Creating a policy environment for entrepreneurs.
Garrett, Thomas A. ; Wall, Howard J.
Entrepreneurship is often viewed as a catalyst for economic growth.
Through innovation, hard work, and a willingness to accept financial
risk, the entrepreneur takes advantage of previously undiscovered
opportunities for arbitrage and profit (Kirzner 1997). (1) This quest
for profit, and the possibility of personal and financial failure, aid
in ensuring that an economy's resources are used efficiently.
Successful entrepreneurs provide employment opportunities to others,
generate innovation, spur economic growth, and contribute to state and
local governments in the form of tax revenue (Gwartney, Holcombe, and
Lawson 2004; Kreft and Sobel 2005). Because of this perception of the
benefits generated by entrepreneurship, a large literature has focused
on the factors that influence the decision of an individual to become an
entrepreneur and the conditions under which entrepreneurship prospers.
Previous research on entrepreneurship has examined the roles of
various demographic, human capital, and financial considerations in the
decision to become an entrepreneur. Rees and Shah (1986), Gill (1988),
and Hamilton (2000) stressed the importance of the earnings differential
between entrepreneurship and paid employment. Liquidity constraints on
entrepreneurship were addressed by Evans and Jovanovic (1989), Evans and
Leighton (1989), and Holtz-Eakin, Joulfaian, and Rosen (1994a, 1994b).
Personal and job satisfaction differentials between entrepreneurship and
paid employment have been addressed in Taylor (1996), Blanchflower and
Oswald (1998), and Blanchflower (2000). In addition, Blanchflower,
Oswald, and Stutzer (2001), Georgellis and Wall (2000a), and Beugelsdijk
and Noorderhaven (2004) examined the importance of social factors, or
latent entrepreneurship, in explaining differences in entrepreneurship
across countries and regions, respectively.
This article examines the influence of government policy on rates
of entrepreneurship across U.S. states, a topic that has been receiving
increasing attention. Recent research has explored the influence of
several state-level policies on entrepreneurship, such as personal
income tax rates, bank deregulation, and bankruptcy laws. (2) We extend
this literature by considering other policies, such as corporate income
tax rates and state minimum wages. Furthermore, the flexibility of our
empirical model accounts for potential nonlinearities between the policy
variables and the rate of entrepreneurship in a state.
We obtain estimates of the effects of government policies on
entrepreneurship by exploiting the differences in entrepreneurship and
policies across the 50 U.S. states during the 1990s. Throughout, we
define the rate of entrepreneurship as the share of the working age
population (16-64) who are proprietors. We exclude farm proprietors, as
does previous research, on the basis that the decision to become a farm
proprietor depends upon different factors than the decision to become a
nonfarm proprietor. As summarized by Table 1, there were substantial
differences in state rates of entrepreneurship at the beginning and the
end of the period. For example, in 1990 there were two
states--Mississippi and South Carolina--whose rates of entrepreneurship
were less than half that of Alaska, the most entrepreneurial state. (3)
The decade saw significant upward movement in entrepreneurship: The
average of state rates of entrepreneurship went from 13.5 percent in
1990 to 15.8 percent in 2000, and all but two states saw higher rates of
entrepreneurship in 2000 than in 1990.
One of our objectives is to determine whether the geographic
pattern of entrepreneurship is related to the geographic pattern of
policy environments. In 1990 and 2000, New England and the West were the
most entrepreneurial regions, with the South and Great Lakes regions
lagging. The geographic pattern of changes in entrepreneurship is less
clear than the difference in the levels of entrepreneurship. Although
some of the entrepreneurial states in New England and the West saw the
largest increases in entrepreneurship, some of the lagging states,
particularly in the South, also saw large increases.
The Empirical Model
Our empirical model extends that of Georgellis and Wall (2000a) by
adding a vector of explanatory variables that controls for the policy
(1) [] = [[alpha].sub.i] + [[tau].sub.t] + [beta]'
[] + [theta]' [] + [gamma]' [] +
In equation (1), the dependent variable [] is the rate of
entrepreneurship in state i during year t. The parameter [[alpha].sub.i]
denotes state fixed effects and [[tau].sub.t] denotes year effects. The
vector [] measures average demographic characteristics, and the
vector [] measures business conditions. The policy environment
is captured by the vector of policy variables, []. Finally,
[[epsilon]], is the error term. Data sources and summary
statistics for all variables used in the estimation are provided in
Tables 2 and 3.
The demographic variables in [] measure the age, gender,
and racial compositions of state employment, categories across which
rates of self-employment differ a great deal (Georgellis and Wall
2000b). For example, men are nearly twice as likely as women to be
self-employed, and blacks are less than one-third as likely to be
self-employed as whites or Asians. Our vector of business conditions,
[], includes the state's unemployment rate, per capita real
income, industry employment shares, real proprietor's wage, per
capita real wealth (as proxied by dividends, interest, and rent), and
the real median house price weighted by the rate of home ownership.
These last two variables control for differences in the levels of assets
that the average person has to support an entrepreneurial venture.
Care needs to be taken when interpreting the estimated coefficients
for the variables in [] and []. These variables might
simultaneously measure differences across states in the supply of
entrepreneurs and the demand for the products that are more likely to be
produced by entrepreneurs. For example, more than 10 percent of
self-employed women in 1997 were in the child-care business, while
virtually no men were (Georgellis and Wall 2000b). On the one hand, a
state with a relatively high share of females might have a relatively
high supply of child-care providers, and therefore have more
self-employed women. On the other hand, the state also has relatively
more women demanding child-care services, thereby making the state a
relatively lucrative market for self-employed child-care providers.
Therefore, because supply and demand cannot be separated by the
variables in [], and [], we include them only as
controls and do not interpret their coefficients.
An exception is the unemployment rate, which is a measure of the
health of a state's economy. A low unemployment rate suggests
relatively low risks and high returns for entrepreneurial ventures,
thereby pulling a higher share of the population into entrepreneurship.
In Parker (1996), however, a high unemployment rate indicates the number
of people with limited opportunities for wage-and-salary employment who
might be pushed into self-employment out of necessity. Thus, the sign of
the coefficient on the unemployment rate has been interpreted as a
measure of the relative strengths of the pull and push effects of the
unemployment rate.
The Policy Environment
The variables of greatest interest in this article are the four
measures of state policy in the vector of policy variables, [].
This vector includes measures of bankruptcy laws, personal income taxes,
corporate income taxes, and the minimum wage.
Homestead Exemption
State bankruptcy laws allow those filing for personal bankruptcy to
exempt some of their assets and income from creditors. The exemptions
can include some or all of the value of the person's home, pension,
and a host of other assets. Because an entrepreneur's home is
likely to be his or her most valuable asset, recent studies have focused
on the possibility of a link between the homestead exemption and levels
of entrepreneurship (Berkowitz and White 2004; Fan and White 2003;
Georgellis and Wall 2006). These studies have posited two opposing
effects. The first effect arises because a potential entrepreneur views
the level of the homestead exemption as insurance against the failure of
an entrepreneurial venture. If one's home is not subject to
distribution to creditors, a potential entrepreneur is more likely to
take on the increased risk of being an entrepreneur instead of being a
wage-and-salary employee. In addition to this wealth-insurance effect,
however, the homestead exemption creates a credit-access effect. Banks
and other creditors are aware of bankruptcy exemptions and adjust the
availability of credit accordingly. Thus, by making credit more
difficult to come by, the homestead exemption might reduce the number of
Our homestead exemption rate is a measure of the percentage of the
average person's homestead that would be protected from creditors
in the event of personal bankruptcy. In creating the variable, we need
to account for several state-level differences in the treatment of
homesteads during bankruptcy proceedings. The primary source of these
differences is the homestead exemption--the amount of a home's
value that is exempt from bankruptcy proceedings. Cross-state
differences in the homestead exemption are summarized in the first data
column of Table 4. These differences are significant: In 1997, six
states did not allow for any amount of the value of a person's home
to be exempt from distribution to creditors, but eight other states
placed no limit on the amount that could be exempted.
The homestead exemption rate is constructed to allow also for the
fact that some states permit fliers to use the federal exemption level
and that some states allow married fliers to double the exemption level.
(4) In addition, because our variable is meant to capture the exemption
that the average person in a state might face, we control for
differences in the average house price and in home ownership rates. (5)
As in Georgellis and Wall (2006), we also consider the square and cube of the homestead exemption rate to control for the potential
nonlinearities resulting from the opposing wealth-insurance and
credit-access effects.
Personal Income Tax
Of the policy variables that we consider, the personal income tax
is the one that has received the most attention in the literature. For
the most part, the effect of personal income tax rates on
entrepreneurship has been expected to be negative--a labor-supply
effect--although most studies have found a positive relationship. (6)
The usual explanation for this unexpected result is a tax-avoidance
effect arising from the observation that being an entrepreneur affords
greater opportunity for tax avoidance than does wage-and-salary
employment. Georgellis and Wall (2006) allow for a nonlinear relationship between personal income tax rates and entrepreneurship and
find that the labor-supply effect dominates at low tax rates while the
tax-avoidance effect dominates at higher tax rates. (7)
While most studies have focused on the level of personal income
taxes, other studies have found that the structure of personal income
tax systems can affect levels of entrepreneurship. Bruce (2000), for
example, notes that the tax system treats self-employment and
wage-and-salary earnings differently. Also, Bruce, Deskins, and Mohsin
('2004) and Gentry and Hubbard (2000) find that the progressivity of personal income taxes can be important.
As the second data column of Table 4 illustrates, states differ a
great deal in their tendency to use income taxes to generate revenue.
Nine states had no income tax in 1997, while 10 states had their highest
statutory marginal tax rate set at 8 percent or higher.
Our personal income tax variable is the maximum marginal tax rate
(state plus federal) as generated by the NBER's TAXSIM model.
Although few people actually face the maximum marginal tax rate, it
should be strongly correlated with the marginal tax rate that the
average person faces. As in Georgellis and Wall (2006), we include both
the level and the square of the maximum marginal personal income tax
rate to capture the competing effects of the tax rate on labor effort
and tax avoidance.
Corporate Income Tax
A corporation is a separate legal entity that is distinct from the
entrepreneur. Unlike an unincorporated entrepreneur, who is personally
liable for the assets and liabilities of running a business, an
incorporated entrepreneur's liability is limited to the assets of
the corporation. In addition, because potential buyers will also have
limited liability for the actions of the seller, incorporation might
increase the market value of a business. Incorporation might make it
easier for an entrepreneur to raise investment capital, primarily
because it allows an entrepreneur to issue shares of stock.
Higher rates of corporate income tax mean that some entrepreneurs
will choose to not incorporate, although they might still be
unincorporated entrepreneurs. For some entrepreneurial ventures,
however, incorporation might be the only viable choice, perhaps because
they require relatively large amounts of capital or because the ventures
are relatively risky. These ventures might not be started if corporate
income tax rates are too high. Even the number of unincorporated
entrepreneurs can be affected by the rate of corporate income tax
because future incorporation might be in the plans when an
entrepreneurial venture grows. High corporate income tax rates reduce
future profitability and might dissuade some potential entrepreneurs
from becoming unincorporated entrepreneurs.
In addition to the negative effects outlined previously, higher
corporate income tax rates might have a positive effect on the number of
entrepreneurs. Because the corporate income tax is levied on all
corporations, whether they are run by entrepreneurs or not, the
suppressing effect of corporate taxes might reduce the number of
wage-and-salary employment opportunities at corporations. In this way,
high corporate income tax rates might have the effect of pushing people
out of their jobs as wage-and-salary employees and into
entrepreneurship. When interpreting our estimates, we should keep in
mind that this effect, while increasing the number of entrepreneurs,
reflects the overall deleterious effects of overly high tax rates.
The rates at which states tax the income of corporations (see Table
4) are very different. On the one hand, five states, none of which taxed
personal income in 1997, also had no tax on corporate income. On the the
other hand, for 11 states, the top tax rate was 9 percent or higher. Our
corporate income tax variable is the maximum statutory state corporate
income tax rate. We use a quadratic specification to capture the
possibility of the two opposing effects of corporate income tax rates.
Minimum Wage
On average, businesses run by entrepreneurs are more likely than
other businesses to see their hiring decisions affected by the minimum
wage. Large shares of entrepreneurs are in industries that rely on
low-wage workers: Four of the top five industry categories in terms of
the percentages of workers earning the minimum wage or below account for
about one-third of self-employed men and about one-half of self-employed
women. (8) For such businesses, an increase in the minimum wage would
make it more difficult for some portion of them to remain profitable.
The fact that the federal minimum wage is set at the same level for all
states makes it more problematic for entrepreneurs in low-productivity
states. Although the minimum wage is largely uniform across the country,
employers in low-productivity states have a more difficult time finding
workers whose productivity justifies being paid the minimum wage.
Because of this, our minimum wage variable is the statutory minimum wage
relative to the average productivity of labor in the state, as measured
by per employee gross state product (GSP) per hour. (9)
It is worth noting that there are substantial variations in both
the numerator and the denominator of our relative minimum wage variable.
Clearly, because employment and GSP differ greatly across states and
change frequently over time, movements in the denominator will be
responsible for much of the variation in the variable. But the numerator
also exhibits substantial variation: Eight states had statutory minimum
wages that were higher than the federal level at some time during the
sample, and the federal minimum wage was increased in two stages at the
end of the sample period-from $4.25 to $4.75 in 1996, and to $5.15 in
1997. In addition, some states with minimum wages that were already
higher than the federal level raised their minimum wages in stages that
were not in synch with the federal stages. In all, out of 700
observations, our sample has 100 instances of increases in the statutory
minimum wage.
Other Policy Variables Not Considered
There are policy variables that have appeared in the literature
that we do not consider here. For example, Bruce, Deskins, and Mohsin
(2004) include the state sales tax rate, which we have decided to
exclude. First, because of the large variation of total sales tax rates
within states (due to county and city sales taxes on top of state sales
taxes), it is it difficult to arrive at a single sales tax rate
variable. Second, although the state sales tax rate might serve as a
proxy, it varies too little over our sample period to be useful.
Black and Strahan (2002) estimated the effect of state bank
deregulation on entrepreneurship over the period 1976-94, finding
statistically significant and large effects for the deregulation of
branches and of interstate banking. (10) We have not considered bank
deregulation in this study because most of the deregulation occurred
before the start of our sample. Further, as suggested by Wall (2004),
Black and Strahan's results are likely driven by the endogeneity of
the deregulation process.
Estimation and Results
Using data on entrepreneurship for 1992-98, we estimate our model
with feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) and control for
state-specific autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Although the
magnitudes of the estimated coefficients using FGLS do not differ
substantially from estimates that OLS would provide, the richer error
structure allowed for by FGLS makes it superior for estimating state
panels of entrepreneurship (Georgellis and Wall 2006; Wall 2004). To
avoid issues of simultaneity and to capture the lag between the decision
to become an entrepreneur and its realization, we use lagged values of
all of our independent variables. The reference variables are the adult
share of the population aged 18-24, the white share of the population,
government share of employment, and the year 1992.
Our estimation results, summarized in Table 5, indicate that both
sets of control variables are important for our estimation. The
coefficients on the business environment variables tend to be
statistically significant, as are many of our demographic variables.
However, only the coefficient on the unemployment rate is easily
interpreted. The positive and statistically significant coefficient
suggests that the push effects of the unemployment rate dominate the
pull effects. Specifically, a one-percentage-point increase in the
unemployment rate increases the rate of entrepreneurship by about
one-eighth of a percentage point, since many individuals who are unable
to find wage-and-salary employment instead become self-employed.
Our estimated year effects suggest that there was a temporal pattern to entrepreneurship that was not captured by our other
right-and-side variables. Even if all variables remained at their
initial levels, entrepreneurship would have risen every year of our
sample and would have been 1.6 percentage points higher in 1998 than in
1992. Put another way, 70 percent of the 2.3 percentage point rise in
the average rate of entrepreneurship can be attributed to a common
The variables of most interest are the policy variables, and our
results suggest that most of them are important in determining the level
of entrepreneurship. As reported in Table 5, the coefficients on the
homestead exemption rate, corporate income tax rate, and the relative
minimum wage are all statistically different from zero. Further, as
reported in Table 6, Wald tests of the joint significance of these
variables indicate that only the personal income tax rate does not have
statistically significant effects on the estimation. The estimated
effects of the four policy variables on rates of entrepreneurship are
illustrated by Figures l-4. As these figures show, in addition to being
statistically significant, these policies also tend to be economically
Homestead Exemption Rate
As in Fan and White (2003), Berkowitz and White (2004), and
Georgellis and Wall (2006), we find that the decision to become an
entrepreneur is related to the homestead exemption. As Figure 1
illustrates, the relationship between the homestead exemption rate and
the entrepreneurship rate has the same S-shape found by Georgellis and
Wall (2006). For homestead exemption rates between 0 and 22, the
credit-access effect dominates the wealth-insurance effect, meaning that
an increase in the homestead exemption should lead to a decrease in
entrepreneurship. An increase in the homestead exemption rate from 0 to
22 will lead to a decrease in the rate of entrepreneurship of just over
nine-tenths of a percentage point. This is quite a large effect given
that the mean entrepreneurship rate in the sample is 14.6 percent.
Beyond a homestead exemption rate of 22 until about 62, the
wealth-insurance effect dominates the credit-access effect and an
increase in the homestead exemption should lead to an increase in
entrepreneurship. An increase from 22 to 62 should lead to an increase
of about seven-tenths of a percentage point in the rate of
entrepreneurship. Beyond a homestead exemption rate of 62, further
increases in the homestead exemption would tend to reduce the number of
The highest rates of entrepreneurship are attained when the
homestead exemption is zero. This is in contrast to previous research,
which found that an increase in the homestead exemption would lead to an
increase in entrepreneurship for all starting levels. We find that this
is true only within some ranges of the homestead exemption.
Personal Income Tax
Although the maximum personal income tax variable is not
statistically significant, our point estimates do suggest the same
U-shaped relationship between it and the rate of entrepreneurship found
by Georgellis and Wall (2006). As seen in Figure 2, at lower tax rates
the labor-supply effect dominates, but at higher tax rates the
tax-avoidance effect dominates. It is clear from the vertical scale of
the figure, however, that even if these effects were statistically
significant, they would have very little economic significance. The
highest and lowest rates of entrepreneurship along the curve differ by
only about 0.08 percentage points. This failure to find a relationship
between the rate of personal income tax and state-level entrepreneurship
is consistent with Bruce, Deskins, and Mohsin (2004). Left unanswered by
our results, however, is whether there is a negative relationship
between entrepreneurship and the progressivity of the personal income
tax system as suggested by Bruce, Deskins, and Mohsin (2004) and Gentry
and Hubbard (2000).
Corporate Income Tax
Unlike the personal income tax rate, the corporate income tax rate
appears to have very large effects on entrepreneurship, as seen in
Figure 3. Up to the highest rate in our sample, an increase in the
maximum corporate income tax rate will push more people out of
entrepreneurship than it will push into it by reducing opportunities for
wage-and-salary employment at corporations. The effect of the corporate
income tax rate can be substantial. All else equal, a state that does
not levy a tax on corporate income will tend to have a rate of
entrepreneurship that is about 0.9 percentage points higher than a state
that levies a maximum corporate income tax rate of 12 percent. (11) Note
that, because our measure of entrepreneurship excludes incorporated
entrepreneurs, we are probably understating the effects of the corporate
income tax rate. The effect that we find is on the number of potential
unincorporated entrepreneurs who have been dissuaded from becoming
entrpreneurs because of the effect of corporate taxes on future
profitability. Presumably, the direct effect of the corporate income tax
will be even higher on those who are incorporated and are paying the tax
Minimum Wage
Our fourth policy variable, the minimum wage relative to
productivity, is negatively related to the rate of entrepreneurship.
(12) This relationship is illustrated by Figure 4. Consider the case of
Montana, which in 1997 had the highest relative minimum wage in our
sample, 0.29. If Montana's relative minimum wage was instead 0.14,
the minimmn in our sample, its rate of entrepreneurship would have been
eight-tenths of a percentage point higher. These results suggest that a
reduction in the federal minimum wage would increase entrepreneurship
across states, and that the federal minimum wage hits poorer states
especially hard. Entrepreneurs in these states, where productivity is
lowest, are required to pay the same level of minimum wage as in the
richest states, even though workers with the corresponding level of
productivity to warrant being paid the minimum wage are more difficult
to find. Consequently, all else equal, in the relatively poor states the
federal minimum wage results in fewer entrepreneurs and fewer of the
benefits that entrepreneurship can bring. Of course, an increase in the
productivity of the workforce, perhaps through improved education, would
also lower a state's relative minimum wage and bring about a higher
rate of entrepreneurship.
Geographic Variation in the Effects of the Policy Environment
The significant cross-state variation in policies summarized by
Table 4 means that there were significant cross-state differences in the
effects of government policies on levels of entrepreneurship. Our
estimates of the percentage effects of the policies for each state are
in Table 7: The first column is the percentage difference in the number
of entrepreneurs because the homestead exemption is not zero, the second
column is the percentage difference because the corporate income tax is
not zero, and the third column is the percentage difference because the
state's relative minimum wage differs from the lowest among the
states. The final column is the total effect of the three policies on
the number of entrepreneurs. The total effects of the policy environment
range from the 2.7, 2.8, and 4.2 percent decreases for Texas, Nevada,
and Wyoming to the 15.3, 15.4, and 19.4 percent decreases for Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. The average across all states was a
10.2 percent decrease.
There is a geographic pattern to the effects of the policy
environment on the number of entrepreneurs: The states with the
leastfriendly policies for entrepreneurs are located almost exclusively
in the Eastern half of the country, with Southern and Great Lakes states
prominent. The least entrepreneurial states tend to also be the states
with the worst policy environments for entrepreneurs. More specifically,
the Spearman rank correlation between the levels of entrepreneurship and
the effect of the policy environment is -0.578, which is statistically
significant at the 1 percent level.
Although there is a strong correlation between the levels of
entrepreneurship and the policy environment, this explains only part of
the regional pattern (see Table 8). On the one hand, for the 15 least
entrepreneurial states, the seven located in the South had average
policy effects of -13.9 percent, which is somewhat higher than the
average policy effect of -12.6 percent for the Northern subset of these
states. Among the less entrepreneurial states, therefore, policy
contributions to the rates of entrepreneurship were not terribly
important in explaining regional variations.
On the other hand, for the 11 most entrepreneurial states, the
regional differences in policy are more pointed: The three New England
states had policy environments that were substantially less friendly to
entrepreneurs than were those of the entrepreneurial states of the West.
The average effect of the policy environment in the New England states
was -10.7 percent, which is actually larger in absolute terms than the
cross-state average. The Western states, however, were much friendlier
to entrepreneurs, having an average policy effect of -7.4. Thus, while a
good portion of the Western states' primacy in entrepreneurship was
due to their policy environment, the high rates of entrepreneurship in
New England states was achieved despite their relatively unfriendly
policy environments. New England's advantages might lie in factors
not included explicitly in our model, such as latent entrepreneurial
spirit and the presence of universities willing and able to generate
entrepreneurial spillovers.
Table 9 provides further evidence of the potential importance of a
state's policy environment in determining its rate of
entrepreneurship. The first column shows for the 1,5 least
entrepreneurial states the percentage-point gap between the state's
rate of entrepreneurship and the average rate of entrepreneurship. The
second column indicates the relative importance of the policy
environment in determining the state's entrepreneurship gap--that
is, the ratio of the state's entrepreneurship gap to the
percentage-point effect of the state's policy environment on its
rate of entrepreneurship. The policy environments account for between 37
and 95 percent of the entrepreneurship gaps for these states.
We find that corporate income tax rates, bankruptcy law, and
minimum wage legislation all have statistically and economically
significant effects on rates of entrepreneurship across U.S. states.
These results highlight that in terms of government policy, the greatest
gains in entrepreneurship can be had by reducing government-imposed
burdens on entrepreneurs and other businesses. These gains in
entrepreneurship likely dwarf those that can be attained by direct
intervention (i.e., subsidies or tax breaks) aimed at individual
entrepreneurs or businesses.
We find that the geographic pattern of entrepreneurship is similar
to the geographic pattern of policy environments: The low
entrepreneurship states of the Great Lakes and the South tend to have
relatively unfriendly policy environments, while the high
entrepreneurship states of the West tend to have relatively friendly
policies. However, New England states tend to have relatively unfriendly
policy environments and high rates of entrepreneurship.
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Schuetze, H. J., and Bruce D. (2004) "Tax Policy and
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Wall, H. J. (2004) "Entrepreneurship and the Deregulation of
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(1) Blanchflower (2004) casts doubt on this supposition, finding a
negative relationship between a country's growth and its rate of
(2) Kreft and Sobel (2005) looked more broadly at the effect of
economic freedom, which is measured by an index constructed from a list
of variables indicating the burden of government.
(3) The high rate of entrepreneurship in Alaska is due to its large
number of small owneroperated businesses. In part, this reflects a
tendency present in other low-density states such as Montana and
Wyoming. Although our measure of entrepreneurship is not perfect, it is
still the best one available. In addition, because our estimation
techniques include fixed effects, problems that arise when comparing
entrepreneurship rates across states are controlled for.
(4) The federal homestead exemption was $15,000 in 1997.
(5) To construct the homestead exemption rate, we took the state
exemption level or, if the state allows the federal option, the maximum
of the state and federal exemption levels. If this exemption level was
greater than the average house price in the state, we used the average
house price instead. We then multiplied this by the state's
homeownership rate and, if the state allows married householders to
double the exemption, we multiplied this by 1 plus the state's
share of households in which both spouses reside together. The homestead
exemption rate is this result divided by the average house price.
(6) See Long (1982a, 1982b), Evans and Leighton (1,989), Blau
(1987), Parker (1996), Schuetze (2000), Gentry and Hubbard (2000), Bruce
and Mohsin (2003), and Fan and White (2003). See Schuetze and Bruce
(2004) for a survey.
(7) Cullen and Gordon (2002) offer a different explanation for the
positive relationship. They argue that the tax system provides a net
subsidy to risk-taking because entrepreneurs have the option of whether
or not to incorporate their businesses. Because personal income tax
rates are higher than corporate rates, an entrepreneur facing losses
would prefer to face personal income tax rates so that the deduction of
the losses against other income would have greater value. An increase in
personal income tax rates makes this option more valuable and makes it
more likely that someone would choose to become an entrepreneur,
(8) The four categories are (1) retail, (2) business, auto, and
repair services, (3) personal services, and (4) entertainment and
recreation (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Characteristics of Minimum Wage
Workers; Georgellis and Wall 2000b).
(9) Although some states do not have a minimum wage, the federal
minimum wage law supersedes state laws. Several states impose a minimum
wage that is higher than the federal level.
(10) The Black and Strahan (2002) study differed from most of the
literature in defining entrepreneurship as new incorporations.
(11) In contrast, in their time-series study of aggregate rates of
entrepreneurship, Bruce and Mohsin (2003) find that the effect of the
maximum federal corporate income tax rate is statistically significant
but small.
(12) Bruce and Mohsin (2003) find that changes in the real federal
minimum wage have been related to changes in the aggregate rate of
entrepreneurship over time. Their minimum wage variable differs from
ours in that it does not account for changes in productivity.
Thomas Garrett is a Research Officer and Howard Wall is an
Assistant Vice President, both at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
The views expressed are the authors' alone and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or the
Federal Reserve System. The authors thank seminar participants at West
Virginia University, Stephan Weiler, and participants at the July 2005
Western Economic Association International conference for their helpful
comments and suggestions.
State 1990 2000 Change
Alabama 10.0% 12.6% 2.6
Alaska 19.4 18.8 -0.5
Arizona 13.4 17.6 4.1
Arkansas 12.1 15.1 3.0
California 14.7 17.5 2.9
Colorado 17.8 21.7 3.9
Connecticut 14.0 16.8 2.8
Delaware 11.1 13.7 2.6
Florida 12.6 15.2 2.7
Georgia 10.5 13.9 3.4
Hawaii 14.2 15.5 1.2
Idaho 17.6 19.7 2.2
Illinois 11.6 13.8 2.2
Indiana 11.3 13.1 1.8
Iowa 14.3 16.6 2.3
Kansas 15.4 16.6 1.2
Kentucky 10.5 12.4 1.9
Louisianna 10.3 19.6 2.2
Maine 16.2 20.1 3.8
Maryland 12.4 14.2 1.8
Massachusetts 12.4 16.3 3.9
Michigan 10.8 12.7 1.9
Minnesota 14.1 16.1 2.1
Mississippi 9.7 12.4 2.7
Missouri 12.9 15.3 2.4
Montana 18.3 21.4 3.2
Nebraska 15.3 17.0 1.8
Nevada 12.8 17.7 4.9
Ncw Hampshire 15.9 18.7 2.7
New Jersey 11.8 13.0 1.2
New Mexico 13.0 15.6 2.6
New York 10.5 13.1 2.6
North Carolina 11.7 14.7 3.0
North Dakota 14.4 17.9 3.5
Ohio 10.7 13.1 2.3
Oklahoma 15.8 17.1 1.2
Oregon 15.9 17.6 1.7
Pennsylvania 12.0 13.1 1.1
Rhode Island 11.2 13.1 1.9
South Carolina 9.7 11.9 2.3
South Dakota 16.5 19.6 3.1
Tennessee 12.5 16.0 3.5
Texas 15.1 16.7 1.7
Utah 16.0 19.2 3.1
Vermont 18.3 21.4 3.1
Virginia 11.2 12.7 1.4
Washington 15.1 15.1 0.0
West Virginia 10.2 11.4 1.2
Wisconsin 11.6 13.2 1.6
Wyoming 18.8 19.9 1.1
Mean 13.5 15.8 2.3
St. dev. 2.7 2.8 1.0
(a) Share of the working age population (16-64) who are proprietors.
Data Series Source
Nonfarm proprietors' Regional Economic
employment: total nonfarm Information System, Bureau
employment of Economic Analysis, Table
Unemployment rate Household Survey, Bureau of
Labor Statistics
Dividends, interest, and rent Regional Economic
Information System, Bureau
of Economic Analysis, Table
Per capita gross state product Bureau of Economic Analysis
Average nonfarm proprietors' Regional Economic
income; average wage and Information System, Bureau
salary disbursements of Economic Analysis, Table
Industry employment shares; Establishment Survey, Bureau
age, race, and sex of Labor Statistics'
employment shares
Maximum marginal tax rates TAXSIM, National Bureau of
Economic Research
Maximum corporate tax rate Council of State Governments,
The Book of the States,
various editions
Minimum wage "State Labor Legislation
Enacted in 199X," Monthly
Labr Review, various
issues, 1990-98
Homestead bankruptcy Elias, Renauer, and Leonard,
exemptions How to File for Chapter 7
Bankruptcy, various editions
Median house price Derived using median house
price from 1990 Census and
the Home Price Index from
the Office of Federal
Housing Enterprise
Home ownership rate, median Census Bureau
house price, metro
population, and total
Share of households with Census Bureau, derived from
Householder and spouse 1990 and 2000 Census
assmning constant
state-level rates of change
Mean Deviation Maximum Minimum
Rate of
entrepreneurship 14.61 2.91 21.56 9.66
exemption rate 28.67 24.72 75.40 0.00
Max. personal
income tax rate 38.37 4.07 44.87 28.00
Max. corporate
income tax rate 6.09 2.85 12.25 0.00
Minimum wage
relative to
productivity 0.20 0.03 0.29 0.14
rate 5.76 1.54 11.40 2.50
Real income per
capita ($thous.) 21.25 3.68 35.95 13.38
wage 0.74 0.11 1.05 0.51
Real wealth per
capita ($thous.) 4.13 0.84 6.99 2.30
Real median house
price ($thous.) 59.93 21.40 147.59 31.37
Ag. services,
forestry, fishing
share 1.50 0.73 5.74 0.70
Mining share 6.58 1.06 10.04 4.49
Construction share 8.39 1.70 14.94 5.54
share 15.21 5.56 27.43 3.51
Transportation and
pubic utilities
share 1.12 1.70 10.10 0.03
Wholesale trade
share 20.98 1.72 24.98 16.61
Retail trade share 35.00 3.94 50.52 26.84
Finance, insurance,
and real estate
share 5.87 1.13 10.49 3.56
Services share 5.34 0.89 7.75 3.44
Share of
population in
metro areas 67.63 20.35 100.00 29.62
Adult share aged
45-65 26.73 1.51 31.49 22.36
Adult share aged
65+ 17.16 2.55 24.31 6.23
Female share of
employment 46.16 1.31 49.25 41.63
Black share of
employment 9.93 9.36 36.37 0.31
Native American
share of
employment 1.66 2.94 16.05 0.13
Asian shiite of
employment 3.15 8.73 63.30 0.44
Hispanic share of
employment 5.98 7.92 39.95 0.47
Max. Marginal
Homestead Personal Income
State Exemption Tax Rate (%)
Alabama &5,000 3.12
Alaska 54,000 0
Arizona 100,000 4.8
Arkansas no limit 7.0
California 7,500 9.78
Colorado 20,000 5.36
Connecticut 0 4.5
Delaware 0 6.9
Florida no limit 0
Georgia 5,000 5.83
Hawaii 30,000 9.0
Idaho 30,000 8.2
Illinois 7,500 3.0
indiana 7,500 3.4
Iowa no limit 6.36
Kansas no limit 6.45
Kentucky 5,000 6.0
Louisiana 15,000 3.75
Maine 7,500 8.5
Maryland 0 6.0
Massachusetts 100,000 5.95
Michigan 3,500 4.4
Minnesota no limit 8.86
Mississippi 30,000 4.85
Missouri 8,000 6.0
Montana 40,000 6.83
Nebraska 10,000 7.0
Nevada 90,000 0
New Hampshire 5,000 0
New Jersey 0 6.37
New Mexico 20,000 8.4
N ew York 10,000 6.85
North Carolina 7,500 8.08
North Dakota 80,000 5.25
Ohio 5,000 7.2
Oklahoma no limit 6.05
Oregon 15,000 9.0
Pensylvania 0 2.8
Rhode Island 0 9.66
South Carolina 5,000 7.3
South Dakota no limit 0
Tennessee 5,000 0
Texas no limit 0
Utah 8,000 5.72
Vermont 30,000 8.85
Virginia 5,000 5.75
Washington 30,000 0
West Virginia 7,500 6.5
Wisconsin 40,000 6.93
Wyoming 10,000 0
Maximum Minimum Wage
Corporate Income Relative to
State Tax Rate (%) Productivity
Alabama 5.0 0.23
Alaska 5.2 0.16
Arizona 9.0 0.21
Arkansas 3.75 0.25
California 9.3 0.18
Colorado 5.0 0.21
Connecticut 11.25 0.16
Delaware 8.7 0.15
Florida 5.5 0.21
Georgia 6.0 0.20
Hawaii 5.4 0.20
Idaho 8.0 0.25
Illinois 4.8 0.18
indiana 3.4 0.22
Iowa 9.0 0.23
Kansas 4.0 0.24
Kentucky 6.13 0.22
Louisiana 6.0 0.19
Maine 6.22 0.25
Maryland 7.0 0.19
Massachusetts 9.5 0.18
Michigan 1.15 0.20
Minnesota 9.8 0.21
Mississippi 4.0 0.25
Missouri 6.25 0.22
Montana 6.75 0.29
Nebraska 6.7 0.24
Nevada 0 0.19
New Hampshire 7.0 0.20
New Jersey 9.0 0.15
New Mexico 6.2 0.20
N ew York 9.0 0.15
North Carolina 7.75 0.22
North Dakota 6.75 0.28
Ohio 7.0 0.21
Oklahoma 6.0 0.25
Oregon 6.6 0.21
Pensylvania 10.0 0.20
Rhode Island 9.0 0.20
South Carolina 5.0 0.23
South Dakota 0 0.26
Tennessee 6.0 0.22
Texas 0 0.19
Utah 5.0 0.24
Vermont 6.88 0.25
Virginia 6.0 0.20
Washington 0 0.20
West Virginia 9.0 0.23
Wisconsin 7.9 0.23
Wyoming 0 0.18
Coefficient Error
Policy Environment
Homestead exemption rate -0.096 * 0.022
Homestead exemption rate squared 0.003 * 0.001
Homestead exemption rate cubed -0.00002 * 0.00001
Max. personal income tax rate -0.037 0.054
Max. personal income tax rate squared 0.001 0.001
Max. corporate income tax rate -0.138 * 0.082
Max. corporate income tax rate squared 0.005 0.006
Min. wage relative to productivity -5.661 * 2.091
Business Environment
Unemployment rate 0.120 * 0.022
Real income per capita -0.162 * 0.091
Relative proprietor's wage 0.163 0.380
Real wealth per capita 0.150 0.243
Real median house price 0.027 * 0.008
Industry shares yes
Share of population in metro areas -0.174 * 0.063
Adult share aged 45-65 0.102 * 0.049
Adult share aged 65+ 0.318 * 0.097
Female share of employment 0.052 * 0.019
Black share of employment 0.063 0.098
Native American share of employment -0.142 * 0.309
Asian share of employment -0.104 0.193
Hispanic share of employment 0.040 0.067
Year Effects
1993 0.088 0.073
1994 0.352 * 0.103
1995 0.701 * 0.134
1996 1.139 * 0.162
1997 1.374 * 0.191
1998 1.631 0.224
State Fixed Effects yes
Policy Environment
Homestead exemption rate -4.33
Homestead exemption rate squared 3.81
Homestead exemption rate cubed -3.65
Max. personal income tax rate -0.70
Max. personal income tax rate squared 0.79
Max. corporate income tax rate -1.68
Max. corporate income tax rate squared 0.90
Min. wage relative to productivity -2.71
Business Environment
Unemployment rate 5.53
Real income per capita -1.77
Relative proprietor's wage 0.43
Real wealth per capita 0.62
Real median house price 3.44
Industry shares
Share of population in metro areas -2.77
Adult share aged 45-65 2.06
Adult share aged 65+ 3.26
Female share of employment 2.72
Black share of employment 0.64
Native American share of employment -0.46
Asian share of employment -0.54
Hispanic share of employment 0.60
Year Effects
1993 1.21
1994 3.41
1995 5.24
1996 7.03
1997 7.19
1998 7.29
State Fixed Effects
NOTES: The feasible FGLS estimation corrects for state-specific
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation; the single asterisk
indicates significance at the 10 percent level or higher;
number of observations = 350; the dependent variable is the
rate of entrepreneurship.
Policy Variable (n) [chi square] (n) Prob >
[chi square] (n)
Homestead exemption (3) 21.97 0.0001
Personal income tax rate (2) 1.84 0.3981
Corporate income tax rate (2) 5.61 0.0606
Corporate Productivity
Homestead Income Bias of the
State Exemption Tax Min. Wage Total
Alabama -5.0 -4.8 -3.7 -13.4
Alaska -4.2 -2.7 -0.2 -7.0
Arizona -1.4 -5.5 -2.1 -9.1
Arkansas -1.8 -3.1 -3.8 -8.6
California -4.1 -4.9 -0.8 -9.7
Colorado -4.5 -2.7 -1.6 -8.8
Connecticut -5.0 -5.5 -0.1 -10.6
Delaware 0.0 -6.6 0.0 -6.6
Florida -1.9 -4.2 -2.3 -8.4
Georgia -3.9 -5.1 -2.0 -11.0
Hawaii -3.9 -3.5 -1.6 -9.1
Idaho -1.4 -4.0 -3.0 -8.4
Illinois -4.3 -4.1 -1.3 -9.7
Indiana -5.9 -3.2 -3.0 -12.1
Iowa -2.6 -5.0 -2.8 -10.4
Kansas -1.5 -2.8 -2.9 -7.2
Kentucky -5.2 -5.4 -3.3 -13.9
Louisiana -6.4 -5.3 -1.6 -13.3
Maine -4.7 -3.5 -3.0 -11.2
Maryland 0.0 -5.0 -1.6 -6.7
Massachusetts -4.5 -5.5 -1.2 -11.2
Michigan -7.5 -1.2 -2.1 -10.8
Minnesota -3.5 -5.3 -2.2 -10.9
Mississippi -4.2 -4.1 -4.7 -13.1
Missouri -3.8 -4.5 -2.7 -11.0
Montana -2.1 -3.2 -3.6 -8.9
Nebraska -5.1 -4.2 -2.9 -12.2
Nevada -1.4 0.0 -1.4 -2.8
New Hampshire -5.1 -4.0 -1.5 -10.6
New Jersey -5.0 -6.5 0.0 -11.5
New Mexico -5.1 -4.2 -1.9 -11.1
New York -3.6 -6.4 0.0 -10.0
North Carolina -5.7 -5.5 -2.5 -13.7
North Dakota -1.7 -4.1 -4.2 -10.0
Ohio -3.8 -5.5 -2.5 -11.8
Oklahoma -1.7 -3.7 -3.1 -8.6
Oregon -4.4 -3.8 -1.8 -10.0
Pennsylvania -6.9 -6.5 -2.0 -15.4
Rhode Island -5.7 -6.5 -2.0 -14.2
South Carolina -4.7 -4.8 -3.9 -13.4
South Dakota -1.5 0.0 -3.1 -4.6
Tennessee -2.5 -4.2 -2.7 -9.4
Texas -1.3 0.0 -1.3 -2.7
Utah -2.0 -3.1 -2.6 -7.7
Vermont -4.0 -3.5 -2.9 -10.5
Virginia -3.4 -5.0 -2.1 -10.5
Washington -5.8 0.0 -1.6 -7.4
West Virginia -8.0 -7.4 -4.0 -19.4
Wisconsin -6.4 -5.8 -3.1 -15.3
Wyoming -3.4 0.0 -0.8 -4.2
Average Effect
of Policy
State and Region Environment
Bottom 15 states -13.2
South (7) -13.9
North (8) -12.6
Top 11 states -8.3
New England (3) -10.7
West (8) -7.4
Relative Importance
Entrepreneurship of Policy
State Gap (a) Environment (b)
West Virginia 4.3 50.5
Mississippi 4.1 36.7
South Carolina 3.7 43.1
Alabama 3.6 43.2
Kentucky 3.4 48.9
Louisiana 3.3 48.3
Michigan 3.1 42.4
Rhode Island 2.7 67.3
Virginia 2.7 50.2
New Jersey 2.6 55.2
New York 2.5 51.6
Ohio 2.5 61.6
Indiana 2.5 63.6
Wisconsin 2.1 94.5
(a) The difference between the mean rate of entrepreneurship
and the state's actual rate of entrepreneurship for 1998.
(b) The ratio of the gap and the percentage-point effect of
the policy environment on the rate of entrepreneurship.