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  • 标题:Loan guarantees for consumer credit markets.
  • 作者:Athreya, Kartik B. ; Tam, Xuan S. ; Young, Eric R.
  • 期刊名称:Economic Quarterly
  • 印刷版ISSN:1069-7225
  • 出版年度:2014
  • 期号:September
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
  • 摘要:In this subsection we decompose the net effect of the loan guarantee program. We consider two experiments, presented in Table 6, where we ask how welfare changes if we confront an individual with the pricing emerging from the presence of a loan guarantee, with and without the taxes needed to finance the program. Starting in the top row of Table 6 we display the effect of a move from the benchmark setting to one in which a tax-free loan guarantee is provided. Welfare increases quite substantially, again by least for the skilled and by most for the unskilled. Since their income profile is flat, the NHS households experience the largest gain because they use unsecured debt over most of their life cycle. By contrast, the more-skilled types decrease unsecured borrowing as they age (see Figure 5).
  • 关键词:Consumer credit;Credit market;Credit markets;Government guaranteed loans;Information asymmetry;Loans;Pricing

Loan guarantees for consumer credit markets.

Athreya, Kartik B. ; Tam, Xuan S. ; Young, Eric R. 等

Decomposing the Effect of Taxes on Welfare

In this subsection we decompose the net effect of the loan guarantee program. We consider two experiments, presented in Table 6, where we ask how welfare changes if we confront an individual with the pricing emerging from the presence of a loan guarantee, with and without the taxes needed to finance the program. Starting in the top row of Table 6 we display the effect of a move from the benchmark setting to one in which a tax-free loan guarantee is provided. Welfare increases quite substantially, again by least for the skilled and by most for the unskilled. Since their income profile is flat, the NHS households experience the largest gain because they use unsecured debt over most of their life cycle. By contrast, the more-skilled types decrease unsecured borrowing as they age (see Figure 5).

Turning next to the bottom row of Table 6, we present the welfare implications of a move from a setting with a tax-free loan guarantee to one where, including taxes, the program must now break even. As seen earlier (Table 5), once taxes are imposed only the unskilled benefit from a program this generous, and they lose proportionally more from taxes than do the college types. Why are the costs of a small tax so large in this model? With taxes, permanent income is reduced, leaving households more exposed to the expenditure shock. As a result, they "involuntarily" default more frequently, leading to more deadweight loss and a much larger welfare loss than one would expect from a tax of less than 4 percent. Due to the accumulation pattern of net worth, on average NHS households are more exposed to this risk (again, see Figure 5).


Table 7 decomposes the costs of the program by type. The loan guarantee program transfers resources along two dimensions. First, loan guarantees transfer resources from skilled households to less-skilled; college types pay into the program, via taxes, significantly more than they collect in terms of lower interest rates. Second, loan guarantees transfer resources from individuals who pose little default risk (those with low [lambda]) to those with a high value for [lambda], as the latter pose more default risk, all else equal. This transfer occurs because the high-risk types would pay substantially higher interest rates without intervention and therefore gain a lot from the program.

Asymmetric Information

Returning to the problem noted at the outset of the previous subsection, recall that the cost of limited access to unsecured credit is likely largest for the least wealthy. This is particularly likely to be true in a society that lacks the information storage, sharing, and data analysis available in developed nations to effectively identify credit risk at the time of loan origination (and then update it regularly). As a first step in getting a sense of the quantitative potential of loan guarantees to alter outcomes in such settings, we now study stationary equilibria of our model under asymmetric information.

To remind the reader, in our economy, asymmetric information will mean that the borrower will have characteristics that are not observable to the lender; specifically, we assume neither current stigma, [lambda], nor current net worth, a, can be directly observed. However, any information about these variables that can be inferred from the observable components of the state vector, as well as from the desired borrowing level, b, is available to the lender. (23) We focus on two representative examples: one that represents a relatively modest loan guarantee program and results in welfare gains for all types under symmetric information ([theta] = 0.1 and v = 0.1), and one that is more generous and reduces the welfare of college-educated types ([theta] = 0.5 and v = 0.4). Our key finding is that the presence of asymmetric information will increase the gains available from loan guarantees, no matter how generous.

Allocations and Pricing

We first compare outcomes in the FI and PI economies. Table 8 shows that a move from symmetric to asymmetric information has the following effects. First, default falls for all types, and default skews more strongly toward the high [lambda] type; these individuals are treated relatively better under asymmetric information, since they get terms that reflect the average default risk instead of their own, and therefore end up borrowing amounts that induce relatively high default rates. Second, overall the credit market shrinks, in the sense that we observe fewer borrowers (of each type) and lower discharged debt aggregates.

Figure 6 shows that pricing is significantly worse for the high [lambda] (low bankruptcy cost) borrower and better for the low [lambda] borrower. Under asymmetric information, the two types will be pooled together, so that the default premium at a given debt level reflects the average default risk. The result is that good borrowers face significantly tighter credit limits and higher interest rates, while bad borrowers face the same credit limit but lower interest rates. The shift in pricing accounts for the smaller credit market size.

Third, as noted at the outset, our model features expenditure shocks. These shocks take on a larger role in defaults under asymmetric information (see Table 9). With tighter credit limits, big expenditure shocks that hit when the household is young are hard to smooth, since income is relatively low. The result is that essentially all defaults are done by households who have received an expenditure shock, despite this group being only 7.56 percent of the population. Information has less of an impact on these defaults, since they are defaults on debt that has been acquired involuntarily.

We now turn to the effects of loan guarantees under asymmetric information. Table 8 shows that the change induced by the introduction of the particular program is larger for all credit market aggregates under asymmetric information, with the exception of the debt-to-income ratio for college-educated households (in which case it is of only slightly smaller magnitude). Figure 7 shows the increased access to credit that guarantees provide in these two cases. Note that the increase in the default rate is smaller under asymmetric information for every education group. As a result, the taxes required to finance the program are lower than under symmetric information.



Table 10 displays the welfare effects of two different loan guarantee programs. Relative to the symmetric information case, loan guarantees are uniformly better when information is asymmetric; this result holds for every case we have computed. The larger gain is partly due to the lower tax burden required in the asymmetric information cases and partly due to the severe pricing distortion caused by asymmetric information evident in Figure 6.

To more directly describe the transfers between agents induced by loan guarantees, Table 7 collects the proportion of costs paid by each group. Now the loan guarantee program subsidizes the high [lambda] (low stigma cost) types much more than under symmetric information. This result is exactly what we would expect, given that this type is receiving better credit terms under asymmetric information.

Targeted Loan Guarantees

Our results suggest that loan guarantees have the potential to become primarily a means of transferring resources from the rich to the poor. Moreover, our findings suggest that they may also lower welfare, often of all types of agents, unless their generosity is modest. In our results, default is disproportionately driven by those who have received an expenditure shock. A natural question therefore is whether the benefits of loan guarantees discussed at the outset can be preserved by limiting compensation to lenders only when a borrower has suffered such a shock. Expenditure shocks represent large increases in debts that are rare and involuntarily acquired. As a result, a policy of guaranteeing loans only under these conditions is unlikely to alter loan pricing substantially (since these states are rare) but may substantially aid households who find themselves in those rare states. Moreover, targeted guarantees are unlikely to induce significant additional deadweight loss because the default decision is more frequently heavily influenced by expenditure shocks, which again, are rare.

To investigate this question, we study a case where v = 0.50 and [theta] = 0.50, but where lenders only receive compensation in the event that a bankruptcy coincides with a positive expenditure shock (x > 0). Table 11 shows that all groups gain from the introduction of a loan guarantee program restricted in this manner. As before, the NHS households gain most and the highly skilled gain the least. Nonetheless, the ability of the conditionality of the program to overturn what was initially a very large welfare loss to the skilled into a gain is striking. (24)

To see the effect on aggregates more generally, we turn to Table 12. It is immediately clear that the tax rate needed to sustain the restricted loan guarantee program is very small relative to the unrestricted case, even though the debt discharged in bankruptcy is similar to the unrestricted guarantee case. Nonetheless, the overall level of debt responds to the restricted guarantee far more modestly than the unrestricted case. For example, under restricted guarantees, the mean debt-to-income ratio among high-school educated borrowers is less than half that under unrestricted guarantees (0.2256 versus 0.4707). The central reason for the low tax rate is that the default rate responds by far less than with an unrestricted program, even though borrowing does increase nontrivially, relative to the benchmark case. Under restricted guarantees, the bankruptcy rate roughly doubles, while the unrestricted program implies a nearly ten-fold increase.



We have made a few assumptions in our model that require some additional discussion. First, we have assumed that factor prices are fixed. General equilibrium calculations would imply higher r and lower W would prevail under loan guarantee systems, since they produce more borrowing and less aggregate wealth (as well as increasing the amount of transactions costs that works like a reduction in aggregate supply of goods). Factor price movements of this sort are likely to make the welfare costs larger (gains smaller), since the higher risk-free interest rate would make borrowing more costly and the lower wages would reduce mean consumption. Despite these effects, we choose to abstract from equilibrium pricing because it is well known that income processes representative of the vast majority of households will, in environments such as ours, produce less wealth concentration than observed (see Castaneda, Diaz-Gimenez, and Rios-Rull 2003), meaning that the mean wealth position will be too similar to the median, implying larger factor price changes than would occur if the distribution of wealth were matched. Given the immense computational burden that matching the U.S. Gini coefficient of wealth would impose on our OLG setup, and given that the factor price adjustments should be small, we feel justified in ignoring them. (25)

Second, we have financed the program using proportional labor income taxes. An obvious alternative would be to finance the program using progressive income taxes, where high income (college) types would pay higher marginal tax rates. This approach would increase the gains to the NHS types, who already gain substantially, and reduce (or even eliminate) any gains to college types. We expect a similar result from capital income taxation as well, since it will tend to tax the wealthier college types more heavily. In contrast, a regressive income tax would imply the types who benefit the most, the NHS, would pay a higher marginal tax rate. Regressive tax systems seem unlikely to be implemented on equity grounds, even if they are welfare-improving within a specific model. We could also introduce separate programs for each education group, so that the cross-subsidization that makes the program so attractive to NHS types would be eliminated; we conjecture that this case would result in larger gains for college types and smaller for NHS types.

Third, there is a conceptual issue of the right benchmark allocation. The U.S. corporate income tax rate is 35 percent and banks are permitted to deduct losses due to nonperforming loans from their taxable income. As a result, it may be that the appropriate benchmark is a case where the loan guarantee program is not zero, but rather has a large value of v and [theta] = 0.35. We can of course easily express the welfare gains relative to this benchmark instead; a more detailed investigation of this issue is part of ongoing work.

There are some natural extensions of our model that seem useful to pursue. Given our results regarding the effect of loan guarantees to redistribute toward the unskilled from the skilled, it would be productive to know if the least skilled, for example, would benefit from a loan guarantee program that was required for self-financing via taxes on only the unskilled. Such an extension would be along the lines explored in Gale (1991), who studies targeted loan guarantees designed to facilitate credit access for certain identifiable subpopulations (such as minority borrowers). Targeted programs would be related to the regulations we mentioned earlier that require certain characteristics not be reflected in credit terms; exactly how the dual goals of encouraging access to these groups without allowing their characteristics to alter credit terms would affect welfare is unknown and worth studying. It would also be straightforward to investigate loans targeted to individual borrowers who are deemed constrained by competitive lenders. (26) In our model, since borrowers are at a "cliff" in the pricing function, they would benefit from government loans at their existing interest rate, provided the tax costs are not "too high."

Also, our work is a step in the direction that, in the future, will allow us to analyze the role of guarantees for mortgage lending. However, the central role of aggregate risk in driving home-loan default makes a full quantitative analysis that satisfactorily incorporates the forces we do allow for here--asymmetric information and limited commitment--currently infeasible. But we note that such a model would have the same fundamental structure as that developed here.


A significant share of the U.S. population appears credit constrained. These households usually lack collateral and must therefore rely on the unsecured credit market to help them smooth consumption in the face of life-cycle and shock-related movements in income. However, the unsecured credit market in the United States appears significantly impeded by forces that keep the costs of unsecured debt default low, and thereby make lending risky and, hence, expensive. Perhaps the most widely used route to increase credit flows to target groups is via the use of loan guarantees whereby public funds defray private lenders' losses from default. Aside from their direct effects on credit access and pricing, guarantees are likely to be particularly useful in unsecured credit markets given limitations on the ability of policies to directly influence borrowers' default incentives. In this article, we assess the consequences of extending loan guarantees to unsecured consumer lending to improve allocations.

Our article attempts to quantify the impact of loan guarantees in a model that incorporates both meaningful private information and a limited commitment problem into a rich life-cycle model of consumption and savings. Our quantitative analysis focuses on evaluating the impact of introducing loan guarantees into unsecured consumer credit markets. These markets have large consequences for household welfare because they influence the limits on smoothing faced by some of the least-equipped subgroups in society, particularly the young and the unlucky.

Our calculations suggest first that, under symmetric information, loan guarantees can actually improve the ex ante welfare of all households if they are not too generous (meaning only small loans qualify). This welfare gain is disproportionately experienced by low-skilled households who face flat average income paths and relatively large shocks. Indeed, such households gain from very generous programs, but higher-skilled types rapidly begin to experience welfare losses as loan guarantees are made more generous. These results arise because loan guarantees induce a transfer from skilled to unskilled, and this transfer can be substantial, while the gains to the skilled from seeing loan pricing terms improve as a result of guarantees is relatively small. Second, we find that allocations are quite sensitive to the size of qualifying loans: Even modest limits on qualifying loan size invite very large borrowing--as perhaps intended by proponents--but also spur very large increases in default rates. As a result, loan guarantee programs transfer resources in significant amounts from all households to the lifetime poor. Under asymmetric information, the welfare gains are larger for all households, as the taxes required to finance the programs are smaller. Our work provides an answer for why, despite the potential welfare gains from expanding guarantees to consumer credit that thereby alleviate credit constraints for a marginalized population otherwise lacking collateral, public guarantees on unsecured consumer credit have not yet been implemented. The value of the program depends on how elastically credit demand and supply respond to default risk, which may be hard to estimate, and the programs are quite costly if too generous. (27) As a practical matter, the forces at work in our model may well be part of explaining why student loan default rates hit 25 percent in the early 1990s, at which point the government increased monitoring and enforcement (recall also the similar findings of Lelarge, Sraer, and Thesmar [2010] in the French entrepreneurship context).

The preceding intuition will likely carry over to markets beyond the one for unsecured consumer credit, in particular for two areas that have seen some form of loan guarantee: federal student loans and home loans. It suggests that loans of the size guaranteed by a federal student loan program would have been likely to default at high rates, even under a relatively "partial" nature of the guarantee. Similarly, the FHA/VA and others have historically provided loan guarantees for mortgage loans. The calibrated costs of default measured in our model suggest strongly that larger loans, especially if covered more fully by a loan guarantee program, would lead to even greater debt and default than that predicted for the consumer credit market. Therefore, unless such loans are vetted carefully, one should expect a high take-up rate, a high subsequent failure rate, and nontrivial transfers from better-off households. Nonetheless, despite the risks involved, a main result of the article is that a limited program, specifically one where loan guarantees are made contingent on certain rare but disastrous events, can deliver net gains for all households. Such a policy seems worth exploring further. Of course, a caveat to the conclusion that targeting guarantees to those who have suffered a bad expense shock is that it may require additional resources to battle any moral hazard that might be present, especially when default is allowed upon getting any shock that is not a genuine catastrophe to households. Taken as a whole, our results suggest that loan guarantees can help, but care must be taken if policymakers intervene in credit markets through the use of loan guarantees.

Lastly, because the results reported in this article suggest that loan guarantees for household credit may be a powerful tool for altering steady-state consumption, our work should be of help for future examinations of the extent to which consumer lending and more importantly, consumer willingness to borrow, can be amplified to spur current consumption in business cycle contexts. The model of Gordon (2015) could possibly be adapted to this question.


We now provide a detailed description of the quantitative model used here. As noted at the outset, it is essentially that of Athreya, Tam, and Young (2012b), modified to accommodate changes in loan pricing and taxes necessitated by loan guarantees.


Households in the model economy live for a maximum of J < [infinity] periods and face stochastic labor productivity and mortality risk. Households supply labor inelastically. (28) Households differ along several dimensions over their life cycles according to an index of type, denoted y and defined in what follows. Each household of age j and type y has a conditional probability [[psi].sub.j,y] of surviving to age j + 1. Households retire exogenously at age [j.sup.*] < J. Let [n.sub.j] denote the number of "effective" members in a household. Households value consumption per effective household member [c.sub.j]/n.sub.j]. They have identical additively separable isoelastic felicity functions with parameter [sigma], and possess a common discount factor [beta]. To smooth consumption, all households have access to risk-free savings, and also debt that they may fully default on, subject to some costs. These costs reflect the variety of consequences that bankruptcy imposes on households, and need not be interpreted solely as "stigma," but include any such costs. A portion of these costs are represented by a nonpecuniary cost of filing for bankruptcy, denoted by [[lambda].sub.j,y], which we also permit to depend on household type y. Household preferences are therefore given by


where [d.sub.j] is the indicator function that equals unity when the household chooses to default in the current period (in which case [d.sub.j] = 1).

The existence of nonpecuniary costs of bankruptcy is strongly suggested by the calculations and evidence in Fay, Hurst, and White (1998) and Gross and Souleles (2002). The first article shows that a large measure of households would have "financially benefited" from filing for bankruptcy but did not, while both articles document significant unexplained variability in the probability of default across households after controlling for a large number of observables.

In this specification, a household with a relatively low value of [[lambda].sub.j,y] will obtain low value from any given expenditure on consumption ([c.sub.j]) in a period in which they file for bankruptcy. This is meant to reflect the increased transactions cost associated with obtaining utility via consumption expenditures in the period of a bankruptcy. Examples include increased "shopping time" arising from difficulty in obtaining short-term credit and payments services, locating rental housing and car services, as well as any stigma/psychological consequences. For convenience, we will sometimes refer to [[lambda].sub.j,y] as stigma in what follows; we intend it to be more encompassing. (29) Because of the breadth of costs that [lambda] represents, we will allow it to vary stochastically over time and across individuals as a function of their type y, according to a transition function [p.sub.[lambda]].

At the time of obtaining a loan, a household who expects to have a relatively low value of [lambda] next period will know that filing for bankruptcy will result in a relatively high cost of obtaining any given level of marginal utility in the next period. Given the current marginal utility of consumption, consumption smoothing (i.e., keeping marginal utility in accordance with the standard Euler equation) under bankruptcy will therefore be costlier, all else equal, than for a household with a high value of [lambda]. This is further amplified by the fact that households are not allowed to borrow in the same period as when they file for bankruptcy. For convenience, we will therefore refer to those whose value of [[lambda].sub.j,y] is relatively low as "low-risk" borrowers, and vice versa.

In addition to this nonpecuniary cost, there is an out-of-pocket pecuniary resource cost A that represents all formal legal costs and other procedural costs of bankruptcy. Lastly, households are not allowed to borrow or save in the same period as a bankruptcy filing, to capture provisions guarding against fraud that are routinely applied in court. There are no other costs of bankruptcy in the model.


Our focus on consumer credit makes it critical to allow for both uninsurable idiosyncratic risk. Consumer default, and hence the value of loan guarantees, is by all accounts strongly tied to individual-level uninsurable risk (see, e.g., Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook [1999, 2000] and Chatterjee et al. [2007]). (30) There are two sources of such risk in our model. First, households face shocks to their labor productivity, and because they are modeled as supplying labor inelastically, face shocks to their labor earnings. Second, households are susceptible to shocks to their net worth. The former represent shocks arising in the labor market more generally, and the latter represent sudden required expenditures arising from unplanned events such as sickness, divorce, and legal expenses.

In addition to the use of credit to deal with stochastic fluctuations in income and expenditures, consumer credit also likely serves, as noted earlier, as a tool for longer-term, more purely intertemporal smoothing in response to predictable, low-frequency changes in labor income, such as those coming with increased age and labor market experience. This leads us to specify, in addition to transitory and persistent shocks to income, a deterministic evolution in average labor productivity over the life cycle. This component of earnings will reflect most obviously one's final level of educational attainment, which is represented in the model as part of an agent's type, y.

Specifically, log labor income will be determined as the sum of four terms: the aggregate wage index W, a permanent shock y realized prior to entry into the labor market, a deterministic age term [[omega].sub.j,y], and a persistent shock e that evolves as an AR(1) process. The log of income at age-j for type--y is therefore given by

log W + log [[omega].sub.j,y] + log y + log e + log v,


log (e') = [zeta] log (e) + [epsilon]', (4)

and a purely transitory shock log (u). Both [epsilon] and log (u) are independent mean zero normal random variables with variances that are y-dependent and have distributions [p.sub.e] and [p.sub.v], respectively.

As for the risk of stochastic expenditures, we follow the literature (e.g., Chatterjee et al. 2007 and Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt 2007), and specify a process [x.sub.j] to denote the expense shock to net worth that takes on three possible values {0, [x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]} from a probability distribution Px(*) with i.i.d. probabilities {1 - [p.sub.x1] - [p.sub.x2],[p.sub.x1],[p.sub.x2]}.

We will take agents' permanent type y to reflect differences between households with permanent differences in human capital. Specifically, we will consider agents with three types of human capital: those who did not graduate high school, those who graduated high school, and those who graduated college. (31) This partition of households follows Hubbard, Skinner, and Zeldes (1994). The central reason for allowing this heterogeneity is that the observed differences in mean life-cycle productivity for each of these types of agents gives them different incentives to borrow over the life cycle. In particular, college workers will have higher survival rates and a steeper hump in earnings; the second is critically important as it generates a strong desire to borrow early in the life cycle. They also face smaller shocks than the other two education groups. The life-cycle aspect of our model is key; in the data, while bankruptcies occur late into the life cycle for some (see, e.g., Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt 2007), defaults are still skewed toward young households. (32)

Market Arrangement

As stated earlier, to smooth consumption and save for retirement, households have access to both risk-free savings as well as one-period defaultable debt. The issuance and pricing of debt is modeled as a two-stage game in which households at any age j first announce their desired asset position [b.sub.j], after which a continuum of lenders simultaneously announces a loan price q. As a result, a household issuing [b.sub.j] units of face value receives [qb.sub.j] units of the consumption good today. A household who issues debt with face value [b.sub.j] at age-j is agreeing to pay [b.sub.j] in the event that they fully repay the loan, and pay zero otherwise (i.e., when they file for bankruptcy). The fact that nonrepayment can occur with positive probability in equilibrium means that lenders will not be willing to pay the full face value, even after adjusting for one-period discounting. Therefore, given any gross cost of funds [??], we must have q [less than or equal to] 1/[??].

As we will allow for both symmetric and asymmetric information, we introduce the following notation. Let I denote the information set for a lender and [??] : b x I [right arrow] [0, 1] denote the function that assigns a probability of default to a loan of size [b.sub.j] given information I. Clearly, since default risk assessed by lenders will depend in general on both their information and the size of the loan taken by a household, so will loan prices. Therefore, let loan pricing be given by the function q([b.sub.j], I). Under asymmetric information, we allow lenders to use the information revealed by the size of the loan request and lenders' knowledge of the distribution of household net worth in the economy to update their assessment of all current unobservables. Thus, lenders use their knowledge of both (i) optimal household decision making (i.e., their decision rules as a function of their state), and (ii) the endogenous distribution of households over the state vector. We will describe the determination of this function in detail below.

The household budget constraint during working life, as viewed immediately after the decision to repay or default on debt has been made, is given by


[a.sub.j] is net worth after the current-period default decision [d.sub.j]. Therefore, [a.sub.j] = [b.sub.j-1] - [x.sub.j] if [d.sub.j] = 0 and 0 if [d.sub.j] = 1. Households' default decisions also determine their available resources beyond removing debt, because default consumes real resources [LAMBDA], arising from court costs and legal fees. The last term, (1 - [[tau].sub.1] - [[tau].sub.2]) W[[omega].sub.j,y] yev, is the after-tax level of current labor income, where r 1 is the flat-tax rate used to fund pensions and [[tau].sub.2] is the rate used to finance the loan guarantee program. Keep in mind also that implicit in the specification of the loan pricing function q(*) is the fact that if the household borrows an amount in excess of the guarantee limit, the price is that of an entirely nonguaranteed loan.

The budget constraint during retirement is


where for simplicity we assume that pension benefits are composed of a fraction v [member of] (0,1) of income in the last period of working life plus a fraction [GAMMA] [member of] (0,1) of average income W (we normalize average individual labor earnings to 1).

Consumer's Problem

The timing is as follows. In each period, all uncertainty is first realized. Thus, income shocks e and v, the default cost [lambda], and the current expense shock x are all known before any decisions within the period are made. Following this, households must decide, if they have debt that is due in the current period, to repay or default. This decision, along with the realized shocks, then determines the resources the household has available in the current period. Given this, the household chooses current consumption and debt or asset holding with which to enter the next period, and the period ends.

Prior to making the current-period bankruptcy decision, a household can be fully described by [b.sub.j-1], the debt, if any, that is due in the current period, their type y, the pair of currently realized income shocks e and v, their cost of default [lambda], the current realization of the shock to expenses, [x.sub.j], and their age j. (33)

Letting V(*) denote the household's value function prior to the decision to default or repay, with primed variables denoting objects one period ahead, we have the following recursive description. If the household chooses to repay its debt [b.sub.j-i], and therefore sets [d.sub.j] = 0, then the value they derive from state ([b.sub.j-1], y, e, v, [lambda], x, j) is


subject to the budget constraint


If the household has chosen bankruptcy for the current period ([d.sub.j] = 1), since we disallow credit market activity in the period of bankruptcy, which implies [b.sub.j] = 0, we obtain


subject to the budget constraint:

[c.sub.j] + [LAMBDA] [less than or equal to] (1 - [[tau].sub.1] - [[tau].sub.2]) W[[omega].sub.j,y]yev. (9)

Notice that both debt due in the current period, [b.sub.j-1], and the current expenditure shock realization, [x.sub.j]; get removed by bankruptcy, and hence disappear, when comparing the budget constraint under bankruptcy to one under nonbankruptcy. By contrast, the resource- and nonpecuniary costs, [LAMBDA], and [[lambda].sub.j,y], respectively, both appear.

Given this, prior to the bankruptcy decision, the current-period value function is


For the full information setting we assume I contains the entire state vector for the household; let I = (y, e, v, x, [lambda], j). Abusing notation slightly, let d(*) now denote the decision rule governing default. As described earlier, this function drives the decision to repay a given debt or not, and hence depends on the full household state vector. Letting non-primed objects represent current period decisions, and using primed variables for objects dated one period ahead, we have the following zero profit condition for the intermediary. Simply put, it requires that the probability of default used to price debt must be consistent with that observed in the stationary equilibrium, implying that


Since d (b, e', v', x', [lambda]', j + 1) specifies whether or not the agent will default in state e', v', x', [lambda]') tomorrow at debt level b, integrating over all such events one period hence produces the relevant estimated default risk [[??].sup.fi]. This expression also makes clear that knowledge of the persistent components (e, [lambda]) is relevant for predicting default probabilities, and the more persistent these characteristics are, the more useful they become in assessing default risk.

Asymmetric Information

As we noted at the outset, earlier work, starting with Narajabad (2012), and including the work of Sanchez (2009) and Athreya, Tam, and Young (2012a), found that in past decades, unsecured credit market outcomes may well have been affected by informational frictions. In the latter article, asymmetric information governing individual-level costs of bankruptcy were shown to be consistent with a variety of features of the data from the 1980s and earlier. Thus, to evaluate the implications of loan guarantees under asymmetric information, we assume that nonpecuniary default costs, [[lambda].sub.j,y], is unobservable. With the exception of current household net worth following the bankruptcy decision in a period (which we denoted by a) all other household attributes, including educational attainment, age, and the current realization of the persistent component of income are assumed observable. To be clear, using household decisions rules and the distribution of households over the state space to infer a borrower's current net worth, a, is not useful because the net worth a is relevant to forecasting income, default risk, or anything else; it is not. Rather, it is because lenders want to draw a more precise inference on the current values of the persistent aspects of a household's state. In this case the inference is about the current realization of a household's [lambda], something that is clearly relevant to assessing default risk.

Let [p.sup.*]([lambda]|b, y, e, v, x, j) denote the equilibrium conditional probability of a household having a realized value of [lambda], given that they have observable characteristics y, e, v, x, j, and that they have issued bonds of b units of face value. To construct the equilibrium assessment of default risk, [[pi].sup.*](*), lenders use their knowledge of household decision making and the joint (conditional) distribution of households over the state space to arrive at a probability distribution for the current value of a household's nonpecuniary default cost. (34) The best estimate of default risk is then given by


Equilibrium in the Credit Market

Here, we follow Athreya, Tam, and Young (2012b), and employ the Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium (PBE) concept to define equilibrium in the game between borrowers and lenders. Denote the state space for households by [OMEGA] = B x Y x E x V x L x J x {0,1} [subset] [R.sup.6] x[Z.sub.++] x{0,1} and space of information as I [subset] Y x E x V x L x J x {0,1}. Let the stationary joint distribution of households over the state be given by [GAMMA]([OMEGA]). Let the stationary equilibrium joint distribution of households over the state space [OMEGA] and loan requests b' be derived from the decision rules {[b'.sup.*] (*), [d.sup.*](*)} and [GAMMA]([OMEGA]), and be denoted by [[PSI].sup.*] ([OMEGA],b'). Given [[PSI].sup.*]([OMEGA],b'), let [[mu].sup.*](b') be the fraction of households (i.e., the marginal distribution of b') requesting a loan of size b'. Lastly, let the common beliefs of lenders on the household's state, [OMEGA], given b', be denoted by [[GAMMA].sup.*]([OMEGA]|b'). (35)

Definition 1 A PBE for the credit market game of incomplete information consists of (i) household strategies for borrowing [b'.sup.*] : [OMEGA] [right arrow] R and default [d.sup.*] : [OMEGA] x [lambda] x E x V [right arrow] {0,1}, (ii) lenders' strategies for loan pricing [q.sup.*] : R x I [right arrow] [0, 1/1+r] such that [q.sup.*] is weakly decreasing in b', and (iii) lenders' common beliefs about the borrower's state [OMEGA] given a loan request of size b', [[GAMMA].sup.*] ([OMEGA]|b'), that satisfy the following:

1. Households optimize: Given lenders' strategies, as summarized in the locus of prices [q.sup.*] (b',I), decision rules {[b'.sup.*] (*), [d.sup.*](*)} solve the household problem.

2. Lenders optimize given their beliefs: Given common beliefs [[GAMMA].sup.*] ([OMEGA]| b'), [q'.sup.*] is the pure-strategy Nash equilibrium under one-shot simultaneous-offer loan-price competition.

3. Beliefs are consistent with Bayes' rule wherever possible: [[GAMMA].sup.*]([OMEGA]|b') is derived from [[PSI].sup.*]([OMEGA], b') and household decision rules using Bayes rule whenever b is such that [[mu].sup.*](b') > 0.

Equilibria are located through an iterative procedure. The interested reader is directed to the online appendix in Athreya, Tam, and Young (2012b), where we discuss the computational procedure used to solve for equilibria. As a quick summary, we define an iterative procedure that maps a set of pricing functions back into themselves, whose fixed points are PBE of the game between lenders and borrowers. This procedure is monotonic, so starting from the upper limit yields convergence to the largest fixed point. (36)


The government's budget constraint is motivated by two expenditures it must finance. Most importantly, it must finance payments to a lender to honor the loan guarantee program. Letting [GAMMA](a, y, e, u, x, [lambda],j) denote the invariant cumulative distribution function of households over the states, this is given by tax [[tau].sub.2], which must satisfy


In addition to financing loan guarantees, the government funds pension payments to retirees and to finance the loan guarantee system. The government budget constraint for pensions is


Wage Determination

For both simplicity and substantive reasons, we assume constant and exogenous factor prices in our welfare calculations. In particular, we assume that the risk-free rate r is exogenous and determined by the world market for credit. Our approach follows several articles in the literature in abstracting from feedback effects onto risk-free rates of saving coming from changes in borrowing in the unsecured credit market, including Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt (2007). This is a convenient abstraction and will be reasonable as long as guarantee programs are not inordinately generous.

Specifically, given r, profit maximization by domestic production firms implies that

W = (1 - [alpha])[(r/[alpha]).sup.[alpha]/[alpha] - 1], (13)

where [alpha] is capital's share of income in a Cobb-Douglas aggregate production technology.

Stationary Equilibrium

We have already given the definition of equilibrium for the game between borrowers and lenders. The outcomes of that interaction were, of course, part of a larger fixed-point problem that included, among other things, the joint distribution of households over the state space, [GAMMA](*), and the tax rates [[tau].sub.1] and [[tau].sub.2] needed to fund transfers and loan guarantees, respectively. But this joint distribution depended on household borrowing behavior, which in turn influenced the construction of [GAMMA](*). Given this feedback, we will focus throughout on stationary equilibria in which all aggregate objects including, critically, the joint distribution [GAMMA](*), remain constant over time under the decision rules that arise from household and creditor optimization.

Computing stationary equilibria requires two layers of iteration. We first specify the wage rate, interest rate, tax rates, and public sector transfer and loan guarantee policies. This allows us to solve the household's decision problem and locate the associated stationary distribution of households over the state space--all for a given guess of the equilibrium loan-pricing locus q(*). Our use of a risk-free rate-taking open economy allows us to iterate on the function q(*) without having to deal with any additional feedback from loan pricing to risk-free interest rates and wages. Once we have located a price function that is a fixed point under the stationary distribution induced by optimal household decision making (which we can denote by [q.sup.*](*)), we need to check if the government budget constraint holds. Here, we must iterate again, this time on transfers and taxes. We use Brent's method to solve for the tax rate that satisfies the government budget constraint (re-solving for the fixed-point loan pricing function [q.sup.*](*) each time); whenever Laffer curve considerations arise, we choose the lower tax rate.


To assign values to model parameters, we proceed first by imposing standard values from the literature for measures of income risk, out-of-pocket expenses, risk aversion, and demographics. We then calibrate the remaining model parameters, which are those governing bankruptcy costs and the discount factor. The goal is to match, as well as possible, key facts about bankruptcy and unsecured credit markets in the United States, given income risk, risk aversion, and demographics. As discussed earlier, we follow the literature by calibrating to recent data and assuming symmetric information between borrowers and lenders.

The parametrization is relatively parsimonious and largely standard. First, as mentioned above, we directly assign values to household level income risk and risk aversion at values standard in the literature. The model period is taken to be one year. The income process is taken from Hubbard, Skinner, and Zeldes (1994), who estimate separate processes for non-high school (NHS), high school (HS), and college-educated (Coll) workers for the period 1982-1986. (37) Figure 3 displays the path [[omega].sub.j,y] for each type; the large hump present in the profile for college-educated workers implies that they will want to borrow early in life to a greater degree than the other types (despite their effective discount factor being somewhat higher because of higher survival probabilities). The process is discretized with 15 points for e and 3 points for v. The resulting processes are

log (e') = 0.95 log (e) + [epsilon]'

[epsilon] ~ N (0, 0.033)

log (v) ~ N (0, 0.04)

for non-high school agents,

log (e') = 0.95 log (e) + [epsilon]'

[epsilon] ~ N (0, 0.025)

log (v) ~ N (0, 0.021)

for high school agents, and

log (e') = 0.95 log (e) + [epsilon]'

[epsilon] ~ N (0, 0.016)

log (v) ~ N (0, 0.014)

for college agents. We normalize average income to 1 in model units, and in the data one unit roughly corresponds to $40,000 in income. When we construct the invariant distribution of the model, we assume households are born with zero assets and draw their first shocks from the stationary distributions.

To assign values for the idiosyncratic risk of out-of-pocket expenses, we choose the parameters for the expenditure shock [x.sub.j] to be the annualized equivalent of those used in Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt (2007). For pensions, we set v = 0.35 and [GAMMA] = 0.2, yielding an average replacement rate of 55 percent, and assume an exogenous retirement age of [j.sup.*] = 45. Relative risk aversion is set to [sigma] = 2, as is standard, and a value that also avoids overstating the insurance problem faced by households. Lastly, with respect to demographics, we set the measures of the college (Coll), high school (HS), and non-high school (NHS) agents to 20, 58, and 22 percent, respectively, and the maximum lifespan to J = 65, corresponding to a calendar age of 85 years.

Table 1 in the main text displays the targeted moments and the implied ones from the model. (38) Table 2 in the main text displays the parameters associated with this calibration, along with the other parameters of the model (such as the cost of default [LAMBDA], which is set to match the observed $1, 200 filing cost). First, the default rates, measured as filings for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, are very close to the data. Second, the model does fairly well at matching the debt/income ratios in the data, measured as credit card debt divided by income (from the Survey of Consumer Finances 2004), although it reverses the order by understating debt for college types and overstating it for non-high school types. Lastly, the model generates a somewhat higher proportion of the observed fraction of borrowers while yielding smaller value of discharged debt to income ratio than currently measured. (39)

To parameterize the nonpecuniary costs of bankruptcy while limiting free parameters, we represent [lambda] by a two-state Markov chain with realizations {[[lambda].sub.L,y], [[lambda].sub.H,y]} that are independent across households, but serially dependent with a symmetric transition matrix [P.sub.[lambda]].


The calibrated process suggests that nonpecuniary costs of bankruptcy are largely in the nature of a "type" for any given household. This interpretation arises because the benchmark calibration reveals [lambda] to be very persistent, and therefore very unlikely to change during the part of life where unsecured credit is useful. This persistence is also what makes the model consistent with the observed ability of households to borrow substantial amounts but still default at a nontrivial rate. Despite this "implicit collateral," debts discharged in bankruptcy are still higher in the data; however, the discharge ratio from the data (obtained as the median debts discharged in bankruptcy divided by the median income of filers taken from the survey data of Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook [2000]) is likely an overestimate, as it includes small business defaults that are generally large and not present in the model. The size of the values for [lambda] are relatively large, implying that even the low cost types view default as equivalent to a loss of nearly 10 percent of consumption; thus, the primary source of implicit collateral in this model is stigma rather than pecuniary costs.

Table 3 in the main text presents a decomposition of defaults according to the various combinations of expense shock and stigma. The median shock for x and the high value of [lambda] constitute only 3.55 percent of the population but are responsible for 58.11 percent of the defaults under symmetric information, while the high shock for x and high value for [lambda] are 0.23 percent of the population and 6.66 percent of the defaults. Thus, defaults are clearly skewed toward households that experience an expenditure shock, consistent with the model of Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt (2007).

Lastly, while omitted from the tables for brevity, the other relevant probability is that of the likelihood of default given the receipt of an expenditure shock. This distribution yields two pieces of information about the model. First, getting an expenditure shock, particularly the largest one, greatly increases the likelihood of default, all else equal. Second, the vast majority of households who receive such a shock still do not default. The reason for this is that the power of such shocks to drive default, while nontrivial, is still naturally limited by the wealth positions households take on as they move through the life cycle. Default is most likely to happen when one has substantial debts at the same time that one receives such a shock. This rules out relatively older households from being very susceptible; as seen in Figure 6, they have, in the main, already begun saving for retirement. (40)


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(1) Source: www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s1189.pdf. The unit is the family in the 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances, and the sample is before either the deleveraging or Great Recession. All dollars are 2007.

(2) In addition to these officially guaranteed loan programs, there is one that dwarfs them all, and this is the one operated by the two main government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These entities issue securities to investors that come with a guarantee against default risk. The ultimate originators of mortgage credit taken by homebuyers thereby receive, in essence, a loan guarantee. While such guarantees have historically not been backed by the Treasury, they now clearly are: mortgage-backed securities investors receive Fannie and Freddie guarantees on loans with a face value of approximately $5 trillion, nearly half of the value of all household mortgage debt. See Li, (2002), Walter and Weinberg (2002), and Malysheva and Walter (2013) for more details. These articles show that the overall contingent-liabilities of the U.S. government have grown substantially over time. Lastly, beyond their sheer size, the scope of activities receiving guarantees is noteworthy. Endeavors ranging from nuclear power plant construction, trade credit, microenterprises, and support for female entrepreneurs all currently receive loan guarantees.

(3) They are referred to as federal lines of credit. Details are here: www personal.umich.edu/~mkimball/fiscal-bang-for-buck-29may12.pdf.

(4) In addition to decoupling risk and pricing, loan guarantees will also reduce average interest rates, all else equal. This is relevant for two reasons. First, concern with the consequences of frequent repricing of consumer debt has already led to policy changes. Most noticeably, the CARD Act of 2009 has responded by essentially requiring longer-term commitments from lenders in an attempt to deter frequent repricing. However, as studied by Tam (2009), such policies may carry serious side effects. In particular, average interest rates are predicted to rise substantially to offset the ability of a borrower to "dilute" his debt (much as in the sovereign debt literature). Second, average borrowing rates are likely important for welfare: Calem, Gordy, and Mester (2006) show that many U.S. households appear to use credit cards for relatively long-term financing, making the roughly 10-percentage-point cost differential between secured and unsecured interest rates quantitatively important.

(5) Andolfatto (2002) develops a simple model to illustrate how government policies (e.g., interest rate ceilings) may induce unintended outcomes (e.g., credit constraints) that generate calls for further policies to deal with these side effects (e.g., loan guarantees). A related point is that to the extent that public insurance simply crowds out familial or other forms of private insurance, the effects will be overstated. This possibility is not addressed in our article, and so should be kept in mind.

(6) With respect to the federal lines of credit noted earlier, and the subsidy that will allow the scheme to affect allocations (unlike the actuarially fair arrangement that we show is irrelevant), the idea's originator, professor Miles Kimball of the University of Michigan, argues as follows: "I am assuming the government will lose money doing this--just not as much as if they handed the money away as a tax rebate with no obligation of repayment. The losing money part would stop private lenders cold [emphasis ours]."

(7) See, e.g., Federal Reserve Release G.19: www.federalreserve.gov/releases/g19/Current/g19.pdf.

(8) Sometimes, these costs are primarily those arising from the surrender of tangible collateral that, ex post, becomes less valuable than reneging on the repayment obligation, e.g., as recent house price declines have done (Ghent and Kudlyak 2011). In other cases, default implies the destruction of intangible collateral, as described above. But in all cases, loan guarantees fundamentally concern unsecured lending.

9 In future work, we aim to analyze the role of guarantees for mortgage lending. However, the central role of aggregate risk in driving home-loan default makes a full quantitative analysis that satisfactorily incorporates the forces we do allow for here--partially endogenously asymmetric information and limited commitment--currently infeasible. But that model would have the same fundamental structure as the one developed here.

(10) In related work, Lacker (1994) investigates whether adverse selection problems necessarily justify government intervention in credit markets. When cross-subsidization between private contracts is not feasible, intervention is generally welfare-improving.

(11) While substantially different than our model, it is important to note the early work of Smith and Stutzer (1989), who provide a simple argument for the use of loan guarantees in unsecured commercial credit markets--compared to direct government loans or equity purchases, loan guarantees are the only option that does not worsen the private information problem. The interest rate reductions apply to all risk types, so high-risk types do not find any particular advantage, beyond what they already have, for pretending to be low risk. Other programs, such as direct loans to those unable to obtain credit (who are low risk in their model), will lead to additional incentives by high-risk borrowers to claim the contracts intended for low-risk ones, a situation that is harmful to efficiency. Two important distinctions between our work and theirs are worth keeping in mind--the nature of the commitment problem and the issue of government revenue balance. In Smith and Stutzer (1989), limited commitment is a trivial consideration: Default occurs when the borrower receives zero income and is costless (in terms of direct costs). In contrast, U.S. bankruptcy procedures are voluntary and clearly not costless: There is a filing fee in addition to substantial time costs and some form of stigma/nonpecuniary costs appear relevant as well (see Fay, Hurst, and White [1998] or Gross and Souleles [2002]). Smith and Stutzer (1989) do not consider the financing of such payments; any welfare gains from the guarantee could easily be wiped out by the cost of taxation. In contrast, a central aspect of our analysis is the requirement that transfers required to implement loan guarantees be paid for via taxes.

(12) The figures represent outcomes under the following parameterization for the endowments of each group. For the first group of agents, three conditions hold: (i) the amount that can be feasibly repaid in the bad state is large (that is, [e.sub.L] relatively big); (ii) the household will default in both states under risk-free pricing (in the case where [lambda] is small relative to [e.sub.L] and [e.sub.H], and the latter are close together); and (iii) the household would borrow if asset markets were complete ([beta] (1 + r) < 1 and E([e.sub.2]) significantly larger than [e.sub.1]). This group is (weakly) harmed by the intertemporal disruptions that default options create; because the two states tomorrow are very similar, the household would either default in both states and thus be unable to borrow at all (q = 0), or it would not default in either state and thus care not at all about default options. As a result, the outcome may be worse than if bankruptcy were banned since, in the absence of a default option, feasibility would permit borrowing against the (relatively high) value of [e.sub.L].

For the second type's endowments, three conditions are assumed: (i) the amount of debt that can feasibly be repaid in all states is small (that is, [e.sub.H] is low); (ii) the household will default only in the low state ([lambda] intermediate and [e.sub.L] and [e.sub.H] far apart); and (iii) the household would borrow if asset markets were complete ([beta] (1 + r) < 1 and E([e.sub.2]) = [e.sub.1]). A member of this group can gain from the default option because she actually can borrow more with a bankruptcy option, as she does not intend to repay in the low state; thus, feasibility is limited only by the amount that can be repaid in the high state and additional consumption smoothing is feasible. This is a manifestation of what might be referred to as a "supernatural" debt limit, as opposed to the "natural" debt limit (e.g., Aiyagari 1994): Feasibility involves what can be repaid in the best state instead of the worst.

(13) Although not shown in the figure, the typical indifference curve turns upward at very low levels of b, but these lie well outside the budget set.

(14) This program assumes that the household cannot obtain a qualifying loan of size greater than v by visiting multiple lenders; that is, we attach the qualification criterion to the borrower, not the lender.

(15) We assume that no costless and credible signals are available and that some additional hidden characteristic, such as initial wealth, thwarts the lender's attempts to infer from b the exact value of [pi].

(16) For example, the FHA loan guarantee fee structure is given here: www.sba.gov/community/blogs/community-blogs/small-business-cents/understandingsba-7a-loan-fees.

(17) Our neutrality result holds in the asymmetric information signaling model we study here. Whether it holds in a screening environment (such as Sanchez [2009]) is unclear, since it may be possible to offer (q, [tau]) pairs that separate types.

(18) Other related work includes Chatterjee et al. (2007) and Livshits, MacGee, and Tertilt (2007), though the former uses an infinite horizon.

(19) This restriction seems to be standard practice in markets where some form of loan guarantee program exists. For example, FNMA (Fannie Mae) will not issue guarantees on loans that do not conform to their pre-set standards, which include a restriction on the loan-to-value ratio.

(20) As we noted earlier, qualification actually applies to the total debt of the borrower, not the total loan emanating from any one lender. An implicit assumption is therefore that this debt burden is observable.

(21) Specifically, we use the decomposition: var(log(c)) = var (E [log (c)|j]) + E [var(log(c)|j)] .

(22) Davila et al. (2012) shows that utilitarian constrained efficient allocations in a model with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks are skewed toward improving the welfare of "consumption-poor" households (since they have higher marginal utility). While we do not attempt to characterize constrained efficient allocations here, it seems clear that this intuition would apply--thus, policies that raise the utility of the least-skilled would seem to be preferable from a social welfare perspective.

(23) We assume that credit markets are anonymous, so that past borrowing is also not observable to the current lender. In Athreya, Tam, and Young (2012b) we introduce a flag that tracks whether a household is likely to have recently defaulted. Due to computational considerations we do not examine this case here.

(24) We are implicitly assuming that expenditure shocks are likely to be easy to observe; we doubt that agents could easily hide one from the government, given the size and nature of these shocks. Our calibration, as noted above, equates x to a combination of medical and legal bills plus unplanned family costs; these expenses should be relatively easy to monitor in practice.

(25) In Chatterjee et al. (2007), the model is calibrated to the U.S. distribution of wealth; the resulting effects of an endogenous risk-free rate are quantitatively unimportant.

(26) A stylized approach to this is taken in Smith and Stutzer (1989).

(27) An important caveat here is that in our model, the costs of default are assumed invariant to the level of default in the economy. Thus, a major loan guarantee program may meaningfully affect default costs. This is surely subject to at least some Lucas Critique-related problems. Nonetheless, endogenizing these costs is beyond the scope of the article.

(28) We abstract from elastic labor supply because it is known (e.g., Pijoan-Mas 2006) that under incomplete markets, households borrowing significant amounts tend to supply labor relatively inelastically, and for our study, this margin is unlikely to be crucial. It naturally implies that our welfare cost measurements may be biased, but it is unclear which direction that bias would go.

(29) Another possibility is that these households gain the benefits from bankruptcy without filing, as suggested by Dawsey and Ausubel (2004). Athreya et al. (2012) extends the benchmark model to include a delinquency state in which households do not formally file for bankruptcy but also do not service their debt.

(30) In mortgage lending, loan guarantees protect lenders against house price fluctuations, which in turn are strongly tied to aggregate risk (or at least city-level risk). The full incorporation of the aggregate risk, private information, and limited commitment needed to analyze this specific class of guarantees remains an important topic for future work.

(31) Mortality rates also differ by education, although this heterogeneity is of no consequence for our questions.

(32) See Sullivan, Warren, and Westbrook (2000).

(33) To avoid repetition, we display only the value functions during working life; retirement is entirely analogous.

(34) See Athreya, Tam, and Young (2012b) for details.

(35) Recall that the stationary distribution of households over the state space alone is given by [GAMMA](-).

(36) Uniqueness cannot be ensured, since q = 0 is a fixed point of our mapping. However, simple sufficient conditions exist to rule out q = 0 as the maximal fixed point; [LAMBDA] > 0 is enough to guarantee the existence of an interval [-[LAMBDA], 0] of risk-free debt. Sufficient conditions that ensure the existence of nontrivial default risk in equilibrium are not known.

(37) In Athreya, Tam, and Young (2009) we study the effect of the rise in the volatility of labor income in the United States and find the effect on the unsecured credit market to be quantitatively small; the key parameter for default is the persistence of the shocks. We would find similar numbers if we adjusted the variance of the shocks upward to conform to more recent data.

(38) The calibrated parameters are obtained by minimizing the (equally weighted) sum of squared deviations between the data and moments from the invariant distribution of the model. Since the model is not linear, we cannot guarantee that there exists a set of parameters that makes this criterion zero; indeed, we find that such a vector does not seem to exist.

(39) If we had data on discharge by education type, we could permit the persistence of [lambda] to vary by type and possibly match the aggregates more closely.

(40) For agents with the relatively high value for [lambda] in the model:

High expense shock: 26%

Median expense shock: 15%

Low expense shock (a value of zero) = 1%

For agents with the relatively low value for [lambda] in the model:

High expense shock: 17%

Median expense shock: 2%

Low expense shock (a value of zero) = 0%

The numbers are very similar under asymmetric information.

We thank Larry Ausubel, Dean Corbae, Martin Gervais, Kevin Reffett, and participants in seminars at Arizona State, Georgia, Iowa, and the Consumer Credit and Bankruptcy Conference at the University of Cambridge for helpful comments and discussions. We also thank Brian Gaines for his editorial assistance. We especially thank Borys Grochulski, Robert Hetzel, and Miki Doan for detailed comments, and Edward Prescott for his guidance as editor. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System. E-mail: kartik.athreya@rich.frb.org.
Table 1 Model Versus Data

                                  Model    Target/Data

Discharge/Income Ratio           0.2662      0.5600
Fraction of Borrowers            0.1720      0.1250
Debt/Income Ratio | NHS          0.1432       0.08
Debt/Income Ratio | HS           0.1229       0.11
Debt/Income Ratio | COLL         0.0966       0.15
Default Rate | NHS               1.237%      1.228%
Default Rate | HS                1.301%      1.314%
Default Rate | COLL              0.769%      0.819%

Table 2 Calibration

Parameter                      Value

[x.sub.low]                    0.0000
[x.sub.median]                 0.0888
[x.sub.high]                   0.2740
[[lambda].sup.NHS.sub.low]     0.7675
[[lambda].sup.HS.sub.low]      0.7309
[[lambda].sup.Coll.sub.low]    0.7830
[[pi].sup.[lambda].sub.HH] =   0.9636
[j.sup.*]                        45
[sigma]                        2.0000
[alpha]                        0.3000
Prob ([x.sub.low])             0.9244
Prob ([x.sub.median])          0.0710
Prob ([x.sub.high])            0.0046
[[lambda].sup.NHS.sub.high]    0.9087
[[lambda].sup.HS.sub.high]     0.9320
[[lambda].sup.Coll.sub.high]   0.9017
J                                65
[LAMBDA]                       0.0300
[phi]                          0.0300
r                              0.0100

Table 3 Aggregate Effects of Loan Guarantee Program

                           [theta] = 0.50

v                           0.00     0.10     0.30     0.60     0.70
[[tau].sub.2]              0.0000   0.0005   0.0174   0.0531   0.0664
Discharge/Income Ratio     0.2662   0.2691   0.5430   0.9907   1.1172
Fraction of Borrowers      0.1720   0.2039   0.2400   0.4023   0.4466
Debt/Income Ratio | NHS    0.1432   0.1648   0.4765   0.6562   0.7118
Debt/Income Ratio | HS     0.1229   0.1372   0.3707   0.5369   0.5934
Debt/Income Ratio | COLL   0.0966   0.1140   0.2532   0.3858   0.4124
Default Rate | NHS         1.237%   1.768%   11.651%  19.691%  20.877%
Default Rate | HS          1.301%   1.751%   11.658%  16.609%  17.836%
Default Rate | COLL        0.769%   0.987%   5.668%   11.569%  13.100%

Table 4 Optimal Generosity of Loan Guarantee Program

                                  = 0.50

                                   COLL       HS      NHS

v = 0.00 [right arrow] v = 0.10    0.02%     0.08%   0.13%
v = 0.00 [right arrow] v = 0.20   -0.24%     0.20%   0.22%
v = 0.00 [right arrow] v = 0.30   -1.41%     0.27%   0.39%
v = 0.00 [right arrow] v = 0.40   -1.60%     0.19%   0.78%
v = 0.00 [right arrow] v = 0.50   -2.24%    -0.11%   1.06%
v = 0.00 [right arrow] v = 0.60   -2.84%    -0.35%   1.26%
v = 0.00 [right arrow] v = 0.70   -3.60%    -0.44%   1.02%

Table 5 Distribution of Consumption

                                       var     E (var (log  var (E (log
                             E(c)    (log (c))  (c) |age))  (c) |age))


NO LG                       0.8455   0.1894       0.1671       0.0223
LG v = 0.5, [theta] = 0.5   0.8016   0.1977       0.1755       0.0222


NO LG                       1.0918   0.1776       0.1293       0.0481
LG v = 0.5, [theta] = 0.5   1.0521   0.3874       0.3354       0.0520

                                        High School

NO LG                       0.7767   0.2279       0.1907       0.0372
LG v = 0.5, [theta] = 0.5   0.7575   0.3926       0.3749       0.0180

                                      Non-High School

NO LG                       0.6579   0.2807       0.2582       0.0225
LG v = 0.5, [theta] = 0.5   0.6514   0.3932       0.3849       0.0083

Table 6 Welfare Decomposition, Symmetric Information

                                     v = 0.5, [theta] = 0.50

                                      COLL      HS      NHS

([q.sup.NLG], [[tau].sub.2] = 0.0)   4.86%    8.30%    10.69%
  [right arrow] ([q.sup.LG],
  [[tau].sub.2] = 0.0)
([q.sup.LG], [[tau].sup.2] = 0.0)    -6.74%   -7.76%   -8.69%
  [right arrow] ([q.sup.LG],
  [[tau].sup.2] = 0.0386)

Table 7 Distribution of Net Costs Paid by Type

                    v = 0.50, [theta] = 0.50, FI

             High [lambda]             Low [lambda]

         Taxes       Transfer      Taxes       Transfer

Coll     0.1366       0.1050       0.1366       0.0384
HS       0.2995       0.5082       0.2995       0.1512
NHS      0.0639       0.1333       0.0639       0.0639

                   v = 0.50, [theta] = 0.50, PI

             High [lambda]             Low [lambda]

         Taxes       Transfer      Taxes       Transfer

Coll     0.1366       0.1155       0.1366       0.0341
HS       0.2995       0.4971       0.2995       0.1239
NHS      0.0639       0.1711       0.0639       0.0583

Table 8 Aggregate Effects of Loan Guarantees--Asymmetric

                           v = 0.40

                                 FI                PI

[theta] =                  0.0000   0.5000   0.0000   0.5000
[[tau].sup.2]              0.0000   0.0245   0.0000   0.0196
Discharge/Income Ratio     0.2662   0.6965   0.2021   0.6497
Fraction of Borrowers      0.1720   0.3109   0.1614   0.3036
Debt/Income Ratio | NHS    0.1432   0.4880   0.1209   0.4762
Debt/Income Ratio | HS     0.1229   0.3897   0.0909   0.3755
Debt/Income Ratio | COLL   0.0966   0.2691   0.0801   0.2389
Default Rate | NHS         1.237%   13.170%  0.956%   12.704%
Default Rate | HS          1.301%   12.310%  0.957%   11.407%
Default Rate | COLL        0.769%   6.304%   0.658%   5.412%

Table 9 Distribution of Default by State

                        FI                             PI

           High [lambda]   Low [lambda]   High [lambda]   Low [lambda]

Low x         0.2315          0.0092         0.0089          0.0000
Median x      0.5811          0.0670         0.8033          0.0399
High x        0.0666          0.0446         0.0890          0.0588

Table 10 Welfare Effects of Loan Guarantees

                                       COLL     HS      NHS

NO LG [right arrow] [theta] = 0.50,   -1.60%   0.19%   0.78%
  v = 0.40,FI
NO LG [right arrow] [theta] = 0.50,   -1.02%   0.98%   1.59%
  v = 0.40,PI
NO LG [right arrow] [theta] = 0.10,   0.01%    0.02%   0.03%
  v = 0.10,FI
NO LG [right arrow] [theta] = 0.10,   0.04%    0.08%   0.11%
  v = 0.10,PI

Table 11 Welfare Effects of Restricted Loan Guarantees

                                            v = 0.5, [theta] = 0.50

                                               COLL      HS      NHS

NO LG [right arrow] Restricted LG              0.40%    0.77%    0.99%
Restricted LG [right arrow] Unrestricted LG   -2.66%   -0.88%   -0.07%

Table 12 Aggregate Effects of Restricted Loan Guarantees

                             v = 0.50

[theta] =                   0.00        0.50             0.50

                           No LG    Restricted LG   Unrestricted LG

[tau] LG                   0.0000      0.0004           0.0386
Discharge/Income Ratio     0.2662      0.7208           0.8657
Fraction of Borrowers      0.1720      0.2408           0.3527
Debt/Income Ratio | NHS    0.1432      0.2649           0.5738
Debt/Income Ratio | HS     0.1229      0.2256           0.4707
Debt/Income Ratio | COLL   0.0966      0.1681           0.3285
Default Rate | NHS         1.237%      2.755%           16.797%
Default Rate | HS          1.301%      2.586%           14.619%
Default Rate | COLL        0.769%      1.643%           9.072%