Supply: a tale of two bubbles.
Calabria, Mark A.
To the extent that monetary policy influences asset prices, it does
so via the demand for assets, by changing the borrowing costs to
purchase assets, or via supply, where movements in interest rates can
make investment in assets look more or less attractive. Fiscal policy
interventions can also contribute to bubbles by changing the cost of
acquiring specific assets. Most discussions of asset bubbles,
particularly those involving the role of monetary policy, focus on
demand-side factors. This article examines the role of supply-side
factors in the recent booms in the U.S. housing market and dot-com
stocks. The importance of supply constraints in each market is
discussed. Policy implications are then presented.
Why Supply Matters
If interest rates fall as a result of monetary policy, the demand
and supply of assets whose purchase by consumers and production by
producers is largely financed are likely to increase. Changes in
interest rates can also alter the rate at which corporations and
households discount future cash flows. While this simultaneous increase
in both demand and supply will result in an increase in the equilibrium
quantity, the impact on price is indeterminate.
When demand and supply increase in equal proportion, then quantity
expands while price remains constant. One would rarely, if ever,
characterize that situation as an asset bubble. Likewise, when supply
increases more than in proportion to demand, the resulting decrease in
price would not constitute an asset bubble.
Where both short-run and long-run supply are inelastic, a positive
demand shock resulting from monetary policy is likely to permanently
raise asset prices, in the absence of a following negative demand shock
(which itself can be driven by monetary policy).
The remaining possibility is when demand increases more than in
proportion to supply and there is an increase in both price and
quantity. It is this possibility that policymakers need to be most
concerned with, especially in the case where short-run supply is
relatively inelastic and long-run supply is fairly elastic. Such
circumstances can result in large increases in price until sufficient
supply can be produced. Of crucial importance is the transition time
required to move from the short-run to the long-rtm. The longer this
transition time, the further short-run fundamentals can deviate from
long-run equilibrium.
This article avoids the debate over whether bubbles actually occur
or not. The assumption is made that price increases that deviate from
trend and later display some decline in price, but do not appear related
to observable fundamentals, can be characterized as bubbles or booms.
The Housing Bubble
Stanford economist John B. Taylor (2009) has presented the
compelling counterfactual that ff monetary policy had followed a
"Taylor Rule," housing starts would have been significantly
below their actual level. For instance in 2006, at the height of the
housing bubble, Taylor finds an excess of almost 600,000 housing
starts--an almost 40 percent increase in supply, Yet, such a massive
increase occurred in an environment of escalating house prices.
The observed increase in both housing starts and prices suggests
that the increase in demand was significantly greater than the increase
in supply, By October 2010, real housing prices were still above their
pre-bubble level, despite large declines. Previous housing booms and
busts have resembled more the case where new supply ultimately exceeds
the increase in demand. The construction booms in the early and late
1980s, the mid-1960s, the late 1960s, and the early 1970s all ended with
real housing prices falling below or near their pre-bubble lows. The
housing boom of the 1920s, which peaked in 1925, also saw real prices
decline back to levels preceding the boom. (1)
One reason that such a large increase in both prices and supply can
be witnessed simultaneously is that national statistics miss
considerable variation at the state and local level. While construction
activity continued to boom nationally in 2005-06, several states saw
activity peak much earlier. Few states characterize the mortgage crisis
more than California. Yet permitting activity peaked in 2004 in
California, showing declining activity beginning in 2005. The drop in
supply was not in response to prices, as California home prices
continued to climb, in fact accelerating after the peak in permitting
The continued climb in construction activity in 2005-06 was not
driven by those states most associated with the bubble--California,
Florida, and Nevada. Florida, for instance, saw permitting activity
decline almost 30 percent in 2006. Climbing residential construction in
2005-06 was driven by states such as Texas and North Carolina.
In several states, supply became even more inelastic over the
course of the housing bubble. One proxy for the responsiveness of
housing supply is the time required to gain authorization for
construction and the time to completion. Until 2004, in the western
states, the average number of months from when the permit is pulled to
when the home was completed was just over six months. In 2004, the time
to completion rapidly began increasing (Figure 1).
By 2007, time to completion reached an average of almost 9
months--a 50 percent increase over 2004. Unfortunately the Census Bureau
only releases averages and only for broad regions of the country. It is
likely that these increasing averages mask even larger increases in
specific states.
The differences in interstate housing prices and construction
activity cannot be explained solely by national factors. While monetary
policy and federal mandates contributed to the crisis, these factors
were largely uniform across the states. Both Texas and California were
subject to the same monetary policy during the housing boom, yet housing
prices in Texas have not fallen and show little relationship to mortgage
rates. To account for interstate differences, one must look not to
common factors (such as monetary policy) but to the factors that
distinguished the Texas housing market from the California housing
Several scholars have pointed to the role played by artificial
building constraints, particularly zoning and growth-management laws, in
making the short-term supply of housing more inelastic. Randal
O'Toole (2009) identifies 18 states as having had housing bubbles.
All of these states have some form of urban growth management. Among the
remaining states without bubbles, as defined by O'Toole, only one,
Tennessee, has a growth-management law, and its law was enacted
relatively recently and is by most accounts, nonbinding.
As O'Toole (2009) observes, growth controls limited the extent
to which heightened demand could be satisfied through new supply. He
also demonstrates that growth controls not only increase the cost of new
housing, they make each additional unit constructed more expensive than
previous units. The result is that supply becomes more inelastic. A
supply curve that is inelastic also cuts both ways--small increases in
demand can result in large increases in price, but small decreases in
demand can also result in large decreases in price.
Government imposed land-use controls are not the only limitation on
housing supply. Glaeser, Gyourko, and Saiz (2008) examine the role of
natural constraints on housing supply, using estimates of available
developable land, in determining differences in housing prices across
metropolitan areas. They find that during the housing boom of the 1980s
there was no boom in areas of the country with an elastic housing
supply. Examining the recent boom, they find that even areas of the
country they classify as "elastic" witnessed price booms,
albeit smaller than those experienced in markets with inelastic supply.
In examining whether housing supply is elastic or inelastic, some
combination of land-use controls and geography should be considered.
Glaeser, Gyourko, and Saiz (2008) puzzle over the recent housing price
bubbles found in Orlando and Phoenix, yet O'Toole (9.009) notes
that both Florida and Arizona instituted growth-management laws between
the housing boom of the 1980s and the most recent boom.
The preceding analysis has argued that a necessary component for
the recent housing bubble was the relative inelasticity of housing
supply in many states. Comparing states with government imposed growth
restriction to those without, or with significantly softer restrictions,
suggests that these restrictions were significant, if not primary,
contributors to the housing bubble.
The Dot-Com Bubble
Only a few years before the peak of the recent housing boom, the
United States experienced a boom in equities, particularly those
associated with Internet and technology stocks. An examination of the
dot-com boom reveals that supply-side factors were a major contributor
as well.
Beginning in the mid-1990s, the value of Internet stocks, as
measured by Morgan Stanley's list of Internet stocks, showed a
steady, yet volatile, increase. (2) By the fall of 1998, Internet stocks
barely showed any gains over the broader NASDAQ and S&P indexes.
Concurrent with the Federal Reserve's gradual reduction in both the
federal funds and discount rates in the fall of 1998, Internet stocks
began to diverge from the overall market, showing a steep increase.
The weakness in non-Internet stocks, coupled with favorable
borrowing costs, led many public companies to retire or repurchase
stock. Net issuance of corporate equities in 1998 reached a negative
$113 billion. Despite trends in the overall equities market, Internet
companies chose to meet the demand for stocks with new issuance,
particularly in the form of initial public offerings (IPO).
IPOs present a supply response that is different from the issuance
of seasoned stock. Typically in the case of an IPO, somewhere between 15
and 20 percent of the value of the company is initially offered for
sale. The remaining shares of the company are generally allocated to
insiders and are subject to a "lock-up" period, in which those
shares may not be sold to the public. Lock-up periods are generally for
180 days but may run longer (Ofek and Richardson 2000).
Upon the expiration of the lock-up, additional shares, multiples of
the original offering, are added to the supply of available Shares.
Offerings of seasoned companies are generally not followed by a delayed
supply that swamps the offering size. While rational investors should of
course take these delayed supply responses into consideration when
purchasing an IPO, researchers have found that the expiration of lock-up
periods do have significant downward price effects, consistent with an
increase in supply (see Ofek and Richardson 2000).
Given the differing temporal impacts on supply between IPOs and
seasoned offerings, a changing composition of stock offerings can have
price impacts that mirror the behavior of a bubble. Between 1997 and
2000, the dollar share of underwritten corporate equities that were IPOs
almost doubled, increasing from 22 percent to 37 percent. Total
corporate equity underwritten increased by almost 50 percent during this
time, from $153 billion in 1997 to $204 billion in 2000. So during the
years of the dot-com bubble, the United States had both a massive
increase in the value of equities issued and an increasing larger share
of those offerings in the form of IPOs (Ofek and Richardson 2000).
While causality is difficult to establish in this instance, it is
clear that the bursting of the dot-com price bubble occurred immediately
after new Internet stock sales to the public doubled on a monthly basis
near the end of 1999. From November 1999 through February 2000, there
were more new Internet stock sales to the public than the total value of
all IPOs in 1998 (Ofek and Richardson 2000). The end of February 2000
also marked the end of the dot-com bubble.
Putting aside the considerable debate within finance as to the
nature of demand and supply curves for financial assets, a plausible
explanation for the magnitude and timing of the dot-com bubble is the
shift of stock issuance to equities with a large delayed supply response
(IPOs) from equities where the bulk of supply is felt immediately.
Fiscal Policy and Supply Constraints
A number of scholars have pointed to the role played by government
incentives for homeownership in creating the housing crisis (see, for
example, Calomiris 2009 and Ely 2009). Market distortions such as Fannie
Mae, Freddie Mac, the Federal Housing Administration, and the Community
Reinvestment Act all work to mainly increase the demand for
owner-occupied housing. (3) Where these distortions lower the credit
quality of borrowers, they will likely result in increases in
delinquencies and foreclosures (Pinto 2010). While this increase in
credit losses can potentially result in substantial losses and even the
failure of financial institutions, in the absence of supply constraints
such distortions are unlikely to cause a boom and bust in the housing
market. Recall that the price impact of a permanent positive demand
shock is contingent on the elasticity of housing supply.
Had the increase in housing demand resulting from the expansion of
federal involvement in the housing market been offset with increased
supply, the result would have been substantial credit losses, without
large increases and subsequent declines in house prices. The magnitude
of the housing boom and bust suggests that federal efforts to expand
homeownership (increase demand) interacted with local supply constraints
to increase the volatility of house prices. This article argues that a
full understanding of the financial crisis requires a study of both
demand-side and supply-side factors.
Policy Implications
The preceding has argued that prices bubbles are more likely to
occur in the context of inelastic supply or where there are significant
differences between short-run and long-run supply. This implies that
policymakers conducting monetary policy need to be particularly attuned
to the supply behavior of interest-rate sensitive assets. Policymakers
also need to be sensitive to the outsized role that particular segments
can play within the larger asset markets. For instance, the boom and
bust of Internet stocks had significant effects on the economy even
though the Internet sector represented only 6 percent of the market
capitalization of all U.S. public companies. Similarly less than half of
U.S. states actually experienced a housing bubble in the 2000s. When
Alan Greenspan suggested that some regional and local housing markets
were exhibiting "froth," he underestimated the impact that a
boom and bust in select markets can have on the broader economy.
To the extent that policymakers can help asset supplies become more
elastic, the potential for asset bubbles is reduced. Given the role of
government in contributing to the inelastic nature of housing supply in
many markets, this goal should be an immediate area of policy change.
Had California been Texas, much of the housing bubble could have been
Observed prices are always the interaction of demand and supply.
While appropriate attention should be paid to demand-side factors,
comparable attention must be devoted to the supply side as well. To
avoid or moderate bubbles, policymakers need to pay particular attention
to supply conditions as well as make efforts to remove obstacles to
timely supply responses.
Calomiris, C. (2009) "Financial Innovation, Regulation, and
Reform." Cato Journal 29 (1): 65-91.
Ely, B. (2009) "Bad Rules Produce Bad Outcomes: Underlying
Public-Policy Causes of the U.S. Financial Crisis." Cato Journal 29
(1): 93-114.
Glaeser, E.; Gyourko, J.; and Saiz, A. (2008) "Housing Supply
and Housing Bubbles." Journal of Urban Economics 64 (2): 198-217.
Ofek, E., and Richardson, M. (2000) "The IPO Lock-Up Period:
Implications for Market Efficiency and Downward Sloping Demand
Curves." Working Paper, Stern School of Business (January).
--(2003) "DotCom Mania: The Rise and Fall of Internet Stock
Prices." Journal of Finance 58 (3): 1113-38.
O'Toole, R. (2009) "How Urban Planners Caused the Housing
Bubble." Cato Policy Analysis No. 646 (October).
Pinto, E. (2010) "High LTV, Subprime and Alt-A Origins over
the Period of 1992-2007 and Fannie, Freddie, FHA and VA's
Role." Working Paper, American Enterprise Institute. Available at,
Shiller, R. (2005) Irrational Exuberance. 2nd ed. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press.
--(2007) "Historic Turning Points in Real Estate."
Presidential Address, Eastern Economic Association, 33rd Annual
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Taylor, J. B. (2009) Getting Off Track: How Government Actions and
Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and Worsened the Financial Crisis.
Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press.
(1) House prices are based on Shiller (2005, 2007).
(2) For an index of these stocks, see Ofek and Richardson (2003:
(3) While Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA all have
construction-oriented programs, those programs are relatively small
compared to their mortgage purchase and insurance efforts.
Mark A. Calabria is Director of Financial Regulatory Studies at the
Cato Institute and a former member of the senior staff of the U.S.
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.