Has the war between the rent seekers escalated?
Sobel, Russell S. ; Hall, Joshua C.
In their 1991 paper in Public Choice, "The War between the
Rent Seekers," Richard Vedder and Lowell Callaway develop and test
a unique theory about the interactions between the levels of spending
captured by rent-seeking interest groups. Their model hypothesizes that
at low levels of government spending and/or political influence,
interest groups complement each other. Multiple groups can
simultaneously push for new taxes and higher levels of government
spending that benefit all groups. They point to many states enacting new
income taxes in the 1960s and 1970s as an example. In this part of the
interaction, additional political pressure by one group results in the
pie growing for all rent seekers.
At some point, however, this relationship switches from
complementarity and cooperation to conflict, competition, and a war
between die groups over funding. In a Laffer-curve-type relationship, at
some point revenue maximization occurs, new tax sources become satiated,
and beyond that point a rent-seeking group can only gain at the expense
of other groups. They depict their model graphically, and argue that the
groups most well suited for testing the model are public school teachers
and welfare recipients. We recreate their original graphical model in
Figure 1, which illustrates that as public school teachers initially
push for higher salaries, the pie expands and public welfare recipients
also gain additional government spending. However, as school teachers
continue to push for higher salaries, the positive relationship turns
negative, and higher teacher salaries only come at the expense of
funding and benefits for welfare recipients. (1)
Vedder and Gallaway empirically test their model using data for
1986 (or fiscal year 198.5-86 where appropriate). They find strong
support for their model:
The results suggest that beyond $474.58 in per capita welfare
spending, teacher salaries are negatively associated with increased
public assistance expenditures; at lesser amounts, a positive
relationship is observed. Five jurisdictions--New York, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Alaska and the District of Columbia--had welfare spending
in the negative range. In those states, the evidence suggests that gains
to welfare recipients occur in conjunction with income losses to
teachers [Vedder and Gallaway 1991: 287],
They proceed to argue that because state and local government
spending is growing through time, this Laffer-type relationship should
be getting stronger through time, with more states moving into the upper
portion where rent-seeking interest groups are at "war" with
each other:
Since state and local government spending has been rising over
time, not only in absolute real terms but also as a percent of personal
income, it is possible that in earlier years the quadratic relationship
observed above did not exist; no states had reached the point where
rent-seeking had become a zero sum game for participants. To test this
possibility, we replicated the model used in the table for 20 years
earlier, the 1965-66 fiscal year [Vedder and Gallaway 1991: 287].
Indeed, using data from 20 years prior, they find that all states
were on the lower portion and the relationship was positive and linear,
suggesting that through time more states are moving into the negative
upper portion of the figure:
The quadratic (competitive) relationship between teacher salaries
and welfare payments seems generally to be a recent phenomenon, although
it appears that the previous linear (cooperative) relationship has been
weakening over the past generation [Vedder and Gallaway 1991: 288].
In the concluding section of their article, they predict that
through time more states should move into this upper area of the
relationship where rent-seeking interest groups are at war with each
In conclusion, it seems some states have experienced spending
growth to the point where economic and political constraints on that
growth have led to a situation where rent seekers can gain only at the
expense of other rent seekers. As that fact becomes recognized,
peaceful, cooperative political action between rent seeking groups that
prevailed when such action resulted in a larger expenditure (rent) pool
might give way to war between the rent seekers. If state and local
spending continues its relative growth, we would expect the war between
rent seekers to spread to other jurisdictions [Vedder and Gallaway 1991:
In this brief empirical note, we attempt to see if their prediction
is correct by moving their model 20 years into the future, using the
exact same data sources and model in the original article. Our results
do indeed suggest that Vedder and Callaway's (1991) prediction has
come true. We now find roughly nine states, almost double the number in
1986, have moved into the upper range of the relationship.
Empirical Model and Results
Vedder and Gallaway (1991) postulate a quadratic model as follows:
(1) R = a + bX - c[X.sup.2],
where R is the rent payment to one group (as measured by average
teacher salaries, their base rent-seeking group), and X represents
spending on other governmental expenditures. In practice, they argue, it
is best to single out welfare spending, so they estimate a final model
of the form:
(2) [S.sub.i] = a + b[P.sub.i] - c[P.sup.2.sub.i] + d[O.sub.i] -
e[O.sup.2.sub.i] + [W.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i],
where [S.sub.i] is the average public school teacher salary in
state [sub.i], [P.sub.i] is public assistance spending per capita in
state i, [O.sub.i] is other non-education, nonwelfare state and local
government spending, and [W.sub.i] is the average annual pay for all
nonagricultural workers to control for variations in local labor market
conditions. They estimate their model using data for 1986 using all 50
states and the District of Columbia. As mentioned previously, they also
estimate their model for 20 years prior, 1966 for comparison, but find
only a (positive) linear finding for 1966, and then predict that as
government grows through time that more and more states will end up in
situations where rent seekers are at war, taking from each other, on the
upper portion of the curve.
We now have the advantage of being far enough into the future to
test their prediction. That is, we can go 20 years into the future to
see what has changed, if anything. We use data for 2006, to compare to
their results for 1966 and 1986. Using data for 2006 not only has the
advantage of being the identical match of time as their 20-year gap, but
it also allows us to estimate the relationship without die recent Great
Recession clouding our results. A final advantage is that we can use
their same data sources (i.e., National Center for Education Statistics
2007 and U.S. Census Bureau 2010).
The results are presented in Table 1, and a column showing Vedder
and Callaway's original results for 1986 is also included. The
results for 2006 seem to clearly support their prediction that the
quadratic relationship between education and welfare is now stronger.
The quadratic relationship with other spending, however, is not present
as it was in the main results in Vedder and Gallaway (1991). In other
specifications in their article, however, Vedder and Gallaway find the
relationship with other spending to be weaker as well and actually omit
it in order to see how it affects the primary relationship between
average teacher salary and welfare spending per capita. Thus, we also
show the results both with and without the quadratic (squared) term on
other spending. The main relationship between teacher salaries and
welfare payments is unaffected by whether this variable is omitted or
Their original results suggested that in 1986, beyond $474.58 in
per capita welfare spending, teacher salaries are negatively associated
with increased public assistance expenditures (and below that value a
positive relationship existed). (2) They find that five jurisdictions
were in the negative range: New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Alaska, and the District of Columbia. Our updated results for 2006
suggest a value of $1,617 ($879 in 1986 dollars). (3) In 2006, there are
now nine states above this level. In addition to the five original
states and District of Columbia from Vedder and Gallaway (1991), Maine,
Vermont, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania have joined the list. It is
interesting to note that in their 1991 article, they mentioned that
Minnesota was one of the few states close to, but just below, the
threshold. We have two states within 10 percent of our threshold: New
Mexico and Delaware.
In "The War between the Rent Seekers," Richard Vedder and
Lowell Gallaway (1991) develop and test a unique theory about the
interactions between rent-seeking interest groups. In the conclusion of
their article, they make a bold prediction about the future: "If
state and local spending continues its relative growth, we would expect
the war between rent seekers to spread to other jurisdictions"
(1991: 288). By this they meant more states entering the
backward-bending portion of their hypothesized Laffer-type relationship.
Our results strongly suggest they were right. The number of states
where rent seekers are now at war has approximately doubled, from five
to nine, with two more states nearing the threshold. While the theory of
their article is about rent seeking, their empirics focused on teachers
and tl lose receiving public assistance. While not a focus of our
empirical note, further research should examine whether new implicit
battles have broken out between interest groups. For example, tire rise
in public health care expenditures at the state level seems to have
coincided with a decline in state appropriations to higher education in
many states.
Becker, G. (1983) "A Theory of Competition among Pressure
Groups for Political Influence." Quarterly Journal of Economics 98
(3): 371-400.
National Center for Education Statistics (2007) Digest of Education
Statistics 2007, Table 76. Washington: Government Printing Office.
Available at http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d07/tables
U.S. Census Bureau (2010) Statistical Abstract of the United States
2010, Tables 12, 431, and 632. Washington: Government Printing Office.
Available at www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2010 /2010edition.html.
Vedder, R., and Gallaway, L. (1991) "The War between the Rent
Seekers." Public Choice 68 (January): 283-89.
(1) Vedder and Gallaway's theory is in stark contrast to
Becker's (1983) theory in which the political influence of interest
groups is basically a zero-sum game, and the nature of the competition
between rent seekers is independent of the size of government.
(2) Using the CPI, in 2006 dollars, their value of $474.58 would
become $872.95.
(3) It is unclear why the threshold has risen in real terms over
time beyond the fact that incomes have also risen and so the amount of
revenue raised for any given tax rate has increased.
Russell S. Sobel is Professor of Economics and Entrepreneurship at
The Citadel. Joshua C. Hall is Associate Professor of Economics at West
Virginia University.
Determinants of Average Teacher Salaries by State
Dependent Variable: Average Teacher Salary
from Vedder and
Gallaway (1991) 2006 update
Variable Coefficient
(absolute t-statistic)
Constant -1,878.494 -6,190.420 -6,255.220
(0.665) (1.055) (1.456)
Welfare (P) 18.034 *** 22.565 *** 22.523 ***
(2.765) (6.488) (5.988)
Squared -0.019 ** -0.007 *** -0.007 ***
([P.sup.2]) (2.309) (6.693) (6.924)
Other (O) 3.876 *** 0.605 0.660
(2.859) (0.218) (1.261)
Squared -0.000 * 0.000 --
([O.sup.2]) (1.862) (0.021)
Wage (W) 0.957 *** 0.865 *** 0.864 ***
(6.960) (9.140) (10.910)
[R.sup.2 ] 0.859 0.764 0.764
F-statistic 62.158 88.349 106.258
Notes: The results for 1986 are taken directly from Vedder and
Gallaway (1991: 287); absolute t-statistics in parentheses. Their
original results only contain three decimal places, and this
format was continued. The model was estimated using
heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors. * indicates
significance at the 10 percent level, ** at the 5 percent level,
and *** at the 1 percent level.