Why some states fail: the role of culture.
Shikida, Claudio D. ; de Araujo, Ari Francisco, Jr. ; SantAnna, Pedro H.C. 等
There are many studies on the relationship between economic
development and institutions. Institutions can be classified as formal
or informal. This article emphasizes the importance of the relationship
between culture (informal institutions) and the quality of public goods
supplied by the government, using a measure of state failure: the Failed
States Index. The results suggest that culture is more important than
formal institutions in explaining differences in the degree to which
states fail.
The Importance of Institutions
In 2008, the World Public Organization (WPO) carried out a poll
indicating a decrease in people's optimism regarding the market and
an increase in their belief in the need for stronger state regulation.
That popular sentiment was widespread across countries, including Latin
America, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, the Philippines, Turkey, and South
Korea (WPO 2008). Do those personal beliefs and values influence
development beyond the traditional variables of Solow's economic
growth model? Are ideas and values important for economic development,
or are they only consequences of it?
In this article, we study the relationship between institutions and
governments. Our objective is to understand the impact of formal and
informal institutions on the quality of states--and thus to better
appreciate how institutions help shape public policies and affect
economic development. We survey the most recent work on the role of
institutions and then present and test our model.
Markets, Culture, and Development
In 1936, Leacock criticized the cultural values that Adam Smith
admired. Having witnessed the Great Depression, Leacock clamored for a
cultural change: Would it not be the time to convince people to alter
their beliefs about the operation of free markets?
In less poetic terms, North (1989), among others, has emphasized
the importance of understanding the influence of formal and informal
institutions on economic development. One of the most important
questions has concerned the role of property rights in the process of
development (de Soto 2000).
Is it possible to distinguish between formal and informal
institutions? The laws of a country can represent the codification of a
significant part of its informal institutions, and, following the
literature, one can label formal institutions as "laws" for
operational purposes. This distinction, however, does not deny the
existence of informal institutions, under the label of
"culture," including people's values, behavioral norms,
and traditions (Williamson and Kerekes 2009), all of which, in many
cases, play an important role in determining market results. (1)
Guiso, Sapienza, and Zingales (2006: 23) define the informal
institutions that embody culture as "those customary beliefs and
values that ethnic, religious, and social groups transmit fairly
unchanged from generation to generation." Boettke, Coyne, and
Leeson (2008: 338) use the Greek term "metis" to convey
Metis is characterized by local knowledge resulting from practical
experience. It includes skills, culture, norms, and conventions,
which are shaped by the experiences of the individual. This concept
applies to both interactions between people (e.g., interpreting the
gestures and actions of others) and the physical environment (e.g.,
learning to ride a bike).
Such definitions suggest that one proxy for informal institutions
may be culture (or metis), translated into some type of value or initial
belief that influences the choice among formal institutions.
Empirically, the impact of formal and informal institutions on economic
development is affected by government quality (La Porta,
Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer 1999, 2008). (2) Guiso, Sapienza, and
Zingales (2006) show that the cultural factor should not be
underestimated: They find that preferences regarding redistributive
policies affect the policies themselves. In other words, public policies
can result from cultural factors. (3)
The literature reviews by Guiso, Sapienza, and Zingales (2006) and
La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (2008) present evidence that
institutions are important for the economy, although it is not possible
to affirm that there is consensus regarding the mechanisms of
transmission of such (formal and informal) institutions to economic
development. This article does not seek to resolve that issue; rather,
we revisit the problem of the influence of institutions on the quality
of governance.
Model and Data
The importance of culture in determining state quality can be
expressed as
(1) [Y.sub.i] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][F.sub.i] +
[[beta].sub.2][I.sub.i] + [summation over (i)] [[delta].sub.i] [X.sub.i]
+ [[epsilon].sub.i]
where Y is the index of state failure, F represents formal
institutions and I informal institutions, X is a vector of control
variables, and [epsilon] is an error term (i.e., "white
Definition of Variables
We now give a detailed explanation of each variable.
The Failed States Index. To operationalize the concept of
"socioeconomic arrangement," we use the 2007 edition of the
Failed States Index, published by the Fund for Peace. The Failed States
Index includes 177 states, and has been published since 2005. Using its
own methodology (the Conflict Assessment System Tool or CAST), the Fund
for Peace examines the social, economic, and political dimensions of a
state by relying on news items. The social dimension is captured by four
indicators, the economic dimension by two, and the social dimension by
six. Values based on an ordinal scale of 0 to 10 are attributed to each
indicator and then aggregated, creating a "tendency index."
That index is used to estimate the risk of occurrence of conflicts in
the country. In other words, the Failed States Index measures the
deterioration (failure) of the capacity of a state or government to
resolve peacefully the problems of a society--that is, to supply basic
public goods such as security and stability for various social groups in
their economic and noneconomic transactions. In the measurement of this
index, states such as Iraq (113.7) and Sudan (111.4) were, in 2007, at
the top of the ranking (most failed states), whereas Finland (18.5) and
Norway (17.1) were, respectively, the 176th and 177th (last ones) of the
list. (4)
Formal Institutions. According to Williamson and Kerekes (2009) and
Glaeser et al. (2004), formal institutions can be defined as the
political constraints to which governments are subject. We use the
measurements collected by Glaeser et al. (2004):
* Judicial Independence is the sum of three variables, measured
about 1995, with regard to the tenure of Supreme Court judges (or judges
on the highest court) of each country, and, for administrative cases,
judges of last instance courts which conterns the existence or not of
ease law. The aggregated variable is normalized, assuming values between
0 and 1, with higher values meaning greater judicial independence. This
variable was originally measured by La Porta et al. (2004).
* Proportional Representation is a dummy variable that takes a
value of 1 when there is a proportional representation system. We use
the average value for 1975-2000. This variable was originally measured
by Beck et al. (2001).
* Constitutional Review is the sum of two variables measured about
1995. One of them concerns the power of judges to review the
constitutionality of the laws of a country; the other concerns how hard
it is to change the constitution in the same country. This sum is
normalized between 0 and 1, with higher values meaning greater power of
constitutional review by the courts. This variable was originally
measured by La Porta et al. (2004).
* Plurality is a dummy variable that takes a value of i when there
is an electoral system that follows a winner-take-all rule: the winner
(by simple or relative majority) controls all the chairs disputed in the
election. We use the average value for 1975-2000. This variable was
originally measured by Beck et al. (2001).
Informal Institutions. The choice of the variables that represent
informal institutions follows Tabellini (2008a) and Williamson and
Kerekes (2009). Such information is obtained from the 1995-1997 and
1999-2000 reports of the World Values Survey. Four aspects of the
culture (or the average belief) of a country are considered: control,
respect, trust, and obedience. Obedience represents the percentage of
people in the sample who mentioned obedience as an important factor in
society. Trust and respect, in a similar fashion, represent positive
answers ("most people can be trusted" and "[most people
show] tolerance and respect towards others") to these values, in
the sample. Finally, control is the unconditional average response to
the question about how much freedom of choice and control people have
over their lives. The variable "culture" is then obtained by
summing the values of control, respect, and trust, and then subtracting
the value of obedience.
In what sense can culture be considered a proxy for liberal
individualism? Initially, let us look at the negative belief
"obedience." Consider the following passage:
One might well ask, if an individual is born with the obligation to
obey, who is born with the right to command? If one wants a coherent
theory of obligations, there must be someone, whether an individual or a
group, with the right to the fulfillment of the obligation. If I am
constituted as a person by my obligation to obey, who is constituted as
a person by the right to obedience? Such a theory of obligation may have
been coherent in an age of God-kings, but it seems rather out of place
in the modern world [Palmer 2008].
Note that it is not about questioning the value of obedience as it
exists, for example, in the form of informal agreements (e.g., family
hierarchy) or formal agreements (e.g., commercial transactions governed
by laws). The anti-individualist aspect of obedience is related to a
culture in which experimentation and criticism are tightly restricted.
In this sense, obedience identifies a conservative characteristic, not a
liberal one (see Hayek 1960: postscript; Postrel 1998: chap. 5).
In contrast, respect, confidence, and control (over one's own
life) are qualities cited as important in the development of exchanges,
be they monetary or otherwise. Normally, discussion of the impact of
those values on society involves the distinction between
"'bonding" (or exclusive) social capital and
"'bridging" (or inclusive) social capital. The former is
the social capital that exists in groups of people who share some type
of similarity, such as families or members of the same religious
community, while the latter occurs in more diverse groups of people,
such as the ones that involve economic exchanges. In a complex society,
respect and confidence are important elements for the effectiveness of
the market mechanism:
The development of bridging social capital ... necessarily involves
a thin set of morals, such as tolerance of others, the observance of
contracts and respect for private property, that can be shared by actors
with otherwise diverse and perhaps even conflicting moral codes
[Meadowcroft and Pennington 2008].
Finally, the variable "control" is one of the most
obvious dimensions of individual freedom. It expresses, according to
Tabellini (2008b), the idea that individual effort is rewarding.
These variables, in the form postulated by Williamson and Kerekes
(2009), would tend to have a negative impact on state failure, because
they would improve the quality of governance in the provision of public
goods and reduce discrimination.
Control Variables. We follow Williamson and Kerekes (2009) in using
the following control variables:
* Gdpgrowth_9000 is real GDP per capita growth, adjusted for
purchasing power parity and measured in U.S. dollars (base year = 2000),
averaged over 1990-2000.
* Yearsschooling_60 is the logarithm of the number of years of
schooling of the population above 25 years of age, measured in 1960.
This variable was obtained from La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer
* Urbanpop_9000 is the percentage of urban population, averaged
over 1990-2000. This variable was obtained from the World Bank's
World Development Indicators (WDI) database.
* Govcons_902000 is real government consumption expenditures,
measured as a percentage of the GDP, averaged over 1990-2000. This
variable was obtained from the World Bank's WDI database.
The Endogeneity Problem
Although there are theoretical arguments for the supposition that
the variables that represent formal and informal institutions are
exogenous, they may be endogenous in our exercise. In this ease, the
correlation between the variables that capture the effect of
institutions on state failure and the errors ([epsilon]) is different
from zero. Acknowledging the possible endogeneity problem (reverse
causality, measurement error, and omitted variables), we applied the
two-stage least squares (2SLS) method with instrumental variables. Thus,
the first-stage equations are:
(2) [I.sub.i] = [[phi].sub.1] + [[phi].sub.2][W.sub.i] + [u.sub.i]
(3) [F.sub.i] = [[psi].sub.1] + [[psi].sub.2][Z.sub.i] + [v.sub.i]
Following Williamson and Kerekes (2009), the origin of the legal
code is the instrument (Z) for formal institutions (F), whereas latitude
is used as an instrument (W) for the informal part of institutions (I),
i.e., culture. It is expected that such instruments are sufficiently
adequate to isolate the channel through which both formal and informal
institutions affect state failure. In other words, for Williamson and
Kerekes (2009), Z and W are correlated with F and I (respectively), but
are not correlated with [epsilon]. (5) Latitude and legal code can be
described as follows:
* LAT_ABST is latitude of the country, measured in absolute value.
The closer to 0 the value is, the closer the country is to the equator.
This variable was obtained from La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer
* LEGOR_UK is a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 if the
country's legal code is of English origin. This variable was
obtained from La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (1999).
Once (2) and (3) are estimated, it is possible to compute the
following second-stage equation:
(4) [Y.sub.i] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1][[??].sub.i] +
[[beta].sub.2][[??].sub.i] + [summation over (i)]
[[delta].sub.i][X.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i]
where the vector X includes the control variables cited earlier.
We performed the Durbin-Wu-Hausman endogeneity test in the
regressions estimated with instrumental variables, as described in
Hayashi (2000). The null hypothesis of the test states that the ordinary
least squares (OLS) estimators of the same equation would generate
consistent results--that is, the endogeneity of the regressors for
formal and informal institutions would not have deleterious effects on
OLS estimates. Therefore, the rejection of the null hypothesis suggests
that the regressors are endogenous, and that instrumental variables
would be the most adequate method. The data have a chi-squared
distribution with m degrees of freedom, where m is the number of
regressors specified as endogenous in the regression with instrumental
In Table 1 we present the results of the simple and multiple
regressions estimated by OLS. We observe, in the simple regressions (1
through 5), that the only variable that is not significant (at the 10
percent level) is constitutional review (negative sign). The parameter
estimated for culture suggests a negative impact, as expected. The
coefficients for judicial independence, proportional representation, and
constitutional review all have the expected negative sign.
In columns 6 through 9 of Table 1 we present the results of the
regressions in which the variable culture is maintained, and the other
variables that represent formal institutions are added one by one. We
observe that, in all cases, only culture has a negative and significant
impact on the Failed States Index--that is, informal institutions
improve the quality of state governance. Our results suggest that the
inclusion of variables that represent formal institutions does not help
explain any additional variation of state failure.
Table 2 (regressions 10 through 13) replicates regressions 6
through 9 with the introduction of traditional control variables. The
results are very robust qualitatively. The variable culture remains
significant (at the 5 percent level) and has the expected negative sign,
whereas the variables that capture the influence of formal institutions
on the Failed States Index do not have levels of significance
statistically higher than the conventional ones. The same result occurs
with the estimated parameters of the control variables urban population
and consumption. The variables schooling and growth are negative and
significant, as expected. Due to the possible presence of endogenous
regressors, such results must be observed with caution, as they may be
As previously described, we used the 2SLS with the endogeneity
test. The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4--univariate
regressions (14 through 16), bivariate regressions (17 and 18), and
regressions with additional controls (19 and 20). It is worth noting
that in only three regressions (all of which lacked controls) the tests
suggest that the regressors are endogenous. In other words, endogeneity
of formal and informal institutions does not present, in a general way,
deleterious effects on OLS estimates. In any case, in the univariate
regressions, the estimated parameter for culture suggests, just as
previously, a negative and significant impact (at the 1 percent level of
significance). The estimated parameters for judicial independence and
proportional representation are not significant.
In the bivariate results, culture (informal institutions) is highly
significant and exerts negative influence on the Failed States Index.
The same result does not occur with formal institutions. After the
inclusion of control variables (Table 4), the results remain the same.
In sum, using either OLS or 2SLS estimates, only culture has a
negative and significant effect on the Failed States Index--that is,
informal institutions appear to prevail over formal institutions in
improving the quality of state governance.
Economic history is the natural laboratory for those who try to
understand the determinants of economic development. The impacts of such
formal and informal incentives are different, and, therefore, the
development policy recommendations, if necessary, are not the same. It
may be more difficult to understand how the cultural aspects of a
society change, and how they influence economic development, than to
study the economic impacts of legal changes in the same society.
In this article, we have sought to investigate the role of formal
and informal institutions on the quality of governance. The results
suggest that informal institutions (culture) are more important than
formal institutions. In other words, a more pro-market culture is one of
the determinants of better governance. That fact can be regarded as
evidence that more open societies tend to produce governments that are
more efficient in the provision of public goods.
There are many aspects to be explored in the analysis of the role
of institutions in human actions, as well as in how such actions are
reflected in economic outcomes. In this sense, the evidence presented in
this article shows that policymakers should pay attention to the impact
of different institutions (mostly to those of informal ones) on state
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(1) Berkowitz, Pistor, and Richard (2003) detail, empirically, the
importance of the way a country adopts a law for its economic
development. Faria (1999) shows that, in a model of constitutional
choice, it is possible to obtain two equilibriums: one that seeks to
restrict political power, the other that seeks to foster civic virtues.
The importance of culture first appeared in the theoretical literature
with game theory (see, for example, Greif 2005). Tabellini (2008b)
offers a theoretical model to explain the importance of cultural values
for economic development.
(2) For a discussion of the determinants of economic development,
and the relevance of formal and informal institutions, see Easterly and
Levine (2003), Pejovich (2003), Acemoglu and Johnson (2005), Dixit
(2007), and Tabellini (2008b).
(3) It is not by chance that modern socialism gives so much
importance to the informal aspect of institutions. Gramsci's ideas
are a good example. See Guido, Sapienza, and Zingales (2006) for a
survey of studies on the relationship between the economy and culture.
(4) Acemoglu, Tiechi, and Vindigini (2007) present a model that
seeks to explain the appearance and persistence of "Inefficient
States." Their operational definition is not the same as for the
Failed States Index, but their theoretical idea is quite similar.
(5) Williamson and Kerekes (2009) cite pertinent literature (for
example, Acemoglu and Johnson 2005 and Easterly and Levine 2003) to
defend latitude and legal code as valid instruments.
Claudio D. Shikida is Associate Professor of Economics at Ibmec
Minas Gerais, Brazil; Ari Francisco Araujo Jr. is Assistant Professor of
Economics at Ibmec Minas Gerais; and Pedro H. C. Sant'Anna is a
candidate for M.A. in Economics at the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid.
The authors thank Peter Boettke and Christopher Coyne for comments on a
previous version of this article. They also thank discussants at the 5th
Seminar of Economics of Belo Horizonte and at the 2008 Economic Freedom
of the World Network Conference.
Dependent Variable: Failed States Index
Univariate Results
(1) (2) (3)
Culture -0.5055 ***
Judicial -20.2176 **
Independence (8.7730)
Proportional -16.6443 ***
Representation (3.6591)
Constant 121.6618 *** 77.0137 *** 78.2252 ***
(7.5891) (6.1533) (2.5471)
[R.sup.2] 0.40 0.05 0.12
Number of
Observations 75 68 149
Dependent Variable: Failed States Index
Univariate Results Bivariate Results
(4) (5) (6)
Culture -0.5235 ***
Judicial -12.3570
Independence (11.2669)
Constitutional -11.6974
Review (13.0903)
Plurality 14.9974 ***
Constant 69.1447 *** 59.1608 *** 132.2264 ***
(8.0628) (3.8091) (10.2474)
[R.sup.2] 0.01 0.08 0.47
Number of
Observations 70 156 47
Dependent Variable: Failed States Index
Bivariate Results
(7) (8) (9)
Culture -0.5187 *** -0.5488 *** -0.5168 ***
(0.0538) (0.0668) (0.0580)
Proportional -8.5620
Representation (6.6692)
Constitutional -15.5072
Review (12.2704)
Plurality 5.3841
Constant 128.5368 *** 135.1527 *** 118.8696 ***
(7.8196) (12.4242) (9.2537)
[R.sup.2] 0.47 0.47 0.45
Number of
Observations 72 47 73
NOTES: Standard error in parentheses. Level of significance: *** at 1
percent, ** at 5 percent, * at 10 percent.
Dependent Variable: Failed
States Index
(10) (11)
Culture -0.2187 ** -0.2363 **
(0.1052) (0.1020)
Judicial Independence 10.3677
Proportional Representation 1.0198
Constitutional Review
GDP Growth Log -510.4539 *** -373.619 *
(183.64) (193.3465)
Schooling in 1960 Log -20.7263 ** -17.6328 ***
(4.3222) (4.3116)
Urban Population 7.8733 -1.4706
(19.3486) (18.9353)
Government Consumption -16.1779 -27.9581
(107.0260) (97.7202)
Constant 103.075 *** 115.6419 ***
(18.9225) (16.3739)
[R.sup.2] 0.71 0.70
Number of Observations 39 43
Dependent Variable: Failed
States Index
(12) (13)
Culture -0.2168 ** -0.2435 **
(0.1016) (0.1004)
Judicial Independence
Proportional Representation
Constitutional Review -8.5649
Plurality -3.8941
GDP Growth Log -433.20 ** -386.84 **
(203.1916) (186.0939)
Schooling in 1960 Log -19.6902 *** -16.8812 ***
(4.7249) (4.1599)
Urban Population 2.6209 -1.9603
(17.1561) (17.6447)
Government Consumption -15.5549 -41.7796
(100.9759) (92.0209)
Constant 117.014 *** 121.423 ***
(14.3204) (14.2025)
[R.sup.2] 0.71 0.70
Number of Observations 39 43
NOTES: Standard error in parentheses. Level of significance: *** at 1
percent, ** at 5 percent, * at 10 percent.
Failed States Index
Univariate Results
(14) (15) (16)
Culture -0.7286 ***
Judicial Independence 17.1493
Proportional Representation -12.4806
Constant 150.0997 *** 49.1434 *** 75.8858 ***
(18.8990) (16.9189) (6.0483)
Endogeneity Test 3.209 4.315 0.225
P-value (Endogeneity Test) 0.0733 0.0378 0.6351
Centered [R.sup.2] 0.32 -0.12 0.11
Number of Observations 75 68 149
Failed States Index
Bivariate Results
(17) (18)
Culture -0.7705 *** -0.7258 ***
(0.1501) (0.1512)
Judicial Independence -7.6022
Proportional Representation 3.7337
Constant 161.0058 *** 145.4589 **
(20.3076) (19.2148)
Endogeneity Test 4.622 2.461
P-value (Endogeneity Test) 0.0992 0.2922
Centered [R.sup.2] 0.37 0.38
Number of Observations 47 72
NOTES: Standard error in parentheses. Level of significance: *** at 1
percent, ** at 5 percent, * at 10 percent.
Instruments: Latitude and English Legal Code.
Dependent Variable:
Failed States Index
(19) (20)
Culture -0.9359 * -0.8663 *
(0.5127) (0.4632)
Judicial Independence -21.9763
Proportional Representation 9.3037
GDP Growth Log -92.207 -202.042
(547.3461) (300.6824)
Schooling in 1960 Log 2.4177 -2.0431
(19.0493) (12.9621)
Urban Population -24.2255 -5.3661
(44.4452) (29.4208)
Government Consumption 197.5567 128.531
(203.1253) (149.3644)
Constant 172.4875 *** 144.8437 ***
(63.8489) (33.8771)
Endogeneity Test 3.640 3.228
P-value (Endogeneity Test) 0.1620 0.1990
Centered [R.sup.2] 0.17 0.36
Number of Observations 39 43
NOTES: Standard ** error in parentheses. Level of significance: *** at
1 percent, ** at 5 percent, * at 10 percent. Instruments: Latitude and
English Legal Code.