New titles.
Carroll, Daniel
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (Revista de cienca e
tec-nologias das artes). ( Edited by Carlos
Sena Caires. CITAR. Published annually. Vol. 1 (2009). ISSN 1646-9798
(online). Online format (formerly print only). Inquiries or submissions:
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa--Centro Regional do Porto, Rua Diogo
Botelho, 1327, 4169-005 Porto, Portugal. Email: citarjournal@
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts is a peer-reviewed
journal published by CITAR, the Research Center of the School of the
Arts at Portuguese Catholic University, a division which strives to
foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research and teaching between
the sciences and the humanities. In addition to permitting for
investigations of the issues of artistic conservation, the psychology of
art, and modern digital culture, submissions which investigate the
philosophy of art, musicology, performance studies, and musical
perception are Also welcomed. The Journal typically features
editors' notes. five or more full-length articles, two or more
reviews of other publications, and a section of important news for those
interested in or affiliated with CITAR. The fourth issue (2012) is
currently being assembled. The third issue (2011) contains articles
devoted to phenomenological investigations of the process of
"interactive creation" conducted by listeners of computerized
music; the applications of "collective memory" of sounds,
whether musical in the conventional sense or otherwise, for constructing
"sound-based narratives" of their physical engagements with
the public transit system of a particular community; and an innovative
educational paradigm for utilizing music as a means of
"intercultural education" in the elementary school classroom.
The editorial board consists mostly of scholars affiliated with CITAR,
though an international involvement is engaged in by scholars from the
United Kingdom, Brazil, and Belgium as well. The journal is included in
Ulrich 's Directory of Periodicals, and although the contents are
not indexed in sources like R1LM, the journal is indexed by WorldCat,
Mendeley, and Google Scholar. It is not yet included in the Directory of
Online Access Journals.
Boston University