A study of library usage and satisfaction by Social Scientists at Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.
Bhatti, Rubina
Library is a vital agency to promote education and research by
providing latest information and knowledge. The role and growth of
information and knowledge is faster than before and even at
acceleration. Information is needed in every field of life Kemp (1976)
said that "indeed, information has been described as the fifth need
of man ranking after air, water, food and shelter." Chen and Hernon
(1982) defined that information is all knowledge, ideas, fact, data and
imaginative works of mind which are communicated normally and informally
in any format. Information is defined as data used in planning, decision
making and analysis of some program. It has a major role in man's
routine activities; either it may be at home, school colleges,
playground or work places. It is crucial to man's survival. It is
like a stair to provide foot path to promote the research work (Uttor,
Dervin (1986) presented the concept of information in a different
way. According to her, "Information is seen as something
constructed by human being". She has presented the six stages of
information seeking behavior and further says that all these elements
have much importance for research point of view. Without understanding
the importance of this concept, the library cannot perform their task
Therefore every person demands different materials in different
forms. The present age is of information technology and it also affects
the nature of users and its needs. That is why with the passage of time
different people demands different things in a different ways. The
researchers have to face with information explosion, information
pollution and exponential growth of information. Due to information
bang, the researchers puzzle about the information needs, information
sources and information access. With the effect of new information and
digital technology, many researchers and scholars of the world have much
interested to access the latest information. Every scholar is taking
much interest in research field because of faster accessibility of the
digital information (Khongtim, 2006). Here the library's role is
very crucial, thus, the need to study the library usage and satisfaction
of users with their libraries and information centers.
The Research Questions
The basic purpose of the research is to obtain deeper understanding
of the information needs of the faculty members of the Social Sciences.
To obtain the above purposes, the study sought to find the answers of
the following research questions:
1. What sorts of information sources are being used by faculty
members of Social Sciences at Bahauddin Zakariya Multan and for what
2. What is the satisfaction level of faculty members with library
collection and other facilities provided by the departmental libraries
of Social Sciences at Bahauddin Zakariya Multan?
3. What are the main problems faced by the Faculty Members while
searching for their relevant information and using library services?
Literature Review
A study by Gamage (2006) analyzed the information needs of
environmental scientists in universities in Srilanka. The results of the
study reflect that library users were not satisfied with the collection
and services of the library. The study recommends proper management and
up gradation of library services and the use of a standard
classification scheme for the organization of library resource. Moreover
this study further suggests the establishment of an environmental
information network in Srilanka for resource sharing.
Prabha, Connaway, Olszewski and Jenkins (2007) concluded that the
users of the library stop to search information, when they have to
confront multiple kinds of information. They expressed that when the
same information is repeated in different sources they stop to search
further information. The faculty members informed that they used
information for teaching, research work, preparing for lecturers and
assigning presentation for classes. The results of the study pointed out
some elements that affect the searching of information such as:
objectives and characteristics of the information needs, external
variables and internal variables.
Al-Suqri (2007) explored the information needs and seeking behavior
of social sciences scholars at Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate
of Oman. The base of the study was the model of information seeking
behavior of Wilson (1996), Ellis (1989) and Kuhlthau (1991). The
findings of the research show that social sciences scholars face three
main problems while seeking information i.e. limited availability of
resources, poor Internet connection (low speed or internet availability)
and lack of sufficient sources in Arabic language.
Seaman (2011) studied the Information Needs of humanists, this
research points out that an institutional repository can present better
services to the faculty members of Social Sciences and humanities. It
shown that Institutional Repository (IR) is of ever-increasing
importance to colleges and universities. If the professional staff
understand the importance of the institutional repository, they can make
the library services up to the standard. The main focus of the research
was to pay attention on the promotion of digital archiving, publishing,
and sharing of scholarship and research data.
A study by Bhatti (2009) revealed that majority of the faculty
members mostly use their university library for research work and
updating knowledge purposes. Faculty members also complained about the
insufficient provision of journals related to their field of study.
Nearly all the respondents pointed out that there is no indexing and
abstracting service in the library. They demanded inter-library loan
service to fulfill their information requirements. The study further
recommended the appointment of a liaison officer for useful
communication between the library staff and the faculty members so that
the services of the library may be improved.
Khan (2010) conducted a study at M. Phil level to assess the
information needs and seeking behavior of the law faculty members in the
University of Peshawar and its seventeen affiliated law colleges,
Khayber Pakhtoon khawa (North Western Frontier Province NWFP, Pakistan).
The findings showed the respondents' dissatisfaction with the
sources, resources, services and facilities provided by the law
colleges' libraries The study suggested the provision of IT based
sources, facilities and the assessment of teaching communities'
information needs for planning better users' oriented services and
developing effective library collection.
Khan (2008) in his master thesis explored the information seeking
behavior of college teachers and administrators. The study found that
the college teachers mostly seek information for their lecture
preparation, improvement of their personal competencies and current
awareness. It was found that they mostly get information from their
college library. They preferred print format and materials written in
English language. They indicated the lack of computers hardware and
software as a major obstacle in accessing internet and indicated the
need for training provision.
Research Methodology
Survey method utilizing a comprehensive questionnaire was used to
collect data from the faculty members of Faculty of the Social Sciences
at Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU) Multan. The departments included
in the current study were Departments of Economics, Education, History,
Geography, Pakistan Studies and Gender Studies, Political Science and
International Relation, Mass Communication, Sociology, Applied
Psychology, Philosophy, Sports Sciences, Multan College of Arts and
Undergraduate Studies in Social Sciences. The overall response rate was
Demographic Information
First part of the questionnaire dealt with the personal profile of
the respondents. It collected information about departments,
professional experience, qualification, gender, age, designation, and
information needs and seeking behavior of the respondents. The total
response rate was 81% with 56% male and 44% female.
Age of the Respondents
Thirty one (17.9%) respondents were between 20 to 30 years of age,
twenty six (15.0%) between 31 to 40 years, and fourteen (8.1%) between
41 to 50 years respectively. Only ten (5.8%) faculty members were 50
years and above.
Qualification and Designation of the Respondents
Frequency distribution of respondents' academic qualification
presented in table 4 shows that thirty seven (45.6%) faculty members had
M. Phil and Nineteen (23.4%) a PhD degree. Sixteen (20%) were holding
Master degrees. One each faculty members had a B. Designing, MBA and
B.F.A. degrees respectively. Whereas three (3.7%) were holding Master
degrees in Fine Arts and Sciences respectively (Table 1).
Table 1
Frequency Distribution of Respondent's Qualification
Qualification Frequency Percent
B. Des. 1 1.2%
B.F.A 1 1.2%
M.A. 16 20.0%
M.F.A 3 3.7%
M.Sc. 3 3.7%
M.B.A 1 1.2%
M. Phil. 37 45.6%
Ph.D 19 23.4%
Total 81 100.0
Frequency distribution of the respondents' designation shows
in table no.5 that a significant number of teaches were lecturers,
52(64.2%). Four (4.9%) were Chairmen, Five (6.2%) Professors, Four
(4.9%) Associate Professors and Fifteen (18.6%) Assistant Professors.
Only one faculty member was on visiting basis (Table 5).
Types of Material Used for Meeting Academic and Research Needs
Respondents were asked to indicate the types of sources meeting
their academic and research needs properly. It was noted that majority
of them frequently sought information from Text Books (mean=4.10)
followed by Reference Books (mean=4.00), Internet (mean=3.96), Thesis
and Research Papers (mean=3.82) respectively (Table 2).
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions about Types
of Material for Meeting their Academic and Research Needs
Types of Sources Mean Median Mode
Text books 4.10 3.04 5
Reference books 4.00 4.00 4
Internet 3.96 4.00 5
Thesis / research paper 3.82 4.00 4
Encyclopedias 3.39 3.00 3
Periodicals 3.38 3.00 3
Index 3.12 3.00 3
Abstracts 3.08 3.00 2
Non book material 2.71 3.00 3
Exhibition 2.49 2.00 2
Note: 5= Always, 4= Frequently, 3= Sometimes, 2= Seldom,
1= Never
Purposes of Seeking Information
Respondents were asked to give their opinions about their purpose
of seeking information. Majority of them always seek information for
Education (mean=4.80) and Research Purpose (mean=4.56). Respondents also
mentioned frequently seeking information for Updating Knowledge
(mean=4.32), Preparing lectures (mean=4.25), Discussion (mean=3.95), and
Guiding Researchers (mean=3.92). Some of them also seek information for
the solution of practical problems (mean=3.91), Career development
(mean=3.88), and writing research Papers (mean=3.73) respectively,
(Table 3).
Table 3
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions about the
Purposes of Seeking the Information
Purposes of Seeking Information Mean Median Mode
Education 4.80 5.00 5
Research 4.56 5.00 5
Updating knowledge 4.32 5.00 5
Preparing lectures 4.25 4.00 5
Discussions 3.95 4.00 4
Guiding researchers 3.92 4.00 4
To solve practical problems 3.91 4.00 4
Career development 3.88 4.00 5
Writing papers for journals 3.73 4.00 5
General reading 3,69 4.00 4
Observation & experiments 3.64 4.00 4
Preparing assignments 3.56 4.00 4
Examination purpose 3.44 3.00 3
Writing & presenting papers for Conferences 3.44 4.00 4
Entertainment 3.31 3.00 3
For job opportunities 3.30 3.00 4
Note: 5= Always, 4= Frequently, 3= Sometimes, 2= Seldom,
1= Never
Respondent's Satisfaction with Library Services
The respondents were asked to give their opinion about the services
provided by their respective libraries i.e. University/Departmental.
According to the results, Forty eight (59.3%) respondents were
satisfied. Twenty (24.7%) respondents expressed their opinion "to
some extent" whereas 9(11.1%) showed their complete dissatisfaction
regarding their libraries services. Four (4.9%) did not give their
opinion about these services (Table 4).
Table 4
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions about the
Satisfaction of Library Services
Opinions Frequency Percent
Yes 48 59.3%
No 9 11.1%
To some extent 20 24.7%
Missing 4 4.9%
Total 81 100.0
Respondents were also asked to rate the effectiveness of different
library services in meeting their required information needs. Most of
them were satisfied with the Reference service (mean=3.55) of their
libraries followed by Information service (mean=3.48%), and Internet
services (mean=3.33) respectively. Other services in the order of
priority were User Education service (mean=3.25), Bibliography Service
(mean=3.25), Circulation service (mean=3.08), Indexing and Abstracting
services (3.03), Current Awareness service (mean=2.90), Reprographic
service (mean=2.90), Book bank service (mean=2.73), SDI service
(mean=2.55), and Inter library Loan Service (mean=2.47) respectively
(Table 5)
Table 5
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions about the
Satisfaction of Library Services
Services Mean Median Mode
References services 3.55 4.00 4
Information services 3.48 4.00 4
Internet services 3.33 4.00 4
Bibliographic services 3.25 3.00 3
User education services 3.25 3.00 4
Circulation services 3.08 3.00 4
Indexing and abstracting services 3.03 3.00 3
Reprographic services 2.90 3.00 3
CAS (current awareness services) 2.90 3.00 3
Book bank services 2.73 3.00 2
SDI services 2.55 2.00 2
Interlibrary loan services 2.47 2.00 2
Note: 5 = Strongly Satisfied, 4 = Satisfied, 3 = Satisfied
to some extent, 2 = Dissatisfied, 1 = fully
Satisfaction with Library Collection
Respondents were asked to give opinions about the level of
satisfaction about the collection in their respective libraries. Most of
them were satisfied with the library collection. They were highly
satisfied with the Book collection (mean=3.73) of their libraries. The
other sources they rated were according to their priority were
Encyclopedias (mean=3.40), Bibliographies (mean=3.09), Journals
(mean=2.96), Indexes (mean=2.94) Abstracts (mean=2.85), and A.V.
materials (mean=2.57) respectively (Table 6).
Table 6
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions
about the Satisfaction with Library Collection
Library collection Mean Median Mode
Books 3.73 4.00 4
Encyclopedias 3.40 3.00 3
Bibliographies 3.09 3.00 3
Journals 2.96 3.00 3
Indexes 2.94 3.00 3
Abstracts 2.85 3.00 3
A.V. Materials 2.57 3.00 3
Note: 5= Strongly Satisfied, 4= Satisfied, 3= Satisfied
to some extent, 2= Dissatisfied, 1= Fully
Journals Subscription
Respondents were asked to indicate the journals being subscribed by
their departmental and university libraries related to their field of
interest. The libraries of forty four (54.30%) respondents were
subscribing journals whereas 32 had no such facility. Three faculty
members did not respond to this question. Two faculty members rated
their opinion to some extent (Table 7). Majority of the respondents were
partially (31%) or satisfied (27%) with the effectiveness of these
journals. A large number of respondents (29%) also showed their complete
dissatisfaction regarding the journals related to their field of
interests (Table 8).
Table 7
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions about
the subscribing the journals
Opinions Frequency Percent
Yes 44 54.30%
No 32 39.50%
To some extent 2 2.50%
Missing 3 3.70%
Total 81 100.0
Table 8
Descriptive Statistics of Respondents' Opinions
about the Satisfaction level of the journals
Opinions Frequency Percent
Yes 22 27.2%
No 24 29.6%
To some extent 25 30.9%
Missing 10 12.3%
Total 81 100.0
Preferred Format of Information
Given Table reveals that they adequately prefer print format
(mean=2.86), while they prefer to some extent of Electronic format
(mean=2.42) and audio visual form (mean=1.90).
Problems Faced by the Respondents during Information Search
Respondents were asked about the problems they face during
searching their needed information. Majority of them mentioned
"material is not available" (mean=3.33) as problem no 1
followed by non availability of electronic resources (mean=3.30),
information is too vast (mean=3.25), information scattered in too many
sources (mean=3.22), lack of time (mean=3.19), some information
resources are out dated (mean=3.08), lack of knowledge about different
information sources (mean=2.73), and library staff are unwilling for
service (mean=2.58) (Table 16).
Difficulties Faced by the Respondents during Internet Use
Respondents were asked to mention the difficulties while searching
information on internet. Majority of them rated the problem of electric
load shedding (mean = 4.21) followed by the costly effect of
subscription of latest journal (mean = 3.93), and the problem of
validity and reliability of information on internet (mean = 3.68). Some
of them also mentioned that searching information on internet is time
consuming (mean = 3.19) whereas some of them mentioned lack of knowledge
of information retrieving techniques on internet (mean = 3.01), problem
of unavailability of internet facility in the department (mean=2.85) and
required information in not accessible (mean = 2.82) were also
identified by some of the faculty members (Table 21).
Respondent's Satisfaction with the Attitude of the Library
Respondents were asked to give their opinion about the attitude of
the library staff in dealing with them in their daily routine. According
to the results, a majority, Sixty (74.1%) appreciated the cooperative
attitude of the library staff. Twelve (14.8%) respondents were partially
satisfied whereas nine (11.1%) showed their complete dissatisfaction
regarding the attitude of the library staff (Table 23).
Respondents' Satisfaction with Opening Hours of Library
Respondents were asked to give their opinion about the timing of
the library hours. According to the results, Forty two (51.9%) mentioned
that the library timing was convenient whereas twenty (24.7%) give their
opinion as otherwise. Eighteen (22.2%) responded that the library hours
were convenient to some extent. One of the respondents did not orient
his/her opinion about this question.
Findings and Discussion
The results demonstrate that the social sciences faculty members
mostly prefer to use textbooks and internet as the major sources of
information in the library. They also use general books for academic and
research purposes. Most of them were using it for preparing lectures,
guiding students and research writing. They generally use these types of
sources for getting required information. Majority of the respondents
are satisfied to some extent about the journals as source of
information. Respondents also expressed satisfaction regarding the
annual reports, in-house databases and online databases. Most of the
respondents select print format for getting their required information
being the easiest one and least prefer electronic and audio visual form
of materials.
Majority of the respondents were not satisfied with the
subscription of journals related to their field of interest. Apart from
it the existing journals were either old or do not fulfill their
required information needs. A very small numbers of journals are
available in the library for the users. Majority of the respondents did
not give any response about it. The statistics showed that the service
of providing current journals is not up to mark, whereas it is very
necessary for the faculty libraries to provide current journals to their
The results about the question of satisfaction with the library
services reveal that the services provided by the faculty library are
good to some extent. However they mentioned that they are not satisfied
with the services of inter library loan service, book bank service,
reprographic service and selective dissemination of information
services. Most respondents were not fully satisfied with the collection
of the library. They complained about lack of audio visual materials,
insufficient internet provision and latest collection on different
subjects. The findings of the results show that the libraries of Social
Sciences are not providing indexing, abstracting and bibliographic
services. Most of the respondents were satisfied with the library
timings. It is encouraging to note the 74% of the respondents
appreciated the cooperative attitude of the library staff.
Majority of the respondents mentioned that material is not
available followed not availability of electronic resources and
information is too vast as the major problem. The other problem
mentioned by the respondents were lack of time, some information sources
are out dated, lack of knowledge about different information resources
and lacking of knowledge while using the libraries
The major findings are as under:
1. Respondents use text books and general books for education and
research. They mostly prefer to use internet for their research work and
academic purposes.
2. The services provided by the faculty libraries are not up to
marks. Respondents are not satisfied with the services provided by the
3. Education, research work and updating knowledge are the basic
purposes of the respondents for seeking information.
4. Majority of the respondents are not fully satisfied with current
journals' subscription. The numbers of journals related to their
disciplines are very less.
5. The satisfaction level of journals is only 25 to 50 percent.
Respondents are not fully satisfied about the collection of journals.
6. The departmental libraries of Social Sciences are not fully
providing the services of internet, inter-loan service and book bank
7. Indexing and abstracting services are not maintained properly in
the departmental libraries of Social Sciences.
8. Audio visual materials are not available in the departmental
libraries of Social Sciences.
9. Print format is the favorite source of information for majority
of the respondents. That is why majority of the respondents responded in
favor of the print format.
10. Electricity load shedding is the greatest hurdle in using
internet for their users.
11. Majority of the respondents have described that they are
satisfied about the collection of the library.
12. Respondents are not fully satisfied with Book Bank service and
Inter-loan library service. Indexing and abstracting services are not
provided to the users of the departmental libraries. Departmental
libraries of the Social Sciences do not provide reprographic service to
the users.
13. Majority of the respondents expressed their opinion about the
satisfaction of the behavior of the library staff. According to their
opinion, the behavior of the professional staff of the library towards
the users is positive and supportive.
14. The timing of the departmental libraries of the Social Sciences
is convenient.
1. Current and relevant reading materials should be acquired in the
departmental libraries of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Bahauddin
Zakariya University, Multan.
2. Central library should be equipped with current materials and
various types of collection should be provided on every discipline of
Social Sciences.
3. All the departmental libraries should be connected with online
system of the Central Library at Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan
so that resource sharing system should be maintained and users of the
Social Sciences may gain advantage from different materials provided by
the central library of university.
4. Professional staff should be recruited in the departmental
libraries of Social Sciences because most of the departmental libraries
are run by non-qualified staff.
5. Reprographic service, book bank service and inter-loan library
services should be provided to the users on free of cost.
6. Annual reports, Government publications and non-book materials
of various disciplines should be provided to all the departmental
libraries of Social Sciences.
7. The Faculty of Social Sciences should conduct seminars
regularly. It should be arranged in the Central Library of Bahauddin
Zakariya University Multan.
8. The departmental libraries of Social Sciences should provide the
indexing and abstracting services to the users. These services are very
helpful for researchers particularly.
9. Bibliography and information services should be provided in
every library to their users.
10. Library should subscribe current journals for all the
departmental libraries of the Social Sciences.
11. All the departmental libraries of Social Sciences should be
equipped with latest collection according to the users'
12. Evening shift in every departmental library of Social Sciences
should be started for their faculty members and researchers.
13. The problem of electricity load-shedding should be solved on
priority bases. Generator should be provided to every departmental
library of Social Sciences for continuous support to researchers.
14. The professional staff should be supportive and helpful towards
the library users and provide advanced library services such as indexing
and abstracting services, bibliographic services, and current awareness
15. Information literacy and digital literacy sessions should be
organized for all social sciences faculty members in order to improve
their information retrieval skills.
Al-Suqri & Nasser, M. (2007). Information needs and seeking
behavior of Social Sciences scholars at Sultan Qaboos University in
Oman: A mixed-method approach. 349, 3294687.
Bhatti, R. (2009). Information needs and information seeking
behavior of faculty members of the Islamia University, Bahawalpur.
Library Philosophy and Practice.
Chen, Ching-chen and Hernon, Peter (1982), "Information
seeking: Accessing and anticipating users needs"; Neal Schuman
Publisher, New York
Dervin, B. N. (1986). Information needs and uses. In: Annual review
of information science and technology. New York: Knowledge Industry
Publications 21, 3-33.
Gamage, C. (2006). Information needs and information seeking
behavior of environmental scientists in universities in Sri Lanka: Major
issues and concerns. Journal of the University Librarians Association of
Sri Lanka, 10.
Kemp, D. A. (1976), "Nature of knowledge: and introduction for
librarians"; Clive Bingley, London.
Khan, G. (2010). Information needs and seeking behavior of the law
faculty members: The survey of the University of Peshawar and its
affiliated law colleges. Unpublished M. Phil thesis submitted to the
Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
Khan, S. A. (2008). Information needs and seeking behavior of
college teachers and administrators: A survey of Bahawalpur City.
Unpublished Master Thesis submitted to the Department of Library &
Information Science, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
Khongtim, J. (2006). Information Seeking Behavior in Internet: A
Review. Mizoram Uni, Aizawi.
Prabha et al. (2007). What is enough? Satisfying information needs.
Journal of Documentation, 63(1), 74-89.
Seaman, D. (2011). Discovering the information needs of humanists
when planning an institutional repository. D-Lib Magazine, 17(3/4).
Retrieved http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=3742465
Uttor, J, (1999). The role of law libraries in a democratic
culture. A paper presented in the 1999 NLA National Conference and
Rubina Bhatti
Islamia University of Bahawalpur, dr.rubytariq@yahoo.com
Bhatti, Rubina, "A Study of Library Usage and Satisfaction by
Social Scientists at Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan" (2013).
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 963.
Dr. Rubina Bhatti
Muhammad Hanif
About Authors:
1. Dr. Rubina Bhatti
Chairperson & Associate Professor, DLIS, The Islamia University
of Bahawalpur
2. Muhammad Hanif, Librarian, Govt. Pilot Secondary School, Nawan
Shehr, Multan.
Table 9
Descriptive Statistics of Opinions about Preferred
Format for Information
Preferred Format for Information Mean Median Mode St. Dev.
Printed 2.86 3.00 3 0.347
Electronic 2.42 2.00 2 0.547
In audiovisual form 1.90 2.00 2 0,710
Note= 3= Adequately, 2= To some extent, 1= Inadequately
Table 10
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's Opinions about
the Problems Faced while Seeking Information
Problems Mean Median Mode
Material is not available 3.33 3.00 3
Non availability of electronic resources 3.30 3.00 3
Information is too vast 3.25 3.00 3
Lack of time 3.19 3.00 3
Some information resources are outdated 3.08 3.00 3
Lack of knowledge about different 2.73 3.00 2
information resources
Library staff are unwilling for services 2.58 2.00 2
Lack of knowledge in using the library 2.38 2.00 2
Note= 5= Strongly Agreed, 4= Agreed, 3= Agree to some extent,
2= Disagreed, 1=Strongly disagreed
Table 11
Descriptive Statistics of Respondent's opinions about
the Difficulties faced while Searching Information on Internet
Difficulties encountered while searching Mean Median Mode
information on internet
Electricity load shedding problem 4.21 4.00 5
Subscription of latest journals is 3.93 4.00 4
Problem of validity and reliability of 3.68 4.00 4
information on internet
Searching on internet is time consuming 3.19 3.00 3
Lack of knowledge of information 3.01 3.00 3
retrieving techniques on internet
Required information is not accessible 2.82 3.00 2
Note= 5= Fully agreed, 4= Agreed, 3=Agree to some extent,
2= Disagreed, 1=Fully disagreed
Table 12
Frequency Distribution of Respondent's Satisfaction
with the Attitude of Library Staff
Opinion Frequency Percent
Yes 60 74.1%
No 9 11.1%
To some extent 12 14.8%
Total 81 100.0
Table 13
Frequency Distribution of Respondent's Satisfaction
with the Convenient of Library Timing
Opinion Frequency Percent
Yes 42 51.9%
No 20 24.7%
To some extent 18 22.2%
Missing 1 1.2%
Total 81 100.0