Lesbian and gay fostering and adoption: out of the closet into the mainstream?
Brown, Helen Cosis ; Cocker, Christine
The changing nature of the 'family' in the UK over the
last quarter of a century has had a profound effect on social work with
children and young people. In particular, it has had a considerable
impact on fostering and adoption practice in relation to those deemed
suitable to care for separated children. This article explores the
changes surrounding the acceptability of lesbian and gay adoption and
fostering from the early 1980s to the present day. It draws on the
literature and documents in the public domain, as well as on the
authors' practice experience. In setting out to explore this often
controversial topic, we are mindful that social work practice is located
in a social, political and historical context and that an understanding
of this is crucial because knowledge about the past enables us to
interpret the present and plan for the future. We shall look at the
1979-97 Conservative Government's preoccupation with the social and
political position of lesbians and gay men. This is demonstrated in the
debates surrounding various pieces of legislation and the law reviews
relating to the care of children and the right of lesbians and gay men
to parent (Embryology and Fertilisation Act 1990; Adoption Law Review;
Family Placement Guidance 1991; Local Government Act 1988).
We track the debates and changes to the legislative and policy
framework which have enabled lesbians and gay men to become visible
foster carers and adopters. In national policy terms, a number of recent
legal changes--the Equality Act 2006, the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and
the Adoption and Children Act 2002--have transformed the current context
for social work practice in this area. We look at the contradictions
relating to these developments and consider how and why discourses
surrounding the public debates have remained so consistent over the last
25 years. We also examine the research findings concerning outcomes for
children growing up in lesbian and gay households and how these have
influenced policy and practice.
The article's main focus is on 'best' social work
practice in fostering and adoption that is necessary to enable
children's needs to be effectively met. In debating this, we are
keen to move away from the 'rights' perspective that has
dominated much of the debate regarding lesbians and gay men parenting,
to one that emphasises the paramountcy principle in relation to
children's welfare, as stated in section 1 of the Children Act
1989. We will consider the following areas of practice: recruitment,
assessment, placing children and matching, support to carers and safer
There can be little doubt that social work practice with regard to
lesbian and gay carers has changed and developed over the last quarter
of a century. This trend is evidenced, for example, by the acceptance of
such people as carers by organisations like the British Association of
Adoption and Fostering (BAAF). BAAF's publication about this
subject (Mallon and Betts, 2005) demonstrates its wider social
'acceptability'. We shall argue that in these respects,
lesbians and gay men are finally 'out of the closet'. However,
at the same time BAAF has allowed 'sexuality' as an aspect of
'diversity' to vanish from the Form F used by agencies as the
proforma for the assessment of prospective applicants (BAAF, 2005).
Moreover, as demonstrated by the discourses surrounding the passing of
various pieces of permissive legislation, the inclusion of lesbians and
gay men in the mainstream remains tentative and contradictory.
Legislative and policy debates
Conservative Government years 1979-1997
A small number of articles have recounted the legislative history
of the acceptance of lesbians and gay men as parents, whether through
adoption, foster care or as birth parents (Skeats and Jabri, 1988;
Brown, 1998a; Hicks, 2005a; Manthorpe and Price, 2005). Although there
is anecdotal evidence that lesbians and gay men have always cared for
children, the growth of feminism and the politicisation of lesbians and
gay men in the UK from the 1950s onwards meant that through the 1960s
and 1970s gay issues became more salient and gay people more confident
in asserting their 'right' to be carers, both for adults and
children. This developing confidence occurred against a backdrop of
public opinion and social welfare institutions being hostile to the idea
of children being in contact with lesbians and gay men because of
perceived dangers of sexual abuse by gay men, conversion to
homosexuality and the possibility of 'abnormal' social and
emotional development.
An example of public sector opinion on this matter in the 1980s was
manifested in the sacking of Susan Shell and Judith Williams, who worked
successfully with young people but were dismissed when their sexuality
became known to their employers. The Tribunal investigating Susan
Shell's dismissal upheld her employer's actions on the grounds
that her lesbianism made her unsuitable to work with adolescent girls.
The local authority is recorded as having said:
It is the responsibility of social services departments to
encourage the sociosexual norms of marriage for the young people in
their care, and it was not prepared to debate the philosophy of
homosexuality. (Davis, 1993, p 60)
A similar situation applied to Judith Williams. Her employer,
noting her lesbianism, described her as 'temperamentally
unsuitable' and said that the agency required its employees to be,
'mature, stable adults who identify with the conventional adult
model normally accepted by society' (Davis, 1993, p 61).
These two cases demonstrated the importance of lesbians and gay men
within social work and social care having employment rights and
protection. Brown (1998a) provides an analysis of the relationship
between trade union activities in this area, from the mid-1970s through
to the 1980s, and the influence of this upon Labour-controlled local
authorities, as well as the Labour Party generally. The effect of
national and local trade union activities on Labour-controlled social
services committees, which enacted local policy and procedures, is
complex and is documented elsewhere (Cooper, 1994). This dynamic
occurred within the wider social context of the organisation and
mobilisation of lesbians and gay men as a social force and was happening
against a backdrop of the Conservative Party, from 1979, using the
debates related to the passing of specific pieces of legislation to try
and limit the rights of lesbians and gay men to parent. At this time,
the Government was sufficiently concerned about this situation to
challenge the progress made in some local authorities. For example, in
1984, the Conservative council of Rugby deleted 'sexual
orientation' from their equal opportunities policy (Sanderson,
1995, p 154).
A number of authors have considered the debates surrounding the
1979-97 Conservative Government's preoccupation with lesbian and
gay men's right to parent and care for children (Brown, 1998a,b;
Hicks, 2005a; Manthorpe and Price, 2005): 'Each time these debates
have arisen they have highlighted the degree of homophobia that
permeates our society' (Brown, 1998a, p 29). These issues arose at
each stage of the legislative and social policy processes in, for
example, section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, the Embryology and
Fertilisation Act 1990, the Family Placement Guidance and Regulations of
the Children Act 1989 (Department of Health, 1991) and the White Paper,
Adoption: The future (Department of Health, 1993). A summary of the
Government's view can be seen in the Adoption Law Review discussion
paper no. 3, which read as follows:
The question of adoption by lesbians or male homosexuals, whether
living with a partner or not, is controversial. There is one view that
such applicants should not be excluded from consideration if they can
satisfy an agency that they can provide a home in which a child's
interests would be safeguarded and promoted. Others take the view that
placement with a lesbian or male homosexual could never be in a
child's interests and could never provide a suitable environment
for the care and nurture of a child. (Department of Health, 1991)
Despite old arguments being repeated in the legislative processes,
the major child care lobbies successfully argued that gay and lesbian
applicants should not be excluded from consideration, thus showing that:
... consultation and lobbying processes still do act as a force to
keep in check extreme ideologies that particular governments might
favour. However, the end product has often been less than anybody hoped
for. (Brown, 1998a, p 29)
Hicks (2005a) emphasises the significance of 1988 in the history of
lesbian and gay foster care and adoption. It was the year that Skeates
and Jabri published their report on fostering and adoption by lesbians
and gay men. In addition, although section 28 of the 1988 Local
Government Act discriminated against lesbian and gay families, it did
acknowledge their existence, albeit as 'pretend families'.
This acted as a catalyst for lesbians and gay men to become more visible
and vocal as prospective and actual parents and carers. The national
lesbian and gay foster and adoptive parents network (LAGFAPN) was also
established and the first conference for lesbian and gay carers
organised (Hicks, 2005a).
The publication of the Children Act 1989 was heralded as a landmark
piece of legislation that placed children at the centre of
decision-making and offered the opportunity to emphasise the
responsibilities of adults towards meeting children's needs, so
questioning their automatic rights and entitlements towards children.
However, while acknowledging that no adult has an automatic right to
parent looked after children, the Act and its related guidance gave the
Conservative Government the opportunity to limit lesbians and gay
men's opportunities to parent. It used the family placement
guidance of the Children Act 1989 (Department of Health, 1991) as a
vehicle to try and restrict lesbian and gay men's role in caring
for separated children as part of their 'demonisation' of
homosexuality. This was unsuccessful and the guidance eventually
included the following statements: 'the needs and concerns of gay
young men and women must also be recognised and approached
sympathetically' (1991, p 97) and 'gay young men and women may
require very sympathetic carers to enable them to accept their sexuality
and to develop their own self-esteem' (1991, p 98). One of the
ironies of this period was the unintended outcome whereby an
unsympathetic government ended up producing the first piece of secondary
legislation (Family Placement Guidance) where lesbians and gay men were
afforded protection.
Another unintended consequence of the Government's negative
focus on lesbians and gay men more generally, but also related to the
rise of HIV and AIDS within the gay community and the public response to
it, was that it served as a catalyst for the mobilisation of lesbians
and gay men within the UK. As a result, the lesbian and gay community
emerged as a confident group, more able to influence the social and
political agendas via lobbying groups such as Stonewall.
Labour Government years 1997 onwards
Since 1997, the Labour Government has introduced a hitherto
unprecedented amount of supportive and protective legislation and
repealed discriminatory laws affecting lesbians and gay men. Examples
are: the Equality Act 2006, the Civil Partnership Act 2004, the Adoption
and Children Act 2002, the repeal of section 28 of the Local Government
Act 1988 (2003) and bringing the age of consent in line with
heterosexuals (2001). The most pertinent piece of legislation in
relation to social work practice is the Adoption and Children Act 2002
which, for the first time, allowed lesbian and gay couples to adopt,
placing them on the same footing as heterosexual married couples. This
also fundamentally changed the privileging of heterosexual unions and
their resulting families, so removing the notion of 'pretend
families' from social policy discourse. In Scotland the situation
is currently somewhat contradictory, with the Fostering of Children
(Scotland) Regulations 1996 stating that same-sex couples cannot foster
whereas the Adoption and Children (Scotland) Act 2007 states that
lesbian and gay couples, whether or not they are civil partners, can
adopt. However, this anomaly is currently being considered through the
Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations: Consultation on Draft
Regulations (Scottish Government, 2007).
Although the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and the Adoption and
Children (Scotland) Act 2007 have created deep-seated changes in the
area of carers' sexuality, the debates surrounding their passages
were littered with discussions depressingly similar to those articulated
around the earlier pieces of legislation described. This would suggest
that lesbians and gay men are moving into the mainstream. However, an
analysis of parliamentary debates shows that homosexuality is still seen
by some as pathological. Even supporters of progressive changes were
lukewarm because of their belief that homosexuality is a marginal
identity. According to Hicks's analysis of the parliamentary
debates in the House of Lords surrounding the Adoption and Children
Lord Alli's speech is significant because he is openly gay,
yet he demonstrates some classic conformity devices. He argues for the
maintenance of a relationship hierarchy in which married heterosexuals
remains the 'gold standard', which has the effect of
suggesting that lesbian and gay adopters should be a last resort.
(2005b, p 296)
At the beginning of 2007 these arguments resurfaced in public
discussions concerning the enactment of the Equality Act 2006, as it
pertained to the provision of goods and services to lesbians and gay
men. For an adoption and fostering agency, this legislation means that
lesbians and gay men cannot be discounted from assessment purely on the
basis of their sexuality. The Roman Catholic Archbishop supported the
Catholic Children's Society's wish to be exempted from
complying with the legal requirements to assess and approve suitable
lesbians and gay adopters and to place children with such people. He
believed that to do so would be acting against Roman Catholic religious
belief and the conscience of its adherents. This argument for religious
organisations to be exempt from complicity with legislative requirements
on the basis of faith also received support from the Archbishop of
Canterbury. The articulation of homophobia through religion is very
powerful and has been a constant theme in debates about lesbian and gay
priests, civil partnerships and the care of children.
Wilton (2000) comments that social policy and the resulting
provision of welfare are inevitably political as they reflect tensions
and contradictions in the wider society. She also argues that despite
the progressive changes occurring within the UK, two themes remain:
First, both an understanding of the degree to which sexuality is a
factor in socio-political exclusion, and an acceptance that
discrimination is still widely present in public service provision ...
(p 149)
And secondly, 'that discrimination remains real, and has
potentially serious consequences for anyone who happens to be lesbian or
gay' (p 150). This is particularly pertinent to the experiences of
lesbian and gay adopters and foster carers (Hicks and McDermott, 1999).
They have obviously been affected by the changing political and social
context surrounding homosexuality, mostly for the better. Nevertheless,
despite the welcome legal changes, the realisation of lived equality is
unlikely to be achieved for some time to come. For example, 'gay
bashing', pejorative stereotypes and disrespectful jibes are still
common in the UK.
Children growing up in lesbian and gay families: research evidence
A number of research studies undertaken since the 1970s have
compared the development of children growing up in same-sex households
to those in heterosexual ones. The early research emerged from lesbian
custody cases from the 1960s onwards, first in the USA and then in the
UK. A publication written in early 1986 recounts the following:
Divorce law regards lesbianism in itself as unreasonable behaviour
and the burden shifts to the lesbian, particularly in custody disputes,
to prove otherwise. Many lesbian mothers still lose custody of their
children solely on the basis of their sexuality, regardless of their
parenting abilities and material circumstances. Even if the children
wish to stay with their mother and she has looked after them almost
exclusively since they were born, the judgement still often goes against
her. (Rights of Women Lesbian Custody Group, 1986, p 1)
The first significant piece of research looking at the outcomes for
children of lesbian mothers in the UK was undertaken at the Maudsley
Hospital in London (Golombok et al, 1983). This initial study was
comparative, considering the social, psychological, educational and
sexual development of children growing up in lesbian households and
those brought up by a single heterosexual mother. There were
methodological concerns about the study and these are worth noting; for
example, all the children studied had experienced parental separation
and this might have had an impact on the findings. Nevertheless, the
research showed no significant differences between the two groups of
children, results that replicated earlier work undertaken in the USA.
Since that time, research studies in the UK have proliferated and
there have been a number of systematic reviews carried out in relation
to outcomes for children growing up in lesbian households (Tasker and
Golombok, 1991, 1997; Tasker, 1999; Patterson, 2005). This body of
research has included longitudinal studies that considered child
development, as well as longer-term outcomes, family relationships,
mental health, peer relationships and psychosexual development (Tasker
and Golombok, 1997). What appears to be significant in terms of child
development outcomes is the quality of the relationship between young
person/child and his or her parent: 'It is what happens within
families, not the way families are composed, that seems to matter
most' (Golombok, 2000, p 101). The implication of this is that the
sexuality of parents is not the main or indeed a particularly
significant variable determining outcomes for children; the strongest
influence is the quality of relationships between children and their
primary carers.
When applying what is known about lesbian and gay parenting to
fostering and adoption, the existing research evidence is helpful.
However, significant gaps remain, including limited knowledge about
outcomes for children in relation to gay fathers, although a few studies
do explore this (Patterson, 2004; Barrett and Tasker, 2001, 2002;
Tasker, 2005). There are also currently no studies tracking outcomes for
children who are placed with lesbian and gay adopters and foster carers,
although Hicks and McDermott (1999) provide 17 case study accounts of
the experiences of the adults involved. Despite these deficiencies, it
seems reasonable to conclude that the sexual orientation of birth
parents is not a factor dictating adverse outcomes for children (Tasker
and Golombok, 1991, 1997; Tasker, 1999; Golombok, 2000; Patterson,
2005). There may, of course, be differences in outcomes for looked after
children as opposed to those for birth children, due to factors such as
their experiences prior to separation. While this might also be the case
for heterosexual adoptive and foster families, the important point is
that the interface between the private family and the public service
arena may dictate very different experiences for lesbian and gay
families from that of their heterosexual counterparts, as Wilton (2000)
has noted in respect of wider health and social care provision.
Fostering and adoption: social work practice
'The truth is that research is about generalisations but
practice is about individuals' (Jackson and Thomas, 1999, p 5).
Capable practice thus requires critical and reflective application of
research findings. Brown's (1991) article was the first UK
publication to consider social work with lesbian and gay fostering and
adoptive carers and it took another 14 years before a practice guide
emerged from BAAF (Mallon and Betts, 2005). This demonstrates the dearth
of publications on these matters available to social workers.
As a consequence of this scarcity, practice can become
over-simplified. One such risk is that social workers, in their quest to
be non-discriminatory, over-identify the positive aspects of lesbian and
gay applicants. This positive stereotyping was explored in the Tyra
Henry enquiry, where the complex life experience of Tyra Henry's
black grandmother, including her history of loss, was overlaid with a
positive stereotyping of black women (London Borough of Lambeth, 1987),
confirming that all stereotyping, whether positive or negative, negates
people's humanity and does little to help vulnerable children.
With the current shortage of foster carers and adopters,
children's services departments are under pressure to increase the
numbers of families able to care for children. The Department of Health
has funded recruitment campaigns (National Foster Care Association [now
Fostering Network], 2000) including the 2000 recruitment campaign for
foster carers which acknowledged the role of lesbian and gay people as
prospective applicants. But it is important that the same high
expectations of carers should prevail for all applicants, irrespective
of their sexuality or whether or not they come from either a
historically or currently oppressed group. The focus of the assessment
process should always be on the applicants' potential to meet the
needs of the child. The authors remain in agreement with the comment
made in the Family Placement Guidance that 'fostering decisions
must centre exclusively on the interests of the child' (Department
of Health, 1991, p 25). No one has a right to parent, only to approach
an agency in order to be considered for an assessment.
A focus on practice
There are several publications that identify key components and
requirements within assessment processes of prospective carers (BAAF,
1998). However, only a small number in the UK relate to the assessment
of lesbians and gay men (Brown, 1991; Mallon and Betts, 2005). In this
article it is not our intention to replicate these but to comment
critically on some aspects of practice.
Initially, it is clear that the sexuality of applicants should have
little bearing on the outcome of recruitment and assessment. However,
this is not to say that an applicant's sexuality is unimportant but
rather that there are other aspects of an individual which are equally
or more significant. Unfortunately, sexuality can become the lens
through which the entire process is conducted, with such phrases as
'Who is going to do the assessment on the gay couple?' being
commonplace in allocation meetings, whereas reducing a heterosexual
couple's identity purely to their sexual orientation would be
unheard of. But it is equally the case that, occasionally, this lens can
also be part of the applicant's view of the world, in that they
might have little or no contact with the wider community. In such cases
they may not be appropriate as carers, as foster carers and adopters
must encourage a child's integration into the wider community and
ensure their safety within it.
In terms of recruitment, it is good practice to use the terms
'sexual orientation' or 'lesbians and gay men' in
recruitment literature as this conveys a message of inclusivity.
However, where local authorities advertise specifically within the
lesbian and gay press, they need to have robust procedures and systems
in place to deal effectively with enquiries from lesbians and gay men.
What we know from recruitment generally is that if people have a good
experience of an agency, they will tell their friends and this will
generate further enquiries from prospective carers (Triseliotis et al,
2000; Fostering Network, 2006). This applies equally to the lesbian and
gay community, with some agencies achieving good reputations in this
Elements of good social work practice also apply in the assessment
of lesbian and gay applicants. This is inevitably a dynamic process and
needs to reflect the positive aspects of what Smale et al (1993)
describe as an 'exchange model'. It should be an arena for the
development of people's potential and enable applicants to learn
through the process. Moreover, while the quality of the information
collected is of paramount importance, it is the analysis of this
information by the applicant and the social worker that is the kernel of
sound assessment. This analysis must then be framed against the
knowledge purveyed in the literature about what contributes to good
placement outcomes (Sinclair, 2005).
Brown (1991) argued that in addition to the thorough assessment
used for all potential carers, five additional points were relevant when
assessing lesbian and gay applicants.
1. The individual's experience of their homosexuality (their
own and their families' response historically)
It is essential to have an understanding of applicants'
histories, including their experience of 'coming out' as
lesbians or gay men. This is necessary so that both parties consider any
of its implications regarding the applicants' ability to care for
looked after children. For instance, if they have had a severed relationship with their birth families as a result of 'coming
out', what might the implications of this be on how they will be
able to facilitate contact between a child placed with them and that
child's birth family. It is important not to assume that this will
be problematic for a potential carer but to work with them about how
they might experience any problems and how they might project feelings
about their families onto those of the child whom they are looking
2. How confident they feel in relation to their sexuality and how
comfortable they are as lesbians and gay men
If they are to care for looked after children successfully, carers
need to have a secure sense of themselves because children have a
powerful ability to identify areas of vulnerability in their carers, and
to play on them. In relation to sexuality, potential carers need to feel
sufficiently secure as lesbians and gay men as part of their overall
sense of themselves as emotionally robust and resilient adults.
3. How homophobia and heterosexism has impinged on their lives and
how they feel they dealt with this and what coping devices they use
It is important to explore applicants' experience of
heterosexism and homophobia in terms of how they have responded to these
in their lives. This is important because as carers they will have to
manage any difficulties they encounter with confidence and in such a way
that promotes the interests of the children for whom they care.
4. Their present relationships--sexual, emotional, supportive,
family, etc--and how they negotiate homophobia within close
relationships (eg with siblings)
Assessors can be reluctant to talk with lesbian and gay applicants
about the intimate details of their relationships because of shyness, a
perceived lack of knowledge about lesbian and gay men's lives or a
fear of being seen as homophobic by the applicants. However, such
enquiry is critical.
5. Transition to parenthood--making links with the local community
regarding child care resources and contact arrangements with birth
family members of fostered/adopted children
The task of caring for looked after children transports carers into
the public domain. Some lesbians and gay men may be used to occupying an
exclusively lesbian and gay environment. Applicants have to show enough
flexibility to move beyond what feels comfortable and into new
situations, dictated by the child's needs.
In addition, the assessment should explore with the prospective
carer how they would support a child who experienced prejudice because
of the sexual orientation of their carer. There are real issues about
lesbians and gay men being confident enough to manage the integration of
vulnerable children into their community, given the potential homophobia
therein. This has to be an explicit part of the assessment.
One area of assessment that paradoxically is not often commented
upon in the literature or in practice is the importance of
applicants' attitudes to sex and sexual relationships. The paradox
is that to ignore this aspect of the human experience stands in stark
contrast to the prurient fascination often focused upon lesbian and gay
sex. The issue is that sex is a powerful form of communication and
pleasure within adult relationships and the meaning of both of these for
the applicants needs to be made explicit. This is an important area for
children being placed in the home because:
* Children will grow to understand sex in terms of their own
relationships through what they observe in families.
* Children who bring particular histories that affect their own
behaviour and feelings require carers who have a level of insight to
understand the impact this might have on themselves and the dynamics
within the family. The placement of any child into a family will change
the rhythms of family experience of everyday life, including expression
of sexual feelings and affection by adults. If the adults are secure in
their sexual relationships, they will be able to adjust and adapt to
these new constraints in a comfortable enough way without their
relationship being undermined.
* Some relationships are sexually inactive--and the meaning of this
needs to be explored with both the individuals concerned. This is not
necessarily a contraindication for suitability for fostering or
* Assessors need to be able to predict the longevity of the
couple's relationship. Clearly, this is not always possible, but it
is helpful to explore people's sexual partner histories and
patterns that might emerge, as well as assessing the history and quality
of the current relationship.
Reticence in exploring the quality of lesbian or gay couples'
relationships appears to be common (Hicks and McDermott, 1999). However,
this is relevant to everyone and is significant because it helps
'... carers' potential for facilitating the comfortable
(enough) development of each individual child's complete self
...' and this means:
... good enough sense of themselves, good enough relationships with
others, and good enough relationships with the outside world--society.
Gender, sex and sexuality are integral parts of all three aspects.
(Brown, 1992, p 30)
When assessing single people, sexuality is often ignored in terms
of potential future relationships for that individual. This has
implications for the position of the child in the family, as he or she
might have to form a relationship with a new person and share their
primary carer. This might also mean that the child is faced with the
reality that their carer is lesbian or gay for the first time, a fact
that might not have been obvious to them when their carer was single.
Placing children and matching
Sellick and colleagues reviewed the research on what makes
effective placements and concluded that, 'matching' is one of
the most important variables (Sellick et al, 2004). Within this process,
we have argued that it is necessary to move beyond the sexuality and
gender of carers and examine their skills, abilities and capacity in
order to match these with the needs of the children requiring
placements. Yet, for lesbian and gay carers prejudices from other
players in the matching process might arise at every stage. Children and
families social workers, birth families, permanency panel members and
previous foster carers can all object to such placements, expressing
fears that are often founded on beliefs that children cannot develop
'normally' in lesbian and gay households. One way of
countering these objections is to ensure that the assessment identifies
a family's strengths and attributes rather than stereotyping them
according to assumptions based on their sexuality.
But despite the best efforts of professionals, the placement of
children with lesbian and gay carers is still fraught with difficulty.
The birth families of looked after children can sometimes object to
their child being placed with lesbian and gay carers and there have been
some very highly publicised cases (Weale, 1993), although it is
noticeable that these have diminished in recent years. Social workers
can also fall back on familiar arguments to prevent a child for whom
they have responsibility being placed with a lesbian or gay carer. But
the reality is that often no other placement is available, especially if
the child has complex needs. This, ironically, is a return to practice
of 15 years ago whereby lesbian and gay carers, if approved, were most
likely to have children with complex needs placed with them (Skeats and
Jabri, 1988; Hicks and McDermott, 1999). However, it seems now to be
less of an issue in some local authorities, with all kinds of carers
being matched with children who have many different needs and from a
range of ages. This is an area that requires more research in order to
learn about placement patterns and trends.
Support to carers
When the support needs of lesbian and gay carers are considered, it
is found that they do not differ from those of other carers. The
importance of an open and trusting relationship with the supervising
social worker applies to them as much as anyone else. But problems can
arise with regard to external helping agencies and earlier comments
concerning the private family and public service arenas are again
pertinent. For example, when difficulties occur in the family and
external support is sought, the external agency will almost certainly
make an assumption of heterosexuality, unless otherwise informed. Once
corrected, sexual orientation can then become the filter through which
everything is considered and interpreted, and is generalised so that
people's uniqueness, humanity and experience become lost. A
parallel risk is the danger of the families seeking help taking on the
role of educator to the helper, in terms of cultural norms. By the use
of this term, we are not suggesting that there is a lesbian or gay
'culture' as such, which can be described and learned, but
that rather the capable practitioner does not make assumptions and
always seeks clarification.
Supporting adopters and foster carers includes helping to address
issues in relation to safer care. This involves helping them think
through the day-today detail of their lives in terms of how this might
affect the care they are able to give to a child or how a child might
understand a particular activity or family routine. The responsibility
of caring for a looked after child will involve carers in detailed
consideration of their own household and lifestyle and how these might
both affect and be interpreted by the child and her or his friends and
family. Although many of the issues around safer care can be dealt with
in a general capacity, there are some that might need to be discussed
specifically with lesbians and gay men.
The future for lesbian and gay fostering and adoption: margins or
Over the last 40 years social work practice with lesbians and gay
men has fundamentally changed. UK society has moved from criminalisation and pathologisation of homosexuality in the 1960s to, by 2008, having
protective legislation in place to safeguard the rights of lesbians and
gay men. This social transformation has necessitated change in social
work practice. Although this is visible at a surface level within many
social work organisations in terms of specific inclusion policies and
recruitment practices, the degree of depth at which these changes are
embedded within organisations is still to be determined, as there are
still concerns voiced in practice (Cocker and Dugmore, 2006).
This ambiguity remains highly significant for fostering and
adoption. Until recently the private domestic homes of lesbians and gay
men have been the only environment where they could express themselves
and pursue their lives in an open manner, free from public prejudicial scrutiny. Lesbian and gay men who have put themselves forward as carers
and adopters have had to marry the public and the private, in terms of
their homes and their private lives becoming subject to scrutiny by
public agencies. As well as the public agencies adapting recruitment and
assessment processes to admit lesbians and gay men, lesbians and gay men
have had to engage with parenting, making them visible within the
mainstream when accessing public services associated with parenting.
However, visibility should not be interpreted as acceptance by the
Thus, lesbians and gay men who are approved as prospective carers
continue to face dilemmas. Their approving agency has assessed them as
having the abilities needed to care for vulnerable children but they
encounter conflicts through being expected to care for children in a
society that is still deeply ambivalent about their competence and
It seems, therefore, that the current inclusion of lesbians and gay
men in mainstream children's services remains both tentative and
contradictory. The authors are optimistic about the effect of recent
protective legislation and its ability to sustain the trends over the
past 40 years. But the experiences of related struggles for equality,
such as women's emancipation and race equality, would suggest that
the journey 'out of the closet' has only really just begun.
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Helen Cosis Brown and Christine Cocker are Principal Lecturers in
Social Work, Middlesex University