Information technology as a medium of inter-organizational knowledge sharing.
Nooshinfard, Fatemeh ; Nemati-Anarak, Leila
In modern knowledge economies, science is becoming increasingly
more important in realizing economic growth (Coriat & Weinstein,
2001; OECD, 2002). Structural economic growth can only exist if the
knowledge-based society and production of knowledge increase.
Universities are places for science. However, for playing an important
role in the economy, it is inevitable that the new knowledge is not only
created at universities, but also transferred from universities to
society, or more precisely to research centers. Universities
traditionally provide teaching and research services but an increased
focus on undertaking research is leading to a requirement to improve the
process of research management. This requirement includes a need to
increase the likelihood and research proposals that are submitted to
research organizations are successful and result in the award of a
contract (Philbin, 2008; Tucker, 2007). In this regard communication and
knowledge sharing play an important role in the scientific endeavor.
Scientific/scholarly communication means the study of how scholars in
any field use and disseminate information through formal and informal
channels (Khosrowjerdi, 2011). As expected, university-research centers
interaction is found to be more important in science-based technologies
(Schartinger, Rammera, Fischer, & Frhlich, 2002). Thus, our study
begins with defining the word "knowledge" then after
discussing about the importance of organizational knowledge sharing,
scientific collaboration and communicational channels between university
and research centers, the important role of different channels and ICTs
in knowledge sharing are briefly mentioned.
What is Knowledge?
It is usually agreed that no standard definition of knowledge
exists. One of the most referenced definitions in the literature is
provided by Davenport & Prusak (1998): "Knowledge is a fluid
mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, expert insight
and grounded intuition that provides an environment and framework for
evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It
originates and is applied in the minds of individuals. In organizations,
it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also
in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms"
(Bechina, Michon, & Nakata, 2005; Davenport & Prusak, 1998).
Historically, the concept of knowledge has been defined in many ways.
Recently, prominent authors have defined it as a meaningful resource
that makes a new society unique (Drucker, 1993). Drucker argued that
knowledge has been the basis of capitalist society, which is highly
specialized. "Toffler saw knowledge as the essence of power in
information age. This is the source of the highest-quality power and the
key to the power shift that lies ahead. According to Rogers (2003),
knowledge is something that 'occurs', which might, for
example, be the result of a knowledge creation or knowledge transfer
process. Knowledge generation, which includes knowledge creation as a
main component, and knowledge application, which includes knowledge
transfer as a main component, are represented as the two dimensions of
KM (Despres & Chauvel, 2000). For sharing and transferring knowledge
between organizations it is essential to realize what knowledge sharing
and scientific collaboration are" (Toffler, 1990).
Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge sharing is the process of being aware of knowledge needs
and making knowledge available to others by constructing and providing
technical and systematic infrastructure. Numerous studies have addressed
issues related to knowledge sharing at various levels within
organizations and between types of organizations (Kim & Ju, 2008).
The effectiveness of knowledge sharing in organizations can be a
significant factor to successful organizational management. "Dixon
viewed knowledge sharing as the flow of knowledge from someone who has
it to someone who wants it" (Dixon, 2000). In other words knowledge
sharing is the process of exchanging and communicating knowledge between
employees in an organization. Effectively sharing knowledge increases
the accumulation of organizational knowledge and develops the capability
of its employees for better performing their jobs. Such a process of
sharing organizational knowledge, facilitates the exchange of working
experiences, technical know-how and individual insights between and
among individuals (Xiong & Deng, 2008).
Scientific Collaboration between Organizations (Collaboration
There are some Benefits of collaboration:
- Sharing of valuable knowledge,
- Avoid re-inventing the wheel,
- Reducing redundant work,
- Reduce the cost for inventions,
- Creation of knowledge with the help of experts and experienced
persons and so on (Parekh, 2009).
For policy makers, it is very much essential to invent new ways to
establish a proper knowledge sharing networks. Collaboration between
universities, research centers and industrial organizations can play an
important role in the field of knowledge sharing (Parekh, 2009). By
collaborations, the research centers will inform universities and
universities will frame the research work as per the needs to fulfill
the aim and any kind of the problem raised will be solved at the primary
level which will save the time, money and man power (Parekh, 2009). It
is very much essential to apply knowledge on practical ground. For that,
collaboration of universities and research centers is a must (van Zyl,
Amadi-Echendu, & Bothma, 2007). By collaborating with universities,
research centers may reduce uncertainty inherent from the innovation
process, as well as expand their markets, access to new or complementary
resources and skills, keep up with evolution of scientific knowledge,
and create new technological learning options on future technologies
(Hagedoorn, 2001).
In Figure 1, a collaboration network is shown to consist of a group
of organizations with the knowledge sharing as the focal point. The
other organizations in the network are local and national departments,
universities, industry and other related research organizations.
Knowledge can be shared in each direction between each participating
organization. This emphasizes the important role of interdependence in
the network. Issues influencing knowledge sharing between organizations,
such as management, trust, organizational culture, strategic goals, the
ability and willingness to communicate and learn also appear to be
important in this context.
University, as the stock of knowledge, has been paid growing
attention by academics and management parishioners (Lambooy, 2004;
Lazzeretti & Tavoletti, 2005). The development of knowledge-based
economy and increasing demand for innovation has brought about new
challenges for universities to move beyond their traditional role as
educational institution and develop more outreach activities in
partnerships with research centers and industries (Etzkowitz & De
Mello, 2003). One of an important means for university to engage with
research organizations is through technology transfer and ICT tools.
However, developing effective knowledge sharing between university and
research organizations requires collective learning based on close
interactions between knowledge generation and knowledge application.
Significant attention also needs to be paid on the challenges emerging
from the dynamic process and complex interactions due to "knowledge
stickiness" (Wang & Lu, 2007) during the process of knowledge
sharing between university and research centers. So the authors focus on
the role and differences of communicational channels.
Communicational Channels
Research centers seem to make use of diverse types of technological
and market knowledge; they also seem to attribute different levels of
importance to interact and access knowledge developed by the
universities (Bekkers, Maria, & Freitas, 2008). Given the diversity
of knowledge and the way it interacts with economic processes, it is not
surprising that there is also a variety of potential channels through
which knowledge is transferred. Perhaps one of the most archetypical
ways of knowledge transfer is publication of research. By writing down
and publicizing research, knowledge becomes public and accessible for
many people. However, due to the nature of publications, only explicit
knowledge can be transferred. Along with publicizing, academic
researchers are often encouraged to visit conferences and workshops. It
offers the researchers the advantage to be able to communicate directly
with many (international) specialists. When speaking at a conference,
scholars receive direct feedback from those specialists, enhancing the
quality of their work. Moreover, conferences and workshops can also be
very important in creating social networks of people within a certain
field of science especially at research centers with other scientific
institutes, like Universities. Many contacts between research
organizations and universities seem to be informal (OECD, 2002). A
well-known form of knowledge sharing on an informal basis is the flow of
information via social networks (blogs, wikis, web 2.0 etc.) (Bongers,
den Hertog, & Vandeberg, 2003). Informal communication networks are
characterized by more linkages than formal ones (Kratzer, Gemunden,
& Lettl, 2008). Cooperation in R&D is typified by the common
formulation of the targets of the research and the long-term cooperation
is established. Some mutual benefits have to occur to establish a
long-term relationship. Research centers and universities can share
knowledge by cooperating in education. Since education is one of the
core-businesses of the academy, it can also be used to educate employees
of the research centers (Brennenraedts, Bekkers, & Verspagen, 2006).
As we mentioned, there are various scientific communicational channels
between universities and research centers, there are many other
communicational channels with the aim for improving these scientific
collaborations. Open-door university day for industries and research
centers for visiting laboratories and new equipments and their
applications, preparing research missions for motivated human resources
at research organizations, and even researchers changes with some
scientific institutes like universities for transmitting new scientific
research results and ideas through organizing workshops, conferences,
disseminating pamphlets, job training courses with getting support from
scientific centers and government in funding, planning, policy making
and etc. are some practical ways.
Nowadays, modern information and communication technologies (ICTs)
are powerful medium which facilitating and accelerating these scientific
collaborations (Munkvold, 2003). In this regard we concentrate on the
role of ICT and their implications in knowledge sharing.
Role of IT and ICT in Knowledge Sharing
Information technology is used in broad level in order to heighten
the level of cooperation between people and groups. Information
technology has the potential of acquisition, storage, processing,
retrieving and transferring the knowledge (Reychav & Weisberg, 2010)
and enables scientists, geographically close or far from each other, to
share their knowledge simultaneously or separately. There are different
tools for knowledge sharing which let the scientists to increase their
mutual cooperation and scientific productions. These tools give speed to
experts 'communications in scientific knowledge sharing. One of the
most powerful forms of informal networks is the new ICTs (discussion
forums, e-scholarly societies, social networks and etc.). ICTs
employment in the universities and research centers allow the
communication between all the persons and also inter or intra
relationship between organizations. These technologies have the
potential to eliminate significant barriers to the communication. The
influence of the ICT in knowledge sharing has been investigated very
much lately by many researchers. The technological hardware is
applicable for supporters of the knowledge sharing, because the efficacy
of the transference of the knowledge can be improved to increase the
transfer and diminish the costs due to the time and at the distance
(Albino, Garavelli, & Gorgogline, 2004). So ICTs have been
accelerated the scientific communication between universities and
research centers. Today, Cyber scientific communication has been
utilized from this modern technology. E-learning courses, e-publication
of recent research results, and other e-services are some of ICTs
services which are now available.
Figure 2 shows several ICT and non-ICT mechanisms sorted by two
dimensions relating to knowledge sharing. The ability to codify
knowledge is considered on the horizontal axis, whereas the
dissemination breadth, which shows how many or how few people can be
reached by different means of knowledge sharing, is considered on the
vertical axis. Overall, eighteen different methods and tools ranging
from personnel transfer and training/seminars to email and data exchange
are illustrated. The ability to codify is differentiated by a low
ability, which refers to codifying of know-how and contextual knowledge,
and by a high ability, which takes explicit knowledge and information
into account. In Despres and Chauvel's (2000) model, ICT examples
to support knowledge transfer are shared databases, email, groupware and
videoconferencing. Whereas shared databases and email may also be part
of groupware, videoconferencing appears to provide another suitable
alternative (Maier, 2001).
According to Rasmus (2003), currently more or less any technology
that can be used to support knowledge creation, transfer or codification
defines itself as knowledge management technology, which has led to
confusion over the technology market for knowledge management (Nassuora,
2011). Multiple technologies can be used to support knowledge
management, but technology is rarely unique for the purpose of knowledge
management only (Gartner, 2006; Logan, 2006; Rasmus, 2003; Riege, 2005).
It is important for the organization to integrate an infrastructure that
supports various types of knowledge transfer (Riege, 2005).
Knowledge sharing appears to work best when it is seen not so much
as a relay race, but as a team sport. It is 'a game during which
the ball moves continuously between the players and in which all players
have to collaborate and share resources to win'. One significant
point of this paper is that there is a distinct need to explore the
knowledge lying in university research resources. By involving the
research organizations and universities, a knowledge life cycle can be
moved on and on. By involving enthusiastic, fresh and intelligent youth
in research works, universities and enterprises can contribute in
economic, scientific, technical and social development of the country.
Government will have to do more to support university-research center
collaboration. Research centers will have to learn how to exploit the
innovative ideas that are being developed in the university sector. In
general, collaboration with universities influences the decision making
procedures in research organizations.
ICTs would accelerate diffusion of knowledge. Different ICTs could
facilitate and accelerate knowledge sharing from universities to
research centers and vice versa, and even between all organizations not
only at national but also at international scale. In addition,
government supporting from this important project, funding, policy
making, planning, monitoring and implementation strategies could play
critical role in betterment of knowledge sharing in all kinds of
organizations, especially between universities and research centers. The
outcome of this study will enable further understanding of
inter-organizational knowledge sharing and will therefore contribute
towards successful implementation of knowledge sharing as part of
organizational knowledge management (KM) initiatives in construction
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Fatemeh Nooshinfard
Islamic Azad University,
Leila Nemati-Anarak
Islamic Azad University,
Nooshinfard, Fatemeh and Nemati-Anarak, Leila, "Information
Technology as a Medium of Inter-organizational Knowledge Sharing"
(2012). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 819.
Fatemeh Nooshinfard, PhD
Department of Library and Information Science
Science and Research Branch
Islamic Azad University
Tehran, Iran
Leila Nemati-Anaraki
PhD Student
Department of Library and Information Science
Science and Research Branch
Islamic Azad University
Tehran, Iran