Are wages rigid over the business cycle?
Kudlyak, Marianna
The search and matching model of the labor market has become a
leading model of unemployment in macroeconomics. Recent work (Shimer
2005) shows that under common parameter values the standard search and
matching model cannot account for the cyclical volatilities of vacancies
and unemployment observed in the data. (1) This difficulty is related to
the flexibility or, alternatively, rigidity of real wages over the
business cycle. (2) In this article, I review empirical evidence on wage
flexibility as it relates to search and matching models.
The search and matching model introduces frictions into the labor
market in the sense that workers and employers cannot costlessly contact
each other. In an economy with frictions, market prices are not
competitively determined, and the standard search and matching framework
assumes that wages are determined by a particular solution to a
bargaining problem between workers and employers, the Nash bargaining
solution. Under this bargaining, wages increase when productivity is
high, thus limiting incentives for job creation. Hall (2005) and Shimer
(2005) show that replacing the Nash bargaining solution with an
alternative wage determination procedure that makes wages more rigid
amplifies the volatility of unemployment and vacancies the model can
This line of research motivates important questions: How flexible,
or rigid, are real wages over the business cycle? Is observed wage
rigidity consistent with the wage rigidity needed to amplify the
fluctuations in the textbook search and matching model?
In the job creation decision, a firm takes into account not only
the initial wage in a newly formed match but also the entire expected
stream of future wages to be paid in the match. Thus, job creation in
frictional labor markets places the focus on the cyclical behavior of
the expected present discounted value of wages. The volatility of
unemployment in the model depends on the intensity of job creation
through changes in the job finding rate. As Shimer (2004) emphasizes,
what is relevant for the volatility of job creation, and, thus, of
unemployment, is the rigidity of the present discounted value of wages
that, at the time of hiring, a firm expects to pay to a worker over the
course of the employment relationship.
A large empirical literature exists that studies the behavior of
individual wages over the business cycle. The literature finds that the
wages of newly hired workers are more cyclical than wages of workers in
ongoing employment relationships (for example, Bils [1985] and Carneiro,
Guimaraes, and Portugal [2009]).
One crucial aspect of the existing empirical literature is that it
provides evidence on the cyclical behavior of the current wage, but not
on the cyclical behavior of the expected present discounted value of
future wages within a match formed in the current period. Emphasizing
the importance of the future wages to be paid in the long-term
employment relationships, Kudlyak (2007) estimates the cyclicality of
the user cost of labor, which is the difference between the expected
present discounted value of wages paid to a worker hired in the current
period and the value paid to a worker hired the following period.
Kudlyak constructs the user cost of labor from the individual wage and
turnover data. She finds that the user cost of labor is more cyclical
than wages of newly hired workers. Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009)
argue for the importance of the elasticity of the expected present
discounted value of wages with respect to the expected present
discounted value of productivity in newly formed matches, which they
refer to as permanent values of wages and productivity, respectively.
They do not estimate the elasticity directly but, using model
simulations, conclude that the elasticity of the current period wage of
newly hired workers with respect to current period productivity
"constitutes a good proxy for the elasticity of the permanent wage
with respect to permanent productivity for the case of instantaneously
rebargained wages" and "can be seen as a lower bound for [the
elasticity of the permanent wage with respect to permanent productivity]
in the case of wage rigidity on the job."
Pissarides (2009), Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009), and
Kudlyak (2009) study whether the search and matching model can
simultaneously match the empirical wage and unemployment statistics.
Pissarides (2009) and Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009) compare the
elasticity of wages in the model to the elasticity of wages of newly
hired workers in the data. They conclude that making wages in the model
rigid enough to generate the observed volatility of unemployment
requires more rigid wages than are found in the data. Kudlyak (2009)
shows that the free entry condition in the model ties together match
productivity and the user cost of labor. She calibrates the model to
match the estimated cyclicality of the user cost of labor and concludes
that the model calibrated to wage data cannot generate the empirical
volatilities of the vacancy-unemployment ratio.
In summary, in the model, the rigid expected present discounted
value of wages in newly formed matches amplifies the response of
firm's surplus to productivity shocks. This increases the
volatility of job creation and thus of unemployment. The success of the
model in generating the empirical volatilities of vacancies and
unemployment depends on whether the required rigidity of the relevant
measure of wages is consistent with the data. The studies reviewed
suggest that wages in the data may not be as rigid as required for
generating empirical volatilities of vacancies and unemployment in the
standard search and matching model.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 1
summarizes the textbook search and matching model and the unemployment
volatility puzzle. Using an example, I demonstrate the importance of the
expected present discount value of wages for the job creation decision.
Section 2 surveys empirical evidence on the cyclically of individual
wages of the newly hired workers and wages of workers in ongoing
relationships. Then I review empirical evidence on the cyclicality of a
measure of wages that takes into account the expected present discounted
value of future wages. Section 3 concludes.
The Standard Model
An economy is populated by a continuum of firms and a continuum of
measure 1 workers. Both firms and workers are risk neutral and
infinitely lived. Firms maximize the present discounted value of
profits. Workers maximize the present discounted value of wages and do
not value leisure. Firms and workers discount the future with a common
discount factor [beta], 0 < [beta] < 1. Time is discrete.
A firm can choose to remain inactive or to start production, which
requires only labor input. To start production, a firm must enter the
labor market and hire a worker. Upon entering the labor market, a firm
opens a vacancy and searches for a worker. During each period a firm
must pay a per vacancy cost, c. An unemployed worker receives a per
period unemployment compensation, b, and costlessly searches for a job.
Employed workers earn wages and cannot search. When a firm with an open
vacancy and an unemployed worker meet, they form a match that
immediately becomes productive. While matched, all firm-worker pairs
have the same constant return to scale production technology, which uses
a unit of labor indivisibly supplied by the worker. Each firm-worker
match produces per period output z, thus z is also aggregate
productivity. z evolves stochastically according to the first-order
Markov process. Every period, a firm-worker pair separates exogenously
with probability [section].
Given the number of unemployed workers, u, and the number of
vacancies, v, the number of newly created matches in the economy is
determined by a matching function, m (u, v). It is assumed that m(u, v)
= K[u.sub.[alpha]] [v.sub.1-[alpha]] where 0 < [alpha] < 1
(Petrongolo and Pissarides 2001) and K is a positive constant. Let
[theta] denote labor market tightness, i.e., [theta] [equivalent to]
v/u. Let q(u, v) [equivalent to] = m(u, v)/v = K[[theta].sub.-[alpha]]
denote the probability of filling a vacancy for a firm. Let [mu](u, v)
[equivalent to] m(u, v)/u = K[[theta].sub.1-[alpha]] denote the
probability of finding a job for an unemployed worker. Thus, the
unemployment in this economy evolves according to the following
equation, given [u.sub.0]:
[u.sub.t+1] = [u.sub.t] + (1-[u.sub.t])[delta] - [mu]([u.sub.t],
[v.sub.t]) [u.sub.t].
Dropping the time subscripts and using' to denote the next
period values, I summarize the value functions of a worker and of a firm
as follows. The value function of a firm with a worker is
J (z) = z - w (z) + [beta] (1-[delta])[E.sub.z]J (z'), (1)
where z' denotes productivity in the next period and [E.sub.z]
is a conditional expectations operator. Equation (1) takes into account
that in each period with probability [delta], the firm-worker match
separates and the firm obtains a value of an inactive firm, which is 0.
The value function of an opened vacancy is
V (z) = -c + q ([theta] (z)) J (z) + (1-q ([theta](z))) [beta]
[E.sub.z] V (z') (2)
The value function of an employed worker is
W (z) = w (z) + [beta](1-[delta])[E.sub.z]W (z') +
[beta][delta][E.sub.z]U (z') (3)
The value function of an unemployed worker is
U(z) = b + [beta] [E.sub.z]([mu]([theta](z')) W (z') +
(1-[mu]([theta](z'))) U (z')) (4)
There are two important conditions in the standard model. First,
there is free entry for firms, i.e., firms enter the labor market and
post vacancies until the value of an open vacancy, V(z), equals the
value of an inactive firm, 0. From (2) free entry implies the following
c/q([theta] (z)) = J (z). (5)
Second, wages are rebargained every period in new and ongoing
matches according to the Nash bargaining rule. The Nash bargaining rule
yields the following division of the surplus from the match, S(z)
[equivalent to] J(z) + W(z) -V(z)--U(z), in every period:
J (z) = (1 - [eta]) S(z), (6)
W (z) - U (z) = [eta]S(z), (7)
where [eta] is a worker's bargaining power, 0 < [eta] <
1. Equations (6)-(7) imply that each party obtains a constant share of
the surplus from the match.
Using equations (1)-(5) yields the following equation for the
S(z) = z - b + [beta] [E.sub.z]((1 - [delta])- K
[theta][(z').sup.1-[alpha][eta])S(z'). (8)
Combining (5) and (6) yields the job creation condition
c/K [theta] [(z).sup.-[alpha]] = (1 - [eta]) S (z).
Combining (8) with the job creation condition yields the following
equation for the evolution of the vacancy-unemployment ratio:
c/K [theta] [(z).sup.-[alpha]] = (z - b)(1 - [eta]) +
[beta][E.sub.z]((1 - [delta]) - K [theta]
[(z').sup.1-[alpha]][eta]] c/K [eta][(z').sup.-[alpha]] (10)
Equation (8) links the evolution of the vacancy-unemployment ratio,
[theta], to the productivity shock, z. Using this equation and common
parameter values, Shimer (2005) shows that the standard search and
matching model cannot generate the volatilities of vacancies and
unemployment observed in the data. In particular, in the U.S. data, the
standard deviation of the vacancy-unemployment ratio is 20 times larger
than the standard deviation of labor productivity. The standard search
and matching model predicts the volatility of the vacancy-unemployment
ratio as almost one-to-one to the volatility of the productivity. Since
productivity shocks are the driving force in the model, the model is
said to lack an internal propagation mechanism. (3) This failure of the
standard search and matching model to generate empirical volatilities of
vacancies and unemployment is often referred to as the unemployment
volatility puzzle (Pissarides 2009).
Rigid Wages Within Matches
To understand what measure of wages affects allocations in the
search and matching model, consider the following modification of the
standard model. In the standard search and matching model, wages in both
newly formed and ongoing matches are set in each period using the Nash
bargaining rule. In the modified model, wages in newly formed matches
are set using the Nash bargaining rule but wages in ongoing matches
remain constant and equal to the wage at the time of hiring. We will see
that the modified model delivers the same equation for the
vacancy-unemployment ratio, thus the same allocations, given the initial
conditions, as the standard model despite the fact that in the modified
model wages in ongoing matches are rigid. The modified model is a
discrete time version of the argument presented in Shimer (2004). (4)
In the standard model, given that all matches are equally
productive, wages of new hires and existing workers are equal in each
period. This implies that when the aggregate productivity is [z.sub.t],
the value of a firm with a worker in an ongoing match that started in
period [t.sub.0], [J.sup.t0]([z.sub.t]), equals the value of a firm in
the newly formed match, [J.sup.t]([z.sub.t]). Similarly, when the
aggregate productivity is [z.sub.t], the value of an employed worker in
an ongoing match that started in period [t.sub.0],
[W.sup.t0]([z.sub.t]), equals the value of a newly hired worker in t,
[W.sup.t]([z.sub.t]). In the modified model, these values are not
necessarily equal. Dropping the time subscripts, using [z.sub.0] to
denote the aggregate productivity at the time a match is formed and
using' to denote the next period values, we can summarize the value
functions in the modified model as follows:
[J.sup.z0] (z) = z - w (z0) + [beta] (1 - [delta]) [E.sub.z]
J.sup.z0] (z');
V (z) = -c + K[theta] [(z).sup.-[alpha]] [J.sup.z] (z) + (1 - K
[theta] [(z).sup.-[alpha]) [beta] [E.sub.z] V (z');
[W.sup.z0] (z) = w (z0) + [beta] (1 - [delta]) [E.sub.z] [W.sub.z0]
(z') + [beta][delta] [E.sub.z]U (z');
U (z) = b + [beta] [E.sub.z] [K [theta] [(z').sup.1-[alpha]]
[W.sub.z'] (z') + (1 - K [theta] [(z').sup.1-[alpha]) U
In the modified model the free entry condition, (5), and the
surplus division rule, (6)-(7), are required to hold only for the values
at the time of hiring, which can be denoted as [J.sup.z] (z) for a firm
and [W.sup.z](z) for a worker. Thus, in the modified model, equations
corresponding to equations (6), (7), and (9) are as follows:
[J.sup.z] (z) = (1 - [eta]) [S.sup.z] (z), (11)
[W.sup.z](z) - U (z) = [eta][S.sup.z](z), (12)
c/q([theta](z)) = (1 - [eta])[S.sup.z](z), (13)
where [S.sup.z] (z) is the surplus from a newly formed match when
the aggregate productivity is z, [S.sup.z](z) [equivalent to]
[J.sup.z](z) + [W.sup.z] (z) - V(z) - U(z).
To demonstrate that this modified model delivers exactly the same
allocations as the standard model (in which wages are rebargained in all
matches every period), it suffices to show that it delivers the same
equation for the vacancy-unemployment ratio as the standard model, (10).
Using equations for [J.sup.z0] (z), [W.sup z0] (z), and U (z), one can
derive the following equation for the total surplus of the newly formed
[S.sup.z] (z) = z - b + [beta](1-
[delta])[E.sub.z][S.sup.z](z') +
[beta][eta][E.sub.z]([theta](z'))[S.sup.z'](z'), (14)
where z' is productivity in the next period.
Note, however, that [J.sup.z](z') = [J.sup.z'] (z')
+ (1/1-[beta] (1-[delta])) (w(z') - w(z)), where (1/1-[beta]
(1-[delta])) w(z) is a present discounted value of wages paid to a
worker hired when the aggregate productivity is z. Similarly,
[W.sup.z](z') = [W.sup.z'] (z') - (1/1-[beta]
(1-[delta])) (w(z') - w(z)). Then [S.sup.z](z') = [J.sup.z]
(z') + [W.sup.z](z') - U(z') = [J.sup.z'] (z')
+ [W.sup.z'] (z') - U (z') = [S.sup.z'] (z').
Substituting [S.sup.z] (z') for [S.sup.z'] (z') in (14)
[S.sup.z] (z) = z - b + [beta] [E.sub.z]((1 - [delta]) -
[mu]([theta](z'))[eta])[S.sup.z'] (z'), (15)
where [S.sup.z](z) is the surplus from a newly created match when
the aggregate productivity is z and [S.sub.z'] (z') is the
surplus from a newly created match when the aggregate productivity is
Substituting [S.sup.z](z) from the job creation condition (13) into
(15) yields exactly the same equation for the vacancy-unemployment
ratio, [theta], as in the standard model, equation (10):
c/q([theta](z))= (z- b)(1 - [eta])+[beta][E.sub.z]((1-[delta]) -
The two models considered above have important similarities. Both
models deliver the same total surplus at the time of hiring, and it is
split between a worker and a firm by the same rule. However, they differ
in how the wages are determined within ongoing employment relationships.
In the standard model, wages are renegotiated for every match in every
period. Because all matches are equally productive, this implies that
newly hired workers and workers in existing employment relationships
receive the same wages. In the modified model, wages of newly hired
workers are determined based on the aggregate productivity at the time
of hiring. Once set, the wage remains rigid throughout the duration of
the match. The modified model generates wages of newly hired workers
that are more responsive to the aggregate conditions than wages of the
workers in ongoing relationships. However, in the modified model, the
rigidity of wages within employment relationships does not affect
allocations. Thus, this example shows that the rigidity of wages in
ongoing matches is not sufficient to amplify the volatility of the
vacancy-unemployment ratio.
To understand what kind of wage rigidity has an effect on
allocations in the model, rewrite the job creation (13) using (1 -
[eta]) [S.sup.z](z) = [J.sup.z](z) and using the expression for
[J.sup.z](z) in the sequential form. This yields:
c/q([theta]([z.sub.t])) = [E.sub.t] [[infinity].summation over
([tau]=t)] ([beta] (1 - [delta])[).sup.[tau]-t] [z.sub.[tau] - [E.sub.t]
[[infinity].summation over ([tau]=t)] ([beta](1 -
[delta])[).sup.[tau]-t] [w.sub.t,[tau]] ([z.sub.t]), (16)
where [w.sub.t.[tau]] is a period [tau] wage of a worker hired in
period t. Equation (16) shows the relationship between the labor market
tightness, [theta] ([z.sub.t]), and the expected present discounted
value of wages, [E.sub.t] [summation.sub.[tau]=t.sup.[infinity]]
([beta](1 - [delta])[).sup.[tau]-t] [w.sub.t,[tau]] ([z.sub.t]), given
productivity [z.sub.t]. Note that [E.sub.t] [E.sub.t]
[summation.sub.[tau]=t.sup.[infinity]] ([beta](1 -
[delta])[).sup.[tau]-t] [z.sub.[tau]] is a function of [z.sub.t] alone.
Both [theta]([z.sub.t]) and [E.sub.t]
[summation.sub.[tau]=t.sup.[infinity]] ([beta](1 -
[delta])[).sup.[tau]-t] [w.sub.t,[tau]] ([z.sub.t]) change in response
to changes in [z.sub.t]. The extent of the response of
[theta]([z.sub.t]) to [z.sub.t] depends on the extent of the response of
the expected present discounted value of wages to be paid in a new
employment relationship that starts at t. However, it does not depend on
the change of wages within the employment relationship if this change
does not affect the expected present discounted value of wages to be
paid in a new match.
This section reviews the empirical evidence on wage cyclicality.
First, I present the empirical evidence on the behavior of individual
wages over the business cycle, distinguishing wages of new hires from
wages of workers in ongoing employment relationships (often referred to
as job stayers). Second, I present the empirical evidence on the history
dependence of wages. Then, I present the evidence on the cyclical
behavior of a measure of wages that takes into account both the initial
wage and the expected value of future wages paid in the newly formed
matches. Finally, I summarize the quantitative implications of the
evidence for the volatility of vacancies and unemployment in the
standard search and matching model.
Cyclicality of Wages of New Hires and Wages of Existing Workers
Below I provide a statistical model of individual wages with a
particular emphasis on how wages depend on the unemployment rate. Then I
survey results from the empirical studies that include information on
individual workers and from the studies that include information on
workers and their employers. (5) The findings show that wages of newly
hired workers are more procyclical than wages of job stayers. All of
these studies refer to current wages and not to the expected present
discounted value of future wages.
General Framework
In labor economics the standard statistical model for wages is
Mincer regression, which attributes variation in the logarithm of wages
to the observable characteristics of a worker--years of schooling, a
quadratic polynomial in labor market experience, and other factors
(Mincer 1974). These variables are supposed to reflect productivity (or
human capital) differences. The literature that studies the behavior of
individual wages over the business cycle includes the contemporaneous
unemployment rate as a business cycle indicator. What is of interest for
the questions in this article are the differences, if any, of the
responses of wages of workers in ongoing matches (job stayers) and wages
of new hires to changes in the unemployment rate.
The individual wage equation that distinguishes between the
cyclical response of wages of job stayers and wages of new hires is
specified as follows:
In [] = [X.sub.i][alpha] + [][gamma] +
[beta][U.sub.t] + [[beta].sup.nh] [U.sub.t] * [] +
[delta][] + [[eta].sub.i] + [], (17)
where [] is a real wage of worker i in t, [X.sub.i] is a
vector of observable individual-specific explanatory variables that
remain fixed over time, [] is a vector of individual controls
that vary with time, [U.sub.t] is a measure of the unemployment rate,
and [[eta].sub.i] and [] are the unobservable error terms.
[] is a dummy variable that takes value 1 if an
individual is a new hire, and 0 otherwise. The new hire is defined as a
worker who has been employed at a firm for less than a specified period,
usually one year. Error terms are assumed independent of each other and
of all explanatory variables in X. The variables commonly included in
[] are a quadratic in worker labor market experience and a
quadratic in tenure (for job stayers). Because of the structure of the
survey data, the time period is typically one year.
The coefficient on the unemployment rate is interpreted as a
semi-elasticity, which indicates a percent change in wage in response to
a one percentage point increase in the unemployment rate. If the
semi-elasticity is positive, the wage is called procyclical, i.e., it
moves positively with the business cycle. For job stayers the
cyclicality is measured by [beta]. If the cyclicality of wages of new
hires differs from the cyclicality of job stayers, then the coefficient
on the interaction term, [[beta].sub.nh] is statistically significantly
different from zero and the cyclicality of new hires is measured by
[beta] +[[beta].sup.nh].
Evidence from Worker Survey Data
Most of the existing evidence on the cyclicality of individual
wages comes from studies that use individual level survey data: the
National Longitudinal Survey (NLS), the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
(PSID), and the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY). These data
allow tracking individual workers' histories across time and
contain information on individual workers' characteristics,
including education, age, sex, and job characteristics such as industry
and occupation. (6)
Bils (1985) is the first study that examines the cyclicality of
individual wages while separating the wages of job stayers from the
wages of new hires. He also distinguishes between new hires who are
hired from another job and new hires who are hired from unemployment.
Using the individual data on men from NLS for the period 1966-1980, Bils
finds that as the unemployment rate increases by one percentage point,
individual wages of white male workers on average decrease by 1.59
percent. Once the job changers are explicitly accounted for, the results
show that wages of job changers are much more procyclical than wages of
job stayers. In particular, wages of job stayers decrease by 0.64
percent while wages of job changers decrease by 3.69 percent in response
to one percentage point increase in the unemployment rate. Similarly,
wages of workers who move in and out of employment are also more
procyclical than wages of workers who do not change jobs.
Shin (1994), using a different estimation procedure for the NLS
data on men's wages from 1966-1981, estimates separate equations
for workers who remain with the same employer from r - 1 to t and for
workers who change their employer. Similarly to Bils, Shin finds
substantially procyclical wages for workers who change employers and
much less procyclical wages for job stayers. Solon, Barsky, and Parker
(1994) estimate wage cyclicality using data from the PSID for the period
1967-1987. They find that the point estimate of the cyclicality of
men's real wages is between - 1.35 percent and - 1.40 percent. In
the sample restricted to workers who did not change employers, the
coefficient reduces to -1.24 percent. Consistent with Bils (1985),
Solon, Barsky, and Parker find that wages of job stayers are less
procyclical than wages of all workers.
The usual measure of wages used in the studies is the average
hourly wage, which is constructed by dividing total annual earnings by
total annual hours worked. However, if workers are more likely to hold
more than one job in expansions, then the constructed average hourly
wage may be more procyclical than actual wages within employment
relationships. Devereux (2001) conducts a detailed examination of the
cyclicality of wages of job stayers and, in contrast to the earlier
studies, focuses on the wages of workers who have only one job at a
time. Using PSID data from 1970-1992 on men's earnings, Devereux
finds that the cyclicality of the average wage of these workers is -0.54
percent. These findings confirm that wages of job stayers are less
procyclical than wages of job changers. (7)
Evidence from Matched Firm-Worker Data
Controlling for a firm fixed effect is important if there are
changes in the composition of firms over the business cycle with respect
to the level of wages they offer. For example, if the firms that hire in
economic booms are predominantly high-wage firms and the firms that hire
in economic busts are low-wage firms, then the failure to control for
the firm's fixed effect may lead to biasing the estimates of the
cyclicality away from zero even when wages are acyclical. Researchers
often use occupation and industry fixed effects to control for changes
in the composition of jobs over the business cycle, which is readily
available from worker survey data. Most of the studies employ individual
worker survey data that do not allow identification of the firm's
fixed effect. To allow identification of a firm fixed effect, the data
must contain information on more than one worker from the same firm and
on firm identifiers. Only recently have longitudinal firm-worker data
for the U.S. economy become available; however, to my knowledge, there
are no studies of wage cyclicality using these data yet.
Carneiro, Guimaraes, and Portugal (2009) use administrative
firm-worker data from Portugal. They estimate a model in levels similar
to (17), controlling for an individual worker's qualification,
education, age, and a quadratic in time trend. Their findings are very
similar to the findings by Bils (1985). In particular, controlling for a
worker and a firm fixed effects, they find that the cyclicality of wages
of workers who have been with their employer for less than a year is
-2.77 percent. The cyclicality of wages of workers who have been with an
employer for more than a year, job stayers, is -1.41 percent.
Importantly, accounting for both firm and worker fixed effects delivers
results very similar to the results from accounting only for worker
fixed effect. In particular, the cyclicality of wages of new hires from
the regression with only a worker fixed effect is -2.73 percent, while
with only a firm fixed effect it is -3.53 percent. The cyclicality of
wages of job stayers from the regressions with only a worker fixed
effect is -1.50 percent, while from the regression with only a firm
fixed effect it is -2.94 percent. Using the same data set, Martins,
Solon, and Thomas (2010) investigate the cyclicality of wages of newly
hired workers in a subset of occupations into which firms frequently
hire new workers. The estimated cyclicality of the wages of newly hired
workers in these entry jobs is -1.8 percent. The authors conclude that
the wages of new hires in the entry jobs are substantially procyclical.
The results from the studies that allow controlling for firm fixed
effects confirm the earlier findings that wages of newly hired workers
are more cyclical than wages of existing workers.
Cyclicality of Wages of Job Stayers and Job Changers and Match
Gertler and Trigari (2009) suggest that the difference in the
cyclicality of wages of new hires and existing workers can be explained
by the differences in the quality (or, alternatively, productivity) of
newly formed and ongoing matches. In particular, Gertler and Trigari
argue that separately controlling for firm and worker fixed effects
cannot account for match quality, which must be controlled for by the
term--a worker-job fixed effect. Gertler and Trigari use individual
male worker data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation
over the period 1990-1996. The data consists of four panels from 1990,
1991, 1992, and 1993, each lasting approximately three years and
containing information from interviews conducted every four months. The
data allow for identifying if a worker changes employer. Gertler and
Trigari estimate a wage equation similar to equation (17) except that,
instead of controlling for a worker fixed effect, [[eta].sub.i] they
control for the unobserved firm-worker effect, which simultaneously
captures two effects: a worker fixed effect that does not change from
job to job and a joint worker-firm effect. After the authors control for
a worker-firm fixed effect, the coefficient on the interaction term
between the unemployment rate and the dummy for new hire becomes small
and statistically insignificant. Gertler and Trigari interpret the
results as evidence of an omitted variable, a worker-firm specific fixed
effect. If a job change is systematically associated with the movement
from low to high quality match, then the omitted variable is negatively
correlated with the interaction term, biasing the estimates. They
conclude that a large part of the higher procyclicality of wages of new
hires is probably due to the comparatively higher quality of these
matches. Gertler and Trigari suggest that the existing literature does
not provide conclusive evidence that the newly hired workers have more
cyclical wages than the existing workers in the same firm.
This finding raises questions, which I discuss at the end of this
section, about what heterogeneity in the data should be controlled for
when calculating the statistics and how to bring the model to match
these statistics.
Dependence of Wages on the Past Labor Market Conditions
Literature surveyed so far finds evidence that the wages of new
hires are more sensitive to the aggregate labor market conditions than
the wages of workers in ongoing employment relationships. A closer look
at workers in ongoing employment relationships shows that their wages
depend not only on current labor market conditions, but also on the
history of labor market conditions during the entire employment
Beaudry and DiNardo Regressions
Beaudry and DiNardo (1991) estimate the following equation for
individual wages:
In ([w.sub.jt0t ]) = [X.sub.jt0t] [alpha] + [[gamma].sub.start]
[U.sub.t0] + [[gamma].sub.c] [U.sub.t] +
[[gamma].sub.min]min{[U.sub.[tau]]}.sub.[tau]=t0.sup.t] + [[eta].sub.j]
+ [v.sub.jt], (18)
where [w.sub.jt0t] is an hourly wage of a worker j in year t who
was hired in year [t.sub.0] [X.sub.jt0t] is a vector of the individual-
and job-specific characteristics, [U.sub.[tau]] is the unemployment rate
in year [tau], [[eta].sub.j] is an individual-specific fixed effect, and
[V.sub.jt] is an individual- and time-varying error term. [V.sub.jt] is
assumed to be serially uncorrelated as well as uncorrelated across
individuals. The vector of individual- and job-specific characteristics,
[X.sub.jt0t], includes a quadratic in experience, a quadratic in tenure,
years of schooling, and dummies for industry, region, race, union
status, marriage, and standard metropolitan statistical area. The
equation is estimated using the individual data on men's wages from
PSID, 1976-1984, and two cross-sectional samples from the Current
Population Survey (CPS).
The main finding of Beaudry and DiNardo (1991) is that when all
three measures of the unemployment rate are included, the effect of the
minimum unemployment rate is the most significant, both statistically
and economically. Thus, whenever the labor market conditions improve,
wages increase. In particular, controlling for worker fixed effect in
the PSID sample, the coefficient on the minimum unemployment rate is
-2.9 percent, the coefficient on the unemployment rate at the start of
the job is -0.6 percent and insignificant, and the coefficient on the
contemporaneous unemployment rate is -0.7 percent. If, however, only the
contemporaneous unemployment rate is included, then the results are
consistent with earlier studies--the coefficient on the contemporaneous
unemployment rate is -1.4 percent.
Subsequent studies replicate the findings of Beaudry and DiNardo
(1991) for different time periods and using different data sets.
McDonald and Worswick (1999) find support in Canadian data. Grant (2003)
estimates an equation similar to (18) and adds the maximum unemployment
rate experienced by a worker from the start of the job. Grant finds that
both the minimum unemployment rate and the contemporaneous unemployment
rate have an effect on wages. In particular, in the sample of young men
from NLS from 1966-1983, when all three unemployment rates are included,
the coefficient on the minimum unemployment rate is -2.29 percent while
the coefficient on the contemporaneous unemployment rate is -2.37
percent. This finding leads Grant to conclude that wages depend both on
the past and on the contemporaneous labor market conditions.
Devereux and Hart (2007) study the history dependence in wages in
British data, the New Earnings Survey Panel, for the period 1976-2001.
They estimate a model similar to (18) that also includes the maximum
unemployment rate but employ a different estimation procedure from the
studies above. They find that both the minimum unemployment rate and the
contemporaneous unemployment rate are statistically significant and
negative. The authors conclude that the British real wage data exhibit
both the history dependence as described in Beaudry and DiNardo (1991)
and the dependence on the contemporaneous labor market conditions.
Hagedorn and Manovskii (2009) find that the dependence on the past
unemployment rates in model (18) disappears if one controls for the
quality of a match. They argue that the quality of a match can be
learned from the number of job offers a worker receives throughout the
total duration of the job, which can be approximated by the sum of the
aggregate vacancy-unemployment ratios experienced by a worker throughout
the job. In addition, if a worker switches job-to-job, then the sum of
labor market tightnesses experienced during a previous job also helps
predict the quality of the current match. Using the NLSY, the authors
find that if these controls are included in Beaudry and DiNardo's
(1991) equation, (18), the coefficients on the past unemployment rates
are insignificant both economically and statistically, while the new
controls have a large positive effect.
Evidence from Matched Firm-Worker Data
Baker, Gibbs, and Holmstrom (1994) provide compelling evidence on
the history dependence of wages in the study of the wage policy of a
large firm over the period 1969-1988. The authors find that there is a
substantial cohort effect in wages, where the cohort is defined as the
employees who enter the sample in a given year. (9) That is, much of the
variation in wages between cohorts comes from the differences in
starting wages, which implies that wages depend on the history of the
labor market conditions from the start of the job. The authors
investigate whether the differences in the starting wage can be driven
by observable or unobservable worker characteristics. To check for the
possible impact of unobservable characteristics, they examine whether
cohorts that entered with lower starting wages are promoted less and
exit more. They find no evidence of this and no evidence that
composition effect can fully account for either the differences in
starting wages or the persistent effect of external labor market
conditions from the start of the job on wages.
Using a large matched employer-employee data set from Northern
Italy, Macis (2006) provides a detailed empirical investigation of the
dependence of wages on the unemployment rates from the start of the job,
controlling for both firm and worker fixed effects. Using a model
similar to (18), Macis finds that wages are correlated with both the
best and the worst labor market conditions from the start of the job, as
well as with the contemporaneous unemployment rate.
Cyclically of a Measure of Wages that Takes into Account Future
The studies reviewed above estimate the cyclicality of the current
wage. These studies find that wages of newly hired workers are more
procyclical than wages of workers in ongoing employment relationships,
and wages depend on the history of labor market conditions from the
start of the job. As discussed earlier, what is relevant for job
creation is the expected present discounted value of wages paid in a
newly formed match. Nevertheless, from the evidence presented so far we
can form some intuition about the cyclical behavior of the measure of
wages that takes into account both the initial wage and the expected
value of future wages.
Consider a firm that decides whether to hire a worker in the
current period or to hire in the following period. In addition, suppose
that in the current period unemployment is high but is expected to
return back to its lower level in the following period. Since wages of
newly hired workers are procyclical, the hiring wage in the employment
relationship that starts in the current period is low. Because of the
history dependence of wages, the future wages in this relationship are
also expected to be lower than the wages in the matches formed in the
future periods. Thus, by hiring now a firm locks in a worker to a stream
of wages that is lower as compared to a stream of wages to be paid to a
worker hired the following period. Consequently, the wage costs
associated with hiring in the current period are comparatively lower
because the initial wage is low and because of the future wage savings.
Similarly, if in the current period the unemployment rate is low and is
expected to increase in the following period, the total wage costs
associated with hiring in the current period are comparatively higher
than the total wage costs associated with hiring in the following
period. This argument, developed in Kudlyak (2009), suggests that the
relevant measure of wages that a firm takes into account at the time of
hiring is low when unemployment is high and high when unemployment is
low, which is the opposite of being rigid. To gauge the quantitative
importance, we need empirical estimates of this cyclical volatility.
Using the free entry condition for firms, Haefke, Sonntag, and van
Rens (2009) argue for the importance of the elasticity of the expected
present discounted value of wages with respect to the expected present
discounted value of productivity in newly formed matches, which they
refer to as permanent values of wages and productivity, respectively.
They do not estimate the elasticity directly but aim at providing the
empirical bounds for this statistic. Using simulations of the standard
model, Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens conclude that "the elasticity
of the current period wage of newly hired workers with respect to
current period productivity ... constitutes a good proxy for the
elasticity of the permanent wage with respect to permanent productivity
for the case of instantaneously rebargained wages." Using the
simulations of a model, similar to the modified model presented in
Section 1 above, they argue that "the elasticity of the current
period wage of newly hired workers with respect to current period
productivity ... can be seen as a lower bound for [the elasticity of the
permanent wage with respect to permanent productivity] in the case of
wage rigidity on the job." Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009)
proceed to estimate the elasticity of wages of newly hired workers with
respect to productivity using a large data set on wages of newly hired
workers from nonemployment from the CPS. The estimated model for wages
is similar to the models presented above except that, instead of using
the series of unemployment, they use the series of labor productivity as
a cyclical indicator. They find that the elasticity of wages of newly
hired workers from nonemployment, 0.8, is substantially larger than the
elasticity of wages of all workers, 0.2. (10)
Kudlyak (2009) provides an estimate of the cyclical behavior of the
measure of wages that takes into account the initial wage and the
expected present value of future wages to be paid in a newly formed
match. The firm's hiring decision can be thought of as a decision
to hire in the current period versus waiting one more period and hiring
then. In equilibrium, the marginal productivity of an additional worker
equals the user cost of labor, which is the difference between the
expected present discounted values of the costs associated with creating
a match with a worker in the current period and the costs associated
with creating a match the following period. In a model with search and
matching, these costs consist of expenses on hiring a worker, i.e.,
costs associated with vacancy posting, and wage payments to a worker.
Using individual wage data from the NLSY, Kudlyak (2009) estimates
the cyclicality of the wage component of the user cost of labor, which
equals the wage at the time of hiring plus the expected present
discounted value of the differences from the next period onwards between
the wages paid to the worker hired in the current period and the worker
hired the following period. (11) The estimated cyclicality of the wage
component of the user cost of labor is -4.5 percent as compared to the
cyclicality of wages of newly hired workers of -3 percent. The greater
cyclicality obtains because at the time of hiring, a firm to some degree
locks in a worker to a stream of wages that depends on the economic
conditions from the start of the job. Thus, the rigidity of wages within
employment relationships actually amplifies the fluctuations of the
expected present discounted value of wages to be paid to a newly hired
worker as compared to the fluctuations in the initial wage in newly
formed matches.
To gauge whether the wage data exhibit enough rigidity to amplify
fluctuations in the standard search and matching model, the empirical
estimates from wage data must be contrasted with the statistics obtained
from the model. This task is conducted in Pissarides (2009), Haefke,
Sonntag, and van Rens (2009), and Kudlyak (2009).
Pissarides (2009) compares the elasticity of wages with respect to
productivity obtained from the standard search and matching model using
common parameter values to the elasticity of wages of newly hired
workers with respect to productivity in the data. He finds that the
elasticity of wages of new hires with respect to productivity in the
data is close to 1. This is consistent with the elasticity of wages
generated by the standard search and matching model with Nash
bargaining. He concludes that any solution to the unemployment
volatility puzzle should be able to generate this near-proportionality
of wages of new hires and productivity. Thus, a model with more rigid
wages will not be able to match the data. The same conclusion is reached
by Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009), who compare their estimates of
the elasticity of wages of newly hired workers with respect to
productivity to the statistics from the standard search and matching
Kudlyak (2009) calibrates the elasticity of the wage component of
the user cost of labor in the model to the empirical estimate and
examines how much volatility of vacancies and unemployment the
calibrated model can generate. She concludes that the data lack required
rigidity to amplify the fluctuations of vacancies and unemployment in
the model.
Statistics Conditional on Match Quality
Gertler and Trigari (2009) find that, conditional on match quality,
there is no difference between the cyclically of wages of new hires and
existing workers. They argue that their finding implies that assuming
the same cyclicality for new hires' and existing workers'
wages within each firm in the standard search and matching model is
consistent with the existing micropanel data evidence on new hires'
wages once the empirical evidence controls for match quality, i.e.,
match productivity. Their finding that, conditional on match quality,
there is no difference between the cyclicality of wages of new hires and
existing workers is consistent with the evidence that the wages that
firms pay to newly hired workers are (unconditionally) more procyclical
than the wages of workers in ongoing matches. Note, however, that if the
conditional statistics are used for calibrating the model, i.e., if the
wage statistics from the model are compared to the conditional wage
statistics in the data, then the driving force of the
model--productivity--as well as other statistics in the model should
also be conditioned accordingly.
Gertler and Trigari's evidence suggests a possible source of
the difference between the cyclicality of wages of new hires and wages
of the existing workers--the difference between the quality of a newly
formed match and of an existing match. It implies that there is
economically significant cyclical heterogeneity in match quality between
newly formed and ongoing matches. In contrast, in the standard search
and matching model, newly formed and ongoing matches are homogeneous,
i.e., they are equally productive in every period. Thus, for the model
to generate cyclical volatilities, the finding calls for a modification
of the model to incorporate the cyclical heterogeneity.
What matters for the hiring decision of a firm over the business
cycle is the cyclicality of the expected value of wages paid in newly
formed matches. Most of the existing studies are concerned with the
cyclicality of the current wage. The evidence on the cyclicality of the
expected present value of future wages to be paid in a newly formed
match is scarce.
The data provide evidence of the difference between the cyclicality
of wages of newly hired workers and of wages of workers in ongoing
matches. In particular, the studies document that a one percentage point
increase of the unemployment rate is associated with approximately a 3
percent decrease in wages of newly hired workers. Wages of workers in
ongoing matches are less responsive to the contemporaneous labor market
conditions and depend on the history of the labor market conditions from
the start of the job, i.e., they are more rigid as compared with the
wages of newly hired workers. This wage rigidity within employment
relationships may, in fact, make the expected present value of wages to
be paid in newly formed matches more cyclically volatile than the wage
of new hires.
Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009), using simulations from the
model, argue that the wage measure that takes into account future wages
in a match is likely more volatile than wages of new hires. Kudlyak
(2009) provides an estimate of the cyclicality of the user cost of
labor, which takes into account hiring wage and the expected future
wages to be paid in the employment relationship. She finds that a one
percentage point increase in the unemployment rate is associated with a
4.5 percent decrease in the expected difference between the present
value of wages to be paid in a match created in the current period and
in a match created in the following period.
The evidence suggests that the measure of wages relevant for job
creation is rather procyclical. In fact, using the existing empirical
evidence and also providing new estimates, recent studies find that,
quantitatively, the data may not exhibit the required rigidity necessary
to generate the empirical volatility of unemployment in the standard
search and matching model.
I am grateful to Andreas Hornstein, Arantxa Jarque, Damba
Lkhagvasuren, Aysegul Sahin, Pierre-Daniel Sarte, Roman Sysuyev, and
Antonella Trigari for their generous comments and discussions. All views
and errors are mine alone. I thank Nadezhda Malysheva and Devin Reilly
for help in editing the earlier draft. The views expressed here are
those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System. E-mail:
(1) The "standard search and matching model" refers to
the model studied by Shimer (2005) and developed in Mortensen and
Pissarides (1994). Pissarides (2000) provides a textbook exposition of
the standard search and matching model.
(2) The terms "rigid" and "acyclical" are used
interchangeably and imply a lack of response to a cyclical indicator.
(3) See Hornstein, Krusell, and Violante (2005) for a detailed
inspection of the mechanism. See also Costain and Reiter (2008).
(4) See also Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009) and Pissarides
(2009) for insightful discussions of this example and Rudanko (2009) for
a model with endogeneous wage rigidity within ongoing matches.
(5) Given a large literature, this survey does not aim to summarize
all works on the real wage cyclicality. An interested reader is referred
to the surveys in Abraham and Haltiwanger (1995) and Brandolini (1995).
(6) The type of data set, which contains information on the cross
section of individuals over time, is called panel data.
(7) Shin and Solon (2007) find similar evidence in the NLSY data.
(8) Martins, Solon, and Thomas (2010) conclude that the cyclicality
is of the similar magnitude as the cyclical elasticity of employment.
(9) In the study, the authors cannot identify whether the entrants
are the new hires at the firm or are internally promoted. They argue
that it is plausible that both categories of workers are treated in the
same way by the firm. Their comparison of wage patterns of these workers
with industry wages supports this view.
(10) Haefke, Sonntag, and van Rens (2009) document that the
elasticity of wages of job-to-job movers is similar to the elasticity of
wages of newly hired workers from nonemployment or even larger.
(11) See Kudlyak (2007) for more details on the estimation.
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