Explaining local policy choices: a multiple streams analysis of municipal emergency management.
Henstra, Daniel
Although they operate within a limited framework bounded by
provincial laws and regulations, municipal governments regularly make
policy choices to determine who gets what, when and how. Responding to
countless political, economic and social pressures, municipal
authorities must necessarily choose among competing priorities and
selectively allocate scarce resources to a limited set of problems. Why
do municipal decision-makers address some problems but not others? Why,
when faced with similar problems, do municipalities adopt different
policy solutions?
This article focuses on the specific policy field of emergency
management, which is a functional responsibility of all municipal
governments in Canada. Although all communities face potential
emergencies - ice storms, floods, train derailments, industrial
accidents, and so on--some municipalities have undertaken comprehensive
emergency planning while others have scarcely implemented even basic
emergency measures. As explained below, due to a general apathy towards
emergency management among citizens and elected officials, significant
policy development in this area typically requires a purposive campaign
by interested actors, who must persuade decision-makers to commit
resources to policy proposals. These political dynamics make emergency
management policy-making ideal for illustrating the utility of the
Multiple Streams framework, an analytical lens that offers guidance in
explaining public policy choices.
I begin by reviewing the Multiple Streams framework, identifying
its underlying assumptions, structural features and explanatory logic. I
then apply these theoretical elements to emergency management, adjusting
the lens to focus on policy-making at the municipal level. As a means of
illustrating the policy dynamics theorized by the Multiple Streams
framework, the third section of this article provides a brief account of
emergency management policy development in Sarnia, Ontario.
The Multiple Streams framework
Public policies are the output of the political system, the result
of choices made by decision-makers about whether and how public
authority and resources will be used to address problems (Pelissero
2003). But which problems are to be addressed? For a problem to reach
the decision agenda, it must be salient, urgent and solvable. That is,
it must be recognized as important and deserving of government
attention, it must command priority relative to other problems competing
for attention and resources, and there must be an available solution
that is deemed feasible and acceptable. Explaining policy choices,
therefore, requires an understanding of how problems are recognized and
defined, how and why some problems get added to the decision agenda, how
alternative policy solutions are formulated, and how a course of action
is selected and why. These elements of policy-making--problem
definition, agenda-setting, policy formulation and decision-making--are
addressed by the Multiple Streams (MS) framework.
The foundation for the MS framework was laid in John Kingdon's
analysis of federal government agenda-setting in the United States,
originally published in 1984 and updated in 1995 and 2003. Other
scholars have refined and extended its theoretical concepts (Zahariadis
2003, 2005) and have applied it to various policy domains. For example,
the MS framework has been used to examine and explain privatization
decisions in Britain and Germany (Zahariadis and Allen 1995), policy
change following major catastrophes in the United States (Birkland
1997), the development of national health insurance in Canada and the
United States (Blankenau 2001) and the formulation of a landmark
agreement between the federal government and voluntary-sector agencies
in Canada (Phillips 2003). Although Kingdon's work and most
subsequent applications address policy-making at the national level, the
MS framework also offers guidance for analysing policy choices of
municipal governments. The following section identifies the generic
elements of the framework that can be used to analyse municipal
Building on the "garbage can model" of organizational
decision-making (Cohen, March, and Olsen 1972), the MS framework
characterizes the political system as an "organized anarchy,"
wherein individual actors and administrative units fulfil their
responsibilities and pursue their interests without considering how
these relate to other functions or the mission of the organization as a
whole. Decision-makers--those authorized to allocate public resources
and to make binding decisions in the public interest--have limited time,
due to busy schedules and multiple competing demands. Since only a
limited number of problems can be under active consideration at any
given time, interests both within and external to government compete for
the attention of decision-makers and the scarce resources under their
control. Once an issue reaches the decision agenda, public policy is not
arrived at through a rational, comprehensive decision-making process but
rather results from political manipulation by key actors who seek to
secure their preferred policy solution (Zahariadis 2007: 69-70). How and
why problems move onto the decision agenda and how they are matched with
policy solutions are central considerations of the MS framework.
The three streams of the political system
The framework conceptualizes the political system as divided into
three streams--the problem stream, the policy stream, and the politics
stream that operate largely independently of one another but that
converge periodically to form decision opportunities.
The problem stream refers to the slate of environmental conditions
that citizens and policy-makers currently define as public problems and
for which they seek authoritative resolution. Some conditions come to be
defined as problems when indicators of problem severity suggest that
action is required (Kingdon 2003: 90). Longer patient wait-times for
emergency room care or diagnostic imagery, for example, are frequently
regarded as signals of deteriorating health-care services. Indicators
that show that a negative condition has become more widespread or has
worsened significantly over time are used by interested policy actors to
claim that government intervention is necessary and urgent. For
instance, the Canadian Medical Association has challenged the federal
government to take action on the "public health crisis" caused
by air pollution, citing an increase in hospital emergency room visits
as an indicator of worsening conditions (Sullivan 2007).
At other times, problems are revealed through focusing events,
relatively rare occurrences that suddenly and rapidly attract attention
to a problem and signal the need for corrective action (Kingdon 2003:
94-95). Focusing events, particularly if they affect a large number of
people, attract media attention, and this in turn tends to generate
greater public interest and concern (Birkland 1998). For example, when
an outbreak of listeriosis in 2008 was tracked to tainted products from
a Toronto meat-packaging plant, the event rapidly focused public and
political attention on the issue of food safety and raised questions
about federal policy in this area (Weeks 2008).
Finally, as policies are implemented, outcomes are assessed and
evaluated. The resulting feedback can reveal new dimensions of a problem
or prompt policy-makers to adopt an alternative solution (Kingdon 2003:
100-101). Moreover, public support or opposition generated in response
to implemented policies provide political feedback as to the
effectiveness and acceptability of policy choices.
In the policy stream, ideas regarding problem definition and
preferred solutions are proposed and debated in specialized policy
communities relatively stable groups of government officials, academics,
consultants, institutionalized pressure groups, think tanks, and
private- and voluntary-sector actors who share a common interest in a
policy area (Kingdon 2003: 117). Members introduce their ideas to the
policy community through various channels, such as conferences, policy
papers and hearings, during which they are discussed and debated. Some
ideas are rejected, others are adjusted and combined, and some survive
and take hold among the members. For a proposal to survive this vetting
process, the members must regard an idea as technically feasible,
meaning it is likely to achieve what it is intended to accomplish. It
must also be compatible with the dominant values of the policy
community. For example, a proposal is unlikely to gain traction if the
recommended course of action falls outside the boundaries of what the
policy community believes is an appropriate role for government
In the politics stream, a number of factors influence the
likelihood that a problem will be added to the decision agenda and the
relative priority it is granted vis-a-vis other issues. First,
government officials are sensitive and responsive to shifts in public
opinion concerning the importance of an issue. (1) An issue is more
likely to come under active consideration by policy-makers and put to
decision-makers for resolution if it is perceived that the balance of
public opinion is supportive of government intervention. Second, some
issues rise to greater prominence as a result of lobbying by pressure
groups collections of individuals who are bound together by a common
interest and who seek to influence public policy choices. Pressure group
campaigns focus attention on an issue and often signal support for a
particular course of action, creating an incentive for government
officials to act. Pressure groups can also be powerful opponents of any
changes to the status quo. The third political factor is the turnover of
government personnel, including elected officials and key administrators
who, on taking office, might have ideas, values and objectives different
from those of their predecessors. New personnel might decide to suspend
consideration of items currently on the decision agenda, to re-arrange
their relative priority, or to give consideration to issues that have
previously been ignored (Kingdon 2003: 153).
Policy windows and coupling of the streams
The three streams normally operate independently of one another but
converge at critical moments, which Kingdon calls policy
windows--short-lived opportunities for advocates to focus political
attention on a problem and to promote their preferred solution (2003:
166). Policy windows sometimes open in the problem stream, as when a
focusing event rapidly attracts attention to a problem, creating a sense
of urgency to act. Policy windows also open in the political stream,
such as when new legislators who are more receptive to issues previously
assigned a lower priority take office. Other predictable policy windows
surround the renewal of legislation and the annual budget process.
Emergencies, by nature rare and unexpected, are generally
not regarded by the public as a pressing problem
requiring government intervention
Policy windows close quickly if attention is hijacked by another
pressing issue. They must be seized by policy entrepreneurs--skilled
advocates who invest their own resources, such as their time, expertise
and reputation, to promote proposals of interest to them and to
influence policy choices (Kingdon 2003: 122-23). Policy entrepreneurs
perform a number of important functions in the policy process, including
defining problems, mobilizing public opinion, and formulating policy
solutions (Roberts and King 1991). But the most crucial function of
policy entrepreneurs is "coupling" of the streams--that is,
taking advantage of a policy window to persuade newly receptive
political decision-makers to address a currently salient problem by
choosing a policy proposal previously generated and endorsed by the
policy community. Policy entrepreneurs use various tactics to secure
agenda space for problems and to market their preferred solutions, such
as framing problems as urgent and severe, arguing that action is
overdue, and conveying the grave consequences of taking no action or of
choosing an alternative course of action. Thus, although they are
ultimately made by authoritative decision-makers, policy choices involve
limited consideration of alternatives and are biased by the advocacy of
persuasive policy entrepreneurs.
Elected officials are quite willing to defer policy formulation
to experts who have the training, experience and
apparent mastery of emergency management
The MS framework offers a logical and compelling explanation for
government policy choices, as Nikolaos Zahariadis summarizes:
Why do policy makers adopt some policies but not others? The MS
answer can be summarized as follows: During open policy windows
persistent policy entrepreneurs, who constantly search for solutions to
important problems, attempt to couple the three streams. Success is more
likely when all three streams are coupled, depending on the type of
window that opens and the skills, resources, and strategies of
entrepreneurs to focus attention and bias choice (2007: 78-79).
The framework guides analysis of problem definition,
agenda-setting, policy formulation and decision-making. Specifically, it
calls attention to the process by which environmental conditions come to
be defined as problems, how and why problems become issues on the
decision agenda, where feasible and acceptable policy proposals come
from, and how decision-makers are persuaded to choose them. Figure 1
summarizes the key concepts, which are applied in the next section to
municipal emergency management.
Multiple streams and municipal emergency management
Emergency management involves designing and implementing policies
and programs to protect people and property from hazards (Cigler 1988:
5). Although the federal and provincial governments play an important
role, primary functional responsibility for emergency management is
delegated to municipal governments. The general policy framework is
premised on the doctrine of "tiered response," which holds
that local governments respond first to emergencies and are supported by
higher-level governments only if local resources are exhausted (Scanlon
1995). This means that although they can draw on provincial or federal
support if required, municipal governments must have the capacity to
respond effectively to emergencies within their borders (Kuban 1996).
A number of actions can be taken at the local level to ensure an
effective response to emergencies. For instance, a written emergency
response plan designates authority, specifies operational procedures and
provides guidance for coordinating emergency response activities
(Lindell and Perry 2007). Training for responders and decision-makers
prepares them for the roles they might be expected to play during an
emergency and the difficulties they are likely to encounter (Daines
1991). Disaster simulation exercises detect and diagnose weaknesses in
emergency plans and foster stronger working relationships among
responders (Perry 2004).
But although many practical measures are available, the level of
emergency preparedness varies considerably from one community to the
next (Canada, Parliament, Senate, Standing Committee on National
Security and Defence 2004; Wolensky and Wolensky 1990). This suggests
that some municipal decision-makers have recognized emergencies as a
problem and have prioritized this issue relative to others competing for
attention and resources. Such an outcome is remarkable because, as
explained below, there are few incentives for political officials to
prioritize emergency management.
The following section applies the Multiple Streams framework to the
field of emergency management. It explains the conditions under which
attention is focused on the emergency problem, how policy solutions are
formulated, and how and why this issue comes to be prioritized on the
municipal decision agenda.
The problem stream
Canadian municipalities face many hazards that occasionally
interact with community vulnerabilities to trigger major emergencies.
Nevertheless, under normal conditions, citizens go about their lives
with scarcely a thought to the hazards that lurk in their environment
(Larsson and Enander 1997). Emergencies, by nature rare and unexpected,
are generally not regarded by the public as a pressing problem requiring
government intervention. As a result, there is no explicit public demand
for comprehensive emergency planning.
However, citizens clearly expect governments to plan for
emergencies and to be sufficiently prepared when disaster strikes.
Beverly Cigler states that "under normal circumstances, few
citizens place a high priority on emergency management. However, these
same individuals expect their government leaders to effectively manage
disasters that occur" (1988: 6). Public expectations are evidenced
in the criticism directed at governments when emergency planning is
perceived to have been inadequate. In a survey of those affected by the
major power blackout in Ontario in 2003, for instance, roughly forty per
cent of respondents felt that their municipal government had not
responded effectively to the event, and about half stated that more
effort should be made to prepare for emergencies (Murphy 2003: 4-5).
Thus, demand for emergency management is latent but periodically becomes
manifest when public attention is focused on the emergency.
Because emergency management suffers from low levels
of public interest and political attention, significant policy
change typically requires a champion who can seize a
policy window and successfully couple the three streams
Emergencies and disasters are the quintessential focusing events.
The level of public interest in emergency management can shift
dramatically following a major emergency, because an emergency
(temporarily) alters peoples' perceived vulnerability to hazards
(Weinstein et al. 2000). Moreover, media coverage of a disaster can
quickly broaden and intensify public interest in emergency management,
and this can attract the attention of politicians (Birkland 1996).
Heightened awareness after a disaster temporarily raises the salience of
emergency management, creating a policy window that can be exploited by
those seeking policy change (Solecki and Michaels 1994). The terrorist
attacks of 11 September 2001, for instance, were the catalyst for
significant changes to federal emergency management policies in Canada
and the United States (Henstra 2003).
The policy stream
Emergency management is dominated by specialists. Although many of
the policies in this field are straightforward, it nevertheless demands
specialized knowledge and familiarity with esoteric terminology. Elected
officials are quite willing to defer policy formulation to experts who
have the training, experience and apparent mastery of emergency
management. As such, policy solutions are formulated by a specialized
policy community, which includes municipal, provincial and federal
practitioners, policy analysts, private-sector participants such as
consultants and infrastructure managers, representatives of
non-governmental humanitarian agencies such as the Canadian Red Cross
and the Salvation Army, as well as academics and some interested members
of the public. Policy ideas are proposed and debated through knowledge
networks such as the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) and at
professional events such as the annual Emergency Preparedness Conference
in Vancouver and the World Conference on Disaster Management in Toronto.
Some ideas, though technically feasible, fail the community's
test of value acceptability. For instance, one effective means by which
a government could address chronic flood losses is to purchase exposed
properties and relocate the inhabitants to safer areas. Although this
strategy has been used in other states, the Canadian policy community
has generally not regarded it as an acceptable solution. Ideas that
survive scrutiny and critique take hold and diffuse through the
participants who integrate them into their work or package them into new
policy proposals. This learning and diffusion process is complex, but
its evidence can be found in phenomena such as the nearly simultaneous
prioritization of pandemic influenza planning by municipal emergency
managers in Vancouver, Calgary and Halifax.
Locally, actors with an interest in emergency management--emergency
planners, police, fire department officials, emergency medical
personnel, industry representatives, infrastructure managers, and so
on--are organized into smaller networks that discuss specific problems
and formulate policy solutions. On the one hand, the relatively
exclusive membership of the policy community and networks gives experts
significant autonomy to develop proposals they believe are optimal. On
the other hand, policy development is hidden from political scrutiny,
and there are few opportunities for public participation.
The politics stream
Policy choices are ultimately made by elected decision-makers, and,
in the local political system, decision-making authority is held by the
council. Despite the problems that emerge, these elected officials are
unlikely to take action unless they believe that a public response is
warranted and is politically acceptable. As noted, under normal
conditions, public opinion towards emergency management among citizens
is largely neutral. Although major emergencies pose a substantial risk
to people and property, the probability of these events is low enough
that citizens rarely see the need to prepare themselves, let alone to
lobby for government action.
Municipal governments are sensitive to the demands of pressure
groups. Because they generally represent small constituencies and are
not subject to party discipline, city councillors are particularly
susceptible to lobbying by pressure groups (Filion 1992). Pressure
groups sometimes seek to persuade decision-makers to add an issue to the
decision agenda, such as in the case of the London (Ontario) Coalition
Against Pesticides, a group of citizens who pressured council for a ban
on cosmetic lawn-care chemicals (Belanger 2005). Others mobilize to
oppose proposals deemed detrimental to member interests, such as when a
neighbourhood association resists proposed land-use changes. In the
policy field of emergency management, however, there is little reason
for pressure groups to form because there is no obvious unifying
interest or objective around which to rally. Both the costs and benefits
associated with emergency management policies are diffuse, and they
generally do not affect the interests of individuals, such that they
might mobilize with others in support or opposition.
In the absence of public demands or organized pressure group
campaigns, there is little impetus for politicians to prioritize
emergency management, when it is weighed against competing agenda items
(Labadie 1984: 491). Faced with scarce resources and low public
interest, it is reasonable for elected officials to focus on other
priorities at the expense of emergency management. Such a choice is
rational: addressing issues that citizens consider important is more
likely to generate popular support. Moreover, emergency planning yields
few tangible, short-term rewards. The costs of emergency management
activities are immediate, whereas the benefits of these efforts cannot
be reaped until some time in the future, if ever (Waugh Jr. 1990: 229).
However, sometimes elected officials or influential administrators
independently recognize the risk associated with emergencies and support
planning efforts. Others have previous experience with emergencies and
recognize the need to plan. The periodic turnover of political and
administrative personnel in municipal governments can sometimes result
in a more sympathetic and receptive audience for advocates promoting
emergency management policy proposals.
Coupling the streams
Because emergency management suffers from low levels of public
interest and political attention, significant policy change typically
requires a champion who can seize a policy window and successfully
couple the three streams. A policy window can open in the politics
stream--when new political or administrative personnel take office, for
example--or in the problem stream, such as when a disaster focuses
attention on emergency planning. Each provides an opportunity for a
policy entrepreneur to advocate a new course of action.
Mark Schneider and Paul Teske suggest that likely municipal policy
entrepreneurs include "high-level unelected leaders, such as city
managers; elected politicians, such as mayors or members of city
councils; leaders of established interest groups; or creators of new
groups" (1992: 741). Senior local administrators are
well-positioned to define problems, connect them with policy solutions,
and persuade decision-makers to choose a particular course of action.
These bureaucrats wield considerable expertise--specialized knowledge
and experience that gives administrators credibility in claiming that
one course of action is better than another or that their preferred
solution is technically superior to one that elected officials might
formulate independently (Peters 1989: 196). The city manager--the chief
administrative officer appointed by a council to head the local
bureaucracy can also play a pivotal role in local policy-making (Ammons
and Newell 1989: 46-52). Council relies on the policy advice of the city
manager, which gives this individual an opportunity to shape policy
choices (Plunkett 1992: 46-49). Moreover, as an intermediary between
department heads and the council, the city manager can shape the
decision agenda by selectively prioritizing departmental proposals and
by commenting on their feasibility (Teske and Schneider 1994: 337).
The mayor is another potential policy entrepreneur. Elected
at-large, the mayor represents a broader constituency than other council
members do and is often the only elected municipal official who serves
in a full-time capacity. The mayor is often a member of multiple council
committees and is involved in the activities of various special-purpose
boards and commissions and can leverage this role to promote policy
issues he or she feels are important (Morgan and Watson 1992). Finally,
a policy entrepreneur might emerge from outside the public sector. In
this field, likely candidates include actors associated with
non-governmental organizations such as the Canadian Red Cross and
private-sector actors interested in a particular policy proposal.
Emergency management literature provides ample evidence of policy
entrepreneurship. For example, Allan Lavell describes the efforts of an
influential senior administrator who was instrumental in securing
earthquake protection for local hospitals (1994). In a study comparing
municipal efforts to mitigate earthquake risks, Robert Wood concludes
that policy choices are influenced by the presence of an entrepreneurial
senior administrator, such as a city manager (2004). Richard Olson and
Robert Olson describe the leadership of the mayor in securing seismic
retrofitting for buildings following an earthquake in Oroville,
California (1994). Finally, comparing a number of Canadian
municipalities, Joseph Scanlon concludes that an active and supportive
mayor can facilitate more comprehensive local emergency planning (1996).
The article has thus far reviewed the key elements of the Multiple
Streams framework and has applied them to municipal emergency
management. The next section provides an account of emergency management
policy-making in Sarnia, Ontario, focusing on a specific decision
opportunity that resulted in policy change. The narrative draws on
research I conducted in 2006 and is offered to illustrate the value of
the MS framework in analysing municipal policy choices.
Emergency management in Sarnia, Ontario
The City of Sarnia is located at the western edge of southern
Ontario, situated along the St. Clair River, on the south shore of Lake
Huron. It is a mid-sized city, with a population of about 71,000 and a
land area of approximately 165 square kilometres. Stretching across the
St. Clair River are the twin expanses of the Blue Water Bridge, which
connect Sarnia to Port Huron, Michigan. It is Ontario's second
busiest international border crossing for commercial traffic: more than
6,000 trucks cross on a busy day. The southwestern portion of the city
is home to "Chemical Valley," one of the largest clusters of
chemical manufacturing facilities in Canada. The industry is vital to
the regional economy but is also a source of significant risk and is
thus a concern for emergency planners.
The problem stream
The tightly clustered chemical production facilities in Sarnia seem
a stark reminder of the importance of emergency planning. Indeed, the
city has faced a number of significant risks associated with the
chemical industry, including fires, explosions and toxic releases. But
although statistics are available concerning the number and frequency of
incidents at the plants, citizens have generally not regarded these as
indicators of a problem warranting immediate government intervention.
When asked what should be prioritized by council, citizens have cited
issues such as the quality of local health care, tourism and economic
diversification, but not better-quality emergency management (Rowland
Sarnia's emergency planners have periodically organized
disaster simulation exercises that put plans and procedures to the test.
Lessons learned from these drills have provided valuable feedback for
adjusting practices or formulating new policy proposals. The emergency
planners know that they face a significant hurdle in securing the
political approval and resources necessary to implement these proposals.
They also know that windows of opportunity occasionally arise in which
decision-makers are more receptive, and they are sensitive to such
shifts in political interest. As illustrated below, a focusing event can
create the conditions conducive to policy change.
As the problem, policy and political streams began to
converge, a policy entrepreneur seized the resulting policy
The policy stream
At the time of the study, Sarnia's emergency management
policies were administered by Mr. Cal Gardner, a full-time emergency
management coordinator stationed in the police department (interviewed
13 July 2006). Mr. Gardner had been an active member of the emergency
management policy community. He was one of the founding members of the
Ontario Association of Emergency Managers, a professional association of
He had long championed the idea of an "all-channel alert"
system--a national warning system equipped to interrupt television
broadcasting in order to transmit hazard warnings--and he had frequently
appeared before commissions and hearings on this issue. He regularly
participated in regional and national events related to emergency
management, which offered periodic opportunities to discuss problems and
solutions with colleagues from other jurisdictions. Mr. Gardner spent
much of his time meeting with interested community stakeholders to
assess their interests and gather ideas for program improvement. These
ideas were then discussed and debated by an emergency management program
committee, which included senior police and fire officials and
representatives of departments such as community services and
engineering and public works. It was from this local policy network that
specific proposals arose.
Policy windows are short-lived, as attention is fleeting and many
other problems compete for decision-makers" time and resources
The politics stream
Interviewees in Sarnia reported that, although citizens had a
general concern about the risks posed by the chemical industry and other
hazards, they showed little interest in emergency management. Despite
extensive public education efforts and considerable media coverage
regarding the risks facing the city, officials reported that most
citizens were not even aware of the city's emergency planning.
Furthermore, while there were no organized pressure groups lobbying city
council to invest resources in emergency management, there were several
who demanded reduced municipal spending in order to lower property
taxes. Seemingly every year, the city's proposed budget drew
criticism from pressure groups such as the Coalition of Sarnia Taxpayers
(COST) and Sarnia Taxpayers Overtaxation Protection (STOP), which
demanded that municipal spending be curbed (Bowen 2004; Dobson 2002b).
Elected officials in Sarnia have generally been supportive of
emergency management, indicated by a modest sum that has been budgeted
for the city's program in past years. Still, because the time of
councillors is scarce, and due to the many other pressing issues on the
agenda, securing an authoritative decision on a policy proposal required
skilful marketing and manipulation by the emergency planners. The
political activity surrounding the development of Sarnia's siren
warning system warrants special attention, as it illustrates how a
focusing event can temporarily raise the salience of a policy issue,
creating a window of opportunity for policy change.
Focusing event, policy window and coupling
On 10 December 2000, a chemical vapour cloud drifted over Sarnia
and settled in the southwest of the city. People were sickened as they
breathed the fumes; panicked residents called city hall demanding
information (Mathewson 2000b). Afterward, residents complained in the
media that they had not been warned. This attracted the attention of
Mayor Mike Bradley, who initially laid the blame on the provincial
government, arguing that the Ministry of Environment should have been
monitoring the chemical plants (Mathewson 2000a). Meanwhile, Mr. Gardner
leveraged the heightened attention generated by this focusing event to
bring forward a proposal for a city-wide emergency warning system, an
idea that had been debated and endorsed by the local policy network. The
proposal sought $100,000 to purchase and instal four sirens in the
city's south end, which could be activated to notify residents of
chemical releases or other hazardous conditions (Dobson 2001e). The idea
was quickly picked up by the local media. The newspaper reported on the
success of siren warning systems in other municipalities (Dobson 2001b)
and an editorial asserted that "the first obligation that
Sarnia's municipal government has to its constituents is to provide
a reasonably safe place to live" (The Observer 2001: A4).
Council was nearly convinced to allocate the siren money in the
2001 budget, but then decided to eliminate a number of discretionary
items, including the sirens (Dobson 2001c). The proposal had generated
public and political support, however (Poirier 2001). To maintain the
momentum, Mr. Gardner invited a television crew to the city's
Emergency Operations Centre, where he used a large planning map to point
out the most vulnerable areas and the optimal sites for the sirens
(Robinet 2001). For a few months, he shuttled between interested
stakeholders to discuss alternative arrangements. The discussion
'generated significant debate over who should pay for the sirens,
but no alternatives to a warning system were seriously considered. Mr.
Gardner eventually brokered a four-siren, $100,000 cost-sharing
agreement between the chemical companies and the municipality (Dobson
2001d). Successfully reconciling the competing interests is a testament
to Mr. Gardner's skilful policy entrepreneurship because some
industrial actors felt strongly that a public warning system should be
solely a municipal expenditure, some municipal leaders suggested that
the sirens should be funded completely by industry, and both sides felt
that the provincial government should contribute (Chang 2001). City
council allocated $50,000 for the project (Dobson 2001a), and the sirens
were installed in January 2002 (Dobson 2002c).
This brief account of emergency management in Sarnia illustrates
the utility of the Multiple Streams framework for examining and
explaining public policy choices in the local political system. The
framework calls attention to specific actors and interests involved in
policy-making and provides a persuasive explanation of the policy-making
process. As in other municipalities, emergency management in Sarnia
normally generated little public and political interest. Citizens and
business owners had other concerns, and politicians faced many pressing
problems. As such, those responsible for Sarnia's emergency
management program competed for resources and the attention of
The December 2000 chemical release was a focusing event that
attracted the attention of citizens and politicians in Sarnia and
temporarily raised the salience of emergency measures relative to other
issues on the policy agenda. As the problem, policy and political
streams began to converge, a policy entrepreneur seized the resulting
policy window. This attempt was successful, and the proposal designed
earlier by the members of the expert policy network was firmly
entrenched on the decision agenda. Once the proposal was under active
consideration, the policy entrepreneur launched a persuasion campaign
using the local media, and the siren idea was eventually adopted by the
Policy windows are short-lived, as attention is fleeting and many
other problems compete for decision-makers' time and resources. For
instance, in addition to the warning sirens that were installed in south
Sarnia, it was originally intended that three more would be installed in
the north end in 2002. The industrial partners agreed to contribute half
the funds for this phase, and the council was expected to pay the
remainder. In preparing the 2002 budget, however, council prioritized
other issues and decided that Phase II for the sirens would not proceed
(Dobson 2002a). Attention had faded, interest had waned, and emergency
management was again relegated to the periphery.
Planning for emergencies is an important municipal government
responsibility, but policy-makers in this field must overcome
considerable barriers in order to secure political support and resources
for policy proposals. Faced with a disinterested public and many
competing demands on the time and attention of decision-makers,
advocates must be ready to take advantage of the small windows of
opportunity that arise to promote policy solutions. Policy windows are
opened in a number of ways, but emergencies and disasters--focusing
events in the problem stream--appear to be the primary means by which
attention comes to be focused on emergency management.
Explaining how and why municipal governments make the policy
choices they do requires analysis of problem recognition and definition,
agenda-setting, policy formulation and decision-making. The Multiple
Streams framework provides guidance in analysing these elements,
offering a logical and compelling explanation of policy choices.
Although the framework was originally formulated to explain national
policy-making, I have demonstrated its applicability to municipal
governments as well.
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(1) Public opinion is actually part of a broader concept that
Kingdon refers to as the "national mood," meaning a general
climate of opinion among the population that promotes some issues to the
top of the agenda and restrains others from rising to prominence (2003:
The author is assistant professor of public administration and
local government, Department of Political Science, University of
Windsor. He acknowledges with gratitude the helpful comments and
suggestions made by the Journal Editor and anonymous reviewers.
Figure 1. Multiple Streams Framework--Key Concepts
Concept Explanation
Indicator Measure of problem severity suggesting
government intervention is necessary or
Focusing event Unexpected event that rapidly focuses public
and political attention on a problem, often
heightened by the media
Feedback Information received through formal program
evaluation or public complaints that indicates
a problem requiring attention
Policy solution Proposal endorsed by the policy community that
is technically feasible and compatible with the
dominant values of specialists in the policy
Public opinion A general belief or sentiment among citizens
concerning the need for or desirability of
public intervention in response to a problem
Pressure group Organization of individuals with similar
interests that seeks to influence public policy
Personnel turnover Periodic replacement of key political or
administrative actors
Policy entrepreneur Skilled policy advocate with resources and
access to decision-makers
Policy window Short opportunity for policy entrepreneur to
persuade receptive decision-makers to adopt a
previously formulated solution to a problem
Coupling Effort by policy entrepreneur to connect a
policy solution with a problem, under
favourable political circumstances