U.S. immigration policy in the 21st century: a market-based approach.
Hall, Joshua C. ; VanMetre, Benjamin J. ; Vedder, Richard K. 等
On most issues of public policy one can predict the position that
individuals will take based on their ideological orientation.
Immigration policy, however, is one topic where ideological perspective
is historically useless in predicting individual positions. The decision
of whether or not to liberalize immigration policy or to place greater
restrictions on it is something that creates a divide not only between
political parties but also within the parties themselves. Peter Brimelow
(1999) is one prominent voice from the right who believes that the
current immigration policies not only second-guess the American people
but threaten the American nation. Brimelow is a strong supporter of
placing restrictions on immigration at levels that are much lower than
those that currently exist. A similar position is taken by the
libertarian political philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Specifically,
Hoppe (1998) argues that the United States will continue to suffer until
policies are implemented that subject all migration to the condition of
legally binding contractual invitations between the private domestic
persons and the arriving immigrants.
Yet other important voices on the right have supported past efforts
to liberalize government restrictions on immigration, including former
House Majority Leader Dick Armey and former Energy Secretary Spencer
Abraham (Mehlman 2000). These liberalization efforts stem from the
argument that markets work as efficiently in the area of human mobility
as they do in other forms of economic activity. Additionally, important
voices from the libertarian movement, Walter Block in particular,
support liberalized immigration policy by defending the argument that
"like tariffs and exchange controls, migration barriers of whatever
type are egregious violations of laissez-faire capitalism" (Block
1998: 168).
Liberals have also found themselves divided on issues surrounding
immigration. Labor unions and their leaders have historically opposed
immigration, although this view is beginning to change as they are
realizing that the number of immigrant union members has been rapidly
increasing (Migration Policy Institute 2004). Also, the increasing
dominance of public sector unions in the labor movement has reduced the
influence of private sector unions, which have historically opposed
immigration (see Norcross 2011 for more on the distinction between
public and private sector unions). But as the anti-globalization
movement has shown, many on the left favor reductions in the
international movement of not only goods, services, and capital but
human labor as well (Bhagwati 2004). However, there are others on the
left such as the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, who have generally favored
efforts to expand immigration to the United States (Kiely 2009).
When examining these various views on immigration it's
important not to fall subject to the all too common misperception that
one's immigrant status dictates one's position in the debate,
viewing immigrants as pro-immigration and nonimmigrants as
anti-immigration. This is dearly not the ease as Brimelow (1999), Hoppe
(1998) and Borjas (1999) are some of the most prominent skeptics of
immigration and are immigrants themselves--anti-immigrant immigrants. In
fact, the anti-immigrant immigrant is not a new phenomenon. It stems
from the growing instinct for individuals to think that their generation
is the Great Generation and that those who follow are somehow inferior.
So it goes with immigration. One can speculate that the individuals who
arrived on the Mayflower lamented newcomers arriving to Massachusetts on
subsequent boats in the 1620s as lacking the motivation, the ingenuity,
or some other positive attribute allegedly possessed in abundance by
those arriving earlier.
In the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin lamented the allegedly
deleterious effects of new German arrivals to Philadelphia by
disparagingly speaking of how Pennsylvania was being
In the mid-19th century, the great American inventor Samuel F. B.
Morse denounced new arrivals from Ireland and spoke of the dangers to
America arising from the Roman Catholic faith of the newcomers. A
half-century later, Woodrow Wilson pronounced that new arrivals from
Italy and eastern Europe were of an inferior stock compared with those
coming earlier from the northwestern part of the same continent. So it
is not surprising when Borjas (1999) and Brimelow (1999) lament the
arrivals to America after 1965 as inferior to those coming in the 1950s
or early 1960s. The question that ultimately arises then is, if
conventional political ideology does not explain differences in opinion
on immigration then what does? The next section of this article will
begin to answer that question by examining the more prominent
perspectives on immigration.
Differing Perspectives on Immigration
Long Run vs. Short Run
The prominent English economist John Maynard Keynes (1923: 65) once
argued that "'in the long run, we are all dead." He
thought the long run was irrelevant. Yet that is clearly not the case
for people interested in their living standards 10, 20, or 30 years from
now or those interested in the lives of their children or grandchildren.
Many individuals who oppose immigration are concerned with the adverse
consequences that immigration has on life today. One argument consistent
with this short-run opposition can be found in the complaint that
foreigners enter the country with fewer skills on average than
native-born workers (Brimelow 1995). Immigration thus, according to this
argument, lowers the average skill level in the American work place,
which causes a decrease in the per capita human capital stock.
An additional short-run complaint is that immigration tends to
lower wages for native-born Americans in occupations where immigrants
are more prevalent. The arrival of huge numbers of immigrants has
provided Washington and New York, for example, with an abundant stock of
potential taxi drivers, which may have lowered wages or job
opportunities for native-born Americans with similar vocational
interests. However, the jury is still out on the existence of a wage
effect caused by immigration. Borjas (2003) finds evidence that the wage
impact of immigration differs dramatically across education groups,
decreasing wages by 8.9 percent for high-school dropouts, by 4.9 percent
for college graduates, and by 2.6 percent for high-school graduates.
Peri (2007), on the other hand, finds evidence that not only are
immigrants imperfect substitutes for natives with similar education but
they also stimulate the demand for and wages of most U.S. native
workers. Additionally, Simon (1995) argues that while immigration has a
negative effect on wages for some groups, it has positive effect for
others and the overall effects are small.
Those favoring immigration, on the other hand, usually have
arguments that focus on the potential long-run benefits. In general,
these proponents concede that immigration can have some short-run
adverse consequences on native-born Americans but argue that immigrants
make America a better and more prosperous place in the long run.
Specifically, they believe that in the long run immigration attracts new
investment and promotes entrepreneurial initiative. For example, Cowen
(2010) argues that immigration, skilled and unskilled, not only creates
more jobs in the long run but it also increases tax revenues and
improves our nation's business environment. Additionally, it has
been argued that immigration makes the American labor market more
competitive, thus enhancing its overall efficiency (Lehman 1995).
The education system in the United States is another common
component of the long-run pro-immigration argument. As Crovitz (2009)
points out, immigrants are awarded about 60 percent of the advanced
degrees in engineering in the United States. This fact seemingly shows
that immigrants are filling occupational voids left by deficiencies in
America's education system. Therefore, it is no surprise that
companies including Yahoo, eBay, and Google were founded or co-founded
by immigrants or that roughly 50 percent of the new business start-ups
in Silicon Valley are founded by immigrants (Crovitz 2009: 13).
Melting Pot vs. Multiculturalism
The national motto of the United States is "E Pluribus
Unum"--out of many, one. Our nation has historically delighted in
its ability to take individuals from different nations and cultures and
meld them into American society. We have turned Italians into Americans,
Chinese into Americans, Somalians into Americans, and so forth, for
hundreds of years. The nation as a vast melting pot is one of the
leading themes of American exceptionalism.
The assimilation of foreigners into a broad American culture has
been one of the enduring dramas of American history. Those supporting
immigration delight in this, and use it to demonstrate that our nation
is not threatened by newcomers who look different, who speak different
languages, or have different religions. Yet in the past generation there
has been a rise in multiculturalism and it has become politically
correct to celebrate diversity, to promote differences in cultures and
attempt to preserve them. Of particular interest with respect to
immigration is the attempt to promote bilingual education, promoting the
notion that immigrants and their children can and should maintain their
ancestral language identity. In fact, there is some evidence that a
greater knowledge of ancestral language can help maintain and reinforce
ethnic identity (Phinney et al. 2001).
Multicultural policies designed to slow down economic and cultural
assimilation, however, have the potential to reduce the willingness of
the nation to absorb new immigrants. Thus, while most advocates of
multiculturalism would consider themselves pro-immigration, in reality
the policies that they promote can actually work to increase legal
restrictions on immigration in the United States. For example, it is
clear that knowledge of the English language is a critical determinant
of income, where wages are much higher for persons who know English
(Chiswick 2009, Chiswick and Miller 2010).
Celebrating diversity, however, is different than fostering ethnic
concentration, something that has also been increasing during recent
years. Cutler, Glaeser, and Vigdor (2005) show that immigrant isolation
was relatively high at the beginning of the 20th century, it began to
decline after 1920 and has been steadily increasing again since 1960.
Disparities in economic class and accessibility to transportation and
employment are two important determinants of this increasing ethnic
concentration. Moreover, immigrants from countries where the predominant
language is more linguistically similar to English tend to be less
concentrated (Cutler, Glaeser, and Vigdor 2005). Interestingly, in
addition to this evidence, LaFountain and Johnson (2008) find evidence
suggesting that foreign-born voters who immigrated most recently are
less likely to vote than those who arrived in earlier cohorts and thus
conclude that the foreign-born population is increasingly not
represented in the U.S. democracy.
Local vs. Global
One of the most universally accepted doctrines in the field of
economics was originally developed by David Ricardo (1817) and
eventually became known as the theory of comparative advantage. The
theory in its most basic sense is the idea that everyone benefits from
trade and that the trading of goods and services enlarges the
world's output and income. Because immigration is a form of
resource movement, the theory of comparative advantage would imply that
immigration also makes both the immigrant and most natives better off.
Some empirical evidence supports this idea by showing that immigrants
specialize in manual tasks whereas native-born workers respond to
immigration by specializing in interactive tasks such as coordinating,
organizing, and communicating (Peri and Sparber 2007). In other words,
because native-born workers have a better understanding of local
networks, rules, customs, and language they respond to immigration by
taking on jobs in which they can work to their comparative advantage by
utilizing this local understanding. As Powell (2010) writes, "Free
trade in labor, like trade in goods and services, frees existing
Americans to do what's in their comparative advantage."
Another way to understand the benefits of freer labor mobility can
be seen in the following example: An engineer working in Bangladesh
currently adds $5,000 to the value of the world's output but has
the potential to add $50,000 if she were to move to California, in part
because in California she will have greater access to capital. Allowing
the engineer to move from Bangladesh to California enhances the
world's output potentially by tens of thousands of dollars.
Moreover, by reducing the labor supply in Bangladesh the emigration of
workers from that country might raise the capital-to-labor ratio, which
in the long run will increase income for citizens remaining there.
Arguing for the possibility of immigration being a positive sum
game, however, does not mean that there are zero costs associated with
immigration. It is clear that immigration does pose some costs on the
nation the migrants are moving to. Those who think locally, in terms of
their nation without regard to other countries, may tend to be more
skeptical about the benefits of immigration compared with those who put
value on raising living standards of individuals who were born outside
the United States. Therefore, the end value reached when calculating the
net costs or benefits of immigration is a function of, among other
things, the value one places on the local effects versus the global
Output Growth vs. Income Distribution
The idea that immigration increases national output is a generally
accepted concept in the immigration literature. Borjas (2008) estimates
that the net benefits of immigration are roughly $22 billion annually,
but then he argues that this number is relatively small and further
points out that the net benefits are offset by the resulting undesirable
income redistribution. Specifically, Borjas (2008: 258) argues that
immigration induces "a sizeable redistribution of wealth--away from
competing workers and toward Americans who hire or use
immigrant-provided services." Therefore, the objection to
immigration in this argument is not based on the grounds that
immigration would harm the standard of living of Americans in the long
run but rather that it results in a detrimental effect on income
distribution. This distributional argument, however, is pointing to a
short-run problem. The opposing long-run argument that could be made
lies in the idea that in the long run the adverse income distributional
effects of international population movements may be offset by higher
levels of labor market efficiency and productivity.
The positions for and against immigration discussed thus far are
relatively mainstream. Before moving to the next section we will briefly
discuss three additional components that are less frequently examined
but do have an effect on immigration positions--morals, security, and
timing. It is clear that opponents and proponents of immigration make
arguments based on moral grounds. As Hoppe (2002: 91) writes, "The
opposition against current immigration policies is ultimately
independent of whether immigration will make per capita GDP (or similar
statistically measures) rise or fall. It is a matter of justice: right
or wrong." Some believe the United States has a moral obligation to
open its doors to the downtrodden, viewing immigration as another way of
helping the oppressed. This argument is often based on the idea that the
United States has always been a land of opportunity and that because
earlier generations allowed our families to immigrate to the United
States we should do the same to other prospective Americans. Brimelow
(1992: 33) believes that there is no merit in the "nation of
immigrants" argument because "all nations are nations of
immigrants" but "the process is usually so slow and historic
that people overlook it."
There are also groups that oppose immigration on national security
grounds. Specifically, the 9/11 attacks led to greater suspicion of
foreigners and a feeling that the nation needs to be a little less open
to newcomers. The importance of security is something that can generally
be agreed upon between proponents and opponents of immigration.
Individuals from both perspectives have historically favored keeping
immigrants out who would endanger the population through the spread of
disease or by criminal activity, and the recent increases in
international terrorism have heightens these concerns.
Timing is another aspect that often impacts views on immigration,
particularly during recessions, wartime, and periods of high rates of
immigration. When the economy is in a recession or a depression
immigrants appear to be a greater economic threat. Although the irony of
this is that the number of immigrant arrivals tends to automatically
fall during such periods. More specifically, there is evidence that
immigration is sensitive to the business cycle where economic expansions
boost inflows and vice versa for recessions and depressions (Pew
Research Center 2011). Also, during wartime the nation is seemingly less
sympathetic to immigration than otherwise. Tiffs can be seen in the
increased immigration restrictions enacted during and shortly after
World War I. Finally, when immigrant flows begin growing at a faster
pace, concerns about the impact of immigration on both the culture and
the assimilative capacity of the economy grow as well. This can be seen
in events throughout the mid-19th and early 20th century.
The remainder of this article (1) examines a series of facts that
are important for setting the stage for an analysis on immigration
policy, (2) describes existing immigration policy, (3) presents an
approach to deal with problems that exist in the current immigration
policy, and (4) suggests a new approach to immigration law.
Some Stylized Facts about American Immigration
Starting with the basic numbers on immigration, more than 76
million legal immigrants have moved to the United States since 1820--a
number that slightly greater than what the entire United States
population was ill 1900. During the 1800s an average of roughly 230,000
legal immigrants moved to the United States each year. During the 1900s
these numbers increased to roughly 460,000 annually, and during the most
recent decade an average of just over 1,000,000 legal immigrants have
entered the country each year. The following chart presents these data,
showing the total number of legal immigrants coming to the Unites States
each decade since 1820 (DHS 2011).
These numbers are somewhat imprecise. When considering total
unmigration to the United States we should also consider the sizeable
flows of illegal immigrants that enter the country, which are, by
definition, difficult to measure. However, according to the Department
of Homeland Security (2010), there were 10.8 million unauthorized
immigrants living in the United States in January 2010. Roughly 80
percent of the illegal immigrants are from the North American region
including Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. Some of
file other leading regions of illegal immigrant origin include Asia and
South America.
In order to gain a better grasp on the number of immigrants moving
to the United States each year it's important to consider the
numbers today relative to what they were a century ago. For example,
immigrant flows in an absolute sense are somewhat larger than they were
100 years ago in the early 20th century. About 8.9. million immigrants
entered the country during the first decade of the 20th century and
about 10.2 million immigrants entered the country during the first
decade of the 21st century. In another sense, however, they are much
smaller. Using population data from the Census Bureau and immigration
data from the Department of Homeland Security, it can be seen that
during the first decade of the 20th century there were an average of
about of about 10 immigrants per 1,000 people entering the United States
annually. Whereas during the first decade of the 21st century this
number was just over 3 immigrants per 1,000 people annually. Moreover,
immigrant flows in the United States are lower relative to population
when compared to many smaller countries and areas such as Israel or Hong
Kong. Immigration levels are also somewhat lower than those in larger
nations as well, including neighboring Canada.
One of many characteristics of arriving immigrants that is often
discussed in the literature is the entering wage of recent immigrants to
the United States. In a seminal paper, Chiswick (1978) found using a
cross-sectional analysis that immigrants typically have lower wages
compared to similar native-born Americans but have rapid gains in income
after their arrival, and after 10 to 15 years immigrant earnings tend to
equal those of native-born Americans. This pattern has generally held up
over time as a recent survey article by Freeman (2006: 153) states that
"U.S. data show that immigrants earn less than the native-born
overall and less than the native-born with the same years of schooling,
but that these differences decline over time." In related research,
Borjas (1985) found that more recent immigrants were earning less than
earlier cohorts of immigrants, which suggested that the quality of
recent immigrant might have declined. More recently, however, Borjas and
Friedberg (2009) find that this decline has reversed and that new
immigrants are doing as well compared to natives as they had two decades
earlier. In addition, while not looking just at new immigrants, recent
data from the Current Population Survey shows that the share of
immigrants with a college degree has risen considerably since 1980 (Hall
et al. 2011).
The findings on immigrant wealth are similarly debated in the
literature. Some evidence shows that immigrant status promotes wealth
accumulation. When controlling for age at arrival and the length of
residence in the United States, the age-wealth profiles of immigrants
have been found to exceed those of natives 24 years after their arrival
(Hao 2001). Conversely, other evidence suggests that immigrants, on
average, accumulate less wealth than comparable natives and further that
natives tend to carry more precautionary savings than comparable
immigrants (Amuedo-Dorantes and Pozo 2002).
In regard to educational attainment, there are seemingly
significant variations in accomplishments between immigrant groups. In
general, immigrants from countries with higher educational levels,
ceteris paribus, achieve higher levels of educational attainment in the
United States (Cohen, Zach, and Chiswick 1997). More specifically, Asian
immigrants have a schooling level greater than that of the native-born;
European and Canadian immigrants have a schooling level similar to the
native-born; and Central and South American immigrants have a lower
level of schooling, with immigrants from Mexico having the lowest level.
Moreover, it seems that enrollment rates among immigrant children vary
by country of origin, but are higher among those who are younger at the
time of their migration and higher among families with higher incomes
(Cohen, Zach, and Chiswick 1997).
There also exists a notable difference in the distribution of
skills among immigrants and the native-born population. When considering
the total number of working-age natives in 2010, roughly 8 percent were
low-skilled workers, 60 percent were middle-skilled workers, and 32
percent were highly skilled workers. Conversely, when considering the
total number of working age immigrants in 2010, 30 percent were
low-skilled, 42 percent middle-skilled, and 28 percent were highly
skilled (Hall et al. 2011). Therefore, natives tend to be on the middle-
to high-skilled end of the distribution whereas immigrants tend to be on
the low- to middle-skilled end of the distribution but also have a
significant portion of high-skilled workers.
Another difference between natives and immigrants is their use of
the welfare system. In 1970, 5.9 percent of immigrant households
received cash benefits from public assistances whereas this number was 6
percent for native households and thus natives were slightly more likely
to receive public assistance (Borjas 2008: 255). By 2002 this
relationship was the opposite, with 22.7 percent of immigrant households
receiving some type of welfare versus 14.6 percent of native households
(Borjas 2008). These differences are not terribly large and, excluding
refugees, the differentials between immigrants and native-born are
small. However, the welfare problem and the immigration problem are two
distinct problems in the United States, and as Block (1998) points out,
the argument that immigrants will avail themselves of our generous
welfare system is a quarrel not with immigration but with the welfare
The last item of importance in this section is the fact that
immigrants respond to economic stimuli when making their migration
decisions. The primary motive for coming to the United States is
economic: having a higher standard of living. As Mansoor and Quillin
(2006: 75) wrote, "Migration is driven by perceived differences in
the utility of living or working in two geographical locations."
Immigration tends to be greater when economic growth is higher in the
United States or when economic conditions are bad in countries of
immigrant origin. Immigrants also tend to go to those parts of the
United States where economic opportunities are the greatest, where wages
are high and jobs are relatively plentiful. Although wages and job
opportunities are significant determinants of migration, they do not
explain the entire story. Other important pull factors of migration
include political stability, family reunification, and general rule of
law whereas significant push factors include conflict, corruption, poor
governance, and high fertility rates (Mansoor and Quillin 2006).
Immigration Policy: Past and Present
The first move towards immigration policy was in 1790 when the U.S.
congress established a simple system that enabled foreign-born people to
become U.S. citizens. During the following century immigration remained
largely unregulated as there were neither ceilings nor screening
restrictions on numbers or types of people entering the country (Briggs
1996). Unregulated immigration was consistent with the nation's
labor market during this time as the nation was undergoing a massive
geographic expansion and there was an abundance of land and resources
for a relatively small population.
During the late 1800s, however, the number of immigrants entering
the country was rapidly rising and thus discussions on immigration
restrictions became increasingly popular. The first qualitative
restriction placed on immigration was signed into law in 1875 and
prohibited the admission of criminals and prostitutes (CBO 2006). In
1882 Congress passed a more serious immigration reform titled the
Chinese Exclusion Act which virtually barred all Chinese laborers from
entering into the United States for 10 years (Calavita 2000). Shortly
after, in 1891, Congress established the Immigration Service and it was
officially decided that the federal government would thereafter be
responsible for processing all immigrants seeking admission to the
United States.
It was not until the 1920s, however, that large-scale legislative
enactments focused on restricting immigration to the United States.
Specifically, Congress established the Quota Law in 1921, which
restricted immigration by assigning each nationality a specific quota
based on representation in past census figures (CBO 2006). The National
Origins Act was then established in 1924 which imposed the first
permanent legislative ceiling on immigration and included an ethnic
screening system that favored immigrants from northern and western
European countries (Briggs 1996). The legislative acts of the early
1920s coupled with taxes established on immigrants arriving and various
literacy and screening tests ultimately led to a significant reduction
in mass migration for the next 50 years.
In the mid-1960s the phenomenon of mass migration was reborn. As
Briggs (1996) points out, having just enacted the Civil Rights Act of
1964, the next logical step was to move to end discrimination towards
the international community. The effort in doing so came in the form of
the Immigration Act of 1965. In general this act liberalized immigration
flows, reduced the discriminatory nature of immigration quotas, and made
it relatively easy to come to the United States if you already had close
relatives who were citizens or permanent residents. Moreover, prior to
1965 human resource concerns were the major focus of immigration policy
but the Immigration Act of 1965 gave the notion of "family
reunification" the highest priority (Briggs 1996). The policies
established in 1965 are still largely in place but have changed via
various amendments including, among others, the combination of numerical
restrictions on immigration from the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
into a single ceiling of 290,000 in 1976. In 1990 a category based on
diversity was added to the law and the worldwide immigration cap was
raised to a "flexible" 675,000, and the cap was raised again
in 2007 to 725,000 (CBO 2006).
Immigration reform that took place in the 1980s largely focused on
refugees and illegal immigration. Specifically, the Refugee Act of 1980
created a policy that gave the president the authority to determine the
number of refugees that would be admitted annually. Additionally, the
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was the first significant
attempt to address the issue of illegal immigration, creating an amnesty
program for 2.7 million seasonal agricultural workers and other people
residing in the country illegally. More recently, attempts to deal with
the problem of illegal immigration became a larger focus of immigration
policy with the Illegal Immigration and Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act of 1996, which increased the number of Border Patrol
agents, introduced new border control measures and reduced government
benefits available to immigrants (CBO 2006).
A Modest Proposal: A Market-Based Approach to Immigration
The movement of goods, services, capital, resources, and ideas is
essential to the economic modernization of our country and of the rest
of the world. Markets work to reallocate resources where they are most
productive, and immigration is an essential element in that market
process. However, instead of allowing markets to work, the current
bureaucratic mess that we call immigration policy has created systemic
inefficiencies. Many potential future citizens spend thousands of
dollars on immigration lawyers to try to navigate their way through the
Byzantine bureaucracy that governs entry into this country, a great
waste of resources. Moreover, the high demand to move to the United
States demonstrates to the world America's attraction and the human
preference for freedom based on market activity as opposed to oppression
under authoritarian government.
As has been shown in this article, for every pro-immigration
argument there is an opposing anti-immigration argument and thus it is
unlikely that there will be an immigration policy that everyone will
agree on. It is possible, however, to devise an immigration policy that
would appeal both to those supporting more immigrants and to those who
complain about the character of immigration after 1965. It is a policy
that would increase the economic benefits derived from immigration,
reduce the administrative costs of allocating immigrant slots
substantially, and dramatically improve public attitudes towards it. It
is a market-based approach to immigration first suggested by Nobel
laureate economist Gary Beeker (Beeker and Beeker 1997). Markets
determine the amount of oranges we eat, the price and number of BMWs we
drive, and the amount of capital that we import or export from or to
other countries. Why can't markets determine who comes to this
country, rather than Washington bureaucrats?
This proposal for a market-based approach to immigration has
several components but consists largely of creating an international
market for visas. To start, each business day of the year 5,000 visas
for entry to the United States would be sold in a NASDAQ-style
marketplace by the federal government and each immigrant would need a
visa to enter the country. There would also be a limited number of
visas, maybe 100,000 annually, provided free by the federal government
to refugees fleeing political, religious, or other persecution as is
done under current law.
This market-based approach to immigration would provide a
significant stream of new revenue for the United States, and there are
various ways in which the funds from visa sales could be distributed.
One possibility is that they would be rebated to the taxpaying public.
For example, if 1,250,000 visas (roughly 5,000 every business day) were
sold annually at an average price of $12,000, the federal government
would receive $15 billion in revenue. That is equal to about one percent
of individual income tax revenues and thus each taxpayer would get an
"immigration rebate" equal to one percent. Or a possibility
that those on the left would more likely favor would be to simply give a
flat amount to each person sending in a tax return.
Another possibility would be to allocate part of the funds to
enforcing immigration laws. This could potentially reduce the problems
that stem from illegal immigration and would probably win the support of
those opposing immigration. Alternatively or additionally, a portion of
the funds could go towards fighting the war on terrorism. In a political
sense, the $15 billion can be used to distribute income to those
individuals who otherwise would be indifferent or hostile to
Such a policy would achieve several desired objectives. For those
wanting to move to the United States, they could avoid virtually all the
waits, the hassles, the hiring of immigration lawyers, the trips to INS
offices and consular sections of embassies. The dreaded battle to get a
green card would end. The notion that immigrants are a burden will be
partly dispelled if they are paying an entry tax of thousands of
dollars. The most skilled, productive persons will be the ones who will
gain entry as they will more likely have the money or will have
employers willing to pay for their entry. Immigration will move towards
more skilled and educated persons, who are also individuals who are more
likely to work. Family members who enter can still bring in their
brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers--but at a price. (For those
concerned about national security, there is nothing in this proposal
that prevents the current background and security measures undertaken by
the U.S. Department of State from continuing.)
It is probable that the number of legal immigrants coming to the
United States each year would increase. We will open our doors to more,
get far more needed scientists and engineers to aid our high-tech
sectors, and do more to reallocate human resources around the world. We
also will get an interesting measure of the attractiveness of America.
For example, if visa prices double in a year it would suggest that
foreign perceptions of America as a land of opportunity are improving,
while a fall in prices would mean the reverse. Reporters may announce
things such as "visas were down sharply in response to the
terrorist attack."
If Silicon Valley needs personnel, it can buy the necessary visas.
If the Cleveland Clinic wants a cardiologist from Malaysia, it can buy a
specific visa to hire her. We will see a surge in new human capital into
this country. It is also likely that we would see a decline in
unskilled, uneducated workers, and a rise in professional, managerial,
and technical workers. There may also be a decline in migration from
Latin America and an increase in migration from Asia and possibly
Some might complain that we are putting a price tag on citizenship,
but citizenship has always involved a financial investment, including
the cost of moving and the funds needed to hire immigration lawyers.
Moreover, we would be replacing the assessments of bureaucrats with the
highly efficient invisible hand of the market. If the market-based
system leads to relatively few immigrants from areas such as Africa or
Mexico then charitable foundations could provide the equivalent of
college scholarships to allow them in if they feel that it's
This system is not perfect but is superior to a popular alternative
approach of replicating the Canadian system. The Canadians give points
to each applicant for various characteristics--age, education, previous
work history, and the like. The immigrants with the most points get
visas. But bureaucrats arbitrarily decide how many points to give to
each attribute and do not have the discretion to make modifications for
factors difficult to quantify. A college degree in engineering from MIT
held by an immigrant applicant is far more valuable in the marketplace
than a degree in Middle Eastern history from a marginal-quality
university in a developing country but the point system typically makes
no distinction. Employers will pay to buy the MIT engineer because he or
she is readily employable while even Harvard history PhDs have a hard
time getting a job in America. The market can handle these occupational
nuances in a way that bureaucrats cannot.
America is indeed a nation of immigrants. Immigration has made
America, and a compelling case can be made to let it continue at a
relatively high level. The United States is the light of the world, a
beacon of freedom and opportunity. Immigration is both a cause and a
consequence of this reality. It is obvious that high volumes of
immigration can lead to cultural clashes and can challenge our
infrastructure. Thus realistically the body politic will insist that
limits be placed on it. Let's allocate access to our great country
on the basis of supply and demand, reflecting the intensity of
preferences of immigrants themselves and potential employers, rather
than on a political process that is simply not as good as the market in
allocating resources.
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Joshua C. Hall is Professor of Economics at Beloit College,
Benjamin J. VanMetre is a Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason
University, and Richard K. Vedder is Professor of Economics at Ohio