 127.79
Z Test Statistic 0.4578
Two-Tailed Test
Lower Critical Value -1.9600
Upper Critical Value 1.9600
p-value 0.6471
Table 4. Tobit Coefficient Estimates.
Coefficient Standard Error Probability
Constant 0.7294 0.0344 0.0000
General Works 0.0152 0.0482 0.7517
Bridges 0.2086 0.0471 0.0000
Other -0.0438 0.2914 0.8805
Area -2.64E06 2.6E06 0.3098
Rural 0.0545 0.0471 0.2475
Table 5. Tobit Coefficient Estimates Excluding Council Type.
Coefficient Standard Error Probability
Constant 0.75 0.03 0.00
General Works 0.02 0.05 0.64
Bridges 0.22 0.04 0.00
Other -0.04 0.31 0.90
Area 0.00 0.00 0.68