The hope connection: a therapeutic summer day camp for adopted and at-risk children with special socio-emotional needs.
Purvis, Karyn B. ; Cross, David R. ; Federici, Ron 等
The purpose of this article is to explore a camp structure that was
developed to address the enduring effects of early deprivation upon the
development of adopted and other at-risk children. Originally,
internationally adopted children with histories of severe deprivation
and commensurate behavioural difficulties were the target population for
this intervention. However, a small number of domestically adopted
children were included due to the urgent needs of these families and the
background similarities of deprivation (Purvis, Cross and Sunshine,
Although most adopted children do not present serious problems in
these areas, many children from deprived backgrounds do, and there is an
undetermined number of families who need support addressing them. As
noted in two recent meta-analyses by Juffer and van IJzendoorn (2005)
and Meese (2005), there is a scarcity of research on interventions in
these areas.
Specifically, three areas of psychological development are likely
to be affected when inadequate care is provided: attachment, pro-social
behaviour and sensory processing. By integrating these three aspects of
development into a camp structure that presupposes a dynamic interaction
between them, the authors attempted to address a much broader spectrum
of developmental deficits with greater efficacy than was achieved using
narrowly focused interventions. Additionally, by addressing these areas
simultaneously, a synergistic therapeutic effect was anticipated, as
each independent construct has been shown to affect the others.
Children eligible for adoption often present developmental
impairment and are especially likely to have experienced a wide variety
of risk factors (Meese, 2005; Beckett et al, 2006). By definition,
adopted children have lost their biological mother through death,
abandonment or separation, thus experiencing maternal deprivation,
defined here as resulting from a wide range of possibilities, including
maternal privation, being deprived of maternal care from birth or
separated from the biological mother after some period of maternal care
(Ainsworth, 1962; Gandelman, 1992).
In addition to maternal deprivation, children eligible for
adoption, especially those with backgrounds of institutional care, may
have experienced environmental deprivation (Gandelman, 1992; Gunnar,
2001), postnatal environments that do not include the normal range of
non-maternal stimulation, including social and physical stimulation (eg
sensory stimulates such as tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular).
Other risks related to the infant's milieu and often found in
combination with maternal deprivation include nutritional deprivation,
maltreatment (Johnson, 2000) and experiences that have been
characterised as global deprivation (Rutter and the ERA study team,
1998; Gunnar 2001). This occurs when environments fail to meet most, if
not all, of the child's basic needs, including those for nutrition,
physical and social stimulation and relationships. Based on the presence
of these risk factors, either singly or in combination, children adopted
from foster care or institutional care have been shown to be at serious
risk for a variety of delays and developmental impairments (Beckett et
al, 2006; Rutter et al, 2007).
There have been many reviews of the international adoption literature which delineate the impact of early deprivations (Johnson,
2000; Gunnar, 2001). The evidence suggests that the consequences of
early and severe deprivation can be divided into two broad categories.
The first incorporates deficits that tend to be rectified once children
are placed in adoptive homes. These include physical growth, general
intellectual performance and language (Rutter and the ERA study team,
1998; Gunnar, 2001; Beckett et al, 2006). The deficits in the second
category do not remit so easily after adoption and appear to be
specifically related to maternal deprivation (Ainsworth, 1962; Gunnar,
2001; Beckett et al, 2006). Likewise, domestically adopted children have
often experienced similar deprivations due to neglect and abuse (Purvis,
Cross and Sunshine, 2007).
In the following discussion, we will divide these enduring deficits
into three sub-categories: attachment, self-regulation and behaviour.
Although these categories are often discussed as independent aspects of
a child's functioning, there is growing understanding of the
relationship between them, based on common developmental histories and
underlying neuropsychological processes (Schore, 1994; Siegel, 1999).
Recent research with post-institutionalised (PI) children has
documented that maternally and/or globally deprived children are at risk
of enduring attachment disturbances (Rutter et al, 2007) and other
developmental impairments (Beckett et al, 2006). Specifically, unlike
previous findings that emphasise the effect of time on children's
development, the English and Romanian Adoptees study found that infants
who endured more than six months of institutional deprivation were at
risk regardless of duration of deprivation beyond that point and were
showing severe deficiencies well into childhood.
Children for whom attachments have been deficient may also have
experienced a lack of sensory input and inadequate opportunities for
transactional experiences with their social and physical environments
(Johnson, 2000; Gunnar, 2001). This lack of opportunity denies the
infant occasion to develop skills of self-regulation with regard to
behaviour and sensation. These abilities to self-regulate appear to
emerge from the matrix of early caregiver-child interactions (Schore,
1994; Sroufe, 1996) and, if undeveloped, may affect the child's
future interactions with peers and the environment. Sensory deficits,
which may result from these environmental deprivations, are
conceptualised as disturbances in the child's ability to process,
integrate and modulate sensory input (Kranowitz, 1998). The inability to
process even the most basic sensory stimuli places the child at risk for
concomitant behavioural problems (Rutter and the ERA study team, 1998;
Farina, Leifer and Chasnoff, 2004; Juffer and van IJzendoorn, 2005;
Meese, 2005) and poor peer relationships (Gunnar, 2001).
These deficits of behavioural self-regulation may develop along at
least three pathways. First, institution- or foster-reared children may
have been denied the opportunity to develop the self-regulatory
processes associated with sensitive and responsive maternal care
(Schore, 1994), processes that are believed to help prevent problematic
childhood behaviours (Calkins and Fox, 2002). Second, these children may
have been denied the opportunity of developing pro-social behaviours
that ordinarily evolve by virtue of normative socialisation in the home
environment (Grusec, Davidov and Lundell, 2002). Third, maternally
deprived children may have developed behaviours and/or survival
strategies that are considered antisocial, and hence maladaptive, by
their adoptive families and society, but which were perfectly adaptive
in the ecologies where they lived, learned and needed to survive before
being adopted (Farina, Leifer and Chasnoff, 2004). Thus, parents who
adopt children from institutions abroad or from the foster care system
at home are faced with the possibility that their adopted child will
have problems in the three different areas of development cited above:
attachment, self-regulation and pro-social behaviour.
A scarcity of interventions for the family in crisis has led to the
development of a therapeutic day camp for these families and children
described below. The crux of the approach is the triad of attachment,
sensory processing and prosocial behaviour. These areas are treated
simultaneously as they are believed to be inextricably connected.
Attachment, sensory and behavioural activities all take place
within an environment of felt safety. This concept of felt safety is
critical as research has shown how chronic hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal
(HPA) axis activity prevents learning in animals (Garner, Wood and
Pantelis, 2007). This atmosphere of felt safety creates an environment
designed to lessen the chronic anxiety that has been associated with
fearful and/or deficient interactions with caregiver and environment,
often a result of institutionalisation. The freedom from chronic anxiety
allows cognitive and emotional processes to begin to develop.
The first pillar of our therapeutic triad, attachment, was
addressed with prepared scripts and nurturing activities, such as those
found within Theraplay[R] principles developed by Jernberg and Booth
(1998). The second pillar, a sensory-rich environment, was centred
around activities designed to stimulate repeatedly the three internal
senses--tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular (Kranowitz, 1998)--and
included manual exploration, play and intimate touch. Pro-social
behaviour, the third pillar, employed scripts, scenarios and video
recordings as a means of allowing the child opportunity to practise,
model and witness appropriate behavioural interactions.
It is the purpose of the research reported here to help fill a void
by providing data and analysis from a therapeutic summer camp for
special needs children. Its ultimate purpose is to demonstrate that
efficacious interventions for some of the most damaged children are
possible and to impel researchers and clinicians to pursue these
strategies, as well as focusing upon the known deficits and pathology
associated with severe deprivation.
Camp participants comprised 19 children with histories of early
deprivation and/or maltreatment, living in the United States. Most were
adopted from orphanages in Eastern Europe (n = 16). Two were adopted
from the custody of Child Protective Services and one was living with a
biological parent but had a history of severe deprivation. Children were
enlisted through local parent support groups and by referral from child
and family therapists. Participants were divided into two separate
groups by age, which ranged from three to 14 years. The mean age of the
younger group was 5.7 years (range: 4-9), while mean age of the older
group was 10.7 (range: 10-13). Females (n = 10) slightly outnumbered
males (n = 9). Of the post-institutionalised (PI) children, nine were
adopted from Russian orphanages, four from Romanian orphanages and two
from other countries. Among the PI children, most entered the orphanage
at birth (n = 8). Mean length of orphanage stay was three years four
months, whereas mean age at the time of adoption was four years eleven
Of parents who spent time in the foreign orphanage from which their
child was adopted, most (n = 9) reported the absence of toys or other
forms of environmental stimulation. Some parents (n =8) reported mixed
sleeping arrangements, ten parents were aware of profound emotional and
physical neglect, four reported physical abuse and four that their
adoptive child had been sexually abused in the orphanage. Parents of
both children adopted through Child Protective Services cited neglect
and/or abuse as the reason for the child's being placed in
protective custody. The child participant living with a birth parent had
been separated from the other birth parent due to severe abuse.
The adoptive families were primarily two-parent households (n =
15), with high levels of education. Eight mothers and six fathers had
completed college; four mothers and five fathers had completed some form
of graduate education. Most fathers were in professional careers (n = 7)
or owned their own business (n = 5). Mean age of the parents was 46.8
for fathers and 42.1 for mothers. Family income in the upper range (over
$100,000 a year) was reported by four of the families, while most (n =
8) cited annual incomes between $50,000 and $100,000.
Camp schedule
The camp was conducted at Texas Christian University (TCU), using
campus facilities. The schedule was set up to allow parents to drop off
the children in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. The
schedule of events throughout the day was intended to allow for a
variety of interventions and activities, while providing for intensive
supervision and guidance from camp staff. Staff praised children for
pro-social behaviours, modelled behaviours, gave corrective guidance and
provided a safe base for the children to explore their new surroundings
and experiences. Camp participants were divided into two age groups:
three to nine and ten to 14. Camp was held in two consecutive sessions,
each lasting three weeks, with younger children in Session 1 and older
children in Session 2. There was a one-week interval between sessions
during which support staff continued planning, preparation and
re-structuring for the older children's camp. Prior to each
session, each child was assigned a 'buddy', an undergraduate
student who had been trained in the therapeutic techniques employed and
who would shadow, model behaviour and bond with the children over the
course of the camp.
Session 1 started with the scheduled hours of 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.
At the end of the first week, due to parent reports of child fatigue,
the afternoon portion was scaled back to 3:30 pm, with child care
provided for parents whose work schedules prohibited early pick-up.
Beginning in the second week and continuing throughout Sessions 1 and 2,
camp was conducted on the new schedule.
Owing to the extensive nature of scheduling and programme
interaction, the following is only a brief description of the daily camp
programme, which consisted of a series of small group activities with
explicit therapeutic goals. Activities were designed to be (a)
attachment rich, (b) sensory rich and (c) behaviourally structured, as
outlined in The Hope Connection: A manual for kids under construction
(Purvis and Cross, 2003).
Attachment-rich experiences
During the initial development of this programme, there was little
information available about attachment-based interventions due to the
scarcity of literature at the time. In an attempt to address the
deficits experienced by the children, work done by clinicians working
within an attachment framework (eg Jernberg and Booth, 1998) was
reviewed. In doing so, we focused on three core principles. First, we
created an environment of felt safety, thereby recreating one of the
core functions of secure parent-infant attachments (Bowlby, 1973;
Simpson, 1999). Second, we devised scripts that explicitly encoded
fundamental aspects of attachment relationships. For example, the
'Attachment Ritual' was observed each morning. Part of this
scripted interaction consists of two simple questions asked of the
parent by the camp staff: 'May I be the boss of [your child]
today?' and 'If [your child] would like a hug, may I give
[your child] one?' These scripts are designed to replicate
artificially lessons of trust and authority, enabling the child to
understand that they are not in control of the camp but that they are
valued and can receive affection. Third, we included numerous
opportunities for nurturing behaviours and activities, many of which
were based on Theraplay[R] principles mentioned earlier.
Sensory-rich experiences
The camp environment was permeated with safe, playful sensory
experiences. At the start of each day, children participated in a
'Crash-n-Bump' activity designed by occupational therapists to
activate the three internal senses--tactile, proprioceptive and
vestibular. Crash-n-Bump activity is designed with components such as a
small mini-trampoline, a ladder to climb, from which the children jump
into a pool of balls or foam squares, and a crawl-through tunnel.
Beginning with Crash-n-Bump, a major physical activity was
scheduled every two hours throughout the day. For continuing sensory
input, children had free access to sensory items such as bubble gum and
'fidgets', for instance pressure balls to squeeze when feeling
anxious, which were always available provided the children asked their
buddy in an acceptable fashion. The camp schedule was orchestrated so
that children would benefit from a regular and programmed sensory diet
designed to help them regulate attention, activity levels and emotional
state (Kranowitz, 1998; see also Johnson, 2000).
Cognitive-behavioural structure Other small group activities were
developed to provide active reinforcement of behavioural scripts. These
(Abelson, 1981) were developed to structure the children's activity
and to help promote their self-monitoring and self-regulating skills
(see, for example, Goldstein and Cisar, 1992). A script is a clear,
brief auditory reminder/instruction as to what is acceptable and
pro-social behaviour. Often children from severely deprived and/or
abusive backgrounds have difficulty with auditory processing. Therefore,
lengthy disciplinary lectures or complex instructions are lost on them.
Typical scripts, like 'Obey the first time' and 'Treat
others with respect' are designed to convey expectations to the
child in a very concise manner. This approach capitalises on
developmental insights about the role of scripts in social behaviour
(Hudson, Shapiro and Sosa, 1995, 1997) and is closely related to
psychosocial interventions, such as cognitive problem-solving skills
training (Kazdin, 2002).
Buddy-child dyads would demonstrate their script rehearsal to the
rest of the group while being videotaped. Later, during snack time, the
children would receive feedback while watching themselves on video.
Other scripts addressed the end of the day, remembering fun activities,
resolving conflict between campers or campers and buddies and, finally,
looking forward to tomorrow's events.
Assessments of children's progress included both parent report
and child report measures. One parent report measure was completed only
as a pre-test measure, the TCU Survey of the International Adoption
Experience (Purvis, Cross and Ware, 1999). Parent report instruments
that were completed as preand post-test measures included the Child
Behaviour Checklist (CBCL), Beech Brook Attachment Disorder Checklist
(Beech Brook) and Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire (RADQ).
In addition to the parent report items, children produced self and
family drawings (Kaplan and Main, 1986). The family drawings were scored
on the principles of art therapy (eg use of colour, detail and
elaboration) and on a set of attachment-related criteria identified by
Fury, Carlson and Sroufe (1997), for instance the child figure's
proximity to that of the parent figure. Validity of the family drawings
has been established in studies showing (a) that the family drawings of
children with different attachment histories are reliably different
(Fury et al, 1997) and (b) that children with different attachment
histories differ in their attention to, and memory for,
attachment-relevant information in family drawings (Kirsh and Cassidy,
The design of the study is a one-group pre-test, post-test design,
without a control group. Clearly, from a design standpoint, it would
have been desirable to have a control group with random assignment of
children to each group. Nevertheless, the argument has been made by
clinical methodologists that valuable information can emerge from
designs that are not randomised trials (Kazdin, 2003). Specifically,
Kazdin argues that simple pre-test and post-test designs can yield valid
results if there is corroborating evidence for no change prior to the
Evidence of this kind was obtained from the TCU survey of the
adoption experience, in which parents were asked to report both
retrospectively on their children's behaviours at the time of
adoption and at the time of the survey (given at pre-testing). A
sampling of child problem behaviours, with frequencies of at least five,
is shown in Table 1.
The frequencies in Table 1 reflect a pattern we have seen both in
this sample and in the larger sample of adoptive parents who completed
the TCU survey. It can be seen that there are decreases in problems that
might be described as internalising behaviours (eg, shy, anxious,
fearful), although parents report that between a quarter and a third of
these adopted children continue to experience these problems.
Conversely, there are increases in problems that might be defined as
externalising behaviours (eg manipulating, lying, verbal aggression).
These and other data collected from the parents prior to the summer camp
suggest that many families were distressed by their children's
behaviours and that these difficulties were not improving.
In order to evaluate The Hope Connection directly, repeated
measures (ANOVAs) were performed, using a twofactor design with one
between-subjects factor (SESSION: Younger vs Older) and one
within-subjects factor (TIME: Pretest vs Post-test). The results for the
Child Behaviour Checklist are summarised in Table 2, which displays
pre-test and post-test means, as well as the number of children in the
clinical range on both occasions.
Of the internalising subscales (withdrawn, somatic complaints,
anxious/ depressed), there was only one significant effect and that was
a significant SESSION main effect for the anxious/ depressed subscale
(F(1,17) = 9.14, MSe = 46.62, p = .008). As can be seen in Table 2, the
means on this subscale are substantially higher for the older children
than for the younger ones.
As for the externalising subscales (delinquent behaviour and
aggressive behaviour), there was also only one significant effect and
that was a significant TIME main effect for the aggressive behaviour
subscale (F(1,17) = 5.01, MSe = 24.19, p = .039). As shown in Table 2,
there were decreases from pretest to post-test for both sessions.
Although the decrease in aggressive behaviour, as reported by the
parents, was smaller for the older children than for the younger ones,
the interaction was non-significant (F(1,17) = 1.60, MSe = 24.195, p =
With regard to the four CBCL subscales not included in the
internalising or externalising composites, there were significant
effects on all but the social problems subscale. There was a significant
TIME main effect for the thought problems subscale (F(1,17) = 8.97, MSe
= 1.26, p = .008), indicating a significant decrease from pre-test to
post-test for both age groups.
Similarly, there was a significant TIME main effect for the
attention problems subscale (F(1,17) = 7.67, MSe = 5.30, p = .013),
indicating a significant decrease for all of the children attending The
Hope Connection. Finally, there was a significant TIME main effect for
the other problems subscale (F(1,17) = 6.24, MSe = 14.66, p = .024),
again indicating a significant decrease for all of the campers. No other
main effects or interactions were statistically significant.
Taken together, these results indicate that there were significant
decreases in problem behaviour from pre-test to posttest on four
subscales of the Child Behaviour Checklist: thought problems, attention
problems, aggressive behaviour and other problems.
A similar pattern was found for the parent report measures of
attachment. Results for all of the attachment measures are shown in
Table 3, displaying pre-test and post-test means and standard deviations
for both camp sessions (younger and older). There was a significant TIME
main effect for the Beech Brook positive subscale (F(1,12) = 9.35, MSe =
0.22, p = .010), indicating a notable increase in positive attachment
behaviours as measured by this instrument. This main effect was
complemented by a significant main effect on the Beech Brook negative
subscale (F(1,12) = 8.01, MSe = 0.29, p = .015), indicating a notable
decrease in negative attachment behaviours. In addition, there was a
significant TIME main effect for the RADQ measure (F(1,16) = 13.16, MSe
= 164.26, p = .002), which corresponded to a significant decrease in
attachment disturbance.
As can also be seen in Table 3, family drawings exhibited a similar
trend as the parent-report measures of attachment. Analysis revealed a
significant increase in positive family drawing scores (F(1,11) = 5.57,
MSe = 10.87, p = .038) and a significant decrease in negative family
drawing scores (F(1,11) = 6.52, MSe = 18.37, p = .027). These
differences indicate changes in the children's attachment
representations that complement the parents' observations about
their children's behaviours.
As evinced by statistical and anecdotal evidence, the 19 children
participating in The Hope Connection made progress in their social and
emotional functioning. Although these gains were more pronounced for
children in the younger group, differences in change between the two
groups were not statistically significant.
The progress made by these children could be seen not only
quantitatively in the assessments reported here but also in numerous
anecdotal reports from the parents, and in qualitative observations made
by camp staff. For example, one of the younger participants had only
spoken a few words, despite being with his adoptive family for over two
years. During the course of the intervention, he became an active
participant in conversations with camp staff and his family, often
speaking in lengthy sentences for a child of his age. Another boy had
never looked his parents in the eye and never said 'I love
you'. By the end of camp he was hugging his parents, making eye
contact and verbally expressing his affection.
An important feature of the results is that improvements in the
children's behaviours tended to occur in the aforementioned domains
thought to be most resistant to developmental catch-up following
adoption: attachment, self-regulation and pro-social behaviour. All
three measures of attachment (Beech Brook, RADQ and family drawings)
showed significant improvements in attachment-relevant behaviours.
Furthermore, two of the CBCL subscales showing significant
improvement --attention problems and thought problems--may be
interpreted as the subscales relevant to executive functioning and
self-regulation. A third CBCL subscale showing significant
improvements--aggressive behaviour--is believed to have bearing upon
pro-social behaviour. The final significant CBCL result, decreases on
the other problems subscale, is also interesting as this subscale
includes items tapping into aberrant behavioural issues (especially
eating and sleeping) commonly displayed by internationally adopted
children (Johnson, 2000).
Although the evidence points to improvements in the behaviour of
the campers, several caveats are in order. The first and most obvious is
the lack of a comparison group. The argument we present is that the
simple pre-test/post-test design employed here is valid, based on two
separate sources of evidence. First, the data from the TCU Survey of the
International Adoption Experience indicate that, with regard to
externalising behaviours, the campers' problem behaviours were
worsening prior to camp. Second, there is the fact that many, if not
most, of the families who enrolled their adopted children in The Hope
Connection were desperate for help and looked upon this therapeutic
summer camp as their last hope for saving their disintegrating families.
Many families had attempted other interventions and, for the majority,
the situation was deteriorating and the improvements reported here are
reversals of that downward trend.
The lack of a control group leaves the possibility that the effects
seen are an outcome of camp attendance rather than what took place. The
authors do not believe that this is the case as these children typically
do not cope well with change, novel sensory stimulation and behavioural
demands, or with other radical changes associated with attending a
strange camp in an unfamiliar place. It is believed that attendance at a
mainstream summer day camp would be impossible for these children, due
to the inevitable behavioural and emotional difficulties that would
arise. With the stressors that camp attendance placed upon their fragile
behavioural inhibition systems, the effects reported here could even be
viewed as that much more encouraging.
A second caveat concerns the measurements used in this study, which
entails both strengths and weaknesses. A strength of the study is that a
variety of target constructs were assessed. Additionally, the changes in
the campers' behaviours were consistent across different measures
and, in the case of attachment, across both parent and child report
measures. However, the methodology would have been stronger if more
direct assessments of the children themselves had been employed and if
these had included both behavioural (eg observation) and physiological
(eg salivary cortisol) measures to balance the parent-report data. This
is an area that we have identified as a major priority for future
studies. Another area of weakness may be the absence of any direct
measures of sensory processing. The lack of a pre-test and post-test
measure is a methodological shortcoming but the inclusion of
sensory-rich environments is believed to be a necessary part of the
intervention. These findings indicate that the lack of acquired sensory
processing skills prohibit prosocial engagement with others and an
inability to process properly one's environment. This is also an
area for future research.
Other issues relating to the measurement plan are the lack of a
follow-up assessment and small sample size. An informal phone interview
was conducted five months after the summer camp. From this we found that
some of the families found it difficult to sustain the gains made at
camp. Based on this feedback, we plan follow-up assessments for future
studies and are providing continued support services for the families
whose children attend. Much greater emphasis will be placed on the
family and on follow-up support, as family participation was minimal and
follow-up measures would further validate this intervention model.
Sample size remains small due to necessity: funding limitations and the
intensity of the intervention prohibit large groups of participants.
Despite these caveats, the current findings add to the knowledge
base of intervention-based research in the area of special needs and
international adoption, as recent meta-analyses have duly noted the
scarcity of research with internationally adopted children (Juffer and
van IJzendoorn, 2005; Meese, 2005). Specifically, the need is for
empirically-based interventions that will enable parents, as well as the
professionals who support them, to intervene successfully with
emotionally damaged children. In this regard, our research complements
Dozier and colleagues' work with foster carers of infants in their
striving to provide an empirical basis for intervention with adopted
children, especially those with backgrounds of emotional trauma (Dozier,
Albus et al, 2002; Dozier, Higley et al, 2002).
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Note: Please contact authors for camp manual and detailed
descriptions of camp interventions
Karyn B Purvis and David R Cross are Associate Directors of the
Institute of Child Development and Professors of Psychology, Texas
Christian University
Ron Federici is a Neuropsychologist, Federici & Associates
Dana Johnson is Director of the Division of Neonatology and
Director of the International Adoption Clinic, University of Minnesota
L Brooks McKenzie is an MA-Doctoral student, Texas Christian
Table 1
Number of parents (n = 14) reporting that their internationally
adopted children displayed common problem behaviours at the time
of adoption and at the time of the survey (pre-test)
Behaviour Time of adoption Time of survey
Shy 5 1
Anxious 7 4
Fearful 8 3
Excessive eating 9 5
Bedwetting 8 4
Manipulative 6 8
Lying 2 6
Verbal aggression 1 6
Physical aggression 5 3
Table 2
Descriptive statistics for subscales of the Child Behaviour Checklist,
displayed by group (younger vs older) and time of testing (pre-test vs
Younger group Older group
Subscale Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
Mean 3.9 2.3 4.4 4.3
S.D. (4.1) (3.6) (3.7) (3.7)
No. clinical 2 1 4 3
Somatic complaints
Mean 1.4 1.6 2.1 2.3
S.D. (1.6) (2.8) (2.1) (2.1)
No. clinical 1 2 1 1
Mean 5.4 2.3 10.9 10.2
S.D. (5.8) (2.3) (5) (7.4)
No. clinical 2 0 4 4
Social problems
Mean 4.6 3.7 5.7 5.4
S.D. (3.1) (2.7) (3.2) (4.0)
No. clinical 3 1 5 3
Thought problems
Mean 2.5 1.2 3.1 2.2
S.D. (2.7) (1.9) (2.8) (2.9)
No. clinical 3 1 4 2
Attention problems
Mean 8.3 5.6 10.4 9.0
S.D. (4.8) (3.7) (5.9) (6.5)
No. clinical 4 1 5 4
Delinquent behaviour
Mean 3.5 2.1 3.6 3.2
S.D. (3.2) (2.5) (2.3) (2.7)
No. clinical 3 1 5 0
Aggressive behaviour
Mean 16.9 11.3 15.0 13.4
S.D. (10.0) (6.3) (8.9) (8.7)
No. clinical 4 1 2 3
Other problems
Mean 11.1 6.6 9.8 8.1
S.D. (5.7) (3.7) (4.1) (7.5)
No. clinical N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 3
Descriptive statistics for the attachment measures (Beech Brook, RADQ
and family drawings) displayed by group (younger vs older) and time
of testing (pre-test vs post-test).
Younger group Older group
Subscale Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
Beech Brook
Positive scale
Mean 2.3 3.0 2.5 2.9
S.D. (0.8) (0.9) (0.8) (0.6)
Beech Brook
Negative scale
Mean 1.7 1.1 1.5 0.8
S.D. (0.9) (0.6) (1.3) (0.6)
Randolph Attachment
Disorder Questionnaire
Mean 50.0 29.6 47.4 36.9
S.D. (22.2) (22.5) (21.3) (18.9)
Family drawings
Positive score
Mean 6.6 9.3 9.9 13.3
S.D. (3.4) (6.1) (6.2) (3.7)
Family drawings
Negative score
Mean 15.5 12.0 11.5 6.4
S.D. (2.2) (6.0) (6.7) (4.0)