The application and use of library intranet services at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
Nisha, Faizul ; Naushad Ali, P.M.
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD) was established in
1963 as one of the seven institutes of technology in India created as
centres of excellence for higher training, research, and development in
science, engineering, and technology. The central library of NT, Delhi
is one of the most model academic library. All the students, faculty,
employees of the institute are entitled to make use of its services and
facilities. Its collection now increased to 3 lakhs comprising books,
periodicals, reference works, technical reports, CD-ROM databases, Video
cassettes etc. The library subscribes to 657 current journals and
providing access to 6500 scholarly journals through INDEST Consortium.
It has also access to more than 3000 electronic journals (full text).
The leading abstracting and indexing databases in the field of
Engineering and Technology are also available on intranet and internet.
CD-ROM based search services, in- house database services and electronic
journals are the major services available on the institution's
Library Collection
The library has a rich collection of books on S&T, including
chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer engineering, civil
engineering, computer sciences, electrical and electronics engineering,
textile engineering, biotechnology, humanities, and social sciences
The collection includes 657 current printed journals, 246,918
books, 98,942 bound volume of journals, 26,923 standards, 1,095
pamphlets, 15,400 technical reports, 3321 theses, 1460 video cassettes,
2,340 microfilm/microfiche and 1,360 compact CDs and DVDs.
Library Homepage
The library home page is an integrated interface for all computer
and web-based services available in central library. It offers the
following information services at:
* General information about central library
* Library executives
* Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
* ACL members
* Collection and libraries services
* Library Newsletter (latest issue)
* Library services
* E-resources
The increasing commitment to the web-based digitized collections at
the Central Library, IIT Delhi coincide with installation of fibre
optics-based Campus-LAN connected to a 2 Mbps VSNL Radio Link enabling
faster Internet access for the academic community of the Institute. The
availability of high-speed Internet connection has led to launching of a
number of sponsored and unsponsored project for developing network-based
digitized collections within the frame work of tradition library and
information services at the Central Library, IIT Delhi. The Library has
adopted a multi-pronged strategy to embark upon the world of electronic
The Library maintains a home page that serves as a single
integrated interface designed to provide access to all computer and
web-based services available to the academic community of the Institute.
The role of a library, it is said, is to provide structured access to
its carefully planned collections. If electronic resources on the web
are treated as new medium of information access and its delivery, the
librarians have to play their roles of selecting, evaluating,
describing, annotating and providing intelligent access to electronic
information available on the web. The home page of the Central Library,
IIT Delhi serves as a single integrated interface designed to provide
access to the following computer and web-based services available to the
academic community of the Institute:
i. Activities, infrastructure, and services of the Library. The
page also provides floorplans and library layout design through an image
ii. Access to the Libsys package and the Library's OPAC
through a) Libsys Window-based client; b) Libsys telnet application link
at the IP Address (Intranet); and c) Libsys Java Client.
iii. Access to the Delhi Library netwok (DELNET) databases and
services through a telnet link at the IP Address
iv. Access to the web-based CD networking system available on the
intranet server at the IP Address "";
v. Access to the scanned images of old, fragile, and deteriorating
volumes of journals scanned in-house descibed above; and
vi. Serves as a structured and organized guide to the electronic
resources available on the Internet. The electronic resources available
on the Internet is kept updated regularly for new and outdated links. In
all, the Central Library Home Page provides more than 2000 links to
electronic resources on the Web. The Library's Home Page can be
accessed both on Internet and Intranet at the following site:
a. (Intranet)
b. (Internet)
vii. Access to Full-text Electronic Journals subscribed by the
Central Library, IIT, Delhi
Network Connections
The computer infrastructure in the Central Library which includes
30 terminals, 11 Pentium machines and a CD server has connectivity to
the following networks:
* Optical fibre-based campus radio link for faster access to the
Internet through VSNL gateway.
* Education & Research in Computer Network (ERNET)
* Development Library Network (DELNET).
* Internet
Objectives of the study
1. To ascertain the frequency of utilization of existing intranet
services at IIT library and the place from where the users access to
2. To find out the purpose of using intranet services and to know
which Intranet service is most used & which used least.
3. To assess the search behaviour of the users with regard to
accessing library intranet services and various types of database used
by them.
4. To know whether information accessed through intranet is helpful
or not and whether library is providing special training to it users for
better utilization of the available intranet sources or not.
5. To understand the problems faced by the users while using
intranet & to find out solution for some of the current problems.
6. To find out the users satisfaction regarding the intranet usage.
7. To collect suggestions from the users for further development of
library intranet facilities & services.
Significance of the Study
This study is of significance to the domain of educational
technology as it extends the knowledge base that currently exists in
that field. The concept of Intranet technology is relatively new to the
majority of educational institutions. The handful of institutions who
have chosen to embrace the concept and implemented the technology have
welcomed the educational and administrative benefits it has to offer.
Therefore, study which explores the usage and advantages of such
technology will help to raise awareness among those who are unacquainted
with its potential applications and benefits within their educational
setting. To illustrate the potential of intranet the study has
investigated IIT (D) using the technology. The findings which have
resulted from the study have the capacity to impact upon the method by
which electronic information literacy skills are currently undertaken in
This study has been of significance to over 400 interested users
who wanted to learn more about the setting up process and application
possibilities of intranets. The study will be resulted in the formation
of a Special Interest Group which offers members ongoing access to a
virtual meeting place. The forum, will be fostering a collaborative
approach whereby all members contribute and respond to questions,
suggestions and ideas concerning the building, maintenance and
integration of a knowledge-based Intranet. Members interact either
electronically, using the group's Internet-based Email list or
face-to-face at the group's regular institutional meetings. The
interest among users is evident from the rapid growth of members
subscribing to the group mailing list and attending meetings. Having
justified its significance to the members of the Intranet Special
Interest Group this research is poised to expand the general
knowledge-base for further research into the area of knowledge-based
Intranet technology.
One the basic of the study, investigator can identify the problems
which are facing by users in using Intranet in IIT library, Delhi and
suggest how to improve its services to fulfill the needs of the users.
The results of the survey can be used by the institute to determine
priorities for policy, especially at the time when Intranet resources
are very limited in the country.
Review of Related Literature
Robbins, Engel, and Bierman (2006) tried to evaluate usage of the
content management tools at the University of Oklahoma Libraries (UL).
The author surveyed all levels of library personnel to see how they
utilized the library intranet to manage website content. Study explores
the issues surroundings the use of intranet as a tool for communication
and managing content on a public website. The authors examined both
self-reported usage of the staff intranet and data collected from the
systems office about actual usage. This study provides insight on the
intended use of content management systems versus the actual usage of
these systems. Survey results were skewed by including student workers
who seldom have reason to use the intranet within the scope of their
Bottazzo (2005) made a study on the development of an organization
and setting up of a training portal as a tool for Intranet training,
submission and flow of information. This article reports on the extent
to which three South African academic libraries, selected by means of
the purposive sampling method, utilise the intranet as a knowledge
management tool. Based on the literature, knowledge management and an
intranet are briefly defined. The advantages of the intranet as a
knowledge management tool as well as the content of an intranet are
discussed. The opinions about knowledge management and the utilisation
of the intranet as a knowledge management tool in the three academic
libraries are weighed up against the findings in the literature.
Meyyappan, Schubert, and Chowdhury (2005) discusseed the design,
development and evaluation of a task-based digital library, the Digital
Work Environment (DWE), for the academic community of higher education
institutions (HEI) with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, as
a test case. Three different information organisation approaches
(alphabetical, subject category and task-based) were used to organise
the wide range of heterogeneous information resources that were
interfaced to DWE. A user evaluation study using a series of task
scenarios was carried out to gauge the effectiveness and usefulness of
DWE and these information organisation approaches. The time taken by
respondents to identify and access the relevant information resources
for individual tasks was also measured. The findings show that the
task-based approach took the least time in identifying information
resources. Regression analysis of information resource location time
with gender, age, computer experience and digital resource experience of
the participants are also reported.
Hamilton and Snyman (2005) are of the view that in addition to
knowledge, the flow of information or efficient organisational
communication is an essential condition for the successfulness of every
organisation. Although the ideal vertical and horizontal communication
is difficult to achieve, training-informational centres and special
libraries should also strive to achieve this goal. Advantages of
available communication technology, especially the Intranet, should be
taken for this purpose as much as possible. The control of the field of
management or knowledge transfer is a complex problem, which is
practically unmanageable without the tool for knowledge dissemination.
This is the reason why portals are used more and more. It is common to
them that these are starting pages, where basic information is gathered
in a condensed form; portals are starting points for more detailed
information. They function on the basis of the technology supported by
browsers. The topic of this paper is the development of an organisation
in the process of learning, especially the need analysis of an
organisation and setting up of a training portal as a tool for Intranet
training, submission and flow of information.
Mustafa and Razeq (2004) made a study which was concerned with
gathering factual data on the use of local online information systems,
automation, online public access catalogues (OPAC's), CD-ROM based
systems in 19 Jordanian University libraries. Information was sought
through a written questionnaire, personal interviews, literature review
and field visits. The implementation of local online information
systems, OPAC's, CD-ROM databases, online searching
networks/databases subscribed to, methods of online services to users,
problems and solutions are investigated. Of the 18(94.7%) libraries
responded, half (50%) are using MINISIS or CDS/ISIS, one third (33.3%)
is using either M2L, or ORACLE based systems, and 3(16.7%) are using
locally designed packages. Technical processing, Information retrieval,
circulation, reference services, and serial control are the prime system
functions. All respondents are linked to the internet. A total of
15(83.3%) respondents have developed collections of databases on
CD-ROMs, 11(73.3%) use single access, and four (26.7%) use multi-user
Shenton and Johnson (2007) have tried to investigate pupil use of
newly-created section of a school intranet established to promote
greater interest in the organisation's library. Data was collected
over a two-week period via Microsoft Share Point, the software which
supports the intranet, were examined in order to explore overall levels
of use of the library pages, differences in interest between girls and
boys, variations in use among youngsters in the particular year groups
and, the extent to which use changed over time. Findings revealed that
although an equal number of girls and boys visited the library pages,
the former recorded more hits. Use was greatest among Year Eleven
females but few youngsters of either gender or any age returned to the
library section on a day subsequent to their initial visit. Interest
fell away rapidly within days of the principal phase of data collection
The present study is conducted on a sample of 400 users. The tools
used for the present study were questionnaire, observation and informal
Investigators visited the library of IIT, Delhi and approached the
users and library professionals to collect the necessary data.
Questionnaires were administered to the users and filled questionnaire
were collected either on the spot or after 1 or 2 days.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Immediately after the data collection, the next step is data
analysis and interpretation of results. Analyzing means categorizing,
ordering, manipulation and summarizing of data to obtain on answer to
the research problem. The collected data was organized and tabulated by
using tables and percentages. The purpose of analysis was to reduce data
intelligible and interpretable form so that the relations of research
problems can be studied and tested. To collect the opinion about the
intranet users is IIT Delhi total number of 450 questionnaires were
distributed among the users of IIT, Delhi, out of which only 400 filled
questionnaire were returned to the investigator. Thus the investigator
selected the entire set of completed questionnaires for the analysis of
data. The data collected through questionnaires were organized and
tabulated by using statistical methods and percentages.
User Response Analysis
Frequency of intranet usage
As far as Frequency of intranet usage is concerned investigators
have asked the users about the frequency of intranet usage on a daily
basis and got to know that (12.5%) respondents use the intranet less
than one hour, followed by (17.5%) for one hour, (25%) for two hours,
and (50%) for more than two hours. Thus it can be seen that a large
percentage of respondents are using intranet regularly
Access to intranet
Respondents were asked to indicate the place from where they assess
intranet. Data revealed that a good number of respondents , 300, i.e.
(75%) respondents access intranet from the computer centre, 150, i.e.,
(37.5%), from departmental lab, 50, i.e., (12.5%) from library and 25%
access the intranet from hostel.
Purpose for using intranet
As indicated in the table, (13.75%) respondents use intranet for
communication, (36%%, use for research purpose, (22.5%) for updating
knowledge, (26.25%) for study, (25%) for teaching assessment and
(16.25%) for decision making. A graph of the purpose of using Intranet
has been shown in (fig. 1)
It is quite natural that the library users are giving top priority
to the purpose of accessing intranet for research/study purpose as well
as for making assignments.
Availability of intranet services
Users participating in the survey were asked about the availability
of intranet services. It was found that (22.5%) respondents are using
current awareness services available on intranet followed by indexing
services (7.5%), abstracting services (33.75%), www (22.5%), e-journals
(36.75%), news (22.5%) and e-mail (26.25%)
The general conclusion is that e-journals and abstracting services
are very useful among the intranet users of IITD Library.
Search behaviour of users
Answering to the question regarding search behaviour of users, it
was found that (22.5%) respondents search through author, (16.25%)
through class number, (16.25%) through keyword and (45%) search through
Types of database used
Creation of databases of books, serials and other documents is a
pre-requisite for online library operations and networking. As an
indicator of automating respondents were asked to indicate the databases
created for them such as books, serials, theses along with the number of
records in each database. The results are presented in Fig. 2.
From Table 6 it is clear that. (25%) respondents are using the
database of serials through intranet, (22.5%) are using the database of
text books. (27.5%) are using database of Ph.D thesis and majority of
respondents' i.e. (37.5%) are using database of research articles
for accessing the latest information.
Information access through Intranet
The percentage of respondents that perceives intranet services to
be very useful, useful and not useful has been analyzed. From the
analysis it is evident that 50% of the users finding information
accessed through intranet to be most useful, followed by 37% percent who
replied it was helpful, whereas, (12.5%) find information accessed
through intranet is not helpful.
Awareness of OPAC
Awareness of the OPAC indicates the degree of user knowledge and
availability of the service and the extent made use of them. The
analysis of the responses furnished by the respondents in respect to the
awareness of OPAC depicts that (75%) respondents are aware about the
OPAC through intranet while (25%) were not at all aware.
Rating the speed of Intranet
Replies to the question related to the satisfaction level it has
been found that. (12.5%) respondents expressed their view that the speed
of intranet is very fast, (22.5%) expressed the speed of intranet fast,
(40%) rating the speed average while (25%) opined that the intranet
speed is slow.
Satisfaction level
Users satisfaction regarding various intranet services reveals that
(87.5%) respondents of IITD library are satisfied with the available
intranet services whereas, (12.5%) of them are not satisfied with
intranet services. This may be the reason that the infrastructure
facilities in the IIT library are quite adequate to meet the information
needs of the users.
Efforts were made to know the opinion of the library users about
the problems faced by them while accessing intranet services in IITD.
Information received from users is tabulated in table 11.
Answering the question regarding difficulties faced by the users, a
large majority (50%) have absolutely no difficulties in using the
intranet services. To understand the problems facing by the users, the
problem is categorized in five different categories from the analysis it
is observed that (22.5%) respondent are facing a lack of knowledge about
the intranet followed by guidance / technical 34.5% and slow downloading
12.5% where as. (50%) have no response to this question. The
investigator understands that the lack of guidance about internet
services and limited access terminals are the major problems faced by
the users. It may due to the lack of a bulletin board service and
inadequate terminals and printers and shortage of trained staff in the
library. The students of IITD are not facing financial problem because
IIT Library intranet service is free of cost.
Intranet efficiency
The investigators have described that to make intranet facility
efficient (62.5%) respondents suggest that the library should initiate
training programmes, (37.5%) would like cooperation from staff and
(12.5%) need an uninterrupted power supply, whereas, i.e. (12.5%) argue
that there are other needs that must be fulfilled in order to make
Intranet efficient.
The following are major findings of the present survey:
1. It was found that most of the users are regular and used the
intranet more than two hours (50%) , (25%) use intranet for two hours,
while (17.5%) users use the intranet for one hour and 7.5% use it for
less than one hour.
2. Large number of the users (75%) access intranet from computer
centre followed by the departmental lab (37.5%) and library (12.5%)
3. Most of the users (36%) are accessing Intranet for the purpose
of research followed by the purpose of updating knowledge (22.5%)
4. The main sources available on intranet are E-Journals (36.75%),
followed by abstracting Services (33.75%), e-mail (26.25%) www (22.5%)
and current awareness services (22.5%).
5. Study reveals that most of the users search information by title
(22.5%), followed by class number and keyword (16.25%).
6. Database of research articles are mostly used by the user of IIT
(37.5%) followed by databases of PhD thesis (27.5%), followed by
database of serials (25% and database of text books (22.5%). (table 6)
7. Majority of users feel that information access through intranet
related to their study & research purpose is most helpful (50%)
followed by helpful (37.5%) and not helpful (12.5%)
8. Most of the users (75%) are using OPAC while (25%) are not using
9. Large number of the users (40%) are of the opinion that the
speed of intranet is fast, followed by slow (25%), average (22.5%) and
very fast (12.5%).
10. Majority of the users (37.5%) are facing problems because of
limited access terminals, followed by slow speed (12.5%) and (50%) not
responded to the question.
11. Most of the users (87.5%) are satisfied with Intranet facility
available in IIT, Delhi while (12.5%) of users are dissatisfied with the
12. To make Intranet facility efficient there needs to be training
programmes (62.5%) followed by cooperation from staff (37.5%),
uninterrupted power supply (12.5%) and (12.5%) not responded to the
Suggestions for Improving Intranet Services
Based on the feedback provided from the survey IIT Library should
develop an intranet cite search that will assist in the discovery of
intranet based information. Moreover, a system should be implemented to
alert users of new content. There should be a searching capability to
the intranet, creating an internal knowledge based, expending the
electronic resource management system to include administration and
licensing information and creating strong support for intranet based
news and announcement. The library should develop a new web and intranet
development planning process. Trained personnel help to achieve the
objectives of the library of a better way. Training of personnel is
essential because effectiveness of the library depends on the
performance of the staff. There should be a special training to the
users of the library to teach them how to use intranet in IITD. A
committee should form to access the proper functioning of intranet that
will asked the library faculty and staff what they want to accomplish
through the website, what new features they want to offer, and what new
services should be developed for library users. In addition web
usability tests should be conducted on the website and intranet.
Finally, the IIT administration needs to encourage librarian, staff and
different departments to develop their unit pages on the intranet to
give users and employees a reason to use the intranet.
The present study seeks to examine the utilization services of
Intranet by the users in IIT, Delhi. The survey reveals that all the
users are aware of Intranets in IIT, Delhi from this survey, the
investigator has been able to find out that users are availing Intranet
facility from their departmental labs central library and computers
Centre not only for research purposes but also for preparing teaching
assignment and to update their own knowledge. Most of the users are
using Intranet facility and services. A large number of users like
abstracting services, Indexing sources, current awareness sources and
reference sources. Electronic Journals are mostly used by the IIT, Delhi
users. But users are facing problems of lack of training acres
terminals. Most of the users are using Intranet facility and services A
large number of users like abstracting services, Indexing sources,
current awareness sources and references sources. Electronic Journals
are mostly used by the IIT, Delhi users. But users are facing problems
because of lack of training and limited access terminals. Most of the
users are aware of OPAC available on Intranet. Database of research
articles are mostly used by the users of IIT followed by data base of
Ph.D. thesis and database of serials. It would be better if the library
provided personalized service for scientists through Intranet. It is a
common feeling that the end users should be taught about the search
strategies and the use of controlled vocabulary to make intranet
browsing much easier.
Bottazzo, Violetta. Intranet: A medium of internal communication
and training. Information Services and Use Volume 25, Number 2 /
Faizul Nisha. Application and Utilization of Intranet in Indian
Institute of Technology, Delhi: A survey. Un published MLISc
Dissertation, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh
Muslim university, Aligarh, 2004.
3Hamilton Mphidi, Retha Snyman. The utilization of an intranet as a
knowledge management tool in academic libraries. The Electronic
Mukherjee, Shravani .Internet and Intranet bringing about an
information revolution. SIS2003,Apr;405-13.
Mustafa, Younis Abdul Razeq. Local online Information Systems in
Jordanian University Libraries. Online Information Review; Vol. 29, 1,
2005, pp. 54-74
N. Meyyappan, Schubert Foo and G.G. Chowdhury. Design and
evaluation of a task-based digital library for the academic
community".Journal ofDocumentation. vol60,; 2005, pp.449-475
Robbins, Sarah Engel,Debra and Bierman, James. Using the library
intranet to manage web content. Library Hi Tech. Vol 24, 2; 2006, pp.
Shenton, Andrew K. and Johnson, Andrew (2007). Pupils' use of
a school intranet's library pages. Aslib Proceedings:New
Information Perspectives. vol, pp.512-527.>>>>
Faizul Nisha
Naushad AN, PM
Department of Library and Information Science
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Table 1 Frequency of Intranet Usage
Time No. of Percentage
Less than one hour 50 12.5%
One hour 70 17.5%
Two hours 100 25%
More than two hours 200 50%
No Response -- --
Investigators have asked the users about the frequency of
intranet usage on a daily basis and got to know that 50,
i.e. (12.5%) respondents use the intranet less than one
hour, 70, i.e., (17.5%), use for one hour, 100, i.e. (25%)
use for two hours, while, 200, i.e., (50%) use intranet for
more than two hours. Thus it can be seen that a large
percentage of respondents are using intranet regularly
Table 2 Accessibility of Intranet
Place of No. of Percentage
access Responses
Computer center 300 75%
Department 150 37.5%
Library 50 12.5%
Hostel 100 25%
(Multiple responses were permitted)
Respondents were asked to indicate the place from where they
assess intranet. Data revealed that a good number of
respondents, 300, i.e. (75%) respondents access intranet
from the computer centre, 150, i.e., (37.5%), from
departmental lab, 50, i.e., (12.5%) from library and 25%
access the intranet from hostel.
Table 3 Purpose of using Intranet
Time No. of Percentage
For communication 55 13.75%
For Research 144 36%
To update knowledge 90 22.5%
For Study 105 26.25%
Teaching Assignment 100 25%
Decision making 65 16.25%
(Multiple responses were permitted)
As indicated in the table, 55, i.e. (13.75%) respondents use
intranet for communication, 144, i.e., (36%%, use for
research purpose, 90, i.e. (22.5%) use to update knowledge,
105, ie., (26.25%) use for study, 100, i.e. (25%) use for
teaching assessment and 65, i.e., (16.25%) use for decision
making. It is quite natural that the library users are
giving top priority to the purpose of accessing intranet for
research/study as well as for making assignments.
Table 4 Availability of Intranet Services
No. of
Services Responses Percentage
Current Awareness 90 22.5%
Indexing Services 30 7.5%
Abstracting Services 135 33.75%
WWW 90 22.5%
E-Journals 147 36.78%
News 90 22.5%
E-mail 105 25.25%
The general conclusion is that e-journals and Abstracting
services are very useful among the Intranet users of IITD
(Multiple responses were permitted)
Users participating in the survey were asked about the
availability of intranet services. It was found that 90,
i.e. (22.5%) respondents are using current awareness
services available on intranet followed by Indexing Services
(7.5%), Abstracting Services (33.75%), WWW (22.5%),
E-Journals (36.75%), News (22.5%) and E-mail (26.25%)
Table 5 Search Behaviour of Users
No. of
Search Strategy Responses Percentage
Author 90 22.5%
Class Number 65 16.25%
Keyword 65 16.25%
Title 180 45%
(Multiple Responses were permitted)
Answering to the question regarding search behaviour of
users, 90, i.e. (22.5%) respondents search through Author,
65 i.e. (16.25%) through class number, (16.25%) through
keyword and 180 i.e. (45%) search through title.
Table 6 Types of Databases Used
No. of
Databases Responses Percentage
Database of serials 100 25%
Database of Text books 90 22.5%
Database of Ph.D. Thesis 110 27.5%
Database of Research 150 37.5%
(Multiple Responses/answers were permitted)
Creation of databases of books, serials and other documents
is a pre-requisite for online library operations and
networking. As an indicator of automating respondents were
asked to indicated the databases created for them such as
books, serials, theses along with the number of records in
each database. From Table 6 it is clear that out of 400, 100
i.e. (25%) respondents are using the database of serials
through intranet, 90, i.e. (22.5%) the using the database of
text books 110 i.e., (27.5%) are using database of Ph.D
thesis and majority of respondents i.e. 150 i.e. (37.5%) are
using database of research articles for accessing the latest
Table 7 Information access through Intranet
Information No. of
Access Responses Percentage
Most Helpful 200 50%
Helpful 150 37.5%
Not helpful 50 12.5%
No response -- --
Table summarises the percentage of respondents that
perceives intranet services to be very useful, useful and
not useful. From the analysis it is evident that 50% of the
users finding information accessed through intranet to be
most useful, followed by 37% percent who replied it was
helpful, whereas, 50, i.e. (12.5%) find information accessed
through intranet is not helpful.
Table 8 Awareness about OPAC
Awareness No. of Percentage
Yes 300 75%
No 100 25%
Awareness regarding OPAC indicates the degree of user
knowledge and availability of the service and the extent
made use of them. The analysis of the responses furnished by
the respondents in respect to the awareness of OPAC depicts
that out of 400, 300 (75%) respondents are aware about the
OPAC through intranet while 100, i.e. (25%) were not at all
Table 9 Rating the speed of Intranet
No. of
Speed Responses Percentage
Very fast 50 12.5%
Fast 160 40%
Average 90 22.5%
Slow 100 25%
Replies to the question related to the satisfaction level it
has been found that 50, i.e. (12.5%) respondents expressed
their view that the speed of intranet is very fast, 90 i.e.
(22.5%) expressed the speed of intranet fast, 160 i.e. (40%)
rating the speed average while 100, i.e. (25%) opined that
the intranet speed is slow.
Table 10 Problems while using Intranet
Types of Problems No. of Responses Percentage
Lack of knowledge 90 22.5%
Limited access terminals 150 34.5%
Slow speed 50 12.5%
Lack of guidance 150 34.5%
No response 200 50%
(Multiple responses were permitted)
Efforts are made to know the opinion of the library users
about the problems faced by them while accessing in IITD.
Information received from users is tabulated in table 11.
Answering the question regarding difficulties faced by the
users, a large majority (50%) have absolutely no
difficulties in using the intranet services. To understand
the problems facing by the users, the problem is categorized
in five different categories from the analysis it is
observed that 90 i.e (22.5%) respondent are facing a lack of
knowledge about the intranet followed by guidance /
technical 34.5% and slow downloading 12.5% where as 200 i.e.
(50%) have no response to this question. The investigator
understands that the lack of guidance about internet
services and limited access terminals are the major problems
faced by the users. It may due to the lack of a bulletin
board service and inadequate terminals and printers and
shortage of trained staff in the library. The students of
IITD are not facing financial problem because IIT Library
intranet service is free of cost.
Table 11 Satisfaction level regarding Intranet
Satisfaction No. of Percentage
Level Responses
Yes 350 87.5%
No 50 12.5%
It is clearly shown from the analysis that
350, i.e. (87.5%) respondents of IITD library
satisfied with the available intranet services
whereas, 50 i.e. (12.5%) of them are not
satisfied with Intranet services. This may
be the reason that the infrastructure facilities
in the IIT library are quite adequate to meet
the information needs of the users.
Table 12 Methods of making Intranet facility efficient
Methods No. of Percentage
Training programmes 250 62.5%
Cooperation from staff 150 37.5%
Uninterrupted Power supply 50 12.5%
No. Response 50 12.5%
(Multiple Responses were permitted)
Table 12 describes that to make intranet facility efficient
250, i.e. (62.5%) respondents suggest that the library
should initiate training programmes, 150, i.e. (37.5%) would
like cooperation from staff and 50, i.e. (12.5%) need an
uninterrupted power supply, whereas 50, i.e. (12.5%) argue
that there are other needs that must be fulfilled in order
to make Intranet efficient.