Compliance and performance in international water agreements: the case of the Naryn/Syr Darya basin.
Bernauer, Thomas ; Siegfried, Tobias
Many case studies and some large-N research have shown that
upstream-downstream cooperation in international river basins occurs
quite frequently. The same holds for global water governance efforts
more generally. Yet such findings are blind in one eye because they
focus primarily on political commitments or compliance with
international agreements. A policy performance metric (PER) allows for a
more substantive assessment of success or failure in international water
governance. To test its usefulness, this article applies this metric to
the Naryn/Syr Darya basin, a major international river system in Central
Asia. Management of the Toktogul reservoir, the main reservoir in the
Naryn/Syr Darya basin, was internationalized in 1991 when the Soviet
Union collapsed. Compliance with an international agreement, concluded
in 1998, has been quite high. This agreement establishes an
international trade-off between water releases for upstream hydropower production in winter and water releases for downstream irrigation in
summer. However, performance of this agreement over time has been very
low and highly variable. The management system in place is therefore in
urgent need of reform. Studies of international and global water
governance should pay more attention to the degree to which political
commitments actually further de facto problem solving. Keywords:
international cooperation, governance, compliance, performance, water
management, Naryn/Syr Darya, Toktogul dam.
The scientific literature on water governance issues has
experienced a boom in recent years. (1) It has produced innovative
concepts and theories that help make sense of hundreds if not thousands
of collaborative efforts that are under way in water systems around the
world at various levels, from the local to the global. Yet one weakness
in the existing literature is its heavy focus on legal arrangements and
institutional processes. Scant attention is given to the nexus between
policy measures and changes in hydrological systems. Studying these
connections is necessary to determine whether water governance efforts
are effective not only in a discursive, legal, or institutional sense,
but also in terms of solving concrete problems on the ground. Research
on this issue creates exciting opportunities for collaboration across
the social, natural, and engineering sciences, as is evident in this
article, which has been coauthored by a political scientist and an
environmental engineer.
The article speaks to the special issue theme of global water
governance primarily by offering an analytical tool that helps to assess
the performance of particular water governance efforts based on explicit
and transparent standards. This performance assessment tool is useful
for diagnostic purposes--that is, it identifies governance efforts that
require improvement. The tool is also useful for comparing governance
efforts between water systems, across political scales, and over time.
It can thereby generate more generic insights that can inform efforts to
establish water management principles at the global level.
Cooperation, when defined as a dependent variable in causal
explanations of international water management, is usually measured in
binary terms--that is, with a yes/no answer to the question whether an
agreement, treaty, or international institution is in place. Examples of
this approach can be found in the many qualitative case studies on
international water management (2) and the few large-N quantitative
studies that exist on the subject. (3)
Many case studies also assess the degree of substantive
international cooperation. However, the criteria against which the depth
of cooperation is measured differ across studies, and the assessments
are usually qualitative. (4) Moreover, most assessments rely on
noncausal criteria. The most common approach is to describe, over time,
the development of a particular problem targeted by a cooperative effort
(e.g., pollution) and to assess compliance with international
obligations. This is usually done without a systematic analysis of
whether international cooperation has, ceteris paribus, brought changes
in environmental outcomes and in compliance levels. Coding of the
contents of international agreements for purposes of measuring the depth
of cooperation in large-N analysis is still in its infancy. (5)
Another approach has been to code cooperative and conflictual
events among riparian countries, but this approach offers only indirect
insights into the depth of cooperation. (6) International water
management efforts are to some extent directly included in the codings
of cooperative events. Moreover, deep cooperation may often be
accompanied by conflict events. More cooperation than conflict may thus
tell us little about whether international cooperation performs well in
terms of problem solving.
Another line of research uses environmental parameters as proxies
for cooperation. For example, two recent studies examine whether trade
ties and other factors promote international efforts to clean up water
pollution. (7) Since environmental outcomes are measured without causal
reference to international cooperation (cleaner transboundary water is
simply assumed to indicate more cooperation), this approach does not
offer direct insights into the success or otherwise of cooperation.
Substantial progress has been made in recent years in measuring the
performance (or depth) of international cooperation. Building on
previous work, (8) the first part of this article outlines a methodology
for estimating the performance of international cooperation. This policy
performance metric (PER) is a time-dependent function of: (1) the
outcome that should ideally be reached (optimum performance); (2) the
outcome of a given policy at the time of measurement (actual
performance); and (3) the outcome that would have occurred in the
absence of this policy (counterfactual performance).
The PER measure has several advantages. First, it makes explicit
reference to optimal performance and thus the target level for problem
solving. Second, it focuses explicitly on the causal relationship
between international policies and outcomes. Third, it can be used not
only to assess international policy performance at specific points
in-time in contexts marked by rather little data, but also to assess
performance dynamics over time in contexts where more data exist.
Fourth, the measure also allows a disaggregation of cooperative efforts
with reference to particular objectives.
The PER approach has broader relevance in that it addresses an
ongoing debate in international relations about situation structures and
their effects on international cooperation. (9) With respect to
international water policy, this debate has concentrated on the
difficulties of handling upstream-downstream settings where preferences
of the countries involved are often antagonistic. Recent quantitative
and qualitative research suggests that upstream-downstream cooperation
is quite frequent. (10) However, the empirical evidence remains
controversial. For example, M. Brochmann and N. P. Gleditsch find
contradictory effects of upstream-downstream settings on international
cooperation. (11) According to their analysis, international cooperation
in water issues is more likely in upstream-downstream circumstances than
in other settings in the time period 1820-2001, but the effect is
insignificant in the sample period 1975-2001. When cooperation is
measured by signed treaties (instead of ratified treaties), the effects
are largely insignificant. Brochmann and Gleditsch also find that
upstream-downstream settings produce both more cooperative and more
conflictive events. The latter result indicates that such settings lead
to more interaction, but it does not reveal whether such settings
facilitate or hinder cooperation. Other, more process-oriented studies
show that compensation or issue linkages to offset upstream-downstream
asymmetries are often difficult to construct and that cooperation, if it
emerges at all, remains shallow. J. Tir and J. T. Ackerman conclude that
international water treaties are less likely in upstream-downstream
settings. (12) T. Bernauer shows that it took countries of the Rhine
River basin several decades to reduce upstream-downstream water
pollution and that forces other than international cooperation have been
key. (13) If upstream-downstream cooperation is very difficult among
highly developed democratic countries, one should expect even greater
difficulties in achieving similar levels of cooperation in less
fortunate regions of the world.
The approach we take in this article is relevant also from a
practical viewpoint. It focuses on problem solving and relates policy
measures to specific notions of what should ideally be achieved (optimal
performance) and what would have happened without cooperation
(counterfactual performance). The PER tool thus produces a more accurate
and policy-relevant diagnosis. This, in turn, provides a better
foundation for finding ways to make cooperation more effective.
To demonstrate the empirical relevance of the PER concept, we
examine international water management in the Naryn/Syr Darya basin, a
major international river system in Central Asia. The analysis focuses
on the Toktogul reservoir, the main reservoir in the Naryn/Syr Darya
basin, and its downstream effects. The principal policy challenge in
this case has been to design and implement an international trade-off
between, on the one hand, water releases for upstream hydropower
production in winter and, on the other hand, water releases for
downstream irrigation in summer. That is, the main issue of conflict and
cooperation in this case involves upstream-downstream water allocation.
This situation facilitates measurement of the parameters in the PER
metric and also allows for a systematic comparison between a
compliance-based and a performance-based assessment of international
water governance. The availability of new data for the Naryn/Syr Darya
case has created an opportunity for the first systematic assessment of
the performance of this water governance system. The Naryn/Syr Darya
case is also interesting because it involves a transition from a
top-down domestic water governance system in Soviet times to a more
horizontal international scheme since 1998.
We start by examining institutional outcomes and the
compliance-related behavior of riparian countries. A detailed agreement
for the Naryn/Syr Darya basin was concluded in 1998, and compliance with
this agreement is high. We then apply the PER measurement concept,
noting that compliance could be high only because international
obligations are weak and cooperation is therefore shallow. In other
words, this second step assesses whether good news about compliance is
also good news about cooperation. (14) This analysis shows that
implementation of the 1998 agreement has in fact been characterized by
low performance and high variability.
The principal policy implication of this finding is that, even
though compliance is high, the management system in place is in urgent
need of reform. We consider some options for improvement. The more
general message is that many international upstream-downstream water
agreements may rest on only shallow cooperation, and no quick fixes to
such problems can be expected. Studies of international or global water
governance should thus pay more attention to the relationship between de
jure commitments and de facto problem solving.
Measuring Performance
The starting point for this analysis is a simple formula suggested
by C. Helm and D. Sprinz, (15) in which
PER = AP - CP / OP - CP (1)
Here AP refers to actual performance, CP stands for counterfactual
performance, and OP designates optimal performance. In international
water management, a PER calculation might relate to hydropower
production, irrigation water provision, water quality, or water
provision for ecosystem functions.
PER can be estimated in relation to any public demand addressed by
a public policy. In effect, this equation captures the extent to which a
given problem has actually been solved (AP - CP) relative to the
problem-solving potential (OP - CP). The first calculation alone would
only indicate that the relevant policy has had some effect. Only by
adding the second calculation (and OP in particular) do we gain
information on the extent to which the problem has been solved.
Moreover, adding the second calculation (OP - CP) facilitates
comparisons across policies within and across policy domains and over
time. Provided that one distinguishes between maximizing (CP [greater
then or equal to] AP [greater then or equal to] OP) and minimizing (CP
[greater then or equal to] AP [greater then or equal to] OP) cases, the
PER measure sets a lower and an upper bound and (with some exceptions)
standardizes values between 0 and 1.
We have developed a more complex version of the above formula. (16)
It solves some conceptual problems in the simple formula (e.g.,
overcompliance scenarios and inefficiencies associated with them) and
allows for the measurement of performance and its variation over time.
Readers less interested in technical details can skip the remainder of
this section and move to the empirical application to the Naryn/Syr
The more complex version of our performance assessment concept
starts with the following definition
PER * (t) = 1 - |[AP(t) - OP(t)]/[CP(t) - OP (t)]| (2)
where PER * (t) is a measure of policy performance at time t. PER *
(t) measures performance relative to optimal performance OP at a
specific observation time t. If we use the notation [[delta].sub.AP]
(t)= |AP(t)-OP(t)| and [[delta].sub.CP](t) = |CP(t) - OP(t)|, then
equation (2) becomes
PER * (t) = 1 - [[partial derivative].sub.AP] (t)/[[partial
derivative].sub.CP] (t) (3)
by the definition of the absolute value and its properties. If
CP(t) < AP(t) < OP(t) or CP (t) > AP (t) > OP (t), the two
performance measures as defined by equations (1) and (2) are equal,
i.e., PFM * (t)=PER. Note that according to equation (3), PER * (t) is
defined as long as [[delta].sub.AP] (t) [not equal to] 0.
Estimating performance over time means that one must look at AP,
CP, and OP in terms of times-series data, that is, AP(t), CP(t) and
OP(t) (as well as the derived [[delta].sub.AP] (t) and
[[delta].sub.CP](t)). In the subsequent analysis, the focus is
restricted to stationary processes. The expected value as well as the
variance of PER * (t) are used to characterize policy performance over
time. The expected value of PER * (t) can be approximated by
where Cov([[delta].sub.AP], [[delta].sub.AP]) denotes the
covariance and [??] as well as [??] the mean of the time series
[[delta].sub.AP] (t) and [[delta].sub.AP] (t). The variance can be
approximated by
where Cov([[delta].sub.AP], [[delta].sub.CP]) denotes the
convariance and [mu][[delta].sub.AP] as well as [mu][[delta].sub.CP] the
mean of the time series [[delta].sub.AP](t) and [[delta].sub.CP](t)
The variance can be approximated by
In equations (4) and (5), [??], [??], [??], [??] and
Cov([[delta].sub.AP], [[delta].sub.AP]) have to be estimated empirically
from available data.
International Water Management in the Naryn/Syr Darya Basin
The Syr Darya River originates as the Naryn River in the mountains
of Kyrgyzstan (see Figure 1). It then flows through Uzbekistan and
Tajikistan and ends in the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan. Its total length is
around 2,800 kilometers. About 20 million people inhabit this river
catchment, which covers an area of some 250,000 square kilometers. The
river is mainly fed by snowmelt and water from glaciers. The natural
runoff pattern, with annual flow ranges of 23.5-51 cubic kilometers
(around 40 cubic kilometers in the past few years), is characterized by
a spring/summer flood that usually starts in April and peaks in June.
About 90 percent of the Naryn/Syr Darya's mean annual flow is now
regulated by storage reservoirs. Approximately 75 percent of the runoff
comes from Kyrgyzstan. (17) Consumptive water allocation from the
Naryn/Syr Darya Basin is mainly for irrigated farming.
The runoff of the Naryn/Syr Darya, as measured at the Uch Kurgan gauge station, has varied strongly over time. As shown in Figure 2, the
variation is characterized by four distinct periods. When the runoff was
natural (1933-1974) and determined entirely by seasonal and climatic
variability, the mean flow was around 390 cubic meters per second, with
a high variability in summer. A substantial change in flow patterns
occurred with the commissioning of the Toktogul dam in 1974. This event
marks the beginning of the first river management period (1974-1990),
which was characterized by centralized management by the USSR of the
Toktogul reservoir and the river basin as a whole. The Toktogul dam is
by far the largest storage facility in the Aral Sea basin, with a total
storage volume of around 19.5 cubic kilometers, accounting for more than
half of the total usable reservoir capacity in the whole Naryn/Syr Darya
basin. The reservoir area is around 280 square kilometers, its length
about 65 kilometers. The hydro-power capacity of the Toktogul power
plant is 1,200 megawatts, making it the second biggest in the Aral Sea
basin. (18) After the dam was commissioned, a general attenuation of
peak downstream flows was observed (see Figure 2). Moreover, an overall
decline of monthly flow variability occurred, especially in the summer
During this first management period, the system was oriented
primarily toward water provision for irrigated agriculture (particularly
cotton production) in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The timing of winter
and summer flow releases did not change substantially compared with the
natural runoff pattern. This is indicated by seasonal ratios r of inflow
versus outflow that oscillate around r=J (see inflow/outflow ratios for
1980-1990 in Figure 3).
In the early 1980s, a water management organization for the
Naryn/Syr Darya was set up in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Its mandate was to
operate and maintain all headwater structures with a discharge of more
than 10 cubic meters per second. This management system and its
infrastructure were fully funded from the federal budget of the USSR. In
consultation with the governments of the riparian republics and using
forecasts by the Central Asia Hydromet Service, the Ministry of Water
Resources (Minvodgoz) in Moscow defined annually (based on a master
plan) how much water was to be released for irrigation during the
growing season (April to September).
Minvodgoz was responsible for implementing the water allocations
and maintaining the infrastructure. It also had the authority to
increase or reduce allocations to each Soviet republic by up to 10
percent. The electricity produced at Toktogul during that period went
into the Central Asian Energy Pool (CAEP) and was thus shared among the
riparian republics. In exchange, the neighboring republics supplied
coal, oil, and natural gas to Kyrgyzstan in winter to cover increased
Kyrgyz energy demand during the colder months. (19)
The second river management period, as depicted in Figure 2,
commenced with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. This event
brought an end to centralized management of water resources and
water-energy tradeoff arrangements. Very quickly the newly independent
states became involved in disputes over water allocation. Coal, oil,
natural gas, and electricity supplies to Kyrgyzstan declined
dramatically between 1991 and 1997. Thermal and electric power output of
Kyrgyz energy plants declined by more than half relative to the 1991
values. Since Kyrgyzstan has no fossil fuel sources of its own, it
cannot rely on domestic fossil fuel for electricity production and
thermal energy.
This circumstance, in turn, increased winter demand for hydropower
by more than 100 percent. Purchases of energy from abroad were (and
still are) difficult, because the government was (for political and
administrative reasons) unable to increase and collect appropriate
energy tariffs. Moreover, financial contributions from Moscow and the
former republics in the basin for the maintenance of the reservoir
ceased. In response to these developments, Kyrgyzstan switched the
operation of the Toktogul reservoir from an irrigation to an electric
power production mode. Since the winter of 1993, water flows have no
longer peaked in summer but rather in winter. This change has opened a
gap between the summer inflow/outflow ratios r and their winter
counterparts, as seen in Figure 3.
The main political problem since 1991 concerned upstream-downstream
antagonisms. Upstream interests derived from seasonal water demands are
diametrically opposed to downstream water demands and interests.
Kyrgyzstan is eager to store water between spring and autumn and to
release this water between winter and spring for hydropower production.
Conversely, downstream Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, by far the largest
consumers of irrigation water in the river basin, wish to obtain much
more water during the growing season (April to September) than in the
nongrowing season (October to March). They are also interested in
electricity for operating irrigation pumps, as is produced upstream
through water releases during the growing season. Moreover, downstream
countries prefer low water releases in winter, because high flows in
winter may cause floods due to ice in the river bed, which reduces water
flow capacity. (20) Thus, the principal problem to be solved is to
coordinate the management of the Naryn/Syr Darya cascade of reservoirs
that are located entirely in Kyrgyzstan, and in particular the handling
of trade-offs between consumptive water use for downstream irrigation
purposes in summer and nonconsumptive use for upstream energy production
in Kyrgyzstan in winter.
International negotiations focusing on the management of the
Toktogul reservoir began shortly after the demise of the USSR. In
February 1992, the five newly independent riparian states of the
Naryn/Syr Darya basin set up the Interstate Commission for Water
Coordination (ICWC). They agreed to keep the water allocation principles
of the former USSR in place until a new system could be established,
albeit without the funding for the infrastructure that previously came
from Moscow. The most important hydraulic structures, in particular the
biggest reservoirs in the basin (including the Toktogul), were not put
under the control of the ICWC. That is, they were de facto nationalized
by the newly independent countries.
This period of unilateralism continued until March 1998, when under
the aegis of the Executive Committee of the Central Asian Economic
Community, and assisted by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan signed an
agreement. This accord marks the beginning of Period 3, as defined in
Figure 2. Tajikistan joined this agreement in 1999. (21) The release
schedule for the Toktogul reservoir, the main element of the agreement,
is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Release Schedule of Toktogul Reservoir as Established in the
1998 Treaty
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
q[[m.sup.3]/s] 495 490 300 230 270 500 650 600 190
Source: Data available at
Note: No values were defined for the months of October to December.
The 1998 accord includes a general framework agreement and a
specific barter agreement on water-energy exchanges in 1998. The barter
agreement holds that in the growing season (April 1-October 1),
Kyrgyzstan will supply 2.2 million kilowatt hours (MkWh) of electricity
to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan (1.1 MkWh each). In exchange, Kazakhstan
and Uzbekistan agree to deliver specific amounts of electricity, natural
gas, fuel oil, and coal to Kyrgyzstan in specific months under
conditions set forth in bilateral agreements concluded in 1997.
Compensation can also be carried out in the form of "other
products" (labor and services are mentioned) or money. Kyrgyzstan
agreed to cut its energy consumption by 10 percent against 1997 levels.
The framework agreement, also concluded in March 1998, (22) holds that
these exchanges will subsequently be defined annually through
In other words, the water management system put in place in 1998
holds that during the vegetation season, Kyrgyzstan releases more water
than it needs for its own hydropower demand, and the resultant energy
surplus is distributed to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Outside the growing
season (October 1-April 1), Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan supply Kyrgyzstan
with energy resources in amounts that are approximately equivalent to
the electricity they receive from Kyrgyzstan during the growing season.
The exact amounts of water and energy are defined annually through
negotiations among the governments. Typically, Kyrgyzstan has been
scheduled to release around 6.5 cubic kilometers of water during the
vegetation period and transfer about 2.2 MkWh of electricity to
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
From the viewpoint of policy measures, the 1998 agreement has been
good news. Its design follows the pattern of other international
upstream-downstream water agreements in that it addresses strong
asymmetries of interests through economic exchanges. Moreover, the 1998
agreement for the Naryn/Syr Darya was reached relatively quickly, only
seven years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In other instances
of strong upstream-down stream asymmetries, it has taken the riparian
states several decades to arrive at an international agreement. Such was
the case, for example, regarding chloride in the Rhine River and
salinity levels in the Colorado River. (23)
To evaluate international cooperation with respect to the Naryn/Syr
Darya regime of 1998, one can move beyond simple questions of
"agreement, yes/no" and "how long it took to come to an
agreement.' (7) Compliance is an obvious way to do so. Measuring
compliance indicates to what extent the parties have fulfilled their
obligations under the 1998 agreement. In the Naryn/Syr Darya case, this
requires an assumption. The release schedule, as shown in Table 1, was
set for the year 1998, with schedules for subsequent years to be
negotiated annually. The riparian countries have not adopted and
published any revised schedules since then. However, there has been a
tacit bargain among the riparian states on maintaining the existing
schedules. It may therefore be assumed that the 1998 schedule
constitutes the benchmark for compliance in subsequent years as well.
This assumption affects only the compliance assessment and has no
relevance for the performance assessment.
To assess compliance, we computed ratios of actual water releases
from the Toktogul reservoir (three-month averages) and the targets for
the respective months as defined in the 1998 agreement. Figure 4 shows
the results. As compared against a perfect compliance score of 1,
average actual compliance levels were 1.6 in 1980-1990, 1.1 in
1991-1997, and 0.9 in 1998-2006. Hence the overall picture is one of
high compliance, particularly in spring to autumn, and somewhat lower
compliance (by 25 percent) in winter.
As noted by G. W. Downs, D. M. Rocke, and P, N. Barsoom, even high
levels of compliance in international regulatory regimes do not
necessarily imply good news about international cooperation. (24) The
problem is that states often define treaty commitments so that meeting
them requires little or no effort above and beyond what the states
concerned would do in the absence of the respective international
commitments. Consequently, a low level of compliance could still involve
very substantial international cooperation if the states in question
have engaged in very ambitious commitments. Conversely, high levels of
compliance could involve very shallow-cooperation if commitments merely
register the status quo ante of state behavior. To deal with this
problem, policy performance is determined in the following section using
a measure of optimal performance (OP) and counterfactual performance
(CP) rather than the 1998 treaty targets as benchmarks against which
actual state behavior is compared.
The measurement of performance is approached here in two steps.
First, the simple performance formula (equation 1) is applied to
long-term average runoff data. Second, the more complex performance
metric (equations 4 and 5) is applied.
Whereas actual performance AP(t) is clearly defined in terms of the
water releases in Period 3 (1998-2006), calculation of the
counterfactual performance CP and the optimal performance OP require
more attention. For this purpose, the period of breakdown of the
centralized management system in 1991-1997, when there was no
international agreement, is defined as counterfactual performance--that
is, CP(t). The assumption is that, had the 1998 agreement not been
reached, the riparian countries would have continued to behave as they
had in 1991-1997. Another approach to measuring CP could be to assume
unconstrained maximization by Kyrgyzstan of hydropower production to
cover domestic energy needs and export excess energy to obtain foreign
currency. However, experts on the region suggest that such a scenario
would have been very unlikely.
As to the definition of the optimal performance OP, there are three
options: the natural runoff regime; runoff under Soviet rule; and
estimates from optimization models. The natural runoff, O[P.sub.N](t),
is arguably the most problematic measure of the three, since it is quite
difficult to see why no regulation of river flow should be
Pareto-improving on a properly operated reservoir (in this case the
Toktogul reservoir). However, one can use this measure of OP for
purposes of comparison. The second measure for OP assumes that
centralized management in Soviet times (Period 1, 1980-1990) (25) was
optimal ([OP.sub.S](t)), because upstream and downstream interests were
addressed through an integrated water-energy exchange system. Interviews
with experts on the region confirm that the exchanges of water and
energy under the Soviet management system worked relatively well, in
terms of both providing water for irrigation downstream and facilitating
energy production upstream. The disadvantage of the second measure of OP
is that, from the perspective of the long-term Aral Sea problem and
local economic and environmental interests there, Period 1 was certainly
not optimal. (26) We thus also invoke a third notion of optimality,
[OP.sub.C](t), which emphasizes sustainability of natural resources
management at the basin scale. This level, u(optim), is not observed but
is the result of a simulation-optimization approach that is denoted as
[OP.sub.C](t) (see Appendix). This simulation was undertaken by D.
McKinney, X. M. Cai, and L. S Las-don. (27) It considers risk
minimization in water supply, environmental conservation of soil and
water resources, spatial and temporal equity in water allocation, and
economic efficiency in the development of future water infrastructure.
The full optimization scenario operates under the assumption of
long-term average precipitation in the basin and determines monthly
reservoir releases, infrastructure development, and irrigated crop
patterns and area, with the objective to maximize the resulting sum of
irrigation and ecological benefits and hydropower profits.
We start with a simple estimation of PER based on equation (1). The
results are shown in Figure 5. For all three measures of OP and for
almost all months of the year, performance is very low.
We now move to the more complex approach and use the following
notation to distinguish the scaling of PER * (t). PER *(t, [OP.sub.S])
is calculated with respect to [OP.sub.S](t) and PER *(t [OP.sub.C]) with
respect to [OP.sub.C](t). We restrict the estimation to [OP.sub.S] (t)
and [OP.sub.C] (t), since [OP.sub.N] (t) is a rather problematic measure
for optimum performance.
To compute the performance PER * (t) of the international
management system installed in 1998, we use monthly averaged flow values
for [OP.sub.S] (t) and CP (t) (see Table 2). This is necessary for two
reasons. First, comparing individual hydrological years with differing
resource endowments (i.e., inflow as well as reservoir levels) and
demand (for electricity as well as irrigation water) is problematic.
Doing so would lead to an arbitrary comparison of reservoir outflows
between years that are not necessarily comparable with respect to the
key hydrological variables. Second, the individual periods have
different lengths and so cannot be compared directly.
Table 2 Mean Monthly Flows for Period 1 (1980-1990) and Period 2
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[mu] ([OP.sub.s](t)) 217 236 216 282 500 594 749 578
[mu] ([CP.sub.s](t)) 479 464 429 350 348 450 481 354
Month 9 10 11 12
[mu] ([OP.sub.s](t)) [[m.sup.3]/s] 204 166 180 221
[mu] ([CP.sub.s](t)) [[m.sup.3]/s] 199 234 344 480
Source: Andrey Yakovlev, Uzbek Hydrometeorological Service, Tashkent,
Note: As to [mu]([OP.sub.S](t)), we do not take into account the
initial years of reservoir filling (1974--1979); [mu]([OP.sub.C](t))
is shown in the chapter appendix.
The calculation of PER * (t) based on [OP.sub.S](t) may be
problematic. The underlying assumption is that demand for irrigation
water and hydroelectric power did not change during the period
1980-2006. Yet this assumption could be invalidated by the fact that,
for example, the irrigated area in Uzbekistan grew by more than a
quarter, from 3.5 million hectares in 1980 to 4.4 million hectares in
1998. (28) Demand in Kyrgyzstan for hydroelectric power has grown
substantially as well. (29) This problem could have been addressed by
scaling [mu]([OP.sub.S](t)) according to changes in demand for
irrigation water and hydroelectric power, but such an approach would
entail a high degree of arbitrariness. In particular, the very notion of
optimality may lose sense after such scaling, since it does not take
account of interseasonal shifts of optimal water allocation. In other
words, optimal allocation is not a linear function of the quantity of
water available. Note that such a problem does not apply to PER* (t,
[OP.sub.C]), because the relevant measure of OP reflects recent up- and
downstream demand constraints.
The temporal development of PER* (t, [OP.sub.S]) and PER* (t,
[OP.sub.C]) is shown in Figure 6. With respect to both notions of
optimality, performance of the 1998 regime has been poor. The figure
shows that extremely negative values of PER* (t, [OP.sub.s]) start to
occur from 2002 onward, usually in September. This can be explained by
the fact that in this month, |[mu](CP(t)) - [mu]([OP.sub.S](t))|, i.e.,
the denominator of PER * (t, [OP.sub.S]) is small and the difference
between actual performance and the monthly averaged performance of
Period 1, i.e. |AP(t)-[mu] ([OP.sub.S](t))|, is large.
Table 3 shows the overall results of our performance estimation.
(We provide more details on the technicalities of the calculation in a
previous paper. (30) The calculations in Table 3 confirm the visual
impression from Figure 6 that the performance of the international
management regime for the Naryn/Syr Darya is very low.
Table 3 Average Regime Performance and Variance with Reference to
[OP.sub.S] and [OP.sub.C]
Variance of PER * Average of PER *
[OP.sub.s] -0.24 0.63
[OP.sub.c] -0.71 0.92
Note: The calculations are based on equations (4) and (5) and Table 3.
The theoretical literature stipulates that international
environmental cooperation in upstream-downstream settings is very
difficult. (31) However, the empirical evidence for this claim remains
controversial. Many qualitative case studies and some quantitative
research show that upstream-downstream water cooperation occurs quite
frequently. For example, Brochmann and Gleditsch find no significant
negative effects of upstream-downstream settings on the likelihood of
cooperation. (32) Such empirical findings are indeed surprising, because
they suggest that upstream-downstream asymmetries can be overcome
through compensation payments and issue linkages offered by downstream
countries in exchange for concessions by upstream countries at
reasonably low transaction costs. (33) However, such findings may be
overly optimistic, because they rely on definitions of the dependent
variable (cooperation) that do not really capture the substance or depth
of cooperation. As Downs, Roche, and Barsoon and others have argued,
international cooperation, as measured by the existence of treaties and
compliance with international commitments, may often be more shallow
than it first appears. (34)
In the first part of this article, we presented a measurement
concept that seeks to capture the depth or substance of cooperation.
Assessing substantively the performance of international water
governance efforts is important from an academic and practical
viewpoint. Developing and testing generalizable explanations for success
and failure in international water governance must rely on an accurate
measurement of the dependent variable (i.e., success/failure). Moreover,
helping policymakers understand whether or not a given water governance
system performs well is usually the first step toward improving policies
and institutions.
To demonstrate its empirical relevance, we have applied the
performance metric to the Naryn/Syr Darya basin. We have seen that an
international agreement was concluded in 1998, only seven years after
the collapse of the USSR and thus comparatively very fast. Moreover, we
have noted that compliance with this agreement has been quite
impressive. Yet when the PER metric was applied, the initially positive
picture changed entirely. Performance over time of the governance system
established in 1998 has been very low and highly variable.
The principal policy implication of these findings is that the
governance system in place for the Naryn/Syr Darya is in urgent need of
reform. Conflicts over water allocation among the riparian countries
have in the past few years been muted by high levels of precipitation
upstream. The compliance analysis we have offered, together with Figure
7, show that because of high precipitation and thus high inflows into
the Toktogul reservoir in recent years, excessive water releases from
the reservoir in winter have not come at the cost of lower releases in
spring to autumn. However, as soon as an extended period of low
precipitation sets in, such as in the hydrological year 2008, seasonal
trade-offs will become manifest again and conflict is likely to heat up
very quickly.
Systematic analysis of the reasons for poor performance of the
existing governance system for the Naryn/Syr Darya is beyond the scope
of this article. However, the most apparent reasons relate to economic
crisis and domestic political instability in the riparian countries.
These problems have made it hard to establish credible long-term
commitments. Most notably, as long as Kyrgyzstan does not receive
credible commitments from the down stream countries that greater water
releases from the Toktogul dam in spring to autumn (but not in winter)
will be followed by more energy deliveries by downstream countries in
winter, the incentive for Kyrgyzstan to release larger amounts of water
for energy production in winter and lower amounts in summer will
Engineering solutions to the problem have been proposed and, to a
minor degree, already undertaken. Uzbekistan has built several small
reservoirs on its territory to retain excessive water releases from
Kyrgyzstan in winter for irrigation use in spring to autumn. However,
there are topographical limits to this solution. Another solution would
be to reactivate old plans to build a new reservoir upstream of the
Toktogul reservoir. Releases from this new reservoir could serve to
produce electricity for Kyrgyzstan in winter, and the released water
could be retained further downstream in the Toktogul reservoir for
release in spring to autumn for irrigation in the downstream countries.
Such a solution might work if foreign investors could be attracted to
this project, but this prospect is unlikely for the time being.
However, it is quite obvious that water-energy exchanges among the
three riparian countries would be more cost-efficient than any
unilateral allocation measure. International efforts should thus focus
on establishing long-term hydrological forecasting systems for the
Naryn/Syr Darya basin. A revised water-energy exchange mechanism that
builds on such forecasting should include multiyear targets for the
management of the Toktogul reservoir. To solve the time inconsistency
problem in this upstream-downstream exchange, guarantees by advanced
industrialized countries or international organizations could be
The more general message from this article is that many
international upstream-downstream water governance systems may involve
more shallow or unstable cooperation than is evident at first glance.
Indeed, a closer look at a range of prominent cases--for example, the
Rhine, Danube, and Colorado Rivers--suggests that solving
upstream-downstream problems often takes decades. It usually goes hand
in hand with growing income and intensifying political and economic ties
among riparian countries. In the case of the Rhine, for instance, it
took half a century to set up a system of international funding for
pollution reduction to deal with salinization problems. Indeed, by the
time this exchange was established, the problem had already been largely
solved independently of international cooperation, as the main sources
of salinity--coal and potash mines--were closed for economic reasons.
Similarly, efforts to clean up the Danube and other rivers in Europe and
North America have developed together with growing income, trade
interdependence, and democratization.
A quite common pattern, at least with respect to water quality
issues, seems to be that domestic public demand for stricter
environmental policies grows with income and political and civil
liberties. Stricter domestic standards (and thus lower pollution) tend
to foster international cooperation in this area as well. For instance,
when country A adopts higher water quality standards and commissions
water treatment plants, these measures usually apply to areas near the
national border, too. As a result, country A's water flowing into
neighboring country B is bound to be of higher quality. To the extent
that such domestic processes develop in parallel in two or more riparian
countries, this will facilitate international cooperation on water
quality issues. Further research should study interactions between
policy processes at domestic and international levels in order to
establish whether policy processes and policy outcomes in international
water management are driven primarily by international cooperation or
primarily by domestic processes that converge in more or less
coordinated ways into higher international standards. [c]
Appendix Means and Standard Deviations of Monthly Flows Under Different
Management Systems
Runoff Regime Period 1 Period 2
Month [mu] [sigma] [mu] [sigma] [mu] [sigma]
1 150.0 27.9 188.6 74.7 478.5 101.1
2 151.1 25.5 202.1 67.2 464.2 113.0
3 178.2 28.5 195.5 50.4 428.9 122.1
4 314.7 94.3 271.9 94.2 350.2 115.6
5 661.4 200.8 457.8 186.4 348.0 120.2
6 969.3 342.2 550.9 196.3 450.1 152.6
7 797.6 264.1 654.8 205.5 481.0 174.5
8 516.9 137.0 521.7 153.9 354.1 79.5
9 287.1 71.7 184.1 99.8 198.5 89.2
10 230.4 48.8 142.6 73.0 234.5 67.7
11 217.0 45.7 144.3 92.1 343.5 51.9
12 174.1 30.1 188.5 79.2 479.7 82.3
Overall 388 307 311 215 384 139
Period 3 Optim.
Month [mu] [sigma] [mu]
1 590.0 55.3 357.7
2 561.8 78.6 426.2
3 465.8 52.9 323.4
4 367.0 79.6 426.2
5 286.8 52.0 452.8
6 270.6 73.8 468.0
7 324.3 78.2 494.7
8 316.6 40.3 490.9
9 228.1 93.0 441.4
10 313.7 86.8 300.6
11 439.4 84.9 304.4
12 590.6 53.0 418.6
Overall 396 141 409
Sources: The last column shows data from X. M. Cai et al., "Integrated
Hydrologic-Agronomic-Economic Model for River Basin Management,"
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 129 (2003): 4-17.
Data in other columns derived from Andrey Yakovlev, Uzbek
Hydrometeorological Service, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Notes: The bottom row displays overall means and standard deviations for
the duration of the management periods. Units are [m.sup.3]/s for [mu]
Thomas Bernauer is professor of political science at ETH Zurich. He
and his research group are based at the Center for Comparative and
International Studies (CIS) and the Institute for Environmental
Decisions (JED). His research concentrates on the interaction of
politics and markets, particularly in the environmental realm, and the
conditions under which effective international environmental cooperation
is possible (see Tobias Siegfried is adjunct
assistant professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at
Columbia University and a fellow at the Earth Institute. He investigates
problems of freshwater depletion and degradation in the context of
demographic and economic development. His work focuses on regions where
sustainable resources management is difficult due to inadequate
institutions and political conflict.
The authors are grateful to Andrey Yakovlev, Uzbek
Hydrometeorological Service, and the Global Runoff Data Center, Federal
Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Koblenz, Germany, for providing the
hydrological data. Thanks also go to Christoph Schar, Jean Fried, Detlef
Sprinz, Gabi Ruoff, Vally Koubi, Oran Young, Gary Goertz, Aaron Wolf,
Thomas Hinkebein, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Peter Bauer-Got-twein, Bianca
Sarbu, and the reviewers of Global Governance for valuable comments on
earlier versions of this article.
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(11.) Brochmann and Gleditsch, Conflict, Cooperation, and Good
Governance in International River Basins.
(12.) Tir and Ackerman, To Share or Not to Share.
(13.) Bernauer, "Protecting the Rhine River Against Chloride
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