Information searching & use of college libraries by subject specialists (college teachers) teaching in government colleges for elementary teachers at Bahawalpur Division, Bahawalpur.
Bhatti, Rubina ; Mahmood, Rao Tariq ; Khan, Shakeel Ahmad 等
Investigating information searching behavior of library users is
important to analyze the effectiveness of library services. Users adopt
different behavior in seeking their required information. Knowledge
about user's behavior and their information needs helps the library
professionals to organize their library and services that best match
their patrons' needs. College libraries contribute a key role in
research and teaching. The main objective of college library is to
facilitate the information needs of college teachers and students by
offering all relevant material that facilitate teachers in designing
lectures and syllabus for the students. These offer materials that
fulfill the information needs of college students in making different
assignments related to their studies. Due to exponential growth in
different sources of information and their use by information users have
made it essential for libraries to design their services that best
fulfill their user's needs. The Bahawalpur Division is rich in
educational institutions. At Bahawalpur, the Government Elementary
Colleges were originally established as teacher training School with the
primary objective to train primary school teachers in teaching and
learning. These institutions regarded as teachers training institutes in
1957. In 1971, these institutions got the status of Training College for
elementary teachers. The instant study investigates the information
search process by Subject Specialists (College Teachers) and their use
of libraries.
Keyword: information needs, information searching behavior,
elementary college teachers, Bahawalpur Division
Problem Statement & Significance of Study
Number of studies has been conducted to investigate the information
search process by information users in higher education institutions and
users related to particular field but in college sector, not much
consideration has been given to explore the information search process
adopted by college teachers. This study attempts to investigate the
information searching by college teachers, their use of different
library sources, their purpose of using college libraries and the
problems they face during searching information from the libraries. The
results of the study are helpful for library professionals working in
college libraries to design their library services that best fulfill
their patron's needs.
Objectives of the study
The purpose of this study is to achieve following objectives:
1. To investigate the information needs of college teachers
(Subject Specialists).
2. To find out their purpose of using college library.
3. To find out the material available in the library related to
teaching needs.
4. To explore the problems faced by college teachers (Subject
Specialists) in using their college libraries?
Research Methodology
Study followed quantitative research method. Survey research
strategy was adopted to collect data from the respondents. Questionnaire
was designed after conducting comprehensive review of the literature.
College lecturers (Subject Specialists) working in Elementary Colleges
of Bahawalpur Division, Bahawalpur, were identified as population of the
study. Seventy five (75) Subject Specialists working in five Elementary
Colleges of Bahawalpur were contacted. However, sixty valid
questionnaires were received. The response rate was 80 %. Collected data
was interpreted by SPSS software (version 19).
Literature Review
Keeping in view the importance of knowledge about user's
behavior, different researches have been conducted in this area. A
colossal amount of literature is available on information searching
behavior of different types of users. Some studies related to the
phenomenon under investigation are reviewed in the given section.
Taylor (1991) indicated eight classes of information use:
enlightenment, problem understanding, instrumental, factual,
conformational, projective, motivational and personal or political.
Mustafa (2013) explored the information needs and seeking behavior
of faculty members of Darul Ihsan University in Bangladesh. Findings
showed that faculty members seek information to fulfill their
information needs related to teaching and research. Respondents reported
that due to huge amount of information they face problems in searching
their specific information. It was good to know that majority reported
that they visit the library on daily basis to get their day to day
information needs for completing their teaching requirements. Bhatti
etal (2011) indicated the responses regarding the use of internet
sources by social scientists were databases, ejournals, online indexing
and abstracting Most social scientists also prefer to use E-books,
E-encyclopedias and E-dictionaries. The respondents perceived it very
beneficial as 48% think that they have to spend less time in searching
for their required information. 35% consider it very useful for
accessing distant publications followed by 34% saying fast access to
unlimited resources, less effort on internet useful for developing
up-to-date knowledge.
Marouf (2010) surveyed the information needs and seeking behavior
of social sciences faculty members at Kuwait University. Findings showed
majority was using books and variety of other material for their
research needs. Respondents considered that journals and books are most
important in fulfilling their required information needs. They were
using manuscripts, technical reports and primary materials. They
reported that they also get their required information by attending
conferences and training workshops. They preferred information in print
form. Bhatti (2010) studied the information using and seeking activities
among university teachers in teaching in Arts & Science Faculties at
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Results showed that majority of
respondents used library resources for teaching and research. They
utilize library books, abstracting and indexing services available in
library. Respondents indicated that they are facing problems in finding
e-journals and accessing Internet service. Khan (2008) explored that the
college teachers mostly seek information for their lecture preparation,
improvement of their personal competencies and current awareness. Print
format was preferred and lack of computers hardware and software as a
major obstacle in accessing internet and indicated the need for training
provision. A study by Al-Suqri (2007) explored the information needs and
seeking behavior of social sciences scholars at Sultan Qaboos University
in the Sultanate of Oman. Majid & Kassim (2000) identified the
information channels used by law faculty members at International
Islamic University Malaysia. Findings showed that books are mostly used
by the respondents in seeking information. Respondents mentioned that
they seek information for preparing lectures and teaching needs. E-mail
was found as the most used internet based service among respondents.
Study concluded that the overall services of the library were adequate
for the respondents to meet their information needs.
Data Analysis & Interpretations
Respondents' Gender
Sixty respondents participated in the study. Out of which, 70% were
male and 30% were female subject specialists college teachers.
Respondents' Age
Majority of the respondents (45.0%) were between 51-60 years old.
Second majority was between 41-50 years old.
Respondents Qualification
Most of the respondents (55.0%) were M.A, (20.0%) possessed M.Phil
degree and only two respondents were PhD.
Respondents' Teaching Experience
Participants of the study were very experienced in teaching.
Results showed that majority (61.7%) of the respondent has more than 20
years teaching experience.
Respondents' Opinion about the Relevancy of Library Material
Results showed that books available in the college libraries were
relevant to the information needs of the respondents (mean= 3.70).
However, they regarded reference material and internet facility as
somewhat relevant (mean= 2.85, 2.97).
Purpose of Using College Library
It is encouraging to see the results that Subject Specialists
(College Teachers) frequently use the library for their research work
(mean= 3.70). Results showed that they frequently visited the library
for preparing lectures and remain updated (mean= 3.48, 4.45).
Frequency of Library Use by Respondents
Results described that vast number of respondents used library on
daily basis which shows their interest on the library services. It shows
their satisfaction with the library services.
Respondents' Satisfaction with their College Library Services
It is plausible to know that respondents were satisfied with their
respective college library services (mean= 4.32).
Problems Faced by College Teachers in Using Library
Respondents were inquired to mention the problems they faced in
using their college libraries. Findings showed that respondents were
satisfied with the library services and were neutral and disagree with
the proposed problems presented in the questionnaire. According to this
result the material of the library is relevant to their information
needs and fulfilling their information requirements effectively.
Key Findings & Discussions
1. Respondents were satisfied with books available in the library
and reported that these books are relevant to their information needs.
There should be a collection in the library on journals and magazines
for enhancing research activities.
2. Findings showed that Subject Specialists were engaged in
research and intellectual activities as they reported that they
frequently use the library for conducting research and to remain update
in their area of interest. They should be provided online orientation
for using online research databases and journals so that they conduct
research on modern trends and issues.
3. Respondents were using library on daily basis which shows their
interest and thrust for learning and research.
4. It is encouraging that the college libraries are offering
library services according to the user's needs as respondents
showed their satisfaction with their respective library services.
5. Respondents were utilizing library services smoothly and did not
mention any problem in using their library.
Study presents very plausible results regarding the services of
college libraries. Based on the results it is concluded that the college
libraries of Elementary Colleges in Bahawalpur Divisions are offering
good services. They are offering relevant material and satisfying
different information needs of Subject Specialists (College Teachers).
It is also concluded from this study that college librarians working in
these libraries are performing good job for their users.
Al-Suqri & Nasser, M. (2007). Information needs and seeking
behavior of Social Sciences scholars at Sultan Qaboos University in
Oman: A mixed-method approach. 349, 3294687.
Bhatti, R. (2010) Information Needs and Information seeking
Behavior of Faculty Members: at the Is lamia University of Bahawalpur.
Library Philosophy & Practice.
Bhatti, Asghar, Mukhtar and Chohan (2011) Internet Use by Social
Scientists at the Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan,Pakistan: A
Survey. Library Philosophy & Practice.
Khan, S. A. (2008). Information needs and seeking behavior of
college teachers and administrators: A survey of Bahawalpur City.
Unpublished Master Thesis submitted to the Department of Library &
Information Science, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
Mostofa, SK. M. (2013). Information needs & seeking behavior of
faculty members of Darul Ihsan University in Bangladesh. Library
Philosophy & Practice.
Majid, S. & Kassim, G.M. (2000). Information-seeking behavior
of International Islamic
University Malaysia Law faculty members. Malaysian Journal of
Library & Information Science, 5(2), 1-17.
Marouf, L. (2010). Information-seeking behavior of the social
sciences faculty at Kuwait University. Library Review, 59(7).
Taylor R.S (1991) Information use environments in B. Dervin and
M.J. Voight (Eds.), Profress in Communication Science Vol. 10, Norwood,
NJ Ablex.
Dr. Rubina Bhatti
Chairperson/Associate Professor, DLIS, The Islamia University of
Rao Tariq Mahmood
Librarian: Govt. Elementary College, Bahawalpur MPhil student: The
Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Shakeel Ahmad Khan
Librarian, Govt. College University, Lahore, Pakistan
Rubina Bhatti
Islamia University of Bahawalpur,
Table 1
Age of Respondents
Sr.No. Age Frequency Percent
1 21-30 years 06 10.0
2 31-40 years 11 18.3
3 41-50 years 16 26.7
4 51-60 years 27 45.0
60 100.0
Table 2
Respondents Qualification
Sr.No. Qualification Frequency Percent
1 M.A 33 55.0
2 M.Phil 12 20.0
3 PhD 02 03.3
Total 60 100.0
Table 3
Respondents' Teaching Experience
Sr.No. Experience Frequency Percent
1 0-5 years 4 6.7
2 6-10 years 8 13.3
3 11-15 years 6 10.0
4 15-20 years 5 8.3
5 Above 20 years 37 61.7
Total 60 100.0
Table 4
Respondents' Opinion about Relevancy of Material
Sr.No. Relevancy of Material Mean Std.Dev.
1 Books 3.70 .830
2 Reference material 2.85 .820
3 Non book material 2.37 1.164
4 Internet facility 2.97 1.507
Note: 5= Fully relevant, 4=Relevant, 3=Somewhat relevant
2= Slightly relevant 1= Not relevant
Table 5
Respondents' Purpose of Using the Library
Sr.No. Purpose of Using Library Mean Std. Dev.
1 To teach the class 2.32 1.396
2 To prepare lectures 3.48 1.000
3 To remain update 4.45 .723
4 For leisure purpose 2.35 1.022
5 For conducting research 3.70 1.306
Note: 5= Most Frequently 4=Frequently 3=Occasionally
2=Rarely 1= Never
Table 6
Frequency of Library Use by Respondents
Sr.No. Library Use Mean Std.Dev.
1 I use library on daily basis 3.68 1.049
2 I weekly use library 3.45 .790
3 I use library on monthly basis 3.00 .844
4 At leisure time 2.45 1.032
Note: 5= Strongly Agree, 4= Agree, 3= Neutral, 2= Disagree,
1= Strongly Disagree
Table 7
Respondents' Satisfaction with Library Services
Sr. No. Statement Mean Std. Dev.
1 How satisfied are you 4.32 .651
with your college library
Note: 5= Strongly satisfied, 4= Satisfied, 3= Satisfied
to some extent, 2= Dissatisfied, 1= Strongly Dissatisfied
Table 8
Problems Faced by College Teachers in Using Library
Sr. No. Problems in Using Library Mean Std. Dev.
1 Non-availability of relevant material 3.18 1.200
2 Inadequate books 2.90 1.203
3 Out-dated material 3.03 1.275
4 Non-supportive behavior of librarians 1.85 .997
5 Noise in the library 2.28 1.043
Note: 5= Strongly Agree, 4= Agree, 3= Neutral, 2= Disagree,
1= Strongly Disagree