A welcome guide.
Brown, Helen Cosis
Recruiting, Assessing and Supporting Lesbian and Gay Carers and
Adopters Gerald P Mallon and Bridgett Betts BAAF 2005 53 pages 9.95
[pounds sterling]
This much-awaited publication is an excellent guide for social work
practitioners and their managers and, as such, is the first of its kind.
It covers social work practice as well as giving an overview of legal,
policy and contextual material pertinent to this area of fostering and
adoption work.
The text falls into two distinct but connected parts: the first
setting the context and the second directly addressing social work
practice with lesbians and gay men in fostering and adoption practice.
The two parts fit together well. There is material both for social
workers new to this area and for those with more experience. Themes
covered are: lesbian and gay identity; the legal context; research on
lesbian and gay parenting; issues for lesbians and gay men when
considering parenting; recruiting lesbian and gay foster carers and
adopters; assessment of lesbian and gay foster carers and adopters; and
providing them with support. The authors also include a list of relevant
organisations. All the chapters are full of useful material and the
'practice' chapters are particularly helpful in their detail.
The section on recruitment will be useful to agencies, specifically in
relation to the recruitment of lesbians and gay men, but also more
Further strengths include an accessible overview of the research
into lesbian and gay parenting, as well as a current look at the legal
context. All the material is relevant to the social work task.
As with most publications, the reader is left with a small number
of frustrations. Firstly, some of the assertions made in the text,
though presumably correct, were left unreferenced; in places the authors
refer to existing research evidence without citing specific findings.
This is frustrating as it is useful for social workers to be able to
cite research evidence, especially in a climate where there is a need
for an informed, knowledge-based approach--in particular in relation to
potentially contested areas of practice. Secondly, there were some
references in the text to interviews (for example, p 36) where seemingly
the authors had spoken with a number of lesbian and gay carers. It would
have been helpful for the reader to be told what interviews had taken
place, their purpose and how they had informed this particular
publication. Some of the quotations from these interviews weren't
attributed (as on pp 25 and 26). Clearly such quotations had to be made
anonymous but some information would have been useful. Lastly, for
fostering agencies and social workers working with foster carers,
especially short-term foster carers, a section specifically looking at
supporting foster carers working with large numbers of significant
adults of looked after children would have been helpful. Like the
overall population, these adults often hold a range of views in relation
to sexual orientation. They will have various attitudes and feelings
about their child's carer's sexual orientation, ranging from
feeling comfortable to feeling quite hostile. On occasions, the views of
the child's significant adults are cited by a child's social
worker as being a reason why they wouldn't want to place the child
they are responsible for with a lesbian or gay carer. This is sometimes
because they have assumed that the adults would object.
None of the above comments detract from the overwhelming usefulness
of this guide. It is a long-awaited and valuable contribution to best
practice guidance for social workers recruiting, assessing and
supporting lesbian and gay carers. There is very little available that
so directly looks at the minutia of practice, as well as providing a
social, legal and policy overview.
Helen Cosis Brown is a Director of Greater London Fostering and an
honorary reader at Middlesex University