Keys to a winning webinar: planning and practice are keys to a standout Web conference.
Winter, Mary
Web cameras are standard equipment in most statehouses--more than
40 legislatures now live-broadcast at least one chamber's floor
proceedings on the Internet. A close cousin of the webcast--the webinar,
or Web conference--has also become a part of our daily lives. Although
both are powerful communication tools, webinars are also
interactive--audiences can converse in real time with the webinar hosts.
There are many variations of webinars, but generally, one or more
presenters give a talk, accompanied by PowerPoint slides, while audience
members in scattered locations watch and listen on computers, tablets or
The advantages of webinars over face-to-face seminars start with
major cost and time savings--no venue is needed, and no one has to
travel (both also good for the environment). Webinars potentially can
reach millions of people, and most are archived so they can be viewed
later, anytime, anywhere, or searched for specific content.
Creating a webinar doesn't require a Ph.D., but creating a
good one does require planning and practice. Few things are worse than a
boring webinar. Below are a few pointers on how to create the
opposite--an engaging session that leaves attendees wishing it
hadn't gone by so quickly.
What's a Good Topic?
Topics generally present themselves. Sometimes they cover policy
subjects--understanding the complexities of the budget, education
finance or health care, for example. Foundations and nonprofits often
create webinars to update members on a particular program's
progress or new government regulations. NCSL policy experts frequently
host webinars that keep lawmakers and legislative staff abreast of
topics ranging from drones to tele-health to state tax policies.
Is a Webinar the Right Medium?
Consider your audience, the subject and the time you'll need
to cover your topic. Your topic should be fairly narrow, such as
"Hugging the Cactus: How to Deal With the Media" or
"Private-Public Partnerships in School Breakfast Programs."
People have relatively short attention spans in a webinar setting, so if
the topic can't be covered in an hour--some experts say two--a
webinar is probably not the best medium.
Who Does What?
The organizer or host, presenter(s) and assistants are the main
players. The host is in charge. He or she picks the topic, finds the
presenters, reviews the script and slides, and oversees marketing,
registration and logistics. The host usually introduces the presenter
and moderates questions. The presenter writes the script, prepares the
slides and answers audience questions. Assistants generally help with
What Software Should I Use?
Software to run the webinar is available from a variety of vendors.
Research what's available and choose one you're sure works
with your computer and equipment. Study the training video or manual and
practice using the software.
How Should I Plan my Time?
Three to four months before webinar: Discuss possible topics,
presenters, assistants and an organizer; set date for the webinar.
Two to three months before: Choose webinar software, location and
logistics; finalize time, date, presenter, assistants and marketing
team. When setting a time, consider all your attendees' locations
and different time zones.
One to two months before: Review presenters' scripts and
slides; conduct at least one dry run, testing all phones and equipment.
Two to three weeks before: Publicize the webinar. Write a short
description, including title, presenters, date, time, where to log in
and phone number. Post the information on your website, emails, online
event calendars, listservs, newsletters, blogs, Twitter and Facebook.
How Much Will it Cost?
Cost depends on many things, including how many will attend your
webinar--20 or 200? A do-it-yourself webinar can be cheap, while a
totally outsourced, professional webinar can cost thousands. Ken Molay,
a marketing expert who writes a webinar blog and created Webinar
Success, says there are three primary expenses:
* Technology, including a Web conferencing platform, such as
Google+ or GoToWebinar, and phone lines. These are musts.
* Services, such as Molay's company, that will put the whole
show together for you, for a price.
* Promotion, including press releases and email blasts.
Molay writes: "You can get some good, capable Web conferencing
software on the less expensive side, learn how to use it yourself,
manage everything in-house, and invite people already on your own list.
Total cost, maybe $500." If you're a wealthy corporation, you
might spend $15,000 to $30,000. Molay says a good mid-range is $2,000 to
Sources:, Mobileoffice., NCSL
Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee,, and
Webinar Wrongs
Each slide should contain only one idea.
People never outgrow cartoons. A variety of simple illustrations,
charts, graphs and photos keeps viewers engaged.
Don't skimp when introducing the presenters. Attendees are
more likely to engage if you've talked up your experts'
backgrounds and credentials.
Be enthusiastic. If the organizer and presenter aren't
enjoying themselves, the attendees certainly won't.
Without a speaker to look at, the slides need to be top quality.
The first three slides should set the stage with the webinar's
title; the presenter's name, title and head shot; and finally, the
main points to be covered.
Don't assume you can pull off a great webinar without
practice. The more dry runs you can do in the days before the webinar,
the better. Technical and audio issues can torpedo an otherwise great
Mary Winter is assistant editor and senior writer for NCSL.