Survey of information technology in the libraries of Tabriz University.
Kabani, Khatoun ; Matlabi, Dariush
Universities have research as a mission and have strengthened this
mission by establishing libraries and information centers. Academic
libraries are organized to serve students and faculty as well as to
increase the results of research and teaching. With the introduction of
computers, libraries have provided significantly easier access to the
information and use of materials for the students (Neshat). Information
technology helps academic libraries to perform their responsibility
faster and thus helps the academic progress carry on smoother.
A great deal of research have been carried out on information
technology through works of Davarpanah (2001), Azimi Khabazian (2007),
Mohsenzadeh (2009), Imanikia (2008), Engstrom (2001), Rao and Ramana
(2003), and Petrauskiene (2007), and it is evidence for its importance.
Employment of the modern technology in current libraries comprises
public services and technical services. Information technology has used
computer system, scanners, modems, fax and Internet as far as technical
services are concerned in libraries. However, public services employ
computer programs that provide Internet services such as E-mail,
selective dissemination of information (SDI), current awareness services
(CAS), on line public access catalog (OPAC) along with electronic
bulletin board.
Tabriz is amongst one of the industrial cities in Iran with
substantial role in developing economy and technology in Iran. Thus, the
University of Tabriz has been of significant importance in the region.
The university has founded in 1947 and it boasts up to 11,000 students
and laboratories, museum, and research centers.
Due to the importance of information technology and its effect on
the libraries this study is aiming at finding out using rate of
information technology in libraries of Tabriz University and what the
problems are in using them.
The main concern of our study is to quantify the use of information
technology in libraries of Tabriz University as well as specifying the
problems in this regard thus. The following questions are found to be of
central importance in this paper:
1. How is hardware and software application in libraries of Tabriz
2. How is the use of information networks in libraries of Tabriz
3. How is the level of using information services in libraries of
Tabriz University
4. How are the services provided through university electronic
5. What are the obstacles and problems in utilizing information
technology in libraries of Tabriz University
Research Background
A great deal of study has been carried out of the use of
information technology in libraries. In this arena Librarian and
user's stance concerning the use of information technology, the
efficiencies of such technologies, the means of conducting such
technologies and the way to deal with information technology has been
A positive attitude by libraries has an influence on use of
information technology. Farhadi (1999) assessed positive view of
librarians in his research although he believes that information
technology poses some troubles for librarians, however, most of the
librarians have positive position towards that.
Information technology is considered an inseparable part of any
library throughout the world. Understanding the advantages help
utilizing more information technology in libraries and institutions.
Nakhoda believes that use of the information technology in libraries and
institutions leads to enhanced effectiveness in libraries and as a
result more practical benefits follows such institutions.
Rao and Ramana (2003) believe that implementation of IT lead to
quicker fulfillments within library and more effective services follows
thus it greatly improve the potential of services, in his research he
pointed out that the Indian libraries are actively involved in IT by
which they offer information to their users.
Information devices are being used in variety of hardware,
audiovisual materials. The rate of use, however, differs from library to
library. Information devices contain both auditory and visual devices.
Computers and hardware information centers including printer and many
other hardware devices has the highest application in libraries. Farhadi
(1999). Imanikia (2008), Mohsenzadeh (2009), Mehpuyan (2001) have
conducted research on libraries in Tehran and come to conclusion that
the facilities and far from adequate and they listed priorities in the
libraries as
1. Internet
2. Databases
3. CD-ROM database
4. Instruction disk
5. Overhead
6. Instructional films
7. Cassettes
8. Slides
9. National TV channels.
Mohsenzadeh (2009) concludes that the use of information devices
has reached to highest level through use of compact memories.
Information services are considered very important in areas including
medicine, engineering and technology. Regarding Internet the use of
websites and email and among search programs Google and Yahoo has the
highest rate.
In today's organization personnel serve as the most essential
part of it in the progress of the organization. Developing a plan to
find highly qualified personnel is essential to have new policies made
by managers (Nakhoda 2005). Meadows and Bukhari (1992) believe that
usage of information technology is on parallel within UK. The result
shows a rapid growth in the use of information technology. Petrauskien
(2007) also emphasizes the use of electronic information resources and
believes that libraries electronic database and friend are the key
resources for understanding information centers.
Library user population makes use of technologies in the libraries
for lots of different reasons. The most important reasons are to
carrying out researches, finding out day to day information, scientific
connection with other academic staff, educational programs, and
publication of research papers, elimination of information needs and to
facilitate the educational and scientific tasks (Azimi Khabazan 2007,
Meadows and Bukhari 1992, Petruskien 2007)
Iranian academic libraries have many structural barriers regarding
successful use of information technology. These barriers include
governmental, economical, social, cultural, official, technical and
managerial grounds. Davarpanah believes that in order to solve such
problems there is an urgent need in long term and short term policies.
Priority is essential to be given to designing and shaping
databases in libraries in Iran so that the technological needs for the
improvement of the research and information domain will be achieved
(Davarpanah 2001). Many libraries are in trouble finding workforces,
equipment, organization and acquisition of such equipment (Mohsenzadeh
2009). Lack of understanding of information technology by librarians,
lack of sufficient training, being no IT as a sample, lack of trained
staff and financial problems and no English proficiency and lack of
support from managements and authorities are amongst the most crucial
factors in effective usage of IT in libraries (Farhadi 1999, Mohsenzadeh
2009, Ojedukom, 2003).
Research Findings
In this section research findings will be presented according to
research questions.
1: Hardware, software, and electronic resources
Table 1: Hardware
Equipment Central Literature Humanity Training Computer
Sciences Science
Computer 114 1 10 5 12
Scanner 5 1 1 1 1
Printer 12 2 2 1 2
supporter 4 1 - 1 -
DVD 40 - 5 - 1
Modem 4 - 5 1 12
projector 3 - - - -
Equipment Urban Mechanics Chemistry Mathematics Physics
Computer 1 10 3 4 4
Scanner - 2 1 - -
Printer 1 3 1 1 1
supporter - 2 - - -
DVD - 5 1 - -
Modem - - - - -
projector - 3 - - -
Equipment Agriculture Natural Total
Computer 6 9 191
Scanner 1 1 !4
Printer 2 1 28
supporter 1 - 9
DVD - 3 55
Modem - - 23
projector - - 6
Table 2: Electronic resources
Library Book Book Journal Journal (on Thesis
Resources (CD) (online) (CD) line) (CD)
Central 1969 - - - 4,500
Literature - - - -
Humanity - - - 200
Training - - - - -
Electronics and 100 - - - -
Urban - - - - -
Mechanics - - - - -
Chemistry 1,500 1,500 50 2,500 600
Mathematical 104 1,000 5 1,200 20
Physics - - - - -
Agriculture 320 - - 234 680
Natural Sciences - - - - 50
Total 3,993 2,500 55 3,934 6,050
Library Thesis Database Database
Resources (online) (CD) (online)
Central - 200 5
Literature - - -
Humanity - - -
Training - - -
Electronics and - - -
Urban - - -
Mechanics - - -
Chemistry 500 5 5
Mathematical 500 - -
Physics - - -
Agriculture - 5 -
Natural Sciences - - -
Total 1,000 210 10
2: Internet
Table 3: Use of Internet services
Internet Search Blogs E-mail
Central * * _ *
Literature Department * * _ _
Humanity Department * * _ _
Training Sciences * * * *
Electronics and Computer * * * *
Urban Engineering * * * *
Mechanics Department * * _ _
Chemistry Department * * * *
Mathematical Department * * _ _
Physics Department _ _ _ _
Agriculture Department * * _ *
Natural Sciences * * * *
Total 11 11 5 7
newsgroups discussion Conferences
Central _ _ *
Literature Department _ _ _
Humanity Department _ _ _
Training Sciences * _ _
Electronics and Computer * * *
Urban Engineering * *
Mechanics Department _ _ _
Chemistry Department * * *
Mathematical Department _ _ _
Physics Department _ _ _
Agriculture Department _ _ _
Natural Sciences * *
Total 5 2 5
3: Information services
Official document delivery services are done in information center
within central library and libraries of chemistry, mathematics and
physics department in Tabriz University. SDI Services are delivered in
central library of the university. Current information services are
available in Central Library as well as libraries of chemistry, and
mathematics departments. Electronic bulletin board and online catalogue
are available only in information center of Department of Chemistry.
Our research has demonstrated that 50% of libraries in Tabriz
University employ email services for the following reasons. 1: receiving
information needs and requests 2: current awareness delivery 3: SDI
services 4: deliver new information about library and interlibrary
4: condition of library service delivery through website in Tabriz
Table 4: access to resources via website of Tabriz University.
Access to resources Databases Online Full E-journals
catalogs text
Central * * * *
Literature Department _ _ _ _
Humanity Department _ _ _ _
Training Sciences _ _ _ _
Electronics and Computer _ _ _ _
Urban Engineering _ _ _ _
Mechanics Department _ _ _ _
Chemistry Department * * * *
Mathematical Department _ * * *
Physics Department _ _ _ _
Agriculture Department _ _ _ _
Natural Sciences _ _ _ _
Total 2 3 3 3
Access to resources Websites
Central *
Literature Department _
Humanity Department _
Training Sciences _
Electronics and Computer _
Urban Engineering _
Mechanics Department _
Chemistry Department *
Mathematical Department *
Physics Department _
Agriculture Department _
Natural Sciences _
Total 3
Central library in Humanity department, agriculture and natural
sciences departments in Tabriz University are equipped with their own
website through which services including SDI services, current awareness
services, e-mail services, queries from librarians, subject searching,
teaching the users and booking the information are delivered.
5. Obstacles
Table 5: Obstacles
Barriers Cost Knowledge Trained English
staff Knowledge
Central * * * *
Literature Department - * * -
Humanity Department * * - -
Training Sciences * * * *
Electronics and Computer * * * *
Urban Engineering * * * *
Mechanics Department - - -
Chemistry Department * * * *
Mathematical Department * * * *
Physics Department - * * *
Agriculture Department * - * -
Natural Sciences * - - -
Total 9 9 9 7
Barriers Administrative Hardware and Internet
support Software
Central - - -
Literature Department - - -
Humanity Department - - -
Training Sciences * * -
Electronics and Computer * * *
Urban Engineering * * *
Mechanics Department - - -
Chemistry Department * * *
Mathematical Department * - -
Physics Department * * *
Agriculture Department * * -
Natural Sciences * * *
Total 8 7 5
Barriers E-resources
Central -
Literature Department -
Humanity Department -
Training Sciences -
Electronics and Computer *
Urban Engineering *
Mechanics Department -
Chemistry Department *
Mathematical Department -
Physics Department -
Agriculture Department _
Natural Sciences -
Total 3
The results demonstrate that the most hardware devices available in
Tabriz University include computer, printer and scanner and the most
electronic resources (including CD or online) include thesis, book, and
magazine and databases respectively.
Library of Chemistry Department, Mathematics Department, and
central contain the most abundant electronic resources and library of
literature and foreign languages department, training sciences, urban
design, mechanics and physics didn't have any electronic resources.
In a same research Mohsenzadeh (2009), Farhadi (1999) and Imanikia
(2008) obtained nearly the same results.
Eleven libraries under assessment out of twelve contain Internet
network except physics department. The most widely used facilities
include search engines (eleven libraries), e-mail post (seven
libraries), weblog, newsgroups and conferences (five libraries) and
finally group discussions (two times) respectively. Use of newsgroups
and group discussions for better association between lecturers and
students has been sporadic.
Document delivery in four libraries, SDI services in two libraries,
electronic bulletin board in two libraries, online catalogs in two
libraries and current awareness services in three libraries has been
delivered. In sum, information services are not considered superior and
the majority of libraries do not provide required information despite
the urgent need of the academic staff and students to libraries
information resources and services.
Half of the libraries use the home link of library on university
website and e-mail to connect to students, answer their responses,
current awareness, SDI, delivering new item regarding libraries.
Databases has been available in two libraries and access to electronic
libraries catalogs, full text resources and electronic magazines has
provided by three libraries Mohsenzade (2009) has obtained the same
results in libraries under assessment.
Also many libraries in Tabriz University (eleven libraries), are
facing problem delivering services to their clients. Problems are given
priority as follow, high costs of on-line access to databases, lack of
knowledge by clients to utilize information technology, lack of skilled
and trained staff to use information technology, lack of support by
concerned authority in management arena in libraries, lack of English
proficiency by librarians in using information technology, hardware and
software problems, Internet connection problems and lack of electronic
resources. Farhadi (1378), Mohsenzadeh (2009), Muko and Midoz (1998),
Ojedokum (2003) reach the same results. Imanikia (2008) on the other
hand outlined the main factors in ignoring information technology in
libraries as lack of training courses and lack of information technology
in libraries.
Lack of access to advanced electronic resources particularly in
medical and technical science departments in which academic members need
more novel information lead to a sharp decrease in scientific
Access to electronic information resources via Internet will help
the academic members and students to increase their potential in getting
new scientific attainments, in this regard libraries play a key role in
providing up-to-date databases to their clients. Librarian managers thus
have to provide easier access to technology for clients.
Providing libraries with Internet services will lead to elevated
use of such libraries by students, thus authorities in libraries of
Tabriz University are required to use such techniques including
supplying Internet facilities such as email within library, establishing
discussion and news groups. However such techniques are so rare in
Tabriz university libraries.
Information services like current awareness services are the
essence of IT within libraries and libraries can attract more users by
such strategies. There is a need in Tabriz libraries to form a portal in
which both central and departmental libraries give services to their
clients. In this case union catalogs of libraries will be available.
In universities with high delivery of graduate certificates, it is
essential to form electronic databases (scientific journals, essays
etc.) to avoid any revision. This should be considered effectively by
concerned authority within libraries.
Training courses as well as providing useful guidebooks, training
through library's website are essential in dealing with problems
such as lack of information of the staff and academic employees in using
IT. Hiring well trained and skilled staff for libraries can help solve
these problems effectively.
Lack of English language proficiency by librarians has posed a
trouble in using IT in libraries. This trouble applies to 50% of
librarian under investigation. Language training courses are essential
for librarians in Tabriz University.
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Khatoun Kabani
Dariush Matlabi
Kabani, Khatoun and Matlabi, Dariush, "Survey of Information
Technology in the Libraries of Tabriz University" (2012). Library
Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 827.
Khatoun Kabani
Dariush Matlabi