Interest group activity and government growth: a causality analysis.
Sobel, Russell S. ; Clark, J.R.
The special interest group model of government, employed throughout
public choice theory, models the outcomes of government as a function of
special interest group activity. Early work in this area by authors such
as Stigler (1971) and Peltzman (1976) focused on the role of interest
groups in securing regulation beneficial to the regulated industry.
Subsequent formulations--including McCormick and Tollison (1981), Yandle
(1983), Mueller and Murrell (1986), Shughart and Tollison (1986), Becker
(1983), Sobel (2004), and Holcombe (1999)--use the interest group model
to explain not only a wide variety of individual government programs and
policies, but also the overall growth of government spending. (1) Even
the passage of child labor laws has been attributed to interest groups
such as owners of steam-driven mills, physicians, and teachers. (2)
In contrast, the large literature on rent seeking beginning with
the seminal paper by Tullock (1967), and continuing with the
contributions of Krueger (1974) and Posner (1975), explains how interest
groups will expend resources to capture the economic rents created by
government policies. In its most basic form, the argument goes that when
a $20 bill is up for grabs through a bidding process, the maximum amount
of resources a group would devote to capturing that gain is $20. Whether
the rents created by government policy are over, under, or perfectly
dissipated has been the subject of debate and exploration, but the
general consensus is that the amount of rent seeking that is visibly
measured is far less than would be expected given the size of government
rents up for capturing (i.e., the "Tullock paradox"), although
some of this differential may be explained by less visible and hard to
measure in-kind rent-seeking activities. (3) But merely the idea that
rent-seeking activity falls below what would be expected given the
transfers created by government implies a direction of causality in the
opposite direction of the literature on the special interest group
theory of government. Some extensions within this literature actually
model government as trying to maximize the opportunities for politicians
and regulators to "rent extract." (4) In this literature,
governments pick policy targets and regimes that maximize the amount of
rent seeking created by their actions.
Far from being a purely academic exercise, the ambiguity of the
implied direction of causation between interest group activity and the
size of government has both social and policy implications. On the
policy side, reformers who want to slow the growth of government can be
broken into two camps. The first is those who want to constrain interest
group activity as a route to lowering government spending. Suggesting
that campaign finance reform or PAC disclosure rules, for example, would
be an effective way to help get government spending under control is an
argument that takes for granted that it is the interest group activity
that causes government spending. If the causality worked in the opposite
direction, these types of reforms would be ineffective as the total
rents created by policy would remain unchanged, and the means of
competing for them would simply change to other avenues similar to how
under rent controls side payments for items such as furniture could be
used to compensate the landlord in alternate means. In other words, if
government spending causes interest group activity in the vein of the
rent-seeking model, these reforms would simply be ineffective as they
target the consequence not the cause. On the other side are those who
suggest that we can curb interest group activity and rent seeking by
limiting the power and spending of government through items such as
constitutional restrictions, a line-item veto, or a balanced budget
amendment, for example. By constraining government spending, this
argument holds, there would be less interest group activity. But this
conclusion relies on the direction of causality: if interest groups
cause government, and not vice versa, the only means to constrain
government is to first constrain interest group activity.
Nowhere is this causal distinction more blurred than in the current
debates about the significant 25 percent increase in lobbying and
interest group activity in the 2007-2010 period and how it relates to
the federal government's greatly expanded budget including the $700
billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) program in October 2008,
and the $797 billion "fiscal stimulus" legislated in the 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Lobbying by the finance,
insurance, and real estate sectors alone has been over $450 million per
year since 2008. The industry now has approximately 2,500 individual
registered federal lobbyists and increased donations directly to federal
political campaigns from $287 million during the 2006 election cycle to
$503 million during the 2008 election cycle. Other sectors, such as
energy, have followed similar paths of this period, with a 66 percent
increase in federal lobbying expenditures, over 2,200 registered federal
lobbyists, and increases in campaign contributions from $51 million
during the 2006 election cycle to $81 million during the 2008 election
cycle (Center for Responsive Politics 2013). Office space in Washington,
D.C., has now become the highest priced in the country and many
businesses have opened or moved their offices to the Washington, D.C.,
area, and the popular logic clearly relies on an argument that these
responses have been caused by the expansion in government activity. (5)
Thus, while some argue that programs such as TARP have caused the
increase in bank lobbying, others argue that it was the increase in bank
lobbying that caused the passage of TARP (Allison 2013).
Interestingly, while the so-called "Occupy Movement" and
conservative/libertarian leaning scholars both argue against what they
see as a large recent increase in bailouts and crony capitalism, the
root cause each group identifies can be separated by the direction of
causality. Followers of the "Occupy Movement" blame big,
well-funded corporations and die political activity they fund for an out
of control government, while the other side blames the out of control
government for the rise in crony activity among firms.
The recent strand of literature on productive and unproductive
entrepreneurship first elaborated by Baumol (1990, 1993, 2002), and
expanded by Boettke (2001), Boettke and Coyne (2003), Coyne and Leeson
(2004), and Sobel (2008), not only incorporates the government causes
interest group logic, but provides it a theoretical underpinning. In
this literature, the allocation of a society's entrepreneurial
talent between productive, market-based entrepreneurship and
unproductive political and legal entrepreneurship (e.g., lobbying) is
driven by the relative profitability of the two activities, which is a
function of the quality of a country's institutions. In countries
with institutions providing secure property rights, a fair and balanced
judicial system, contract enforcement, and effective limits on
government's ability to transfer wealth through taxation and
regulation, the returns to unproductive entrepreneurship are low, while
the returns to productive market entrepreneurship are high, thus causing
fewer resources to be devoted toward interest group activity. In areas
without strong institutions, entrepreneurial individuals are instead
more likely to engage in attempts to manipulate the political or legal
process to capture rents as the returns to unproductive activity are
relatively higher. Again, in this literature it is the actions and
undertakings of government that come first, and the amount of political
interest group activity and lobbying is simply a consequence caused by
die policies of government.
Of course, it is clearly possible that both are true--that is,
bidirectional causality. Exogenous changes in government spending may
subsequently cause changes in interest group activity, while exogenous
changes in interest group activity may subsequently cause changes in
government spending. This simultaneous equations-type logic implies a
theoretical relationship similar to the relationship between club
membership and output modeled in Buchanan's (1965) "Theory of
Clubs" in which there is an optimal membership for every given club
output, and an optimal club output for every given club membership size,
and only one point at which both are simultaneously satisfied. Here,
however, the argument would be that for every given level of government
spending there is some optimal level of interest group activity that
dissipates these rents, while for every given level of interest group
activity there is a level of government spending produced by that
special interest group activity, and an equilibrium would be reached at
the point where both relationships are simultaneously satisfied. Under
bidirectional causality, the problem of growing government and interest
group activity can be effectively controlled by changes to either side,
implying that constraints on government and restrictions on interest
group activity both potentially can be effective tools.
In this article, we present a theoretical and empirical treatment
of this issue of the direction of causality. We begin with the
presentation of models that capture each side of the argument
individually, and also a bidirectional simultaneous equation model. We
then continue with an empirical examination of data on government
spending and interest group activity to see if the nature of the
causality can be identified empirically employing Granger Causality
tests. We use data on total federal expenditures and two different
measures of interest group activity, expenditures on lobbying, and the
payroll of political organizations in Washington, D.C., and confirm the
presence of a bidirectional causal relationship.
The Competing Models: A Theoretical Framework
In this section, we outline models for each of the three
possibilities (two of one-direction causality, but with causality
flowing in opposite directions, and a bidirectional simultaneous
equation model).
The interest group causes government framework may best be thought
of within a production function framework. That is, interest group
activity is exogenous, and it produces government spending. In the
remainder of this article, we use the notation I to refer to the value
of resources devoted to interest group activity, and G/ to refer to the
level of government action/spending caused by interest group activity.
The production function approach may be thought of therefore as:
(1) [G.sub.I] = f(I), where [G'.sub.I] > 0, and
[G".sub.I] < 0.
As with any production process, output increases with additional
inputs, but at a decreasing rate, so therefore [G.'sub.I] > 0,
and [G".sub.I] < 0. In many respects, this can be viewed
equivalently to Beckers (1983) formulation of the process of the
production of political pressure. In Equation (1) above, G{ is the
marginal productivity of interest group activity in generating
additional government spending or activity. [G".sub.I] itself is
obviously a function of many well-known parameters including the cost of
organizing, cost of controlling free-riders, the size of the group, and
various aspects and legal limits on lobbying and campaign finance. (6)
Allowing for the possibility of other government spending that is
not caused by interest group pressure, for example,
"exogenous" noninterest group spending, denoted [G.sub.E],
where [G.sub.E] [greater than or equal to] 0, allows for a total level
of government activity/spending of [G.sub.T] = [G.sub.I] + [G.sub.E].
Graphically, this relationship is now depicted in Figure 1.
We now turn to the second case, in which government spending causes
interest group activity per a rent-seeking-type model. In this
framework, the level of interest group activity (7) is a function of the
total level of government spending ([G.sub.T]) such that:
(2) I = f([G.sub.T]), where [I'.sub.I] > 0, and [I.sub.G]
Interest group activity should be increasing in government
spending, therefore [I'.sub.G] > 0. The exact structure of this
function, and the second derivative in particular, are not as obvious
and deserve explicit discussion. Starting from a naive view, let's
assume that government spending is always fully and perfectly
dissipated, such that if the government spends $2 billion, then $2
billion in interest group activity will be caused to dissipate or
compete for the rent at stake. In this simple framework, I = [G.sub.T]
and the two have identical values, implying a relationship depicted by a
45 degree line in a graph (and [I'.sub.G] = 1). While there are
many alternative theoretical game-theory models of the rent-seeking
process, the most frequently used assumption is from the one-shot
simultaneous move pure strategy Nash equilibrium in which each of the
two players expends one-fourth of the total rent at stake, thus creating
a total rent-seeking expenditure of till parties of one-half the total
rent at stake. (7) If one wished to use that assumption, the
relationship depicted graphically would again be a straight line, but
with a slope of one-half. In addition, using a formulation more closely
related to Baumol (1990, 1993, 2002), one would want to specify that
there should be some normal rate of return (zero economic profit) built
into this relationship, in a present value form. This by itself would
make the slope less than one as the investment must generate a normal
rate of return at a minimum. Staying generalized, we assume nothing of
the slope, but offer the possibility that the slope will depend on the
rate of rent dissipation. Essentially, the line will be a line
representing the level of interest group activity required such that the
rent-seeking industry is in zero economic profit (risk-adjusted)
Complicating the relationship is that, viewed on a large scale, the
rent-seeking industry may be either a decreasing cost, constant cost, or
increasing cost industry. In the constant cost case, the line
representing the relationship will be linear, [I".sub.G] = 0.
However, if the industry is either an increasing or decreasing cost
industry, then the relationship will be nonlinear. In the case of
increasing cost, [I".sub.G] > 0 while in the case of a
decreasing cost industry, [I".sub.G] < 0. While we allow for and
consider all possibilities within our model, for current purposes, no
loss of generality will result from continuing with die simple linear
exposition that would be associated with a constant cost industry, and a
constant ambiguous, but positive, slope in the range 0 to 1. Such a
relationship is illustrated in Figure 2. Note that we have set the
intercept to zero in Figure 2, but that one could also include an
intercept into this relationship, without altering the general results
we derive.
The final possibility is the case of bidirectional causality. Here
both relationships must be satisfied simultaneously. That is, the value
of resources devoted to interest group activity that is required for the
zero economic profit, rent-dissipation equilibrium given the level of
government spending must also satisfy the condition that that level of
government spending is the amount produced by that given level of
interest group activity. This is equivalent to the framework of the
model in Buchanan's (1965) "Theory of Clubs" in which
there is an optimal club membership for every given level of club
output, and also an optimal club output for every given club membership
size, and only one point at which both are simultaneously satisfied.
Graphically, this is shown in Figure 3 when the relationships from the
two previous figures are combined.
To illustrate the nature of this bidirectional process, let's
consider two situations in which the equilibrium relationship shown in
Figure 3 is not satisfied. These are illustrated in Figure 4.
First, consider a level of interest group activity equal to
[I.sub.1]. This level of interest group activity would produce a level
of government spending equal to [G.sub.1] which can be found by moving
up vertically to the line representing [G.sub.I] = f(I) and continuing
horizontally to the left vertical axis at [G.sub.1]. This is not an
equilibrium, however, because at the level of spending [G.sub.1] there
is disequilibrium in the rent-seeking market in that there are excess
economic profits. According to the rent-seeking relationship I =
f([G.sub.T]), the level of rent seeking required to appropriately
dissipate (zero economic profit) that level of spending would be
[I.sub.2] which can be found by moving horizontally from G; to the line
representing the relationship I = f([G.sub.T]). Therefore, due to the
excess profits, additional interest group activity would enter the
industry. Resources would move away from productive private market
entrepreneurship into unproductive political entrepreneurship in the
public sector. As this happens, it also produces additional government
spending, and the movement continues until the equilibrium at the
intersection of the two lines depicted in Figure 3 is achieved.
Similarly, consider a level of interest group activity equal to
[I.sub.4]. This level of interest group activity would produce a level
of government spending equal to [G.sub.2]. This is not an equilibrium
because at the level of spending [G.sub.2] there is again disequilibrium
in the rent-seeking market in that there are below-normal economic
profits (i.e., economic losses). According to the rent-seeking
relationship I = f([G.sub.T]), the level of rent seeking required to
appropriately dissipate (zero economic profit) that level of spending
would be [I.sub.3]. Therefore, due to the losses, interest group
activity would shrink, resources would move away from unproductive
entrepreneurship back into productive entrepreneurship in the private
sector. According to the production relationship, as the level of
interest group activity falls, so does the level of government spending
it produces, and the movement continues until the equilibrium at the
intersection of the two lines depicted in Figure 3 is again achieved.
Using the Model to Understand Recent Expansions in Government
Spending and Interest Group Activity
This model may now be used to illustrate and better understand the
recent expansions in both government spending and interest group
activity that occurred after the recent financial crisis, and resulting
expansion in government spending. Rather than shifts of the curves, here
because the y-axis intercepts are fixed by theory, changes are
illustrated by alterations of the slopes of the two lines. We consider
two cases. First, we consider the case of something happening to
increase the marginal productivity of interest group activity at
producing government spending ([G'.sub.I]). As [G'.sub.I] gets
larger, the curve illustrating the [G.sub.I] = f(I) equation rotates
upward as is shown in Figure 5.
In Figure 5, the marginal productivity of interest group activity
at producing government spending has increased, rotating the line upward
to the new one illustrated by the dashed line. This would result in both
an expansion in government spending (from [G.sup.*1.sub.T] to
[G.sup.*2.sub.T]) and an expansion in interest group activity (from
[I.sup.*1] to [I.sup.*2]).
Are there reasons to believe that events have unfolded in recent
years that have increased the productivity of interest group activity at
producing spending? The most obvious chain of logic suggesting this has
occurred is provided by the "Baptist and Bootleggers" model of
Yandle (1983). That model argues that the simple economic interest of an
interest group does not become salient or politically possible unless
there is a "moral cover" to the story for providing the
interest group benefits. The moral cover in recent years has been the
political rhetoric of "too big to fail" and "Keynesian
stimulus." Giving billions in direct subsidies to individual
businesses, from banks to energy and car companies, perhaps was only
possible with the cover that these expenditures needed to be done to
avoid economic collapse and to promote recovery.
Interestingly, this line of logic helps to solve the mystery posed
by Young (2013) in his policy analysis entitled "Why in the World
Are We All Keynesians Again? The Flimsy Case for Stimulus
Spending." As he argues, the textbook macroeconomic literature on
the eve of the financial crisis had pretty much settled on the idea that
monetary policy was the more potent tool for macropolicy, and that
fiscal stimulus was far less potent, if effective at all. As an example,
he points to a quote from Alan Blinder, the former vice chairman of the
Federal Reserve's Board of Governors, who in 2004 concludes
"virtually every contemporary discussion of stabilization policy by
economists--whether it is abstract or concrete, theoretical or
practical--is about monetary policy, not fiscal policy." Young
(2013) even notes that some of the individuals involved in crafting and
promoting the ARRA stimulus had done previous published research that
would seem to argue for alternative policies that should have been
followed instead. Nonetheless, his argument is simply that the shaky
evidence for fiscal policy, in the past history of the United States, as
well as the lack of potent current effects, and also in countries like
Japan, clearly leaves one to wonder why Keynesian deficit spending has
become so in fashion in recent years, despite the evidence of its
ineffectiveness. The answer may very well be that these arguments
provided the "Baptist/moral cover" for the special interest
bootleggers to get government transfers purely in their economic
self-interest. In other words, the fiscal crisis created a situation in
which the lore of Keynesian stimulus became politically salient enough
to allow passage of special interest spending that otherwise would not
have passed without this moral cover story. In a nutshell, this
Keynesian moral cover simply increased the marginal productivity of
interest group activity at producing spending. If so, this would result
in the change illustrated in Figure 5.
A related argument follows the logic of Clark and Lee (2003, 2005a,
2005b) who explain why and how special interest groups get better at
lobbying through time (e.g., develop more human capital in lobbying as
opposed to productive activity), contributing to government growth using
a prisoners' dilemma model. As these interest groups form on
specific issues (e.g., the banking interest groups energized in the
recent financial crisis), through time their productivity grows with
experience, and they may undertake actions beneficial for themselves
(especially the leaders of these interest groups), even if the policies
they pursue may not be in the best interest of the group they represent.
An alternative change that could produce the recent expansion in
government spending and interest group activity would be a reduction in
the slope of the other line, the one representing rent-seeking
equilibrium, I = f([G.sub.T]) as is illustrated in Figure 6. If the
slope were to fall, the line would rotate downward to the dashed line in
Figure 6, producing both an expansion in government spending (from
[G.sup.*1.sub.T] to [G.sup.*2.sub.T]) and an expansion in interest group
activity (from [I.sup.*1] to [I.sup.*2]).
Are there reasons to believe that events have unfolded in recent
years that have altered the zero economic profit (dissipation)
equilibrium conditions in the market for interest group activity?
Baumol's model of productive and unproductive entrepreneurship
suggests that the amount of rent seeking is not simply a function of the
profitability of rent seeking, but of the relative return from rent
seeking versus the return from productive market activities. The
financial crisis did significantly reduce profit margins, cause a
reduction in private employment, displace resources, and shrink private
markets. To the extent that the return in the private sector represents
the opportunity cost of devoting resources to rent seeking, this lower
private return should have been expected to result in a shift of
resources into political entrepreneurship and rent seeking until the
profitability of that activity was reduced to a level equal to the now
lower profitability of private activity. That is, a recession-induced
reduction in the profitability of private market activity should also
result in an equilibrium reduction in the returns to rent seeking as
well under the Baumol model. This reduced opportunity cost of resources
devoted to interest group activity would result in the exact change
illustrated in Figure 6, with the slope of the I = f([G.sub.T]) line,
G', falling.
The best way of understanding this link between a recession-induced
reduction in private sector profitability and interest group activity is
through a graph similar to how the mechanics of the incidence of the
corporate income tax are often modeled. There are two sectors, here the
private sector and the government sector (lobbying). There is a fixed
stock of capital that will be allocated between the two sectors based on
the rates of return. Assuming both have diminishing returns to
investment, the allocation of capital between the two sectors can be
illustrated graphically as in Figure 7.
In Figure 7, the length of the horizontal axis equals the total
stock of capital. The "demand" for capital in the private
sector (line DP) on the left side of the graph is a line whose
(diminishing) height shows that the return to capital in the sector
falls with increased investment. A similar line from the right axis
shows the diminishing returns to capital involved in lobbying / interest
group activity in the government sector ([D.sub.G]). The allocation of
capital between the two sectors (both human and physical) will be at an
equilibrium where the two sectors, at the margin, are equally profitable
for investing capital, at point [K.sup.*] where [r.sub.P] = [r.sub.G] in
Figure 7 where the two curves intersect. (8)
Figure 8 shows how a recession-induced reduction in the return to
capital employed in the private sector would impact this equilibrium.
The curve showing the private returns would fall to [D'.sub.P].
This will cause capital at the margin to flow into the higher returns in
interest group activity in the government sector, pushing down returns
in that sector as well, until a new equilibrium is restored at point
[K.sup.*.sub.2] with a lower profitability in both sectors
([rs.up.2.sub.P] = [rs.up.2.sub.G]), and a larger proportion of capital
now in the interest group sector. This is the fundamental change that
causes and is reflected in the I = f([G.sub.T]) line rotating downward,
due to the lower slope, in Figure 6.
A final, and likely, possibility is that both of the changes in
Figures 5 and 6, die higher productivity of interest group activity and
the shift of resources into interest group activity caused by the
recession, contributed to the recent expansion in both government
spending and interest group activity. That is, perhaps both shifts
happened, and reinforced each other to produce the expansions in
government spending and interest group activity that have unfolded since
the financial crisis.
As an important aside in terms of using the model, we also note
that the shift represented in Figure 5 is how one would illustrate, more
generally, learning effects in the model when interest group activity
(or the government) is relatively new in a geographic area. As is
suggested by authors such as Olson (1982), Johnson and Libecap (1994),
and Browder (2015), the productivity of interest groups may rise with
their tenure and experience with a newly formed government through time.
In addition, closer in line with Browder is the idea that
government's ability to create and extract rents may also grow
through time as politicians learn how to better participate in this
process of generating benefits to interest groups. These learning type
effects, which are in keeping with work in both experimental economics
and evolutionary biology, would result in an increase in the
productivity of interest group inputs in producing each level of
government spending. These type effects would be represented in a
similar manner to the shifts shown in Figure 5.
Testing the Alternatives
The previous sections outlined a model that relied on the direction
of causality between government spending and the value of resources
devoted to interest group activity. While the rent-seeking model
stresses how expansions in government spending result in more interest
group activity to dissipate the rents, the special interest model
stresses how increases in interest group activity produce expansions in
government. There are three alternatives:
1. The value of resources devoted to interest group activity causes
government spending.
2. Government spending causes the value of resources devoted to
interest group activity.
3. Both (1) and (2) are true, and there is bidirectional causality.
In this section, we attempt to discern these alternatives
empirically employing Granger-Sims causality tests. These tests, despite
their drawbacks, essentially see, on average, which series moves
"first" and which moves "second" in a time series
Our Granger-Sims causality tests are conducted by estimating the
following system of equations as a structural Vector Autoregression
where G is government spending and I is a measure of the value of
resources devoted to interest group activity. We set up the null
hypotheses that [[alpha].sub.1i] = 0 and [[beta].sub.2i], = 0, for all i
= 1 to r, s. Intuitively, if the set of lagged values of I are jointly
significant in the equation for G, then we can reject the null that I
does not cause G, in favor of the alternative hypothesis that indeed I
Granger-causes G (and vice versa). The optimal lags (r and s) are
determined by using the Bayesian (Schwarz) information criterion (BIC)
on the vector autoregressive equations, and the test of the joint
significance of the lagged variables is performed using an F-test to
determine if causality exists, and in which direction. All three
alternatives are possible findings (only G Granger-causes I, only I
Granger-causes G, or there is bidirectional causality and both are
Because our data are time series, we need to first ensure that our
series are stationary. To test for unit roots, we employ two tests, the
first of which is the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test with the
following regression specification:
where y is the variable of interest and P is the number of lags
determined using the Bayesian (Schwarz) information criterion (BIC). The
series is stationary if and only if [alpha] < 1, which by Equation 2
is equivalent to a test for [gamma] < 0, where [gamma] = ([alpha] -
1) Because the standard t-statistic for [gamma] is a test of [H.sub.o]:
[gamma] = 0, a negative and significant t-statistic for [gamma] implies
that [alpha] < 1, and the series is stationary. If the t-statistic
for y is not significant, the series is nonstationary. If the series is
nonstationary, it must be first-differenced (annual change) and the ADF
test performed again to ensure the resulting series is stationary. If it
is not, the process continues until the order of differencing required
to make the series stationary is found.
The second test we employ to check for stationarity is the
Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test based on the following
test statistic:
(6) [eta] = [[summation].sup.T.sub.i=1]
where [S.sub.t], = [[summation].sup.T.sub.i=1] [e.sub.s] and
[[bar.[sigma]].sup.2] is an estimate of the long-run variance of
[e.sub.t] = ([y.sub.t] - [bar.y]). This Lagrange-multiplier test is
intended to complement the Dickey-Fuller test. In the KPSS test, the
null hypothesis is opposite to that in the ADF test; therefore, a
statistically significant coefficient indicates the series is
nonstationary and requires differencing (this process continues until
the test statistic is no longer statistically significant.). The reason
is, under the null, the long-run variance is a well-defined finite
number, and the test statistic has a well-defined asymptotic
distribution (but not under the alternative).
We conduct our empirical tests using measures of U.S. federal
government spending and interest group activity targeted at federal
legislation or in the Washington, D.C., area. Because government
spending data is normally reported on a fiscal year basis, which would
detract from the timing of the lag structure and possibly influence our
results, we begin by estimating the models on calendar year federal
spending data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic
Analysis (BEA). The differences in what is and is not included in the
BEA measure versus the federal budget are minor. (9) In addition, we
also estimate the models using the budget-based fiscal year data for
comparison. We estimate our models using total federal expenditures (in
billions), and all nominal values throughout our empirical analysis are
converted to constant (real) 2012 dollars using the Consumer Price Index
For measures of the value of resources devoted to interest group
activity/rent seeking, we employ the only two dollar-based measures
available, lobbying spending and the payroll of political/lobbying
organizations located in the Washington, D.C., area. Annual data on
lobbying spending (in millions) is obtained from The Center for
Responsive Politics (, and annual data on the
payroll of lobbying/political organizations is obtained from The United
States Census Bureau, County Business Patterns database
(, both series beginning in 1998. We recognize
that this limits our number of observations to less than would be
desired for both series (15), but given the sparse nature of data on
interest group activity, we move forward as the model can be estimated
efficiently with the small sample available. We include industry code
813xxx which was identified by Sobel and Garrett (2002) as a key
industry subset expanded in state capital cities which is a reliable
indicator of lobbying activity. Again, all nominal values are corrected
for inflation to 2012 real dollars. Payroll (in millions) is a good
measure of the value of labor resources employed in lobbying/rent
seeking, and because labor is the variable input in the short run, it
should rapidly reflect changes in the level of interest group activity
making it very suitable for a time-based causality test.
First, we must ensure our series are stationary, and Table 1
presents the results of our unit-root/stationarity tests. All three of
our main variables are found to be nonstationary in their levels form in
both tests (ADF and KPSS), so all three are then converted to annual
change versions (first differenced), and the resulting series are all
stationary in both tests (ADF and KPSS). We therefore employ these
first-differenced versions of our variables in our Granger-Sims
causality tests.
With our transformed series, we perform tire
vector-auto-regression-based systems estimation to test the direction of
causality, and our results are presented in Table 2. The upper two rows
of results show the results using total federal expenditures using the
calendar year data, while the lower two rows of results show die results
using the fiscal year data. The tests on the calendar year data indeed
indicate bidirectional Granger causality for total federal spending and
both measures of the value of resources devoted to interest group
activity. This suggests that the theoretical model presented earlier, in
which both have to be in simultaneous equilibrium, is the correct model.
While we believe the BEA data on federal spending by calendar year
matches up with our measures of interest group activity more properly
for a lag-based empirical test, we also perform our analysis on fiscal
year spending data to check for robustness. The results using the fiscal
year data (which, for the federal government, runs from October 1 of the
previous year to September 30 of the year indicated by the fiscal year)
is presented in the final two rows of Table 2. Using lobbying spending
the model again supports bidirectional causality, but using the payroll
of political organizations, one of the test statistics falls just short
of the 10 percent normal threshold. Taken at face value, the final row
of results indicate only one-way Granger causality running from
government spending to interest group activity (supportive of the
rent-seeking model but not the interest group model of government),
however, the significance level of the one that is not significant at
traditional levels is 10.7 percent, just slightly higher than the 10
percent normal threshold, suggesting the relationship is extremely close
to bidirectional causality.
Thus, in three of the four models our data confirm the idea of
bidirectional causality between government spending and interest group
activity. Given the limited historical data available, however, which
makes our sample size smaller than desired, the model does converge and
estimate efficiently. We do hope future research will one day take
advantage of the longer time series of data then available to confirm
our results.
The interest group theory of government holds that the activities
of well-organized interest groups produce government spending and
policies. That is, government action is a result, or product, of
interest group activity. The separate, but related, literature on rent
seeking, to the contrary, stipulates that when government
"rents" are available, interest group activity rises to
dissipate, or compete over, these benefits created by government. In
this later view, interest group activity is a causal result of
government action.
Recent years have seen a massive expansion in both federal
government spending and also of interest group activity. Since the
financial crisis the U.S. federal government, through bailout and
stimulus programs such as TARP and ARRA, has made available trillions in
new spending benefitting well-defined interest groups and
constituencies. Office space in Washington, D.C., is now the most
expensive in the nation, and the measured lobbying activities at the
federal level have risen by 25 percent, with some industries such as
finance, insurance, and real estate now spending over $450 million per
year on lobbying (those industries are now represented by approximately
2,500 registered lobbyists). While some accounts of these events blame
the increased lobbying activity on the expansions in government
spending, an equally large number blame the increased government
spending on the rising pressure of interest groups for new spending
programs to aid in tire economic recovery efforts.
Whether interest groups cause government spending, or whether
government spending causes interest group activities, or both are true,
is the central question in this paper. We present both a theoretical and
empirical examination. Our theoretical models begin by graphically
illustrating each of the three alternatives. A unified framework, within
which causality runs in both directions, is best understood in a manner
similar to Buchanan's "Theory of Clubs" model. We then
use the model to illustrate recent events through the recession-induced
reduction in private-sector profitability lowering the opportunity cost
of lobbying, coupled with an increasing productivity of interest groups
in producing government spending with a new Keynesian-themed
"Baptist" cover for their bootlegging-based demands for
government handouts.
We then perform empirical tests of the direction of the causality
that confirm bidirectional causality. Specifically, we use Granger
Causality tests to determine the causal relationships. We employ data on
total federal expenditures and two different measures of interest group
activity, expenditures on lobbying, and the payroll of political
organizations in Washington, D.C., and confirm the presence of a
bidirectional causal relationship. Thus, exogenous changes in government
spending will produce changes in interest group activity, and vice
versa. Government outcomes, and the level of interest group activity are
simultaneously determined in a framework where both sides of the market
must be in the equilibriums postulated by their respective theories (the
interest group theory and the rent seeking theory). These results have
important implications for those who would wish to curb the growth of
government and reduce interest group activity and lobbying. Because of
the bidirectional causality, the level of both activities may be
curtailed by policy changes on either side of the equation. That is,
reforms such as a balanced budget act that curb the growth in government
spending will also reduce interest group activity, and policies that
restrict interest group activity and lobbying (lobbying disclosure
rules, donation limits, etc.) will also curb both interest group
activity and the growth of government spending. Given the limited
historical data available for our tests, however, we hope future
research may employ longer samples to reestimate and confirm our
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(1) Se Ekelund and Tollison (2001) for a comprehensive review of
this literature.
(2) See Marvel (1977); Anderson, Ekelund, and Tollison (1989); and
Ekelund and Tollison (2001).
(3) See Tullock (1980, 1989, 1997, 1998); Tollison (1982); Mateer
and Lawson (1995); Mixon, Laband, and Ekelund (1994); Mixon (1995); and
Sobel and Garrett (2002).
(4) See McChesney (1987), Shleifer and Vishny (1998), and Frye and
Shleifer (1997).
(5) See Clio, Mufson, and Tse (2009); Clabaugh (2010); and Lewis
(6) See, for example, Olson (1965) and Becker (1983).
(7) See Godwin, Lopez, and Seldon (2006) for a review.
(8) While Baumol's original theory focuses on the allocation
of human capital (e.g., entrepreneurial effort) between the sectors,
Hall, Sobel, and Crowley (2010) extend this model to include both human
and physical capital and provide evidence that the logic applies to both
equally. We therefore treat the capital stock generally in the figures,
and conjecture that both human and physical capital are shifted between
the sectors in the general manor shown.
(9) For a full listing of the differences, see U.S. Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 3.18B: "Relation of
Federal Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National
Income and Product Accounts to the Budget, Fiscal Years and
Quarters." Available at
Russell S. Sobel is Professor of Economics and Entrepreneurship at
The Citadel, and J. R. Clark is Professor of Economics at the University
of Tennessee at Chattanooga where he holds the Probasco Chair of Free
Variable ADF KPSS Result
Variables in Levels
Real Federal 1.00 0.96 *** Nonstationary
Real Lobbying -0.93 0.55 ** Nonstationary
Real Payroll of Political -0.31 0.54 ** Nonstationary
Organizations in
Washington, D.C.
Variables in First-Difference
(Change) Form
Change in Real -3.71 *** 0.18 Stationary
Change in Real -3.45 *** 0.17 Stationary
Lobbying Spending
Change in Real -2.79 ** 0.10 Stationary
Payroll of Political
Organizations in
Washington, D.C.
Notes: ADF is the augmented Dickey-Fuller [chi square] test;
KPSS is the Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt, and Schin (1992)
test. The null hypothesis for tire ADF test is
nonstationarity (unit root), while the null hypothesis for
the KPSS test is stationarity (no unit root). All tests
include a constant, and lag length determined by BIC.
Statistical significance as follows: * = 10 percent, ** = 5
percent, and *** = 1 percent.
[H.sub.o]: Interest Group
Government Activity
Spending Does
Does Not Cause Not Cause
Interest Government
GroupActivity Spending
Variable (F-statistic) (F-statistic) BIC Lags
Measure: Total Federal Expenditures
(Calendar Year)
Real Lobbying 12.57 *** 3.43 * 24.31 2
Real Payroll of 4.75 * 4.92 * 22.54 1
Organizations in
Washington, D.C.
Measure: Total Federal Expenditures
(Fiscal Year)
Real Lobbying 6.49 ** 6.21 ** 24.76 2
Real Payroll of 7.41 ** 3.29 23.49 1
Organizations in
Washington, D.C.
Variable Result
Real Lobbying Bidirectional Granger
Spending Causality
Real Payroll of Bidirectional Granger
Political Causality
Organizations in
Washington, D.C.
Real Lobbying Bidirectional Granger
Spending Causality
Real Payroll of Government Spending
Political Granger-causes Interests
Organizations in Groups (one way)
Washington, D.C. [The significance level of
the other was 10.7% for
bidirectional causality.]
NOTES: All variables in first-difference (change) form for
stationarity per unit root tests. The null hypothesis for
the tests is NON-causality; therefore, significant test
statistics imply there is causality. All tests include a
constant, and lag length determined by BIC. Statistical
significance as follows: * = 10%, ** = 5%, and *** = 1%.