Economic freedom and development: new calculations and interpretations.
Weede, Erich
For some time there has been a debate about the effect of economic
freedom on economic growth and development (Beach and Davis 1999: 10; de
Haan and Siermann 1998; de Haan and Sturm 2000; Edwards 1998; Goldsmith
1997; Gwartney, Lawson, and Block 1996: 109; Knack and Keefer 1995;
Pitlik 2002; Scully 1992; Torstensson 1994; Weede and Kampf 2002).
Although there is wide agreement about the stylized fact that
economically free societies are richer than other societies, there is
less agreement about the impact of economic freedom on growth rates.
Some writers contend that the level of economic freedom affects growth,
whereas others, in particular de Haan and his associates, dispute the
robustness of this claim and find only a relationship between
improvements in economic freedom and growth.
The most recently published research on the effects of economic
freedom on growth (Gwartney and Lawson 2004; Gwartney, Holcombe, and
Lawson 2006) reaffirms that there are strong and beneficial effects of
the level of economic freedom and of its improvement on growth rates.
Looking at the published literature as well as at the work in progress
by one of my doctoral students (Liu 2007), my impression is that there
are two ways to strengthen the effects of the level of economic freedom
on growth: first, choose a longer rather than shorter period of growth
observation; second, and more important, use an average measure of the
level of economic freedom rather than a single time point measure of
economic freedom that refers only to the first year of growth
observation. If one compares, say, de Haan and Sturm's (2000) study
with Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson's (2006), then one finds that
the former study uses a somewhat shorter period of growth observation,
but both of them use the level of economic freedom at the beginning of
the growth period to be explained. (1) Whereas de Haan and Sturm (2000)
find no significant and robust effect of the level of economic freedom
on growth, Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2006) arrive at the opposite
conclusion: The level of economic freedom does promote growth. (2)
The purpose of this article is to discover whether one should
believe in the results reported by Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson
(2006). My approach is straightforward and simple. Neither extreme
bounds analysis, nor Bayesian averaging shall be applied. But, of
course, a study of robustness requires that one should not follow the
example of Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2006) in every respect. I
work with a research design that is similar to theirs (and inspired by
it), but I do change some of their procedures. For the purposes of a
robustness check, one does not necessarily need to claim superiority of
one's own design. It is sufficient to claim that one's design
is about as defensible or reasonable as the other one. Robust findings
should be supportable by a variety of approaches.
Research Design
For a start, the period of growth observation, 1980 to 2000, is
identical to Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson's (2006). But I expand
the data set from 94 to 102 cases which, of course, is related to a
different choice of control variables or other presumed determinants of
growth. The sample expansion is not great, but better than nothing.
Since all of us have to rely on accidental instead of random samples,
(3) the effects of sample extensions tend to be unpredictable. Whereas
Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2006) rely on the economic freedom
ratings in 1980, I prefer to average ratings from Gwartney and Lawson
(2005) for the 1980 to 1995 period. The later the measure of economic
freedom within the period of growth observation, the less likely it is
to affect the growth rate. (4) Whereas Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson
(2006) generate two change in economic freedom variables, which
separately refer to the 1980s and 1990s, I rely on a single change or
improvement in economic freedom variable.
Like them, I use the level of economic development in 1980 as a
control variable, but from a different source (Bhalla 2002). I also
apply the control variables tropical location and coastal population
from the same source. According to Sachs (2005), geography should matter
more than institutions or policies. By contrast to Gwartney, Holcombe,
and Lawson (2006), I neglect the impact of investment and replace their
growth measure of human capital formation by a level measure of it. In
my view (Weede and Kampf 2002; Weede 2004), all standard measures of
human capital suffer from being based on the input to human capital
formation, such as years of schooling or some related measure.
Frequently, schooling input-based measures of human capital do not
significantly affect growth rates (e.g., DeLong and Summers 1991; Hegre,
Gissinger, and Gleditsch 2003; Pitlik 2002; Plumper and Martin 2003).
Inspired by Pritchett (2006), one could also point to the difficulty of
reconciling the divergence of growth rates between many Asian or rich
countries on the one hand and many non-Asian developing economies on the
other hand with globally converging levels in schooling. The World Bank
(2005: 68) even admitted that "education is not translating into
human capital and that the rise in per worker schooling explains only a
small part of the growth in output per worker."
By contrast, the intelligence quotient (IQ) always does
consistently and robustly improve economic growth rates (Lynn and
Vanhanen 2002; Weede and Kampf 2002; Weede 2004; Jones and Schneider
2006). Moreover, it always outperforms standard measures of human
capital by a wide margin. Since this article neither necessitates a
specific assumption about the genetic and environmental components of
intelligence, nor sheds light on this issue, one should regard IQs as
scores on an achievement test. Although they do not necessarily say much
about cognitive potentials, average IQs assess the current level of
human capital availability within nations.
After these changes in the research design, one gets the results of
column 1 in Table 1 where the economic growth rate (5) from 1980 to 2000
is regressed on the level of economic development to assess the
opportunities of backwardness or the catch-up effect, on the national IQ
to estimate the human capital effect, on coastal population and tropical
location to estimate the impact of geographic advantages or
disadvantages, and on average economic freedom (1980 to 1995) and the
change or improvement of it (between 1980 and 2000). All of the
coefficients are significant at least at the 10 percent level in
two-tailed tests, which corresponds to the 5 percent level in one-tailed
tests. The control variables perform as expected. The higher the level
of economic development, the lower the economic growth rate in the
following two decades is. The higher the IQ, the faster the economy
grows. As can be seen from the standardized regression coefficients,
these two effects are much stronger than the other effects. Tropical
location does some harm. An ice-free coast and much of the population
close to it helps. The main concern of this study, however, is economic
freedom or capitalism. The average level of economic freedom is the
third strongest determinant of economic growth, doing better than the
two geographical variables. The economic freedom effect is significant
at the three per thousand level. By contrast, the effects of
improvements in economic freedom are much weaker. Only in one-tailed
tests the 5 percent threshold is just met. With an adjusted R square of
0.55, explanatory success is acceptable and in a similar order of
magnitude as reported by Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2006).
Since the geographical variables performed rather poorly in the
first equation, they have been omitted in the second one. The change in
economic freedom is retained despite its weak performance in the first
equation, because economic freedom effects constitute the focus of this
article. R square goes down to 0.52. IQ and the level of economic
development change places in column 2 compared with column 1 as the most
important determinant of growth. The level of economic freedom remains a
much stronger determinant of growth rates than the change or improvement
in economic freedom. But the latter variable improves its significance
level in the absence of the geographical variables.
Column 3 demonstrates that the better performance of the average
level of economic freedom than of changes in economic freedom does not
depend on the inclusion of control variables. By itself, however, the
level and change of economic freedom explain only about one eighth of
the variation in growth rates. The last column reports a regression
without rich countries, where the cut-off point is a per capita income of $15,000 in 1980. The focus on poor countries marginally strengthens
the economic freedom and tropical location variables, but hardly affects
the impacts of the other variables. Given the focus of this article, one
may summarize the findings of Table 1 by saying that the impact of the
level of economic freedom looks quite robust, and--in contrast to the
claims advanced by de Haan and his associates--certainly stronger than
improvement effects, though of lesser importance than the potential
advantages of backwardness (level of economic development) or human
capital formation (IQ).
Issues of Interpretation
Although my regressions do support the contentions of Gwartney and
Lawson (2004) and Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2006) that economic
freedom and its improvement lead to better growth rates, and that the
level of economic freedom is even more important than its improvement,
looking at the standardized regression coefficients seems to imply some
disappointment. These coefficients tell us something about the degree of
importance of independent variables within equations and data sets.
Here, the message is clear: Although economic freedom and its
improvement matter, their effects are dominated by the level of economic
development and human capital formation or intelligence. Do these
findings imply that defenders of capitalism and economic freedom
exaggerate their case? I think not.
Take the least controversial independent variable first, the level
of economic development that assesses potential advantages of
backwardness. Discussions among economists (Barro and Sala-i-Martin
1995; Baumol 1994; Olson 1996) are dominated by the reasons for the
existence of these potential advantages: Less developed economies can
borrow technologies, business models, and marketing procedures from more
advanced economies. Imitation may be easier and faster than innovation
on which the leading economies have to rely. Plausibly, these advantages
are greater at moderate levels of backwardness where the level of human
capital formation permits the exploitation of the opportunities of
backwardness. Or, less developed economies have more scope for
reallocating labor from less productive work in agriculture to more
productive work in industry or services. Or, it is probably easier to
find profitable investments in developing countries--say, in transport
infrastructure--than in highly developed economies where many of the
obvious investments have already been made. I do not want to join the
debate about the relative merit of these arguments. Nor do I want to add
arguments from other social sciences according to which the process of
economic development implies value changes that feed back to undermine
later economic growth prospects (Inglehart 1997).
Instead, I want to underline the obvious, which nevertheless tends
to be forgotten: Advantages of backwardness for some developing
countries presuppose the existence of advanced countries. If advanced
countries--say, the United States, Europe, and Japan--had not existed,
the early East Asian tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and
Singapore) could never have grown as fast as they did, nor could China
and India do so today. Before the mid-20th century and its previously
unknown income differentials between Western industrial societies and
less developed countries, no major country ever grew as rapidly as South
Korea and Taiwan did during the 1960s or 1970s, or China did since the
1980s, and India and Vietnam also do now (Maddison 2002). Thus,
international inequality is an essential part of the advantages of
backwardness. This inequality benefits those backward countries that
grasp the available opportunities. (6)
The advanced and relatively free countries are essential
ingredients in generating the opportunities of backwardness. They
provide a model, a source of technology, and a market for low-wage
products. If the advanced countries became rich ahead of other countries
because they established safe property rights for merchants and
producers earlier than others, because they benefited from limited
government earlier than others, because they invented capitalism and
benefited from economic freedom first (Jones 1981; Landes 1998; North
1990; Pipes 1999; Rosenberg and Birdzell 1986; Weede 2000), then the
advantages of backwardness are a kind of economic freedom or capitalism
Unfortunately, a lack of quantitative data prevents us from
analyzing the impact of economic freedom on growth rates in the
long-run. But it is plausible to base a claim on qualitative data or
narratives according to which the long-run impact of economic freedom
would look much stronger than it did in Table 1. Since Westerners tend
to score lower than East Asians on intelligence tests, but nevertheless
established capitalism first and overcame mass poverty before East
Asians could do it, the long-run impact of economic freedom seems even
to dominate intelligence effects. Of course, advantages of backwardness
must have been small before the establishment of capitalism because most
major civilizations (comprising tens of millions of people) then still
had rather similar per capita incomes (Maddison 2002). (7)
Thus, the advantages of backwardness merit a Hayekian (1960: 32)
interpretation: "The benefits of freedom are therefore not confined
to the free.... There can be no doubt that in history unfree majorities
have benefited from the existence of free minorities and that today
unfree societies benefit from what they obtain and learn from free
societies." This statement fits the current relationship between
the People's Republic of China and the West, as if it had been
written yesterday and with exactly this example in mind. That the
benefits of economic freedom in the United States and other Western
countries extend to statist societies was also pointed out by Nau (1995:
47) concerning Japan and other earlier Asian developmental states, such
as Taiwan and South Korea:
The Asian model of development celebrated by strategic trade
theorists works only in the context of Anglo-American model of freer
trade. No one has shown that Japan or any other Asian country
would have succeeded in its trade and economic strategies, whatever
the degrees of government intervention, if it had not had
access to world markets, particularly the American market. To
attribute such success to a superior development model, to domestic
industrial, technology, and trade policy intervention, therefore,
is at best a half-truth.
So, it looks as if economic freedom in the global economy, the
existence of dominant and pioneering free economies is of paramount
importance in improving growth rates everywhere. Moreover, economic
freedom within nations, or the improvement of it, helps those who
practice it.
Recognition of the fact of international inequality also has led to
quite different evaluations. Recently, the World Bank (2005: 206)
bemoaned that "there are huge inequities in the world. Even
better-off citizens in most of the developing world face worse
opportunities than the poor in rich countries. The fact that the country
of birth is a key determinant of people's opportunities runs
counter to our view of equity." (8) From such a perspective, it is
only a small step to demand more development aid from rich countries to
poor countries (Sachs 2005).
Unfortunately, econometric studies do not demonstrate a robust
relationship between receiving a lot of aid and growing more rapidly
(Brumm 2003; Burnside and Dollar 2000; Doucouliagos and Paldam 2006;
Easterly, Levine and Roodman 2003; Hansen and Tarp 2000; Jensen and
Paldam 2004; Ovaska 2003). Although some results suggest that aid is
effective in an appropriate institutional and policy environment, such
effects are not robust and easily replicable. Moreover, aid-giving
countries are not always careful about targeting aid to deserving
recipients. Some studies even suggest that too much aid may be harmful.
Conceivably, rich countries do more for poor countries if they dismantle
obstacles to their own growth--which generates advantages of
backwardness and opportunities to catch-up for poor countries--than if
their governments (in contrast to private entrepreneurs) transfer
capital to poor countries.
These findings fit well with arguments against development aid that
were made decades ago by Bauer (1981) and, more recently, expanded by
Easterly (2001, 2006). One should not overestimate the contribution of
investment to growth and simultaneously underestimate the necessity of
proper incentives. Although aid may reduce capital scarcity, it almost
never improves incentives. By reinforcing the power of governments
(which get the aid) over people, aid provides incentives for political
action and distributional struggles rather than for productive work. As
Olson (1987) has argued, most poor countries suffer from a lack of
efficient and honest administrations. Therefore, state dependent
development strategies look even more ill-advised for most poor
countries than elsewhere. Governmental and administrative efficiency is
not their comparative advantage. By contrast, a focus on economic
freedom would limit the responsibilities and burdens of poor country
governments and minimize the cost of government failure.
Then there is the powerful effect of human capital formation or IQs
in Table 1. It is compatible with economic theory as well as with common
sense. It says that some nations perform well because they enjoy a
better qualified workforce than others. Such a statement should be
politically acceptable. But if qualification is measured by IQ, then
connotations creep in and political correctness raises its pernicious
head. The starting point of misleading connotations is even true. Many,
if not most psychometricians claim that individual differences in
intelligence are largely heritable or genetic. A typical estimate of
heritability is 0.75 for adults (Neisser et al. 1996: 85). But this
estimate has been generated from the analysis of data in modern Western
societies. It should not be extrapolated to previous and less
egalitarian Western societies. Almost certainly, traditional Western
society has had lower heritabilities than contemporary Western
societies. Where almost all children receive adequate nutrition and
schooling, the impact of environmental differences has to go down, but
the impact of inherited differences remains, and thereby becomes
comparatively more important.
For similar reasons, one should expect that the (by and large
unknown) heritabilities of IQ in developing countries are much lower
than in Western societies. Since inequality between human beings still
arises to a much larger degree from international differences in per
capita incomes than from intranational differences in per capita incomes
(Firebaugh 1999; Goesling 2001; World Bank 2005: 65), one should also
expect that international differences in IQ are less heritable than
differences within wealthy Western societies. Probably, the unknown
international heritability would be lower than 0.50 (Vernon 1979: 204).
Certainly, the well-known heritabilities reported for Western societies
do not apply to cross-national comparisons.
Another misleading connotation is that high heritability implies
that environmental cures for intellectual deficiencies cannot exist. (9)
There is one (admittedly, rare) metabolic disease, abbreviated PKU,
which leads to mental defects if untreated. The most important part of
the treatment is a proper diet for children (Jencks 1980). Actually, it
has been estimated (Lynn 2006: 148, 185) that about half of the gap
between Africans and Europeans in IQ might be due to better nutrition in
Europe than in Africa or that the gap between East Asians and Europeans,
which already favors East Asians (in tests produced by whites), might
grow once the Chinese consume higher quality food as they become richer.
Possibly, this focus on food shall be modified by future research, but I
cannot see what is politically incorrect in taking food--especially for
children--as seriously as schooling.
Finally, there is the Flynn effect (Dickens and Flynn 2001;
Meisenberg et al. 2005). This effect implies that IQs tend to grow from
generation to generation, sometimes up to a full standard deviation,
which implies that five out of six persons score better than the average
of their parental generation. Most of the research has again been done
on whites. But recently, two interesting findings have been reported.
Possibly, the Flynn effect will soon be exhausted in Western societies.
And it might apply to non-Western peoples, too (Meisenberg et al. 2005).
It has been demonstrated for an Afro-Caribbean population on the island
of Domenica. There might be some convergence between black and white
IQs. (10) Possibly, the current IQ gap has arisen because Western
nations first established economic freedom and capitalism which led to
better nutrition and higher IQs that, in a virtuous circle, further
promote growth. But once the biological limits of improving IQs are
reached, then other peoples stand a chance to catch up. Although
capitalism, or economic freedom, is not the cause of low IQs anywhere,
it might well be a determinant of high IQs in rich Western
countries--via prosperity and nutrition. Moreover, capitalism and
economic freedom promise to improve the IQs in non-Western societies in
the future--again via prosperity, nutrition, and the associated
The preceding econometric analysis seems to say that the initial
level of economic development, or the advantages of backwardness, and
human capital endowments promote economic growth to a greater degree
than economic freedom or capitalism. Such an interpretation, however, is
too narrowly focused on variable labels as well as on the short run. A
full interpretation of the econometric results has to take into account
that advantages of backwardness for less developed countries have been
created by the previous capitalist development of Western societies.
Without a long history of limited government and economic freedom in the
West, there would be no advantages of backwardness that China, Vietnam,
and India currently exploit. Without a history of economic freedom and
the prosperity it brought to the West, Western human capital endowments
would be poorer than they are. By preserving and expanding its economic
freedom, by promoting the health of their own economies, Western
societies simultaneously promote the chances of still poor societies to
overcome abject poverty. If plans for assisting poor countries
necessitate some restriction of economic freedom in rich capitalist
economies, then such plans are less likely to work than to backfire and
to contribute to the perpetuation of poverty. The most efficient way to
help the poor is the perfection and promotion of economic freedom and
global capitalism. Economic freedom serves not only those who enjoy it.
It also helps at least some of those who still lack it.
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(1) In reading the Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2006) study, my
first impression was that they also used average levels of freedom to
explain growth rates, but an e-mail from Gwartney (July 3, 2006)
asserted that they relied on the 1980 level of economic freedom.
(2) I shall sidestep the disagreement between these authors and
their associates in related publications about the impact of economic
freedom on investment, and thereby indirectly on growth.
(3) In general, we lack data for autocratic, poor, and small
(4) But Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2006) took great care to
refute the idea of reverse causation, according to which growth might
lead to economic freedom instead of vice versa.
(5) More exactly, the dependent variable is the difference between
the natural logarithms of per capita incomes in 2000 and 1980. This
operationalization affects only the constant.
(6) One of the early writers who recognized international
inequality as good rather than evil and who did not bemoan it in the
fashionable way has been Herman Kahn (1979: 60ff.) who is most famous
for his work on thermonuclear war. Possibly, such a topic helps one to
overcome moralizing and political correctness.
(7) Although Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2002) did not
explicitly focus on limited government and economic freedom, they do
argue that institutions dominate geography as a determinant of economic
growth over centuries and they provide some quantitative evidence from
the last live centuries to support their view.
(8) Since rich countries tend to be economically free--the
correlation between average economic freedom and average incomes varies
between 0.70 and 0.75 for the 102 nations and the 1980 to 2000 period
analyzed in Table 1--acceptance of this statement should lead one to
praise economic freedom and capitalism. But the World Bank resisted this
(9) A related error is the facile assumption that environmental
defects are easily remedied. Since we still know very little about how
exactly the environment (or, even schools) affect IQs (Neisser et al.
1996: 97), this is simply not true.
(10) According to Meisenberg (2003: 199), it might also help
Africans to catch up with whites that the more intelligent among them
tend to have more children than the others, whereas among Caucasians or
whites less intelligent people tend to have more children than others.
Erich Weede was Full Professor of Sociology at the University of
Bonn, Germany, until his retirement in 2004. He is a member of the Mont
Pelerin Society.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Constant -0.071 -0.892 -0.726 -0.301
Average economic 0.130 *** 0.124 *** 0.142 *** 0.168 ***
freedom 0.346 0.328 0.379 0.361
0.003 0.004 0.000 0.001
Improvement in 0.061 * 0.069 * 0.078 * 0.074 *
economic freedom 0.125 0.141 0.161 0.152
0.100 0.071 0.093 0.068
Level of economic -0.378 *** -0.285 *** -0.303 ***
development (In -0.858 -0.723 -0.582
per capita 0.000 0.000 0.000
income 1980)
IQ 0.027 *** 0.032 *** 0.025 ***
0.722 0.847 0.562
0.000 0.000 0.000
Coastal population 0.225 ** 0.244 **
0.196 0.198
0.015 0.046
Tropical location -0.208 -0.283 ***
-0.226 -0.267
0.022 0.006
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.547 0.515 0.126 0.574
NOTES: First entries are unstandardized regression coefficients,
second entries are standardized regression coefficients, and third
entries are significance levels in two-tailed tests. N is 102 in
the first three columns and 78 in the fourth column where nations
with a per capita income greater than $15,000 in 1980 have been
eliminated. A single asterisk denotes that coefficients pass the
10 percent threshold in significance tests, double asterisks the
5 percent threshold, and triple asterisks the 1 percent threshold.