Kirchenmusik im Biedermeier. Institutionen, Formen, Komponisten. Wissenschaftliche Tagung 10. bis 11. Oktober 2008, Ruprechtshofen, N. O.
Peters, Mark A.
Kirchenmusik im Biedermeier. Institutionen, Formen, Komponisten.
Wissenschaftliche Tagung 10. bis 11. Oktober 2008, Ruprechtshofen, N. O.
Edited by Andrea Harrandt and Erich Wolfgang Partsch. (Publikationen des
Instituts fur osterreichische Musik-dokumentation, no. 35.) Tutzing:
Hans Schneider, 2010. [279 p. ISBN 9783862960118. [euro]48.] Music
examples, illustrations, index.
The collection of essays Kirchenmusik im Biedermeier originated
from the Sixth Biedermeier-Tagung der Benedict
Randhartiager-Gesellschaft, held October 10-11, 2008, in Ruprechtshofen.
As explained in the volume's foreword, the choice of topic for the
conference grew out of the recognition both of Randhartinger's own
interactions with many church compositions of this period in the Wiener
Hofmusikkapelle and of the paucity of research on church music in the
Biedermeier (p. 7). The volume provides an important contribution to the
study of Roman Catholic church music in Austria and surrounding regions
in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Peter Hrncirik's widely ranging and insightful opening essay,
"Tendenzen der Kirchenmusik im Biedermeier. Historische und
stilidiomatische Aspekte," lays the groundwork for the study of
church music in the Biedermeier and also for the more focused studies
contained in the remainder of the volume. Hrncirik begins with the
question, "Is there a Biedermeier style in church music?" (p.
10; translations throughout this review are my own), and his essay both
answers the question positively and defines characteristics of such a
style. He argues that church music of the Biedermeier must he understood
not only as a counterpoint to romanticism, but also in relation to both
Viennese classic and empfindsam styles (see pp. 11, 15, 18-19, 23).
Hrncirik not only introduces readers to important composers,
institutions, and trends in Biedermeier church music, but also positions
these within the broader social and intellectual history of the early
nineteenth century. Drawing upon the imagery of Friedrich Sengle,
Hrncirik describes church music in this period as "ein
hoffnungsfroher Inselarchipel spiritueller Erbauung im Sturmmeer des
ungnadigen Weltgetriebes" (a hopeful island archipelago of
spiritual devotion in the stormy sea of the unkind hustle and bustle of
the world, p. 12). He presents a concise yet insightful summary of the
principal influences on church music in the period, including
philosophical and theological conceptions of the sacred arts (for
example, the writings of Francois Rene Chateau-briland, Johann Michael
Saliers, and E. T. A. Hoffmann); renewed interest in the historical
inquiry, research, and publication of church music; the revival of
church works of earlier periods in performance; and the use of earlier
works as models and inspiration for new compositions. Hrncirik further
summarizes the "organizational, pedagogical, socioeconomic, and
liturgical aspects" (p. 29) of Biedermeier church music. Moving on
to aspects of musical style and performance, he concludes with a
valuable summary of many of the essay's important ideas about the
musical styles of church music in the Biedermeier under the headings
"Stylistic Aspects" (p. 34) and "Attempt at the
Construction of a Compositional Vocabulary" (p. 37).
After Hrncirik's detailed introduction to and characterization
of church music in the Biedermeier, the remainder of the volume presents
case studies of Biedermeier musicians (Randhartinger, Joseph Eybler,
Anton Diabelli, Carl Czerny, the Maschek family, and Tirolean church
music composers), locales (the pilgrimage church Maria Taferl and
Atzenbrugg/Heiligeneich), and compositional approaches (operatic music
parodied for the church and songs of pilgrimage in Lower Austria). The
essays treat topics not only in Vienna and the surrounding area, but
also in Tirol, Lower Austria, southern Germany, and the Czech Republic.
One example of the best of the research found in Kirchenmusik im
Biedermeier is Christian Fastl's "Zu Joseph Eyblers
Kirchenmusik," which prosides an overview of Eybler's church
compositions, probes their significance within compositional trends of
the early nineteenth century, catalogues and characterizes Eybler's
mass settings, and offers a detailed introduction to a single work, the
Missa Sanctorum Apostolorum in E-flat major of 1825. Several other
essays in Kirchenmusik im Biedermeier likewise provide valuable
introductions to the lives and works of individual composers. Of
particular interest for many readers will be two essays that explore the
mass settings of composers much better known for their other musical
endeavors, Anton Diabelli (Andrea Harrandt, "Anton Diabelli and
seine Kirchenmusik--Am Beispiel seiner Pastoralmesse op. 147") and
Carl Czerny (Simon Haasis, "Zu den Messen Carl Czernys").
Two further essays are worthy of particular note. First is Franz
Grad's "Tiroler Kirchenmusikkomponisten des Biedermeier,"
which provides an overview of church music in Tirol during this period
in relation to larger political, religious, and musical trends.
Grad's essay further introduces the lives and church compositions
of four important Tirolean composers: Johann Baptist Gansbacher, Joseph
Alois Ladurner, Joseph Netzer, and Michael Sebastian Pegger. Also
noteworthy is Klaus Petermayr's "Niederosterreichische
Wallfahrt and Wallfahrtslieder im Biedermeier," an excellent study
of the practice of pilgrimage and of pilgrimage songs in Lower Austria.
Petertnayr discusses details of pilgrimage practices, motivations, and
destinations through contemporary accounts, while also framing
pilgrimage practices in the early nineteenth century within a broader
history of pilgrimage in the region. He further addresses the broad
repertory of songs published for pilgrimage in the period, as well as
the varied uses of such songs.
Each of the essays in Kirchenmusik im Biedermeier address
interesting topics and repertories, and each author should be lauded for
their efforts to broaden our understanding of nineteenth-century music.
As Erich Wolfgang Partsch argues, scholars who address topics like these
which lie outside the mainstream of musicological research face many
challenges, including difficulty in acquiring the primary sources, the
lack of secondary sources, the paucity of recordings, and the negative
reception many of the composers have received in the historical record
(p. 61). The efforts made to meet these challenges throughout the volume
are laudable. But despite this well-deserved praise, not all the
articles deal as convincingly with their subject matter as do those
described above. Several simply list information or describe sources
with little discussion of their meaning or significance. For example,
Partsch's "Benedict Randhartingers Messen im Kontext ihrer
Zeit" is composed primarily of brief general descriptions of each
movement of Randhartinger's Mass no. 1 in C major (1835) and Mass
no. 3 in E major (1839), and Florian Pejrimovsky's "Benedict
Randhartingers Requiems-Vertonungen" likewise provides only basic
descriptions of the movements of Randhartinger's two Requiem Masses
(both in C minor, of 1846 and 1865).
Most disappointing is Michaela Freemanova's
"'Borrowings': Operative Repertoire Transferred into the
Church," for the subject matter is utterly fascinating. In Bohemian
lands in the early nineteenth century, it seems to have been common
practice to borrow music from an opera or other stage work and set it to
a new text for performance in parish churches, and Freemanova has
identified such borrowings from a wide range of composers, including
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Giovanni Paisiello, Gioacchino Rossini, and
Carl Maria von Weber. But while she describes this general practice and
refers to some particular works, Freemanova cites only a few specific
examples and treats none in detail. Several of these examples provide
fascinating subject matter for detailed study, but receive here little
more than mention: Tamino's aria "Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd
schon" from Mozart's Die Zauberflote arranged with four
possible new texts for the church, "O salutaris hostia,"
"O Maria virgo pia," "Maria mater gratiae," and
"Tu Trinitatis unitas"; Caspar's aria "Der Hohle
Netz" from von Weber's Der Freischutz set to two new sacred
texts, either "Haec dies quam fecit Dominus" or "Tu es
Petrus"; and Rosina's cavatina "Una voce poco fa,"
from Rossini's Il barbiere di Siviglia set as "O gloriosa
virgo." There is clearly here a wealth of fascinating source
material, but not even one example is discussed in detail.
Despite these caveats, Kirchenmusik im Biedermeier represents an
important contribution to scholarship on church music in the nineteenth
century. While the volume is of particular interest for scholars of
church music or of music and musicians of the Biedermeier. Kirchenmusik
im Biedermeier introduces both scholars and performers to a wealth of
composers, pieces, and source materials which are largely unknown today.
In so doing, it not only provides interesting case studies from Austria
and the surrounding regions, but also presents much opportunity for
further research and performance.
Trinity Christian College