The Making of Modern Medicine: Turning Points in the Treatment of Disease.
Higgins, James E.
The Making of Modern Medicine: Turning Points in the Treatment of
Disease, by Michael Bliss. Routledge Worlds series. Toronto, University
of Toronto Press, 2011. vii, 104 pp. $21.95 Cdn (cloth).
The Making of Modern Medicine is a collection of three lectures by
renowned historian and author Michael Bliss. Each of the chapters
corresponds, albeit in greater detail, to lectures Bliss offered in 2008
at the University of Western Ontario. The purpose of the lectures, and
thus the book, is to highlight the shift to modernity in medicine, a
period traversing the scientific and social landscape between 1885 and
1922. Interestingly, Bliss pairs the rise of modern medicine with a
decline in what he terms a belief in "the old gods" of
supernatural relief from sickness and death, (p. 3). In this
configuration, the applied practice of medicine replaced, literally,
religion's hold on responses to disease, a point he stressed by
examining the changing nomenclature the public used to describe
physicians during the period.
The lectures are arranged chronologically according to their
content with the result that this admirable little book sweeps the
reader along a narrative of victory against microbes and physical
malfunction. The first essay details a smallpox epidemic in Montreal in
1885. The outbreak, according to Bliss, was met by a fatalism defined by
anti-vaccination crusaders and common belief that smallpox was an
indication of God's displeasure. The competition between modern
medicine and the folk beliefs of the poorest, worst-afflicted members of
Montreal society becomes, in Bliss' skilled hands, a struggle
between the medieval and the modern, a struggle which culminated in a
combination of archaic and scientific responses that provoked the worst
late-nineteenth century outbreak of smallpox in North America.
His middle lecture, a synopsis of the first twenty years of Johns
Hopkins Medical School and Hospital, pays particular attention to
William Osler's role in developing the institution into the finest
medical centre in North America. The last word in medical science,
Hopkins provided a transition between the world of the supernatural and
the realm of science, both literally and in terms of Bliss's
narrative. Bliss, however, does not deviate into the sort of hero
worship that often characterizes discussion of Hopkins' early
years. Indeed, he neatly summarizes the limits of Osler and his
colleagues when he noted that for years, the men of Hopkins could seek
to "diagnose, predict, and relieve pain," but could seldom
effect a cure. Bliss emphasizes, however, that by 1910 Osler's keen
mind and sometimes-unconventional oversight forged the greatest hope for
relief from disease, disorder, and trauma in North America and perhaps
the world.
The final chapter transports the reader from turn-of-the-century
Maryland to early-twentieth century Toronto, and likewise serves to
distance the reader from a focus on the dangers of ancient pathogens and
the struggle between religion/folkways and modern medicine, to focus on
research surrounding type I diabetes. At the centre of the lecture is
the University of Toronto and a cadre of brilliant, often lucky, and
sometimes contentious researchers who sought to come to grips with a
disease whose lethality, at 100 percent, matched that of any pathogen
with the exception of rabies. Bliss illustrate the extraordinary task of
preserving life in the face of an autoimmune disease that demanded not
quarantine from microbial threats beyond the body, but from an enemy--a
malfunctioning pancreas--that lurked within. Bliss, in only twenty
superb pages, manages to link the development of insulin treatment with
a coming-of-age saga of Canadian laboratory and clinical medicine. So
deft is his control of the narrative that one is hardly aware that he
links three themes (laboratory investigation of the disease, emergence
of University of Toronto School of Medicine and Hospital as a
first-class institution, and the achievements of individual Canadian
researchers) with no clumsy asides or transitions and in a manner
accessible to scholar and casual reader, alike.
In his epilogue, Bliss contends with the inescapable fact that the
whole of medical science--the centuries of questioning, experiments,
discoveries, and application of that knowledge to the human body--has
led to a reduction of pain and a lengthening of life, but whether by
prayer, nostrum, or modern therapy, the final outcome is always the
same; the body breaks down and life is extinguished. In the hands of
another author, scientific advances--progress as defined by the modern,
industrialized world--might shrink to mere illusion. But Bliss
recognized the inherent righteousness of reduction in mortality,
especially among children; in increase of life expectancy; in the
alleviation of suffering.
The Making of Modern Medicine suffers from few flaws. Structurally
sound and stylistically accessible to the general reading public, his
lectures offer important vignettes for the academic. Perhaps the
greatest oversight for a published work was the omission of citations in
chapter one with respect to a religious interpretation of smallpox. The
narrative Bliss offers hearkens back to the variolation versus religion
fights of the eighteenth century but, though he provides illustrations
of newspaper ads for quack medicines and therapies, he offers none to
illustrate his point concerning the negative influence of religion
during the fight against smallpox in Montreal. Beyond this small
concern, Bliss has constructed a remarkable narrative of scientific
achievement, religious decline, and inexorable dissipation by disease
and time.
James E. Higgins
DeSales University