Reconstructing higher education: operating a public system of colleges and universities with less money may require a fundamental redesign.
Colvin, Richard Lee ; Hinton, Forrest
We have long been proud of our colleges and universities, and
rightly so.
During the 20th century, the United States created the model of the
modern research university that became the envy of the world. We
invented the community college and built systems of high quality,
low-cost public institutions that made higher education accessible to
soldiers returning from the war, baby boomers, low-income students,
immigrants and racial minorities.
Twenty years ago, the nation topped the world in the percentage of
adults age 25 to 34 with college degrees. Our elementary and secondary
schools might have been cause for concern but, with students from around
the world wanting to enroll, our colleges and universities were above
No longer. Today, the United States ranks 10th among developed
nations in the percentage of young workers holding a postsecondary
credential or degree. It's not that today's young people are
less educated than their elders. Rather, it's that other nations
are doing all they can to boost college participation and attainment and
have surpassed the United States.
President Obama--backed by leading foundations, many economists,
other politicians and education experts--argues the nation's
long-term economic competitiveness depends in large measure on
increasing the percentage of the American workforce holding
postsecondary credentials or degrees.
But the recession battered the public purse as well as private
pocketbooks. Public colleges and
universities, which educate the vast majority of Americans, will
have to take on the president's historic challenge with no
near-term prospects of large revenue increases.
State appropriations per student fell in 30 states between 2005 and
2010, according to a report by the State Higher Education Executive
Officers. Tuition increases covered the loss of state funds in only 12
of those states, leaving the higher education systems in 18 states with
less revenue overall. Higher education was spared from much deeper cuts
in 2010 thanks to extra funds provided through the federal American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act. ARRA funds, however, are running out and
fiscal year 2012 is expected to be much worse.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, for example, wants to slash
support for his state's higher education system by $271 million or
54 percent even though a consulting company hired last year to find
efficiencies identified only $1.5 million in potential cost savings.
"Without sitting down--almost with a blank piece of paper and
saying we start over again, there's not much left on the efficiency
side," says John Cavanaugh, the system's chancellor.
Other hard-hit states include Oregon, Washington and Georgia, which
raised tuition for University of Georgia students by 46 percent over the
past two years. Georgia also is restricting its popular Hope Scholarship
program, which covers tuition and fees, to only the most highly
accomplished high school graduates. The Center on Budget Priorities, a
liberal Washington, D.C., policy research organization, projects that at
least 17 states are considering "large, identifiable cuts in
support for state colleges and universities with direct impacts on
students" in 2012.
Neither the demand for increased post-secondary credentials and
degrees nor the budget pressures are going to abate soon. But policy
analysts and others who have long called on higher education to make
fundamental reforms to reduce costs while maintaining high quality
programs and boosting graduation rates see the situation as an
opportunity, rather than a tragedy. They say now is the time for
legislatures to push colleges to make wider use of online instruction,
re-examine degree requirements and give incentives to students to finish
more quickly and to colleges to help them. They also need to ease the
transition from community colleges to universities, re-examine spending
on athletics, and even consider reducing health benefits and salaries.
Rather than undertake such efficiency and cost-saving measures,
however, most colleges and universities are responding to this fiscal
downturn as they have in the past: lobbying states for more money,
raising tuition and shrinking their offerings, even as more students
than ever want to enroll.
Since the 1960s, California has been a pioneer in providing
high-quality, low-cost education to all comers. The experience there
provides a good example of the formidable challenges facing higher
Confronted with a $25.4 billion budget deficit, Governor Jerry
Brown earlier this year pushed through nearly $11 billion in spending
cuts, affecting services to children, the poor, the sick, the elderly,
the mentally ill and college students. Support for the state's
three systems of higher education was cut by $1.4 billion, a number that
could double for fiscal year 2012 unless voters agree to extend $12
billion in temporary tax hikes. But Republicans in the Legislature so
far haven't agreed to put that question on a ballot.
In response to across-the-board cuts, campuses are considering
reducing library hours, imposing fees and charging students to use a
campus computer. Adjunct teachers have lost their jobs. The number of
required courses in some majors may be reduced. Faculty have been
furloughed. The percentage of out-of-state students, each of whom pays
an extra $23,000 in tuition, will be allowed to grow.
Mostly, though, the systems will offset the cuts by turning away
students and raising tuition. The community college system expects to
turn away 400,000 students next fall because of fewer classes. CSU and
UC plan to reduce their total enrollments by at least 18,000 students.
There are more than 400,000 students on the 23 campuses of the CSU
system. The UC system has nearly 200,000 students on l0 campuses.
University of California boosted tuition and fees by 32 percent in
2009, sparking protests, and an additional 8 percent in 2010. The
California State University system's fall tuition will be 15
percent higher than a year ago.
Despite the likelihood of even deeper cuts in state funding and
additional tuition increases, UC Chancellor Mark G. Yudof in March said
no tenured professors would lose their jobs, even though personnel
costs, including those of compensating tenured professors, make up
nearly three-quarters of the system's core budget.
"Almost everything else would be up for grabs," he said.
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, a
Colorado-based education policy organization, estimates that by 2025, 55
percent of the nation's jobs will require at least an associate
degree; currently, less than 40 percent of American workers between 25
and 34 years old would qualify. President Obama wants to boost that
percentage to at least 60 percent.
An analysis by the National Center for Higher Education Management
Systems estimates increasing college completion to that level would cost
an additional $33 billion a year, and twice that if the cost of health
benefits continues to rise at the current rate.
It's highly unlikely states will be willing, or able, to foot
that bill. The alternative, the fiscal experts argue, is for lawmakers
and governors to work with college administrators and others to redesign
public higher education systems around the needs of their states and
then give colleges incentives for meeting them. If, for example, as in
many states, the proportion of Latino students completing postsecondary
programs is low, colleges should be given financial incentives for
increasing it.
But higher education funding decisions in most states are not made
strategically. Colleges and universities and their governing boards are
left to deal with the budget cut compromises and their implications,
usually with little guidance.
Patrick M. Callan, president of the National Center for Public
Policy and Higher Education, says state colleges and universities are
reactive. They "pretty much spend more when they have more, cut
when they have to and replace the revenues with tuition."
"What this environment ought to do is make it really clear
that every dollar has to be looked at to see if it is being spent to
promote access, completion and quality," he says. "And
that's something we've been the least good at."
But the state of Tennessee is going to try. It took the first step
by crafting the Complete College Tennessee Act of 2010. The legislation
sets specific targets for increasing student retention and graduation
rates and then ties higher education institutions' funding to
whether they meet those targets.
"They're thinking of money less as an institutional
support and more as an investment," Callan says.
In addition to Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania are using
funding incentives to increase higher education productivity, or, in
other words, reduce the cost per degree given. Indiana, for example,
will distribute $123 million based on the colleges' results this
"You need to have enough at stake so that the universities
have enough incentive to pay attention," says Indiana Senator Luke
Kenley. "This might be the best time to implement this since we
have fewer dollars, and universities are searching for new
Indiana also is getting national attention in education and policy
circles for its push for online learning. Through an executive order
last year, Governor Mitch Daniels created what he calls the state's
"eighth public university," the Western Governors University
Indiana, at no cost to the state.
The Indiana virtual campus is an outpost of the successful
all-online college established in 1997 by the governors of 19 Western
states. WGU awards 50 accredited degrees in teaching, health care,
business and information technology. It is able to do so inexpensively
because the university has no tenured faculty members and no physical
WGU Indiana is a key element of the state's strategy for
increasing the number of bachelor's degrees awarded by 10,000
annually, keeping college affordable and serving a portion of the
750,000 adults in the state who have taken some college courses but not
earned a degree.
"We're serving students who aren't served well by
the [current] state systems," says Robert Mendenhall, the president
of WGU. "These are working adults, mostly low-income, many who are
minority. A lot of them are rural students."
In Washington, a bipartisan bill to bring WGU to that state is
meeting resistance, especially from some college professors, who oppose
expanding online courses that could diminish the need for tenured
"As the bill started moving and picking up, there's now a
clear force of faculty from the universities who have come out against
the legislation," says Senator Jim Kastama, who supports WGU.
The growing emphasis of online education is pushing colleges in 21
states to join with The National Center for Academic Transformation to
fundamentally redesign their introductory and remedial courses.
Participating academic departments will be able to teach more students
at lower costs by using computer-based instruction and online forums to
supplement or replace classroom lectures. This spring, 38 redesigned
basic-level math classes will be part of a pilot project at community
colleges across the nation as part of the center's Changing the
Equation program.
In California, the UC system is just beginning to experiment with
large-scale online learning, announcing in April that it would take out
a $2 million loan to pilot several online undergraduate courses by the
start of 2012.
Yet, even for states that have made major changes to higher
education in recent years, more transformative innovations may be on the
horizon. An analysis by the National Center for Higher Education
Management Systems conducted for the Lumina Foundation on Education
found that increasing the student-faculty ratio by 10 percent would save
$10 billion annually over the next 15 years. Reconfiguring faculties and
responsibilities could reduce the cost of instructional salaries by
another $3.6 billion a year. Slimming down benefits packages,
eliminating some extracurricular activities, creating institutional
collaborations and offering incentives for students to take fewer
courses not needed for graduation also would significantly cut costs.
But other changes would be easier. Community college students in
California, for example, can take as many class credits as they want and
some take advantage of that to keep going to school for years without
ever planning to finish a credential program or transfer. Such students
take up seats that first-time students who want to finish and join the
workforce could be occupying. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's
Office found that simply capping the number of credits at 100--far more
than the 60 required for transfer to a four-year college--would save
$250 million, more than half the amount the governor proposed cutting
and would lead to more students receiving degrees.
Charles Reed, chancellor of the California State University system,
understands that more must be done. He has long argued that colleges
should operate year-round instead of shutting down for the summer,
faculty should teach more classes and take fewer sabbaticals, and
students should be required to take fewer classes so they can complete a
degree in three years.
"The current funding and operating models of public higher
education are not sustainable," Reed says. Legislators should push
for innovation, but, he adds, "do it in a careful way so they
don't throw the baby out with the bath water because the economy
and jobs and competitiveness are really based on the higher education
the workforce gets."
Steve Boilard, director of higher education for California's
Legislative Analyst's Office, agreed. "We've been trying
to say, 'Don't allow the disruption created by this crisis to
be temporary and then go back to business as usual when the money comes
But, he says, "that seems to be the game plan: Brace ourselves
for this and then get back to the old days."
Richard Lee Colvin is executive director of Education Sector, an
independent nonprofit think tank that challenges conventional thinking
in education policy. Forrest Hinton is a research associate with the
Education Sector. The Lumina Foundation, cited in this article, is a
supporter of the Education Sector.