A market-based regulatory policy to avoid financial crises.
Zingales, Luigi
When it comes to "saving capitalism," dealing with the
"too big to fail" doctrine is a top priority. This doctrine
has increasingly become the government policy on this issue, and it is
probably the most dangerous policy for capitalism we can imagine. It
undermines capitalism in many ways: not only does it make the system
less stable, but it also undermines the moral basis of capitalism. If
you have a sector or a set of institutions where losses are socialized
but where gains are privatized, then you destroy the economic and moral
supremacy of capitalism. Either we deal with the perverse incentives
created by this doctrine or we undermine the long-term sustainability of
capitalism. So it is really important to think what we can do against
this too-big-to-fail policy.
What to Do about Too Big to Fail
I have spoken with many members of Congress and the best
intentioned ones want to legislate the too-big-to-fail policy away by
introducing enough constraints that will make it impossible in the
future to do what the government has done in the recent crisis. In spite
of their good intentions, I do not think that these members of Congress
understand the essence of the problem. Let me use an analogy. As parents
we know that we should let our children learn from their mistakes. We
should not be too interventionist and bail them out, because they
won't learn. However, when they get into real, serious trouble,
when their life is in danger, it is impossible for us as parents not to
intervene. It would be against nature not to intervene. And no matter
how we can try to commit not to intervene because we know that this has
good incentive effects on our children, when our son or daughter's
life is in danger, we will intervene. And that's a little bit like
the situation we are in with large financial institutions. No matter how
much we try to tie our hands, when a major crisis comes it is impossible
to stop the politicians from intervening. Part of the reason is that
during a banking crisis a government intervention can actually create
value (or at least avoid that value is dissipated) ex post. Politicians
find it difficult not to intervene even in situations where they destroy
value; imagine when they can create some value because they stop a bank
run! As with the children example, however, this beneficial intervention
has perverse incentive effects. For this reason, we need to introduce
mechanisms to minimize the damage that this incentive will create in the
system. If we ignore it, if we live under the illusion that we can
legislate this away, we're making the problem only bigger.
The Rationale for Too Big to Fail
Why do we think that GM can go under with no problem but Citigroup
cannot go under with no problem? The answer is that whenever there is
the possibility of bankruptcy, there are two effects on competitors. One
is a substitution effect: When GM goes under, Ford celebrates because it
can grab a larger market share, so that is beneficial to Ford. Then
there is a sort of complementary effect: If the failure of GM brings
down suppliers of GM, then this will also impact the survival of Ford,
to the extent they share the same suppliers (as they do). In addition,
there is an information spillover: If you see GM going under, you start
doubting whether the car industry is viable in the long term, and that
has a negative effect on Ford as well.
Now, what is unique about financial institutions is that the
complementary effect is much, much bigger. They have a lot of
interlinking contracts so that when Citigroup goes under the probability
that other banks will go under at the same time is very large. And while
we can afford to live without Citigroup, we can not afford to live
without a banking sector. So the risk is what I call "the fear of
Armageddon." Whether this fear is a realistic possibility or not,
it is too powerful: no policymaker will take this risk when faced with a
choice. No matter what your ideology is, you don't want to go down
in history as the Treasury secretary or the Federal Reserve chairman who
was watching as the U. S. financial system went down. So even if it is
not rational, you are going to intervene no matter what.
Another reason this course of action is so irresistible to
policymakers is that we know that there are bank runs and that in a
bank-run situation there is inefficiency--some assets are liquidated too
fast and too soon, and some value is dissipated. So there is some value
to be created in avoiding a bank run. There are very few situations, if
any, when the government can create value, but I think this is actually
one in which it can create value. Yet, the government has a huge
tendency to intervene even when it destroys value, so it is very hard to
prevent intervention when it can create some value. It seems like a free
lunch and is irresistible. This situation is actually very similar to
the time inconsistency that policymakers have studied so much for
monetary policy. When push comes to shove, a Treasury secretary or a
politician wants to increase the money supply to try to buy a little bit
of employment today, at the cost of much higher inflation in the future.
The same is true here. When you are close to a financial meltdown you
want to intervene, even if this will have dramatic costs in the future.
Trying to legislate this incentive away is unrealistic. We need to
find a solution because the cost of inaction is skyrocketing. In 1998 it
took the Fed only coffee and donuts to organize the rescue of Long-Term
Capital Management. In 2008 it took the federal government more than
$700 billion to organize the rescue of the financial system. I
don't want to think about what the bill will be in 2018.
The Debt Problem
We need to act and act now to stop the perverse incentives created
by the too-big-to-fail policy. The moral hazard is not only that
managers invest excessively in risky activity, it is also that creditors
lend to financial institutions too cheaply because they factor in the
government guarantee. If you are a manager of a large bank and you see
that you can issue debt at extremely attractive prices, you will find it
irresistible to leverage up as much as possible.
The first thing that needs to be done to solve this problem is to
find a way to recreate the proper market incentives for creditors to pay
attention to risk. In a normal situation creditors limit debtors'
risk taking by introducing covenants and by restricting the amount they
lend. Once the creditors know that they will be bailed out by the
government they have no incentive to do so. How do we recreate
creditors' incentives to monitor when they know that in the worst
situation the government will intervene? By creating a regime that
distinguishes between systemic and nonsystemic obligations.
A Solution to Systemic Debt
There is no reason why long-term debt of financial institutions
should be systemic. Pension funds, mutual funds, and foreign investors
who hold long-run debt can absorb losses just as they did during the
Internet bubble. So there is no reason to bail banks out. The only
reason to bail them out is that we do not have in place a procedure to
differentiate between systemic and nonsystemic obligations. And of
course, when you start to bail out a group, there is a huge queue of
people who say, "I want to be bailed out too. I belong to the same
group. I'm no different. Why don't you bail out me
So the first mechanism we need is a resolution system that, while
protecting in full the systemic obligations, is able to impose losses on
the nonsystemic ones. Without any additional provision this will be a
recipe for disaster, since the private sector will abuse this guarantee.
To avoid this from happening, however, Oliver Hart and I have devised a
market-based mechanism that will avoid any costly bailout.
This mechanism is based on two layers of protection for systemic
obligations. One layer is represented by equity and one layer by a
mandatory buffer of long-term junior debt. To ensure that these layers
will never be fully exhausted we have thought of a mechanism that mimics
the margin call system used by banks with their clients.
When you borrow on the margin, your broker is no fool. He updates
the position every day on the basis of the market price and if the
collateral is too low, he makes a margin call--either you put down more
collateral, or your assets are liquidated so the broker gets his money
back. We need a similar system for banks.
The equity of banks is like the collateral in a margin call. What
we need to do is to devise a system that makes this margin call timely.
Regulators cannot be trusted to intervene on time. So the system that
Oliver Hart and I have in mind is a system that piggybacks on junior
long-term debt, using prices of credit default swaps on this debt to
provide a timely market-based signal. If the holders of junior long-term
debt actually can be penalized, then the price of CDSs on that debt
would be a very credible signal that the equity buffer is running thin.
Regulators would then intervene and do a stress test, and if the
financial institution is indeed in trouble, start to unwind it--paying
off in full the systemic obligations but penalizing the long-term junior
If an institution were deemed "safe," then no action to
unwind the institution would be taken. To avoid the risk that when they
perform a stress test the regulators are too forgiving in judging the
risk, we require the regulator to invest some money (in the form of
junior long-term debt) in the institution when she deems it to be safe.
If an institution is only facing a liquidity crisis, this investment
would be enough to calm the market. If the regulator incorrectly assess
that the institution is safe when it is not, the CDS rate will go up and
the regulator will be forced to intervene again, increasing the
political cost of declaring it safe.
A Balanced System
This system is very balanced. We don't give too much power to
regulators because we know two things: (1) they will abuse it, and (2)
they will be late to the game, as regulators always are. For this reason
we rely on a market trigger--namely, the CDS price of an
institution's junior long-term debt. When that price reaches a
certain threshold, regulators should intervene--make a margin call--and
wind down the failed institution. We don't want to abuse the market
trigger either, because we are afraid of what are called
"self-fulfilling prophecies"--the market gets very worried,
regulators intervene, penalize the debt, and this fulfills the prophecy.
For this reason we have introduced the stress test as a circuit breaker
to prevent this escalation. This circuit breaker, however, can create
perverse incentives for the regulators. So we need a system to penalize
them if they make mistakes--namely, the loss of their investment in
junior long-term debt.
This system should apply only to very large financial institutions,
because other institutions can and do fail, subjecting them to the
normal market discipline. Will it be costly? Yes, it will, and it should
be costly. It should be costly to undo a major distortion that now
exists, a distortion that favors large institutions at the cost of small
institutions. Today the implicit too-big-to-fail doctrine is a subsidy
to large financial institutions, with a lot of negative effects. In
particular, there is more concentration in the financial sector, which
is bad for consumers and taxpayers. More institutions will have to be
bailed out in the future. Moving to a market-based regulatory regime
would remove the too-big-to-fail bias and reintroduce a fair
Hart, O., and Zingales, L. (2009) "'A New Capital
Regulation for Large Financial Institutions.'" University of
Chicago Booth School of Business Working Paper.
Luigi Zingales is the Robert C. McCormick Professor of
Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School
of Business. This article draws on his work with Oliver Hart (Hart and
Zingales 2009).