Small group teaching in library and information science.
Zahedi, Razieh
Student learning is one of the primary goals of universities.
Suitable student-oriented teaching methods can help motivate students
and help them realize their potential. One of these methods is small
group teaching. It is student-centered and the tutor plays the role of
facilitator (Bakhtiyar Nasrabadi, Norouzi, 2003). This method is being
used and evaluated in a number of disciplines. Trinity University, in
Ireland, for example, has done research that examines the purpose of
small group teaching in 30 different majors (Small Group Teaching,
2003). LIS is not one of these 30. Fattahi (2000) says that,
"educational programs in library and information science have not a
firm theoretical base corresponding to new educational methods. In most
cases the goal is transmitting information and skills to the students
and the successful students are those who can remember information
without changes. We could not develop critical thinking and analytic
view in students". Hoseinikhah (2005) considers LIS education a
teacher-oriented model which makes students inactive.
This article examines types of small group teaching that can be
used in LIS, including wide-ranging methods, responsibility of students
and tutors, and advantages of using small group teaching in LIS.
Approaches to facilitating this method are discussed.
Literature Review
Small group teaching is an accepted educational methods that is
used in many universities. The Chinese University of Hong Kong is one
that puts emphasis on small group teaching and states that since
faculties and departments tend to emphasize specialized teaching and
lectures, the mission of the new colleges should be the provision of
general education through small class teaching and learning, including
seminars and tutorials (Final Report, 2007).
Gross Davis (1999) asserts that if students are to be able to apply
theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, or demonstrate
decision-making or problem-solving skills, it may be appropriate to
include group work in the design of a course.
The advantages and disadvantages of this method for different
majors have been evaluated. Springer (1997) states that various forms of
small-group learning are effective in promoting academic achievement,
better attitudes toward learning, and increased persistence in science
and technology programs
There is little literature on small group learning in LIS. Agade
(1998) says that few guidelines exist for integrating collaborative
skills in LIS education. He suggests that collaborative learning strategies can be integrated into LIS curricula and are especially
necessary in management and reference courses. Radford and Bryce (1984)
describe small group learning in an LIS school bibliographic and
computer laboratories.
Small Group Definition
Small group teaching has a long history, perhaps going back to
Socrates. It did not emerge in systems of mass education until the 19th
century, but the goals of critical thinking and intellectual development
are perennially relevant. In this method, students discuss issues in
small groups, supervised by the teacher. The advantages include better
communication skills and intellectual and professional development
(Brown and Atkins, 1988). Other advantages include increased
participation by students, deeper and longer-lasting understanding, and
more motivation to learn independently (Gross Davis, 1999). Particular
methods such as buzz groups, snowball groups, and crossover groups have
been used to improve effectiveness (Final Report 2007).
Small group teaching also has disadvantages. It is time-consuming
and may be difficult to grade or evaluate. Some students may resist
(Svinicki, n.d.). Small group teaching must be used while paying heed to
teacher and student roles and responsibilities, finding ways to
alleviate its weaknesses.
Classification of Small Group Teaching
Brown and Atkins (1988) divide small group teaching in three
categories. Their categories are tutorial, seminar and problem solving classes.
Tutorial classes focus on individual development. Tutorials use a
"trigger" to encourage discussion (Types of small group event,
2007). Seminars are appropriate for a larger topic. Group members divide
responsibility for the material and present it to the group (Price,
2003). Problem solving classes help students use data to solve a
problem. Tutorials often have a group of up to 5, while seminars have 8
to 20, and problem-solving classes up to 30 (Brown and Atkins, 1988).
Problem solving classes, as it is clear from its name, enables
students to obtain guidance and practice in utilizing data and other
information to solve the problems. It contains up to 30 students ( Brown
and Atkins, 1988 ).
Methods of Small Group Teaching
As mentioned, three small group teaching methods are buzz groups,
snowball groups, and crossover groups.
In "buzz groups," students are assigned to groups to
discuss a topic or complete an assignment within a short space of time,
about 10 to 20 minutes. This method could be useful for LIS students in
cataloging, classification, abstracting, indexing, and serials courses.
None of students can complete the assignment alone, and they must
cooperate in their groups. It would also be useful in theoretical
subjects such as history and philosophy of LIS, giving students the
opportunity to debate. These discussions generate topics to be followed
up later. This method is useful when:
* It is a relatively large class and the teacher would like to have
* The teacher wants to encourage participation from students
reluctant to speak in larger groups (Safavi);
* The teacher would like to get to know students better;
* Students would like to compare their understanding and progress
with others (Jaques, 2003).
"Snowball groups" are an extension of buzz groups. The
students are divided into pairs, which join to form fours, then fours to
eights, and so on (Grantham, 2008). This pattern can encourage inclusive
participation. As the groups get larger, the tasks or issues become more
complex (Jaques, 2003). This method is useful for discussion of
principles and theoretical issues.
In "crossover groups", students are divided into groups
that are later split to form new groups, to maximize the exchange of
information (Jaques, 2003). Communication skills can be improved using
this method. The author has used this method in one session of the
serial management course, and found it very efficient. It can be useful
in areas such as philosophy and history of LIS. It also has some
advantages in education for reference work since students learn to
listen carefully and then ask and answer questions.
Tutor's and Students' Roles in Small Group Teaching
The tutor is the manager of small group discussion (Brown and
Atkins, 1988).
The role of the teacher or tutor is essential to the success of
small group teaching. If class time is nearly all taken up by a lecture,
little time remains for debate and improvement of intellectual and
communication skills. The tutor must have specific skills, knowledge,
and attitudes required for small group teaching. These include
listening, responding, questioning, setting clear goals, handling
quieter and dominant students, knowledge of group methods and learning
styles. It is important to be able to move from teacher-centred to
student-centred teaching (O'Neill, 2003). Tutors should provide all
students with the opportunity to participate, valuing all questions,
paying attention to students' attitudes, and putting students in
groups according to their skills and abilities.
The role of students is also important in small group teaching.
Gross Davis (1999) says that, "In a competitive academic
environment, where students have most often been rewarded for individual
effort, collaboration may not come naturally or easily for
everyone". Without cooperation from students, achieving the goals
of small group teaching is not possible. Small group teaching must be
introduced to students completely before it is implemented. The students
must also attain essential knowledge and additional skills such as
verbal and communication skills and self-confidence. They should hold
others' attitude in esteem, have knowledge of group dynamics,
ground rules, and phases of group development (O'Neill, 2003).
Small Group Teaching and LIS
The educational needs of LIS and the characteristics and advantages
of small group teaching encourage us to use this method. It would be
helpful in understanding theoretical subjects and developing
students' skills in reference, critical thinking, and research.
Some fields of LIS would benefit more from this educational method,
Basic Concepts
Students' knowledge of the philosophy and principles of LIS is
limited, and this can result in misunderstanding. Rahadoust (2007) says
that, "if we have problems with understanding ourselves and our
goals, so we will have more problems with understanding internal and
external worlds". This understanding is the basis of intellectual
skills such as critical thinking. Students must learn the words,
meanings, and principles of their field. Only then can questions,
research, and analysis be started (Mayers, 1994).
Considering the fact that one goal of small group teaching is to
introduce the values and viewpoints of LIS to the students (Brown and
Atkins, 1988), and bearing in mind the good educational environment for
discussion and scientific communication in groups, we conclude that this
method can be used for discussion of philosophy, theories, and
fundamental subjects in LIS.
Reference Work
One of the small group goals is developing students'
communication skills (Brown and Atkins, 1988). Skills such as listening,
answering, explaining, and questioning are important intrinsically and
play an important role in reference work and librarian and user
communications. If students learn these skills in small groups, they can
perform their duties better in the future.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is important for developing verbal skills and
creativity for solving problems. Critical thinking is used in all
sciences and in all aspects of life. LIS has a close relationship with
critical thinking in areas such as information literacy, webometrics,
reference work, and information systems. Librarians have been less
educated about critical thinking and if they have this skill, it has
been the result of their personal knowledge and experiences and not the
result of using proper methods of education (Ghiasi, 2007). This shows
the importance of using practical methods to learn critical thinking.
Small group teaching is one of these methods. Small group teaching helps
students master concepts and apply them (Gross Davis, 1999 ).
Mayers (1994) asserts that it is impossible to develop critical
thinking without discussion and problem-solving. He emphasizes that
students do not learn critical thinking just by listening to the
teacher. Moreover, communication skills such as questioning and
answering are some important goals of small group teaching (Brown and
Atkins, 1988).
Improving Research
According to Fattahi (2000), the situation of research in
librarianship is not favorable. Small group teaching can pave the way
for providing a suitable environment for research. Students can have the
opportunity to do research under the direct supervision of tutor. A
seminar is another method in small group teaching that is very useful
for promoting research ability in students. The role of tutor in
planning research projects for the students to prevent wasting their
times and energy is essential in this method. They can help students
overcome the weaknesses of LIS.
Strategies to Empower Small-Group Teaching
Three strategies can be used to improve small group teaching. These
will determine policy and goals and provide students with the
opportunity to share thoughts and have efficient interactions.
State expectations and policies
It is important to outline our expectations and policies, because
students often do not know what the tutor expects of them. The tutor
should talk about mutual expectations and explain to the students the
value of asking questions (Brown and Atkins, 1988). Compiling these
expectations and policies produces a written statement that fosters
group interaction.
Determine goals and purposes
Specific purposes help direct the groups and discussions. These
purposes consist of group discussion, improvement in skills such as
analysis, problem-solving, critical thinking and decision-making (Small
group teaching, n.d. ). Communication and social skills are very
important in LIS, and their development is also a goal.
Class environment
The efficiency of small groups can be increased by using some easy
methods of improving the class environment. One is seating arrangements.
Circular seating, consideration of cross-group interaction, and regular
change in pattern can all be effective (Brown and Atkins, 1988).
Teaching techniques can have a profound effect on learning. LIS
programs must consider new educational methods. One is small group
teaching. Developing skills such as reasoning and problem solving,
teaching critical thinking and other communicative skills such as
listening, asking, and answering are some of the educational goals which
are can be achieved by this method. Tutor and students must understand
their role and apply suitable methods to foster education in groups.
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Razieh Zahedi
Student of Library and Information Sciences
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences