The Political Geography of World Financial Reform: Who Wants What and Why?
Armijo, Leslie Elliott
Since the devastating East Asian financial crisis of 1997-1999, we
have seen many headlines and the formation of numerous blue ribbon and
multinational commissions asserting the need to "reform" the
world's "financial architecture," the latter phrase
having replaced the more mundane "monetary and exchange rate
arrangements." The purpose of this article is to demystify some of
the major reform proposals and to understand which countries and
interests back them. I suggest that the reforms proposed by a loose
coalition of "financial stabilizers" make the most sense on
economic efficiency grounds, but that the bargaining structure of the
issue arena is such that the reforms most likely to be implemented are
those of the "transparency advocates."
The current debate results from a series of high-profile financial
crises in the 1990s. In 1992-1993, troubles in Western Europe's
exchange rate mechanism (ERM) cost the German government at least $1
billion and the Swedish government as much as $26 billion and brought
fame and wealth to financier George Soros, who correctly bet against the
British pound sterling. In 1994-1995 the Mexican peso crisis and
subsequent "tequila effect" devastated emerging markets
throughout Latin America and other countries as far flung as Canada and
the Philippines. And in 1997-1999, the East Asian financial crisis
brought down Indonesia's Suharto after thirty years in power and
rocked the economies of several of the much-admired Asian tigers. Less
noticed outside financial circles was the eleventh-hour weekend rescue
of Long Term Capital Management, a little known U.S. hedge fund, in fall
1998, just after the Russian financial crisis and just prior to the
Brazilian one. The rescue relied on "voluntary contributions"
of funds fr om major private U.S. banks but was urgently coordinated by
Gerald Corrigan, president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. These
events spawned a flurry of commissions and studies.
What Is Financial Architecture?
Not unexpectedly, the definition of the beast is elastic. To
multinational bankers and institutional investors, reform of the
financial architecture means consensual global implementation of
best-practice standards of accounting and reporting of national and
corporate financial information in developing countries. To many members
of the U.S. Congress, it means that the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and World Bank should slim down and stop wasting taxpayers'
money. To Japan and many Western European governments, it means that the
U.S. government should cease acting like a one-man band in responding to
global financial crises. To finance ministers in very poor countries, as
well as to many middle-class activists in the advanced industrial
democracies, global financial reform means debt forgiveness for the set
of highly indebted poor countries (HIPCs). And to incumbent policymakers
in the so-called emerging market countries (EMCs) that have received the
bulk of the expanded private capital flows of the 1990s and early
twenty-first century, reform of the world's financial architecture
usually implies creation of a global lender of last resort (LLR)--a
lender with deeper pockets than the present IME, able to assist
fundamentally sound economies threatened with external financial
contagion. These are very different conceptions of the basic issue
For purposes of this essay, the global financial architecture is an
"international regime," designating a set of "principles,
norms, rules, and procedures" in an international issue arena. (1)
The international financial architecture consists of a loose set of
multilateral agreements and understandings, both written and implicit,
among a core group of powerful capitalist states, about the rules and
norms that govern, and/or should govern, cross-border money and credit
transactions of all kinds. The international financial regime includes
but is not limited to norms and institutions governing exchange rate
practices, regulation of all private cross-border financial flows, and
management of the international financial institutions (IFIs), including
the World Bank, IMF, and the regional development banks.
Over the past century and a half, the world has had four major
financial architectures. (2) The classical gold standard (approximately
1870 to World War I) was based, at least in principle, on national
monies convertible at a fixed rate into gold, unregulated private
capital movements, and national macroeconomic management committed to
maintaining the external value of the currency. This was done even at
the expense of provoking domestic recession (or inflation). Interwar
attempts to reestablish the gold standard aspired to these same rules,
though in practice countries experimented with floating exchange rates,
capital controls, and national macroeconomic policymaking to suit
domestic needs. The Bretton Woods financial and monetary regime (1944
through the early 1970s) resulted from an explicit acknowledgment of the
primacy of domestic macroeconomic management over exchange rate
targeting in the major Western capitalist democracies. Its major pillars
included fixed (though "adjustable") exchange rates, use o f
the gold-backed U.S. dollar as the major reserve currency, and a
commitment in principle to free currency convertibility for trade (but
not capital account) transactions, combined with extended leniency
toward noncompliant countries in practice. (3) In addition, the Bretton
Woods regime created two new multilateral institutions: the IMF to help
manage national liquidity and currency crises, and the World Bank to
promote long-term capital and investment transfers for reconstruction
and development.
In 1971, the United States unilaterally repudiated the fixed
exchange rate regime as well as the dollar's link with gold;
subsequent multilateral repair efforts were unsuccessful. The
post-Bretton Woods regime (mid-1970s to the present) has been
distinguished by floating exchange rates for the major powers and
progressively fewer controls on international private capital movements.
This was accompanied by limited moves toward multilateral reregulation,
such as the 1987 Basel agreement on bank capital adequacy ratios and the
OECD decision in 2000 to impose new penalties on countries it branded as
tax havens. (4) Like the Bretton Woods regime, its successor has had
partially institutionalized system management, with regular
consultations among the major economic powers through the Group of Seven
major industrial countries (G-7) and expert implementation by the IMF.
It is the post-Bretton Woods monetary regime that is the subject of
debate today.
Reforming the Global Financial Architecture: Where You Stand
Depends on Where You Sit
We might divide those who wish to reform the international
financial architecture into four broad groups: laissez-faire
liberalizers, transparency advocates, financial stabilizers, and
antiglobalizers. They are arrayed on a rough right-to-left political
continuum, although, interestingly, the laissez-faire liberalizers share
several specific policy preferences with the antiglobalizers. Table 1
summarizes my judgments.
The laissez-faire liberalizers are primarily conservative
intellectuals, especially but not exclusively based in the United
States, and members of the private multinational financial community.
Prominent theorists of radically free capital markets at the
international level include Nobel laureate Milton Friedman; former
secretary of state and secretary of the treasury George Shultz; and free
market economist Allan Meltzer, head of the expert committee appointed
by the Republican-dominated U.S. Congress to inquire into the Asian
financial crisis. (5) The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank and
sometime advocacy group, promotes rapid and thorough financial
liberalization on its website and in its publications. (6) With the
capture of the White House in 2000 by Republican George W. Bush,
conservative think tanks such as the Hoover Institution and the American
Enterprise Institute have become even more prominent in U.S. public
policy circles. Their intellectual soulmates are also influential in
Germany, Chil e, and elsewhere. Most international bankers and
financiers are also laissez-faire liberalizers. Their views can be
gauged via the publications and lobbying efforts of the Institute for
International Finance (IIF), the premiere research institute and
advocacy group for multinational banks and financial institutions. (7)
The economic analysis of the laissez-faire liberalizers is that
free global capital markets maximize efficiency. Markets are understood
as free-standing and autonomous in their workings, needing very little
other than reputation and good information flows to restrain criminal or
unethical behavior. (8) A central tenet of this view is that regulation,
including most prudential regulation that limits possibly risky behavior
in advance, does more harm than good. Many laissez-faire liberalizers
are particularly hostile to the notion that well-functioning financial
markets require a lender of last resort in order to protect financial
institutions facing temporary liquidity problems from becoming
insolvent. Bank runs, capital flight, and speculative attacks on a
country's currency are an unfortunate consequence of the high
levels of risk inherent in financial markets. The only way to reduce
risk, maximal liberalizers would argue, is to eliminate the problem of
"moral hazard." Once a lender of last resort exists, ev en if
there is no explicit commitment but merely a perception that debtors
(including banks) in trouble will be rescued, all players, both
creditors and debtors, then face a deeply deleterious incentive to
engage in more risky (but more profitable) behavior than they otherwise
might. No player would then expect to bear the full cost if the risk
goes bad. In the aggregate, the safest financial market is one without a
safety net, because only then will reckless behavior effectively be
deterred. A few deaths may be necessary to prove the point, but
casualties will be fewer in the long run.
Laissez-faire liberalizers are not in complete agreement among
themselves over the ideal exchange rate mechanism for the world economy.
Some, like the editorial page staff of the Wall Street Journal,
periodically yearn for a revived gold or gold exchange standard as a
mechanism for imposing impersonal discipline on spendthrift politicians
who otherwise might be tempted to use trade and capital controls to
equilibrate their balance of payments. Other laissez-faire advocates
prefer floating exchange rates, even seeing the possibility of
overshooting and volatility as salutary curbs on domestic policy
profligacy. All wholehearted liberalizers would abolish virtually all
capital controls. In the interests of international financial stability,
they would act boldly to eliminate moral hazard. Most also would close
the World Bank and/or the International Monetary Fund, viewing official
development assistance, coordination of country debt bailouts, and even
limited and short-term balance-of-payments support to govern ments as
illegitimate and counterproductive. (9) On this last point, however, the
conservative intellectuals part company with the international bankers
and fund managers. Private investors are understandably ambivalent about
disestablishing the IMF, whose rescue and structural adjustment packages
have enabled many of them to continue to receive payments from countries
that otherwise would have been in default.
The transparency advocates dominate most of the study commissions
and International forums that have an opportunity for actually
influencing outcomes. This is partly because their recommendations
involve the least change from the status quo and so are easiest to agree
on. All of the consensus documents issued by members of the advanced
industrial country club, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), or by official study groups created by these
countries--including the G-22 of 1998, the Financial Stability Forum
(FSF) of early 1999, and the G-20 of a few months later--reflect these
views. (10) Among the G-7, only Japan and sometimes Canada have
expressed reservations about this analysis at the official level. (11) I
also would include in this category, though they generally are both
braver and more critical than the official consensus documents, the
recommendations of most mainstream policy analysts and academics in the
United States, including those produced by the study group sponso red by
the Council on Foreign Relations. (12)
The essence of the transparency group's economic analysis is
that it is the inadequate domestic institutions and inappropriate
national policies of countries hit by currency and banking crises that
have made them vulnerable to crisis. Adherents blamed the 1994-1995
Mexican peso crisis and subsequent "tequila effect" on
classically poor macroeconomic fundamentals: an overvalued exchange
rate, unsustainable trade and budget deficits, and the national
government's unwise buildup of foreign currency--denominated debt.
When East Asia suddenly was hit in 1997-1998, the updated version of the
country-focused analysis shifted away from its previous emphasis on the
traditional signs of a standard balance-of-payments crisis, which were
notably absent in Thailand, Korea, and even Indonesia. The analysis
shifted to recently discovered "structural" flaws: poorly
capitalized banks with huge portfolios of questionable loans to
politically well-connected businesses, opaque financial reporting of
total national foreign liabil ities (which thus forced private foreign
capital to bolt when the truth was suddenly unveiled), and, once again,
overvalued but fixed or semifixed exchange rates. (13) The problem, that
is, is not contagion, an attribute of a flawed international financial
system, but rather crony capitalism, whose roots and solutions lie
within emerging market countries. (In fact, some transparency advocates
acknowledge problems at the systemic level but take the
"pragmatic" position that no serious reforms at this level can
succeed. In either case, the bulk of the adjusting falls to borrowing
This group's recommendations are to improve regulation
(generally by tightening international lending requirements) and
transparency (by more accurate, open, and timely financial reporting by
developing country governments and firms). It is sometimes suggested
that advanced industrial country financial institutions (and not only
hedge funds!) ought to open their books as well, though companies
invariably cry foul, claiming that this is proprietary information that
would undercut their competitiveness. For crisis management, the G-22
reports proposed limited IMF lending into arrears (that is, help for
countries in formal default) and urged that national regulators in
advanced industrial countries encourage the use of loan and bond
agreements that would establish ex ante creditors' committees and
majority voting rules, to be employed in the event of a threatened
borrower default. However, suggestions for enforcement mechanisms for
the above proposals were conspicuous by their absence. Probably the
largest subst antive concession that some transparency advocates have
made since the Asian financial crisis is to accept the merits of a
transitional tax on short-term capital inflows, such as that employed by
Chile in the 1990s, for countries with underdeveloped financial markets.
(14) Moreover, the IMF has admitted that it could have managed the East
Asian crisis better. (15) And the G-7 governments have agreed in
principle to substantial debt relief for the group of highly indebted
poor countries, though--and this is important--without any admission
that excessive indebtedness is in any way a problem of the system rather
than merely of the debtors. (16)
The third broad group of participants in the global financial
architecture debate are those whom I call financial stabilizers. Their
distinguishing characteristic is their analytical focus on the global
financial architecture (rather than national regulatory frameworks) as
the principal source of, and thus solution for, today's devastating
financial crises. In the 1990s, several highly respected, traditional
free market economists endorsed a notion that directly contradicts the
core intellectual premise of all laissez-faire liberalizers and most
transparency advocates. Notable free traders such as Jagdish Bhagwati
concluded that international capital markets are fundamentally
dissimilar to global markets for goods and services: they are not
self-equilibrating and therefore need careful oversight and regulation.
(17) Washington, D.C., think tank director C. Fred Bergsten strongly
suggested that the advanced countries take a more active role in
managing their own exchange rate fluctuations, arguing that floatin g
exchange rates, while perhaps inevitable, were not self-equilibrating.
(18) Other prominent financial stabilizers in the industrialized
countries include Nobel laureate James Tobin, proposer of the famous
Tobin tax on short-term international capital flows; former World Bank
chief economist Joseph Stiglitz, who publicly criticized the IMF in 1998
for its handling of the Asian financial crisis; and recently even
financier George Soros. (19) The majority of national governments
outside the OECD lean toward the financial stabilizers' positions,
and indeed only the U.S. and U.K. governments can be counted on to
reliably dismiss the stabilizers' arguments. (20) The European
Economic and Monetary Union, of course, can be understood as an
ambitious policy response to the concerns raised by the systemic problem
of exchange rate fluctuations. (21) But the strongest support for
architectural reforms that embody the stabilizers' analyses comes,
not unexpectedly, from the emerging market countries and from Japan,
whose policymakers have been the closest to the suffering generated by
the recent East Asian crisis. Some of the analytically strongest
arguments have come from institutions located in or involved with Latin
America, whose peso and tequila crisis preceded the crises in East Asia
and Russia. These include the United Nation's Economic Commission
on Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Division on
Transnational Corporations and Investment of the UN Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), and, most recently but most prominently, the
Inter-American Development Bank. (22) Since the Asian crisis, even the
World Bank has placed itself somewhat cautiously in the camp of
financial stabilizers---unlike the IMF, which is busy trying to exercise
leadership among the transparency advocates.
The financial stabilizers thus include a number of prominent
defectors from the transparency advocates. They are generally
individuals who have concluded that a simple shift to greater openness,
combined with technical assistance to developing countries around such
issues as modernizing their securities markets law and corporate
governance statutes, is an insufficient response to the heightened risk
of an international financial meltdown in a world of globalized capital
markets. Instead, preemptive capital controls are needed, especially on
inward flows. (23) Members of this group believe that global finance
requires global regulation, perhaps including elements of a genuinely
supranational authority. (24) Moreover, financial stabilizers are much
more sensitive to the international distribution of power, both military
and economic, than are members of the first two groups, and many make
the unequal distribution of costs among the victims of financial crashes
or associated economic slowdowns central to their a nalysis. (25)
Like the designers of the Bretton Woods monetary regime (and, I
note, also the antiglobalizers), financial stabilizers are unwilling to
force national policymakers to subordinate the maintenance of domestic
macroeconomic health to the goal of external balance, especially when
the causes of external imbalance are largely exogenous. Most financial
stabilizers would like an actively and collaboratively managed float
among the great powers. Some advocate regional currency blocs. (26) The
spread of regional currency blocs would lead most of Latin America to
dollarize and much of the Middle East and some of Africa to adopt the
euro, although there is no such straightforward choice for Asia. (27)
Many or most financial stabilizers think the global financial
architecture should intentionally promote medium- and long-term private
investment in developing countries as a positive good, for which there
is both an efficiency and a fairness rationale. Consequently, many would
prefer more cooperative, and even explicitly representative, management
of global money supply growth, as well as more transparent rules for
allocating credits from the international financial institutions such as
the IMF or World Bank. (28) At the same time, most would prefer to limit
very short-term capital flows, arguing that they typically do not
reflect underlying economic fundamentals such as a country's trade
position or the quality of its investment opportunities. Knowing that
countries pay a price for unilaterally imposing capital controls or any
other significant new financial regulation, stabilizers would prefer
joint regulatory action, presumably with the great powers taking the
lead. (29) Similarly, analysts and advocates i n this group would like
to see the lender of last resort function and other crisis prevention
and management measures be collective and more representative.
Innovations that have been suggested include a global bankruptcy court,
making the IMF into a formal lender of last resort and a global credit
rating agency. (30) Devesh Kapur recently observed that a good place to
start in making the international financial institutions, along with
other international organizations, more representative and responsible
would be to formalize the present clientelistic and ad hoc selection
process for their leaders! (31)
The final group, the antiglobalizers, includes intellectuals,
politicians, and members of social strata discomfited by globalization,
particularly organized labor (in the United States) and farmers (in
Western Europe). Unlike the other three influential currents of opinion
on reform of the international financial architecture, all of which are
overwhelmingly elitist coalitions of technocrats, intellectuals,
business leaders, and responsive politicians, the antiglobalization
alliance has significant popular support in national legislatures, in
church and religious groups, and among community organizers. Most of the
political clout of the position comes from activists residing in
advanced industrial countries, though left antiglobalizers in the
advanced industrial countries have forged important links with groups,
often minorities or the relatively disadvantaged, in developing
countries. For example, through the alliances of nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) opposed to the North American Free Trade Associati
on (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Jubilee 2000
movement for international debt forgiveness for very poor countries, and
the International Forum on Globalization, some of their affiliates
include the Friends of the Earth, the Third World Network, the Institute
for Policy Studies, and Public Citizen. (32) Leaders of the left
antiglobalizers in the United States include Ralph Nader, the Green
Party candidate for president in 2000; the American Federation of Labor
and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the United
States' most influential labor confederation; and the Reverend
Jesse Jackson, African-American activist and sometime presidential
Right antiglobalizers tend toward nativism and chauvinism, either
of which render international links, even in the Internet age, more
difficult. But they have wide popular appeal in countries experiencing
strains from trade and financial opening--from Australia, to Central and
Eastern Europe, to India and Indonesia. They frequently elect
politicians and control sizable blocs in national legislatures. In the
United States, for example, 1992 Reform Party presidential candidate
Ross Perot, Christian conservative and sometime presidential candidate
Pat Buchanan, and numerous members of Congress--from former House
majority leader Dick Armey to chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee Jesse Helms--have all opposed inward and/or outward foreign
investment, U.S. contributions to the international financial
institutions and the early 1995 financial rescue package for Mexico, and
other core elements of contemporary financial internationalism.
The economic arguments of the antiglobalizers often are fuzzy, as
befits the group's status as genuine popular movements, as
contrasted to the other three analytical positions in the financial
architecture debate, whose advocates are almost entirely policy
influential elites (politicians, lobbyists and business leaders, or
pundits). Left antiglobalists oppose "capitalism" or
multinational corporations, while those on the right share a deep, often
religiously based, suspicion of "one world-ism" with the
libertarian intellectuals among the laissez-faire liberalizers. All
antiglobalizers are suspicious of free trade, multinational
corporations, and international financial flows, though the latter
probably are least likely to come to mind. To this group, the East Asian
financial crisis was but further demonstration of the corrupting power
of global capital--never mind exactly how. Antiglobalizers fear
international organizations, which they perceive as distant, secretive,
and profoundly undemocratic. (33) On matt ers of specific policy, the
right antiglobalizers, and sometimes also left antiglobalizers, often
are willing to unite with the radical free marketeers. Their common
cause is to bash the established organizations of the post-Bretton Woods
international financial architecture--the IMF and World Bank--and to
oppose their governments' involvement in international financial
rescue packages.
Why We Should Believe the Financial Stabilizers
This is not the venue for a detailed discussion of the economic
issues of reform of the global financial architecture, for which the
reader is referred to the differing but excellent surveys by Barry
Eichengreen and Robert Blecker. (34) However, there are at least two
compelling reasons to believe the claims of the financial stabilizers.
The first argument makes an analogy with national financial
regulation. It is almost universally accepted, even among some
laissezfaire liberalizers, that domestic financial markets perform
significantly better when regulated. Prudential regulations, for
example, require that banks hold cash and liquid assets equivalent to a
certain percentage of their deposits. Banks in the United States are
required to pass periodic detailed inspections if they wish their
depositors to be federally insured against losses. Most national
regulators prohibit a wide range of transactions that they fear might
lead to criminal activity (such as accounts held anonymously) or
endanger the health of the nonfinancial economy (such as allowing
pension funds to invest heavily in high-risk corporate bonds). A simple,
even simplistic, analogy illustrates the qualitative difference of the
financial sector from the remainder of the economy. If a steel firm, or
a grocery store chain, or a toy manufacturer faces falling profits and
even the threat of bankruptcy, its competitors typically rejoice at the
prospect of new business. On the other hand, if a bank fails, its fellow
banks almost always will experience troubles, due to interconnected
deposits and/or panicked depositors. Even healthy banks can be brought
low by domestic financial contagion. By what logic are international
financial markets different? If the twenty-first-century financial
markets are truly global, or are becoming so, then it follows that
effective prudential regulation ought to be global and international as
well. Of the four significant viewpoints profiled above, only the
financial stabilizers have fully internalized this basic fact.
A second reason to believe the financial stabilizers'
arguments is that only their analysis incorporates the goal of
maximizing world allocative efficiency. Global efficiency and growth is
enhanced when capital can flow to projects with the highest potential
rate of return, many of which are in poor, labor-rich countries. Were
other dimensions--such as legal and physical infrastructure and the
quality of available human capital resources--equal, then capital always
would flow from labor-poor to labor-rich venues. Obviously, the ceteris
paribus assumption is invalid, which is why the majority of foreign
direct investment still flows within the set of advanced capitalist
democracies. Yet not all of the inequality in national levels of
investment-supporting conditions results from policy choices within
emerging market countries.
Mainstream transparency advocates propose new rules that would
result in rich country financial institutions taking fewer risks (that
is, making fewer investments in and loans to emerging market countries).
This would be done for the sake of protecting wealthy-country taxpayers
from having to bail out their financial institutions should the
borrowing countries run into trouble. (35) This would be fine if
prudential regulations to protect taxpayers, workers, and businesses in
developing countries from utterly unanticipated financial crises of
external origin--such as multilateral controls on very short-term
capital flows--also were being discussed in mainstream global forums.
However, since only prudential regulations of interest to the advanced
industrial countries are on the negotiating table, the result is to
throw up further new barriers to the worldwide equalization of
capital-labor ratios--surely a blow for overall global efficiency.
Moreover, only the financial stabilizers consistently highlight the
need for a well-funded international lender of last resort. Many
transparency advocates would like to see such an institution but simply
find it impractical. Barry Eichengreen, for example, writes that
"capital markets are characterized by information asymmetries that
can give rise to overshooting, sharp corrections, and, in the extreme,
financial crises." He continues, "This instability provides a
compelling argument for erecting a financial safety net [i.e., a lender
of last resort] despite the moral hazard that may result." (36) He
follows with a compelling logical argument for an international
bankruptcy court, but concludes that the only politically feasible
measures are to make financial intermediaries themselves bear more of
the costs of loans gone sour and for the IMF to be "a more active
proponent of capital-inflow taxes and flexible exchange rates."
(37) In the absence of a strong push for a global lender of last resort
and/or a glo bal bankruptcy court, the losses to overall global economic
efficiency from emerging market crises of liquidity quickly becoming
crises of solvency (resulting in unnecessarily destroyed domestic
economies) are likely to mount. (38)
The Political Economy of Global Financial Reform
Sadly, the contemporary political economy of global financial
reform works against the concerns of the financial stabilizers ever
being openly debated in the arenas where it counts. The losses to
emerging market economies from the recent East Asian crisis were
enormous--for example, in 1998, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, and Thailand
each saw its GDP shrink between 5.7 and 13.7 percent, and in these
four countries plus the Philippines, an additional 10 million people
dropped below the poverty line in 1996-1998! (39) Yet the reforms most
likely to be implemented are the modest recommendations of the
transparency advocates. It is no coincidence that these likely changes
respond much more directly to the concerns of taxpayers in advanced
industrial countries than those of citizens of emerging market
countries. Two characteristics of the issue arena support this outcome.
First, global governance in the arena of international monetary and
financial relations is significantly less representative than in other
arenas of international intercourse, including the trade arena. Many of
the problems the advanced industrial countries are having with the World
Trade Organization, for example, result from the fact that the WTO
operates on the one nation-one vote principle--unlike the UN Security
Council, the IMF, the World Bank, or almost any other international
organization with a significant, independent budget and a broad mandate.
Thus, the developing countries, if they remain united, can challenge the
status quo. (40) By contrast, the serious multilateral discussions over
financial architecture all have taken place in committees set up and
dominated by one or more members of the G-7. In early 1998, the Clinton
administration organized the G-22, a group with significant
representation from emerging markets but whose recommendations clearly
reflected the preferences of the United State s--which had earlier and
quite decisively undercut the efforts of the Japanese to have a say in
global rescue efforts. (41) European discontent at U.S. dominance led to
the early 1999 creation of the Financial Stability Forum, with no
developing country representation initially and very token
representation (Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia) thereafter, which
replaced the G-22 for all intents and purposes. (42) Emerging market
countries, naturally outraged at being so baldly excluded, were slightly
mollified when many of their numbers were included in the G-20, formed
as a consultative adjunct to the FSF, and ostensible counterpart to the
G-7 (whose members also sit in the G-20), later in the year. Although
some analysts have seen the formation of the G-20 as a significant
advance in representativeness in global monetary and financial
policymaking. (43) I remain skeptical. The brief of the G-20 is
undefined, as is the frequency of its meetings. More important,
membership is controlled by the G-7, whose lea ders made it clear that
they were intentionally snubbing both Malaysia (for its ruler's
treatment of his former economic adviser, Anwar Ibrahim--or was it for
Mahathir's unrepentant use of capital controls?) and Indonesia
(later invited to join after its democratic election). Can the G-7 also
remove countries that currently sit in the G-20? In any case, the rich
countries hold significant control over the G-20's agenda. Thus,
for example, new multilateral regulations on private cross-border
capital flows that primarily shield the economies of advanced industrial
countries are termed "prudential regulation," while those that
might be of most use to emerging markets are branded "capital
There is a second reason that reforms of the international
financial architecture probably will be modest to illusory. The United
States continues to dominate both global finance and discussions about
international financial architecture. The U.S. dollar continues to
provide two-thirds of global foreign exchange reserves (66.2 percent in
1999). (44) Moreover, in all of the international financial crises of
the 1980s and 1990s except those within the European Exchange Rate
Mechanism, the U.S. treasury secretary has, like it or not, been the
essential actor. (45) Any national incumbent plays two simultaneous
games in her or his international negotiations, one at home and one
abroad. Given U.S. global dominance of the financial regime, the game
within the United States shapes the outcomes in global financial reform.
As of the very early twenty-first century, the battle within the United
States is being waged between laissez-faire liberalizers and
transparency advocates, the latter group currently dominant but cl early
on the defensive. On several specific policy issues, notably support for
the international financial institutions and for U.S. leadership in
staunching financial hemorrhages abroad, the antiglobalizers and the
laissez-faire liberalizers share common policy preferences, if not
really a common analysis, thus forcing the transparency advocates to
take ever more cautious positions. Within the United States, at least
for the moment, the financial stabilizers have been decisively
marginalized. (46)
The political geography of global financial reform thus reduces to
the hegemony of the United States, which perhaps will not last but is
not to be gainsaid at the present. Global economic efficiency--and thus
world economic growth--would be enhanced by such bold reforms as
creating and funding a true international lender of last resort or a
world bankruptcy court. However, the current likely reforms represent
only limited tinkering and have the primary goal of protecting
industrial country taxpayers by reducing moral hazard. These probable
reforms do not really acknowledge the existence of increasingly global
financial markets by providing equally global financial regulation. When
international financial crises occur, they will continue to require very
quick thinking and dramatic ad hoc responses by the sitting leaders of
the advanced industrial countries. We should hope that these leaders
will be up to the task.
Leslie Elliott Armijo writes frequently about democratization and
economic reform in Latin America and India, as well as the international
politics of financial markets. Recent publications include Debating the
Global Financial Architecture (forthcoming) and Financial Globalization
and Democracy in Emerging Markets (1999), both of which she edited. She
is currently Visiting Scholar at Reed College in Oregon.
(1.) The essential classics on international regimes include
Stephen D. Krasner, ed., International Regimes (Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1983); Robert O. Keohane, "International
Institutions: Two Approaches," International Studies Quarterly 32
(1988): 379-396; Andreas Hasenclever, Peter Mayer, and Volker
Rittberger, Theories of International Regimes (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1997); and Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane,
and Stephen D. Krasner, eds., Exploration and Contestation in the Study
of World Politics (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999).
(2.) For more details, see Leslie Elliott Armijo, ed., Debating the
Global Financial Architecture (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, forthcoming).
(3.) Most of Western Europe did not establish free currency
convertibility on current account until 1959, fifteen years after their
governments signed the Bretton Woods agreement!
(4.) On tax havens, see Robert T. Kudrle and Lorraine Eden,
"The New Attack on Tax Havens: Understanding Politics and
Policy," paper presented at the annual meeting of the International
Studies Association, Chicago, 21-24 February 2001.
(5.) For examples of this thinking, see Milton Friedman, Money
Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History (New York: Harcourt, Brace,
Jovanovitch, 1992); George Shultz, William E. Simon, and Walter B.
Wriston, "Who Needs the IMF?" Wall Street Journal, 3 February
1998, p. A22; Karl and Allan H. Meltzer, Money and the Economy: Issues
in Monetary Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993). For
a critique, see C. Fred Bergsten, "Reforming the International
Financial Institutions: Dueling Experts in the United States," in
Armijo, Debating.
(6.) For example, James A. Dorn, "Introduction," Special
Issue on the Global Financial Architecture, Cato Journal 18, no. 3
(winter 1999).
(7.) For example, Institute of International Finance,
"Involving the Private Sector in the Resolution of Financial Crises
in Emerging Markets," report of the Steering Committee on Emerging
Markets Finance (Washington, D.C.: IIF, April 1999).
(8.) Thus, U.S. treasury secretary Paul O'Neill moved rapidly
in early 2001 to distance the United States from the OECD's
initiative on money laundering in tax haven countries, citing the George
W. Bush administration's unwillingness to be associated with the
possibility of higher taxes on international financial flows.
(9.) See Sebastian Edwards, "Abolish the IMF," Financial
Times, 13 November 1998.
(10.) See Group of Twenty-two (G-22), "Report of the Working
Group on Transparency and Accountability," "Report of the
Working Group on Strengthening Financial Systems," and "Report
of the Working Group on Financial Crises," all 1998, and available
at For a summary, see Barry Eichengreen, Toward a New
International Financial Architecture (Washington, D.C.: Institute for
International Economics, 1999), pp. 130-132.
(11.) On Japanese views, see Henry Laurence, "Japan and the
New Financial Order in East Asia: From Competition to Cooperation,"
in Armijo, Debating. For Canada, see Paul Martin, "Speech to the
House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International
Trade," and committee responses, Parliament of Canada, 18 May 2000,
and Martin, "The International Financial Architecture: The Rule of
Law," remarks before the Conference of the Canadian Institute of
Advanced Legal Studies, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 12 July 2001, both as
cited by Tony Porter and Duncan Wood, "Reform Without
Representation: The International and Transnational Dialogue on the
Global Financial Architecture," in Armijo, Debating.
(12.) See Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Safeguarding
Prosperity in a Global Financial System: The Future International
Financial Architecture, report of an independent task force sponsored by
the Council on Foreign Relations (Washington, D.C.: Institute for
International Economics, 1999); and Bergsten, "Reforming."
(13.) Roberto Chang and Andres Velasco show that the East Asian
financial crisis hit countries that displayed few of the traditional
danger signs. See "The 1997-1998 Financial Crisis: Why in Asia? Why
Not in Latin America?" paper presented at the Twenty-first
International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association,
Chicago, 24-26 September 1998.
(14.) For example, Eichengreen, Financial Architecture, pp. 51-55.
(15.) See "IMF to East Asia: Oops!" Business Week, 29 May
(16.) Actual progress on debt forgiveness has been agonizingly
slow. See Adam Lerrick, "The Initiative Is Lacking," Euromoney
(September 2000).
(17.) Jagdish Bhagwati, "The Capital Myth," Foreign
Affairs (May-June 1998).
(18.) C. Fred Bergsten, "How to Target Exchange Rates,"
Financial Times, 20 November 1998.
(19.) See James Tobin, "A Proposal for International Monetary
Reform," Eastern Economic Journal, no. 4 (1978); Joseph Stiglitz,
"Must Financial Crises Be This Frequent and This Painful?"
McKay Lecture, Pittsburgh, 23 September 1998, available at; Joseph Stiglitz, "The Insider: What I Learned at
the World Economic Crisis," National Republic, 17 April 2000; and
George Soros, The Crisis of Global Capitalism (New York: Public Affairs
Press, 1998).
(20.) John Kirton, "G7 and Concert Governance in the Global
Financial Crisis of 1997-1999," paper presented at the annual
meeting of the International Studies Association, Los Angeles, 15-19
March 2000.
(21.) Erik Jones, "The European Monetary Union as a Response
to Globalization," in Armijo, Debating.
(22.) On the evolution of the debate in Latin America, see Jose
Antonio Ocampo, "Reforming the International Financial
Architecture: Consensus and Divergence," Serie temas de coyuntura I
(Santiago, Chile: CEPAL/ECLAC, April 1999); and Eduardo Fernandez-Arias
and Ricardo Hausmann, "The Redesign of the International Financial
Architecture from a Latin American Perspective: Who Pays the Bill?"
in Armijo, Debating. For Asia, see Laurence, "Japan"; and
Ashima Goyal, "Reform Proposals from Developing Asia: Finding a
Win-Win Strategy," in Armijo, Debating.
(23.) See Benjamin J. Cohen, "Capital Controls: Why Do
Governments Hesitate?" in Armijo, Debating; or Eric Helleiner,
"Regulating Capital Flight," Challenge (January-February
2000): 19-34.
(24.) See Robert A. Blecker, Taming Global Finance: A Better
Architecture for Growth and Equity (Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy
Institute, 1999); and David Felix, "The Economic Case Against Free
Capital Mobility," in Armijo, Debating.
(25.) For example, Fernandez-Arias and Hausmann,
"Redesign"; and Goyal, "Reform Proposals."
(26.) For example, Walter Russell Mead and Sherle R. Schwenninger,
"A Financial Architecture for Middle-Class-Oriented Development: A
Report of the Project on Development, Trade, and International
Finance" (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2000); or Ricardo
Hausmann, Michael Gavin, Carmen Pages-Serra, and Ernesto Stein,
"Financial Turmoil and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime,"
Working Paper No. 400 (Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development
Bank, Office of the Chief Economist, 1999).
(27.) See Benjamin J. Cohen, "Life at the Top: International
Currencies in the 21st Century" (mimeo, June 2000); or Laurence,
(28.) For example, Eduardo Mayobre, ed., G-24: The Developing
Countries in the International Financial System (Boulder: Lynne Rienner,
(29.) Ocampo, "Reforming."
(30.) Blecker, Taming, pp. 85-146.
(31.) Devesh Kapur, "Who Gets to Run the World?" Foreign
Policy 121 (November-December 2000): 44-53.
(32.) For example, see International Forum on Globalization (IFG),
"The Global Financial Crisis: Information Packet" (San
Francisco: IFG, 1999). For analysis of this trend, see Leslie Elliott
Armijo, "Skewed Incentives to Liberalize Trade, Production, and
Finance" (Mimeo, 2001); or Stephen J. Kobrin, "'Our
Resistance Is as Global as Your Oppression': Globalization, the
Protest Movement, and the Future of Global Oppression," paper
presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies
Association, Chicago, 2 1-24 February 2001.
(33.) See Kobrin, "Our Resistance"; and Peter J. Sprio,
"The New Sovereigntists," Foreign Affairs 79, no. 6, pp. 9-15.
(34.) Eichengreen, Financial Architecture; and Blecker, Taming.
(35.) Fernandez-Arias and Hausmann, "Redesign."
(36.) Eichengreen, Financial Architecture, p. 3.
(37.) Ibid., p. 7.
(38.) See Goyal, "Reform Proposals," for a game theoretic
presentation of this argument.
(39.) Figures as cited in Jeffrey A. Stacey, "Creative
Destruction? After the Crisis: Neo-Liberal 'Remodeling' in
Emerging Market States," paper presented at the annual meeting of
the International Studies Association, Chicago, 21-24 February 2001.
(40.) See David E. Sanger, "A Grand Trade Bargain,"
Foreign Affairs 80, no. 1 (January-February 2001): 65-75.
(41.) Laurence, "Japan."
(42.) Zanny Minton Beddoes, "Survey on Global Finance: Time
for a Redesign?" The Economist, 30 January 1999.
(43.) For example, Randall D. Germain, "Reforming the
International Financial Architecture: The New Political Agenda,"
paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies
Association, Chicago, 21-24 February 2001; or Porter and Wood,
(44.) International Monetary Fund, Annual Report (Washington, D.C.:
IMF, 2000).
(45.) See Mark Brawley, "Global Financial Architecture and
Hegemonic Leadership in the New Millennium," in Armijo, Debating.
(46.) On the political economy of the international financial
regime, see Armijo, "Skewed Incentives."
Table 1 Views on Global Financial Reform
View Who?
Laissez-faire liberalizers Conservative, especially U.S.,
intellectuals; private finacial
Transparency advocates OECD establishment (except Japan,
Financial stabilizers Dissident OECD intellectuals;
EMC governments and intellectuals
Antiglobalizers Labor, environmentalists, and
populists, mainly in OECD
Identification of
View Problem(s)
Laissez-faire liberalizers Government interference in
markets; moral hazard
Transparency advocates Crony capitalism, opaque government
accounts, inadequate bank
regulation, etc., in EMCs;
reluctant admission that system
may tend to crisis
Financial stabilizers Existing global financial system
is inherently prone or crisis
Antiglobalizers Global capitalism undermines
national soverignty and
View Solution(s)
Laissez-faire liberalizers Rapid, full global financial
liberalization; many would abolish
IMF, World Bank
Transparency advocates Increase transparency; permit EMCs
longer phase into full financial
Financial stabilizers Enhanced system-level initiatives
(LLR, regional currency
arrangements, world bankruptcy
coart, Tobin tax, etc.)
Antiglobalizers Reduce international trade,
investment, and financial links;
many would abolish IMF, World Bank