The effect of welfare on work and marriage: a view from the states.
Hepner, Mickey ; Reed, W. Robert
Over the past 20 years, the U.S transfer system has seen a
substantial shift in responsibility from the federal government to state
governments. States have been given increased flexibility in setting
parameters for income assistance, childcare assistance, and health care
programs, among others. Despite this increased responsibility, state
policymakers are often only dimly aware of the consequences of their
decisions for work and family structure incentives.
This study examines the impact of state-determined tax and transfer
parameters on work and family structure incentives for welfare
recipients. While our work focuses on tax and transfer programs in place
during July 1999 in the state of Oklahoma, we believe that the general
results of our analysis are applicable elsewhere. In particular, we
demonstrate how state-determined programs often have large work and
family structure disincentives. While one could imagine that these
disincentives represent strategic tradeoffs made in pursuit of other
goals, our experience suggests that this is rarely the case:
Policymakers are frequently unaware of the existence of these tradeoffs.
It is our hope that this study will stimulate a greater appreciation of
the potential consequences that state-determined programs have for the
work and family structure decisions of public assistance recipients.
A major obstacle in identifying the incentives and disincentives of
state-determined programs lies in the fact that incentive effects can
vary widely by program participation and family characteristics. We
follow the previous literature in working through a small set of common
scenarios meant to represent typical experiences of welfare recipients.
However, this study also includes an Excel spreadsheet program that
makes available to interested readers the complete set of permutations
for program participation and family characteristics. This spreadsheet
may be downloaded from the Web site: Papers/index.html. Once
downloaded, a user-friendly interface allows the reader to experiment
with alternative combinations of program participation and family
characteristics. In addition to allowing the reader to investigate
scenarios that may be of special interest, it also allows one to check
our claim that the incentive effects we identify are robust for a wide
variety of program participation and family characteristic scenarios. We
believe this represents a valuable innovation to the existing
A further complication lies in accounting for the complicated
interactions between programs. Our study is unique in that it is
* the most extensive study of tax and transfer programs
* the only study to include childcare subsidies
* the only study other than Acs et al. (1998) to calculate
realistic childcare expense schedules based on market rates
* the only study to incorporate changes that occurred after both
PRWORA (1) and SCHIP (2)
* the only study to examine the incentive effects of welfare on
both work and marriage.
This study first examines the impact of tax and transfer programs
on work incentives, and then examines the impact on family structure
Work Incentives for a Female-Headed Household with Two Children
We begin by illustrating the work incentives for a representative
family: a single mother with two preschool children, ages 1 and 3,
living in Oklahoma in July of 1999. We assume that she participates in
the following set of transfer programs as long as she is eligible:
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Food Stamps, Medicaid,
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and Oklahoma's Daycare Subsidy Program. Each of these programs enjoys wide participation among public
assistance recipients. (3)
Relationship between Earned Income and Total Resources
Table 1 shows this mother's total resources (i.e., the dollar
value of her income and benefits net of taxes, work, and daycare
expenses) for alternative wage and hours-of-work possibilities. (4)
Column 1 shows her total monthly income and benefits assuming that she
does not work. Column 2 reports total income and benefits assuming that
she works 20 hours a week at a minimum-wage job ($5.15/hour). Column 3
assumes she works full time (40 hours per week) at a minimum wage job.
Subsequent columns show the impacts of working full time at increasingly
higher wage rates.
Figure 1 illustrates the complex, nonlinear relationship between
the mother's earned income and her corresponding total resources.
The first column bar represents total income and benefits when the
mother does not work. In this ease, she receives monthly total resources
valued at $828, with $292 coming from TANF, $329 from Food Stamps, and
$207 from Medicaid. She pays no taxes and has no work expenses given her
zero hours of work.
When she increases her work effort to 20 hours per week at a
minimum wage job, she earns $446 in income. She also begins to earn
benefits of $179 from the EITC. Out of this sum she must pay non-daycare
related work expenses (estimated at $34), FICA ($34), and state taxes
($1). (5) In addition, her TANF income decreases $163, and her Food
Stamp benefits drop $18, respectively (Medicaid stays the same),
yielding her total monthly income and benefits of $1,204.
Note that by working part-time, the mother incurs monthly childcare
expenses for her two children of $390. (6) However, Oklahoma's
childcare subsidy pays these costs in full, and thus these expenses do
not affect her income and benefits. Had the subsidy left some of her
childcare expenses unpaid, we would have counted her copay as an
additional work expense. In this way, the childcare subsidy enters the
income and benefit calculation only indirectly, by reducing her work
As the mother increases her labor supply from 20 hours to 40 hours
per week at the minimum wage, she earns an additional $446, as well as
further EITC benefits of $139. However, this time she sees a much
smaller increase in total monthly income and benefits. Monthly total
resources increase from $1,204 per month when working 20 hours per week,
to only $1,381 per month when working twice that much. The smaller
increase is largely due to the decrease in transfer program benefits.
Food Stamps decline from $311 to $223. Medicaid decreases from $207 to
$121 as the parent loses eligibility for Medicaid benefits. TANF goes to
0. In addition, her taxes go up, along with her non-daycare related work
expenses (now estimated to be $67). She also starts to pay a monthly
daycare copay of $32.
Moving further right in Figure 1, we see the effect of wage
increases on the mother's income and benefits, assuming she works
40 hours per week. There is relatively little reward for achieving wage
gains beyond the minimum wage. Remarkably, the welfare recipient would
have to earn $15/hour (approximately $30,000 a year assuming full-time,
full-year work) before she was able to attain the same level of total
resources she receives when she is working part-time (20 hours per week)
at the minimum wage ($5.15/hour).
A striking characteristic of Figure 1 is the substantial drop in
income and benefits that occurs after the mother's hourly wage
increases from $11 to $12 dollars. This income "notch" is
primarily due to Oklahoma's childcare subsidy program. We will have
more to say about childcare subsidies below.
Public Assistance and Marginal Tax Rates
Figure 2 converts the total income and benefit schedule to a
marginal tax rate schedule. Marginal tax rates (MTR) are calculated as
(1) MTR = 1 - ([DELTA] in total resources)/([DELTA] in earned
Changes in total resources and earned income are calculated for
adjacent columns, moving from left to right.
The practical value of the MTR schedule is that it allows one to
gauge the impact of the combined tax and transfer programs on the
returns to becoming progressively more engaged in the labor market. We
can imagine participation in the labor market as a series of steps: The
first step consists of moving from not working at all to working
part-time (20 hours per week) at the minimum wage. The next step
consists of working part-time at the minimum wage to full-time at the
minimum wage. Subsequent steps consist of moving from lower-paying jobs
to jobs requiring greater skills and responsibilities, with
correspondingly higher wages. The MTR/schedule allows us to assess the
rewards to the mother of progressing on to the "next step."
Figure 2 illustrates the combined effect of the respective tax and
transfer programs (TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, EITC, and Childcare
Subsidy Program). For a mother of two children (ages 1 and 3) in
daycare, these programs serve to facilitate initial entry into the labor
market. The MTR associated with moving from not working at all to
working part-time at the minimum wage is 16 percent. In other words, for
every dollar of earned income over this range, the mother is able to
retain an average of 84 cents after taxes and work expenses.
Consequently, this represents the true net return to working. As we
shall demonstrate below, the major reason for why the MTR is so low is
due to the childcare subsidy program.
Additional steps are generally less rewarding. The MTR associated
with moving from working part-time to working full-time at the minimum
wage is 60 percent. In other words, over this range, an hour of work
generates a post-tax, post-working expenses reward of $2.06. (7) Making
the next step to a job paying $6.00/hour rather than $5.15/ hour results
in a virtually identical MTR (59 percent).
Figure 2 illustrates an interesting policy tradeoff produced by
this set of tax and transfer programs. As noted above, once the mother
progresses to the point of working full-time at a wage of $6.00, she has
little financial incentive to seek more rewarding employment. The MTR
associated with moving from a $6/hour to a $7/hour job is 80 percent. It
is 97 percent to subsequently move to an $8/hour job, and 93 percent to
move to a $9/hour job. To put this in dollar terms, the total monthly
net benefits from working full-time and moving to jobs paying
progressively higher wages of $7/hour, $8/hour, and $9/hour are $34.66,
$5.20, and $12.13, respectively. This highlights the fact that
structuring transfer programs to encourage initial entry into the labor
market has a cost in terms of reducing the reward from seeking
higher-paying (higher-skilled) employment once the worker finds
employment. This cost can arise quickly at jobs that are located
relatively low on the wage distribution scale.
As a point of comparison, it is interesting to compare the
incentives and disincentives of public assistance with the case of
"no government benefits." The dashed line in Figure 2 shows
what the mother's MTR would look like if she did not receive
transfer program benefits. In this case, we calculate that her MTR going
from no work to part-time work at the minimum wage would be 103 percent.
Similarly, we calculate a MTR of 104 percent as she goes from part-time
to full-time work. These high MTR's reflect the impact of childcare
expenses, assuming that the mother places her two children in a licensed
daycare facility. Once she is working full-time, further increases in
income achieved through higher wages have a much lower MTR, as increases
in income are not consumed by increased childcare costs. For the
specific set of program participation/family characteristics in Figure
2, it is clear that public assistance not only allows this mother to
enjoy overall greater resources, but also provides greater incentives
for her to participate in the labor market up to the point where she is
working full-time at the minimum wage. (8)
The Effect of Layering State Programs on Federal Programs
In order to isolate the work incentive effects of the
state-determined programs, in this section we investigate the impact of
adding state-determined programs upon a base set of federally determined
programs. The representative family unit continues to be a female-headed
household in Oklahoma with two children, ages 1 and 3, where both
children attend paid daycare when the mother works. It is assumed that
this mother participates in five transfer programs: EITC, Food Stamps,
TANF, Medicaid, and the childcare subsidy program. The first two
programs are wholly determined at the federal level, with no state
discretion in setting benefit parameters. As a hypothetical starting
point, Panel A of Figure 3 reports the effective MTRs as the mother
progressively steps into greater participation in the labor market,
assuming that the only programs she participates in are the federally
determined EITC and Food Stamps.
We note that the combination of assuming that both children attend
paid childcare when the mother works and that the mother does not
receive childcare subsidies, implies that virtually all of her after-tax
earned income up through working a full-time job at the minimum wage is
dedicated to childcare expenses. Nevertheless, with Food Stamps and EITC
benefits, she is able to obtain total resources of $329 per month when
she does not work, $497 per month when she works part-time at the
minimum wage, and $620 per month when she works full-time at the minimum
wage. With just the federal programs in place, the MTRs associated with
initial entry into the labor market are substantial. The step from not
working to working part-time at the minimum wage has a corresponding MTR
of 62 percent. The step from working part-time to full-time at the
minimum wage has a MTR of 72 percent. The MTR drops to 13 percent when
the mother switches from a full-time job paying $5.15/hour to one paying
$6/ hour. This drop occurs because childcare expenses are not affected
and EITC and Food Stamps benefits remain virtually the same. However,
additional moves to higher paying employment result in substantially
greater MTRs as EITC and Food Stamps benefits begin to be reduced.
Panels B, C, and D of Figure 3 illustrate the incentive effects of
adding the state-determined programs (TANF, Medicaid, and the childcare
subsidy program). Looking first at Panels B and C, we see that the
addition of TANF and Medicaid do not affect the MTR associated with the
first step into the labor market; it remains at 62 percent. In Oklahoma,
the earnings from a part-time minimum wage job lie below the countable
income threshold, so that TANF and Medicaid benefits are not reduced in
this range. However, once the mother moves beyond this earnings
threshold, the effect of adding the state-determined programs is to
increase MTRs across the board. At first, the increased MTRs are due to
reductions in TANF and Food Stamps. (TANF interacts with Food Stamps to
cause the latter's benefits to be reduced more rapidly because TANF
benefits count as income in calculating Food Stamps benefits.) Only at
higher earnings levels does Medicaid contribute to the larger MTRs (the
two notches at $8/hour and $12/hour in Panel C are due to Medicaid).
Panel D illustrates the important role that childcare subsidies can
play. In Oklahoma, the childcare subsidy program serves to decrease,
sometimes substantially, the MTRs at the early steps of labor market
participation. For example, adding the childcare subsidy program lowers
the MTR associated with moving from not working to working 20 hours/week
at the minimum wage from 62 percent to 16 percent. Essentially, the
childcare subsidy program serves to reduce the expenses the mother must
incur as she increases her work effort, thereby reducing the MTR.
Subsequent steps also see lowered MTRs. Of course, these reductions come
at a cost. The cost is realized when the mother moves from full-time
employment at a job paying $11/hour to one paying $12/hour. The
associated MTR is 379 percent.
The reason for this huge notch is that the mother's copay
schedule sees fairly small increments as her earnings increase, but a
very large increase when she crosses that earnings threshold. (9) Thus,
Oklahoma has made the implicit decision to use the childcare subsidy
program to lower MTRs at earlier stages of engagement in the labor
market, choosing to pay for that reduction by concentrating the cost at
a relatively late stage of labor market engagement. The consequences of
having such a steep MTR notch are not well known.
Implications for Policy Reforms
In sum, the schedule of parameters incorporated in the major
state-determined programs (TANF, Medicaid, and childcare subsidies) has
important consequences for the work incentives of welfare recipients.
While this is certainly well known in general, the preceding analysis
has demonstrated with specific examples how important these effects can
be. What may not be well known--or as well known--is that the
configuration of state-determined programs contains tradeoffs that may
not be fully appreciated by policymakers.
For example, the preceding analysis indicates that Oklahoma has
implicitly decided to subsidize initial participation in the labor
market at the cost of reducing financial rewards from further labor
market advancement. However, this outcome was not the result of a
strategic decision by Oklahoma policymakers. Many policymakers were
unaware that the programs they were overseeing were forcing these
tradeoffs. Analyses such as the preceding can be very helpful in
pointing out these tradeoffs and in identifying alternative policy
One possible alternative policy option would be to restructure
state parameters to raise the MTRs associated with initial labor market
participation. The corresponding program savings could be used to lower
the MTRs associated with further labor market advancement. If this
change were coupled with strict work requirements that force recipients
to participate in the labor market, the program could encourage greater
human capital acquisition on the part of welfare recipients without
decreasing their initial labor market participation.
There is a further benefit of this approach: Suppose TANF were
restructured so that TANF benefits were reduced dollar for dollar with
earned income, so that by the time the recipient was working part-time
at the minimum wage she would have exited from TANF. The program savings
could be used to reduce the reduction rate (expand the coverage) in
Medicaid benefits. This would lower the MTR associated with subsequent
labor market participation. However, it would also reduce the amount of
time that the recipient was on TANF, allowing her to save her five-year
TANF eligibility (as mandated by PRWORA) for future use, if necessary.
The Effect of Tax and Transfer Programs on Family Structure
Poverty rates are often linked to rates of female-headship. In
turn, welfare is often listed as a possible explanatory variable for the
increased trend in female-headship over time. In this section, we
examine the impact of government tax and transfer programs on the
incentives to form alternative family structures.
We consider the total resources available for a family unit
consisting of a woman with two children ages 1 and 3, and a male who
works full-time at a wage rate of $8/hour. The male is assumed to be the
father of the two children. The subsequent analysis compares total
resources for the family unit as a function of the couple's
relationship. The goal is to measure the extent to which public
assistance creates incentives for couples to choose one type of
relationship over another.
Tax and transfer programs implicitly differentiate three different
categories of relationships when calculating benefits. The first
category is marriage ("Married"). The second category is the
state of being unmarried and living together, where the cohabitation is
reported ("Unmarried-Cohabitation Reported"). The third
category combines two different relationship states: (1) the state of
being unmarried and living apart, and (9,) the state of being unmarried
and living together--but the cohabitation is unreported. These two
relationship states are not distinguished by tax and transfer programs
for the purposes of calculating benefits. We presume that household
expenses are generally higher for a couple living apart (maintaining two
residences). (10) Thus, in comparing the relative attractiveness of
"living apart" and "unreported cohabitation" for
this couple, our analysis assumes the latter relationship state
("Umnarried-Cohabitation Unreported") as the third category in
our comparison.
Tax and transfer programs behave differently with respect to how
they treat these three categories. For example, the EITC includes the
male's income with the mother's when calculating benefits if
the couple is married. When the couple cohabits, is unmarried, and the
male is the father of the children in the household, the EITC includes
only the income of the highest earning parent. In contrast, the Food
Stamp program includes the cohabitating male's income whether they
are married or not. The following analysis is designed to study the
hypothetical scenario where a couple with two children is living
together and chooses to adopt the relationship state that maximizes
their total resources. (11) It is assumed throughout that the male works
full-time at an $8/hour job.
Figure 4 represents the total resources available to the family in
each of the three relationship states for the case where the children
are placed in paid childcare when the mother works. Panel A reports
total resources given no public assistance. When the father works
full-time at an $8/hour job and the mother does not work at all, the
income tax system generates a financial reward in favor of marriage:
$1,198 per month in total resources versus $1,050 per month for the
other two states. As the mother enters the workforce, family resources
initially decrease for all three relationship states because work
expenses (overwhelmingly childcare costs) are greater than earned income
net of taxes. Family resources increase once the mother's earnings
surpass the full-time employment/minimum-wage level. However, the
greater participation in the labor market reduces the relative
attractiveness of marriage, eventually producing a financial penalty for
being married (the well known two-earners' "marriage
Panel B shows the combined effects of the two federally determined
programs (EITC and Food Stamps) on the resources associated with the
respective relationship states. The two programs have different effects.
The main effect of the EITC is to decrease the relative attractiveness
of "Married" relative to "Unmarried-Cohabitation
Reported" when the mother is working full-time at a low wage. This
arises because the EITC counts both the mother's and the
male's income if the couple is married. In contrast, only one
parent's income is counted if the couple is unmarried. As the
mother enters the labor force, her earnings decrease the amount of EITC
benefits the family receives when married, while increasing their EITC
benefits when unmarried.
In contrast, the primary effect of the Food Stamp program is to
make the state of "Unmarried-Cohabitation Unreported" much
more attractive than "Unmarried-Cohabitation Reported." As
discussed previously, Food Stamps always count the unmarried,
cohabitating male's income. In Oklahoma cohabitation is
self-reported. This creates an incentive for couples to not report the
fact that they are living together. (12) Once the mother is working
part-time at the minimum wage, "Unmarried-Cohabitation
Unreported" becomes the relationship state with the greatest
financial rewards; and remains so for some time as her wage increases.
Panel C of Figure 4 shows the effects of adding the
state-determined transfer programs (TANF, Medicaid, and the childcare
subsidy) on top of the tax and federally determined transfer programs.
The main impact of these programs with respect to family structure is to
enhance the state of "Unmarried-Cohabitation Unreported." When
all the tax and transfer programs are in place, the state of
"Unmarried-Cohabitation Unreported" strictly dominates the
other relationship states over a wide range of labor market
opportunities for the mother--from not working to working full-time at a
wage of $12/hour.
The size of the financial advantage in favor of
"Unmarried-Cohabitation Unreported" can be substantial. For
example, when the mother works full-time at the minimum wage and the
couple is married, the family's total resources are $1,213 per
month. When the couple is unmarried and the cohabitation is reported,
total resources are $1,413 per month. However, when the couple is
unmarried and the cohabitation is unreported, total resources are $2,431
per month--approximately twice the total resources when married. While
each of the state-determined programs contributes to this situation, the
childcare subsidy program is the largest contributor.
What does this analysis reveal about the impact of public
assistance on family structure? Obviously, to the extent that state
transfer programs count the income of the unmarried, cohabitating, adult
male toward benefits, they create an incentive to not report that
cohabitation. The incentive can be very large when the mother is working
full-time (it exists even when the mother is not working).
One can think of the three relationship states representing
progressively increasing degrees of participation of the adult male in
the family. On the one end, there is marriage, with the adult male
involved in a legal relationship with the mother and children. On the
other end, there is living together illicitly, in violation of welfare
eligibility requirements, where the adult male has no legal
responsibilities to the mother and children. If the active participation
of the father in the family unit is considered to be a positive
influence on the well-being of the children, then public assistance may
adversely impact the family by encouraging the latter relationship
state. This adverse impact is magnified to the extent that public
assistance also encourages the state of being unmarried and living
separately. (13)
Two considerations restrict the force of the preceding arguments.
First, the frequency of the relationship state
"Unmarried-Cohabitation Unreported" is not well known. If
couples are not willing to misrepresent their cohabitation status and
state agencies are able to effectively monitor this circumstance--and
thus prevent its occurrence--then this relationship option may not be
frequently chosen despite its financial attractiveness.
Second, the financial advantage of "Unmarried-Cohabitation
Unreported" is not nearly so great when the mother does not place
her children in paid childcare. Figure 5 repeats the analysis of Figure
4, though only the beginning ("No Public Assistance" [Panel
A]) and final ("EITC, Food Stamps, TANF + Medicaid" [Panel B])
transfer program combinations are presented. The relationship option
"Unmarried-Cohabitation Unreported" is still financially
dominant, but not nearly as dominating as when the children are placed
in paid childcare.
As in the case of work incentives, however, the value of the
preceding analysis is that it identifies tradeoffs that may not have
been recognized before. Consider Panels C and B of Figures 4 and 5,
respectively. Both panels represent the final total resource schedules
given the respective packages of transfer programs. Note that the
relative, financial attractiveness of "Marriage" declines
relative to both "Unmarried-Cohabitation Reported" and
"Unmarried-Cohabitation Unreported" when the mother goes from
not working to working full-time. In other words, public assistance
policies that encourage or require mothers to go to work decrease the
relative attractiveness of marriage. Our experience suggests that most
policymakers are oblivious of this consequence.
This analysis also suggests a way to fix this problem. The previous
section on work incentives raised the possibility of increasing the
benefit reduction rate of TANF to lower the MTR of subsequent work
effort and expand Medicaid coverage. An alternative use of these program
savings would be to allow public assistance recipients to maintain their
level of benefits for a period of time after they got married.
This study provides a comprehensive examination of the work and
marriage incentives of public assistance. It focuses on the consequences
of state-determined programs. Such an approach allows state policymakers
to understand the tradeoffs implicit in their current program
parameters. It allows them to better identify alternative arrangements
that 1nay be more consistent with policy goals. And it discovers
linkages between work and marriage incentives that may be otherwise
difficult to discern.
In the case of Oklahoma, we find that state-determined programs
serve to lower the marginal tax rate associated with initial entry into
the labor market, at the expense of increased MTRs later. The cost of
this tradeoff is that it reduces the reward from seeking higher-paying
(higher-skilled) employment once the worker finds employment. Knowledge
of this tradeoff can direct the policymaker to alternatives. For
example, stricter work requirements could be substituted for low,
entry-level MTRs and the resulting cost savings used to reduce
subsequent MTRs.
With respect to family structure incentives, we show that
state-determined programs discourage the involvement of the adult male
in the family unit because they make the relationship option of
unmarried, unreported cohabitation (and possibly unmarried, living
apart) financially attractive relative to either marriage or unmarried,
reported cohabitation. The size of the differentials can be quite large,
with the former category achieving total family resources twice that of
Furthermore, we demonstrate how efforts to encourage the
mother's labor market participation can produce unintended marriage
disincentives, since the relative financial attractiveness of marriage
is reduced when the mother works. One possible solution to this problem
is to allow the mother to maintain transfer program benefits for a
period of time after she marries. As discussed earlier, funding for this
could be generated through cost savings realized by raising entry-level
Over the past 20 years, states have been given substantial
flexibility in setting parameters for income assistance, childcare
assistance, and health care programs, among others. The complicated
interactions between these programs, federally determined programs, and
the linkages between labor market participation and family structure
incentives make it difficult to identify the many incentive effects
embedded in state-determined transfer programs.
This research can also be of benefit to federal policymakers.
Policies such as increases in the minimum wage and expansions of the
EITC need to be evaluated within the context of existing state policies
to appreciate the benefits and costs. For example, high MTRs mean that
increases in the minimum wage will produce relatively small benefits for
public assistance recipients. Furthermore, expansions of the EITC may
produce unintended marriage disincentives (cf. Figure 4.B). It is our
hope that this research has demonstrated the value of studying these
Mother's Hourly Wage
NW (b) $5.15-PT (c) $5.15 $6
Monthly Work Income 0 446 893 1,040
Federal income taxes 0 0 0 0
State income taxes 0 1 5 8
FICA taxes 0 34 68 80
Total childcare costs 0 390 779 779
Childcare copay 0 0 32 68
Work expenses 0 34 67 67
Income after Taxes,
Childcare Copay, and
Work Expenses 0 378 720 818
TANF 292 129 0 0
Food Stamps 329 311 223 186
Medicaid 207 207 121 121
EITC 0 179 318 318
Total Resources 828 1,204 1,381 1,442
Effective Marginal Tax
Rates (MTRs) (%) 16 60 59 80
Mother's Hourly Wage
$7 $8 $9 $10 $11
Monthly Work Income 1,213 1,387 1,560 1,733 1,907
Federal income taxes 0 26 52 78 103
State income taxes 13 19 28 37 47
FICA taxes 93 106 119 133 146
Total childcare costs 779 779 779 779 779
Childcare copay 107 150 176 192 209
Work expenses 67 67 67 67 67
Income after Taxes,
Childcare Copay, and
Work Expenses 934 1,019 1,118 1,227 1,334
TANF 0 0 0 0 0
Food Stamps 141 98 48 11 0
Medicaid 121 121 121 121 121
EITC 281 245 208 171 135
Total Resources 1,476 1,482 1,495 1,529 1,590
Effective Marginal Tax
Rates (MTRs) (%) 97 93 80 65 379
Mother's Hourly Wage
$12 $13 $14 $15
Monthly Work Income 2,080 2,253 2,427 2,600
Federal income taxes 130 155 182 208
State income taxes 58 69 81 92
FICA taxes 159 172 186 199
Total childcare costs 779 779 779 779
Childcare Copay 779 779 779 779
Work expenses 67 67 67 67
Income after Taxes,
Childcare Copay, and
Work Expenses 887 1,011 1,133 1,255
TANF 0 0 0 0
Food Stamps 0 0 0 0
Medicaid 121 0 0 0
EITC 98 62 26 0
Total Resources 1,106 1,073 1,158 1,255
Effective Marginal Tax
Rates (MTRs) (%) 119 51 44 29
(a) This table calculates work incentives for a representative family
consisting of a single mother with two children, ages 1 and 3. Except
for NW and $5.15-PT, all income categories assume the mother works 40
hours per week.
(b) NW stands for mother does not work.
(c) $5.15-PT stands for mother works 20 hours per week (part-time)
earning $5.15/hour.
Mother's Effective
Hourly Marginal
Wage Tax Rates
NW 62%
MW-PT 72%
$5.15 13%
$6 68%
$7 83%
$8 85%
$9 86%
$10 78%
$11 64%
$12 49%
$13 51%
$14 44%
$15 29%
$16 30%
$17 29%
$18 30%
$19 30%
$20 29%
Note: Table made from line graph.
Mother's Effective
Hourly Marginal
Wage Tax Rates
NW 62%
MW-PT 92%
$5.15 73%
$6 95%
$7 110%
$8 95%
$9 86%
$10 78%
$11 64%
$12 49%
$13 51%
$14 44%
$15 29%
$16 30%
$17 29%
$18 30%
$19 30%
$20 29%
Note: Table made from line graph.
Mother's Effective
Hourly Marginal
Wage Tax Rates
NW 62%
MW-PT 92%
$5.15 73%
$6 95%
$7 110%
$8 145%
$9 86%
$10 78%
$11 64%
$12 119%
$13 51%
$14 44%
$15 29%
$16 30%
$17 29%
$18 30%
$19 30%
$20 29%
Note: Table made from line graph.
Mother's Effective
Hourly Marginal
Wage Tax Rates
NW 16%
MW-PT 60%
$5.15 59%
$6 80%
$7 97%
$8 93%
$9 80%
$10 65%
$11 379%
$12 119%
$13 51%
$14 44%
$15 29%
$16 30%
$17 29%
$18 30%
$19 30%
$20 29%
Note: Table made from line graph.
(1) PRWORA stands for the Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. This legislation abolished the
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program and replaced it
with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Under TANK states
receive a fixed federal grant with increased flexibility to expend the
funds, along with enhanced ability to determine eligibility
requirements, implement financial work incentives, and impose sanctions (U.S. House of Representatives 1998). The passage of PRWORA also changed
the federal role in childcare subsidy programs. Before PRWORA, there
were four major federal programs designed to provide childcare services
to low-income families. Each program established its own rules for
eligibility, time limits, and work requirements. PRWORA, however,
incorporated all federal childcare assistance programs into the Child
Care and Development Fund (CCDF), which provides funds to all 50 states
plus the District of Columbia to help finance their state childcare
programs. With the CCDF, states have increased discretion over the
structure of their childcare assistance programs. Consequently, there is
a wide disparity among the states, although all states assist some
low-income families (Long et at. 1998).
(2) SCHIP stands for the State Children's Health Insurance
Program. This program allows states to use federal funds to finance
expansions of health care coverage to low-income children. Under SCHIP,
states have the discretion to either expand Medicaid eligibility for
low-income children, to establish a non-Medicaid health care program for
low-income children who do not qualify for Medicaid, or to implement a
program that combines these two options (The Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services 2000). Of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia,
17 have expanded their Medicaid programs, 16 have opted to create a new
health care program, and 18 have chosen to implement a combination of
new and expanded programs (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services 2002).
(3) U.S. House of Representatives (1998: 409) discusses
participation in multiple means-tested programs. They cite unpublished
data from the U.S. Census Bureau that shows that in 1995, 4.5 million
households included an individual who received cash welfare assistance.
Of those households, 82.6 percent included an individual who received
Food Stamps, and 97.5 percent included an individual who received
Medicaid. According to the Internal Revenue Service (2000), more than 15
million individuals received the EITC in 1999. Finally, every state
currently offers some form of a childcare subsidy for low-income
families (Long et al. 1998).
(4) Our analysis values Food Stamps benefits at their cash
equivalent values. Medicaid benefits are valued at the Medicaid
capitation rates. This is the commonly employed approach in the
literature for valuing in-kind benefits, including Wilson and Cline (1994), Dickert, Houser, and Scholz (1994), Giannarelli and Steuerle
(1995), Hoynes (1997), Dickert-Conlin and Houser (1998), and Acs et al.
(1998). Additional details concerning our calculations are discussed in
an extended version of this study that may be downloaded from the Web
(5) This study assumes that non-childcare related work expenses
total $34 monthly for part-time work and $67 for full-time work. These
figures were obtained from a phone conversation one of the authors had
with an analyst at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These figures are
within the range of estimates used with other studies that included work
expenses: Giannarelli and Steurle (1995) $23 for part-time work and
$35.33 for full-time work, and Hoynes (1997) $43.33 for part-time work
and $86.67 for full-time work.
(6) Like Acs et al. (1998), we assume that childcare is purchased
in discrete quantities as either part-time or full-time care. We do this
because (1) a survey of state daycare centers that we conducted
indicates that most facilities allow for only part-time and full-time
weekly pay plans, and (2) it enables us to more accurately replicate the
payment plan employed by Oklahoma's daycare subsidy program. In
addition, this modeling of childcare costs allows us to make appropriate
distinctions between increased earnings from working more hours as
opposed to increased earnings from working at a higher wage rate.
(7) Calculated as the difference in monthly total resources
(=$1,382-$1,204) divided by 86.67 hours per month.
(8) These results change little when the children are older or when
the mother forgoes placing the children in paid childcare. However, one
result that does change concerns the relative work incentives of public
assistance versus no public assistance. If the mother does not place her
children in paid childcare, then public assistance increases the
financial barriers to participating in the labor market, and it does so
(9) The following schedule reports the mother's copay schedule
in this scenario as her earnings progressively increase: NW: 0; MW-PT:
0; $,5.15: 32; $6: 68; $7: 107; $8: 150; $9: 176; $10: 192; $11: 209;
$12: 779.
(10) This does not necessarily have to be the case. For example,
the male could live with his parents and have his household expenses
paid for by others, in which case living apart could actually be
(11) This study focuses on the total "size of the pie"
available to the family unit, and not how "the pie is
divided." Distributional issues within the family unit may also
affect the relative attractiveness of the respective relationship
states. These issues lie beyond the purview of this study.
(12) The extent to which this occurs is not known, though anecdotal
evidence from state caseworkers suggests that it is not infrequent in
Oklahoma. In any case, one expects the prevalence of reporting failure
to be positively related to its rewards, which is the subject of this
(13) These incentive effects can be thought of as substitution effects. There is a corresponding income effect that may also work in
the same direction. If marriage is an inferior good for the woman, then
to the degree pub]it assistance increases the total resources of the
mother in all three relationship states, it reduces her incentive to
Acs, G.; Coe, N.; Watson, K.; and Lerman, R. (1998) Does Work Pay?
An Analysis of the Work Incentives Under TANF. Washington: The Urban
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2000) The State
Children's Health Insurance Program: Preliminary Highlights of
Implementation and Expansion. Washington: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
--(2002) SCHIP Plan Activity Map. Washington: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services.
Dickert, S.; Houser, S.; and Scholz, J. K. (1994) "Taxes and
the Poor: A Microsimulation Study of Implicit and Explicit Taxes."
National Tax Journal 47 (3): 621-38.
Dickert-Conlin, S., and Houser, S. (1998) "Taxes and
Transfers: A New Look at the Marriage Penalty." National Tax
Journal 51 (2): 175-217.
Giannarelli, L., and Steuerle, E. (1995) "The True Tax Rates
Faced by Welfare Recipients." Proceedings of the 85th Annual
Conference on Taxation. Washington: National Tax Association.
Hoynes, H. W. (1997) "Work, Welfare, and Family Structure:
What Have We Learned?" In A. Auerbach (ed.) Fiscal Policy: Lessons
from Economic Research, 101-46. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Internal Revenue Service (2000) 1999 IRS Data Book: Publication
55B. Washington: U.S. Department of Treasury.
Long, S.; Kirby, G.; Kurka, R.; and Waters, S. (1998) Child Care
Assistance Under Welfare Reform: Early Response by the States.
Washington: The Urban Institute.
U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means (1998)
1998 Green Book: Background Material and Data on Programs within the
Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means. Washington: Government
Printing Office.
Wilson, P., and Cline, P. (1994) "State Welfare Reform:
Integrating Tax Credits and Income Transfers." National Tax Journal
47 (3): 655-76.
Mickey Hepner is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University
of Central Oklahoma, and W. Robert Reed is Professor of Economies at the
University of Oklahoma. The authors thank Tom Daxon, former Director of
the Oklahoma Office of State Finance (OSF), and Howard Hendrick, former
Director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, for making
themselves and their staffs available to answer questions and provide
feedback on this research; Alison Fraser, Jauna Head, and Sherri Fair of
OSF for initiating this study; Greg Acs, Linda Giannarelli, Bob Lerman,
and seminar participants at the Urban Institute for valuable feedback on
this research; and especially Ken Finegold of the Urban institute for
helpful comments on an earlier version of this study. The OSF
financially supported this research.