Applying game theory in libraries: review and preview.
Zhong, Ying ; Hegde, Aaron
Game theory is the study of how people behave in strategic
situations. It is concerned with "how rational individuals make
decisions when they are mutually interdependent" (Romp, 1997).
"Game" in this context means "sport of any kind,"
and therefore implies two or more players and a set of rules. The
outcome of a game depends on the player him or herself, as well as other
players. The root of game theory can be traced to philosophical and
political works such as Plato's Republic, in which Socrates worries
that "a soldier is better off running away regardless of who is
going to win the battle" and "if all of the soldiers reason
this way--then this will certainly bring about the outcome in which the
battle is lost" (Ross, 2006).
The development of game theory is well summarized as "a
conjunction of indirections: ideas, both in mathematics and in economics
whose implications and fruitfulness were not understood, dramatizations
of concepts for the wrong reasons, and fruits in applications not
originally considered" (Arrow, 2003). Von Neumann is considered the
founder of game theory (Von Neumann and Morgenstern 1944), including the
"minimax" theorem, which is a way of " minimizing the
maximum possible loss" (Minimax 2008). It was John Nash's
definition and proof of existence for the equilibrium point, however,
that exerts the direct impact of game theory on economics.
Strategic games commonly involve three important aspects: players,
strategies, and payoffs. The players are "the individuals who make
the relevant decisions"; strategies refer to "a complete
description of how a player could play a game"; and the pay-offs
are "what a player will receive at the end of the game, contingent
upon the actions of all the players in the game" (Romp, 1997). As a
result, the player will choose a strategy that yields the maximum
payoff. Several assumptions are required to understand game theory:
individualism, rationality, and mutual interdependence.
The simplest form of game theory is a two-person game. Since each
player can choose one of two strategies, the two players will reach four
possible decisions as a joint effort. There are three prototypes of
two-person game: Prisoner's dilemma, Chicken, and Assurance.
Prisoner's dilemma is also known as a game of cooperation, because
each player needs to cooperate with the other in order to yield the
"dominant" strategy (i.e., the efficient outcome). The
following is an explanation of prisoner's dilemma.
Prisoner's dilemma: Two suspects, say Bonnie and Clyde, are
arrested for a crime. Lacking sufficient evidence to charge both, the
police need at least one of the suspects to confess. To facilitate
questioning and possibly get a confession, the police separate the
suspects. Each of them is given two choices: confess or not confess.
Both are made aware of the consequences of the two choices. Consequences
for each prisoner depend on what the other does (confess or not).
Consequences are displayed in Table 1.
If Bonnie and Clyde both confess, then each is sentenced to 10
months in prison (the first number in brackets is Bonnie's sentence
while the second number is that of Clyde). If one confesses and the
other does not, the confessor is released while the non-confessor
receives the maximum sentence (20 months). If neither Bonnie nor Clyde
confess, then they are held on a technicality for one month and later
released. This cell (Do Not Confess, Do Not Confess) is an efficient
outcome since it leads to a situation where the two suspects have the
lowest combined sentence. If, however, Bonnie confesses and Clyde is
made aware of it, then it is in Clyde's best interest also to
confess, because he would only get 10 months instead of 20.
In fact, regardless of what Bonnie chooses to do, it is in Clyde
's best interest to confess. "Confess" is a dominant
strategy for Clyde. The same holds true for Bonnie. When all is said and
done, i.e., in equilibrium, both suspects will choose to confess. Nash
equilibrium is a weaker condition of a dominant strategy. John Nash is a
mathematician who theorized that in non-cooperative finite games with
multiple players, an equilibrium, later known as Nash equilibrium, does
exist, such that given the other player's action, one player would
not deviate from their strategy choice. Hence the outcome, with
cooperation, that would benefit both agents (Do Not Confess, Do Not
Confess) is dominated by the outcome (Confess, Confess).
Chicken is a game where "each player prefers not to yield to
the other," but "the outcome where neither player yields is
the worst possible one for both players" (Chicken [game] 2008). The
name refers to the use of "chicken" to mean
"cowardly." It is a game of differentiation, since both
players must choose a different strategy to maximize pay-off. An
assurance game, on the other hand, requires players to choose the same
strategy to maximize payoff. The assurance game is also known as the
game of coordination or "Battle of the Sexes."
A more complicated form of game theory involves more than two
persons. In a multi-person game or n-person game, the number of players
choosing a certain strategy will influence the payoff for each player.
As a result, more than one solution should be adopted to address
individual cases. Another method of categorizing game theory is whether
game players will "collude" or "cooperate". In a
"non-cooperative" game, each person maximizes his or her own
rewards regardless of the results for others. In a
"cooperative" game, the strategies of the participants
coordinate to attain the best result for the whole group.
Field of Study
This article reviews the literature of applying game theory in a
multidisciplinary setting, and provides suggestions for library
administration and management. The published literatures across several
databases was searched, including Business Source Premier and ABI/INFORM
as sources of literature in economics, business, and management. Library
and Information Science Abstracts and Library Literature were searched
to cover the literature of information science, information economics,
and information technology. Finally, Engineering Index was searched to
capture literature on game theory application in information technology.
Although a remarkable number of articles have contributed to
applying game theory to intelligent agents, information service,
information technology, information systems, and information economics,
a small number were focused on applying game theory in library
networking and cooperation.
Literature Review
Gintis (2000) says that, "game theory is a universal language
for the unification of the behavioral sciences." Aumann and
Maschler (1995) describe the potential application of game theory as,
"the analysis of such a highly simplified abstraction can very
seldom lead to any specific recommendations in a specific situation. But
it can lead to insights of a general nature. These insights can then be
used by policy makers in making specific decisions or in formulating
general policies". Recent years have seen game theory applied in
new disciplines including information technology, management, and
economics in a society that is increasingly reliant on information.
General Applications in Information Society
Service outsourcing
The rise of information technology brings about higher efficiency
and flexibility, since resources can now be allocated to the sectors
that will produce more efficiently and cheaply. The quality of service
providers or vendors is often uncertain, however. Elitzur and Wensley
(1997) propose game theory as a tool for understanding information
services outsourcing. By focusing on two-person non-cooperative games,
seven lessons are drawn to apply game theory to a specific situation.
Issues discussed include the transfer of information systems assets,
risk sharing, technology upgrading, contract duration, relationship
management, and fee determination. Although the study explores only the
qualitative aspects of game-theoretic analysis, it is of high value for
three reasons: it points out the relationships between features of
outsourcing management and game theory, provides recommendations to
contract makers for higher efficiency, and it provides directions for
future research.
Snir and Hitt (2004) also focus their lens on increasing
outsourcing in the information technology services in the past decade.
They state that "estimates place the US IT outsourcing market at
$160 billion in 2005, up from $101 billion in 2000," since many IT
companies found that "purchasing IT components or services from
external contractors allows them to enjoy the benefits of specialization
and lower costs, and to redeploy internal staff on projects that must be
developed in house." The classic "lemons problem" often
arises during the vendor selection process, when "only low-quality
firms aggressively (bid) and win contracts." This study proposes an
alternative two-stage screening mechanism for selecting high-quality
vendors. In the first stage, a vendor is assigned a pilot project and
the outcome is observed by the client. The client then decides whether
to terminate or to continue. The study suggests that this game
theoretical approach provides more efficient vendor selection,
especially because of the diverse nature of outsourcing projects and the
uncertainty of vendor quality.
Bargaining and negotiation
The issues of bargaining and agent negotiation have attracted much
attention from researchers and practitioners in artificial intelligence,
social psychology, and economics (Raiffa, 1982; Pruitt, 1981; Mueller,
1996). Many studies have also been conducted using game theoretic
analysis. Various approaches and models are made available to address
this issue (Binmore, 1992; Kraus, 1997), among which the study by
Fatima, Wooldridge, and Jennings (2004) is worth noticing. In this
study, a new model for "multi-issue negotiation under time
constraints in an incomplete information setting" is presented. In
this agenda-based model, agents who have conflicting or similar
preferences over the agenda may not be aware of it. The model can be
applied to bargaining over both a single good/service and multiple
goods/services and therefore enjoys more popularity.
Internal cooperation
The structure of cooperation is another important area to which
game theory is applied. Cooperation, strategic alliances, networks,
coalitions, partnerships, and consortia are buzzwords in the information
era. Based on voluntary agreement, such relationships often lack
stability due to the uncertainty of a partner's future behavior.
Parkhe (1993) argues that "the self-interest orientation of each
party can lead to actions that are individually rational yet produce a
collectively suboptimal outcome." Parkhe constructs a general model
of alliance structuring that is grounded theoretically in game theory
and has a paradigm of transaction cost. Parkhe further suggests that
although interfirm cooperation is complex, there is a distinction
between "stable, high-performing alliances" and
"unstable, low performers." This research has made two primary
contributions: an important theoretical model describing the complexity
of cooperation structure, and the first large-scale empirical study on
this issue.
Understanding information needs
An information society witnesses information exchange and
information sharing growing exponentially. Information can be viewed as
a good traded on the "knowledge market" (Davenport and Prusak,
1999), among information buyers, sellers, and brokers. Another notion
suggests that information is shared in a "knowledge community"
(Constant, et al ., 1994). A lot of attention has been focused on the
factors that influence knowledge sharing. Chua (2003) uses a
multi-person game-theoretic framework to explain why an individual
chooses to share knowledge even though he/she belongs to an organization
whose culture discourages knowledge sharing. Findings suggest that
"an individual's knowledge sharing tendency is driven by a set
of contextualised concerns and interests not unlike the notion of payoff
in game theory" (Chua, 2003). Recommendations are also provided to
managers who aim to promote knowledge sharing among employees. This
study shed insight on applying game theoretical analysis to disciplines
in knowledge management and information science. The findings can also
help information professionals better understand the information needs
and behaviors of information consumers.
Applications in Library Settings
In a competitive knowledge market, libraries are market players who
must work cooperatively with other institutions. Cohen and Vijverberg
(1980) and Hayes (2003) look at game theory as applied to library
networks. The former study tries to answer the practical questions that
every library faces when joining a cooperative venture. By using game
theoretical analysis, Cohen and Vijverberg further explore the four base
subjects embedded in the integration of game theory and library
networks. These include "the development of a systematic way to
study individual coalitions, the calculations of the costs of a network,
the calculations of the gross benefits for the whole network, the
distribution of the net benefits among the member of the network,"
among which the first and the last receive most discussion. This
empirical study concludes that libraries choose to join networks if
"it pays for them to do so." A network is stable when
"members of the coalitions in the division have more to distribute
among themselves than they would in any other division" and
"any variation in the coalition structure will reduce total net
benefits to coalition members."
Hayes (2003) uses cooperative game theory to explain
decision-making behaviors using cooperative acquisitions and cooperation
in automation as examples. This article provides a good review on
economic game theory, which fills a knowledge gap for librarians who may
not have had been exposed to this subject. It also points out that
cooperative game theory could potentially benefit decision-making in
library cooperation since "negotiation and cooperation among
libraries is of special economic importance." More specifically,
the possible application areas could be resources sharing, cooperative
acquisitions, cooperative automation, shared cataloging, shared storage,
and preservation and access. Hayes provides libraries with a powerful
tool to use when dealing with cooperative issues.
Bridges (2004) proposes the application of game theory to
decision-making. He proposes a non-cooperative two-person model in which
the librarian and patron are "adversaries." Librarians are
advised to use the Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action (OODA) loop
to learn as much as possible about users and their needs and behavior.
Competition Analysis
Whether information should be seen as a social good or as an
economic commodity is still under debate (Detlefsen, 1984), and the
existence of an information market is well-recognized. Libraries face
competition from other providers such as bookstores, TV, and, more
significantly, the Internet. In this rapidly changing market, each
player must decide how to direct its efforts in developing and marketing
its products or services, and the best plan for one to follow is
dependent on the plans adopted by the others. A market player should
choose the most suitable size and the right strategy so as to stay
competitive. In this context, adopting a non-cooperative game approach
might help libraries evaluate the situation. A library might need to
focus on a specific sub-market and keep up to retain greater market
power and survive.
Libraries are one player while a composite of other information
providers are the other in a two-player game. In order to understand
such a game, it is easier to focus on particular aspects of information
provision, such as free content. Competing agents for libraries in that
domain include the broad category of the "Internet," but
specifically, sites such as Wikipedia. This category would also include
bookstores. The level of differentiation would depend on whether or not
"payment" is required for content provision. The game can be
sorted into libraries that require "membership" to provide
content outside the library (online). Similarly, bookstores require
consumers to purchase in order to acquire content remotely. Certain
websites may require subscription for detailed content.
Vendor Negotiation and Bargaining
The information technology services market provides libraries with
new opportunities and challenges. Library administrators and librarians
will find themselves in the position of negotiator and bargainers
dealing with buying a service or resource from vendors. Fatima,
Wooldridge, and Jennings (2003) observe that, "negotiation is a
means for agents to communicate and compromise to reach mutually
beneficial agreements." How to negotiate with vendors to achieve a
win-win situation is an important question. A two-person non-cooperative
game could be the right approach, especially in settings where vendor
credibility is uncertain, which is normal in a booming market.
The two players in such a game are library consortia and vendors of
library materials. Consortia can act as cartels (groups of individuals
colluding to act as a unit) in their strategic moves against vendors. By
doing so, consortium members gain greater negotiating power and enjoy
better. Cartel members may also have incentive to deviate from the
agreed upon decision if doing so benefits them, especially if such
deviations can be accomplished without other members being aware. Hence,
most cartels eventually break down. There is also the issue of member
libraries negotiating separate contracts with vendors. Since this is a
repeated game, however, penalties may be high enough to discourage this
type of behavior.
Library Cooperation
Hayes (2003) states that, while "libraries have a long history
of cooperation," currently "there is an expansion of that
tradition into a variety of contexts and purposes and into formalized structures." A two-person or n-person cooperative game could
provide insight into establishing and maintaining robust. The essential
feature of such games is the players' ability to enter into legally
binding contracts with one another. More specifically, the outcome of
the game is a contract if the players agree or a breakdown if they do
not. Libraries who belong to the same coalition or consortium will agree
to an outcome giving each library at least a payoff at some point that
could not be jointly improved upon.
As we get more specific, we can also apply game theory to the idea
of libraries competing/cooperating with each other's acquisitions
and collections. The ultimate goal of a library is assumed to be
maximizing the number of users, whether measured as number of patrons or
as the number of people using the resources. Another measure could be
the maximization of collections. The two measures would require slightly
different strategies. The number of library users may be maximized by
increasing the size of collections or through inter-library loan. To
maximize the number of users, a library may apply game theory in
determining which serials to continue and which to discontinue. This
type of operations-specific situation may be addressed more efficiently
as an optimization problem. Optimization is the process of evaluating
any mathematical condition in an effort to find a maximum or minimum,
given a set of limiting conditions. It can also be used in game theory
as part of the decision making process. An example of an optimization
problem would be an individual library attempting to find the optimal
(minimum) number of serials it can carry under specific budget,
constrained by maintaining a minimum number of patrons/users.
Understanding Users Information Behavior
The mission of libraries is to provide high quality service to all
library users, which requires an understanding of user
information-seeking behavior. It is beneficial for libraries to
understand why people choose to use libraries and what factors
contribute to the knowledge distribution and knowledge sharing. A
multi-person game-theoretic approach will promote such understanding,
since information behavior could be also regarded as strategic games
played between two or more players. An information user makes decisions
on whether to access certain information, to share with others, or to
withhold the information based on the payoff such actions would yield.
Hayes (2003) observes that "cooperation is a part of the ethos
of the (librarian) profession." An information society inevitably
brings about more uncertainty, so libraries working cooperatively as
important players in an information market should have a better
understanding of their dynamic relationships with competitors,
cooperators, and users. How to establish and maintain such relationships
must be examined by library administrations and managers. Game theory
may serve as a useful tool to help make more rational decisions when
facing uncertainties.
Game theory has not yet been widely adopted in the library setting.
This could be because the idea that a library should act as a market
player and operate like a business is not widely accepted. Library
administrations and librarians may still not be familiar with game
theory and are therefore not aware of its relevance to library
management. Using game theory requires a basic understanding of economic
theory, and librarians may need training from other disciplines to use
By reviewing selected literature on the application of game theory
to information- related fields, this article demonstrates the role of
game theory in helping libraries deal with economic, administrative, and
management issues in an uncertain environment.
Arrow, K. (2003). Introductory remarks on the history of game
theory. Games and Economic Behavior 45, 15-18.
Aumann, R. J., & Maschler, M. B. (1995). Repeated games with
incomplete information. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Binmore, K. (1992). Fun and games: A text on game theory.
Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath.
Bridges, K. (2004). Boyd Cycle Theory in the context of
non-cooperative games: Implications for libraries. Library Philosophy
and Practice 6(2). Available:
Chicken (game) (2008). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Chua, A. (2003). Knowledge sharing: A game people play. Aslib
Proceedings 55(3), 117-29.
Cohen, J., & Vijverberg, W. (1980). Applying game theory to
library networks. Journal of the American Society for Information
Science 31(5), 369-374.
Constant, D., Kiesler, S., & Sproull, L. (1994). What's
mine is ours, or is it? A study of attitudes about information sharing.
Information Systems Research 5(4), 400-421.
Davenport, T., & Prusak, L. (1999). Working knowledge. Boston:
MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Detlefsen, E. (1984). User costs: information as a social good vs.
information as a commodity. Government Publications Review 11, 385-394.
Elitzur, R., & Wensley, A. (1997). Game theory as a tool for
understanding information services outsourcing. Journal of Information
Technology 12, 45-60.
Fatima, S., Wooldridge, M., & Jennings, N. (2004). An
agenda-based framework for multi-issue negotiation. Artificial
Intelligence 152, 1-45.
Gibbons, R. (1992). Game theory for applied economists. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press
Gintis, H. (2000). Game theory evolving a problem-centered
introduction to modeling strategic behavior. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press.
Hayes, R. (2003). Cooperative game theoretical models for
decision-making in contexts of library cooperation. Library Trends
51(3), 441-461.
Kraus, S. (1997). Negotiation and cooperation in multi-agent
environments. Artificial Intelligence 94, 79-97.
Minimax (2008, August 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Mueller, H. J. (1996). Negotiation principles. In O'Hare,
G.M.P., & Jennings, N.R. (Eds.), Foundations of distributed
artificial intelligence (pp. 211-229). New York: J. Wiley.
Parkhe, A. (1993). Strategic alliance structuring: a game theoretic
and transaction cost examination of interfirm cooperation. Academy of
Management Journal 36(4), 794-829.
Pruitt, D. G. (1981). Negotiation behavior. New York: Academic
Raiffa, H. (1982). The art and science of negotiation. Cambridge,
Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Romp, G. (1997). Game theory: Introduction and applications. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Ross, D. (2006). Game theory. In The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. (Spring 2006 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Available:
Snir, E. M., & Hitt, L. M. (2004). Vendor screening in
information technology contracting with a pilot project. Journal of
Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 14 (1), 61-88.
von Neumann, J., & Morgenstern, O. (1944). Theory of games and
economic behavior. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Ying Zhong
Senior Assistant Librarian
Walter W. Steirn Library
California State University, Bakersfield
Aaron Hegde, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
California State University, Bakersfield
Table 1. Prisoner's Dilemma
Confess Do Not Confess
Bonnie Confess (10 mo., 10 mo.) (0 mo., 20 mo.)
Do Not Confess (20 mo., 0 mo.) (1 mo., 1 mo.)